various commenters #transphobia

( FeminismIs4Women )
I'm not a TERF because...
Transmen are women and feminism is for them too. They deserve to be free from the patriarchy just like all the other women and girls of the world.

( harum-scarum )
I believe TiFs have been screwed over by men and the shitty patriarchal world. I am a terf because TiFs may be women, but they aren't feminists.

( hard_headed_woman )
I'm a full flown terf. I don't want transwomen or transmen around my grandchildren. I don't want them in my grandchildren's spaces, and I certainly don't want a TIF teaching and influencing my grandchildren anymore than I want a TIM. I don't want their fucked up lives messing with my children's lives.

Brutal? Yes.

The truth. Yes.

I've already dealt with that cult trying to get one of my children, and they aren't getting my grandchildren. It was TIFs who tried to get my daughter.

Enough said.

( sensusquaeram )
I hear you. I've also dealt with this personally, lost an adult family member to it years ago, and have zero illusions about how this ideology works.

( VestalVirgin )
I'm not a terf because simply, I refuse to be named anything whatsoever by men who hate me.

They might call me a terf, but I know I am a feminist, plain and simple.

That feminism excludes men from female spaces need not be mentioned, it is implied in the word. Women who want men in womens' spaces are not feminists. (I may refer to them as "libfems" for simplicity's sake, but in truth, they are no kind of feminist)

( WasItSomethingISaid )
I think when women here refer to themselves as "terfs," it is tongue-in-cheek and they are using it in the same way that TPAs do, which is to mean that we naturally exclude TIMs (and all men) from our sex class advocacy. TPAs don't care about TIFs as much as they care about TIMs, so they're always failing to consider them when they come up with these terms. Talk about exclusionary. It's ironic like everything else in their ideology. It seems that most of us don't want to exclude TIFs from women's spaces or from our advocacy.

( Peppermint )
Trans is a made up word to describe people who want to change sex but can't. As you said, TIFs are women. Nothing they can do will ever make them actual men.

( hellamomzilla )
Sorry — women are women. Stop playing the linguistic games.

I AM a TERF because trans is a religion I do not recognize and women who pretend to be men belong to that religion.



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