Jack James #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger msn.com

Pseudo-progressive "transit" theory (censored word) is predicated on the falsehood that "it is not a choice" and (censored) "were born that way." It isn't true. The phenomenon is driven by psychological propensities. "I would rather be that than this." Call it desire. Call it covetousness. Call it envy of the opposite sex.** Call it dissatisfaction with what one has. But don't call it b-logical. That's a cop out.
In science, theories are challenged rigorously. Not so in the dystopian world of 21st century pseudo-progressivism. That's why conservatives call it indoctrination. Indoctrination tells children what to think, not how to think.
A child raised in a hypothetical situation in which they had never encountered a member of the opposite s ex would not grow up imitating the opposite s ex and wanting to add on, or remove, features to resemble something they had never seen.
The antidote to "transit"-ism is to teach children about the meaning of individualism. A child doesn’t become “who they really are,” an authentic, self-actualized individual, by mimicking an object of envy. They become less of an individual that way. Mimicry is the abnegation of individualism, a failure to individuate.
Don't fall for the "it is," or "it isn't," a choice trap. A compulsion or obsession can be overpowering. It doesn't mean they were born that way.
** Do a Google search for "gin deer envy" (spelled correctly) and you will find page after page of commentaries on the subject. "Envy" is not my word. It's their word.



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