"I understand ethnic women chasing white guys, its a straight up genetic upgrade”
Except you guys insist on the one-drop-rule, so there’ s no upgrade.
“But I cannot understand why a white woman would date outside her own race”
I’m guessing, at the base, she considers every human to be of her own race? She doesn’t draw any sort of artificial distinction between colors like you do?
“and Im still confused as to her exact motive for breeding with a non white man”
Well, she didn’t do it to confuse you. But if you’re upset about it, that’s just a bonus.
“Do white women do this to spite their fathers?”
Depends on how they announce it.
I was stationed in Scotland, and met this sailor on the command. Bright, smart, better educated than me, with a similar sense of humor, overlapping interests in reading, parallel politics, and some major differences. (Her family was not too touchy, mine hugged at the drop of a hat).
Dated her for a while, moved in together, told my family about her, and after about a year and a half, sent pictures of her back to the folks.
mom was a little ticked i’d never mentioned that she was black.
I pointed out that was because it truly didn’t matter to me. Would she rather i called home the first night and said, “Guess WHAT!?! I’m dating a girl and she’s BLACK! And there’s nothing you can do about it!!!”?
You say ‘genetic treason,’ but that would require our allegiance to your genetic priorities. That’s your problem.
"To be edgy and rebellious?”
Or maybe just, I dunno, happy? Fulfilled? Giddy?
“Its deliberately shooting yourself in the foot”
Amazingly, you’re the one with the target on his shoe….