Various TERFs #pratt #transphobia #sexist

RE: A transgender woman filed a discrimination complaint alleging she was denied admission to an assisted living facility | Maine Public (

( IrishTheFrenchie )

but an administrator denied her admission because of a concern that she wanted to stay in a room with a female roommate.

There is no age when men stop raping women.

( Srfthrowaway )
Yup. You know this man would have also demanded female PSW for intimate care.

( Pugsnotdrugs_411 )
On the slightly less nefarious spectrum of entitlement, he could just be doing this solely for validation purposes. But I guarantee it's because he wants to flex his power over women and god forbid, because he wants to commit a sex crime.

( ProxyMusic )
This is the next frontier in the march of the invading trans tyrants. Trans orgs have been "training" people involved in running LTHCFs and home health agencies for a number of years now. It's part of the strategy of making inroads in areas where the persons being encroached upon and put at risk are those who are most vulnerable and least able to fight back - kids in school; women in prisons; women in shelters & rape refuges; women acutely ill in hospitals; elderly, infirm and disabled women in nursing/care homes & rehab facilities, or who rely on health aides & helpers in their own homes.

( bellatrixbells )
Ok so let me get this straight. This elderly man needs to be housed in an assisted care living facility and demanded a female roommate for validation purposes. That was denied because females deserve their dignity and privacy, so now he's suing the state for a human rights violation ?

This guy is basically suing a state for not letting him violate the privacy of women.

Doesn't make any sort of difference that he's dressed up as a mock woman for years. I wonder if he dumped a wife and kids to live his fetish full time ? "Oh, but he's been using women's facilities for years" So ? He shouldn't have been doing that in the first place. Fuck him.

BTW OP next time you upload a link with a misgendering title, I suggest you change it to proper pronouns :) I wondered who was she-ing this man hahah



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