aubz #racist
The State of Vancouver... Vancouver is China
I have lived in the Vancouver area out of necessity (University) for more than 5 years now. Vancouver does not feel at home at all. I feel like I live in China. They have completely taken over this place. Just by walking around the Lower Mainland, my estimate is that only 30% of all the people here are white. Some of the white people here seemed to be confused about their culture. Some even go so far as to think they are culturally Chinese. @.@ Some white males feel like they are Chinese, and claim that they prefer to date Chinese women due to cultural similarities.
The Chinese here do not treat us white people very well (Chinese women worship white men though - they love to have white boyfriends). When I attended UBC, I had to study alone because all of my classmates were speaking Mandarin. They stereotyped the hell out of me, saying that whites are not smart enough to excel in math (I have a degree in PHYSICS). During my co-op job (95% of the interns were Chinese!!!), I was the only white female there and they all spoke Mandarin so I could not eat lunch with them.
Due to my pale skin, blond hair, and blue eyes (German heritage) I often get old Chinese people on the bus staring at me. I study software engineering, a field dominated by asian males... Vancouver is so asian that I feel culturally drained and I can't be myself around these people or they will judge me.
Every single day I see zounds of white male/asian female couples. ALL OVER THE city - way more than any other pairing. It's rare to see any other coupling walking around here... 90% of the white males in Vancouver prefer to date asian women. A lot of my white female friends feel so unattractive in this city. I have never been asked out on a date by a white male in Vancouver... I guess I look kind of alien to them (hahaha they are used to seeing Asians).
What can we do about this mess????????????
Anyways, does anyone else feel as frustrated as me here in Vancouver?
I went back home to the Okanagan during winter break and I felt at home. Felt like my country... It would be great to meet some others who feel the same way!