@AGPawarenessDay , @RoseLilyDaisy & @FairIsleCat #transphobia gettr.com

The problem with AGP allies (like David “Debbie” Hayton) : They make women uncomfortable by their very presence, and they don’t seem to care. They act like caricatures of women, and they wear what’s essentially their fetish gear in public. An AGP ally who tells you he’s for women’s rights is jarring, because by wearing his fetish gear and acting like a caricature, he’s telling the world how he really sees women and womanhood

One of the safest & most wise demographics is middle aged to elderly women. These are the mothers, aunts, seasoned teachers, rabbis, social workers, grandmas & more who we all love & turn to. It’s these women’s homes we visit during the holidays w our family & friends. A middle aged AGP dressed up in modest mid live woman gear is a violation of all people. It is a laugh at these women.

David Hayton likes using women's toilets on the sly, so I read on a Twitter thread, he fessed up to a woman he was at a conference with and told her not to tell anyone. He's a creep and I wish he would stop speaking for women, we have our own voice thanks. I actually hate him and don't trust him one bit.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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