Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #magick #quack disclosurenews.it

Our Sun is still harboring energy for the most powerful of flares which is “X-Class”.

Already there was an “X5.8-Class” flare on yesterday whose coronal mass ejection (CME) is on its way to our planet Earth with expected arrival some time today or by tomorrow. When it does arrive, the geomagnetic storm rating is expected to again reach either “G4” or “G5”.

In total thus far there have been about 7 CMEs which have hit our planet.

The KP Index is at a numerical 8.33 which is SEVERE STORM. This rating could again reach the number “9” as it was on yesterday which is INTENSE STORM when further “X-Class” flares occur.

The magnetosphere is densely pressuring into Earth.
These incoming waves that primarily consist of positively-charging protons are very acidic. This is one reason why drinking lots of spring water with lemon is highly recommended.

Although lemon is a citrus fruit, when it enters the blood stream, it becomes alkaline, and even though we need an acid/alkaline balance, the more alkaline our blood is, the less we are prone to attract imbalances, and thus, the stronger our immune systems become.

Water also, of course, gives us oxygenation and hydration and also assists in cleansing our cells.
Our Sun will also continue to transform. Its rays will be much brighter than they are now.

It used to have a yellow-like glow during the day, but now it is extremely bright. At dawn it still has a pinkish or peach glow, and at sunset it often has a deep yellow or orange glow, but during the day, as stated, it is very bright.

Our entire galaxy is receiving LIGHT from the Photon Belt.
It is wonderful that mainstream news around the world is reporting on the solar flares and CMEs that have been happening since Friday. However, they have yet to discuss the spiritual aspect of this, and we should not expect them to do so because they do not want to cause any religious upsets.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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