
Darren Seabolt #fundie msn.com

There was no dinosaur-killing asteroid because Earth is 6,028 years old. What killed off the bigger dinosaurs was after the flood because the flood waters push a lot of the air out into space that's why we have only 21% oxygen as opposed to 42 like before the flood.

John Marshall #transphobia #wingnut msn.com

To the leftists who believe words are violence and Dave should be canceled, you not only lost the election, but you lost it because the majority of people despise your values and the hatred you spew. Keep doing it though, because the more woke you are, the less likely you will be to ever regain political power.

Jimmy Lister #wingnut #conspiracy #racist msn.com

It is past time to end this disastrous foreign policy of regime change. This particular proxy war was initiated by Victoria Nuland (who is Jewish and born in Ukraine). She headed a US Department of State program designed to push Putin to war with Ukraine.

She should be charged with the death of every Ukrainian man, woman and child killed in this war. That story should also be made a priority and reported on every medium available.

Travis Kassaiuli #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

Ukraine has always been a part of Russia. America needs to stop using tax payer money to Help Ukraine win a war that they did not need to start. here's a little story on the battlefield. there was a Russian squad who has suppressed a Ukrainian squad in a little bunker, Having completely surrounded the small bunker, the Russians yelled out, "Surrender now and your lives will be spared" and those said "Ukrainians" yelled out in anger replying, "Russians never surrender!" and went all out, but those said "Ukrainians" were KIA. those said Ukrainians said that they were Russian. SO Ukraine has always been a part of Russia.

JK Rowling #transphobia msn.com

In census data released Thursday in Scotland, there were a number of interesting findings about LGBTQ+ and gender identity, the trans population in Scotland, and religion.

One fascinating nugget, revealed later online, mingled all three data points: JK Rowling’s religion is now officially her opposition to trans equality.

The notoriously anti-trans Scotswoman and author of the Harry Potter book series identified herself on the Scottish census as a “believer in biology,” a cut-and-paste protest whipped up by the transphobic scolds at For Women Scotland, a gender-critical organization whose sole mission is to make life miserable for trans people in the sovereign U.K. state.

V Lmire and Wolf Fangs #conspiracy #racist msn.com

(V Lmire)
Many people don't understand this conflict/ civil war since 2014...
After the presidential coup, the people of Crimea voted to annex themselves at the level of 95%. It was over 90% of Donbass, Zaporizhya and Kherson voters in favor of leaving Ukraine and joining Russia. (Areas of mostly ethnic Russian speaking)
The international law of ("Principal of Respect for Self-Determination") allows the people of an area to determine their international political status and sovereignty.
As soon as Russia entered into the Donbas areas, in Feb 2022, (8 years of civil war), all of the previous destruction within these areas was arguably, immediately blamed on Russia.
The west refuses to recognize their voting status/ wishes, and instead say that "Russia Invaded"
The West thinks they can use force to make the people re-join Ukraine against their wishes.

(Wolf Fangs)
Yup!... Everything started to be put in motion with the 2014 coup supervised by Jewish-American Victoria Nuland in order to create a second Jewish homeland for those not interested in stealing land in the Middle East.
Zionlensky publicly linked Ukrainians to Jewish people, trying to create the narrative for the second Jewish homeland. When the stoned Zelensky brings the NATO dog to bark at the Russian fence, the consequences are very predictable

Antun Šturlić #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy msn.com

@ MFSB 2023
Who is NATO that they can decide to spread their imperialism? NATO started it, not Russia, Russia is protecting itself.
NATO is literally the one that took over not half of Europe, but entire Europe LOL.
Crimea was failure almost 5x and Zelensky will soon flee to Ukraine and he didn't even had elections. He crowned himself as infinite president which goes against democratic principles. In Moscow days are perfect, since Moscow is not being shelled, while Kyviv is.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

Submitter’s note: Pretty much every single comment on the article reads like this

Bob bob: Hilarious that Dan Wolken doesn't understand biology or the clown form the IOC. Saying an explanation does not exists is just hard left wind idiocy. Maybe the IBA shouldn't be in the business of running boxing but I doubt the genetic test which is incorrect. Why doesn't the IOC have a genetic test performed and release the results? Because they know its going to confirm its a male no matter what the fake paper birth certificate says.

L*******: What an incredibly disingenuous analysis that dances around basic truth and very simple science. Another Russian collusion story? Please. What would satisfy the author, would a death in the ring satisfy him?

Curdweasel2: No one in the video addresses the XY question. What is the boxer's karyotype?

Bob bob: I love how they skate around it. Like there's no test that could reveal one's biological gender. We just have to believe the paper birth certificate and what a very male looking athlete says.

B G: When Khelif failed the qualification test, Khelif should have had enough integrity to step down rather than compete despite having already broken the rules.

Aaron Ray: Last year he was a dude

Michael B: Agreed. Someone like him should never be allowed to compete against actual women ever again.

Mismack Girma: He is a man period. He got man natural genetics from birth.

Caleb Nichols: XY chromosomes and high testosterone level? Hmmmm...

Corey Vette: I thought genitals didn't matter to the left. Now they do ???

Robot Ready #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt msn.com

I can't believe how many people are into the global warming conspiracy due to human activities. These are the same people who believe that the earth is flat. Interesting fact from someone who has a degree in meteorology. Did you know that the gravity of the sun slightly pulls and tilts the earth's axis toward the sun. People have no concept how large the sun is and they don't understand the physics of how the earth spins. The earth wobbles as it spins!!!!! look it up and how it affects the earth's temperatures.

Uncle Bean #racist msn.com

In my observations and experience, the capability of governance and management usually is in direct correlation to the level of melatonin. I have seen few that are truly qualified to be in high office. The prime example of 'failed miserably' would be Obama.

John Wahl #wingnut #elitist msn.com

Today’s contestant is John Wahl, chairman of the Alabama Republican Party[…]
Before Wahl ascended to lead the state GOP party, he worked as a butterfly farmer in Limestone County. If that sounds made up, it’s not, and he has a YouTube channel to show for it

Last week, Wahl appeared on the Jeff Poor radio show, where he spoke in circles about what they want to do to you. They, if you were wondering, includes Democrats, mainstream media, elites, globalists, and so on

Even though most other media are still focused on President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Wahl and Poor got bored talking about that after barely five minutes, when they pivoted to …

America: Democracy or Republic?

As we have discussed before, the question is complicated as “democracy” and “republic” are not themselves scientific classifications. These aren’t butterflies we’re talking about. You can’t say one of these things is distinct from the other, as you can between a monarch and a hickory-horned devil[…]
According to Wahl, a democracy is something different than a republic — something dangerous, because it leads to a third category we haven’t touched on before

“The mainstream media wants us to think of ourselves as a democracy because that leads to socialism,” Wahl said on the program

For Wahl, socialism is bad — firmly in the they/them category — and something to be avoided at all costs. And we are sliding down this slippery slope, he says, because even some Republicans refer to America as a democracy

“We, as a party, have allowed this to happen,” Wahl said. “If you go back and you watch Ronald Reagan, every time Ronald Reagan spoke of our nation, he said ‘our republic,’ and we have lost that. Even our Republican elected officials call us a democracy far too often, and we are not”

Bezalel Smotrich #racist #fundie #psycho msn.com

Finance Minister and member of the security cabinet Bezalel Smotrich called on Monday for annihilating Israel's enemies, saying "There are no half measures. [The Gazan cities of] Rafah, Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat – total annihilation. 'You will blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven' – there's no place under heaven"

Smotrich also referred to ongoing negotiations with Hamas for a hostage release deal, saying that Israel is "negotiating with someone who long ago should have ceased to exist at all"

He made the remarks at a Mimouna event, a traditional North African Jewish celebration held at the end of Passover. It took place at the home of Rabbi Shachar Butzhak, who is affiliated with the Garin Torani movement – a state-funded group of Jewish religious nationalists often planted in secular populations or in mixed Arab-Jewish towns as a demographic and intimidation strategy

Smotrich, who also is a minister in the Defense Ministry, added that when Hamas is destroyed, Israel must "clear out, with God's help, with one blow, wicked Hezbollah in the north, and really send a message that what will happen to those who harm the Jewish people is the same as those who have tried to harm us in the past – they will be destroyed, destroyed, destroyed. And it will echo for decades to come"

Antun Šturlić #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot msn.com

@Independently Critical
So should NATO and US on the border too with their weak minded citizens that are invading for past 60 years with proxy wars and including invading Ukraine in 2014 via coup?
It's actually completely opposite. It's the Russia not accepting of suppression like NATO are under Western Axis. Russia was only involved in proxy wars in order to defend other nations against the western invasions and it was not for the past 60 years. Since it was Soviet Union, completely different than modern Russia. 2 different things. I am sure it is difficult for some to understand that there are better alternatives than NATO using Soviet tactics of placing other countries inside them. Because that alternative would make NATO end up like Warshaw pact. And US dictatorship in the name of ''freedom and democracy'' as a masquerade. Russia is actually becoming very relevant, while US continues to be irrelevant.
There is no such thing as philosophical difference when it comes to reality. Russia is democratic nation with multiple party system and free thinking society. Capitalist and Democratic nation. It has been attacked by western and Ukrainian dictators that want war and destroying Russian freedom, not their freedom. In Russia people can express their thoughts openly and without fear of retaliation and confinement too and there are no penal colonies as long as they are not harming other co-citizens. Modern day USA is what was before Soviet Union.
True democracy and freedom is scary thing for NATO and Ukraine yes.
Russia is democracy, USA autocracy.
Putin is protecting his nation against communist democrats and evil dictator Zelensky correct.

Anthony Murano #racist #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

>White people can't claim racism when something doesn't go their way.
>Police don't need to go through special training to deal with white people due to sensitivities in their community.
>White people can't get a job or scholarship based on their skin color or ethnic background.
>White people aren't allowed to say terms like "black privilege" or "black pandering"; yet terms such as "white privilege" or "white mediocrity" are acceptable.
>White people aren't allowed to say anything negative about someone that's not white because then that person is a "bigoted racist" but other races can crap on white people, and nothing is said to them.

So who are the privileged ones?

Dawn Roebuck #racist #wingnut msn.com

It does make me sick to be constantly being told I'm racist because I'm white. I'm sick of being told I'm privileged. I'm sick of being made to feel like I personally did anything wrong to someone because of their race. Liberals need to jump off the racism band wagon. There just trying to make us all hate one another.

Concrete FactsOnly #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

The problem is that there is not a country with sovereignty in Taiwan - Taiwan never declared independence either. A country has four elements, people, territory, sovereignty, government. Which one Taiwan has? Chinese people in Chinese territory, with sovereignty under China, with a government not recognized by any UN country. He is an illegal "president" - no president would sell his country and not upholding its Constitution, which maintains that reunification and territorial integrity.
He is just like Russian neighbor's president, and that of Ph, selling his own country for another country's interests. Uk got its own people losing lives and territory and never got any benefits from the fake freedom that the color revolution by CIA that promoted it.
If you are what you claim to be, and think that you can sacrifice a province of China to give it to another country, and believe in that the country would protect you, just declare independence! Do not talk and make trouble and let the Taiwan people suffer, lose lives. There are Taiwanese people that wants to keep the status quo, there are almost none that want to sacrifice their lives for a cause to separate from their roots.

Nicholas Umphenour and Skylar Meade #homophobia #psycho msn.com

Neo-Nazis kill 72-year-old gay man, leaving his partner heartbroken over “senseless” murder

“I can’t understand the senseless murder of this beautiful man,” said 55-year-old Ron Thompson of his 72-year-old partner Gerald Don Henderson, who was allegedly killed by neo-Nazis this last week.

Police suspect that Henderson was slain by 28-year-old Nicholas Umphenour and 31-year-old Skylar Meade, two members of the Aryan Knights prison gang who were later arrested by police in Twin Falls, Idaho, on Thursday afternoon.

Meade escaped the Idaho Maximum Security Institution on Wednesday morning while at the Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise, Idaho for self-inflicted injuries. Umphenour, who was released from the same prison last month, shot two officers who were transporting Meade in the hospital’s unloading area for ambulances. The two men then fled together. The officers survived their injuries.

Both neo-Nazis are believed to have killed 83-year-old James L. Mauney while he was walking his two dogs. Police found Mauney’s body and returned his two dogs to his family members. Police later found Henderson dead outside of his cabin in Clearwater County, 300 miles north of Boise.


Both neo-Nazis are now being held on a $2 million bond. The two had been cellmates in the prison and members of the Aryan Knights prison gang.

“The hate-fueled gang engages in many types of criminal activity and casts shadows of intimidation, addiction, and violence over prison life,” federal prosecutors wrote in 2021.

Robin Ortiz #fundie #conspiracy msn.com

What's happening in the world today is NOT "climate change." These are the end-time signs that are increasing. Climate can neither affect all of those asteroids getting closer and with greater frequency or the earthquakes in places that rarely have them, or the Sun's untimely behavior or what is happening miles under our feet deep within the earth, as well as in the furthest reaches in space. The media lies to us. "Climate change" doesn't explain half of what is actually occurring everywhere all around us. After their supposed "climate apocalypse" that collapses the planet near 2030 finally takes place, one man will arise seemingly having all the answers to a hurting world in need of such a leader. Remember this. You know who he is and what he will do.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei #fundie #god-complex msn.com

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s declaration that God once spoke through him has sparked a wave of controversy, with critics labeling the claim as blasphemous and indicative of a despotic attitude.

“The Almighty God was speaking! In fact, it was my tongue, but it was God’s words; it was a very extraordinary session,” Khamenei remarked, emphasizing the significant impact of the event. Such claims have been met with sharp criticism on Iranian social media, with many calling into question Khamenei’s adherence to Islamic teachings.

The controversy stems from the core Islamic belief that God’s final communication was with the Prophet Mohammed, a tenet that is not to be contravened according to Shiite oral traditions. Khamenei’s assertion has thus been seen by some as an affront to these fundamental religious principles.

Faraj Sarkouhi, an exiled Iranian literary critic and political commentator, has characterized Khamenei’s claim as a reflection of “Megalomania, self-centeredness, self-deification, claiming to be a prophet or the voice of God, a sense of exceptional wisdom, and extreme narcissism,” qualities he attributes to despots nearing the end of their reigns.

Amidst the resulting uproar, social media users have pointed out the hypocrisy within the Iranian legal framework, highlighting that if an ordinary citizen had made such a statement, they would have faced execution for a plethora of charges, including blasphemy and insulting religious sanctities. This underscores the disparity in how theocratic laws are applied within the country, depending on one’s status.

Wai Chong #moonbat msn.com

Xi has said so many times, "Soft power". Meaning economic collaboration.

Why are the United States and NATO so afraid?

Well, the key is that One Belt One Road makes shipping less important, dedollarize, and thus make United States less important.

Do you think it's stealing of IP? Nah, the no. 1 IP theft country is India. India is producing cheap medicines that are basically stolen IP. But why didn't US go after India? Well, India could steal but not innovate.

China could take an IP and then innovate and make IPs far better. No? Look, space station is one of the most difficult to do. Even the US has to beg Russia to help. China singlehandedly develop an entire space station themselves.

If China isn't that smart, the western media, wall street, western governments won't be targeting China. It's not about communism (yeah, Vietnam is communist and USA wants to be a friend.. LOL). It's not about stealing IP. It's not even about Taiwan. It is the fact that 1.4 billion Chinese who have the talents of Jews will outshine the Western Powers soon. That's scary to the Westerners.

Gino Bulso #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist msn.com

Bulso is a Christian nationalist who believes the Bible is the foundation of civic life and government. He says 18th-century values are the ones Americans should adhere to.

“Certainly, you know, 50 years ago we had a consensus on what marriage is; we don’t have that anymore,” “One hundred years ago, we had a consensus on sexual morality; I don’t think we have that anymore. So the values that I think most parents want their children exposed to are the ones that were in existence at the time that our country was founded.”

“I had some complaints from Williamson County parents and a Williamson County School Board member, in particular, about Pride flags in some of our schools in Williamson County,” Bulso said. “The whole idea is that a school is a place where a child goes to learn, not a place where a child goes to be indoctrinated” in “transgender ideology and other similar issues.”

According to Bulso, the Pride and trans flags represent the 2015 Supreme Court decision legalizing marriage equality and are a misguided interpretation of the 14th Amendment that requires states to recognize same-sex marriage.

“That’s one issue that I think that flag represents. This idea that, somehow, the 14th Amendment has an equal protection clause that extends this protection, which is obviously something I very much disagree with,” he said. “And I think — a lot of parents and I would be included in that group — really think that this transgender ideology is probably the most dangerous one that comes under that Pride flag.”

As written, Bulso’s bill bans any flag except the U.S. and Tennessee state flags from being displayed on government property like municipal buildings, state courts, and schools. That will change, Bulso said, as exceptions are written in that conform to a “very strong consensus”, while still denying “political” or “ideological” flags a place in public.

Flags that promote an “agenda,” like the Pride and Black Lives Matter flags, will still face a ban, Bulso said.

various commenters #racist msn.com

(comments on an article about microagressions against blacks)

john witt: The whole concept of "micro aggressions" is a just another tool liberals use to make "whitey" look bad

Smooth Operator: Its small potatoes compared to the highly aggravating macroaggressions too many black people do to me every day. Beginning with assuming I'm a racist because of the color of my skin and not the content of my character.

Brad Carroll: Acting fearful around Blacks is often based on self preservation, in fact, I know blacks who have told me they do the same thing when young thugs show up!

nancy harris: How about the reverse microaggressions that blacks do against white people? Number one - assuming that every white person is racist. 99% of every one, irregardless of skin color, doesn't care about the skin color of everyone else.

gueast Marks: Was it microaggressions when white students had MANDATORY assemblies to listen to revolutionary "poets" wax on about killing and burning honkie? That was my experience of 1969.

muddy waters: How about the micro aggressions that are fostered on white people, such as "white privilege", the straightening of hair appropriating the white culture, giving people jobs because of color, just for starters.

John E: Its not our fault they never discovered the wheel or a written language. But they are fundamentally incapable of even conceiving of the notion that their failures are not our fault.

elvis elvis: So basically, 24 hours per day, all day, every day, everyone is constantly, non-stop performing microaggressions against this particular group. No defense from the charge, if one breathes, one is guilty, and only the "aggrieved" get to determine guilt, identify offensive acts, and demand justice.
What total nonsense. Whatever happened to "shake it off"?

A.H. A normal person would need AI to not say this list of micro-aggressions. Micro-aggressions are a strategy by progressives to control the narrative. I don't accept that systemic racism still exists in the US. Sure, there are still haters out there, but many groups have experienced that and it's not limited to black people. The focus should be on getting rid of all hate. Progressives have chosen groups to be privileged and groups not to be privileged. This is divisive and creates more ill-will.

Mairghread Shannon #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

Russia and Ukraine are conducting secret peace negotiations along the Gerasimov-Zaluzhny line, despite the objections of Zelensky and the White House.
- American journalist Seymour Hersh, citing US officials
The 'campaign of conquest' - The military operation Putin announced *After* the UN refused to help the begging Eastern Ukrainians being bombed for years.

Western media never mentioned the atrocities against the Russian-speaking citizens of east Ukraine nor the Banderovka who carry them out daily because Ukraine was a place politicians do not speak of...  Putin went against the grain, and decided to help them.
Constant attacks on eastern Ukrainians, constant NATO expansion and acts under this banner, Colour Revolutions (reason Soros has an RU warrant for his arrest)...
*Old Soviet Labs the US took over after fall of the Iron Curtain 30 years ago, and lied to the UN sayig they were just going to clean up/dispose of the labs...

The list of reasons is pretty lengthy;  Putin isn't the bad guy here.

John Pfeifer, johny smith, Dana Postil, and Ed- Ster #conspiracy #wingnut msn.com

(John Pfeifer)
Biden will go where the money is. He doesn't care about people. The Big Banks pull Bidens strings and they are tired of the war they started. The big banks started this war and found out they bit off more than they can chew. The big banks needed a war to make money off of the war machines they are invested in. The big banks under estimated the World. They made a big mistake.
(johny smith)
Zelensky issues direct waning are you kidding me. He shows up every other week with his hand out like a teenager and then he lays out a demand just like a teenager. Ground him and send him to his room. Time, he gets done with this endless war he so much wants. As long as it goes on, hi pockets get lined more and more each month with our money. Might just want to hand the keys to your country and we will take care of the problem.
(Dana Postil)
The dictator is warning our president. so now do you mo-rons who wanted to give money to the Ukraine still think we should?
(Ed- Ster)
um yea biden, um yea, we need more money to line my pockets. yea more money needed, um like now. in order for me to be successful, um yea, i need more money. and comrade biden, thank you, um yea thanks a lot, for, um putting out your own tax payers, um yea, to, um, line my pockets.

lana Lentin and Francis Awaritefe #racist #moonbat msn.com

They have become used to being racially gaslit by the idea of “reverse” or “anti-white racism”, a phenomenon the comedian Aamer Rahman has pointed out would only make sense “if I had a time machine and I could go back in time to before Europe colonised the world and convince the leaders of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to invade and colonise Europe, just to occupy them, steal their land and resources”…

In other words, in the dominant understanding of racism heavily promoted in the context of the “whitelash” that met the global Black Lives Matter movement, racism has been stripped of what the sociologist Miri Song calls its “history, severity and power”. Racism is no longer the ideology that accompanies racial capitalist systems of colonialism, slavery and imperialism; it becomes a matter of individual morality. Race, best understood as a technology that produces and maintains white supremacy as a global system of power, is reduced to bad behaviour…

Theories that people like Sam Kerr cannot be racist because they are of Indian origin do not go far enough in exposing the problem at stake. It all boils down to subjectivity and rightwing politicians playing to the “all lives matter” gallery…

Treating all forms of vilification involving people from either side of the colour line as racist does nothing to transcend the colour line. But it does serve a view that minimises racism to the benefit of a new class of postracial Black and Brown elites.

Motor Daddy #racist #wingnut msn.com

This is what they teach to children in school- that the world is inherently racist and white people have magical privilege. Black or brown folks are all "victims" (btw, victims have no power, think about that) of this inherent racism. So, if I'm a white kid, I hate myself and should question my accomplishments and if I'm a black or brown kid I have no power and I hate the white kid. Great thing to teach our children?

Francisco Grasso #moonbat #conspiracy msn.com

Over 30,000 women and children have been massacred in Gaza and all of you are only concerned about Ukraine and the ongoing lies. You fear the US and you fear Israel, you stink of fear. So where is justice? What kind of monsters are you?
@John S
Israel has started every conflict, theres no way out, we can go on and on, but the fact is that the genocide of over 35,000 by coward Israel is way out of proportion. Netanyahu will answer to the ICC and the world.

Scott Gang #sexist #dunning-kruger msn.com

Stop telling men EVERYTHING they're doing is toxic or evil for a start... because not everything is. Then stop blaming them for "the sins of their forefathers" this is not the 1800's or 1950's anymore...... treat us as individuals and don't generalize... try this, dialogue will improve.

John Anthony #pratt #racist #conspiracy msn.com

the narrative they are regurgitating is ridiculously false. There is no genocide. Their cause-celeb, Hamas, fights, hides, and stores their weaponry amongst civilians, and even dress in civilian clothes - all of which are against international laws of warfare! Civilian lives lost are tragic but are also the direct result of these tactics, which is EXACTLY what Hamas wants because it creates the propaganda these students fall for. The media is no different, parroting these talking points and taking, at face value, the claims of Palestinian health organizations (which are only Hamas in sheep's clothing). Oh, and lest we forget, Hamas broke a cease-fire on October 7th by invading Israel and killing, assaulting, and kidnapping innocent civilians. And by all accounts, the majority of Palestinian civilians approved.

various commenters #racist #conspiracy #pratt msn.com

T R: One reason for the lack of quality of life in the black community - high absentee rate of fathers present in the nuclear family.

Denise Gaarder: my co-worker and I earn exactly the same amount. Her sone got free tuition for college because he is black but I am paying parent plus loans for what was not covered by scholarships for my daughters education. So who is benefiting? it has been over 150 years since slavery ended. When are people going to have to be responsible for their own success or lack of it?

j sam: Its funny how half of the country believes that only minority populations deal with racial discrimination. In fact its become ok for minorities to spew hateful racist garbage to the world because its about white people. If we stop looking for racism it becomes a lot harder to find. By labeling everything as racist, not only are we cheapening the effect of true racism but we also are breeding what was once referred to as reverse racism. Teaching children that everything is racist will only continue the hate.

D J: The phrase "you reap what you sow" implies that actions have consequences. No one will commend those who engage in rioting, looting, murder, or arson of businesses. If one expects to be rewarded for such actions, they are likely in a country with values that differ greatly.

John Westra: The continuous pounding of the discrimination and reparations is getting very old. No one in their correct mind in the community would ever want to do anything to improve themselves as long as they can continue to milk the imaginary under class scenario portrayed by the media.

gt jax: I wonder why immigrants from Africa don't experience the same "racism" that African-American's claim to experience. So much so that AA college students demanded that immigrant students from Africa not get the "affirmative action" preferences.

fred kline #racist #conspiracy msn.com

For over a year I have tried hard to understand this concept of inherent white privilege. Every time I read an article; talk to someone; watch a serious video report, I end up with the same feeling: this is some subtle and grotesque manipulation to advance some kind of racist agenda. You can feel the words intended to impart feelings of guilt and shame that is totally without merit. It is at best contrived nonsense, At worst a subtle racist conspiracy. Everyone should categorically reject this provocative propaganda.