First, marriage through the ages has been defined to be between a man and a woman. Half the point of marriage is so that people can found a family.
No, actually it was defined as a man and as many wives, concubines and mistresses as he could afford. And it may have been the foundation to build a family, but there are a couple things you're forgetting:
1.) Not everyone who marries is capable of, or willing to start breeding like crazy. Are we going to deny them marriage, too?
2.) Families come in many different shapes and sizes. Many homosexuals are willing to start families, via surrogacy or adoption. Three guesses on who the ones impeding us are.
Homosexual people can live in the same house, have sexual intercourse with each other, and do most, if not all, other things that married couples can do. They only lack the right to call it 'marriage'.
So by your own admission, we are the same as you guys, save for the ability to bark out litters one after another. So why should our relationships not be legally recognized?
This article says it all.
The Mormon Times. Yeah, no bias there... -_-
An excerpt: "In my opinion, all homosexuals should be enraged at the notion that of all human beings, only homosexuals cannot control their sexual behavior by conscious choices.
Oh, so you can choose to be gay? Do it then. Be gay. Show this poor, misguided homosexual how it's done.
This dogma implies that they are less than human.
No, you guys imply we're less than "human." Or rather, you put yourselves above us lowly humans, in that you see yourself above such filthy urges as sex.
Yet this is precisely what the normalizers claim: 'They can't help it.'"
No, they say we are the way we are, and any effort to fight that is inherently harmful. It's not a "boys will be boys" stance, it's the fact that trying to make us repress what we are, with no good reason, no less, does us no good whatsoever, and in fact, can cause serious psychological damage. Proof? Look at the ex-gay suicide statistics.