Personalityinkwell #sexist

Going to high school parties when I was in middle school was pure suifuel

I was constantly exposed to giga NT lifestyle, I would see kids playing beer pong, girls would flash their bare ass to distract the opponent, people would talk about their previous sexual partners, they'd do drugs in the backyard. I remember one time there was this dude who was hooking up with this chick, and he was trying to "defend" himself, he said to me "you know i'm using my toungue to kiss her right" and i was like "no you're eating her pussy". they were all in shock

its bittersweet though, i wasn't in the "in crowd"

How were you getting into highschool parties?

my older sisters threw them

THREW THEM?! Where was your father at?? Oh the things i’d do to my hypothetical daughters if they ever decided to do that. Getting kinda excited thinking about it.

my dad is the biggest cuck imaginable. you have no fucking clue. i'm drunk rn, but do you want me to make a thread on how cucked my dad is?

I’ve been to a few as I told u a while back, they are pure black pill. All high tier normies+ getting all the attention from foids, while the low value men are hiding in corners or all talking with each other. 100% black pilling experience.

indeed, when i was in middle school i knew i had no shot with the high schoolers anyway but college parties were an insanely brutal blackpill



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