Various Commenters #transphobia

Transgender woman, 79, can claim Maine nursing home discriminated against her

( IrishTheFrenchie )
These facilities can't win. Just like all other women-only places such as gyms/spas... etc.

If they let him in and he assaults women, they get sued.

If they don't let him in, they get sued.

If they let him, even if he assaults NO ONE, families might pull their female relatives to prevent sexual assault from happening, and the home loses money.

The ZERO SUM game is, everyone loses except the perverted male.

( ProxyMusic )
But the issue here isn't just the risk of sexual assault. It's women with no other place to go, literally no escape, being made to room and share all their intimate living spaces with men. This guy doesn't have to put a hand on a woman, expose his genitals to women, or to spend his time jerking off under his blankets, for him to cause women in nursing homes discomfort and distress. The threat men like this pose to the privacy, dignity, comfort and peace of mind of women are as much a problem as the threat of sexual assault.

Moreover, rulings like this mean that residents and staff in long-term care facilities will be subjected to speech restrictions, coerced into saying what they know to be untrue, and psychologically and emotionally abused through constant gaslighting. Staff and residents will be forced to participate in the gaslighting of others too.

( Hollyhock )
and that enforced speech and gaslighting around elderly people w/ dementia and/or Alzheimer's is particularly cruel.

( ArtemisCitrine )
The key sentence is here: "But after the administrator learned that King is transgender, she allegedly told the social worker that she was rejecting her application because she did not want to place her with a cisgender-woman roommate."

So now, with this ruling, will elderly women be forced to room with males LARPing as women?

( thedarkhorse )
Hopefully they can find him another TIM to room with.

( jvsmine )
wouldn't be validating enough and I'm sure both those old rotting TIMs would put up a stink about how they're being discriminated by being isolated from the women.



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