Various Commenters #racist #wingnut
RE: What the Virus Means for Us
This whole affair has exposed every ridiculous idea treasured by liberals (redundant, I know) as so much frivolous, boutique intellectualizing over nothing that really matters. When we have to get serious about something, no one has the time or desire to argue about who can use which bathroom, if men have periods, how everything is racist, how borders are a social construct and a million other things. Liberals are utterly useless when they're not completely destructive.
The Left is dishonest, need to be exposed as dishonest, immoral, in need of SINCERITY (.net).
Oh Miracle, Merkel suddenly can close the German border. But what is worse, only for legal citizens. The right to Asylum must never be infringed upon, thus Covid infected refugees are admitted if the say "Asylum" at the border. Furthermore, there seems to be a secret airlift and busing of unchecked refugees from Lesbos Greece and other places. Of course without SINCERITY, without clearly and openly telling the voter what they are doing. All the above truths stem from parliamentary freedom of information requests by the AfD party.
(Gabby Mouse)
It really was dumb getting rid of monarchies, kings preserved their countries for thousands of years to the best of their ability. Some of them died fighting invaders. A couple of centuries of 'democracy' and we're going down the tubes.
A monarch generally has "pride of ownership" if, indeed, he has powers he can exercise, a pride that doesn't exist for politicians. But we are beyond that, the future is republics with universal suffrage where the least intelligent and productive pick the leaders or various forms of dictatorship.
Well, the right kind of dictatorship could evolve into some kind of monarchy, too.
(Hubert Cumberdale)
Good luck being a young white man seeking a career after this. Forced workplace diversity is one of the fine print clauses which was passed. The elites KNOW that one of the most effective ways they can terminate opposition to their agendas is to deny white men an income by any means.
Young, unemployed white men might become a serious problem later on. They tend to become angry and then seek "non-approved" ideological alternatives. To the extent that corporate big-shots care about anything except the bottom line, they ought to care about this. It doesn't matter how much money you have; you can't buy your way out of a lynch mob, and you can't take the money with you.
They have been kicking white men out of manual labor the last 30 years! That's why so many white men have gotten on drugs. The elites have undercut all the manual labor white men with shoddy hispanic work!!
It's also making it incredibly difficult to instill younger white men with an elbow-grease work ethic because Hispanic migration has literally taken over just about every lawn, landscaping, house painting type job imaginable all over the country.
They are even taking over the Chick-fil-A jobs now which was the best possible fast food place a white teenager could work (by virtue of having far higher order clientele)
Out in my area, whites rarely get hired at any fast food/service jobs because hispanics are the hiring managers now and keep those jobs for their hispanic family and hispanic friends. The few whites that are lucky enough to get hired face reverse discrimination on the job. The hispanics make the job atmosphere unbearable for the whites