Aedracel #sexist

[RageFuel] Go to r/virgin If you wish to lose your faith in the men gender

I can't think of anything more depressing than a virgin man who prefers respecting the people that decided to kick him down and kick him down even more when he was already down.

One of my worst experiences

Look at this thread, so much coping in the comments ''Not all girls are like that bro!'' And the OP even replies with ''Yeah I've met many nicer girls since then too'' Nigga if you met nice girls like you said why are you still a virgin despite trying? Why the hell didn't any of those ''nice girls'' you've met agreed to be in a relationship with you? There is nothing more pathetic than a man that does not hate the ones that torture him, there is nothing more pathetic than a man who likes this hookup culture, despite the fact that THE WOMEN OF THIS SAME CULTURE DECIDED THAT YOU SHOULD REMAIN A VIRGIN, MADE FUN OF YOU, AND CHOSE TO HOOK UP WITH THE SAME ASSHOLE CHAD WHO BULLIED YOU IN SCHOOL.

How the hell people expect you to not be needy/desperate?

Look at this thread, they are so close to the truth, they are speaking facts here but when it actually comes down to saying the important thing, they are all like ; ''I don't hate women, it's not their fault I'm a virgin.'' Says he, the virgin who is in his 20's and the man who got bullied by all the chads and normies in his school, the same man who gets made fun of by all the girls in school, yet still not hateful, not mad, almost like a Stockholm syndrome.

As a virgin guy where to find virgin girls ? It's a must for me at least

Look at this shit, all the people in the comments telling him that this guy is ''insecure'' just because he wants a virgin girl, nigga he's a virgin, why would he NOT want a virgin girl? What's wrong with that?!



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