IrissaIridium , WitchPlease & no- #transphobia

( IrissaIridium )
DAE notice the difference between lesbians' and transbians' responses to being excluded from dating pools?

Lesbians: *completely excluded from being with over 95% of women who are absolutely unwilling to date them*

Lesbians: "It sure does suck to have such a small dating pool! ☹️ I wish I could meet more compatible lesbians to date."

Transbians: *completely excluded from being with less than 1% of women who are absolutely unwilling to date them*

Transbians: "SUCK THE LADY DICK, DYKE! 💢👊💢 KILL ALL TERFS! DIE CIS SCUM! *slithers off to Preddit to post another sour grapes post about mean, ugly dykes/manifesto about lesbians unpacking their sexual biases and genital fetishes/payback rape fantasy against lesbians*"

Nothing says "I'm a man" quite like thinking you're entitled to sex and getting argumentative, aggressive and violent when you're told "no" by a tiny sliver of the population you'd like to have sex with.

(I know plenty of straight and bi women are unwilling to date TIMs too but my point is that lesbians are the only group TIMs have absolutely no hope of being with and they can't even handle the rejection of a tiny population of women without losing their shit).

( WitchPlease )
I find it very funny how they demand to bee seen as ~real lesbians~ and that lesbians date them, but they get upset that their "lesbian" spaces are filled with sausage. They barely pretend to believe the thing they demand everyone else to believe. They know they are men, they know others like them are men, but lesbians are not allowed to notice that.

( IrissaIridium )
I notice they don't go hard against other transbians who only want to be with real women. I've heard TRAs make some weak noises about "internalized transphobia" but it's nothing like the heavy bombing campaign against lesbians. I think their main objection to transbians saying "no T4T" is that those transbians are saying the quiet part out loud and if they're allowed to say that without repercussions, lesbians might get the idea that we are too.

( no- )
If they really believed trans identified men can be lesbians, they’d stop complaining about transphobic terfs who won’t suck dick and start dating each other.



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