The new woke homophobia and conversion therapy image
( TheKnitta )
Fuck the humans rights of a man lairily claiming to be a lesbian to get sex. I don’t care if that makes me literally Hitler. Men and their endless dick needs can fuck off. Women and children owe them nothing.
Human rights my arse.
( Unicorn )
I just realized they have to use cartoons for these propaganda posters, because showing a real picture of a TIM and a woman holding hands would make it super obvious what a clown show transgender ideology is.
( notsofreshfeeling )
For one brief moment in history, society dared call out the privilege enjoyed by straight white men, and all these men had to do in response was to re-brand themselves with pronouns, unleashing a sexist, homophobic backlash like no other.
( crodish )
Cool then why don't they all meet up for totally lesbo orgies and suck each others' girlcocks off and pound each other's bussies.
Leave lesbians alone.
Fucking shame that UN logo on it. Coercing lesbians to like dick isn't a fucking human right. Neither is insisting that males can be females.
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