( LilianH )
The actual cost of the medial transition is probably not a huge amount considering the size of the US defence budget, but a TIP can't really fulfil the role of the soldier or be deployed so removing them from the army completely might start to save a few billions a year.
Aww, one of you in that thread still has at least two functioning brain cells left! If only she had more…
I do “love” this canard of how trans people are supposedly incapable of fighting. So, apparently not only will hormones and surgeries 100% certainly make us into cripples, but we *already* are that. All of us.
Oh, not to mention… hun, you’re a woman. You know, the weaker sex, as you yourselves so love to point out?
You have no strength compared to men, you menstruate and have PMS, and you fundamentally lack aggression. Right?
So, um… what are your kind doing in the military?
By your own logic, you should be banned from any sort of military service, for the good of the armed forces, for morale, and for your own good and safety.
And by god… I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if half of you TERFs agreed with that argument.
So feminist! So totally not classically conservative and downright patriarchal of you!
Funny how that works out. Want to know who the actual ‘handmaidens’ are? Just look at the ones pointing fingers at other people and yelling “HANDMAIDEN!!!” the loudest.
( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, it isn't just the cost of their surgeries and stuff, it is also the fact that they pay a soldier who takes a lot of time off, so isn't even working 100% at desk jobs, and isn't combat ready on top of that.
Yet another TERF brain worm that you somehow all managed to ingest.
Sure, a surgery might require some time off… if it happens. But otherwise? Lol, no.
And… “isn't even working 100% at desk jobs”?? Excuse me?!
Lady, I have the very definition of a desk job. You know how many days off I took for my needs as a trans person since I was employed?
One. One single day.
My shift was ending late, and I had to do bloodwork very early the next day. So, to avoid coming to work sleep-deprived and thus prone to making mistakes, I had asked for a day off. Asked. Just like any other person. It could have been refused. But it wasn’t.
Other than the ONE time-off day I took, I’ve been at this job every working day, busting my ass off just like everyone else.
But I guess you won’t believe me, or anyone else who’s trans. Because that would shatter your precious bubble of an ideology and its gazillion baseless preconceptions about us. No, for the sake of your worldview’s consistence, we all have to be filthy liars, always and without exception.
You think OUR views depend on extraordinary claims being true? Look in the fucking mirror.