Yes, Jewry is a people, who have made themselves a seduction, a fictitious romance, particularly to the hundreds of millions of Christian Church attendees. They say they are entitled to a ‘Holy City’, Jerusalem, a revered people even god-like and without a doubt such are filled with pride and arrogance. One of their books suggests ‘God adores the Jews’. Such blasphemy. Instead of the True God being adored, He, the Holy One, adores them who are the very antithetical.
Their Pharisaic Judaism is a swindle, a hoax, of mammoth proportions. There is inbred within them a mentality that can be classed as that of the egomaniac and arrogant from demon gods. With certitude it can be said that there has been a bequest from centuries of Rabbis, with their internicine squabbles and infernally confused thinking surrounding every possible point of their supposedly based Scriptural beliefs. But of course, their beliefs are not based on the actual Pentateuch of the Old Testament is a falsity. Their Torah is not of the Old Testament.
It would be a grave error to wipe them off as harmless. They have masqueraded as the Jew of the Bible, and even that name ‘Jew’ is not found therein. Rather just as they have paraded themselves as ‘the Chosen People of God’, so have they formulated for themselves in English, a name that had not existed until it was done in the eighteenth century. Rothschilds alone would know the part played by then in this regard. These Jews have composed for themselves a mystique imposed upon Christendom and even on the world that as a result is afraid to even mention the Holocaust for fear of their vengeance.
Indeed, what is the world fearing at their hands? Whence this fear? It is the throttle-hold upon not only a multitude of churches but on mankind as a whole. Obeisance is performed to such because, unknowingly to the majority of both those in churches and outside, the occult rules our world. One may well laugh but think of the power of Yoga with which many Westerners consult. They remain, those Jews, of whom one of their eminent Statesmen said: ‘A Jew is whoever calls himself a Jew’, a mirage on the road, a will of the wisp, never appearing in the basic reality.
They themselves, relate their own story to those who find it, as a motley crowd, dispassionate, hoaxers, fakers, pretenders, collaborators, factional, deceivers, sexual deviates, with sex gods and a sex goddess blasphemously called Shekinah, or Lillith, with their androgynous Demiurge and his female part. So why, you millions of Christians, are you afraid to act in no other way than to bless today’s Israel or its Jews who are not Hebrews or Israelites? The blessing and curse was given, in any case, only to Abraham and not to the nation that would come out of his loins.
The Christians in particular, have been hexed and so also has the whole world. This is the reality of our earthy existence. Those who know India, as an example, confront on many occasions, the depth of demonic sway over a nation. Why were the Beatles so enamored of that Eastern world? The Mantras of Yoga are powerful. Like Brother Nathanael, we do not hate the people as people but the evil. Just as we do not make a friend of an ongoing robber and murderer, neither do we choose to have one of the present kind in Jewry, as a friend.
We would rather give them the gospel of peace in Christ Jesus. Possibly in the main, they will never know Christ except on the Judgment Day when they will all be resurrected to face Him and his wrath. But there are those who may. I have a friend from a Christian Church who follows Christ it would appear, but loves the Jews, and then she discovered she was a descendant of the Rothschild dynasty. She is still my friend but at a distance because ‘How can two walk together unless they are agreed?’
Recently a person contacted me, being of Jewish descent from his Russian grand-parents who escaped that land. He now loves the Lord Jesus and is in amazement at the present Christian adoration of Israel. Yes, there are others, and there is Brother Nathanael, whom we love in truth. To us he is one of those called ’saints’ by Paul, in ‘To the saints who are at Ephesus’, all the true believers. There is much hope that some of them even through this site, will come to be known of the Lord Jesus.