various commenters #transphobia

RE: Americans, how did you vote? I’m just curious.

( momofreyrella )
I voted for Trump, and I changed my voter registration to Republicans. As a radfem and a Jewish woman, I am done with demoncrats.



( NoDayForADo )
I have to admit I voted for Trump. I wasn't going to vote at all but I was driving home that day and an ad came on for Harris and abortion rights and I just got so pissed off at listening to her pretend to be standing up for women when she won't even commit to defining what a woman is that I literally drove right to the firehall and voted for Trump.

My state went very solidly for Trump so it's not like my vote is what sealed the ticket but I have to admit to feeling weird about the whole thing. I don't know why I didn't pick another candidate, I was actually so pissed off I didn't even pay attention to the other options. But dammit that ad really put me over. Whatever else she stands for, I'm just sick and tired of politicians pulling out the abortion card every 4 years and acting like it is the only thing that matters to women. I felt like all I heard in her ads this cycle were promises to protect women's rights and lower the cost of groceries which... she was VP for the past 4 years. If the president could fix that, why didn't her and Biden fix it?

I really don't think I would have gone in to vote if it hadn't been for her commercial.

( ProfTerfMom )
I voted for Kara Dansky as a write in, hoping that Democrats would examine the data to find out why they are losing support. My state went for Harris (easily).

Unfortunately, the Democrats only seem to be doubling down.

( Women2Women )
any individual or political party which is so easily manipulated to believe the extremist belief that biological sex doesn't exist and that language, policy and laws must now reflect the truly illogical, dumb, harmful, woman hating and child safeguarding ignoring "trans/gender i.d" religion, can NEVER be supported in any way by me, and certainly should not be anywhere near power. That covers the Democratic party for me, and my trust has been shattered for them as a party for pushing this horror like a drug. They learned nothing. I'm done.


Iranian judiciary #fundie #psycho

An Iranian court has reportedly sentenced controversial pop star Amir Hossein Maghsoudloo, also known as Tataloo, to death after he was found guilty of insulting the Prophet Muhammad

“The Supreme Court accepted the prosecutor’s objection” to a prior five-year prison sentence for blasphemy, AFP reported, citing the Iranian newspaper Etemad

The newspaper said: “The case was reopened, and this time the defendant was sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet.”

The Iran Front Page also reported that Tehran’s First Criminal Court sentenced Tataloo, 37, to death for insulting the Prophet after a retrial, overturning a prior five-year prison sentence

The verdict, which followed an appeal and Supreme Court intervention, was not final and could still be challenged by the Supreme Court, according to media reports

However, Iran International said on Sunday that the country’s judiciary denied reports claiming that Tataloo had been sentenced to death for blasphemy. It said that the initial report, published by the Jame Jam newspaper, was refuted by the judiciary’s media office, which stated that a final verdict has not yet been issued

The Independent could not verify these claims. Tataloo, an underground musician, was extradited from Istanbul to Iran in December 2023 and has been in detention since

Known for blending rap, pop, and R&B, he previously faced a 10-year sentence for promoting “prostitution” and was charged with anti-regime propaganda and publishing “obscene content”

Despite his controversial image, Tataloo once engaged with conservative Iranian politicians[…]
The news of the sentence came as two judges, Ali Razini and Mohammad Moghisseh, known for handling cases on national security and terrorism, were killed in a shooting at Iran’s Supreme Court in Tehran on Saturday, according to the judiciary’s Mizan Online website

marylin #crackpot #psycho #sexist

Men are born rapists and love rape

Men love watch real life rape or fake(?) on porn sites, nowadays incest rape/sex is very popular, so men fantasize about raping their sisters or mothers. Yeah that is scary shit but just give me another explanation why incest sex is so popular ? Men are degenerate rapists, fucks and sociopaths. Why most women don't get this? And Ii is not socialization but biology, almost in every species males rape females often to death.

In most species the males will chase, exhaust or use force and violence when mating with a female. Rape is simply a valid mating strategy for a male, nothing more, and I dare say that it is the DEFAULT mating strategy. Rape only became taboo in patriarchal societies with marriage, to protect MEN from becoming cuckolds. Yes, all men are born rapists and they will all rape when given a chance, which you also see in every war and similar crisis where they can get away with it. Just like "good men" can be turned into heartless killers by few months of boot camp, they can be turned into rapist by just giving them the opportunity - because they were really killers and rapists by nature. They are just born to kill, steal, rape, die. They are biologically disposable weapons and they bred women into submissive slave-class by killing any woman strong willed enough to resist and favoring the most compliant females. Humanity is a fucking disease.

Of all the searches that begin, “I want to have sex with my …”, 75 percent end with a word indicating a family member, such as “brother” or “sister,” according to Everybody Lies. The most common way to complete this search is with “mom.”' - yeah women keep going breeding men so they can fantasize about raping you in the future. Good luck mums, you know men are awesome LOL, women you naive retards, yeah mothers are the worst.

mikefromwichita #fundie

Yep no doubt that ['none of the Muslim business owners I know support terrorism. Period.'] translates into- I really have no interest in looking to find out whether the islamics I associate with are supporters of terror. One rarely finds that which they are deliberately NOT looking for.

Lord Jim #racist

Forced diversity brought three crime-prone negro knuckle-draggers into the realm of a century owned business. Negroes, embolden by liberal's forgiving of their actions, feel free to steal.

A century of ups, downs, depression, war, and it is gone all because arrogant, evil, hippie mentality...diversity is strength.

Once again we see Whites build and Negroes ruin.

bluetrinity #fundie

Miracles do happen. They are documented all the time. Also, if you say that Jesus didn't perform miracles (including being raised from the dead) you are merely questioning the historical accuracy of historical records. It is odd that biblical records are always questioned to the nth degree, but no one ever questioned if Aristotle ever existed. Either way, your argument is just another facet of "I doubt because the cost of not doubting would be prohibitive.

ripx4nutmeg #transphobia

This week the BBC probably broadcast more pro-transgender propaganda than it ever has before.

Repair slop
The Repair Shop is a primetime BBC One television show that’s been running since 2017, in which ‘members of the public’ present family heirlooms in the hope that they will be repaired. Last week’s episode kicked off with a man bringing in a skirt in need of restoration. After a few seconds of chat, he revealed that it belonged to his brother, and we were subjected to a sob story about his brother’s ‘transition’, his ‘gender fluidity’ and how “she was my inspiration”.

This was not the first time a segment of the show was about a cross-dressing man. Here, we meet a man who pretends to be a woman called ‘Jacquie’ and we meet his wife who is called … Jackie. And before that, there was the woman who had her teddy bear repaired so she could use it as emotional support for future transgender ‘surgeries’.


Despite being a tiny proportion of the population, BBC News keeps bumping into people who pretend they’re the opposite sex. Here, in a feature about immigration, the lead-in to an interview with the home secretary is via a cross-dressing man with what appears to be roadkill on his head, who BBC News at Six supposedly randomly met on a street in Basildon. He wasn’t the only cross-dresser that BBC cameras randomly bumped into this week. In Tuesday’s episode of Escape to the Country, ‘Marcia’ discusses what life in Dorchester is like (for men who wear women’s clothing).


BBC News also prominently featured a story this week about a man in Saudi Arabia who took his own life in 2023, to highlight the abuse 'transgender Saudis' face. A documentary has also been made. The article states that this is part of a series on … inspirational women around the world.

BBC Reporting Scotland also got in on the act - this week from a furry convention, implying it is entirely good wholesome fun. There is no mention that it is actually a sexual fetish or that guests had to agree to not exhibit artworks depicting paedophilia or bestiality during convention sessions.

Jhud #fundie

I have already become resigned to the fact that science is going to continue to borrow basic premises from ID without giving credit to them; which is fine, as long as we can keep steering them in the right direction.

Joshua Haymes #quack

Anxiety is sin to be repented of,

Not a disease to be medicated.

We are all prone to different sins.
Some of us struggle with pride, anger, or wrath, other struggle with lust or gluttony.

Anxiety is no different.


Modern Christians must not get sucked into the trap of medicalizing our sin.

Meds may address some behavioral issues (bad fruit) but they cannot address the bad root.

Only repentance and faith can do that.

We serve a God who is incredibly gracious and immeasurably, merciful to us.

He is inviting each of us to cast our worries upon him.

He would not command us not to worry if it were impossible to actually obey.

Freedom Law School/Peymon Mottahedeh #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon

Take these 7 steps to FREE Yourself of IRS deception, fear, robbery, and slavery, and LIVE FREE with our 100% Protection!

Step 1:
Arm Yourself with the Law
Based on the US Government's official legal websites, no law requires 99% of Americans to file and pay Income Tax.

Step 2:
Stop filing income tax forms
Filing a 1040 Income Tax Confession Trap does NOT protect you.

Step 3:
Realize the IRS is mostly BLUFF
The IRS is extremely unlikely to be able to or attempt to empty your bank account and steal your money if you do not file a 1040 Income Tax Confession Trap (aka Form).

Step 4:
Take Courage from our Victories
Peymon, the founder of Freedom Law School, has not filed or paid U.S. Income Taxes since 1993. The IRS knows this and yet they have never attempted to indict or put Peymon in prison. Why?

Step 5:
Write to your lawmakers about the Law
File and Pay Income Taxes ONLY IF
your congressmen can show you the law that requires YOU to file and pay Income Tax.

Step 6:
Join the Restore Freedom Plan
Lawfully STOP filing and paying Income Tax with our Lifetime Guarantee!

Step 7:
Spread the Word!
Get Paid for each American you FREE with our Freedom Opportunity Plan.
Get your Complimentary Freedom Education Videos

SIGN UP NOW and you will receive several FREE courses sent directly to your email!
▶ Lesson 1 - Who IS Required to File and Pay Income Taxes

▶ Lesson 2 - Odds of Being Struck by Lightning are HIGHER Than Odds of Being Sent to Prison for NOT Filing

▶ Lesson 3 - Many definitions of "United States" in tax laws prove it ONLY applies to D.C.

▶ Lesson 4 - Since 1913, has the Federal Income Tax ONLY applied to Federal Territories?

▶ Lesson 5 - Former IRS Commissioner Cannot Provide the Law PROVING the Legality of the Federal Income Tax

▶ Lesson 6 - The Classic Documentary, America: Freedom to Fascism documentary

12werqt #crackpot

Donald had finally done it. He was elected president of the USA! In a vote of 99.9% of voters voting for him and 00.1% of voters voting for Bernie Sanders. Bernie committed suicide later because he lost the election. He was sad.

But now Trump had an election to win! So he won it. He stood up on the podium, with billions of fans cheering his name. "Trump Trump Trump!" they cheered. It made him happy. Donald then winked at the camera and said "the mexicans are FIRED" and all the mexicans were fired back to mexico because they were fired. Trump then said "As my first act as your president of the usa I will now go through the Great Portal and find out where it goes. Wish me luck!" The crowd cheered so load that a frech guy dropped his baguette and cried. As trump entered the portal he heard a loud screech and saw a blinding light.

"oh no" he said. Donald was scared. But he wasn't that scared.

Donald then found himself in a giant grassy field. He looked around, and felt the cool breeze of an autumn's wind blow through his majestic blonde hair. "I like this" he said. Donald then ran towards the nearest building. A barn, of sorts. He ran inside only to see an orange horse working on a hay.

"Weh-yul hadee thar pardner! Habn't seen yuh round theez parts, have ah?" said Applejack
Donald then asked if he should see whomever ruled the area he was in. He was told that a powerful being, known as "Celestia" was in charge of the kingdom.

When they arrived at Canterlot, Donald spoke with the princess. HE negotiated a deal and bought the entire kingdom for $2.1 billion bits, or $1.2 billion USD. HE shook hands with the princess, and she flew away. Likely to invest with her newfound fortune.
Donald returned to Earth, only to find he was only gone for 2 Earth days. While he was gone, all the mexicans and syrians died and their corpses were used to make a giant statue of Trump.

Trump sat down and began his rule. A giant statue of AJ was built in the white house and he always remembered her. It was made out of the gold Trump discovered himself outside of New York. The Great Portal was closed 10 days after Trump Got back, when the resources of Equestria were dried up and in use in the USA, now known as The United States of Trump.

Bryce Mitchell #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia

UFC president and CEO Dana White criticized Bryce Mitchell for making anti-Semitic and homophobic comments on a podcast during which the featherweight also praised Adolf Hitler and denied the Holocaust

But, citing freedom of expression, White said the organization would not take any disciplinary actions against Mitchell[…]
Mitchell, who competes in the featherweight division of MMA’s largest promotion, made the comments on the first episode of his ArkanSanity Podcast, where he suggested that Hitler was a “good guy” who “fought for his country”

“Here’s what I say about [Elon Musk] heiling Hitler, heiling the Nazis: I really don’t think that he was, because I honestly think that Hitler was a good guy based upon my own research, not my public education indoctrination,” Mitchell said

He added: “I really do think before Hitler got on meth, he was a guy I’d go fishing with. He fought for his country. He wanted to purify it by kicking the greedy Jews out, that were destroying his country and turning them all into gays. They were gaying out the kids. They were queering out the women. They were queering out the dudes. Do you know where the first tranny surgery ever was? Happened to be in Germany before Hitler took over”

Despite views White described as “dumb and ignorant”, the longtime UFC head defended Mitchell’s right to express them

“It’s free speech,” White said. “That’s the beautiful thing about this business, for all of you who hate Bryce Mitchell, you get to see him hopefully get his ass whooped on global television”

Dr. Michael Salla #conspiracy

Ashton Forbes became interested in a leaked video purporting to show missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 being portalled to another location via three rotating plasma orbs during its disappearance on March 8, 2014. He has accumulated evidence that the craft was taken en route from Malaysia to China carrying 20 scientists who had developed a superconducting microchip that was going to be patented or developed in China.
Forbes also discusses a mysterious letter he received from a covert intelligence operative who encouraged him to continue his efforts and that it was indeed the US intelligence community that was behind the disappearance of MH370.

Finally, Forbes discussed plasma balls, cold fusion, gravity waves, and other advanced technology projects, many of which he believes are still too dangerous to be released to the world.

Anon #transphobia #psycho

[Posted by the parent of a living trans child]

Of late, I have been wanting to ‘bury’ my son. I’m not quite sure what I mean by this. Perhaps it will be that I put all his things in a box…& make it a place I go to when I think of him. He’s not coming back, so I might as well remember him as he was. He’s was a wonderful person, I have no clue who he is anymore

Celia Fenn/”Archangel Michael” #magick #fundie

Achieving the Grail and Activating Angelic Consciousness as Pathways into New Earth

Dearest ones, you have reached the most exciting point of your Ascension Journey. You have achieved the Grail level of Consciousness that opens the gateway to the 5th to 8th Dimensions of Consciousness, and also the 9th Dimensional level of Angelic Consciousness. This achievement will lift you into the New Earth and the New Energies, even while the lower levels on Earth are experiencing chaos and falling apart.

The Grail: 8th Dimensional Solar Pathways and Golden Light, and the Christ Consciousness and Sacred Union

The Story of the Golden Grail is one that embodies the Solar Light Energy and the Christ Consciousness. It is a narrative that expresses the archetypal journey to full Christ Consciousness. This is achieved by the Sacred Marriage or Union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine who become One in the service of Divine Love and Compassion on Earth.

In its primary expression, the story is about your inner union of Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, and how you achieve inner balance and union to become the “One” or Source energy that is represented by the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness. But, it can also be expressed by Sacred Union with a partner, where the two become One Soul in the service of Divine Love and Creativity.

The Grail itself was said to be the Golden Cup that was used by Yeshua at the Last Supper to contain his “b***d” (wine that was transfigured at his command). As such it became a symbol for the Human Body and Light Body when it reaches the level of Christ Consciousness. It becomes the “container” for the Golden Light or “b***d of Christ” and the Compassion of the Christ Consciousness.

At this stage of your Ascension, you have achieved this level where you are able to contain the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness as a foundation for the creation of the New Earth.

Era of Light #magick #crackpot #quack #sexist

The Spiritual Meaning of Eye Issues

When issues arise with the eyes and our vision, we may want to consider how we are “seeing” things and ourselves.

Vision changes are common enough, especially as we age or during major hormonal changes, like with pregnancy. We can also get styes, dry eyes, cysts, and all kinds of other issues in and around our eyes. Of course, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor, ophthalmologist, or other healthcare practitioner to address any eye issues directly, but let’s also think about the spiritual meaning of issues surrounding the eyes.
In the Hindu chakra system, the eyes are connected to the sixth chakra, ajna, which is located between and just above the eyes, in the location of the metaphorical third eye. This is the energy center related to seeing, both inwardly and outwardly. It represents our intuition—our ability to know and understand the world literally as well as intuitively. One of the best ways to support the sixth chakra is to sit in meditation, allowing your mind to quiet enough that you can see, hear, and feel inwardly.
Seeing is related to a very masculine, rational, logical way of knowing. We trust what we see with our own eyes, sometimes to the detriment of other forms of knowing. Knowing with touch, smell, taste, and other subtler forms of perception are often more related to the feminine—the unseen powers of the universe. When we over-focus on seeing at the cost of knowing, we may be privileging logic over intuition and, by extension, masculine energy over feminine energy.

NZ #racist

Niggers have a lot of accessory tissues in their gaping maws. They have large bluish gums that occupy more square footage than their fluorescent teeth, and they have lips as big and flapping as two huge slices of calves' liver...that's why they are said to have liver lips. All of this extra tissue gets in the way of air flow....but there's more...

Has anyone here ever heard a salt-water nigger give birth? Haitians, at the height of their labor pains, do not yell or scream. They click. And they snap their "fingers." For some reason, so niggers "click."

This is also related to the way they laugh...."kee, kee, kee, keee"....please do not expect hearty human laughter from their vocal cords or trachea...they are not human. It all happens in the nigger's maw. Maybe in 5000 more years of evolution, they will stop the incessant clicking and sucking. On second thought, No...I don't think they will ever stop sucking.

Jesse Watters #transphobia #psycho

From the February 5, 2025, edition of Fox News' The Five

JESSICA TARLOV (CO-HOST): Jesse, what do you think?

JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): How many trans teens killed themselves today, Jessica?

TARLOV: I didn't get my update yet. I don't know

WATTERS: Well, no, because you guys said that if you wouldn't let trans teens do whatever they wanted, they were going to become suicidal, so I'm just wondering, you know, between this and the no surgeries we should see a rash in teenage suicides this year, right?

TARLOV: You seem a little gleeful about --

WATTERS: Obviously, I'm being sarcastic because that was a B.S. excuse

TatoruzuX #sexist #fundie

This is nonsense. It is the Biblical duty of wives to satisfy their husbands.

You people are seeking to take everything away from men, from entertainment to video games. If at the very least your bastardized modern-day version of Christianity cannot guarantee to men that their wives have a duty to satisfy them, as Christianity traditionally did for hundreds of years, then your bastardized modern-day version of Christianity will not have men.

In the ideal world, men would be perfect. Men would be like Jesus. Men would be completely celibate. Men would not marry. As Paul said, it is good for a man not to touch a woman at all (1 Corinthians 7:1) and his guidance on marriage was merely only a concession/permission, not a commandment (1 Corinthians 7:6), because celibacy is preferable and inherently less sinful than sex even within marriage, which is at best just a distraction from prayer and devotion.

However, Paul recognized that a compromise was necessary. There was something extremely obvious to Paul that is apparently not obvious to "Christians" today: most men are not able to withstand celibacy and they have natural uncontrollable lustful urges. Something must be done about this. And something had to be done about this in the first century. Otherwise, Christianity wouldn't have ever attracted men and it would've died off in the first century.

And so:
Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. (1 Corinthians 7:3)

If women are not fulfilling their Biblical role to act as dutiful wives and "personal porn stars" for their husbands, whether that's due to letting themselves go, rejecting marriage in favor of hypergamy, career-chasing, or whatever it is women do to fuck up the sexual marketplace, they are equally as culpable for the sins of lustful men who cannot find wives to fulfil their Biblical role.

Irene Bonney Faulkes #racist

Yes, Jewry is a people, who have made themselves a seduction, a fictitious romance, particularly to the hundreds of millions of Christian Church attendees. They say they are entitled to a ‘Holy City’, Jerusalem, a revered people even god-like and without a doubt such are filled with pride and arrogance. One of their books suggests ‘God adores the Jews’. Such blasphemy. Instead of the True God being adored, He, the Holy One, adores them who are the very antithetical.

Their Pharisaic Judaism is a swindle, a hoax, of mammoth proportions. There is inbred within them a mentality that can be classed as that of the egomaniac and arrogant from demon gods. With certitude it can be said that there has been a bequest from centuries of Rabbis, with their internicine squabbles and infernally confused thinking surrounding every possible point of their supposedly based Scriptural beliefs. But of course, their beliefs are not based on the actual Pentateuch of the Old Testament is a falsity. Their Torah is not of the Old Testament.

It would be a grave error to wipe them off as harmless. They have masqueraded as the Jew of the Bible, and even that name ‘Jew’ is not found therein. Rather just as they have paraded themselves as ‘the Chosen People of God’, so have they formulated for themselves in English, a name that had not existed until it was done in the eighteenth century. Rothschilds alone would know the part played by then in this regard. These Jews have composed for themselves a mystique imposed upon Christendom and even on the world that as a result is afraid to even mention the Holocaust for fear of their vengeance.

Indeed, what is the world fearing at their hands? Whence this fear? It is the throttle-hold upon not only a multitude of churches but on mankind as a whole. Obeisance is performed to such because, unknowingly to the majority of both those in churches and outside, the occult rules our world. One may well laugh but think of the power of Yoga with which many Westerners consult. They remain, those Jews, of whom one of their eminent Statesmen said: ‘A Jew is whoever calls himself a Jew’, a mirage on the road, a will of the wisp, never appearing in the basic reality.

They themselves, relate their own story to those who find it, as a motley crowd, dispassionate, hoaxers, fakers, pretenders, collaborators, factional, deceivers, sexual deviates, with sex gods and a sex goddess blasphemously called Shekinah, or Lillith, with their androgynous Demiurge and his female part. So why, you millions of Christians, are you afraid to act in no other way than to bless today’s Israel or its Jews who are not Hebrews or Israelites? The blessing and curse was given, in any case, only to Abraham and not to the nation that would come out of his loins.

The Christians in particular, have been hexed and so also has the whole world. This is the reality of our earthy existence. Those who know India, as an example, confront on many occasions, the depth of demonic sway over a nation. Why were the Beatles so enamored of that Eastern world? The Mantras of Yoga are powerful. Like Brother Nathanael, we do not hate the people as people but the evil. Just as we do not make a friend of an ongoing robber and murderer, neither do we choose to have one of the present kind in Jewry, as a friend.

We would rather give them the gospel of peace in Christ Jesus. Possibly in the main, they will never know Christ except on the Judgment Day when they will all be resurrected to face Him and his wrath. But there are those who may. I have a friend from a Christian Church who follows Christ it would appear, but loves the Jews, and then she discovered she was a descendant of the Rothschild dynasty. She is still my friend but at a distance because ‘How can two walk together unless they are agreed?’

Recently a person contacted me, being of Jewish descent from his Russian grand-parents who escaped that land. He now loves the Lord Jesus and is in amazement at the present Christian adoration of Israel. Yes, there are others, and there is Brother Nathanael, whom we love in truth. To us he is one of those called ’saints’ by Paul, in ‘To the saints who are at Ephesus’, all the true believers. There is much hope that some of them even through this site, will come to be known of the Lord Jesus.

Missy #racist

16 Sept is about Mexicans, not Hispanics.

There is one thing to keep in mind about Mexico, they are patriotic. The 16 Sept. holiday is called Fiestas Patrias and it is all about patriotism. It is similar to our Armistice Day back in the 50's. School children are let out to attend speeches by various people much is made about National pride. It lasts a whole week. It is a big deal. One other thing, Mexicans make good soldiers. Also, Mexico is male dominated, they are almost immune to PC.

Look at it from their perspective. They look north and see a thoroughly corrupt, decadent, weak, drug soaked, female dominated society ripe for the fall and they are tempted.

They think anglo's welfare programs and open borders is indication that anglos are stupid and weak. Economic opportunists.

Most whites will read this and dismiss it. I think the problem is whites feel invincible. Mexicans are a joke. Rome can never fall. I think whites are caught in an illusion of safety, security and don't understand that empires always fall.

...Hispanics feel the demographic wind in their sails, and routinely boast about their increasing power. They take it for granted that it is only a matter of time before they push aside the old “Anglo” power structure....

South Americans come to the US for a better life but due to a lower IQ or pride, just can't grasp that removing anglos from the US will result in the end of the US as a 1st world nation. Maybe it's more about winning than the results. That was certainly the case for Zimbabwe.

One thing to note, a Hispanic US would not tolerate the US blacks.

Missy.....Whites do no think of themselves as invincible, but they do have a character flaw. They simply cannot be moved to react in the way one would expect until the threat is credible. Once a threat is credible, whites will utterly destroy their enemies to the extent humanly possible. But unless and until that threat is credible, they are not going to strike until the iron is hot.
Blacks in the USA are one out of eight of the population and a disproportionate number of them are children and women. They will never be a credible threat. Hispanics are 16 percent of the population and only half are citizens....and a disproportionate number of them are children and women. Likewise, they are not a threat and there seems to be no possibility of black and Hispanic being on the same side. They really dislike each other.

Not to mention, something like 50% of black males is in or has been in prison. It's just ridiculous if you look at the demographics of the prison populations, why this is being tolerated. The threat South Americans present is voting, disrupting our elections, because I read some states are attempting to allow illegals to vote.

I agree whites do not perceive a threat. But I notice a white tendency to move away from the diversity as a solution.

Faith Mimbs #fundie

Can you imagine What we would do if Christ had not died an that sweet cross? There had to be blood
shed for god is just that holy. in the old times people made animal sacrifices for sins that were committed, I don't
know about you but can't even chop the head Of a dead chicken let alone a live goat, so thank God he died for
me yet while I was still a sinner, if you have another God besides the almighty tell me why? What miracles do you
believe they perform, and if you died right now can the blood of your god get you heaven? I know many
people Who have different religions Other than Christianity and everyone thinks theirs IS the right one, but the
bible the holy bible has been dissected over and aver again and has been proven to have accurate accounts of
Jesus Christ. this is not to say that prophets have not existed somewhere else because they have, but Jesus is
Jesus and there is no duplication Of him, his birth Was foretold seven hundred years before his birth just think
about that, look around you nonbelievers look at the proof in front of your face or is the trees to tall? My life and
all the things I have been through I know If it were not for God I would have fainted. there were times that I did
not want to follow him I wanted to give up, my lights were off my fridge was empty and I felt like God could zap
some money my way, but was not faithful to him. I lived in this world and all my lusts came first. I wanted that
car, that man that jewelry never knowing that at any minute I could have did and been lost. The blble is clear on
a few things let me tell you what that is Hell, Heaven, Jesus, Hell _ yep hell is a literal burning suffering painful
place that no one wants to go, I hear people say that if they had a loved one in hell they would not mine as long
as they were together, well that's crap' Who wants to continually burn? Who. If my mother went to hell light
now, it's her fault she has had ample opportunity to change, so if she do not it's because she chose not_ But one
thing is tor sure am not going to ask God to let me burn with her. no way I want the peace that god otters I
want to live in the golden mansion, I want to see the jewel paved Streets, want to see Christ, and all who does
not is lost. Now know we have some Satan worshippers and that's fine but when you get to hell the devil is not
your friend, he will not thank you for serving him, in fact he Will laugh at What you have done, you Will be With
him for the rest of your life being tortured imagine that This life that you live are only for a while so what you do
with it is up to you, but if you choose wrong you will regret it, And for those who believe God is a phony or he is
not real you Will regret it or for your sakes let's hope I am wrong

Harry Matadeen #quack #crackpot #mammon

The Foundation For Health And Optimal Living Starts With The Discovery Of The Medicinal Magic That Is Your Own Urine. Ultra Filtered Blood Plasma. But Ageing The Urine Is The One, The Saviour Of Mankind. This Book Will Present You With The Whys And Hows, A Step By Step To Using Your Own Perfect Medicine, And To Keep Yourself Healthy Forever..

<$9.00 for Kindle Edition>

various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia

N.Y. Hospital Stops Treating 2 Children After Trump’s Trans Care Order - The New York Times

( limoncello )
"Gender-affirming care." 0 for 3 there. I'm not holding my breath on seeing it properly called child sexual mutilation but I cannot WAIT until their preferred euphemism stales into "gender intervention treatment" or some mealy-mouthed slop.

( carbon0va )
This headline is constructed to push the idea that a negligible number of kids are getting this treatment. You have to read deeper to start seeing the truth:

A pediatrician at the state-run University Hospital of Brooklyn, Dr. Birnbaum said he saw roughly 75 trans patients, including many teenagers.

75. One doctor.
Who also said this:

“I’m willing to go to jail to continue to provide your care,” Dr. Jeffrey Birnbaum said he had been telling his young trans patients and their parents since the executive order.

🙄🙄🙄 Go then. It is where adults who mutilate children belong.

( DurableBook )
Wow, and here I was happy with the two. Two kids spared chemical castration. Two kids given a reprieve, however temporary, from the current lobotomy fad being inflicted upon the nonconforming.

Here's hoping it is a lot more. And here's hoping that Dr. Birnbaum's name is forever recorded along such greats as Walter Jackson Freeman II and Carl Clauberg.

( hard_headed_woman )
Non-binary bullshit?

Seriously, one of these kids identifies as non-binary?

( Lipsy )
Lots of the underage Girls who've had Their breasts hacked off have been "nb".

Could even be a majority, just because there are so many more "nb" than "trans men".

( hard_headed_woman )
I just can't imagine a parent letting a child destroy her body for "non-binary." What a freaking fad.

Vraiblonde #fundie

Faith-healing parents charged in death of infant

I do not think this is a tough call at all. Parents have a right to determine their children's medical treatment, not the government.
And there are no buts about it.
While I do not agree with the parents' decision, I also have no interest in giving the government any more control over how we raise our children than what they already have. In fact, I don't even want them to have THAT much control.

So when should the government step in? When parents starve their kids? When they break their bones and beat them? I don't really see how denying medical care is any different than murdering your child.

There is a difference between actively causing harm and merely allowing nature (or God, if you will) to take it's course. Denying medical care is very different than murdering your child.

So passively killing your child is ok but actively doing it is not?

That would be your opinion. And you are not the child's parent. You get to make decisions regarding your kids, and other parents get to make decisions regarding theirs.

My point was if it's ok for parents to raise their children as they please, why is there a Social Services? In your opinion, do you think parents should be able to do whatever they want to their child? Where is the line drawn? Is there even a line at all?

These people did not "do" anything to their child. They did not beat him. They did not refuse to feed him. They did not abandon him.
They simply took an alternate healing route - one, I might add, that many people devoutly believe works. Just because YOU do not agree with it doesn't make it wrong.

Mark Anderson Smith #transphobia #fundie

If your child identifies as trans, you are not alone. There are thousands of parents in similar situations in the UK and perhaps tens of thousands around the world. Most of us are struggling. Most of us find ourselves unable to accept what is obviously not true. We desperately do not want our child to harm themselves. Although in recent months – as I write this in early 2024 – there has been a slight change in public perceptions, still there are a large number of people who are highly influential in the media insisting that the response to trans identity should be to accept and celebrate it. Politicians, journalists, even medical professionals. How can all these people not see what we see – our child, the child we always knew? How can they claim the impostor is the real person?

If you’ve seen those David Tennant episodes, you’ll know that there is an opportunity for reconciliation, for two orphans to find each other and be a family again. Then the twist. The knife in the back. Professor Yana is revealed as the Doctor’s sworn enemy: the Master. The Doctor is not the last of the Time Lords, Yana is an acronym for You Are Not Alone. I’ll share later of an experience we had, someone who claimed to be there to help and I now think was a threat to our family. It is such a betrayal to think someone is on your side and then to find out they never were.

Throughout this nightmare we have been living, for over two and a half years now, there has been someone who has been faithful, who has been by our side the whole way, comforting us, giving us courage to continue, our Father in heaven.

pennygadget & Riothamus #transphobia

Is the horror of child transitioning finally coming to an end?

( pennygadget )
It had to end at some point. If Trump's EOs didn't do it, the inevitable lawsuits & deaths certainly would have forced the issue.

The cult has been desperately covering up the impacts of these treatments for years. But they can't keep people like detransitioners and whistle-blower medical professionals silent forever. They can't silence the loved ones of the young people who died in their 20s despite receiving "life saving" gender affirming care. The dam was going to burst at some point. Trump just hastened it

( Riothamus )
I'd say it was always destined to burst by the 2024 election. Childhood transition didn't catch on until roughly 2014 and that's enough time for the horrible permanent side effects to manifest.

various commenters #transphobia

Opinion | What’s Lost if the Government Pushes People Like Me Out of the Military - The New York Times

( Peppermint )
There is a huge trend for men to go to the military just so they can get free cosmetic surgery and access to women's spaces. As soon as that is over they won't be going to the military anymore.

( Uber )
And to be able to legally kill other people

( samsdat )
You’re not a SHE, Bree. You’re a colonizer.


( OwnLyingEyes )
"Resilient, resourceful, empathetic, authentic, trustworthy, honest" none of these are words that come to mind for describing this cohort of self-absorbed full-time liars who constantly threaten to shatter into a million pieces and constantly threaten other people if anyone looks at them in any way other than through a stack of pre-specified 'filters' and who are notorious for demanding that everyone else should pay for an infinite stream of elective surgeries as well as their living expenses because they're just so stressed out by not being able to control other people completely to handle their own shit.

( vulvapeople )
There have been at least two military TIMs who gave military secrets to third parties. Apparently, the old stereotypes about crossdressing men being untrustworthy, especially in a military context, are true.

( Killer_Danish )

The REAL Reason Trump Banned Transgender Troops.

Did I hear him right? Up to 15,000 TiP are in the military? And almost none of them are deployable in to war zones because most are life-long medical patients. How can the US military justify investing so much money towards soldiers who will either be permanently desk-bound or on leave for nearly half their contract due to trans surgeries? That's a TERRIBLE return on investment!

But see how quickly TiP dragged women down with them? The hard right conservative would say that transpeople AND women should be barred from serving in the military (trans has consistently shown itself to be the cement shoes on women and LGB people, taking all our hard won social gains with them in to the abyss...)

Navaros #fundie

...except maybe for when God meets feminist monsters at his Judgement Seat and then slaps them upside their ugly heads with His Huge, Holy, Righteous Patriarchal, Male, Masculine, Fatherly, Kingly, Almighty Penis!...and thereby knocks them straight into Hell!!! ROFL!

Navaros #fundie

There is no such thing as "creationists" as distinct from "Christians." All Christians believe the Bible, and therefore all Christians know that God is Male and has a Penis.

Anyone who denies those facts would be a denier of the Bible, and therefore, by definition, not a Christian..

wiley #fundie

When will you learn? Never. The parasitic nature of Atheism dictates that it have something not to believe in, and without which its has no raisin date. If it ever finally defeats Christianity, some other belief-system will take over; jihadists and sharia-merchants are standing by.
Funny thing: you don't see F1 mechanics belittling ancient chariots, nor chemists berating the alchemists of yore for not knowing the intricacies of the Periodic Table, yet you do see Atheist-Evolutionists dissecting Genesis 1 and highlighting any scientific innaccuracies.
I suggest you see a shrink.

[Submitter's note: I think that "raisin date" is supposed to be the French phrase "raison d'etre.")

Ricky Adams #fundie


Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

My face was just blown clean off watching this channel for the past few hours. I was well aware of the theory that so many of these supposed “rock cut” megalithic buildings around the world were in fact the remains of VERY ancient petrified buildings. But to now realize just how many of them were not only originally built of wood and were covered by mud and then the ocean, leaving them calcified and petrified, but even more shockingly, how these “pyramids” that we see in Mesoamerica especially, have actually been completely rebuilt by modern archeologists and were not originally pyramids at all. Instead they are all the collapsed remains of huge buildings, some even as large as skyscrapers, with only the top protruding from the ground in modern times! When a building collapses, the sides slide off, leaving a pyramidal shaped point. So when they were uncovered, they were rebuilt by its discoverers to look how they thought it originally looked. Ancient human cultures like the Aztec and Maya also rediscovered these ruins and rebuilt and utilized them the same way we do today.

musterion #fundie

A proposition for homosexuals


We want the word gay returned to us. It's a perfectly fine word but it can no longer be used as intended, because of you. Our children cannot enjoy singing along with the theme to The Flintstones, as we used to do, without mumbling in shame or laughing out loud at that part of the lyrics. In American History classes, teachers can never discuss "The Gay Nineties" without adding an awkward, distracting caveat.

In exchange, we offer you the full, free and exclusive use of festive. Even though we know it doesn't really fit you any better than gay, we never use it so it's just sitting around gathering dust. As a bonus, we'll throw in flamboyant and fabulous, which you've already annexed anyway.

Please consider this offer. Thanks.


At least 98% of the world's population

rape-women-everyday #fundie

I sincerely believe that trannies are below incels on the subhuman scale. Seriously. We are above them in every way.We were born ugly and accept our fate.

Trannies are so mentally fucked they try to change genders and do surgeries and take hormones and other disgusting shit. They just end up as deep-voiced wide-framed crossbreed mongrels. Fuck them lol.

mathlover , Leliana2e4 & NastasyaFillipovna #transphobia

RE: White House removes T from LGB for

( mathlover )
Thr T can immediately solve all their problems by ceasing to make believe they are the opposite sex anywhere outside of their private lives with willing participants.

( Leliana2e4 )
No, The T should be removed, and I've no opposition to the LGB portion being removed as well[...]

Firstly, even though I support the Republican's executive orders (on all gender ideology + freedom of speech + illegal immigration) and a few things that they are doing, I'm not under the illusion that they care about the LGB (which ironically might have been somewhat hypocritical if they really did care). These are just cosmetic changes to comply with the executive order for anyone to see.

And secondly, even though I don't like homophobia, women like us have learnt to watch ourselves a very long time ago, and not constantly expect the world to validate us. The other posters have said it right. The Transgenders are not stupid. They are only behaving incorrigibly, crazy and in other mind-boggling ways, because the Americans, the English and Western Europeans will allow them to get away with it.

They will not pull the same stunts deep into Middle eastern territory or any 2nd-3rd/4th world homophobic country. They will simply remove the costume and travel as a normal dude, or if they really "do pass", they will suddenly develop decency and behave like a normal human being to blend in.

OP, I feel like this a blind spot. You are doing the "be kind" thing and thinking they are babies that need coddling. While they are fully grown adult men and women, and the AGP men are extremely strategic and merciless in whatever they do. Because this is the kind of thinking that has landed us in this position to begin with.

( NastasyaFillipovna )

I would have added that many countries view "identifying as the opposite sex in passports" as falsifying information.

And one of the most common ways to don a disguise I might add. You enter as a male, commit crimes as a "woman", and fly out as a male again. If I am the government, I for sure would like to know "all" your identities.

They already do this in the news, crimes committed by males in a dress are being reported as committed by "women". How is the public on the lookout for someone who they don't even know what to look for?

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #fundie

Matthew 4:7-9 “Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.”
It’s important not to tempt the Lord. What that means, is don’t sin to see how He will react or get close to the near occasion of sin to where you are trying to put Him in a box. That’s what the Zionist religion does, when they try to lawyer their way around the law.
Jesus would not use the angels to catch Him when Satan dared Him to! You shouldn’t try to fall down the proverbial cliff of sin and try to have Him catch you too!
It should be very obvious that a hot stove is hot! You don’t need to touch it to make the connection! Believers don’t need to listen to sinful rock music, they don’t need to extensively view smut to see that it’s licentious and vile! It should be obvious to anyone who’s a mature Christian! Fire is hot, don’t stick a fork in a power outlet, and watching porn is bad and will be nothing but spiritual satanic cyanide no matter your stated motives!
God is not to be tempted and mocked and if you try to get too close to sin and go against His will to be modest and prudent in all aspects of life, then you are just like the Zionist who creates a Rube Goldberg machine to light a candle on the Sabbath! We are meant to have liberty and freedom in Christ but don’t abuse it to make a point and tempt God!

Believers in Christ, it is imperative that you worship God and live of modest means and do not be as the hypocrites! Don’t show your supposed piety when your righteousness is truly as rags! #dunning-kruger #magick

(Submitter’s note: The Yakalo is a yak-bison hybrid that does not occur in nature, the parents being from the Old and New World respectively, created as an unsuccessful breeding experiment in the 1920s.)

Yakalo Symbolism

The Yakalo holds deep symbolism in many spiritual traditions, representing strength, resilience, and adaptability. It is often seen as a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and protection. The yakalo is also associated with harmony, balance, and connection to nature.

Yakalo Spirit Animal

As a spirit animal, the Yakalo guides individuals to tap into their inner strength and wisdom. It teaches the importance of grounding oneself in nature and embracing change with grace. The Yakalo spirit animal encourages self-reliance, independence, and the ability to navigate through life's challenges with determination.

Yakalo Totem Animal

Those who have the Yakalo as their totem animal are often seen as strong and resilient individuals. They have a deep connection to nature and are known for their ability to adapt to any situation. The Yakalo totem animal brings a sense of groundedness and stability to its people, guiding them to trust their instincts and rely on their inner strength.

Yakalo Power Animal

The Yakalo as a power animal provides protection and support to those who call upon its energy. It bestows the strength and courage needed to face difficult situations and overcome obstacles. The Yakalo power animal empowers individuals to stand firm in their beliefs and take decisive action when necessary.

What it means if you see a Yakalo

If you see a Yakalo in your dreams or daily life, it may be a sign to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. The appearance of a Yakalo could also indicate that abundance and prosperity are on the horizon, urging you to trust in your inner strength and resilience.

Yakalo Positive Meaning

The Yakalo's positive meaning signifies strength, abundance, and protection. Seeing a Yakalo may indicate that you have the power within you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Embrace the positive energy of the Yakalo and trust in your ability to navigate through life with grace and determination.

Yakalo Negative Meaning

In its negative aspect, the Yakalo may signal a need to be more adaptable and open to change. Seeing a Yakalo in a negative light could suggest that you are resisting growth and holding onto outdated beliefs or patterns. Take this as a reminder to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace the transformative power of the Yakalo.

Eugene McCarthy #crackpot

Dog-cow Hybrids

[D]ogs are notorious for their willingness to mate with almost any type of animal. For example, male dogs have been observed mating with ducks, geese and chickens (see the section on dog hybrids elsewhere on this website). A video showing a male dog mating with a cow at right above

As the photos show, this animal, which is male, is a very strange-looking creature. In particular, it has a huge mouth opening, as do many carnivores. Cattle and most herbivores have relatively small mouth openings. In this bizarre “calf,” the mouth opening reaches almost to the ears. It also has a lolling tongue like a dog. Also dog-like is the loose fur on the breast visible in the middle photo. Perhaps it’s just my imagination, but there’s something about its winsome expression in the middle picture that reminds me of my own dog in some of his more relaxed and satisfied moments.

However, as can be seen in the enlarged version of the lowermost photo, this animal has no upper incisors. Instead, there is a dental pad at the front of the upper jaw, as in cattle (see picture at right). The lower incisors, clearly visible in the enlargement of the middle picture, are cow-like. However, in the uppermost photo (also enlargeable) the erupting molars seem to be pointed like the carnassials of a dog, instead of flat like a cow’s. The lower jaw is much shorter than the upper and, according to the news reports, the mouth is constantly agape.
It was healthy enough but, due to its bizarre mouth structure, it could not nurse from its mother, and at the time the photographs were taken, the owner was feeding it by hand, giving it three liters of milk a day. “What is even more strange,” Misnoto told reporters who came to interview him at his home, “is that this calf will not eat grass. It only drinks milk and eats snack foods like those eaten by humans.” (Does it perhaps have a dog-like digestive system?) Misnoto said he took the animal to a vet to see whether its mouth could be sewn together so that it would be able to suck milk from its mother, but the vet said with its mouth sewn it would not be able to chew its food. The mother had given birth to three normal calves in previous years.

FaceIsLife #crackpot

Has inceltears ever gave an explanation on why incels were still incels during their 'bluepill phase' ?

No male who go through their sexual puberty starts out as an official blackpilled incel; just like no babies are born evil.

Becoming blackpilled is a long process and being bluepilled at first is just part of the natural process.

So has IT ever theorized why some incels were still 'incel' during their bluepill phase (which usually takes many years) without having any incel ideology whatsoever ?

Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

In Nino Rodriguez’s Feb 2, 2025 interview with Juan O Savin, the latter explained that some Chemtrails are part of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and are used, in conjunction with the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) to create a missile defense shield over the Constinental US.
In that interview, the pilot explained that Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) are supposed to “bounce off” of these geoengineered, electromagnetically-charged layers of differing densities.
When Nino complained to Juan that this spraying causes ugly skies and ill effects, Juan essentially told him, “Stop crying. Heavy metal exposure is preferable to a nuclear strike or an EMP attack and this is the technology we currently have but new technology is coming to replace this.”

When I’ve relayed this bit of information over the past couple of days, people have directed anger toward me, as if I suddenly love Chemtrails and don’t hate heavy metal toxicity as much as the next person! I am simply relaying the information.
When I first started publishing my blog in 2010 and posting about Chemtrails, I would get threatening emails in ALL CAPS from Air Force officers. I guess this linkage between Chemtrails and SDI has been a big secret.

So, I’ve been hearing this “missile defense shield” story for nearly 15 years but Juan’s statement was the first time I’d heard it linked to SDI. The name for this Chemtrail-missile defense project that I first heard, in early 2015 was “Indigo Skyfold”.
I’ve heard that the World Economic Forum Globalists seek to tokenize and assign a financial value to everything on the planet – down to the last blade of grass – in their bid to control the world, via a massive Artificial Intelligence simulation of Earth – the Digital Twin. Such nano-sensors could be sprayed everywhere, in an attempt to achieve this diabolical goal.