
Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “Iraq: It is the Law That 9-Year-Olds Should be Married, Because That is True and Just”]

This is the law in Islam, and it is the correct law

Why should a girl be 10 years old with no husband?

That is pathetic decadence

The Guardian

Iraqi MPs and women’s rights groups have reacted with horror to the Iraqi parliament passing a law permitting children as young as nine years old to marry, with activists saying it will “legalise child rape”

Under the new law, which was agreed yesterday, religious authorities have been given the power to decide on family affairs, including marriage, divorce and the care of children. It abolishes a previous ban on the marriage of children under the age of 18 in place since the 1950s#
For Shia Muslims, which make up the majority in Iraq, the lowest age of marriage for girls will be nine years old, while for Sunnis, the official age will be 15


What sort of ultra-cuckodry is this?

How many men do you want your wife to have fucked by the time you marry her?

The age has to be nine

Anything beyond that is pure sickness and totally evil

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #sexist dailystormer.name

It’s very obvious that if Intergalactic had featured a normal white male protagonist, as was the standard for video games up until the day Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the response would be overwhelmingly positive. In fact, if it had simply been an attractive woman, the response might not have been as good but they would not be facing this avalanche of hatred they are facing now.

These companies all know this, and they hire Jewish perverts like Druckmann to push this stuff anyway.

While Disney has made a move to pull back on “woke” in order to make money, as evidenced by their decision to contract the Chinese to make their shooter game, some of these companies appear heavily committed to it and will go bankrupt before giving the public what it wants.

It is a little bit scary when you think of supposedly profit-driven corporations being willing to sacrifice hundreds of millions of dollars in order to push a social engineering agenda. Although the popular explanation is that this has something to do with BlackRock owning such large percentages of the stock in these companies, that explanation has not ever fully made sense to me, given that unless they owned a majority of the stock, the rest of the shareholders would be pushing back against this agenda.

Corporations sacrificing profits in order to emotionally and psychologically abuse the public is certainly much worse than any of the “out-of-control capitalism” dystopias portrayed in science fiction. In fact, we are presently in a kind of dystopia that was never predicted by science fiction authors.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From “Woke EU Human Rights Court Rules That Women Don’t Have to Have Sex with Their Husbands”]

Donald Trump is trying to vaccinate the world against the woke mind virus, but the Europeans are having a negative reaction to the vaccine and having woke myocarditis from the DNA changes caused by this Warp Speed vaccine against wokeness

Now these wokies in Europe are claiming that women don’t have to have sex with their husbands

Do women have to do anything in the woke world?

The Guardian

The European court of human rights (ECHR) sided on Thursday with a 69-year-old French woman whose husband had obtained a divorce on the grounds that she was the only person at fault because she had stopped having sexual relations with him[…]

What about the human rights of men to have sex?

What wokie wookie wrote this law?

The woke kikes?[…]

The Strasbourg-based ECHR said any concept of marital duties needed to take into account “consent”[…]
“The court concluded that the very existence of such a marital obligation ran counter to sexual freedom, [and] the right to bodily autonomy,” a court statement said. “The applicant’s husband could have petitioned for divorce, submitting the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage as the principal ground, and not, as he had done, as an alternative ground”

Woke women are refusing to have children, and the governments are complaining about that and offering them endless bribes and meanwhile they are so woke they won’t enforce men’s right to sex!

spoilerEurope fertility map, 2015

The woke mind virus is going to obliterate Europe and then people will realize that woke was wrong and they will realize patriots were right for forcing women to have sex

Snake Baker #crackpot dailystormer.name

Satanists keep saying they don’t really worship Satan, as if that makes them acceptable.

Firstly, that would just make them liars and scammers.

Secondly, they do worship Satan and just lie about it to promote the worship of Satan while offending as few people as possible.

Andrew Anglin #pratt #dunning-kruger #transphobia dailystormer.name

Trans supporters have never explained how souls are getting trapped in the wrong bodies. Obviously, it cannot be natural. Naturally, a soul would be fundamentally connected to the body, and therefore “soul in the wrong body” is an impossible problem. Therefore, the only explanation for this is some kind of malicious otherworldly entity. We should be asking these people to explain what this entity is, and if there is a way to fight it. Can we, for instance, travel to the plane of existence in which this entity resides, and use magic runes to destroy or at least imprison it so it cannot continue to switch souls into the wrong bodies?

If fighting the entity responsible is not possible, would it be possible to build a machine to align souls with the bodies? Most people did not think souls were sexual, and that it was the body that was sexual, with the soul residing in it, but if the soul is sexual, is there a way to change the sex of the soul, rather than mutilating the body? If I believed in this theory, I would also want to explore the possibility of soul-switching: can you take a boy who has the wrong soul and a girl who has the wrong soul and switch their souls into the other’s body?

It is an extreme metaphysical claim that a soul can be in the wrong body, and yet somehow, this is not being addressed at all. They just declare it, without elaborating on the mechanism. If people believe in this sort of thing, there is no reason we shouldn’t be looking at using magic to rectify the situation. If someone believes a soul can be switched in the first place, there is no reason it cannot be switched back, which would prevent so many problems.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #moonbat dailystormer.name

[From “One True Korea: Number One Leader Orders Mass Production of Epic Suicide Drones”]

North Korea is funny, because these people are totally blockaded and sanctioned into oblivion but they have ultra-high IQs so they just roll with it and keep building weapons

They can sell these weapons to others


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has overseen a field trial of domestically produced kamikaze drones, state media reported on Friday[…]

I wish I was from an isolated and totally militarized state

It’s really fun

The rebel alliance in “South Korea,” which is a fake country, has totally stopped breeding and will age out of the universe within a generation. The DPRK will be able to just walk into the country and it will be nothing but old people in automated nursing homes, like Wall-E

Oh, right. That was fat people who needed robots to take care of them. Anyway, same concept

The country might collapse before that, however, when the second season of Squid Game is released next month. Squid Game was the only thing the country was famous for and the second season is likely to be just as bad as it sounds like that would be

I’m sure there was a lot of money on the table, but why would you lower yourself to the level of a sequel? The show had already spun out of control at the end with goofy Asian shit

If season 2 gets universally panned, Koreans might go full-Japanese and start killing themselves in shame on a mass scale

It’s impossible the show could be worth a shit with 067 dead[…]
North Korean TV could have just showed the show and said it was a documentary showing what happens when Americans come in and “Westernize” you. It basically was a documentary

Snake Baker #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “France: Guy Who Brought Dozens of Dudes to Bang His Unconscious Wife Gets Sentenced to 20 Years”]

It was never believable that this woman didn’t know this was happening


A French court found all 51 defendants guilty on Thursday in a drugging-and-rape case that horrified the world and transformed the victim, Gisele Pelicot, into a stirring symbol of courage and resilience

Pelicot’s ex-husband of 50 years, Dominique Pelicot, had pleaded guilty to drugging her repeatedly for almost a decade to rape her and to offer up her unconscious body for sex to dozens of strangers he had met online, while videoing the abuse

A decade[…]

Gisele, who is also 72, waived her right to anonymity during the trial and demanded that horrifying videos of the serial abuse, which were recorded by her former husband, should be seen in court, saying she hoped this would help other women speak up


She’s the sick one. Or at least more sick

This whole trial was a big sexual fetish thing for her, just like the weird gang bangs[…]

Pelicot acknowledged that he had put powerful tranquilizers into his wife’s food and coffee that put her to sleep for hours. Gisele said she was worried she was developing Alzheimer’s or had a brain tumour because of the memory gaps

This sort of thing shouldn’t be happening, but how did the woman not know?

This is really a case of something grotesque being so offensive to the public that they will just go along with doing anything to the individual

How did she not know?

Gisèle Pelicot slams 'macho' society that 'trivialises rape' in closing statement

Fun fact: there is nothing less macho than bringing over dudes to bang your woman while you watch

Snake Baker #homophobia dailystormer.name


We want that to be impossible.

“LGBT+” people should either start putting their dicks in the correct hole, as ordained by God, or they should at the very least pretend they do that.

People do all sorts of strange things in their private lives. We all know that. We all do strange things we would not want others to know about. Most of us hopefully do not put our penises in the anuses of men. But if you do something like that, you need to really hide it. Do not tell people at school “hey guys – I really like ramming my penis into men’s buttholes.”

Keep it quiet and hope no one finds out.

Andrew Anglin #racist #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

[From “A Third of Americans Believe Immigrants are “Poisoning the Blood” of America”]

Trump presumably meant this as a metaphor

The people answering the poll, however, are answering a question from people who don’t think it’s a metaphor

The Guardian

A new poll has revealed that more than one-third of Americans agree with Donald Trump’s warning that undocumented immigrants in the US are “poisoning the blood” of America[…]
“This is a truly alarming situation to find this kind of rhetoric, find this kind of support from one of our two major political parties,” said Robert Jones, president and founder of the PRRI, during a presentation of the poll’s findings. “That language is straight out of Mein Kampf. This kind of poisoning the blood, it’s Nazi rhetoric”[…]

It doesn’t matter what Trump thinks. What matters is that people are getting the message. These people are an invasive plague, and they are degrading our racial heritage, weakening us genetically

This happened in Egypt and in India, as well as many other places throughout history. It takes a long time for a race to become great, but the blood of lesser races can pollute it very quickly

There is no path to redemption for the white race other than through the admission that Hitler was right

About everything

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “Court Orders Conor McGregor Pay €250,000 to Bloated Slug-Like Slut”]

As soon as Conor came out and supported the nationalist protests against the niggervasion, and suggested he was going to seize control of the government, he got hit with a rape hoax

The result, however, doesn’t mean much. The fine is not a significant amount of money for him, and none of his supporters think he raped this fat whore or care if he did that

The Guardian

A jury at a civil trial at Ireland’s high court has found that the Irish martial arts fighter Conor McGregor assaulted a woman who had accused him of raping her at a hotel in Dublin in December 2018[…]
Hand also alleged that another man, James Lawrence, who joined the party, sexually assaulted her. The jury found that Lawrence did not assault Hand

So she was lying about one man but telling the truth about the other?

She was proven to be lying about one part of a specific event, but telling the truth about the other part?


The jury found that?[…]
Ireland needs a full revolution, and Conor is the only man who can lead it

We should expect more attacks on him as he continues to gather his forces for the Great Battle of Dublin

Snake Baker #homophobia dailystormer.name

I had no idea Japan was killing lesbians.

It’s pretty silly, really.

Lesbians aren’t like gays. They’re not a real thing. All you have to do to make them stop being lesbians is get some man to have sex with them. Super easy. Lots of people do sex, you just put the penis in the vagina and give it a good pounding.


Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From “West Virginia: White Couple Arrested for Owning Black Slaves and Keeping Them in a Barn”]

Adopting black kids to use as slaves?[…]


A wealthy white West Virginia couple forced their adopted black children to work as slaves and sleep in a barn, according to disturbing charges

I’m not disturbed by that and don’t appreciate the editorializing[…]

Lantz and Whitefeather were first arrested in October after a wellness check led to the discovery of the couple’s five adopted children[…]living in deplorable conditions on their[…]property

Were they really deplorable?

Because I’ve studied this whole slavery thing, and found “slave abuse” to be a hoax. It’s also illogical to abuse your own property[…]
If you found someone beating and otherwise abusing their Roomba, you would think that person was insane[…]

“Human rights violations specific to the fact that these children were targeted because of their race and they were used basically as slaves[…]”

It sounds like they were literally used as slaves

Apparently that’s illegal now too, like everything else[…]
Oh, the blacks were wearing dirty clothes and stank?

Must be white people’s fault[…]
At this point, you’d think we could all just agree that abolishing slavery was a mistake. All of the results have been negative

Like seriously, what positive outcome has resulted from the freeing of the slaves?[…]
Thomas Sowell?[…]
He could have written those books in his slave shed in-between shifts on the farm

Under slavery, blacks were producing members of society. They also had healthy, Christian families. If the problem was that they were abused (there’s no evidence of that), then just bring back slavery but make it illegal to abuse them. That seems like a fair compromise with the libs

Andrew Anglin #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From “Celebrated German Leader Adolf Hitler is Back, Going Viral on TikTok”]

Hitler is back in a big way

He said this would happen, you know


spoiler“It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know that I was right” Adolf Hitler

He said it and like everything else he said, he was right

The Jews over at the New York Post are not thrilled about his triumphant return:

Misguided TikTokers are using AI to translate Adolf Hitler’s speeches into English – and racking up millions of clicks on the under-fire platform, according to a watchdog media report

Users have pushed and even celebrated the Nazi leader’s remarks in what is an apparent violation of TikTok’s guidelines that ban “promoting (including any praise, celebration, or sharing of manifesto) or providing material support to … individuals who cause serial or mass violence, or promote hateful ideologies”

One disturbing clip garnered more than 1 million views before it was squashed, Media Matters reported last week[…]

No historians argue that Hitler purposefully started World War II. That is a cartoon narrative, which doesn’t even make sense

Why would you go to war with “the world”?[…]
Hitler was an incel art student with an emo haircut who became a leader because he felt he had no other choice. He’s a very relatable figure. And there’s a reason why none of the clips of him on the History Channel ever have subtitles: because if you listen to what he’s saying, you can’t possibly believe he was an unreasonable man

Now is the time for Hitler to return in a big way

We need him now more than ever

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From “Report: Alex Jones Forced to Sell Infowars to Pay Sandy Hoaxsters”]

No one really knows what this means. In theory, Alex Jones will never be able to make money ever again, and will not be able to keep any of the money he has now

These people will hunt you, they will destroy you[…]
These trials were insane, where Alex was issued default judgements without even being able to present his case. The fact that they were not dismissed in the first place was unbelievable. It is a well known fact that it is virtually impossible for public figures to sue for defamation[…]
The argument was that these “families” of the “dead kids” were somehow not public figures, even though they were in public[…]demanding gun control

Iranian homosexual crime boss Oliver Darcy writes for CNN:

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday moved to liquidate his personal assets, agreeing to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims whom he owes more than $1.5 billion in damages over his lies about the 2012 school massacre

It’s not proved they were lies

None of this was ever dealt with in court

If Alex would have been able to present the facts of the event in court, the reasons why he had questions as to the veracity of the events[…], most people would have come to the conclusion that it was at least reasonable to be asking questions[…]
Even if he was making millions telling lies, he has a right to do that. It’s not illegal[…]
You might recognize the name “Avi Moshenberg” as a Chinese name

Most of the families of the supposed dead children were also Chinese communists

This was a big Chinese communistic conspiracy against Alex Jones, because he exposed them[…]
I will say again what I’ve said a billion times: when these people come down on you, your only choice is to flee the country[…]
Just for the record: no one died at Sandy Hook

Elvis Dunderhoff #conspiracy #pratt #quack #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

[From “RFK Jr. Wants Raw Milk Producer Fighting Bird Flu Propaganda to Lead US Raw Milk Policy”]

Well, this would be a good turn of events

If any of this stuff with RFK is actually going to happen, I support all of it

I’m skeptical it’s actually going to happen, but insofar as it will happen, I support it
The Guardian

Mark McAfee, a California raw milk producer whose products have been recalled several times recently due to bird flu contamination, said he has been approached by Robert F Kennedy Jr’s team to guide the upcoming administration on raw milk policy[…]

Raw milk is the only safe milk. Pasteurized milk causes all kinds of health problems. It’s the opposite of raw milk

Most people have never had raw milk. At least most Americans

Americans will drink chemical sludge because the Chosen Ones told them to

Andrew Anglin #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “Even the Taliban Didn’t “Solve” the Woman Problem. They Just Manage It Intelligently.”]

People look at women in Afghanistan and think “wow, the Taliban sure solved that problem”

This is true insofar as “they solved it as much as it is humanly possible to solve this problem”[…]
If the Taliban had “solved” the woman problem, they would not need to keep them in bags. They would be able to allow women to walk around and participate in public life[…]
You can’t let women act like normal humans, or they will just start trying to destroy everything[…]This has been the case since Eve[…]
Women are in fact an unsolvable problem[…]
You have an open wound that cannot heal; the only thing you can do is try to keep it clean[…]
That is what is happening in America and in the West: we have failed to control women[…]
There is no series of moves that tricks women into not taking any opportunity[…]to turn everything into a total nightmare on earth, where it’s all sluts, abortions, gay tranny children being handed over to state homosexuals, gun control, black mania, mass abortion, endless war everywhere for no reason anyone can explain, legalized crime[…]
And before anyone starts with “oh but there are men who support that too” – just shut the hell up, faggot. The reason there are men that support any of those things is that women have power[…]
In Afghanistan there are no men, with the notable exception of homosexuals, who support a female agenda. Boys are raised to be men[…]
There are different levels of influence that women have in different societies, and you can restrict them without going full-Taliban[…]
East Asians are pretty strict about women. If a woman starts getting out of control, any man will say “hey, bitch – settle down, okay?” and she will understand that this is backed up by the threat of physical violence[…]But Asians have allowed women to work and make their own decisions about marriage, and women have decided to just stop having kids

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “Afghanistan: Teen Sluts on Suicide Watch After Dreams of Cock Quest Obliterated”]

Afghan teen girls had one simple dream: to travel the world and get fucked by various men they determined to have high status

Now those dreams are being flushed down the toilet like so many used condoms

The Guardian

Just over three years ago, Asma’s* future contained many possibilities. Aged 15, she was at secondary school. After that lay the prospect of university and then onwards, striding forwards into the rest of her life[…]


She begged her parents not to force her into marriage. “When I told them about my studies and dreams, they laughed and said: ‘Since the Taliban has come, girls will never be allowed to study. It’s better to get on with your life and get married’”

Bitch, that goofy shit is over

War’s over

The Taliban won

We’re going back to normal[…]
I kinda think someone at the Guardian just made these stories up

But overall, they are believable

Women do not have rights in Afghanistan, because Afghanistan is run by the most masculine men on earth

They might not have the highest IQs on average, but they have wisdom and discernment

Frankly, it doesn’t take much wisdom or discernment to see that women being involved in public life is an utter disaster[…]
The story of the Taliban is a story of hope for the whole world

The Taliban existing, right now, on the same planet as us, is proof that a better world is possible

What it takes is strong men with determination who do not believe that power comes from voting for the right politicians

Power does not come from voting

Power comes from the bed of a Toyota Hilux

Andrew Anglin #transphobia dailystormer.name

Being 50 or whatever and being tricked into turning your son into a tranny is confusing to me. It seems that at that age, you probably should have figured out your views on these things.

People often change their views during their 20s, but any major changes in a worldview after the age of 30 is very strange.

Further, Musk is supposed to be some kind of Tony Stark genius, so how is it so easy to trick him?

That having been said, he likely is legitimately mad about this situation. I don’t know how any human could not be mad about it.

Saying “my son is dead” is pretty hardcore. At least for him.

I am certain some of you are dealing with the situation of a divorced wife turning your son into a tranny, and you really have to take this position of “he’s dead” and just write him off. There is nothing else you can do. You don’t have the ability to stop it. If you tried to stop it, the government would send men with guns to kill you or lock you in a cage. And even then, you wouldn’t stop it, you would just be dead or in prison and your son would still be a tranny.

But listen: do not try to have a relationship with a tranny child. It’s not going to help anything – it is only going to break your heart further. You can have more sons. You can’t save a tranny son.

Andrew Anglin and Rich Lowry #racist dailystormer.name

[From “BASED National Review Editor-in-Chief Calls Haitians “Niggers” on Megyn [sic] Kelly Show”]

The hardcore editor of the cuckold conservative outlet National Review, Rich Lowry, was on Megyn [sic] Kelly’s podcast this week and referred to goose-eating Haitian migrants as “niggers.” He quickly corrected himself, but everyone heard it

This happens when you talk differently in your personal life[…]This guy is going around calling Haitians “niggers” in his personal life, so when he’s in a semi-causal conversation on a podcast, he made a slip-up

To be clear: National Review promotes immigration. They probably say “we just want it to be legal,” but they support turning America brown. Lowry isn’t Jewish, but the publication is largely run by Jews

Infamously, David French worked at the publication as a top editor, and he had bought children from Africa as symbols of his devotion to racially displacing white Americans[…]
That’s emblematic of the kind of publication that National Review is. It is not an anti-nigger publication[…]adamantly pro-nigger and constantly calls for more and more niggers to bury Americans in their violence and stench

This is one of many reasons why I’ve always argued that if you’re going to be some kind of public figure, you need to line up your personal identity with your public presentation[…]
It shows that Lowry doesn’t believe his own stupid anti-racist gibberish and in fact hates niggers. That is much worse than if he was actually a spineless cuck who loved seeing America turn brown

Lowry, if he is a serious person, will not apologize for this because no one is ever going to accept an apology. He should instead just say “I said what I meant, faggots.” He will get fired from NR, but he can become a racist commentator and go on Tucker Carlson and explain why he started to hate blacks

Actually, that might be too hardcore for Tucker Carlson, who is himself sort of a pussy

But he can at least work at Daily Stormer

Elvis Dunderhoff #homophobia #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From “Watch: Russian Schools Giving Students Shooting Lessons While Americans Learn Anal”]

It sucks America is not more like Russia

America could actually be a much better version of Russia if we were simply not fat pieces of shit


Fourteen-year-old Russian schoolboy David learned something new this month: firing accurately with a Kalashnikov is trickier than with a pistol

With other pupils, he got to try out the weapons as part of basic military training – a feature of the school programme that was dropped in the final years of the Soviet Union but has been reintroduced since the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine[…]

Would you want your kids learning this?

Or how to get rimmed?

For me, it’s not a hard question to answer, but I guess it’s a real stumper for some folks

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt dailystormer.name

[From “Rat Judge to Force Alex Jones to Sell Infowars to Pay Sandy Hoaxsters”]

America is a stupid, fake country. These faggots tell you they care about “freedom,” but in reality, they just mean “gay sex”[…]
They will claim there is a “virus” and lock you inside your house[…]Jewmericans do not allow freedom of speech or freedom of thought

They will call their ass-pals in France to arrest people who provide free speech platforms. If you run a journalistic endeavor that they dislike, they will just sue you[…]
Alex Jones did not actually lose any of these lawsuits. If they would have went to trial, the court would have found that the families were actors and no kids died, so the courts just gave him a series of “default judgements.” This means the judge just arbitrarily decided he was guilty without any due process

America is a hoax and a scam, just like Sandy Hook


Alex Jones ‘ Infowars media platform and its assets will be sold off[…]

Alex Jones did nothing but say these people were lying. Then the government came in and said “you have to give these random people your entire life’s work because it is illegal to say they lied”

Jones was a target because he supports traditional American ideas, and in America, supporting traditional ideas makes you a “dissident,” because the government is run by Jews who hate America[…]
Even if it was real, that would mean nothing. This is a massive media event which was used to attempt to shift the public perception of gun control. It was framed as a monumental turning point
You literally cannot question anything in this fake country. If you want to do like Matt Walsh, and say “actually, Martin Luther King was right, we shouldn’t have any races,” you have to go work for a Jew who can oversee your work and make sure it’s all kosher. But that’s as far as you can go

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #racist #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “US Troops Do Spread Sodomy, Actually”]

In a recent clip from a Polish mall (which doesn’t have a lot of context), US soldiers are walking around in uniform, presumably trying to sniff out some pussy

They are confronted by a man who starts accurately accusing them of being in his country to “spread sodomy.”

He then asks: “Is it George Floyd culture, or sodomy?”

This is extremely heartening

As you know, I’m very critical of Poland for their anti-Russian agenda, which has led them to ally with the United States and promote the US war against Russia. However, the cost of this alliance is that the Americans are in their country, forcing the gay agenda down their throats

An alliance with the US government is not ever just a military alliance. It has all of these other dynamics, which include the US modifying your culture, and pushing so-called “Western values,” which relate to sodomy, George Floyd, and the empowerment of women

A lot of Poles appear to be waking up, and realizing that while they may have been treated unfairly by Russia nearly 100 years ago, things have changed a lot, and Russia is not the threat. Russia is not going to invade Poland. That is an insane claim. Russia is their neighbor, and they could have a good relationship

Russia has even been floating the idea of giving them parts of the former Ukraine to take over. This is one of very many olive branches that Putin has offered

The other option is total gay anal, round the clock, in public spaces in front of children, as well as a total invasion from Africa, and mass abortion and divorce

It’s not a hard decision

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “Rat Bastard Alexi Navalny Finally Dead”]

The Russian democracy advocate, rat fink and neo-Nazi race traitor Alexi Navalny is finally dead

I don’t think Putin had him killed. I mean that, I’m not just saying it to shill. There’s no obvious benefit in killing the guy, when you’ve already got him rotting in Siberia for the remainder of his miserable life

Frankly, he was probably triple vaxed[…]After the fake poisoning event, he was in Germany in late 2020 when the Pfizer vax was first being distributed[…]and he was in some kind of healthcare facility, meaning the vax would have been mandatory

However, if the Kremlin did kill him, I support it. I was the number one person calling for him to be hanged long before the fake poisoning event. Russia belongs to Vladimir Putin, The Hammer of Christ. Calling for the deposal of Putin is no different than calling for the death of the King in the Middle Ages[…]
Alexi Navalny was a long-time scam artist and political agitator, in the manner of a classic Russian subversive. Hilariously, he was a neo-Nazi, calling for the breakup of the Russian Federation in order to solve the issue of Moslems in Moscow. I have no idea if he was actually a racist, or if this is just the most obvious path for a political agitator. He was probably actually a racist. Most or all Russians are (at least the men). But “get these fucking dagis out of the metro, bylat!” is the only real viable path of attack in Russia. If you try to do that faggot gay shit, randos will just beat you in the street. Then the cops will show up and beat you even worse before they drag you off to jail[…]
I think, legitimately, the most likely cause of death is the vax. Living in Siberia is difficult, and taxes the body, similar to the way a sports player taxes his body. The Siberian gulags have old school stuff too, where they make the workers do physical activity

Snake Baker #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “Greek Coast Guard Accused of Being Mean to Invaders, Allegedly Killing Dozens of Them”]

These people are invading the country

Under Just War Theory, the military has a right to kill them

(I understand it’s more complicated than that, but actually, it’s not really)

The Guardian

A former Greek coastguard officer has described as “clearly illegal” the actions of colleagues who abandoned nine migrants at sea in one of 15 alleged pushbacks from Greek islands or territorial waters that reportedly killed dozens of people[…]
Two were thrown directly into the water, the man said, including an Ivorian man who said: “Save me, I don’t want to die … and then eventually only his hand was above water, and his body was below. Slowly his hand slipped under”

Yeah, well, buddy, nobody wants to die. Nonetheless, everyone does at some point

I would shed some tears for you, but I stopped buying tissue paper when I learned it was filled with PFAS

Frankly, I don’t know if the Greeks did this stuff or not. I don’t care if they did, and I support it, but I don’t know if I believe it

My thinking is it’s more likely to be made up than not, but also, Greeks are funny people, and the idea that some group in the coast guard was like “let’s start just fucking killing these apes” is not beyond belief

However, no real proof is offered here. These are all just allegations, and they are more or less impossible to investigate, so there is really nothing here to even discuss. The allegations just amount to baseless rumors

Andrew Anglin #sexist #crackpot #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “On the Deeply Personal Nature of My Agenda to Abolish the Age of Consent”]

The Jews put gigantic pictures of nearly nude women everywhere

They flood the entire internet with porno to the point that the average age for first seeing a hardcore porno is now nine (9)

Then they declare that[…]you will go to prison for hiring a hooker[…]
I’m not “pro-hooker,” necessarily

I’m anti-fornication[…]
Outlawing prostitution is a part of the agenda to spread sexual promiscuity throughout society

Both Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Augustine said this would happen if the government attempted to regulate hookers[…]
(From this, you can extrapolate that all state regulations on heterosexual sex are wrong[…])
Before the government regulation, women had one basic choice: “hooker or wife?”[…]
When they wiped out “hooker,” they wiped out the decision between the two. It’s not a coincidence that the countries that still have strong marriages – Moslem, Asian, and some Latin American ones – still have legal but discreet prostitution[…]
Jews used to run prostitutes, because they were just involved in every slimy thing[…]Now, Jews do porno – which literally is prostitution with a camera – while outlawing standard prostitution

Jews were at the forefront of feminism, pushing everything related to that agenda[…]
An age of consent on prostitution would be appropriate, because it’s a drastic decision for a girl to make. Marriage, however, is not a drastic decision, and it is traditionally made in consultation with the girl’s father[…]
I advocate lowering the age of consent primarily as a hymen protectionism measure[…]There is no reason these bitches should be in school[…]the younger she is the more able she is to acknowledge the husband as the new father[…]
The part about abolishing the age of consent being a deeply personal issue for me is a joke (it’s very funny), but the larger point is not a joke at all: the age of consent is an attack on the family

Andrew Anglin #quack #pratt #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

[From “The Science Suddenly Discovers That “Excessive” Fluoride in Drinking Water Can Lower Kids’ IQs”]

No one could have predicted this

Except every “conspiracy theorist.” Every conspiracy theorist said this

But they are all kooks, so no one could have known that they were right about this

Medical Xpress

High levels of fluoride in drinking water may dim the intelligence of children, a new U.S. government report shows

Based on an analysis of published research, the potentially controversial report marks the first time a federal agency has determined there is a link between drinking twice the recommended amount of fluoride and lower IQs in kids[…]

That was always known

At least, Alex Jones knew it

Alex Jones does believe in every conspiracy theory, some of which might be wrong. But the reality is, if you believe in every conspiracy theory, you are going to be right more often than the mainstream media

Stormer Editorial Board #racist #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “Stormer Editorial Board Reiterates Support for One-State Solution in Palestine, Controlled by Hamas”]

Over ten years ago, the Daily Stormer endorsed a one-state solution in Palestine/”Israel”, fully controlled by Hamas

It is time again that the Stormer Editorial Board reiterate this position: the Daily Stormer officially backs a one-state solution to the Palestinian problem, wherein Hamas is installed as the governmental entity of the entire Palestinian territory

It will of course be the decision of the Hamas authorities what they do with the Jewish occupation population, but it is the opinion of the Stormer Editorial Board that the Jews be pushed into the sea

The Stormer also modestly requests that our team be allowed to build a statue of Adolf Hitler in Tel Aviv[…]
The Daily Stormer Editorial Board does not recognize any form of governmental authority in Palestine other than Hamas. That means that we also do not recognize the false authority of the shill Mahmoud Abbas and his fake government, which the Editorial Board recognizes as a Jew shill group designed to pacify the Palestinian people[…]
The Board would like to fully repeat its position that the Jews should be pushed into the sea, but that the Board will fully respect any decision that Hamas authorities choose to take in dealing with the filthy Jew occupiers

The Stormer Editorial Board once again wishes swift victory to Hamas in their battle against the Satanic Jew occupation force

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “France: “Liberated” Moslem Teen Thot Gets Patrolled by Classmates, Ends Up in a Coma”]

In Islam, you cannot slut it up and face no consequences

This is why they don’t have feminism: if a woman tries feminism, she ends up in a coma

It might seem hardcore

But what women have done to the Western world is a lot more hardcore than this

[url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/04/girl-14-left-in-coma-after-attack-by-teenagers-outside-school-in-france]The Guardian[/ur]

The French government has launched an urgent investigation after a 14-year-old girl was severely wounded and left in a coma after being beaten outside her school by three other teenagers in the south of France[…]
Her mother, Hassiba, said in media interviews that her daughter had been bullied by a fellow pupil for two and a half years, raising the possibility this could have been over her behaviour and clothing being deemed un-Islamic[…]

It sounds like people don’t appreciate that

Maybe as her mother, it was your responsibility to tell her not to wear slut clothes?

Maybe this is your fault?

Elvis Dunderhoff #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “Cool Hamas Soldiers Let 17-Year-Old Jew Hostage Keep Her Dog, Release Both Unharmed”]

These hostage releases are really bad for the Jew narrative

They are saying that Hamas are barbarians, and yet they are releasing all of the hostages in very good condition

They even let them keep their dogs, and kept the dogs very healthy

Probably, some of these Jews would rather go back to Hamas rather than continue living with the Jews

New York Post:

The father of the 17-year-old high schooler freed by Hamas Tuesday had been searching for weeks for her missing Shih Tzu to bring to her on the fated day of their reunion — only to find out when she was released that the beloved pooch had been in captivity with her the entire time[…]

How is Hamas evil if they take care of your dog?

That gay bastard Pete Buttigieg tortures animals and kills them

Hamas is friendly to animals and cares for them

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “Baptist Youth Pastor Suicides After Being Seduced by Teenage Girls”]

Probably 99% of cases of teenagers having sex with older adults in positions of authority over them are women having sex with teenage boys

Because the basic nature of sexuality is that men do not prey on women, but the reverse

But of course, the opposite is going to happen sometimes as well – teenage girls will prey on older men. In general, men are more responsible, and they will resist this, but we are not perfect

We are dealing with human biology here

“Sexually assaulting children” – why are we living in this fake reality, based on this moronic fake language?

I had to go through this and see if he was a homosexual[…]He is heterosexual, and we are talking about teenage girls, not “children”[…]

“Regrettably[…]Jarrett Booker took his own life, refusing to face the consequences of his actions,” the church’s elders and deacons said[…]

Oh, fuck you

What a horrible thing to say after a man dies like this

How do you think his wife feels?

This is a group of “elders” who decided to release that in a written statement. No sympathy. Absolute scumbags

Are the sluts going to take responsibility for their actions?

Oh no, because women can’t be responsible for actions, right? That’s our values in a democracy?

The only thing a woman can be responsible for is flying a Palestine flag. Otherwise, whatever she does is men’s fault

But also, they have all the same powers and responsibilities as men, and probably even more[…]
If they were “assaults” then why did it take years for it to come to light? If your daughter came home from Baptist youth church (lol) with bruises, what would you do? Shrug it off?[…]
There’s nothing perverse about having sex with teenage girls. That’s just biology[…]
The Taliban is right about women

Elvis Dunderhoff #homophobia #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “Taliban Publicly Flogging Sodomites, Sluts, Thieves”]

Unlike every other faggot government, the Taliban doesn’t play games

They don’t arrest you for a crime and then say “here, let me give you a quick blowjob before I release you back onto the streets to do even worse crimes”

The Taliban will crush you

The Guardian

The UN has condemned the public flogging of more than 60 people, including more than a dozen women, by the Taliban in northern Sari Pul province[…]
Taliban’s supreme court confirmed the public flogging of 63 people, including 14 women who had been accused of crimes including sodomy, theft and immoral relations. They were flogged at a sports stadium

Here is the basic fact: the Taliban is the basic model for every government on earth

Every government should send delegations to the Emirate of Afghanistan, and learn the ways of the Taliban, and then run their government like this

The Taliban is the only entity on earth that has figured out how to effectively run a government

Andrew Anglin #quack #dunning-kruger #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From “Alcoholism is a Hoax, You Gay Retard”]

Ever since I explicated, as part of the Illness Revelations, that alcoholism is a valid and perfectly healthy lifestyle decision, I’ve gotten messages falsely claiming that this information is inaccurate. In fact, it is completely accurate, but probably, the language needs clarification[…]
“Alcoholism” is a hoax created by Alcoholics Anonymous. “Addiction,” as a general matter, is a baseless fraud invented by ninnying women and embraced by the psychiatric industry as an extremely profitable swindle[…]
These people claim that “addiction is a disease,” which is an utterly nonsensical statement on its face. What is a “behavioral disease”?[…]
There are people who drink too much, and end up behaving badly. However, here’s the thing: all of these people have serious personal problems that do not involve alcohol[…]
Following the above explanation of how people drink too much because they have personal problems, people use drugs for this same purpose[…]
In terms of the “addiction” element – even for the hardest drugs of all, detox/withdrawal takes one week (don’t argue with me that it could be up to two weeks – average is one week)[…]You feel like shit, sleep a lot, have diarrhea. For a week. Everyone can do that. It’s very easy. That is not “addiction.” It’s detox[…]
I am a staunch defender of Adolf Hitler, and also the most prominent Putin shill in the English language. That might seem counterintuitive, but it’s really, really not. Hitler was against Slavs, but that is a complicated thing, which had a lot to do with hundreds of years of history, and then the Bolshevik Revolution (Hitler was aggressively anti-communist, obviously). I wish there would have been a deal between Hitler and Stalin, because Stalin was no Lenin, but that didn’t happen[…]There is a quote from Hitler where he says “the Russian concept of civilization is whatever keeps the vodka flowing”[…]
“Drunk driving” laws absolutely are communism

Andrew Anglin #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From “French Cocksuckers to Ban Smoking on All Beaches and Public Parks, Turn Everyone Gay”]

France, like China, is a smoking country

However, unlike China, France is a vagina country

If I was a vagina, I would want people to smoke, as it would make help to cover the stench emanating from between my legs[…]But women are too stupid. Also, women are filthy, and they like to spread that sickening stench

The big reason vaginas hate cigarettes though is that they increase testosterone. Women want men to be weak and pathetic

I recommend smoking to increase testosterone. I recommend it for children, in fact. At Halloween, I pass out packs of Marlboros for boys[…]
To girls, I give color-coded paperclips

The peak achievement of a woman is to color code files. They will always fail, because they are so unbelievably stupid, but I will give them the chance

The Guardian

France is to ban smoking on all beaches, as well as in public parks, forests and near schools[…]
“From now on, no-smoking areas will be the norm,” said the health minister, Aurélien Rousseau

Rousseau then vomited up over 30 pounds of gay semen. Bystanders were shocked when he began eating the semen he had vomited up. However, homosexual experts noted that homosexuals enjoy semen “going down the second time more than the first”[…]
I legit think that the Jew fears the cigarette

Surely, there are some nefarious kikes who don’t want the goyim smoking because they know it makes them much smarter[…]
They completely invented to the stupid hoax that cigarettes cause cancer

Actually… for the sake of being reasonable here, it is logical that inhaling smoke all day is going to irritate your lungs, which could cause cancer. Plus, modern cigarettes have a bunch of chemicals in them, because the filthy Jew government refuses to regulate foodstuffs

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho dailystormer.name

[From ““Psychopathy Far More Common Among Women Than Previously Thought””]

I don’t understand the concept of a “woman psychopath”

All basic female behavioral traits line up with the definitions of psychopathy. They don’t feel guilt or remorse of any kind, and they only act in self-interest, and will lie and manipulate to get what they want

That’s all women

The Guardian

When it comes to a typical psychopath, the suited and booted Patrick Bateman from the novel American Psycho might spring to mind, but, according to one expert, the number of women with the neuropsychiatric disorder could be far greater than previously thought[…]

It’s not just white liberal women, by the way[…]
Ask white conservative slut Boebert, who was jacking off her new boyfriend in the theater after abandoning her husband

Ask the South Korean whores

Women are just women

White women are the worst, except for obviously blacks, but women are all just natural “psychopaths,” if you have a yearning to use that term

I don’t think it’s a useful term

I also don’t want to hear about the “dark triad”

Mostly, I just want to talk about Jews, and how they can be completely exterminated, possibly with a bioweapon

Snake Baker #dunning-kruger #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

[From “UK: “Conservatives” Pass Total Ban on Smoking (To be Phased in Over Decades)”]

Remember: these people tried to force-vaccinate everyone with a deadly gene therapy

Food might be a little bit more regulated in the UK than in the US, but not by much

Infographic on obesity in th UK

Actually, that’s only half as obese as the United States. But still. It’s a health crisis

Smoking, by the way, is not a health crisis. When’s the last time you heard of someone dying from smoking? People die from vaccines and obesity all the time

So: why are they so obsessed with shutting down nicotine? Is it because it increases both testosterone and brain function?


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s plan to ban anyone aged 15 and under from ever buying cigarettes passed its first parliamentary vote on Tuesday, although dozens of his own lawmakers voted against it[…]
But 57 Conservatives, including Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch, voted against the plan[…]

57 isn’t even 1/5 of the “conservative” members of parliament

Britain is a failed state

They are harder on cigarettes than they are on immigrants, that’s for sure

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Watch: Female Officer Accurately Blames 11-Year-Old for Creating Porn of Herself"]

If she made the video, it’s her fault

I don’t understand who else’s fault it would be

New York Post

Two Ohio cops are being investigated for their response to a sexual misconduct case involving a child after a video of them appearing to blame the 11-year-old girl for creating “child porn” went viral

Two Columbus police officers, a female and male, were seen talking to the girl’s father on their front porch, six hours after he allegedly called to report that a man online had manipulated his daughter into sending him pictures of herself, doorbell camera footage shows

Oh, yes

An evil man was surely responsible for mind-controlling her[…]

The female officer is heard telling the dad his pre-teen daughter “could probably get charged with child porn” if she produced the images[…]


Your princess is committing a felony, old man

You should have covered it up rather than calling the cops on her

What were you thinking???

I hope the bitch gets charged

I’m so sick of this entire “everything is not her fault” thinking

She definitely lied to the man about her age, too. Guarantee that

And how are we supposed to believe the man found her? Obviously she found him

The cops should have kicked in the door and dragged the girl to jail

Andrew Anglin #racist #wingnut #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “Hitler was Right and You Filthy Rats Know Me and My Friends Would All Say It to Your Weasel Faces”]

The Jews released a video of a white man in his fifties lecturing his teenage son about how saying “Hitler was right” is hatred[…]
The father confronts the lad[…]It is then revealed that they are in front of a synagogue[…]
The video implies that “Jews are just humans like us”

Firstly, Jews are not human

Secondly, no man is going to make a big emotional scene with their son like that[…]
If I caught my son posting anti-Hitler material, I would not take him to the local Nazi offices and tell him to go tell the Nazis he hates Hitler. Instead, I would slap the shit out of him and force him to watch internet documentaries about how Hitler was good[…]
The whole thing is supposed to be a reference to the “Holocaust”[…]The Holocaust is a hoax and did not happen. If it did, I would understand the motivations for it, and some people might say that it should have happened[…]
What I want to go into is the claim that me and the boys would not be outside synagogues yelling “Hitler was right” if we could. I would be doing that every day, if I could, and I would be encouraging others[…]
The issue is not “oh it’s so sad to say these things because Jew blood-drinking child murderers are really nice people.” Jews mass murder children. They are not good people. No one feels bad for them, and many would like to see them gassed in fake shower rooms as a just response to all of these crimes[…]
I’m a person who did stand up to the Jews, and you can go see what they did to me. I can’t even have a personal checking account. I literally can’t buy things on the internet, and have to pay rent in cash[…]
It’s not simply edgy teenagers that are going to be saying “Hitler was right.” After what you’ve done, every single thinking person on the planet is asking themselves: “Why exactly was it that Hitler was mad at these people? Did they do something like this?”

Andrew Anglin #sexist #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “France: Country in Shock After Macron Refuses to Join Depardieu’s Lynching”]

We keep telling you people that Macron would just be a normal leader if the circumstances were normal. That isn’t a defense of the fact that he is a shill. He is a shill for the Americans, therefore the Jews

However: he is constantly making statements bucking the Washington/globalist/Jew agenda[…]
Now he’s defending a beloved French actor accused of “sexism” and “harassment”
The Guardian[…]
That’s not just a defense of the actor specifically, it’s a denouncement of the entire metoo movement. He’s saying “manhunt,” though in English we would say “witch hunt”

Macron went deep on the defense

“I’m a great admirer of Gérard Depardieu[…]He has made France known across the whole world. And, I say this as president and as a citizen, he makes France proud”

Critics[…]condemned his remarks as “despicable”, with one opposition politician calling Macron “the promoter-in-chief of rape culture”

Well. If that’s the case, I support it[…]
He was helping the country by being diplomatic envoy to North Korea of all places. And in North Korea, they don’t have feminism. Men are allowed to joke around about sex, and in fact, it is considered creepy and weird if they don’t make some sexual jokes. Normal people assume a man is a pervert if he doesn’t make sexual jokes. In a normal country, everything is the reverse

But notice they are attacking him over North Korean comments – because he knows that in the sickening, satanic West, you can’t act like a normal man[…]

François Hollande[…]“No, we are not proud of Gérard Depardieu, when, while looking at a young girl of 12 years old riding a horse, he sexualises her”

Firstly, this is France

Secondly, you can’t tell the age of an Asian[…]
Thirdly, who cares? The North Koreans don’t