woodchip and Spidey #wingnut #fundie #sexist descentbb.net

woodchip: So the Rep. led congress passed a Born Alive bill that requires hosp. to provide medical care to infant born alive after a botched abortion attempt. What surprised me was the Dems to a man voted against it. Now I realize we had some discussions here on abortion, but at this point the baby is born alive and as such is a American citizen . The Dems argue that this is still a womens right over her body. Excuse me but the baby is no longer in her body. So if the baby is a problem later on, do the Dems still think it is a womens right to off the baby in some sort of late late term abortion? Going to be interesting to read how the leftist agents here defend the Dems.

Spidey: Is a botched abortion considered a "birth"?

What if the botched abortion also caused brain damage?

An abortion is not complete until the widdle baby is dead dead dead.

"Awww he's so cute".
"Finish the job".



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