Andrew Anglin #sexist
[From “Iraq: It is the Law That 9-Year-Olds Should be Married, Because That is True and Just”]
This is the law in Islam, and it is the correct law
Why should a girl be 10 years old with no husband?
That is pathetic decadence
Iraqi MPs and women’s rights groups have reacted with horror to the Iraqi parliament passing a law permitting children as young as nine years old to marry, with activists saying it will “legalise child rape”
Under the new law, which was agreed yesterday, religious authorities have been given the power to decide on family affairs, including marriage, divorce and the care of children. It abolishes a previous ban on the marriage of children under the age of 18 in place since the 1950s#
For Shia Muslims, which make up the majority in Iraq, the lowest age of marriage for girls will be nine years old, while for Sunnis, the official age will be 15
What sort of ultra-cuckodry is this?
How many men do you want your wife to have fucked by the time you marry her?
The age has to be nine
Anything beyond that is pure sickness and totally evil