Lucas Fryman #elitist

Basically, you can get a good chunk of what happened in a video done by Diversity&Comics. The link will be featured below.

Basically, we see that the writers Chip Sidarsky (I bet I butchered the spelling of his name) who mainly writes the current run of the (not so) Amazing SpiderMan and Erica Henderson, the woman responsible for the abomination of a series that is known as the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl have some how won awards for comedy.

Let me remind you of the characteristics of these two writers. Chip is a Canadian, and as we all know, most Canadians are not funny. And then we have far leftist feminazi, Erica Henderson, who thinks a good insult is "you're a jerk who suuuuuuuuucks." I'm dead serious, that came from the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

Well, from the Video from Diversity and comics and the Twitter feeds of these miraculously employed keyboard warriors, you can see that the SJW crowd in Marvel seem to have an inner circle. The create a "SaFe SpAcE," and echo their same zombie-like ideals like every SJW in existence does. They then go out to anyone who has the least bit of criticism for their ideas and then they systematically ear rape them with BS claims and threats until they get their way. It's sort of like going up to a Muslim extremist....but you won't get shot in the face....and they also don't bastardize wide spread religions.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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