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LordDuckzz21 #sexist

Women are literally the most privileged people to have ever existed. Women literally spend their whole lives never having to work for anything. They don't need to get a job because daddy and their boyfriend/husband finances their whole life. The only reason they even go to college is to be a whore. Their never lonely because they have thousands of men and women willing to interact with them on a daily basis. Any woman, no matter what she looks or acts like, can go outside for less than 5 minutes and get a boyfriend and hundreds of friends instantly.

On top of all that, the entire world bends over backward for women. A woman could fall and scrap her knee and have hundreds of people checking on her and asking if she's okay. If I guy were to fall and scrap his knee, no one would notice or care. The only time women have any problems is not being able to choose which Chad they should spread their legs for tonight.

And having a bunch of people interested in you is absolutely a privilege. You will know what it's like to go years without someone's touch. You will never know what it's like to have an accomplishment and no one to share it with. You will never have nights crying yourself to sleep because you know one will care if you killed yourself tonight. Foods get to live their whole lives, knowing they're loves and care for without having to do anything to earn. Foids are handed perfect lives for just existing. So yes, you Foids are privileged.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut

I was reading the Bible this morning and I found the perfect verse that explains the success of Donald Trump…

Isiah 40:30-31

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

It’s almost like God created this verse for Donald Trump and this moment in history.

Trump is our energy.

Trump renews our strength.

With Trump, we mount up with wings like eagles.

With Trump we run, we are not weary.

Trump inspires us. Trump gives us hope. Trump gives us confidence in victory. Trump gives us just a touch of arrogance. Maybe God understands that’s exactly what we need right at this last possible moment to save America.

This man is our warrior. This man is our miracle. This man is our “Chosen One.”

krausyaoj #ableist #psycho

CMV When parents murder a disabled child it is justifiable homicide


It differs from other forms of homicide in that, due to certain circumstances, the homicide is justified as preventing greater harm to innocents.

Families with disabled children suffer from poverty and stress. The parents are often forced to give up their careers to care for the disabled child.

The stress on the family due to a disabled child often results in suicides of the caregivers,

Social supports don't reduce this stress but only spread it out to more people.

Raising disabled children's causes a great deal of stress,

EDIT: My view could be changed if it was shown that these parents are a danger to the community.

Ken Ham #fundie

After events like the recent devastating hurricane in North Carolina, many people wonder “why did God create a world with so much death and suffering?”

Well the short answer is, we can’t look at this broken, fallen creation to understand what the original perfect creation was like. We are living in this fallen world. We’ve never experienced a perfect one, only Adam and Eve did. But this world isn’t the one God made—it’s a broken version of God’s “very good” creation.

We need to look to God’s Word to understand why the present world is the way it is—and that means understanding the literal history in Genesis 1-11 concerning the perfect creation, marred by sin and being judged with death and the curse.

We now live in a groaning world (Romans 8:22) and it’s not God’s fault, it’s our fault as our sin in Adam caused these problems.
10:08 PM · Oct 18, 2024 · 4,249 Views
53 Reposts 162 Likes 3 Bookmarks

Urine Therapy Guide #quack #crackpot #conspiracy


Answer: A urine fast is a fast where you only drink distilled water and your own urine. Yes…distilled water and urine ONLY.

You drink up to 100% of your urine every day. The amount of distilled water depends on the outside temperature, elevation, humidity, your weight, sex, age, exercise and where you live. A good rule of thumb is to drink 4 liters a day of distilled water if you are drinking 100% of your urine. Drink enough water to satiate your thirst but do not drink so much water that you get hyponatremia.

Answer: Urine fasting is correcting nutritional deficiencies and recycling nutrients and hormones, which would otherwise have been lost in the toilet. It basically gives your body another opportunity to re-absorb vital nutrients, minerals, hormones and amino acids. Think of it as giving the body two chances to absorb these nutrients, and the second pass (via urine) may actually absorb the nutrients better than the first pass (eating).

Remember, urine contains many biological substances such as bacterial, viral, fungal and tumor antigens. Those antigens, when absorbed again through the urine, increase the body’s resistance to the issues caused by the antigens. This is analogous in principal to a vaccine. When you are given a vaccine, you actually receive some of the virus of what you are getting the vaccine for. It’s a similar principal. However vaccinations are not part of this protocol.
Remember: Urine fasting makes stem cells, increases telomere length and raises human growth hormone to very high levels while fasting. Urine fasting supplies your body with declustered water to optimally hydrate cells and tissues.

Rubbing urine into the skin provides another pathway for these important substances to access the body.

Answer: None. Aside from hunger, boredom and potentially lower than normal energy levels.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

TRUMPZILLA: They tried to assassinate him. They tried to bankrupt him. They tried to imprison him on false charges. Fake media slandered & demonized him. The polls are fake. Yet here he stands attracting 100,000 fans at rallies in PA and even in California...and wait until you see Madison Square Garden scene in NY!

Maye Musk (Elon’s mother) #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

@Elon Musk

Super important to get all your friends and family to register to vote.

Georgia’s registration deadline is Monday!!

The Democrats have given us another option. You don’t have to register to vote. On Election Day, have 10 fake names, go to 10 polling booths and vote 10 times. That’s 100 votes, and it’s not illegal. Maybe we should work the system too.

@Community Note

This is, in fact, illegal.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut

Being a Christianity-profaning cult, the Left needs a devil figure for their self-affirming Narrative. Since they deny the existence of both God and Satan, they've seized upon Hitler as the ultimate symbol of evil. They accuse transgressors against their creed Nazis much as Puritans made accusations of witchcraft. Except the Puritans were right.

Elijah Schaffer #wingnut #racist

The modern right is so bad at combatting Marxism

We must look at who successfully defeated it in the past

Assuming that H***r is the worst person in history

He did successfully eradicate communism

So we should study at least how he did that and consider whether our current approach of losing could be reevaluated

Perhaps we should study history rather than hide it so that we can learn whatever good there is from the terrible things done in generations past

Is anything he did worse than communism? Certainly not. So it’s in our interest to at least learn from his successes rather than throw the baby out with the bath water on this issue

I mean, do you think James Lindsey and Chris Ruffo are stronger men who can defeat communism through their blogs and X posts? We need to expand our horizons

Who benefits the most from hiding the history of the man who eradicated communism in his country?

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #wingnut

“The least of these” is referring to persecuted Christians, not the poor. So, I’m voting for the set of policies that will best protect the truly least of these: Jack Phillips, Joan Bell, David Daleiden & other believers who have had their lives ruined by progressive activists. No chance I could vote for the party that routinely targets Christians for harassment, discrimination & lawfare.
1:44 PM · Oct 12, 2024 · 477.6K Views
385 Reposts 169 Quotes 2,690 Likes 164 Bookmarks

Mad Momma Bear #homophobia #transphobia

Apparently, at Camp Indigo gender magically changes with the mood of the camper. This exemplifies the insanity of the gender movement. It is hard to believe there are camps dedicated to furthering the confusion of children, but the gender ideology grift is a good grift for the gender cult leaders.

A review of the camp (above) shares that parents share resources such as how to save money on puberty blockers for their children. Camps like this should be illegal in Texas because this is psychologically harming these children and putting them on the trajectory for adult medical transition, maybe sooner if their parent(s) take them out of state to pursue sterilization and body-altering procedures like the mother of James Younger whose father, Jeff Younger, has been fighting for years only to see Texas fail to protect his son who is now in California with his degenerate mother who is transitioning him and pursuing sterilization (puberty blockers) for James.

AroAce is an “identity” that doesn’t feel romantic or sexual. That actually sounds like a mood and not an identity. But everyone needs to feel special and have an oppressed and “misunderstood” identity, I guess. As for me, I still identify as a Mad Momma Bear.

Heaven Updates, OlipahNalungwe, faith1222 #sexist #fundie

{Submitter’s note: A fundie video and comments claiming women wearing pants is evil and cause men to lust (as if dresses stop some men from harassing us.)}



( OlipahNalungwe )
Alot of women wear trousers O Lord! Help the world before it's too late

( EviaChakuamba )
If you love Him obey His word.
You cant rely on mercy and keep on sinning. Mercy is only available to those who repented.
When l looked in the dictionary the meaning of trousers it says
a man's outer garment.

( Heaven Updates )
I think you don't know who your Father is by now 🤔..

He said, 👇👇👇

(Matthew 5:28)
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

What do you think the trousers does when a woman wears it, don't you think it draws her shapes in that trousers and make the men to lust after her..

Then I ask you, will the DEVIL ask you to take PRE-CAUTION against making men to lust after you??

Many of us out here don't really know what is right for our soul..

I pray God help us know him better...🙏🙏

( faith1222 )
​@mhodupe_xmaybe, but don't be the cause of men's lust. They might still lust after you, even if you were covered from head to toe, but that is their problem. The important thing is you obey the will of the Holy Father by being modest and well covered. DO NOT BE THE SOURCE OF TEMPTATION, cause you will give an account for that.

Ken Ham #fundie #pratt

Everyone has a worldview—including atheists. Everyone has beliefs about life and the universe—including atheists.

One’s beliefs (even if an atheist) determine one’s worldview. Your worldview is the way in which you look at the present world and how you interpret the evidence of the present in relation to the past, its purpose, and meaning. Your worldview also determines your morality. Really, your worldview is your religion, and its foundation is either man’s word or God’s Word. And yes, atheists have a religion. They are very religious people.

SfcMac #pratt

Union thugs have a habit of assaulting anyone who confronts their corruption. They harass businesses for the “crime” of backing the “wrong” political candidate, they show off their frothing hatred, racism, and bat-shit crazy behavior when they gather in mobs, and they’re teaching these methods in college.

That’s the way they operate. Intimidation, assault, arson, threats, and murder. Unions started out with an anarchist/socialist agenda, ended up with bed with the mafia, and went downhill from there. The leaders spend member’s dues to suit their own political agendas, and line their pockets. So much for looking out for the “working class”. And they wonder why their membership has plummeted.

All of them should be prosecuted under the RICO statutes, but the Dems are in bed with the unions, so don’t expect much.

Jim #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #racist

[From “Communist Lesbian Space Witches”]

Video and game producers have been going woke and going broke

Step one: Purchase a deeply loved Intellectual Property with a huge die hard loyal fan base

Step two: Update it for “modern audiences” — which is to say, stick a chick in it and make it gay

Step three: Prior to release, tell the die hard loyal fan base they are vile hateful scum[…]
Step four: No one watches the show or plays the game, because the “modern audience” loves the product so much that they forget to play it or watch it

Step five: Blame the fans for steps one to four

“Suicide Squad killed the justice league” is a transsexual spitting on the Justice League IP and Batman

And finally they have reluctantly noticed. The failure of Buzz Lightyear was blamed by executives on the gay kiss (how terribly homophobic of them??)

That they are allowed to notice is Thermidor in video and games. That they are allowed to notice foreshadows Trump being allowed to be elected

The share market crashed Ubisoft’s shares because of the poor sales of Star Wars Outlaws and the angry fan reaction to it[…]
Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic are 2016 leftism, Trump is 1980s leftism, Putin 1990s leftism[…]
Fox is the outer wing of uniparty, and in this sense is current year leftism[…]Abolishing whiteness is like “liquidating the Kulaks as a class”. Liquidating kulaks as a class turned out to be liquidating kulaks, what else could it be?[…]
As the representation went up, the game content went down. Outlaws was just Assassins Creed minus most of the gameplay and story plus diversity, equity and inclusion[…]
Activists are being purged across the entertainment industry. Deadpool and Wolverine came out with white male heroes being allowed to be heroes[…]
Women killed “The Acolyte”[…]If you let women in male sphere activity, they will break stuff[…]
It is the nature of faggots that they just cannot help rubbing their sexuality in everyone’s face

Book Thief #transphobia #psycho

Earlier this year, I met a tranny,
Who said, "put your cock inside my fanny,
"And while you're at it, suck my dick,
"Or else I'll call you transphobic."

But I had no time for this crossdresser.
She seemed confused, misguided, God bless her.
I knew exactly what had to be done,
And thought I'd have a little bit of fun.

I said, "I'm not interested in your fetish,
"Your shoulders are broad, your face is blemished.
"I know this response will inspire your fury,
"But you're just a dude obsessed with yuri."

"Don't kid yourself, women don't have a dick,
"And demanding sex makes you a prick.
"Straight men don't want to have sex with dudes,
"You've confused reality with your futanari nudes."

"Porn is just art. Not real, it's fiction,
"But you've made it your life, a total addiction.
"And you act like your vices are moral fiber,
"As you inject yourself with more sissy cider."

"You seek out kids like the sex offender watch list,
"While telling us, 'we won't hurt them, pinky promise!'
"Then you convince them to join your cult,
"Where drugs and mutilation is the end result."

"When other catch onto you and become smarter,
"That's when your start acting like a martyr.
"You feign victimhood and cry 'genocide'
"To get unsuspecting Samaritans on your side."

"You'll harass, dox, and seek to cause harm.
"Funny, isn't that what you accuse the Kiwi Farm?
"You're nothing but bullies and sexual predators,
"And you diddle more kids than the average Senator."

I opened my eyes as I finished my speech,
Expecting to hear a tranny's vile screech,
But for the sanctity of my ears and to my surprise,
The tranny had already met her demise.

I looked up to examine a nearby lamp.
Swinging from a rope was the manly tramp.
In her pants, she had pitched a large tent,
As she finally became the Forty-One Percent.

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 #wingnut

For independent-thinkers like myself, there is no home in the Democrat Party. However, there is a home for us in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party of warmongering elite Dick Cheney is in the past. Trump’s GOP is a big open tent party of the people, equality, commonsense, and the party that is led by a President who has the courage and strength to fight for peace.

Tonight I stood with President Trump and announced I am joining the Republican Party. President Trump is our best and only hope in this election to lead our country toward a future where every one of us can live in a truly free, peaceful, and prosperous nation. Now is the time for us to stand together, vote for Trump and save our country.
1:46 PM · Oct 23, 2024 · 2.7M Views
23.2K Reposts 1,486 Quotes 116.8K Likes 2,812 Bookmarks

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #forced-birth #conspiracy

Dear Faithful American Catholics,

I am addressing all of you, a few days before the Presidential Election that will call millions of American citizens to the polls.

<...> But in this coming electoral round you are not simply called to choose between two candidates who happen to be on different political sides but who both nevertheless have the common good at heart in compliance with the Constitution and the Law. No; in this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery.
Candidate Donald J. Trump, while certainly taking some serious critical positions that a Catholic cannot agree with, represents for us, dear American faithful, in this specific historical moment, the only possible choice to counter the globalist coup that the woke Left is about to implement definitively, irreparably, and with incalculable damage for future generations.

Voting for Donald Trump means firmly distancing ourselves from an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and anti-human vision of society. It means stopping those who want to create a hellish dystopia that is even worse than the one announced by George Orwell. Do not forget – giving him our vote of confidence that brought him back to the White House must become the premise for a more incisive commitment to the defense of life from conception to natural death, the traditional family, and to the defense of the Christian Faith and the cultural identity of the Nation.
I repeat: the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan. For a Catholic, there can be no question: voting for Kamala Harris is morally inadmissible and constitutes a very grave sin. Nor is it morally possible to abstain, because in this war declaring oneself neutral means allying oneself with the enemy.

Rev. Joel Webbon, Michael Belch and Wesley Todd #fundie #racist #forced-birth #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

Joel Webbon claimed to be unsure of how many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. While Webbon said the number of people killed by Hitler was “exaggerated,” he also stated that he had no “position” on the “exact number”

During the Oct. 2, 2024 livestream, dedicated to defending a member of his church for sharing a Holocaust denial meme, Webbon complained that while the Allied Forces defeated Nazi Germany[…]“all of the west looks like it lost”[…]
“That’s what’s going on is young men are saying ‘So you’re telling me we won the war, but since then we’ve murdered 70 million children in the womb, just in the United States, and we’re cutting off the genitals of little kids?'” he said. Webbon’s co-host, Michael Belch, added that “we are flooding our nations and diluting the cultures” with immigrants

Webbon and Belch then shared a statement from[…]Wesley Todd, which praised aspects of the Nazi regime

According to the statement by Todd[…]“there were some good things that happened in 1930s Germany,” including book burnings which targeted “Jewish pornography and transgender literature,” polices which “promoted the nuclear family,” and a “general acceptance of Christianity”

The statement went on to say that the U.S. need not adopt Nazism in order to “beat liberalism,” and that their “solution to communism will have to be American-made and suited for our national situation.” Webbon said that Todd’s statement was “well-written”[…]
“I don’t have a strong position on it. I tend to think that the numbers are exaggerated. I don’t think that they’re made up whole cloth, but I do think that they’re probably a little bit high. But that being said, let’s just go with it. If Hitler killed his millions, Mao killed his hundred millions”[…]
Webbon said that “not all Jews are part of some secret conspiracy” and condemned Hitler, but once again railed against what he called “talmudic Judaism”[…]denounced it as “worse than Islam,” “worse than Buddhism,” and “worse than Hinduism”

The Worldwide People’s Revolution! #crackpot #god-complex #wingnut #conspiracy

This is the Shortest Book by our Selected King of The Worldwide People’s Revolution, which Describes it in the Least Number of Inspired Words Possible, which makes Good Sense to the Readers, even if they are only 12 Years Old; and all of those Intelligent Children will be First in Line for this Wonderful Revolution: beCause it is their Future that is being Addressed by our Selected King, who does not Withhold any Hard Articulated Punches, you might say, which are Focused on the Head and Guts of Uncle Sam, and Particularly on the Scumbags in the Swamp in the District of Chief Criminals, in Washington, which is Full of Strange Creatures, including the Trumpeter, himself, who is the Strangest of all, who actually Believes that we Americans Buy into his Line of BS about making America Great by being Bullies, Liars, Capitalist Hogs, International Dictators, and Baby Abusers. Nevertheless, he and the other Reprobates have Managed to Accomplish one very Great Thing, which is to Inspire this Wonderful Book, which is Worth far more than 10,000 of their Worthless Political Speeches!<...> Yes, you should also use this Inspired Book to Challenge anyone who Disagrees with you, who will be Overwhelmed by it, even as we at have been Dumbfounded by it, for which Reason we Offer a ONE-MILLION-DOLLAR REWARD to anyone who can Prove, by Means of Reason and Logic, that our Selected King’s “Guaranteed Solutions” are WRong, or Unworkable! Therefore, if you Happen to run into any Spiritual COWARDS, who are not Willing to Face that Challenge, just Pray for them, and go on about your Business: beCause they are Obviously Mentally Immature, who will Hopefully Grow Up, along with the Trumpeter, who Needs his Fat Ass Whipped with the Board of Education, as Mark Twain might say, who had a Special Way with Words, which are only Matched by our Selected King, who is Truly the “King of the Birds,” and the Greatest Philosopher ever Born, if you will Permit us to Brag about him.

Harold Witkov #wingnut #conspiracy

I was recently checking out the calendar on my kitchen wall to see what my wife and I had scheduled for the upcoming three-day weekend, and I noticed that instead of “Columbus Day,” my calendar had “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” on Monday, October 14. I was quite displeased.

Back in my day, everyone celebrated Christopher Columbus and Columbus Day. We celebrated Columbus for his fortitude and bravery. We celebrated Columbus because he discovered America and set in motion what would turn out to be the greatest nation in the world!

Christopher Columbus, with his originality in thought and inspiring courage, was quite an appealing character. He made all Americans proud, particularly Italian-Americans, who shared his heritage.

As part of my Jewish experience, I learned that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ordered all the Jews of Spain out of their country by no later than July 31, 1492. Columbus set sail for the new world on August 3 of the same year. Even in the darkness of Spain’s Jewish expulsion, there was still the flickering light of a better future one day in America. Yes, Christopher Columbus had something for everyone.
The late 20th-century attacks on Columbus have been unfair in my opinion. For one thing, the Columbus critics have been using a 20th- and 21st-century measuring stick on a 15th-century man. More importantly, Christopher Columbus never endorsed genocide, and historians are split on whether or not mass murder crimes were even committed under his leadership.
The first city to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day was, you guessed it, Berkeley, California, back in 1962. Since then, the list has been expanding by leaps and bounds. It has already happened in certain states, in schools, and even on many of our wall calendars! Slowly, I fear, our values, our history, and our way of life are all slipping away.

loreal2922 #fundie

Please share this in every church and every where so the parents can stop letting the boys watching cartoons and Taz menia devil. Every body has to know this.with the Bible verses about it. It is a sin to watch those cartoons bcuz it leads people to hell. & The horror movie.

Grayson Bakich #transphobia #dunning-kruger

Also, as Michael Knowles explained, transing a literal clone (they are all made from the DNA of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, who raised one clone as his son Boba Fett) is a massive unintentional refutation of transgenderism's assertion that it is based in biology.

After all, because the clones are derived from a single male template, they are all genetically the same regardless of how they perceive themselves or develop their own personalities, so it is literally impossible for one to claim to be female.

But because the Star Wars universe has much more fantastical technology than ours, the Kaminoans (the aliens who were in charge of creating and training the clones) could seemingly make a female clone from a male template (or something) already because, apparently, Boba Fett has a sister in the form of "Omega," as revealed in "The Bad Batch" (my interest in Star Wars has been gone for a long time, so I read that for the first time today).

Even then, that just drives home Knowles's point further: if the Kaminoans wanted to make a female clone of a male subject, they could create one from scratch without the need to mutilate an existing male clone into a simulacrum of a female.

But that is too logical for the people pushing this nonsense.

Eric Peters #wingnut #conspiracy

People old enough to remember the Before Time – i.e., the time when in most everyday matters, people who weren’t causing harm were generally free to do as they liked – know what it was like to be a parent or a child and go for a drive in those times.

As opposed to what it’s like now. More finely, – what it requires you to have and to pay for now.

J.D. Vance, Trump’s vice-president pick, got heckled for saying out loud that government-mandated “safety” seats for kids are an effective form of birth control. But he’s right. For at least two reasons that have nothing to do with the cost of the seats, themselves.

The first is the disincentive to have kids knowing that if you do, you’ll have to deal with “safety” seats for years to come. In some states, until the kid is a near-teenager. That is a long time to have to spend every day strapping a kid in and out of a “safety” seat every time you drive somewhere with a kid in the car. It makes you not want to drive anywhere. It makes you not want to have kids.
It is dreary to have to deal with these got-damned “safety” seats all the time. Even to watch some other poor bastard dealing with them makes you not want to deal with them. But the only way you can avoid having to deal with them – legally – is to avoid having kids.

There is always a degree of danger when riding in a car. It may be hypothetically greater to ride in car not buckled-up or not strapped in (if you’re a kid). But just because something might happen does not mean it will. And obsessing over the might is . . . neurotic. In the Before Time, only neurotics strapped their progeny into “safety” seats. Just as in the Before Time, only neurotics walked around in public wearing “masks.”

But that was before neurosis metastasized and became normalized. In this time, a parent who does not strap the kid in is regarded much the same as one who who refused to “mask” the kid.

It is a different manifestation of the same illness.

Mark Murillo and Lance Wallnau #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut

"We were attacked, folks. We really were," [Mark] Murillo complained during last week's "Fire Power" program. "We're all over the place. You can look on Google and see that 'Fire Power' was attacked by the Huffington Post, by the New York Times, by CNN, and by the Washington Post."

"All of them, and it's totally ridiculous," Murillo asserted. "It's a foolish attack, folks."

"What happened was we had Lance Wallnau on the show—who's going to be with us in a moment—and we were talking about witchcraft and Kamala Harris," Murillo explained. "She was called a witch and they lost their minds. Now, I want you to consider this: How many Pentecostal preachers do you think there are in the United States and then ask them how many of them believe that witchcraft is involved with this woman. There are tens of thousands of us that really question the role of demonic power and the supernatural in this woman's campaign."

"It's not a crazy idea," Murillo insisted. "And for you to wonder if we've lost our mind is totally unacceptable."

Pennsylvania South Western School District’s school board #transphobia

A Pennsylvania school district has reversed course and boarded up window openings it recently installed that allowed people in a middle school hallway to peer into two gender-neutral-designated bathrooms, the superintendent said Friday.

The two windows were installed in recent weeks following a vote in August of the South Western School District’s conservative-majority school board, a move the board president said was designed to monitor and prevent misbehavior. Such openings weren’t installed in any of the school’s non-gender-neutral bathrooms.

The openings were covered by plywood on Thursday on the advice of lawyers from the Harrisburg-based Independence Law Center, a conservative legal group the board consulted before ordering the windows installed, Superintendent Jay Burkhart said.

“I believe that we have to protect all of our students,” Burkhart said in a phone interview. “Students are entitled to privacy and I don’t want to violate that.”

The board “has been targeting transgender students and stripping away their rights for a while,” said Kristina Moon, a lawyer with the Philadelphia-based Education Law Center, which has asked affected students to reach out to it. She said the “multiple tiers and assignments” of bathrooms “overcomplicated a nonissue,” stigmatizing students.

“Now they’ve cut actual holes for windows into the student bathrooms — but only the bathrooms they expect trans and nonbinary children to use. This is a horrifying violation of children’s privacy and cruel discrimination targeted against trans and nonbinary kids,” Moon said in an emailed statement.

School board president Matthew A. Gelazela, elected as a Libertarian in 2021, told a reporter seeking comment Friday that he considered the call to be criminal harassment and abruptly hung up.

Dan Foreman #racist #wingnut #forced-birth

About an hour into the event, someone asked a question about a state bill addressing discrimination. The candidates were each given two minutes to answer, and when it was Carter-Goodheart’s turn, she pushed back on earlier comments that suggested discrimination is not a major issue in Idaho.

She said state hate crime laws are weak, and noted that the neo-nazi group Aryan Nations made northern Idaho its home base for many years. She also talked about being the only candidate there who was a person of color.

“I pointed out that just because someone hasn’t personally experienced discrimination doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” she said. “I was making my statement, and then he shot up out of his seat and said, ‘I’m so sick of your liberal (expletive). Why don’t you go back to where you came from?’”

The Nez Perce Tribe has lived on the Columbia River Plateau in the Pacific Northwest for more than 11,500 years, including the area where Kendrick is located. The northern edge of its reservation, while only a small fraction of the tribe’s historical territory, is less than 10 miles (16 kilometers) from the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall where the forum was held.

“It was like slow motion,” Carter-Goodheart said. “I just remember thinking, ‘Go back to where you came from’? That’s within miles of where this forum is taking place. We have literal plots of land that are being leased out to family farms nearby.”

In his Facebook post, Foreman called the incident a “quintessential display of race-baiting” and said the Democratic attendees made personal attacks and “proclaimed Idaho to be a racist state.”

“Well, here is a news flash for the lefties out there. There is no systemic racism in America or Idaho,” Foreman said. “Idaho is a great state — the best in the Union!”

He then added an attack on supporters of abortion rights, saying: “And furthermore, it is immoral and against the law of God to kill unborn babies in the womb. You do not have any right to murder the unborn. There is no such thing as your self-proclaimed ‘Women’s Reproductive Rights.’ There is no such body of rights in the state or federal constitutions. And we don’t do designer rights in Idaho.”

The Faeries via Nicky Hamid #magick #ufo

With the Faeries.

And my friend, the littlest faerie, comes to me, sits on my shoulder, and in her ephemeral trill talks to me and shows me the magic.

She sings of the spirals in the tree branches, in the flowers, in the seeds. She shows me how they mimic the dance of DNA.

She points to the sounds of creation through a spiraled sea shell and speaks of turning full circle.

How we humans came to Earth when She was very new, and in ‘cooling’ with Her, we gradually and magically changed our s***s (outer frequency) to be in synch with Her.

How we invited from our worlds in the stars, various other life expressions and how together with these elementals we fashioned our world.

How joyful all the faerie folk are that we have come full circle and are joining together now in these times, in outer expression once again.

We are bringing back our creative magic and she sings to me the reminders.

And in turn I took her into my ‘world’, through mandala portals, to the ‘diamond palace’, to space cities, and to the exquisite forest lake of my ancient ‘Home’.

And as a farewell word she says

“Tell them We are here now”
We So Love You

Louis Bonnet #sexist

Last week, Gisèle Pelicot, 72, told the court that her calm demeanour masked a “field of devastation”, triggered by the instance, four years ago, when a French policeman had informed her that her apparently loving husband had, in fact, been drugging her for a decade and inviting strangers – more than 80 local men – to enter the family home, and the couple’s bedroom, to rape her while he filmed them[…]
Mazan’s 74-year-old mayor, Louis Bonnet, sought to play down those tensions, arguing that most of the alleged rapists came from other villages and seeking to frame the Pelicots as outsiders who hadn’t lived there long[…]
“If they participated in these rapes, then it’s normal that they’re considered targets. There has to be transparency about everything that happened,” he said, while also condemning the accused and their actions

In his interview with us, Bonnet talked about the case itself[…]
“People here say ‘no one was killed’. It would have been much worse if [Pelicot] had killed his wife. But that didn’t happen in this case,” Bonnet said

Then he went on to address Gisèle Pelicot’s experiences

“She’ll have trouble getting back on her feet again for sure,” he agreed, but suggested her rapes were less troubling than those of another victim in the nearby town of Carpentras who “was conscious when she was raped… and will carry the physical and mental trauma for a long time, which is even more serious”

“When there are kids involved, or women killed, then that’s very serious because there’s no way back. In this case, the family will have to rebuild itself. It will be hard. But they’re not dead, so they can still do it.”

When I suggested that he was seeking to play down the gravity of the Pelicot case, he agreed

“Yes, I am. What happened was very serious. But I’m not going to say the village has to bear the memory of a crime which goes beyond the limits of what can be considered acceptable,” he said

Sobchak Security LLC #wingnut

Proponents of Gun Control are in effect, complicit in the idea that the state should have a monopoly on violence. While this might comfort the Liberal concept that they know best and shall protect the meek, Walter is terrified by this notion. It goes without saying that Walter trusts individuals far more than he believes in governments and citizens in aggregate. Sure, one person can do something stupid, but for sheer idiocracy and tyranny, you need to get a few hundred people together. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but a disarmed population is far easier to bring into heal than an armed one. Oh hell, Walter's rambling again, on his soap box shouting to bowlers that largely agree with him. However, there’s a point to Walter’s rant; next time a bowler's at a family meal, a few white Russians or oat sodas deep, and feels gravity sucking you towards the urge to argue with a septum pierced, purple haired relative, remind them that by supporting gun control, they are assuring a monopoly on violent power to the very people they claim are corrupt, compromised, colonizing, racist, misogynistic or whatever woke bingo terms are in vogue that week. If that concept isn't grasped by their room temperature IQ, show them that you can meet them in the middle and tell them that, "Hell like you, I believe in gun control. USING BOTH HANDS!!!!"

@whatifalthist #wingnut

Wokeness is a greater threat to the survival of Western civilization than either the Marxists or Nazis ever were. Don't treat them as silly ivory tower fools who mean well. They're a nihilistic suicide cult that wants to destroy everything you love and they've gained control of all the levers of power. They're trying to shove 20 sleeping pills down right now and it's our duty to be their conscious and have a come to Jesus moment after the 4th Benadryl

Grayson Bakich #fundie

As Kamala is on stage fear mongering about abortion, someone shouts “Jesus is Lord!” To which she replies:

“Oh, I think you guys are at the wrong rally.”

Christians are not welcome in Kamala’s Democrat Party. Vote accordingly.

Everyone in the "crowd" was yukking it up and cheering for Harris's response. I normally live by Hanlon's Razor ("Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity"), but I cannot think of any feasible way that essentially saying, "You're not welcome here" in response to the phrase "Jesus is Lord" is anything other than intentional.

Kamuroshiryu #racist

The Persona series and its Shin Megami Tensei spinoff series are absolutely woke shit meant to spew out anti-patriotic rhetoric against Japanese nationalists. Remember Tamagachi or Masayoshi Shido? If you look at the illegal migrant crisis Japan is having right now with the Kurds and their fucking barber shops, Indonesian Islamists, Chinese Tongs and Triads and Middle Eastern savages and retarded Western influencers, you'll perfectly see why nationalism is truly a must, even if it has to be "ultra" by nature but it is nothing like what the Nazis did to the Poles, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, British and American soldiers at Autschwitz.

It's the most overrated game series made by Atlus that never sat well with me given my personal political beliefs, regardless of which country I am from.

Donald Trump #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger #forced-birth #sexist

Donald Trump on Tuesday declared himself the “father of IVF,” a fertility treatment that has come under threat following the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

It’s unclear what precisely the former president meant when he made the comment at a Fox News town hall in battleground Georgia that was billed as focusing on women’s issues and had an all-female audience. But he has repeatedly returned to the issue – talking up his support for IVF – on the campaign trail, where he has given a long series of confusing or contradictory answers about his stance on abortion.

“We really are the party for IVF,” Trump told moderator and Fox News host Harris Faulkner on “The Faulkner Focus.” “We want fertilization, and it’s all the way, and the Democrats tried to attack us on it, and we’re out there on IVF, even more than them. So, we’re totally in favor.”

Ramprakash Solanki, Dinesh Baghel, Jasodhan Singh, Veerpal Singh and Laxman Singh #fundie #psycho #magick

A software firm employee whose 11-year-old son was allegedly strangled by his school principal and teachers in a botched occult ritual in Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras demanded the death penalty for the child’s killers on Friday and alleged that more people were involved in the gruesome crime that has shocked the state

Sri Krishna Kushwaha, a software professional working with a private firm in Noida, shifted his family to his village in Hathras district during the pandemic

But dreams of a better future for his children were crushed this week, when the owner of the school, the manager, the principal, and two teachers abducted Kritarth from the hostel to perform a tantric ritual for the prosperity of the institution, and eventually killed him[…]
Police have arrested five people, shut the school, and said the hostel was running without permission. They also said that a similar occult attempt was made with a previous student on the night of September 6,but was abandoned when the teenager made a ruckus[…]
“On September 22, the student was abducted from the school’s hostel by teacher Ramprakash Solanki, Dinesh Baghel and school owner Jasodhan Singh. Jasodhan Singh believes in ‘tantra’ practice and asked his son to sacrifice a child for the prosperity of school and his family,” said Ashok Kumar Singh, additional superintendent of police (ASP), Hathras

They took the student to a secluded place for the sacrifice and began shaving his head, but the student woke up and began crying and struggling, the officer said

Kritarth was thrashed to silence him but when he resisted, and the accused allegedly stuffed a cloth into his mouth, said police. “After that he was strangulated. Another teacher Veerpal Singh and school principal Laxman Singh were also present at the spot and were guarding the place,” Ashok Kumar Singh added

Subhuman Niceguy et al. #sexist #racist #psycho

(Original Post by Subhuman Niceguy)
[Venting] Imagine being stuck inside the International Space Station - with a foid.

I feel so sorry for that man, putting a bullet in the foid’s head may be his only option - in order to conserve supplies.

Imagine being stuck with this bitch in the ISS until February:

[video oomitted]

[first comment by Subhuman Niceguy himself]
The foid looks Jewish to me.

Are the cameras always on in the ISS

That foid would have semen in zero Gravity in all her holes, in GTA V

(WacoGoesDown, in response to Sloth.Belgrade)
probably not but the government monitors it & you have to maintain communications 24/7 & the foid could report you

(Sloth.Belgrade, replying in turn)
Fair point

ANPC International #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon #pratt


1) Be sure you have gotten your car titled into a foreign trust and understand how this process works. The step of registering your car in a foriegn trust is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE for your safety when being a private traveller as it removes your car from the corporate jurisdiction. If one attempts to use the private travel tools using a car that has not been removed into a foreign trust, it is setting them up for possible trouble if stopped by a police officer. Please use the Foreign trust, the ID card with its authentication papers AND International Drivers Permit and be sure to put a Private Trust Lien on your car.
So here is an IMPORTANT FYI:

When an officer makes a stop, he asks for: 1. Foreign Drivers License-You then present the ANPC < Alliance of Nations helping People & Communities> FDL. the IDP (WITH the packet of authentication papers from US Dept of State that you received with your ID-Including your Copyright page) 2. Registration: Here you have the choice of actually registering the car into your foreign trust (which IS STILL outside their jurisdiction) OR Using the ANPC Private Car registration and tags which is available on the Travel Tools page. 3. Insurance- Here you have the choice of getting a monthly standard insurance or your BEST option which is using the ANPC Private Bond Insurance which the DMV actually enters into their database when you Title or register your car into a foreign trust.

Once you are sure you have those three areas covered properly, you should have no trouble with private travel, but people who neglect covering one of those important areas then are opening themselves up for trouble in not properly covering all bases in the private and ANPC shall not be held liable for any omissions on the part of any member and retains the right to deny service to any individual who does not appear ready to be act in a responsible manner using our services.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

So Kamala "Commula" Harris is the Marxist Machine's pick to run instead of "Criminal" Joe Biden. The Machine has spoken. And her chosen running mate is "Tampon" Timmy Walz, who worships at the altar of homo-transsexualism weirdness and who, as a total surprise and without notice, bugged-out of his military unit just before deployment.

If you wonder why these life-long communist American politicians are so anti-life, anti-property, anti-liberty, anti-speech, anti-press, anti-gun, anti-bourgeois middle-class, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-family, antisemitic, anti-capitalism, anti-American borders, anti-law and order, anti-normalcy and anti-American constitution, look no farther than the Communist manifesto:
That's why they oppose everything that is; every established thing, every "normal" thing, every ordered and orderly thing, every human institution, from corporations to religions to governments, from sexual relationships to families, from schools, to even any sense of individual property ownership, independence or liberty.

At its core, that's what communism is.
Just look at who they associate the closest with. It's a veritable freak-show of perverts, misfits and malcontents, from BLM and Antifa to Drag Queens, prancing faggots, transvestites and freshly released criminal illegal aliens giving the finger to the news cameras.
It doesn't get any more Islamo-Commie-Homo than the Commula and Timmy show. They stand with Islam because Islam stands against America, and all religions other than Islam. Of course they stand with Communism against constitutional America, because they are communist. And they stand with homosexual and all other forms of sexual impropriety because they are hedonist to the bone.
As long as Iran chants "death to America" the Machine, including Traitor John Kerry, Comrade Obama peace be upon him, the Soros family, the WEF, the UN, the EU and COMINTERN will be supporting Iran and opposing Israel, and all Jews everywhere.

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters #fundie #wingnut

[Title: Oklahoma defends Bibles-in-schools proposal after report that only Trump’s might qualify. Date: 2024-10-04]

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters’s (R) office is defending the process for how the state will select newly mandated Bibles in classrooms after a report was released that the criteria is so narrow that essentially no Bibles qualify — besides ones endorsed by former President Trump.

The Oklahoman reported on Friday that few editions match the specific parameters the superintendent calls for in his request for proposal (RFP): a Bible that is bound by leather or material like leather, has the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and is the New King James version of the Old and New Testament.
Walters had released a mandate for schools earlier this year ordering them to incorporate the Bible into public lesson plans. The guidance requires a Bible in every classroom and lessons regarding the Christian text that should highlight its historical context, literary significance and artistic and musical influence.

Walters said schools “will comply, and I will use every means to make sure of it,”

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

All the elite have given themselves over to transhumanism
So that they can take over the world
And change out everybody on a remote button press

So that there is no worrying
About you fighting them or getting in their way
Their only worry is the loss of control of their drones

A positive outcome for the public
Is not a part of their design criterion
They have gotten most everyone hooked up to the Cloud

DARPA under the guise of local logistics in white vans
Puts an EEG overlay of personality upon the unsuspecting

That magnetically stimulates the brain
And transcranially cause it to swell

If you get too radiated
And fall into a subluminal space
Then you get morphed into Bigfoot or Wolfman

With CrispR Cast9
They make genetic changes
And rearrange your cell structure

What we would call a UFO
Pulls neurons out of you
And loads them into a neuromorphic chip set
Because AI needs living neurons

Drones are flown with SOSA or MOSA
SOSA is Senses Open System Architecture
MOSA is Modified Open Systems Approach

They fly over your home
And log into you with a web portal

With biosensors they create an electromagnetic field around you
And slap on you a biometric code
Then execute a terahertz bullet

This causes your immune system to adhere to nano tech
And electrically alters how your red blood cells and nerves function
Making you end up with an auto immune disorder

Cyber security is transhumanism using meta materials
Causing signals to propagate from you

Law enforcement now just logs into you with geomancer
And changes your protons peptides and amino acids with CrispR Cast9
Which uses graphene to excite your cells

Project Looking Glass
Is routing radio frequencies through your body
With DNA steganography

Project Pandora
Is invading the world with MQ9 Reapers
And piloting everyone around like a SIM

Deploying soft robotics
Imposing neural modulation and monitoring
And turning everyone into a cyborg!