
Dark Tyranitar #homophobia dragonflycave.com

Okay. A few points.

First, marriage through the ages has been defined to be between a man and a woman. Half the point of marriage is so that people can found a family.

Homosexual people can live in the same house, have sexual intercourse with each other, and do most, if not all, other things that married couples can do. They only lack the right to call it 'marriage'.

[posts two links, one to a Newsweek article and one to, get this, "Mormon Times" - sure sounds like an unbiased doesn't it?]

This article says it all. An excerpt: "In my opinion, all homosexuals should be enraged at the notion that of all human beings, only homosexuals cannot control their sexual behavior by conscious choices. This dogma implies that they are less than human. Yet this is precisely what the normalizers claim: 'They can't help it.'"

Sir Lucario #fundie #homophobia dragonflycave.com

Because it's [gay marriage] been voted down? Everyone should have the right to vote according to their personal values, including Christians.

[Not when those values violate others' rights.]

Well their values violate MY rights. Double Standard!

[This is complete bullshit. You are denying a group of people a right which they want to have. How is this not discrimination? Analogy time! Say marriage is only legal between people of the same race. "Oh," say the supporters. "Everyone has the right to marry someone of their race, so everyone is equal!"]

Homosexuality is behavior and should NOT be treated like race.

[quote he posted]
“There is no research supporting a genetic basis of homosexuality. [It] has been discredited by Scientific America— They’re desperate to find the biological causes. There are none.” – Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, Philidelphia

Tropiking #fundie dragonflycave.com

[in a debate about homosexuality, someone inevitably pulls the "Bible says it's wrong" card; when someone comments that the Bible also says slavery is okay:]

Vladimir: Nowhere in the Bible does it say that slavery is ok. I don't know where you heard that but it's simply untrue. As I said before, my father is a pastor and has read the entire Bible over 4 times and nowhere in it does it say that slavery is ok.

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