Various Incels #psycho #sexist

(Subhuman Currycel)
SuicideFuel “You don’t get treated any different if you’re good looking or not”

8th graders lose their mind when teacher's model son arrives

Now imagine how they'd react seeing my receding chin, 5 inch wrists and hunchback it's over

The girl that opened the door squealed and basically creamed herself on the spot would be recoiling in disgust instead. Applied to me too of course

foids are fucking animals who cant contain themselves, yet cucks think they should vote. I hope a guy in a trench coat walks in the building

:soy: famous hot guy, let's make sure he knows I'm ready to get creampied :soy: no shame among foids

I honestly hope each one of those foids die from anal cancer

those same foids would act surprised if one of their classmates shot the school up after this. strange world huh people don't shoot schools up for no reason

”I imagine they're all so tight. Chad has his pick.”

He's a model so he has likely met and seen significantly better looking females.

imagine a 15some with 14 year old girls :feelsohh: he could unironically do it

Disgusting. femoids turn primal mode and act like monkeys for chad, its to signal their fertility. It starts at a young age

Absolutely disgusting. Even chimpanzees behave more civilized than fertile foids. Why again don't we put all women in zoos?

Imagine if men did that for JB foids. Theyd be in prison now JFL Foids are devolving into primal creatures. These ancient whores dont care about civilization.

THIS is why school shootings happen in the first place



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