Various commenters #wingnut #racist

BREAKING: A Louisiana judge has stopped the retaining order against the Louisiana trigger law. The abortion ban is back in effect saving babies from abortions!

@LifeNews Stopping the slaughter of the innocents is all important.

@LifeNews So many beautiful black babies are gonna be saved now. 🙏🏿

Lousy anna(fuck you spelling critics.intentionally misspelled) way to go. You had a chance for crime prevention and parasite reduction and you chose to let them procreate more thugs and parasites.

I guess now that whites are a minority it's not needed anymore

@LifeNews , not killing babies is like taking away their butt plugs.

@jonesm099 @Langtoon @LifeNews We note the gaggle of halfwitted inbred backwards baby-killers flocking in and hysterical over a spelling mistake, LOLOLOL!! This is the best they got! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS!!!



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