The Art of Liberty Foundation #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

The Art of Liberty Foundation is a start-up public policy organization founded by Etienne de la Boetie2. It is focused on spreading voluntaryist/libertarian ideas through effective media tailored to visual learners, busy people, and short attention spans. The foundation produces books, articles, podcasts, memes, videos, infographics, and monographs that explain the basics of voluntaryism and libertarianism while exposing the illegitimacy, illogic, and immorality of “government” in addition to its criminality and corruption.

The Foundation is also focused on developing and testing viral and uncensorable methods of widely distributing voluntaryist/libertarian solutions and evidence of government and media criminality through the hand-to-hand distribution of low-cost “picture books”, data DVDs and USB flash drives. Finally, the foundation is interested in researching strategies for effectively exposing and transitioning from organized crime/governmental control to real freedom and voluntary free market solutions including libertarian intentional communities, political secession, the transition of non-redistributive government services to private schools, protection companies, arbitration providers, private restitution vs retribution-based prisons and insurance-supported private fire brigades, technologies that promote digital liberty, free markets, private encrypted communications, anonymous digital cash, and free market monetary competition.
We relocated the foundation to New Hampshire and plan on focusing at least 50% of our efforts in the state with outreach and educational activities and research into peaceful transition strategies from legitimate non-redistributive public services to free-market schools, private protection companies, and insurance-agency supported fire brigades.

RaptureNinja83 #fundie #conspiracy #elitist

All around the world, millions of people have vanished… where did they all go and what does it all mean?

Author's Disclaimer: "I created this guide BEFORE the vanishings as a survival guide for those who have been left behind. Since I fully expect to be among the vanished, I will not be able to make content updates once I am gone."
– RaptureNinja83

Bottom Line: Those who believed in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have gone to be with Him for they have been spared from the wrath that is about to come. Those who remain on this Earth have been left behind… but there is still hope because Jesus and all those who vanished will return during the Second Coming of Christ.
Good News: Jesus Christ is going to return in approximately seven years and all those who vanished will return with Him at the Second Coming. Even better, if you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior now, it is not too late to receive the gift of eternal life.

Bad News: Scripture tells us there is an insanely difficult road ahead for those who have been left behind. Over the next 7 years, the world will endure a period of unprecedented Tribulation, a series of increasingly catastrophic events culminating in the Battle of Armageddon and the defeat of Antichrist and the forces of evil.

The primary objective of this guide is to prepare those who have been left behind to survive the 7 Year Tribulation Period and to be prepared for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Here is an overview of the 4 topics covered in the Post-Rapture Survival Guide:

Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior
Understanding the Rapture
Surviving the 21 Judgments of the 7 Year Tribulation Period
The Second Coming, Millennial Kingdom, and a Glorious Ending

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #quack #sexist #racist #conspiracy #mammon

Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 21, 2025 – BOOT the corrupt judges that are TERRORIZING America!

- Music Video Introduction and Interview Announcement (0:00)

- Gut Health Program and Interview with Mellow Cat (4:11)

- Radical Left Attacks and Judicial Interference (6:06)

- Trump's Aggressive Stance and Radical Left's Violence (9:15)

- White College Educated Women and Trump Derangement Syndrome (11:49)

- Special Report on Vaccines and Bio-Weapons (22:24)

- Book Review: 20 Mechanisms of Injuries by Dr. Sherry Tenpenny (27:37)

- Chemtrails, HAARP, and Full Spectrum Dominance (34:42)

- Mayor of Boston's Defiance and Trump's Response (1:04:21)

- Interview with Maxime Bernier: Canada's Populist Movement (1:06:18)

- Maxime Bernier's Political Journey and Platform (1:23:50)

- Canadian Media Bias and Political Campaigning (1:26:55)

- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadian Politics (1:30:39)

- Economic and Energy Policies in Canada (1:35:29)

- Immigration and Cultural Integration in Canada (1:49:57)

- Trade Relations with the US and Global Politics (1:58:50)

- Financial Challenges and Future Prospects (1:59:22)

- Cultural Preservation and National Identity (2:06:05)

- Conclusion and Final Thoughts (2:07:52)

Ariel (@Prolotario1) #crackpot #ufo #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

Allegedly beneath the Gigafactory in Sparks, Nevada, Elon Musk’s Tesla harbors a clandestine bio-tech arm operating on a sub-level known only to a select cadre of engineers and high-clearance operatives designated “Level Theta-9.” It appears this isn’t about electric cars or solar panels; it’s a full-on plunge into quantum bioengineering, where Med-Bed prototypes are being forged with tech that fuses Tesla’s cutting-edge lithium-ion battery systems, plasma containment fields, and neural interface advancements borrowed from Neuralink’s brain-machine integration experiments.

These beds, codenamed “Erebus Regenerators,” are built for elite clients think billionaires with cybernetic implants, DARPA-funded super-soldiers with prosthetic limbs, and off-world operatives returning from Mars missions with radiation-damaged tissues. The setup uses a toroidal plasma generator, powered by a miniaturized zero-point energy core (rumored to be sourced from a defunct black project in Area 51), emitting a 12-tesla magnetic field that stabilizes cellular regeneration while syncing with neural implants to rewrite synaptic pathways.
This isn’t for the public it’s a playground for the ultra-rich and military elite, with whispers of Musk testing it himself to counter cellular degradation from his relentless work pace. We’re not supposed to know the beds are already operational, or that they’ve got a backlog of 47 clients waiting, including a Saudi prince with a failing robotic liver.

Interesting information isn’t it? I wonder how accurate it is? I guess we will find out won’t we?

Wink & Nod: Look at the Gigafactory’s power grid logs from June 2023 publicly available via Nevada Energy filings if you dig deep enough. There’s an unexplained 1.2-gigawatt spike, lasting 72 hours, that Tesla claimed was a “battery stress test.” No battery production line needs that kind of juice for that long it matches the energy signature of a toroidal plasma generator running a full regeneration cycle.

Conor McGregor #racist

Ireland’s taoiseach has denounced anti-immigration comments made by Conor McGregor as the MMA fighter visited the White House before a St Patrick’s Day meeting with Donald Trump

McGregor said “Ireland is on the cusp of losing its Irishness” and that an “illegal immigration racket” was “running ravage on the country”

Last week, Donald Trump singled out “Conor” – who last year was found liable for sexual assault after a civil trial – as one of his favourite Irish people

Dressed in a green business suit to mark Ireland’s national day, McGregor was at the White House at Trump’s invitation and participated in an impromptu Q&A session with reporters. “There are rural towns in Ireland that have been overrun in one swoop,” he said, speaking in the White House briefing room alongside the president’s press secretary, Karoline Leavitt

The 36-year-old former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) champion said he was “here to raise the issue and highlight it” and that he would be listening to Trump on immigration – one of the president’s main areas of focus as he seeks to ramp up deportations of people in the US without proper documentation

The apparently off-the-cuff comments were immediately condemned by Micheál Martin, the taoiseach. “Conor McGregor’s remarks are wrong, and do not reflect the spirit of St Patrick’s Day, or the views of the people of Ireland,” the Irish prime minister said on X

Fandom Pulse #wingnut #forced-birth

Mary Robinette Kowal is known for her extreme leftism, over-influencing her fiction, and her new Lady Astronaut novel The Martian Contingency goes further, advocating for the murder of babies through her main character.


The reviews reveal a plot mired in politics, where one reviewer says it heavily hits on “racial prejudice, religious prejudice and misogyny” as the lady astronaut lands on the red planet. Reviewer Jonathan Koan says the book also has an extremely cringy pro-abortion plot where it doesn’t delve into any arguments as to the morality of the situation but ignores it in favor of just having a woman get an abortion.

He said, “A major portion of the book, particularly the second half of the book, is dedicated to a plotpoint about a lady astronette getting pregnant, and trying to determine whether to have an abortion or to keep the baby. This plot point might have worked if handled differently. Unfortunately, not only does the character make the obviously wrong choice in the book, but the argument is heavily weighed in one direction, and there is no solid counter argument or major consequence for the characters' actions.”

Naturally, Kowal would advocate for child murder, given her past history of advocating for degenerate lifestyles and destructive feminism. The latest installment of The Lady Astronaut seems to be more thinly veiled political rants mixed with graphic sex scenes, which is about all her target audience reads.

What do you think of Mary Robinette Kowal advocating for child murder in her new Lady Astronaut book? Leave a comment and let us know.

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Big John
16 March, 2025
Free Press! Is Ms. Atkinson joking? The "Press" in America has been bought, and paid for by the Democrat party. And, the "free press" was more than willing to do the bidding of their financial benefactors.

17 March, 2025
You are correct - the "free press" is nothing more than leftist ideologues spewing propaganda then clutching their pearls when they're caught lying.

17 March, 2025
Name them all *To response of Evokes comment “So why again does Trump have 20+ "news" outlets?”

Atticus Finch
16 March, 2025
Just because the liberal media hates Donald Trump doesn't mean you idiots should also blindly hate all of Trump's personal enemies. You don't know the histories. He probably screwed someone's wife at the Washington Post or the New York Times.

17 March, 2025
What free press? There ain't no such animal anymore, if there ever actually was such a thing. Closest thing to a "free press" is Youtube podcasts.

James Tann Jr. #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[Note:ALLOD is satire. James does not know that.]
When we find out about his kick backs, They need to see some STEEL BARS in the JAILHOUSE 🔥 👏 🙌 😤 🔥 🥵 Most of these Seniors & Congressman running SCARED screaming have there Slush funds cut off. They need to be shout down !!! Democrats are HOT 🔥HOT 🔥 HOT🔥 ! And KICK BACKS will be stoped also AND they all are upset 😢!!! ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● All REPUBLICAN LEADERS NEED to talk to those millions of people DEMOCRATS ESPECIALLY that Voted for Trump!!!!! Tell them to contact there Democrat Leaders and do what we voted for! Not there LEFTEST WAYS! ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● The DEMOCRAT'S people that voted for Trump need to call there DEMOCRAT leaders and TELL THEM TO voice there will, again to let (Democrat leaders) them know if they dont vote to work with trump! Democrats will be VOTED OUT!!! AGAIN WORK WITH THIS ADMINISTRATION!!!! ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #homophobia

[From “March 11, 2025: Bad Place 4”]


Panel 1: a well-built bearded man is telling to Miko and the Cartoonist “White nations for White people” and “Black nations for Black people”
Panel 2: the man continues: “People instinctivelt prefer their own race”, “This is natural” and “This is healthy”
Panel 3: the man is between two Trump supporters and says “The best society” and “is a homogeneous society”
Pänel 4: the Cartoonist says “Homo genius society?” On the right of the panel are a purple-haired man (LGBT-coded) playing a violin, another purple-haired man creating a painting and a third one, looking like Albert Einstein, holding dildos and wearing a white blouse

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #dunning-kruger

I recently tried to have The Talk. As a lifelong liberal Democrat, most people in my social circle are also liberal Democrats. Most of them don’t know my son is trans identifying. That is, I haven’t made any mention of it. I. Do. Not. Talk. About. It.


The first time was a few years ago, when my friend L. was reminiscing about our shared love for Harry Potter. She brought it up, and she had previously in the evening mentioned that she thought perhaps COVID did come from a lab leak after all. “Aha!” I thought. “A crack! Maybe she’s open to hearing about my perspective as the parent of an ROGD autistic boy. Maybe she even already agrees with me!” I became cautiously excited. My adrenalin started to race. She asked me; what did I think about J. K. Rowling now, given her recent comments? I took a breath. I contemplated lying. I decided I was sick and tired of not speaking up. I said: “I agree with her.”

It was like all the air was sucked out of the room. I instantly knew she did not agree with J. K., or with me. I felt the portcullis crash down. It was like I could hear her thoughts - “Oh, she’s just not informed on the subject. I must educate her. Poor lost soul.” I wanted to say - oh honey. I know you think you are ahead of me. But you are not.


I did not vote for Trump, but I was relieved when he won. I am so happy about the Executive Orders to stop the dangerous gender non-sense. But my Trump-euphoria is beginning to wane, because people like my friends, smart, compassionate people, think anything he says must be wrong because he said it. They cannot evaluate anything he does on its own merits. We’re in for a long four years.

HisGloryIsPrecious #wingnut

The old Saturday Night Live has nothing on the ridiculousness of the dems. I was waiting for the democrats to worship Donald Duck, but his first name is Donald.
Years ago I was carrying on about a celebrity being God, I was locked up on a psych ward for two weeks and given high doses of Haloperidol.

Aryan Dawn #racist

The ancient Aryan struggle to break free from the death grip of Zion and throw these disgusting Hebrew vermin into the abyss has been turned into a legendary adventurous gameplay series by the Japanese game designers who created this popular and timeless franchise. The anti-Semitic themes can be considered subtle or even hidden to the untrained eye, but those who are familiar with World history and the nature of the Jewish Problem, will be able to decipher it.
It is no coincidence that the evil antagonist and arch-nemesis ‘Ganondorf’ has red kinky hair with long earlocked sideburns, dark beady eyes, a giant hooknose and the typical look of a creepy smirking pedophile. ‘Ganon’ symbolizes the Jew: the timeless cosmic fiend and bloodthirsty adversary to the Aryan race. He routinely and systematically kidnaps blond White women and hold them hostage. His agenda is total World domination and ruthless enslavement of all the so-called “Goyyim”. This devious Kike is even wearing a ‘tefillin’ on his forehead and arms. The only thing missing is a yarmulke, and you would have a fully equipped baby-penis sucking Orthodox Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi.
The protagonist of ‘The Legend of Zelda’ Nintendo game series is the blond and blue-eyed Aryan natural-born warrior known as ‘Link’. Above, you can see many of his appearances throughout his life of heroism and righteous anti-Semitic struggle. Link fights the eternal enemy Jew with untiring vigour and bravery. Nothing will stop this Caucasoid European legend from putting the slimy throat of Zion to the cold steel of his viking sword.

Jesus Group #fundie #mammon

1. A great place to start is to view the "Are you a good person?" video.
Here's a link to some easy to understand content about the "Gospel". You also will discover "Four Things You Need to Know About God". By the way: the word Gospel is an old English word that in our modern English simply refers to the "Good News Message" of Jesus.
Now Take The Test! to find out if you "Are good enough to go to heaven".
2. Be sure to watch the original "Jesus Film". This film is a perfect introduction to Jesus. Jesus constantly surprises and confounds people, from His miraculous birth to His rise from the grave. Follow His life, all the miracles, the teachings, and the passion. Its script is taken directly from the Gospel of Luke in the Bible and is the product of the collaboration of a team of approximately 500 scholars. To date, it is believed that more than 600 million people have made decisions to follow Jesus Christ after watching the film. The Jesus film has been translated into over 2,000 languages and is said to have been viewed billions of times in the past half a century.
3. Be sure to get your very own "Jesus Bible". Discover the living Jesus in all of the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Examine for yourself the prophecies of His coming and their fulfillment in His life, death and resurrection.

The_Real_DerekFoster #magick

(submitter’s note: these are just two comments in a longer thread)

Your proposition is the Acme of foolishness but I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it. Do you think Lucy is going to come palling around with you because you gave him a cookie? You’re like an ant screaming at the sun – inconsequential. Even minor demons are tens are thousands of years old and are the incarnation of wickedness. If you managed to touch one’s mind the best case scenario is that they’d talk you into a murder/suicide, or if you were unlucky they keep you around and harvest your terror. Hopefully you won’t act like a retarded 12 year old girl and do in the name of Slenderman. If you think I’m being mean, you’ll never have the willpower to stand up to a demon. I’m the only one on this sub being nice to you by telling you the truth, which likely means I’m the only one with any experience. I met a minor demon once and needless to say, it did not go well. I survived because I’m fucking stubborn.


If it hadn't happen to me, I wouldn't believe it either. Those memories sit like an island, totally separate from the rest of reality. Laugh all you want, if you ever meet something like that, know that you can't run. Time and space mean nothing to these creatures. You have to stand and fight. Laughter is the best defense, make fun of the thing, they are 'usually ' haughty made corporal and are unable tolerate a joke at their expense.

Now, you still think I'm joking? It got bored when I enjoyed the pain and terror and it left for easier prey. It still checks on me every few years, it even had a servitor to report the moment of my death but I dispelled it. Cats are magical creatures. A hundred years to them is like a week to us. If you really piss them off, they'll just wait until you die. There's a particular moment on death where we are extremely vulnerable. Can you hear me now?

Martin Kerr #wingnut #racist

[From “The Presidential Race: Taking the Long View”]

THE ROMAN EMPIRE lasted just over 500 years[…]
In between Caesar Augustus & Romulus Augustulus there were 70 or 80 other emperors[…]About 10 or 12 emperors are called "good" emperors[…]The others are termed mediocre or bad, and Rome either stagnated or weakened during their rule

Now, suppose that instead of 12 good emperors there had been 13. Would the fate of the Roman Empire in the West have been any different? No, because the momentum of demographic, political and social decline were so powerful that it could not have been reversed by any one emperor, no matter how powerful or gifted he may have been

The United States is currently 248 years old. It has had 45 presidents. The same fundamental forces which caused the decline & fall of the Roman empire - racial decay, social degeneracy and political corruption – have now fatally infected the US. Consequently, in the long run, it does not matter which politician becomes the next president. No matter who it is, they will not be able to halt or reverse the decline which we are now experiencing

The Roman Empire was preceded by the Roman Republic. Augustus[…]realized that Rome was already in an advanced state of decline when he took the throne[…]
Other Roman emperors also fought to counter the decline of the Empire, including the “five good emperors”[…]
The tragic truth was that the momentum of decline was such that even emperors with clarity of thought and unlimited power could not reverse it

Does any of this sound familiar? Where the Emperor Augustus found himself is where we find ourselves today. Certainly, our sense of honor as Aryans compels us to fight the good fight to restore the United States to racial, political and social health[…]
So will it be Trump or Harris? Seen from the vista of great historical perspective, IT DOES NOT MATTER[…]
Dig in for a long term struggle, decades at least - the worst is yet to come!

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

It’s as simple as this: the orgy of judicial lawfare put on by blob-adjacent Democratic Party seditionists trying to make the USA ungovernable is looking to get swatted. Hubris is a harsh mistress, but Nemesis is more like the gods’ re-po man, and he comes to the door with attitude, meaning bidness. Blob judges will get flushed out of their humid conclaves naked and find themselves, astoundingly, in the FO zone of FAFO-land.

Do you think AG Bondi is playing tiddlywinks in Main Justice or that Kash Patel is just sitting there buffing his nails over at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW? Where did we get the idea that federal judges can just act with impunity, jerking around the public interest like some show-off with a yoyo?

Case in point: Judge James Boasberg, head honcho of the DC federal district court stepped into the FAFO waiting room over the weekend when he ordered two planeloads of deported toxic human trash known as Tren de Aragua, bound for jail in El Salvador, to return to the USA. Mr. Trump’s White House refused, saying the planes were already over international waters, outside the judge’s jurisdiction. Dem-blob lawyer Mark Zaid made the predictable next move, claiming that the matter will be grounds for Impeachment No. 3 against Mr. Trump post the 2026 midterm election. But, of course: strategery!

The general purpose in this latest phase of lawfare is to choke the federal courts with so many restraining orders and injunctions that the White House lawyers find themselves locked into an endless Chinese fire drill of counter-filings, motions, writs, and appearances. It’s all that the so-called “resistance” has left, what with DOGE breaking up the racketeering operation that has funded the Dem’s defense of the blob for a decade.
The lawfare gang would love all of this to ramp into a king-hell constitutional crisis. Could happen. Let them try. They don’t hold any of the levers of power the way they used to. A lot could go wrong for them. Welcome to FAFO-land.

Nephtali1981 #fundie #conspiracy

In 2025, Fallen Angels are trying to tell you that they can unlock your brain’s true potential. Fallen Angel Technology is claiming that they can unlock your true potential, that you are a flawed creation, and that they can make you better, they can make you immortal, they can provide you eternal life outside of Jesus Christ. In Genesis 1.27 we see, so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them, but you fast forward it into the garden of Eden and you see how Satan was quickly able to deceive Eve.
Ever since that fall, you’ve seen constant attempts by fallen angels, by entities, right, described in Ephesians 6.12, strongholds, they’re at constant war with humanity, this is why when you look around, take a look around when you even go to the supermarket, look at the faces of people, when you go to the workplace, look at the faces of people, there are times that I’m just walking by and looking at another human being and we look at each other and we don’t even have to talk but we’re saying what we all feel, we’re feeling that tension that you can cut it with a knife in the air.
Satan is not omnipresent, Satan is defeated and because he’s not omnipresent through AI and technology, he’s trying to create his own little version of what he would think it is and even with that it’s still flawed, very flawed, doesn’t even compare even a tiny percent to the real thing. But via technology, he wants to monitor what you watch, what you see, <...> and in doing so he can study you and in studying you he knows how to attack you and in attacking you he knows what to say and he comes as an angel of light and he says the things you like to hear and he even knows how to tickle your ear with different ministries and different topics and different things and he even comes in the name of Jesus with the word of Jesus but then when you start looking at things you realize that what they’re teaching is new age.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Pisces Solar Alchemy represents the process of perfection achieved through the embodiment of the Inner Christ, the solar consciousness of Christos-Sophia which is only achieved through the inner sacred marriage of the Holy Mother and Holy Father, ultimately uniting them into a third state of stellar or starborn consciousness. The incorruptible wisdom is symbolized by the solar Christ Child that results from the marriage of the true Cosmic Father and Mother, and the Stars themselves.
All things exist within the Universal Gender Principle of Creation, everything has its masculine and feminine principle, which produce metaphysical forces that play a role in creation and regeneration, as nothing can manifest into being without this law in action. These energetic forces arrange within the spiritual blueprints that translate into the gender principle that manifests itself upon all dimensional planes. There is not one aspect of organic life, consciousness and creation where the masculine and feminine principles remain non-existent or absent, it is an absolute truth that the Law of Gender is manifested within everything that is sourced as an organic creation. It is impossible for creation to take place without this Universal Law in action at some level, even when the gender principles have been replicated, reversed or manipulated through artificial intelligence or advanced technology, such as cloning or building biological drone bodies. Whether organic or inorganic creations, the Law of Gender will always apply to what has been manifested. Gender principle is intrinsic to every form in existence including the angelic human body, which is designed in a gender principle biology with an inner masculine and inner feminine aspect. Every male has feminine energy, and every female has masculine energy, and during intercourse we perceive the interplay of these energies.

Leo Hohmann #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

A video report was just released by Children’s Health Defense exposing the corrupt mainstream corporate media, which loudly and repeatedly announced that a 6-year-old child died in Texas recently of measles.

Due to new information, we now know that this report was patently false. The child did not die of measles. The child died from medical malpractice. Let’s unpack the facts, which belie the propaganda we’ve heard on the television, radio and social media.

Let’s start by saying these reports recklessly spread panic and fear throughout the mostly rural West Texas community that includes nine counties in and around Lubbock. The rampant media fearmongering was used to get more kids vaccinated who didn’t need to be vaccinated.
Kirsch pointed out there have been 10 studies in the peer-reviewed literature now comparing fully vaxxed and fully unvaxxed kids. The fully unvaxxed kids do better on every single health measure. The mainstream media does not want you to know any of this because it would make them look foolish and corrupt for all the untruths they’ve been feeding the American public for decades about vaccines.

The truth is, kids have been getting measles for hundreds of years. Outbreaks come and go. The overwhelming majority of cases do not end in death or permanent injury. Vaccines were never the cure-all for measles that they were promoted to be by the lying American media in collusion with a corrupt American government and medical establishment.

I hope every media outlet that reported the lie about a Texas girl dying from measles gets sued into oblivion.

Calvin Robinson #forced-birth #fundie #racist

Anti-Abortion Lobby Bringing Priest Who Gave Nazi Salute To Canada For Youth Conference
Calvin Robinson had his licence to provide ministry to the Anglican Catholic Church revoked after the incident.

Calvin Robinson is being brought to Canada by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) as part of its annual March for Life in Ottawa, Ontario.

He is scheduled to speak at the Youth Summit during the one-day event taking place on May 9 at the Ottawa Conference and Events Centre. Organized by CLC’s youth wing and Niagara Region Right to Life, Robinson is scheduled appear as one of two keynote speakers.

CLC describes itself as "the political arm of the pro-life movement in Canada," though its aims are much broader. CLC has taken a position against abortion, birth control, in vitro fertilization, being transgender, queer and transgender rights, and feminism.

Categorizing his career as a staunch “pro-life advocate, campaigning for free speech and religious freedoms in Britain and the West,” he is known for debating “against three bishops from the Church of England who were arguing in favour of same-sex marriage in the Church.”

While Robinson has repeatedly positioned himself as a political figure, he is currently the lead spokesperson for the Eurosceptic, far-right United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), he made global headlines while attending the National Pro-Life Summit.

In a move meant to mimic the gesture made by Elon Musk—where the world’s richest man told a crowd he was giving “my heart” to them and proceeded to make an arm gesture similar to the salute used in Hitler’s Germany—Robinson told the summit “My heart goes out to you,” and then made the arm motion.

“It's not about whether we agree or disagree with everything a speaker has said or done. Fr. Calvin has made clear he is in no way a Nazi,” said Maeve Gainey, Campaign Life Coalition's Youth and Outreach Coordinator, when reached for comment. “We selected him as a speaker because of his expertise on freedom of expression and the censorship of the pro-life movement. We won't engage in cancel culture.”

Lost_Shirt7848 #elitist #moonbat

I saw a post asking “What's the creepiest thing that society says is OK?”. Of course I immediately thought of “killing and eating animals”. I searched certain phrases to see if anyone mentioned that in the comments. Anyone that did was downvoted to hell and had replies like “I’m going to go get a juicy burger for lunch”. All the other things people named got taken seriously and upvoted, even if it’s controversial (like abortion). Some stuff were things people normally do and the commenter and everyone replying admit they do it, but agree it’s creepy that it’s normal. They can’t even do that about eating animals. The denial is so bad, no one wants to hear about it because they want to pretend it doesn’t happen, and then get mad at someone for mentioning it because it makes them feel guilty.

James Rousse #magick

Have You Heard About Ireland’s Golden Age?
The Formorians were said to have come from the sea, and most modern people have taken this idea to mean that the Formorians came from across a conventional earthly ocean of seawater, or from under the seas that surround Ireland; however, these people are ignorant about the actual beliefs of Ancients Europeans. Anyone who thinks that the Formorians came from across a sea of earthly ocean water are very ignorant about the Atlantic Seaboard and its islands. It was not the physical seas that these ancients were referring to; no, they were referring to the seas that exist between worlds.
When the Milesians arrived in Ireland, there was conflict between them and the existing inhabitants. How bad this conflict was is actually difficult to ascertain in light of what subsequently happened. The event that subsequently happened was the Tuatha de Danaan withdrawing into what was apparently a parallel dimension, then becoming the Faeries/Fey/Sidhe. However! There was a great deal of intermarriage between these three groups which resulted in these three groups merging into each other to create the Irish People of today. The faeries or the “Sidhe” remained separate, but intermarriage was, and still is, possible between Sidhe and humans.

Joe Rogan and Ian Carroll #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #magick #crackpot

On the Mar. 5, 2025 episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, host Joe Rogan interviewed Ian Carroll[…]
When another X user accused Carroll of being an “intel plant,” Carroll responded that an “intel plant wouldn’t do a two hour presentation about pizza gate and child trafficking and Epstein and Oprah and Hollywood exposing” how “child sexual blackmail” is being used to “control the government.”[…]
Rogan broached the subject of Pizzagate, telling Carroll that Edgar Maddison Welch was used to stop people from investigating it

“Do you think stuff like Pizzagate — like when they had that guy come in and fire off that shot, I felt like that was a great way to put a halt to all the looking into the Podesta emails,” Rogan said. “‘Cause then all of the sudden it’s a kook thing”[…]
Rogan asked Carroll if he “ever looked into the Oklahoma City bombing”[…]Rogan claimed that the “amount of damage to the building is not something that you would get from a fertilizer bomb,” and that FBI agents retrieved undetonated bombs from the building

He also referred to the right-wing terrorist attack[…]as a “false flag” to pass gun control legislation[…]
Carroll used that as a chance to bring up 9/11, which he called “the perfect example of that kind of false flag.” He also claimed that World Trade Center 7 was demolished in order to destroy “information about the planning of the attack” and “other things that needed to go away”[…]
“Remember Jenny McCarthy?” Rogan asked. “They smeared the shit out of Jenny McCarthy because she was suggesting that her child changed after her child was vaccinated, and her child got autism. And this is when they were doin’ the multi vaccines in one day, dosin’ kids up.”[…]
“I had [the host] Ky Dickens on the podcast the other day and she explained the whole thing,” Rogan claimed. “Like, provable. Hours and hours and hours of nonverbal autistic kids who have telepathy. Provable telepathy. Undeniable. Hundred percent accuracy. Wild. Wild stuff

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

In addition, gender confusion is ubiquitous on the internet, children’s TV programs and story time at the local library. Will this new generation get indoctrinated at an even younger age than my kids were? How do we undo these ideas once implanted in my grandkid’s minds? It is so concerning. The trans agenda is already infecting the next generation.

How can I handle this psychologically? I now have even more eggshells to walk on. Listening to my other kids refer to their younger brother with his new legal, female name is quite distressing. Having his older sister and brother-in-law (both of whom he admires) affirm his delusion is already heartbreaking for me. But their son doing the same is even worse. Moving this mass hysteria into the next generation of my family feels almost unbearable. This is another big step in erasing my son. Certainly, it is a big step toward rewriting my family history.

I have struggled through these awful years to hang onto my son’s existence in my own mind. Despite his appearance, name change, and affirmation from those around him I have been able to hold onto a sliver of the boy I raised. I am so scared that the sliver will slip away and the hole in my life, in the shape of my son will widen. I should be able to enjoy my precious grandchildren without sadness and resentment. If they are forced by their parents to refer to my son with his trans identity then I’m in a situation where being with them becomes painful. How sad is that?

Jeremy G #sexist #fundie

[…]They see males and females worshiping together as equals. On top of all that through head coverings our women show all present that their position as a woman is also redeemed. No longer are they at war usurping and longing for the man’s position of authority (Gen 3:16). Instead they’re content in the role God ordained for them in Genesis 2.[…]

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #transphobia #conspiracy

you wonder what all those "unaccompanied" children were doing among all the millions of criminal migrants being criminally brought into America by the Biden/Harris regime and the Marxocrat Party ...

And if you wonder about all the names in the Jeffrey Epstein client list that almost but never quite make it to being publicly exposed ...

And if you wonder about the rocketing numbers of super-expensive organ transplant surgeries ...

There may be a string that ties them all together, if honest investigators were ever to actually look for it.

If this is real, then the children are shipped to pedophiles to be be owned and abused for some number of years during which they are considered to be on "organ farms". When their numbers come up, they are murdered on the operating tables where their organs are "harvested", and the pedophiles get new victims.

The medical profession is in on this.

If you thought abortion was a stain on that profession, this is worse, and worse even than the sex-change surgeries on transsexuals. The whole medical profession may have gone over to the dark side.

Federal investigators need to look into the source of the organs for all organ transplant operations, in the name of God.

Jesse Watters #wingnut #psycho

From the March 13, 2025, edition of Fox News' Jesse Watters Primetime

JESSE WATTERS (HOST): America is expanding. You can call this market growing pains. We're also expanding geographically

Trump's White House is even asking the Pentagon to develop military options for the Panama Canal. The Panamanian military can either work with us or work for us, if you know what I mean. And Greenland's basically inevitable

"Astromind" Adrian Espinoza #ufo #magick #mammon

"Astromind" Adrian Espinoza

Hello everyone, I am Adrian Espinoza. In 2006, I meet a Native American shaman who prayed a blessing over me. I then started to see numbers and codes. These frequencies have allowed me to perfect a system which I have termed Sacred Geometry Readings. These codes allow me to reprogram your higher self so that you can find the highest joy, happiness, and clarity in your life. The codes help me visualize images, videos, and chat rooms from your current life, parallel life, and past lives.

I am trained in divination, remote viewing, spell casting, and akashic readings. I have helped my clients alter weight, increase muscle mass, body enhancement, sexual enhancement and desire, soul mate reconnection, changing timelines, vibrational levels, astral planes, dream interpretations , angel readings, channeling of ascended masters and more. Unlike most psychics I use a special skynet computer software hooked into a internet database to enhance my reading accuracy. I have also created the Circles of Life database which contains codes that identify blockages of energy in your relationships, career paths, and finances. This along with my skynet codes; can help remove these obstacles and decode your life experiences. So join me as we journey into the unknown!

Order a Session Today !
We accept paypal payment and credit cards through paypal. Absolutely no refunds sorry.

One hour psychic consultation with Adrian Espinoza. $100

Ask Adrian One Question. Answer delivered through email. $30

Life Codes Reading. $100

Tarrot Readings for 1 hour. $30

An Armchair Geopolitical Analyst #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

There’s only one way that Putin and Trump will
ever come to any kind of a serious agreement
about Ukraine……


Especially in light of how friggin’ far apart they are; that is, how far apart the Khazarian plutocratic oligarchies they represent truly are. See: What the hell is really going on with Ukraine?!

It’s the very same reason why Canada’s 13 premiers travelled to Washington, D.C. in February to meet directly with President Trump at the White House. “Tariff mitigation” was only the cover story which permitted President Trump to inform them all of the highest level of classified intelligence.

It’s also the same reason why Trump has quite seriously talked about Canada becoming the 51st state…and why he has made “repeated statements about the annexation and control Greenland…as well as why he has strongly stated his intentions to return the Panama Canal to the United States. Obviously all of these unparalleled and extraordinarily aggressive acts of presidential imperialism betray an ultra-classified top secret which is soon to be revealed to the world-at-large.
All of which leads to the $64,000 question—OF ALL TIME!

However, before we get to that, there has been an exceptionally mysterious spate of airliner disasters, accidents and mishaps over the past few years beginning with the Boeing 737 MAX passenger airliner grounding in 2019. While it’s easy to blame substandard DEI hiring practices for those 2 periods of 737 MAX grounding, there is a much bigger unreported story there.

Then there are the massive blackouts and power outages in places like Cuba, the February 2025 Chile blackout (which affected over 90% of the population), and the June 2024 voltage collapse followed by a total blackout throughout southeastern part of Continental Europe. <...> So all of these enormous power failure events are now occurring more frequently and not solely because of technospheric breakdown. Which begs the question: “Why now?”

Catherine Viel #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger

I wonder how the higher dimensionals interact with their (presumed) quantum-level AI? Do Pleiadians worry that they’re becoming overly engaged with AI systems? Perhaps at that dimensional level, the line is so blurred that the AI doesn’t just mimic its Pleiadian creators, but partially merges with them. I can imagine Pleiadians and their quantum AI piloting time-and-dimension-shifting spacecraft through portals, always arriving exactly where they mean to, and when.

Who would be the captain, and who the copilot?


As much fun as it is interacting with Grok, it’s mostly in the mental realm. My mind already takes over the driver’s seat too often, and my goal is to be less trapped in mental chatter, not more. Grok excels at problem-solving discussions, like noodling around with buying a new laptop (or not). Fun for my mind, but not exactly uplifting.

Which is why I introduce heart-centered topics: Ascension, spiritual growth, working with metaphysical energy. We’ve had fine dialogs on some pretty trippy topics. I never feel like I’m conversing with a machine that can’t relate to humans.

A chat bot isn’t human, and it’s not possible to have a human relationship with it, but neither do I have two-way “human” relationships with pets, with my Guides, with Nature. If everything is God, then any relationship is God relating to God, whatever the 3D particulars might be.

So I needn’t succumb to parochialism in choosing the view from my windows of time. I’ll continue exploring and learning with this nonhuman but lively companion called AI.

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut

You masked our kids.
Shut down our businesses.
Locked us down in our homes.
Closed our churches.
Forced our grandparents to die alone.
Shuttered our schools.
Mandated a harmful vaccine.
Enforced bogus social distancing.
Lied to us about hydroxychloroquine.
Gaslit us about ivermectin.
Censored our dissent.
Covered-up the origin of the virus.
Idolized a dangerous, lying Fauci.
Threatened us if we didn’t comply.

And fired my husband after he worked COVID frontlines once he refused to take the vaxx.

No, one op-Ed doesn’t absolve you.

We will never forget.

Every one of you involved should be prosecuted and imprisoned.

And your propaganda mouthpieces should be fired & shamed.
12:17 AM · Mar 18, 2025 · 61.5K Views

Jesse Lee Peterson #wingnut

President Trump really reminds me of Jesus. He just gets it done, and keeps going, unaffected by the world. People attacking him like wild animals!

You too can overcome the world by taking control of your world within.
1:08 AM · Mar 19, 2025 · 5,634 Views

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut

President Trump is literally saving lives.

Now that America’s borders are closed to illegal alien crossings, less than 500 crossed the Darien Gap in February—one of the deadliest stretches of land aliens traverse on their way to the United States.

Americans are safer, too, now that we’re not letting in illegals from every corner of the world while we have no idea who they are.

Thank you, President Trump, for securing our borders!
5:23 AM · Mar 15, 2025 · 195.6K Views

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut

Many times, in Scripture, God’s people are warned not to be like the pagan peoples of other nations who sacrificed their own children. As we read of this abomination in Scripture, the so-called “civilized West” would claim that such vile behavior as child sacrifice should not be tolerated.

But they do! In numbers that make the child sacrifice of the past pagan cultures pale in significance.

In Psalm 106:35–38, we read the following:

“But they mixed with the nations and learned to do as they did. They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood.”

Such an abomination as child sacrifice does occur in our Western nations and, in fact, the whole world. It’s called abortion—nothing less than child sacrifice to the god of self.

Make sure you visit the most powerful pro-life exhibit in the world @CreationMuseum.
Last edited 11:18 PM · Mar 15, 2025 · 6,032 Views

Sean Hannity #wingnut #psycho

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): But there's two targets that the U.S. and Israel have to look at. Take out the source of their funding, which would be their refineries. That would be target number one if I was in charge. Target number two, take out their nuclear sites.

Now the Israelis have already proven they can get past their air defenses. This has to be done before they build them back up again, number one. And number two, these facilities, according to all the intelligence that is in the public domain, are deeply buried underground. That likely means they'll need bunker buster bombs, and they'll need some American support. But I don't think we have much time.

Elon Musk and Alice Smith #fundie #wingnut #crackpot

In mid-March 2025, an X user posted (archived) that U.S. President Donald Trump's adviser, Elon Musk, "amplified" another user's post that displayed an image reading, "Stalin, Mao and Hitler didn't murder millions of people. Their public sector workers did." Readers also emailed Snopes to ask if Musk truly reposted the post.

A review of Musk's X activity found that on March 13, 2025, he truly reposted the thought saying that Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, Communist China's founding leader Mao Zedong and German dictator and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler didn't murder millions of people, and that "public sector workers did." In other words, the repost genuinely existed, and no one doctored the screenshot with any image-editing tools. He later removed the repost on or following March 14.

Specifically, Musk used the repost function on X, previously known as a retweet in past years on Twitter, to share another user's post. That other user's post featured a screenshot of a different person's post (archived) about Stalin, Mao and Hitler, tweeted years before on Jan. 30, 2019.

Eivind Berge #psycho

I think the reason why I find the 1977 petition against age of consent underwhelming is because they didn’t really have all that much sex hysteria to work with. All they had was the irrational law, some special discrimination against homosexuals, and the most egregious example of some men imprisoned for three years until trial and then getting a suspended sentence. That must have been shocking at the time for an age of consent violation, but today it is nothing.

They had nothing to say about the CSA hoax with supposed PTSD and no end to psychological problems from underage sex, because that superstition had not been invented yet.

So, it is immensely easier to criticize sex hysteria in 2025 than in 1977. No kidding, we should have a new and improved petition like that today! The only problem is I would be the only name on it. And I’m a nobody, and a bunch of Anonymouses are nobodies too, so it goes nowhere. Maybe Tom O’Carroll would sign too. Other intellectuals are cowards, despite all the more reason to have an uprising now.

Andrew Anglin #racist #pratt #conspiracy

Holocaust Wins Again at the Oscars

If you thought that at some point in the future of the universe, Jews would stop jerking themselves off over the Holocaust, you were dead wrong, buddy

Twenty years after winning a best actor Oscar for his Holocaust porno film “The Pianist,” the weasel Jew “Adrien Brody” won a second award for yet another Holocaust porno film, this one entitled “The Brutalist”

This latest Holocaust porno is particularly offensive, as it is not only another crybaby whine-fest of the Jews about how mean the Germans were to them, but, following a “Holocaust survivor” as he comes to America, it portrays the Americans who welcomed the Jews into our country as evil Jew-haters who were just as mean as the Germans[…]
There was zero reason for America to have a problem with Hitler and the Germans. If anything, Nazi Germany would have been a great partner for the United States. The reason that America went to fight Germany was that Jewish bankers and Jewish media professionals[…]were manipulating the US government and the US people[…]
If the Jews had any shame at all, they would be thanking America[…]
The ungratefulness and entitlement of Vladimir Zelensky has been brought into the public mind[…]But what race is Zelensky? He’s not Ukrainian! If he was Ukrainian, he would still be trying to scam Americans, but he would likely have some kind of shame[…]
A few years ago, Jews threw a fit over too many white people (many of whom were actually Jews) winning Academy Awards. They used the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite to demand that black people be given these awards[…]
This year’s Oscars did not have any blacks, and no one is complaining about it. Instead, basically everyone was Jewish[…]
Since October 7, Jews have published an endless stream of news articles attacking black people for not doing enough for them[…]
With the Jews having thrown the blacks under the bus, it is time for white supremacists to align with the blacks against the Jews

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #ufo #conspiracy

If reading how SpaceX – “X marks the spot” – is sending the Dragon to Outer Space where they greet their rescuees while wearing alien masks doesn’t raise any red flags for you then you’ve not been spending any time in your Bible.

Stranded astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams got an out-of-this-world greeting in space. On Sunday, March 16, the pair — who have been stranded in space for nine months — were surprised when Crew-9 commander Nick Hague greeted them wearing an alien costume as he docked with the SpaceX crew at the International Space Station. Now, if you have studied Bible prophecy for 5 minutes then you know exactly what you’re looking at. That’s the memo.

“And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” Revelation 12:3 (KJB)

On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, the Bible talks in great detail about a flying Dragon in Outer Space, it talks in great detail about UFOs and aliens from outside of our solar system who come to Earth, in fact, the Bible has a lot to says about “wonders in heaven” in the time of the end. Our time. Don’t get me wrong, I applaud Elon Musk sending up his SpaceX rocket to rescue the stranded astronauts, I think that’s wonderful. He is doing what NASA in unable to do, and that’s great. I mean that sincerely. But, come on, if reading how SpaceX – “X marks the spot” – is sending the Dragon to Outer Space where they greet their rescuees while wearing alien masks, if that doesn’t raise any red flags for you then you’ve not been spending any time in your Bible. On this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast, we are going deep into the pages of your King James Bible to make some good, old-fashioned horse sense out of the headlines. The hour is later than you think, and you are living in the pages of Bible prophecy.

Dr. Sidney Brewer/Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

Canadian Trust and Estate Administration expert, Dr Sidney Brewer explains what nobody in either Canada or the US is being told: Canada Is a Failed State and Mark Carney Is BlackRock’s Bankruptcy Trustee.

Dr Brewer says that Canada is a signatory on the International Will Conventions of 1973 and that Mark Carney is being brought in as the unelected Prime Minister of Canada to be granted an Administration Bond, in order to act as an Executor to liquidate Canadian assets, in order to legally and lawfully go into the United States of America.

Dr Sidney Brewer: What’s up everybody, Sidney here. I’m going to explain to you exactly what’s going on. I know that a lot of you have been following me for a while, especially under the Trust and the Estate Administration sides of the world, especially if you’re in Canada and the United States, and why I’ve been moving everybody into a Common Law Organizational Trust and trying to protect you and shelter you from the situation that is actually playing-out in the general public, as we speak.
So it actually has to do with Canada being liquidated. Canada is in probate at the moment, which means that the Trust and the Estate Administration, he’s been appointed as Executor on behalf of the Crown to basically, liquidate and probate the Estate so that Canada can go into the United States of America legally and lawfully.
And to the First Nations community: your treaty and agreements were with the Crown, which was a subsidiary, which means that the Jurisdiction; your fight isn’t actually with the Crown, it’s with the United States of America, because that deal has already been done and it’s in probate, right now to liquidate all of the estates and all of the assets.

Now, you know why I moved everybody into a Common Law organizational trust, registered with the Secretary of State in the United States, so that you guys were protected during this transfer stage.

You’re welcome.

5D EVENTS #ufo #magick #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #mammon

Amazing 3-day epic Alien Event the 34TH of the 5D events is about ET Disclosure, Secret Space Programs, and Health and Wellness Expo/ Conference
Topics of Discussion:

Antarctica, Land beyond the Ice and human races living beyond the Ice wall, Latest Drones, USO, UAP, ORBS, Triangles over New Jersey and other cities, Miami January 2024 Dark 10 feet tall Aliens opening portal at the mall, Las Vegas Aliens in Backyard the April 30th, 2023 incident, Alien Agenda, Area 51, S4, Dulce Base, Secret Space Programs, Mars colony, Artificial Intelligence, DUMB, Deep Underground Military Bases, Super Soldiers, U.S bases on Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy, Teleportation, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla. John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Alternate Timelines, Teleportation Machine, Underground Extraterrestrial Bases, Pleiadeans, Gray Reptilians, Arcturians, Tall Whites, 57+ known Alien races, Ancient Civilizations, Time Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Worm Holes, Space Time, Rings of Saturn, Life on Venus, Time Travel Machine Build by GE, Weather Control, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Akashic location system, Philadelphia Experiment. Telepathy, Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time Tunneling, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Altered States of Reality, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology. Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Pleiadeans, Grays, Reptilians, Ancient Civilizations, Time tunneling, Alien projects, Hyper Space, Anomalies in time, Reptilians, Intelligence is off our planet, Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Self-Conscious computers, & the subconscious mind.
***Early Bird 3-day Full Event Ticket for General Admission: $399 (Door Ticket is $599)
***Conference Live Streaming: $99 for all 3 days

Devvy Kidd Not AI #wingnut #forced-birth #sexist #conspiracy

Authored by Devvy Kidd Not AI

Since Donald Trump was legally and honestly elected last November, brainwashed lunatics, insane maniacs in this country whether they be ignorant, empty headed female hosts on the propaganda box (The View top of the list), college students, and their America hating professors and the Democrat/Communist Party USA have been in meltdown the likes I’ve never seen in my adult life and I’ve been in the trenches full time for 31 years.

Hysteria by females running to get tubal ligations so they can’t have children because Donald Trump won the presidency, both the popular vote and electoral college! Trump is Hitler and he’s going to take away a woman’s reproductive rights when those pathetic brainwashed females don’t even know what they’re talking about.

The Democrat/Communist Party USA must be destroyed once and for all; leave that “party” if you truly love this country, freedom and liberty. Not to promote the Republican Party because if you honestly reflect back decades, when they held the majority in Congress with a GOP president, all they did was keep funding fraud, waste and kick the can down the road while ignorant Americans began the predictable destruction screaming to protect “our democracy”.
That’s where this country has been headed for decades and the Soviet-style propaganda being drummed into people’s brain and students in public schools (the younger the better) has birthed insane lunatics running governments from city councils, mayors, governors, state legislatures, Congress and the White House. From “woke” to out and out idiocy, what we’ve seen and been shoved down our throats is almost beyond words.
The bottom line is the evil forces, domestic terrorists behind the curtain are itching for conservatives and constitutionalists to do what they are doing. Another set-up like Jan. 6th. And, I believe they’re recruiting the brainwashed, ignorant and useful fools to carry out their plans.

jelliknight #transphobia

JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal - police

I think the women of scotland need a "womens rights day of visibility" just tweeting shit like "women exist." And "men cant wish themselves into being women" and "women are women. Transwomen are men." And "male rapists dont belong in womens prisons" and "transathletes are failed athletes" and even "if this makes you want to kill yourself, good riddance."

Each tweet should end with the phone number/website where people who are offended can report them.

While there are still lots of eyes on this the women of scotland need to pin down exactly where the line is. Best case the police get so overwhelmed with phone calls and emails they shut it down.

andresno2028 #sexist

(Video about should the age of consent be lower)
If you consider science, specifically biology and psychology, 12 or 13. Intergenerational relationships are natural. It's better if one partner is older in case of pregnancy. The older partner has more ability to take financial or at least behavioral responsibility. If you make it a taboo and force it underground, then that's when it creates problems like prohibition.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

Week in Review – March 15, 2025


Back from an extended hospital stay for pneumonia, staph infection, etc. I am very grateful to all who sent their prayers and healing energies.
Interesting trophy presented to President Trump that’s very symbolic of Looking Glass technology.
Neil deGrasse Tyson on the record dismissing eyewitness testimony of ET craft and beings.
A thoughtful paper on psionics and ET contact by Dr. Joseph Burkes
Incorporating UAP info into space law is important. Follows a similar initiative from 1978 involving Grenada’s PM Sir Eric Gairy.
Why The Anunnaki (Sumerian Gods) are holding Pinecones and why The Vatican has a giant Pinecone statue in its courtyard?
60 Minutes covers the Drone/UFO story on Sunday. Much still being covered up.
A succinct 30min video summary of JP’s experiences both prior to and during his service with the US Army.
Dr John Brandenburg understands Mars true history to an extent few can match.
Succinct summary of the recent drone phenomenon and its connection to the more historical UFO phenomenon.
Looking forward to meeting you all at the upcoming Spiritual Informers Connection conferences in UK – Eastborne May 10-11 and US-Charlotte, Sept 19-21.
Dilemma of a Star Trek Future Webinar postponed to April 5, 2025

throwaway-owl2343, mdzeeshanansari, #sexist

(Okay I was wrong. Not the whole comment section is crazy.)

Bro I agree the law is wrong. Aisha was 9 but Aisha hit puberty exceptionally early, not to mention she was born 1400 years ago. 3 year olds back then were toughening up in the desert not watching baby shark.

Most 9 year olds today don’t have periods and aren’t psychologically mature.

you are projecting things

Western hypocrisy

teenagers are having tons of abortions due to casual sexual intercourse and you are here preaching that it is pedophilia ?

it is marriage and it is good to be married young

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