“Yeah, Kent is in prison just like all those other criminals were sent to prison like: Peter, Paul, Timothy, John, etc...he is in good company I'd say.”
He’s not in prison because of his faith, unless he worships money.
“You may want to take a look at your own salvation and check and see if you are truly a biblical christian.”
I lie a LOT less than Kent does.
"A good barometer to measure it by, is to see how the world likes you. Are you being persecuted, jailed, talked bad about in the worldly newspapers, or the TV news.”
He was PROSECUTED, no persecuted.
Kent stood up in court and UNDER OATH said he didn’t own any property.
At a lunch break, he drove to the property he owns and told his tenants to get off his property. THey didn’t leave immediately (having this weird expectation of a least time to pack), so he became physically violent. When the cops got there, he told them he was allowed to do this because he owned the property.
Punishing him for perjury was a natural consequence of him telling lies to a judge while under fucking oath.
Not persecution.
"I think not.”
You’re the kind of person that gives scammers like Hoving a hard-on.
“What seperates you from the world.”
I don’t have a phone.
And i can spell separate.
“They accept you as one of their own.”
Well, i pay taxes and i don’t lie to judges, not even to get out of jury duty.
“there is little difference between you and the world. Now, Kent is as a different story altogether.”
I should hope so.