various commenters #transphobia

RE: Trans sauna ban being considered in Germany

( JPW )
I don't see why this even needs debate. It is a slap in the face to women and women's rights to allow a trans gender person in: a) a change room, b) a washroom, c) any other type of room designated for women. It is only common sense. As a civilization, we have gone much too far in adhering to woke principles, even when they violate common sense.

( elaine )
Women’s rights are rapidly disappearing under the weight of the gender confused rights. Women have a right to privacy from men and a man can never actually be a woman.

( Paul )
So I as a man , can say I am a woman and go into a sauna used by women? That would work for me, although it might become obvious I wasn't thinking like a woman, if you get my meaning.

( Not given )
Alot of women and young girls are complaining of that exact problem.

Its nothing more than camouflage for predators.

Radical gender terrorist must end

( Timothy Gibson )
The fact this is even a debate shows how far humanity has fallen in terms of general common sense. If you're a biological male, you use the MEN'S bathroom, sauna, dressing, room, whatever. You're either pro-woman or pro-trans, they're mutually exclusive and anyone who says they're both is just a bold-faced liar. Supporting the trans cult is a direct affront to the VERY long-winded effort woman went through to gain equal rights in civilized society, and the LGBT breaks it down at every opportunity.

Every woman on earth should be VERY concerned with this, the very idea of the trans cult's demented male members getting to just decide whether they want to use a woman's private space is like something straight out of an Orwell novel. The fact this is ACTUALLY happening in modern times is still stunning...

( Jason )
They should stop using the word ban because it’s not a real ban considering you’re still able to use the sauna that relates to your biological gender.

( Kelly )
But the media must say ban to outrage the leftists. I read an article on a trans boy who said a law that would not allow him to play soccer would leave him without sports to play. Uh, no, you can still play on a soccer team with your own sex.

( Donnie )
There is no such thing as trans women. There is no such thing as trans men. There is no such thing as non-binary people.

There are men and there are women. That is all.



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