Didn't think this would be so popular when I submitted it.
Also, I just put this small part of the post because it jumped out at me. Reviewing it now, I realize the whole thing is complete fundy nuttiness. So here's the complete post:
Vladimir: Nowhere in the Bible does it say that slavery is ok. I don't know where you heard that but it's simply untrue. As I said before, my father is a pastor and has read the entire Bible over 4 times and nowhere in it does it say that slavery is ok.
AuroraKing: I know that not everybody believes in the Bible. I believe that we would have a great world if everyone did. I mean think of it, no wars, no killing, no adultry, no lying, cheating, or stealing. But that's just my opinion and I'm getting off subject again.
Also, I really don't care what modern scientists are telling us. I mean sure some of it is true but a lot of scientists are atheist (No offense to anyone here who is) and they just want to find a way of explaining things without God. Take evolution for example. It is being disproved over and over again but scientists just keep coming up with even more crazy theories because they want to say that creation was of natural causes. Dang, I getting of subject again.
Homosexuality is a choice despite what scientists say. With God's help anything is possible and that includes quitting being a homosexual.
One more thing. I'm not trying to ram my religion down people's throats. I am simply stating what I know to be true. It's up to you to believe it or not.
NWT: Are you going to tell God that his opinion doesn't count?