Sir Lucario #fundie #homophobia
Because it's [gay marriage] been voted down? Everyone should have the right to vote according to their personal values, including Christians.
[Not when those values violate others' rights.]
Well their values violate MY rights. Double Standard!
[This is complete bullshit. You are denying a group of people a right which they want to have. How is this not discrimination? Analogy time! Say marriage is only legal between people of the same race. "Oh," say the supporters. "Everyone has the right to marry someone of their race, so everyone is equal!"]
Homosexuality is behavior and should NOT be treated like race.
[quote he posted]
“There is no research supporting a genetic basis of homosexuality. [It] has been discredited by Scientific America— They’re desperate to find the biological causes. There are none.” – Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, Philidelphia