FlyFace #sexist

College is when Foids' standards peak. And they become low again a few years after college when they start looking to settle down with a hubbycel.

That is something I've noticed in my sister and her friends. When the education stops and they start drying up it is their time to latch onto a Man and leech from him as much as possible. One of my sisters friends even had a Man who wanted to be in a relationship with her since high school but she only really committed and married him when she was 30. They weren't even together for that long and they took a break and we all know what that means for Whores.

when I was in middle school a 12 year old from another class got pregnant lul

Same here. Except I was in high school. Foids really are a cancer upon the world. Mere beasts to our Humanity. Foids aren't Human lets be honest, a selfish beast such as the Foid can never change its stripes as is evidenced in History.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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