Michael Dalene #wingnut #sexist msn.com
The Court has NO LEGAL RIGHT to decide "what is best for the people."
--- The Courts MUST make decisions based upon the language and INTENT of the law when it was made, which would NULLIFY 99% of everything the US gov IS Today!
--- The US Constitution can ONLY BE CHANGED THROUGH THE AMENDMENT PROCESS, not through reimaginations of Intent and redefining language.
--- Laws MUST be assessed using the language and legislative Intent of the period in which that law was made/passed.
--- Judges are PROHIBITED from 'interpretating' laws.
@Holly Silver
"Morals and the constitution seem to be interpreted by the times."
And just as Blacks were NOT citizens of the Union back in 1788 when the Constitution was ratified, Women are NOT Citizens today!
--- Black Males were granted citizenship 'privileges and immunities' under the 14th Amendment.
NEVER has an Amendment been Ratified giving women of any race, citizenship.
If the SCOTUS abides by Its Oath,
It will Prohibit all females from voting or holding any Office under the United States on the grounds that they are NOT US citizens.