Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist

[From "Iran: Journalist Executed for “Corruption on Earth” ߤðߤðߤâ]

Everywhere that journalists function, they are de facto Western intelligence agents, whether or not they have direct contact with spy agencies (and most of them do have direct contact with these agencies).
Many people in the world want to kill journalists, because of the transformative role they have played in society, undermining traditional social norms and replacing them with strange experiments.
[…]As journalists believe that they are the ones who arbitrate reality, they believe that they are the ones who declare revolutions.

Iranian state television and the state-run IRNA news agency said that Ruhollah Zam, 47, was hanged early Saturday morning. The reports did not elaborate.

In June, a court sentenced Zam to death, saying he had been convicted of “corruption on Earth,” a charge often used in cases involving espionage or attempts to overthrow Iran’s government.[…]

Of course it was hardline conservatives that started the protests – they’re also controlled by the CIA. Any single group that isn’t a part of the mainstream is going to be controlled by intelligence agencies.
It’s absurd that a country like France that puts people in prison for speech is talking about free speech in a foreign country.
In the West, they say: “you have free speech, you’re just not allowed to speak about the Jewish ruling class, gays, women, immigrants, fat people, black people, abortionists, trannies, Sandy Hook, election fraud, and many other things soon to come on this endless list.”

Frankly, “you can’t speak bad about the leaders” is the single most basic form of speech suppression, and what we have in America and Western Europe is much more extreme and advanced.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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