[response to “Are Asexuals/Aromantics LGBT?”]
Personally, I think asexuals exist but it would logically be trauma induced. People are not just born without sexual attraction. It’s programmed in our brain. Most asexuals and aromantics end up being kids from ages 13-22 which they haven’t even lived their life yet. Just because you don’t want to have sex with everybody like you’ve seen the “popular” girls and guys do doesn’t make you asexual. To be repulsed by sexuality, it would be trauma induced. Aromantic is just completely dumb. Everybody wants love unless you have a disorder like psychopathy or sociopathy that limits or disables the functions of emotions in your brain. Therefore, if aromantic was a thing, it wouldn’t be a sexuality. It would be a disorder, just like asexuality. So no, they shouldn’t be part of the lgbt.
It doesn’t matter what you think, dearie. People exist whether you like it or not. People are born in many different ways.
You think 22-year-olds are kids? Sure, they have barely left childhood and puberty, but they ARE legally adults. My parents had me in their 22nd year, and an older relative said “Children CAN’T have children!!!”. That was fifty years ago…
Thinking “Meh” about the whole sex-thingamabob makes you get the feeling that you’re slightly less sexual than most people. That’s OK.
Hey! They’re Asexual, not ANTI-sexual, dolt!
There are many kinds of love besides spousal love, honey. I love my parents, my siblings, my nephews and nieces, my in-laws, my co-workers, my friends.
Uh, no, people *are* born without sexual attraction. People don’t experience sexual attraction until puberty. And if they never experience sexual attraction or rarely experience sexual attraction, that’s okay too.
Frankly, I don’t think it matters what causes asexuality or any other sexual orientation, for that matter. Live and let live, if they aren’t hurting anybody.
Asexuals can be repulsed by sex, or they can just be indifferent to sex and just not be interested.
Aromanticism is not the same thing as sociopathy or psychopathy! There are other forms of love besides romantic, as Swede said. Aros can feel platonic love and familial love just like everybody else. They’re just not interested in romance, as the name implies. Aro/aces can live fulfilling lives just as everybody else can.
As for whether they belong in the LGBT+ community? I’d say they do, because they are marginalized for their orientation. They face dismissive bullshit from people like you, or even worse, some of them are forced into essentially conversion therapy or even corrective rape!
Being an asexual is not the same as being sex repulsed.
Being an asexual is to not have sexual attraction to anyone.
There are asexuals that are romantically inclined, and some who are not.
There are even asexuals who are okay with the act of sex, but it's not a necessity in a relationship for them.
There are many forms of love, and platonic and familial love can be just as fulfilling to many people.
Perhaps there are some that are sex repulsed, but to suggest that all asexuals are simply trauma induced, or mentally or emotionally deficient is as ignorant as saying that homosexuals do not experience sexual attraction to another gender for the same reasons.
Or, in simpler words: what the others said.
38 year old Asexual here. I was never traumatized or abused, I simply have no interest in sex. I have no desire for it.
Now I am emotionally challanged, I'm not sociopathic or psychopathic, I still have emotions and care, I simply don't know how to make and keep connections with people. I have very few friends and don't keep in contact with the ones I do have.
If I was programed then the Designer of the Infinite left out part of the code.
35 year old romantically inclined ACE here. I was and have always been disinterested in sex. I still have romantic feelings and I'm in a a long term romantic relationship with another person. I'm perfectly fine without having sex, the issues I've had in my childhood had no effect on my sexuality. I resent the fact that people think Asexualls are all sex repulsed robots or are all victims of some sort of trauma.
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