Rebecca Terrell #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "The John Birch Society: Leadership Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow"]

Readers of The New American magazine are well aware of the Deep State menace facing our Constitution, our culture, and our very lives. However, knowing that the problem exists does no good unless we take action to defend our God-given rights from the malicious tyrants who threaten them

That is why Robert Welch founded The John Birch Society 65 years ago[…]
Those words marked the birth in December 1958 of the only organization that exists, even today, to expose the master conspiracy that seeks to destroy godly institutions and to enslave mankind under an oppressive world government

Welch was not intimidated when labeled a “conspiracy theorist” by scoffers and media hacks who parroted the CIA-popularized slur. His academic genius (he read Ridpath’s nine-volume History of the World by age seven and graduated from college at age 16) and business acumen (he became independently wealthy in industry and served for years on the board of the National Association of Manufacturers) prepared him for the expected backlash from the liberal establishment he sacrificed his life, fortune, and sacred honor to expose[…]
Sixty-five years later, JBS is still going strong, as acknowledged by The Nation,which ran a headline in June: “How the John Birch Society Won the Long Game”

Others rightfully recognize the organization’s vast influence in the freedom fight. “We All Live in The John Birch Society’s World Now,” declares a November 2021 headline in The New Republic. And in the 2022 booklet Birch’n: How The John Birch Society Keeps America Free, conservative author Trevor Loudon is quoted as acknowledging, “The JBS is the unsung hero of the liberty movement”[…]
JBS field coordinator Nicole Sanders will relate these carbon-capture schemes to globalist plans in her presentation entitled “Fighting Agenda 2030 Locally”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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