
Matrix Freak #fundie forums.matrixfans.net

If it's truly mental, than how come when the high priest prayed onto her, she came back?

<p>I know it's hard to believe and you will try to find some rational answers, but I can tell you that i am more sure there are angels and demons than there is a god. yea I know it's contradictory, but it's just to show you how real that experience was.

<p>The red green face that the girl had, the screams out of her launges for more than two and a half hours, i've heard all of them... I can still hear them sometimes... Not like a person screaming, it wasn't like that... it had an echo, a deep deep voice.. you know those voices that they make with computer aid, the ones that are trying to imitate the devil's voice? it's not even close.... it's was more like a wolf growling.... I can still remember how they carried her away... oh my god....

2ndLastExile #fundie forums.matrixfans.net

we are ALL ignorant of many things that go on in our world....one of those things is Scientific Frontiers....

<p>But the point I was trying to make is that if your actually into SCIENCE and all its wonders....you would begin to see that Science is BEGINNING to Explain Religion...Something I couldnt post cuz it would take maybe HOURS to go through every little amazing Detail.

<p>Connective Physics begins to show that WE ARE ALL TRULY ONE. We are essentially a great big SOUP OF WAVES...interacting in so many ways to give the world you see around you. Physics also PROVES that Electrons and other small particles truly exhibit CHOICE...something simply unheard of at any other time. If you've heard of the Uncertainty Principle, you would understand that Chance and Choice are to of the Same things.

<p>Oh and dont Take my Word for it....check this RESPECTED SITE....
<a href="http://www.halexandria.org/dward400.htm" target="_blank">http://www.halexandria.org/dward400.htm</a>

Matrix Freak #fundie forums.matrixfans.net

If you don't believe in them [demons], what fo you think about posessed people.. oh don't worry, if you have never seen a posessed person other than TV, i can assure you that when i was twelve years old, i saw one right in front of my eyes, not five meters away.

<p>Personally i do believe in their existence, very much. Not because i read about it in the bible or because i saw it in a movie, or because it was something my mom told me, but because i saw it with my own two eyes and it got me nightmares for more than two weeks straight.

SolomonKing #fundie forums.matrixfans.net

as for my beliefs, yeah, i'll keep on believing them. in regard to your statements, why would i abandon what i believe? there is so much evidence to it's validity....there's more evidence to the truth of the Bible than to the existence of adolf hitler, incidentally.

Specter #fundie forums.matrixfans.net

As for the not using condoms thing, listen closely: Condoms...do...not....stop....AIDS. They never have, they never will. In fact, they do not stop ANY STDs! It came out in a study last year, that it was all a lie that they stopped anything except the chances of new life, at all!!

Omega #fundie forums.matrixfans.net

One Sunday when I was younger, I was attending a church service. The pastor was preaching on spiritual warfare (angels and demons). During the message, the piano (a decent 15 feet from anyone) struck a note, and later, a vase on the altar fell over, not shattering but bouncing back up and righting itself in place. I don't believe there are coincidences, and I don't believe that was one of them.