Iran government #fundie #sexist

The “Law on Protecting the Family through the Promotion of the Culture of Chastity and Hijab” will come into force[…]
The new law was drafted by the judiciary in May 2023 in response to widespread defiance of compulsory veiling by women and girls in protest at the death in custody of Jina Mahsa Amini, which sparked the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising[…]
The Guardian Council approved the bill earlier this year. According to state media, while the president has yet to ratify the law, the Speaker of Parliament, Mohammad Ghalibaf, announced on 27 November 2024 that the law will take effect on 13 December 2024

The law criminalizes and introduces severe penalties for “nudity, indecency, unveiling and bad dressing (bad poosheshi)”[…]
“Bad dressing” for women and girls is defined as exposing any body parts below the neck, other than the hands and feet, or wearing clothing that “contributes to or incites the commission of sin by others” (Article 48)

Article 37 of the law provides that “promoting or propagating nudity, indecency, unveiling, or bad dressing” in collaboration with foreign entities, including media and civil society organizations, may be punished by up to 10 years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to US$12,000. This article states that if the conduct amounts to “corruption on earth”, it can be punishable by death under Article 286 of the Islamic Penal Code[…]
Women and girls who are unable to pay fines will be barred from recovering their impounded vehicles, registering vehicles, acquiring or renewing driving licenses, renewing passports and leaving the country. They could also have their assets seized or face imprisonment (Article 56)[…]
It also provides blanket impunity for vigilantes carrying out their “religious obligation” to enforce compulsory veiling (Article 59). Anyone who tries to stop the arrest, harassment and violent attacks against women and girls defying compulsory veiling could themselves be imprisoned or fined (Article 60)



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