bobx23456 #racist
Yep, that's the elite. Every race but white Europeans should bread [sic] like crazy, but white men and women shold not. We will be the minority in our own countries in a couple of decades.
Yep, that's the elite. Every race but white Europeans should bread [sic] like crazy, but white men and women shold not. We will be the minority in our own countries in a couple of decades.
The garden of eden shames eve for listening to the satanic serpent, and shames adam for listening to his wife rather than taking his correct position as the head of the relationship.
I think it has a parallel with modern society, women listen to the femistate trouble makers, men then listen to the women because they want pussy.. Men would otherwise refuse to take the femistate trouble makers seriously, so women are the tool of the femistate to get men to comply..
Biblical stories seem to be about showing folk what is right and wrong, and consequences of actions..
Since civilisation was built on the back of such, it cant be a bad thing surely?
Statism has become the new religion, and law has become the new bible..
But is it better than its predecessor?
Biblical or not, the crime of "rape" requires a lack of female consent. Hence, a wife who has vowed her consent before her family and priest, and signed documents of her consent before witnesses that were filed and recorded by the state, has given her consent. Therefore, the crime of "rape" is absent of the requirement of lack of female consent.
The whole notion of "marital rape" requires that you deny the meaning and vows of marriage. If a state has a statute allowing "marital rape" they must also have denied the meaning of marriage. There is no marriage in any political jurisdiction where "marital rape" is on its law books. They have switched to a femiNazi anti-marriage denial of the basis for marriage and denied its meaning.
To understand the whole topic we have to go back to the purpose and meaning of marriage.
Marriage is the biological union of a man and woman to produce a child and family, and concurrently the social structure that forms the family that is created.
The vows of marriage are very important to the lives of the people involved. When she says "I DO" a woman vows to engage in sex with her husband, to get pregnant, and to raise the children which result together in a family with the husband.
When a man says "I DO" he vows to engage in sex with the wife so that she will become pregnant, and to support her and the children which result from that biological union.
In order even to contemplate "marital rape" you have to deny the meaning of the woman's "I DO" vows of marriage. You have to deny the whole meaning of marriage. You have to throw out all the marriages because they have become meaningless under law.
First of all, and most importantly:
I claim the right of superiority of men over women, because it is natural law. screw with nature law, and everything comes crashing down.
I claim the right of superiority of men over women, because my gender has done everything to get us to where we are today. that progress would not have been achieved if left to women.
I also claim the right to superiority over women because of the selfish, destructive manner in which women (as a group) behave, and the kaos in society that follows. those womens rights that have negative effects on society should be removed from them.
I've been suspecting this for a long time...that Feminism and sanctioned misandry is really just a way to divide and conquer a people and to prevent any uprisings or revolution.
The state does not want another Jesus to appear. If Jesus came down from heaven and revealed bet that the armies of this planet would descend upon him and crucify him all over again, and those armies themselves would most likely be Christian.
There are little hints here and there that Feminism is really a government ploy. For example, in the USA, Feminism was and still is CIA funded. CIA is notorious for overthrowing governments or snuffing out revolutions...what makes the USA any different?