Henrik Palmgren #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

Kevin MacDonald received his Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Sciences and is Professor of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach. MacDonald is the author of seven books on evolutionary psychology and child development and is the author or editor of over thirty academic articles. His research focuses on evolutionary psychology and on ethnicity and ethnic group conflict. He is the founder of The Occidental Observer, an online publication presenting original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the west.

In the first hour, we’ll begin on the speculative Khazar theory of the Jews and although not supported by empirical basis, it is used for political purposes. The theory reached a wider audience when Arthur Koestler published “The Thirteenth Tribe” in 1976. More recently Prof. Shlomo Sand published “The Invention of the Jewish People,” that further argues that the “Jewish people” is an invention, forged out of myths to justify Jewish ownership of the Land of Israel. Then we move on to discuss the long historical animosity between Jews and Western culture. Kevin talks about politics motivated by hatred. Later, we discuss the big business of immigration.

In the member’s hour, we contend how it’s no accident that pro-European films are not being made, nor is media focusing on any positive aspects of Europeans or the West. Then, we discuss change in government that could have an influence on media and culture. We’ll also speak about the situation in California as demographics have drastically changed and tensions are mounting. Later, we comment on the Scottish independence referendum and voting fraud claims. The hour ends on the new kind of rebel emerging, antifa violence and the absurdity of Whites rejoicing the death of their culture.
[Note: This is from 2014]

Rush Limbaugh #fundie rawstory.com

Radio host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday said that actor Robin Williams’ alleged suicide was caused by his “political leftist” state of mind.

“What is the left’s world view in general?” Limbaugh asked his audience the day after Williams’ death was announced. “If you had to attach, not a philosophy, but an attitude to a leftist world view. It’s one of pessimism, and darkness, sadness. They’re never happy, are they?”

“They’re animated in large part by the false promises of America because the promises of America are not for everyone,” he continued, pointing to a Fox News report that suggested Williams had struggled with financial issues, and survivor’s guilt after the deaths of entertainers like Christopher Reeve, Andy Kaufman and John Belushi.

“Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young, and much earlier than he had,” the conservative talker explained. “He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn’t.”

“Well, that is a constant measurement that is made by political leftists in judging the country.”

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson #fundie newshounds.us

I’ve often said that, ‘Thank God for slavery,’ because, you know, had not, then the blacks over here would have been stuck in Africa— Everybody and their Mama are trying to get out of Africa and come to America and so God has a way of looking out for folks and He made it possible by way of slavery to get black folks into this country.

—I thank God that He saw fit for me to get here. Never mind that, you know, (my ancestors) were sold— by Arabs and blacks to white folks— The ride over was pretty tough but you know, it’s like riding on a crowded airplane when you’re not in First Class. It’s a tough ride. But you’re happy when you get to your desitination— I thank God that he got me here and to show my appreciation to the blacks who suffered as the result of coming here, and Arabs and blacks who sold us to the white man, the white man for going there and getting us and bringing us here, I want to say, ‘Thanks.’

The Singularity of Evil

Beyond the Moral Event Horizon, where Evil grows so strong that it defies comprehension.

canino1997 #sexist #psycho web.archive.org

(On the case of Brandon Clark, who murdered 17 year old internet celebrity Bianca Devins, photographed her nearly-decapitated corpse and uploaded the photo to 4chan)

I did send her mom my condolences together with a cum tribute to the bitch getting rekt. She died coz she was a thot and I hope that she takes this as a lesson on how hard she failed at parenting.

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy amg-news.com

America woke up to a gut-wrenching headline this week: Gene Hackman is dead. The Hollywood icon, a man whose mere presence on screen could shake your soul, was found lifeless in his Santa Fe home, alongside his wife and one of their three dogs. Just another case of an elderly celebrity passing away? Not a chance.

The mainstream media wasted no time pumping out their pre-written obituaries—talking about his Oscars, his retirement from acting, his quiet life in New Mexico. But here’s what they won’t tell you: Gene Hackman wasn’t just a retired millionaire hiding out in the desert. He was a man on a mission. And now, he’s dead. Coincidence? Absolutely not.

For those paying attention, Hackman’s name has been whispered in the shadows of Hollywood’s elite circles for years. But what most people don’t know is this: he was Jeffrey Epstein’s neighbor.

Yes, you read that right. Hackman, the tough-as-nails legend of The French Connection and Unforgiven, lived near the world’s most notorious trafficker of underage victims. And that’s not all. Hackman also owned an island right next door to Oprah Winfrey’s private getaway in British Columbia.

Gene knew things. He had connections. And he was tired of playing the Hollywood game, where silence is the currency of survival.
Sources close to Hackman say he was working on a book. A tell-all. A bombshell exposé that would have shattered the very foundations of the Deep State, Hollywood, and the globalist elite. And guess what? That book will now never see the light of day.

Gene Hackman’s death is a wake-up call. Another warrior gone. Another voice silenced. But if we sit back and accept their lies, we are complicit in our own enslavement.

It’s time to stand up, speak out, and demand justice.

President Trump is back in the Oval Office. The tides are turning. But it’s up to WE THE PEOPLE to make sure that the truth comes out—before they erase it forever.

Justice for Gene. Justice for the truth. Justice for America.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

If you’re against males in female spaces then you obviously disbelieve all female victims too

( mathlover )
But they do harm women by their violation of women's spaces. They terrorize women.

A fox in a henhouse is a predator even if it never touches any of the chickens. The fox never belongs in the henhouse; it is a predator just by being where it will never belong.

Men never belong in womens spaces no matter how they "identify" or what they do, or don't do, to their bodies. They are always predators just by being - even just by wanting to be - where they will never belong.

( BlukBerry )
That's what these men don't understand or don't even care about.

The very presence of a man in women's spaces is violating, no matter what he's doing or not doing. Donning lipstick and a wig (or, thanks to self-ID, doing nothing at all) doesn't make a man a woman and it's absurd to argue otherwise.

( Lemon_Quiche )
It's funny because TRAs don't believe the (largely female) victims of TIMs.

To the OOP (if you happen to rage-lurk this site): I believe women AND I'm against males in female spaces, and those both come from the same place.

( pennygadget )
Wait. When did Nancy Mace go after a real woman for using the ladies room because she thought it was a TIM?

( marciekr )
I can't remember her name but there was an overly-stylized Republican woman that Mace called a trans woman which was in the news for a day. The woman just laughed about it IIRC.

( TrappedInACar )
I’m not sure she did. I’m not American so I might have missed something but I’m pretty sure I would have heard of that. Cool story to talk about an imaginary TIM who could have died though, right?

( drdeeisback )
I think he's literally saying an actual woman might 'lose her life' if she were 'accused' of being trans...because you know women murder other women in bathrooms all the time for no reason at all. And (contrary to any actual statistics) TIMs are being murdered right and left for no reason at all.

various commenters #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

As Ground Shifts, ‘Flailing’ Democrats Struggle to Find Footing in Diversity Fight - The New York Times

( crodish )
Get fucked, all of you who ever supported and enabled this insidious movement and shamed women who spoke up about it.

If you want to know why Trump is in charge it's because there WERE no left leaning parties who stood up to this shit.

( Peppermint )
Sounds like the official end of the democrats. If they keep at this, I will actually vote Republican next time.

( LunarMoose )
This really makes me angry: > But Republicans soon tapped into a backlash, turning a once-obscure academic concept, critical race theory, into a rallying cry against what they portrayed as reverse discrimination, and laying the groundwork for Mr. Trump’s more aggressive push against diversity-related efforts.>

It is not 'obscure'. Nearly all of my childs HS teachers use this in the classroom as FACT. How did the students react? The students all tried to identify out of their race/privilege. How'd they do that? The same way my graduate class did it. Some 'came out' as mentally ill (depression, anxiety and more). Others revealed they were poor and had few resources at home. And others talked about their families 'lack of privilege'. Many id'ed as 'non-binary' or 'trans'.

CRT is not obscure. It's taught EVERYWHERE. FWIW, It belongs in the world as a theory. It does NOT belong in HS taught as absolute fact. And it for sure doesn't belong in grammar school.

( ProfTerfMom )
They’re not flailing; they remain willingly chained inside the Allegory of the Cave celebrating their shadow reality.

Rob Wasinger #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy amgreatness.com

President Trump’s recent announcement that he was seizing control of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by installing himself as head of the Center’s board of directors and long-time confidant Ric Grenell as interim executive director was met with predictable howls of outrage from the cultural left.
Trump had evidently had enough of the embarrassing woke circus.“I have decided to immediately terminate multiple individuals from the Board of Trustees, including the Chairman, who do not share our Vision for a Golden Age in Arts and Culture,” he tweeted out on Truth Social. “NO MORE DRAG SHOWS, OR OTHER ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA, ONLY THE BEST …Ric shares my Vision for a GOLDEN AGE of American Arts and Culture, and will be overseeing the daily operations of the Center.”
In another sense, however, politics can, and does, shape culture. The popular culture of the Camelot era of the JFK presidency was heavily influenced by Jack and Jackie Kennedy’s White House and its somewhat self-conscious emphasis on sophistication, high culture, and the arts. Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” politics of patriotic optimism and American renewal characterized much of 1980s popular culture in America, from movies such as Indiana Jones, Rambo, Rocky, Star Wars, Back to the Future, and Ferris Bueller to musicals like Big River and television shows such as The Dukes of Hazard and The Cosby Show.

Despite the sneers and jeers of our cultural elite, the prospects that President Trump’s takeover of our premier cultural platform will lead to an American cultural renaissance are actually relatively high. If not a full-fledged return to the “golden age” of American dominance of the popular arts, it at least augurs the end of an aggressive wokeism, whose very measure of success is the degree to which it offends popular taste and the commonly held values of Western civilization.

sfg #fundie venganza.org

[On the FSM]

first thing: What the hell? You are just crazy, mislead idiots, who see some kind of personal profit in you “pastafarian” ways. Stop misleading innocent people. Who the hell worships a bundle of flying spaghetti with meatballs? It´s just sick. AND who is the leader of this “church”? My pastor and family would like a word with him.

HOW dare you sick idiots portrait that fictionous monster in place of God and Jesus. HOW DARE YOU! YOU are just a bunch of freaks and hillbillies that aren´t educated, have been neglected as children, and want to stand out in a freakish kind of way and say: “oh ho, i am a psycho pastafarian” or “look at me, i have been sent by the BDSM, i mean FSM, i come in peace, join us, spread the word of this goddamn thing.” keep your worship to yourselves and don´t taint the believe of normal people.

Think of it as this: What kind of Psycho draws up a pile of spaghetties, makes a church (so that he doesn´t have to pay taxes for his ventures AND to get MONEY form his crazy, damn followers) out of it, and even involves children and young people in this damn shit?!

I SAY, humans invented noodles around 2000-3000 BC!!! All who believe, this sick THING made US all up, is mislead AND has some serious problems with his life.


Deedee #fundie venganza.org

I don’t care who you are, or what the f*** you’re
thinking, but if that CRAP shows up in our school
systems, my girls will NOT GO TO SCHOOL! Jesus Christ
is our Lord and Saviour, and I hope for the sake of
your soals that you wise up and get back to the REAL truth!


BuffaloRepublic #racist reddit.com

Unnecessarily my fucking ass.

50,000 native kids aren’t in care outside of reserves because guilty white liberals want them there — they’re there because 50,000 native kids have piss poor parents that can’t even look after themselves due to a variety of issues.

Of course the native industrial complex in Canada will tell you that the parents are bad because of ‘residual damage from residential schools’, which is a major cop-out; quickly followed by the demand for more funds from whitey as repetitions for things and stuff.

The Very Extremely Reverend AfOR #sexist #dunning-kruger wehuntedthemammoth.com

(This is originally from a comment on WTF Price’s defunct site The Spearhead)

Sorry, xtainity was always a crock of shit, and I have seen inside it deeper than most….

Today, in the 21st century, we can for the first time create a pregnant virgin, so 2,000 years ago “god” was an alien, or a figment of imagination.

2,000 years ago Mary Magdalene even if impregnated via test tube in the lab on the alien space ship, gave birth via the cunt, so no tight virginity there.

Ever since then, the holy trinity…

1/ God, an ethreal being that no-one ever saw, except jesus, so if he existed he was an alien ship doctor.. eg he was NOT human.

2/ Jesus, who was NOT human, even the biblical teachings stress this point, he was not a man.

3/ Mary Magdalene, the only human, and therefore the MOST REVERED human in the religion is a wimminz, who fucked an alien to get preggers and got Joe the carpenter to pay for it all and feed and house them.

“Chivalry” in the middle ages was literally based on worship of Mary Magdalen’s cunt, and the chivalric symbology and iconography is replete with cunt symbolism, right down to the order of the garter.

The only remotely male centric tenets of christianity were lifted wholesale from other religions and beliefs and incorporated in an early example of embrace and extend.

Christianity has NEVER been a man’s religion.

Hell even the pristhood, the highest echelons of the meme, were not allowed to fuck.

Miki #fundie answers.yahoo.com

Ironically, maybe not all of God's children sexually kept to themselves over the years and now we have scientific evidence showing many people really do have monkey blood in them. After all, most holy books do say God punished his children severely at times, and maybe this is why?

Anonymous #fundie baliset.blogspot.com

[in the comment section of a blog that described some of the whackier beliefs of Hovind and his followers]

Yeah, Kent is in prison just like all those other criminals were sent to prison like: Peter, Paul, Timothy, John, etc...he is in good company I'd say. You may want to take a look at your own salvation and check and see if you are truly a biblical christian. A good barometer to measure it by, is to see how the world likes you. Are you being persecuted, jailed, talked bad about in the worldly newspapers, or the TV news. I think not. What seperates you from the world. They accept you as one of their own. there is little difference between you and the world. Now, Kent is as a different story altogether.

paspartuu #homophobia reddit.com

[on having a queer disney princess]

it absolutely should not be Elsa, because she's been presented and marketed as not-gay, she's become iconic as assumed straight (honestly, especially with Disney the normal baseline IS straight and characters are assumed to be so unless otherwise stated), has been very popular for years and years - and suddenly turning her gay now would feel like a bait-and-switch, a bit like a dirty trick.

I also can't help but feel that for many, it's not really about Elsa as a character and her in-story personality, but about her being so popular and iconic, and thus making her gay would have more impact than getting an all-new gay character. So it feels like if Elsa would be turned gay now, it wouldn't be because it's what the writers think she is - everyone would think it's just WDAS caving under pressure, that they fundamentally changed a character due to fan demand, which would sort of ruin the character and the franchise.

And no, I don't buy the claims about "we don't know what her sexuality is, we don't know what the writers envision her as". I'm fairly sure they wrote her as straight because it's a Disney princess film

Magus55 #fundie iidb.org

40 million babies have been killed because stupid people who don't take responsibility don't feel like dealing with them. And you criticize God for killing children in the flood?

White House #racist cnbc.com

The White House on Tuesday afternoon posted a video online showing immigrants in shackles being prepared to board a deportation flight from Seattle

The video includes footage of a set of handcuffs and chains jingling as they are pulled from a basket containing other shackles and then laid out on the airport tarmac next to four other sets of restraints

The X post by the White House is titled, "ASMR: Illegal Alien Deportation Flight"

ASMR is a nonclinical term that stands for "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response." It refers to a pleasant, tingling feeling some people experience when watching videos featuring unusual sounds, like whispering or fingernails tapping on a surface

One shot in the 41-second video shows an immigrant with his hands cuffed in front of him and ankles bound by a chain as he walks past an officer

Other shots include a close-up of a man having his handcuffs linked together, a man's feet in chains as he walks up a stairway to a plane, and a man about to board the aircraft. None of the men in the video have their faces shown

But the clip and the White House's description of it capture the enthusiasm in the Trump administration and among the president's supporters for his mass deportations

The video was shared earlier Tuesday by the Seattle office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, with the words: "REMOVAL FLIGHT. A group of undocumented aliens are flown from Seattle as part of a process to finalize return to their home countries"[…]
But the video shared by the White House opens with a different clip: An officer standing behind a shackled migrant, appearing to roll down the collar of the person's jacket or hooded sweatshirt[…]
The White House retweeted the original ICE video without commentary at 12:19 p.m. ET. Then, about 90 minutes later, the White House tweeted the edited version with the "ASMR" comment

Tesla CEO Elon Musk[…]six minutes later reposted the White House "ASMR" tweet, writing, "Haha Wow"

Marcel Qbalendendonck #wingnut #crackpot facebook.com

I m going to party ❤️💛💚🥳🥳🥳🍻🍻🍻🚬🍀💨💨😍 now
Alaaf ❤️💛💚🥳🍻👋🐸😇🇳🇱1️⃣7️⃣🆒️🆓️🙈🤣🤣🤣🤣
GOD 101=28
I AM 23=28
123 GO=28

Rebecca Brown MD #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Why Many Bad Things Happen to Good People...

The Problem
Are you one of the many victims of an unbroken curse? Today, countless Christians throughout the world are plagued by unexplained poverty, calamities, and a variety of adverse circumstances. Their lives are tragically filled with heartache and desperation as they continuously struggle against overpowering temptation, physical and mental illness, and a myriad of catastrophic events. Usually, they are unaware that their plight is the result of an unbroken curse that has been placed upon them and perhaps upon their families.

Some of the Causes
Hatred and jealousy
Trespassing on the devil’s territory
Handling unholy things
Inherited curses
Breaking vows to God

The Solution

The Bible specifically instructs every believer to avoid curses and to recognize and break them. Yet, an astonishing number of Bible-believing Christians have either not read or do not remember these essential spiritual principles. Thus, many believers live under the affliction of unbroken curses. This book will show you the necessary biblical steps to recognize, prevent, and break every type of curse.

Chris R. #ableist #conspiracy ageofautism.com

This is why I won't shut up about the damned vaccines!

These are my twin daughters J and A. They were born normally a month early for twins, in 1985. Except for medical hernia issues that J had since infancy, they were happy and bright! You can see it in their eyes. They were in normal school and had lots of friends and lots of activities! Our dreams for them were optimistic and beautiful.

But then something happened in 1998, when they were 12 years old. They had the Hepatitis B shot for school. 20 minutes later, it was followed by anaphylaxis, blue lips, projectile vommitting, and seizure-like flailing of the arms and eyes rolling back. The doctor yelled at me on the phone when I called her, and insisted that it was not from the injections that she administered 20 minutes prior at the office.

J's life was immediately set back and changed after this. She never ever functioned at her full potential ever again after that shot. She was finally diagnosed with Autism in her teenage years. Complex medical issues followed her throughout her life.

A, on the other hand recovered from this episode, after a week or so, but did go on to have occasional black outs and would fall unconscious. The doctors called it Syncope, and one of her spinal tests confirmed that it could be Guillian Barre Syndrome. A continued to work very hard through all of this. She was even on the Dean's List in college, but continued to have the blackouts. In 2008 A ended up in the hospital needing blood transfusions and her life went downhill fast after that. She was eventually diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers.

Today, both A and J are totally disabled, have extreme difficulty with communication, wear diapers and are incontinent and need 24/7 care. That spark in their eyes faded a long time ago, and so did our dreams for their future.💔

remymang #conspiracy #racist reddit.com

I was reading this post below earlier and it had a lot of great links on some big players involved in excavating large oil and gas fields to obtain for Israel's control. I wanted to see if you had any info on who researched and found those gas reserves in Gaza. I remember reading a story mentioned in the title on this Canadian geologist who found the reserves but went "missing" afterwards working for you know who. Bonus if you have info on Rothschilds working with Chabad Lubavitch (Synogogue of Satan) in controlling Israel furthermore global finances.

<link to an old reddit post removed>

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

California parole agent allegedly tricks transgender woman into leaving home, leading to arrest by ICE agents

( Mizuna )
Remember that infamous "Kamala is for they/them" political ad where she supported transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants? This is a real life example of what Harris advocated for.

( Lipsy )
Not just Harris on this one. Expediting the whole asylum process for "LGBTQ refugees"—which, realistically 98-99 percent of the time, is going to mean "recidivist violent perps who realize that this isn't just a dream, and that they really might just have green cards handed to them on platters simply for saying the magic words at the border" (with profuse apologies to the MAYBE 1 or 2 percent who are actually genuine homosexuals, and therefore actually genuine refugees)—was actually a plank in the published Democratic party platform for both 2020 and 2024.

( Carrots90 )
Couldn’t they have put an envelope labeled ’tween porn’ or ‘lesbians who want girl c*ck’ on the end of a fishing line

Then trapped him with a big net when he ran over?

( sylviasmushrooms )
This is exactly how I pictured it.

( Peppermint )
This was the only way I imagined it could have happened.

( Mirren )
I'm underwhelmed by this whole episode. Person who served time for murder got caught by the police for committing another crime (being in a foreign country illegally)... am I supposed to give a toss? I don't give a toss.

If this person had been trapped by a bear trap or forced out of the house at gunpoint or something violent... I might have given half of one per cent of a toss.

Missouri State Representative Phil Amato (R) #forced-birth theguardian.com

A Republican state lawmaker in Missouri has introduced legislation that would create a “central registry” of pregnant people[…]
Republican state Rep. Phil Amato largely deferred questions about his “Save MO Babies Act” during a Children and Families Committee hearing to Gerard Harms, an adoption attorney who wrote the bill

“We’re looking at something like e-Harmony for babies — mothers who want to put up their children need to match with prospective parents,” Harms told the committee Tuesday. “That’s exactly what the intent of this is. Against, inartfully drafted”

Harms said participation is voluntary and would comply with all federal health privacy laws

But skeptical state lawmakers and abortion rights advocates have raised alarms about data privacy[…]
Mallory Schwarz, executive director of Abortion Action Missouri, said the legislation is a reminder of prior attempts from state officials to “track and surveil” pregnant people in the state[…]
“The flippant and disturbing remarks heard today about establishing ‘e-Harmony for babies’ encouraging prospective families to shop for children should ring alarm bells for everyone,” Schwarz said in a statement to The Independent

“No pregnant person, no child is off the table for anti-abortion politicians to exploit in order to further their own power and control over our bodies, families, and futures”[…]
His legislation would require the Division of Maternal and Child Resources within the state’s state’s Department of Social Services “to make and maintain a central registry of each expecting mother who is at risk for seeking an abortion and a central registry of each prospective adoptive parent who has successfully completed certain screenings, background checks, home studies, and other investigations to ensure the fit of the prospective parent to adopt a child”[…]
The legislation follows a state court ruling that blocks restrictions on abortion access[…], marking a major victory for abortion rights

Miranda #fundie answers.yahoo.com

Atheists are equally as stupid with their definition of "proof". They believe anything that their 5 senses show them is proof.

Well here is a question, what makes you think your 5 senses have the ability to know/understand all things? What makes you think they are all powerful??? They could very well be limited. The 5 senses are Atheist's God.

Both you know nothing.

Jonathan Wetsel #fundie northeastern.facebook.com

One day, Bob, an ordinary 40-year-old accountant who lives in an average house in an average neighborhood, woke up after an eventful weekend on Monday morning to go to work. He got out of bed at 7:30, as usual, showered, shaved, and donned a business suit, as usual, and ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes, as usual. When he went out to his garage, though, something was very different. A brand-new Rolls-Royce was sitting next to his Civic where there was nothing last night! He was stunned as he opened the door and noticed the keys were in the ignition but decided to drive it to work that day, nonetheless.

Do you believe this story?

How about this one:

One day, Jim, a worker in a printing factory, was on lunch-break at Arby's eating a Triple-Cheese-and-Bacon sandwich when he heard a loud thundering noise. A few blocks away, the factory he worked in randomly exploded! He immediately ran back to see if everyone was okay. Fortunately nobody was hurt. However, they noticed in the wreckage there were all 24 volumes of the Encyclopedia Brittannica all in perfect order!

Do you believe this story?

Well, maybe you'll believe this one:

An artist was working hard on a painting. Or, at least, he was planning to; he hadn't started yet! He got a fresh piece of canvas and acquired all the different colored oils he would need to finish his masterpiece. He left the room to talk to his boss for a little while. When he came back, he noticed that a perfect replica of the Mona Lisa was painted on the canvas! He concluded that the oils randomly came together to produce the image that became one of DaVinci's most well-known paintings.

Is he crazy?

If you are a normal, intelligent, sane person, you can conclude that all three of these stories are fairy tales. Why is it, then, that you believe that all the matter in the universe came from nothing, was compacted into an extremely hot, dot-sized region, exploded with tremendous force via energy that came from nowhere? Then the earth cooled down, an atmosphere was created and it rained for millions of years to create vast oceans containing dissolved rocks which contained the basic building blocks of life known as "amino acids". That "primordial soup" then slowly evolved into fish, those fish evolved into amphibians, those amphibians evolved into reptiles, those reptiles evolved into mammals and birds, those mammals then evolved into humans.

Scientific fact? I don't think so! It's a proven fact that life cannot arise from non-life. It's a proven fact that matter cannot be created out of nothing by sheer chance. It's a proven fact that there are NO vestigial structures in any animals; evey organ serves some purpose and it's all designed to work perfectly with other systems.

So, is evolution a scientific fact? Absolutely NOT! It's an anti-scientific religion and nothing more!

Danlboon/Lyman #crackpot #quack #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

<Danlboon> Those that want to keep their lifestyle better not try the Med Bed as it may just remove what they changed to in the recent years and not what they were when they were born.

Some people may think those in the L***Q community have mental issues and the Med Bed may just ignore what their thoughts are and cure them for those even though they came in for some other treatment.

Do the Med Beds have options to be imputed into the software to correct a certain illness, ailment or other disability rather than diagnosing what the patient should be cured for with just a scan?

Would the Med Bed scan the people first before taking any actions as like presently a doctor diagnoses a patient before operating on them to make sure the correct procedures are done?

Would inmates be required to use the Med Bed if they committed harsh violations and may have a tendency to do them all over again while incarcerated as it would remove their thoughts, and also they could live to be over 100 years of age to live a life sentence and that would then be too extreme?
Would the Med Beds be built to fit any size of person, like those that are just too large?















PanTerra #fundie rr-bb.com.

['Dinos were on the ark!! and they still exsist today is some very remote areas.....']

I read that article, and then clicked on the graphic about dino's alive today. They're all over the place, as well in remote places. I have taken several pictures of them, myself.

Tomi Lahren #wingnut twitter.com

The people who are siding with Zelenskyy:

1) war mongers who benefit from endless wars

2) defense contractors

3) Light weight Dems who hate Trump and hate America

4) People who still wear Covid masks

5) Adam Kinzinger

6) Men who pee sitting down (see #5)

The people who are siding with Trump:

Last edited 8:13 AM · Mar 1, 2025 · 1.3M Views

Lisa #transphobia pittparents.com

Recently I felt my heart open up toward my son, but I started to think maybe I should try using his new name. After discussing with my therapist, I realized that once again I was taking on responsibility and trying to fix it. My son is 29 and started this at 25 - so he’s an adult and while he is probably delusional, I can’t change how he thinks about this. I can however, work on keeping my heart open and loving him from afar. I can practice compassion toward him, toward myself, and toward everyone caught up or affected by transgenderism.

I have observed that it seems the majority of those who are keeping contact are doing so for financial reasons. My son broke all financial ties before coming out. Therefore, he had nothing financially to lose by going no contact. This may sound harsh, but I think it’s the cold hard reality for many.

I stand here in the light, ready to help my son. But helping is not reinforcing the delusion or doing anything to make it easier for him to live this lifestyle. I look at it like enabling an alcoholic - I can’t control an adult’s drinking but I sure as hell can control not buying him booze.

Temple Coins #fundie #god-complex #dunning-kruger #mammon temple-coins.com

The Original Half Shekel Trump-Cyrus Temple Coin

The Trump-Cyrus Temple Coin celebrates the divine orchestration of historical and modern events that align with the prophetic vision of Jerusalem’s redemption. Featuring Donald Trump and Cyrus the Great, alongside references to the Balfour Declaration and the historic Trump Declaration of 2017, this coin symbolizes the unbroken thread of leaders chosen to fulfill God’s will for the Jewish people and the Holy City. Embellished with the image of the Temple and the Menorah, this coin is a timeless tribute to God’s covenant and the journey toward the ultimate redemption.

(Special offer - only 99$, down from 129! 20 g Zinc alloy with silver oxide coating.)

Conservapedia #wingnut conservapedia.com

Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, and Christopher Heinz, John Kerry stepson, formed Rosemont Seneca Partners, a private equity firm in 2009 with their friend, Devon Archer. The three friends established a series of related LLCs.[1] It was anchored to Rosemont Capital, the alternative investment fund of the Heinz family fortune.[2] The fund grew quickly. According to an email revealed as part of a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation, Rosemont described themselves as “a $2.4 billion private equity firm co-owned by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz,” with Devon Archer as “Managing Partner.”
Archer was convicted in Manhattan Federal Court for the fraudulent issuance and sale of more than $60 Million of tribal bonds.[3]
Emails, obtained via a FOIA request, show that Secretary of State John Kerry's Director of Policy Planning David McKean arranged for money to be wired from his wife’s bank account to Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners in 2015.[4]
Five months into the Obama administration in June 2009 Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, stepson of Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair John Kerry formed Rosemount Seneca. The firm partnered with the Thornton Group run by James Bulger,[5] and the Bank of China, to form Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) in China. Devon Archer is a longtime friend of former Secretary of State John Kerry and of stepson Chris Heinz and James Bulger, the nephew of notorious Boston gangster Whitey Bulger.[6]
The Bank of China is owned by the Chinese government and closely connected with the Chinese military and intelligence services. Biden, Heinz, and Archer transferred and sold "duel use" technology to the Chinese military which was used to create the Chinese drone program and replicate the Chinese version of the F-15 fighter.[7]
Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) invested in an app the Chinese leftwing communist government is using to surveil ethnic minority Muslims in western China. Over one million Muslims living in the region are now incarcerated in Chinese gulags.

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Timothy Leary was a key operative of cultural Marxism, proclaiming in 1967 that a new race will evolve to replace the old. After urging Congress to make drugs like LSD illegal, he shows up in the San Francisco area preaching a Madison Avenue style message of “tune in, turn on, drop out”. The idea was to focus rebellious energies on navel gazing.
The scene’s movers and shakers rarely, if ever, suffered any serious legal consequences for their rampant and very open use of — and sometimes trafficking of — illicit drugs. The question posed is why, if these people were really challenging the status quo, did the state not use its law enforcement powers to silence troublemakers?

Other promoters were (((Abbie Hoffman))), who said, “Kill your parents.” (((Bob Dylan))) (aka Robert Zimmerman) preached a “reorganization of culture.” To quote Dylan, “I have to go within.”
The fonte of this modernity struggle for ethics and morality started in earnest with denazification after WWII. This was the opening to implement it on large populations. The OSS hired a large number of native German speaking European Jews (such as Henry Kissenger) to run intelligence operations against the Axis powers. This gave these players a big toehold after the war when the “denazification” program was instituted. These Jews were then given carte blanche to undertake whatever schemes their hearts desired.
(((Herbert Marcuse))) took this repression theory and wrote more gibberish in a book called “Eros and Civilization.” The short version is that Eros (pleasure principle – leisure and pleasure) and hedonism should flourish. Cultural Marxism, also known as Critical Theory, was essentially destructive criticism of the main elements of Western culture, including Christianity, small scale non-monopolistic capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, nationalism, heredity, ethnic identity, convention and conservatism.

Washington Almeida #ableist noticias.uol.com.br

<Machine translated into English from Brazilian Portuguese>
"The devil is visiting the wombs of the unprotected," said Pastor Washington Almeida. The prejudiced speech occurred during a service at the Assembly of God in Tucuruí, last Friday (12). Since then, the video of the sermon has been circulating on social media.

The religious leader told the faithful that many babies are being born with the disorder. "Of every 100 children born, we have a huge percentage of people in wombs visited and manipulated by darkness. Today, out of every 100 children, we have 30 who are autistic, to varying degrees," he stated.

The pastor still tries to explain why this would be happening. "What is happening? The devil is visiting the wombs of the unprotected, those who do not have the grace, the instrumentality to know how to deal with the spiritual world. And he [the devil] only looks for the vulnerable, the unassisted," he concludes.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

They really do tell on themselves

( Lipsy )
Not to be mistaken for an opinion on Project 2025 as a whole, but—— ❤︎❤︎❤︎ I love that paragraph so much. Every single word of it, just YES.

111 words of poetic, aspirational, beauty—thinly disguised as stolid, moralizing prose—written by someone who has clearly listened, thoughtfully and critically, to the concerns of radical feminists and Women in general.
Thank you to both /u​/civillycrass and @​NastasyaFilipovna for the unexpected little booster shot of gratification from reading these lovely words again.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I like it too but it's based on religious beliefs. Nobody who wrote this listened to radical feminists or women. The idea of the Heritage Foundation and it's ilk listening to radfems a pipe dream

( Iota_Aurigae )
The conservatives think that transgenderism doesn't oppress women the "correct" way, which is why so many of them are against it.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
It's like they are calling a spade, a spade. Totally see what's underneath the UwU mask of this trans insanity

( vulvapeople )
Likely the single good thing in that entire document, and TIMs are having meltdowns over it.

( Mandy )
Why would banning pornography cause real harm to transgender people? It certainly wouldn't cause real harm to real women.

( Evileine )
Where would the trans community be without sissy porn?

( Mignonette )
Of course they're upset. That's their entire lives on the line. I mean what's next? Redefining what it means to be a woman by claiming women aren't just sex toys? /s

Clif High #crackpot #racist #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy substack.com

In the ancient past, as in the last Yuga cycle before humanity descended into the Kali Yuga, which we exited in 1700 CE, humans had a far better knowledge base about everything. At some point just before the Kali Yuga, the space aliens, the ELohim, who the Pharisees worship, invaded. The ELohim set about breaking our ties to our history such that we would be more easily controlled as their ‘herd’, their source for meats, fats, and adrenochrome.

Before the ELohim invaded, and conquered much of humanity, we had a far greater understanding of ourselves, our nature, this Matterium, this Universe, and the place of humanity within it.
Obviously, as it is THE dominant emotional complex within our personalities, Love, in all its forms was extensively studied, and known. As humans do, we reduced, and labeled the parts of the complex for greater understanding.

Modern fucktard mind control that is labeled as ‘education’, or ‘schooling’, is neither, and has deliberately done everything possible to obscure, and blind humans from exploring their real nature. Reality scares evil. Reality is to be fought, as has been recently seen with the rise, and now, fall, of Wokonianism which is a designed mental state derived from the philosophy of the Pharisees (aka judaism, the ELohim worship cult).

It’s time to go way back, in order that humanity can go forward into the emerging SciFi world. The world of the ‘singularity’ which is the emergence of the concepts of the Eternal Now, the event-stream, and the 'ontology’. Humans need to retrieve our ancient understanding of ourselves. If you don’t know yourself, your understanding of our common shared reality will be flawed. You will be an impediment to others as they have to deal with your ignorance. They will likely call you ‘tarded’ in their exasperation.
No mean, suffering, self-loathing man ever built anything worth having. Civilization comes only from the Romantic. Get wise to reality. It’s where you will spend this body’s Life.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From “The Trump Revolution”]

Hat tip Yarvin’s butterfly revolution
1.Get the oligarchs on side, and threaten any Republican traitors with big money primary opponents ? Done
2.Defund the left. Under way. Notice how, once Musk seized the inner sanctum at USAID, the Democrats found themselves unable to put a river of meat on the streets[…]
3.Purge the bureaucracy. Begun, at least in the notoriously criminal, vicious, depraved, and dangerous Department of Justice. But there has been a retreat on the first attempt to purge the CIA, who are still working on government payroll to spy on and overthrow the Trump team[…]
4.Men with guns. Trump has the US marshals and now has the secret service. Pete Hegseth is wooing the NCOs and the grunts. Trump needs to have the FBI, and as yet they are still controlled by his enemies
5.Pardon the victims of lawfare?Done
6. Ignore the courts, which is begun, but the Trump team is still going through the motions of judicial reverence. The Judiciary still have a lot of soft power. When Henry the eighth dissolved the monasteries, he first had to dig up the dirt on them. It is not only senior civil servants who have been getting strangely wealthy, strangely fast. What needs to be done is get the dirt on the judiciary, destroy their soft power, and then either purge them, or better, replace the corrupt and woefully slow and expensive judicial system with something else, as Davao Mayor Duterte did[…]
7.Tanks in Harvard. Universities are inherently a religious institution, always have been, always will be. Professors are priests, always have been, always will be. The question is, which religion? Tanks are not enough. You have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war. We need men in charge of Harvard who meet Saint Paul’s requirements for the priesthood: Christian, free from scandal, married, married to only one wife, and successfully raising well behaved children. Personnel is policy

Der_Metzger #racist tightrope.cc

This year, we have a new history teacher at school. HE IS DARKER THAN COAL! It might seem "usual" for Americans to have Negroes for teachers, but here in Quebec, IT'S NOT!

Holy shit...I mean in my class there is 31 white students and 1 nigger "student"...In the whole school, there is 1000 whites, 3 yellows (1chink/1gook/1jap), 3 wet-backs, 1 native Canadian, 2 sand-niggers and 4 negroes! THIS MEANS THAT OUR SCHOOL IS 98,7% WHITE !!!! Why do we need a black teacher from fuc*ing Congo?

But this is not the worst, since History is my favorite school subject, I decided to attempt to now what we would study this year. You know what "it" answered? ; (...)We will study the influence of important figures such as Martin Luther King(...).

As I was trying not to smash my head against the wall, I asked ; Will we study the bases of the IIIrd Reich, the most important phase in human history? "It" answered ; Sure! we will talk about the holocaust, and the misery the Jews endured. (WTF ?!?!?)

Later that day, I was expelled of the class for being "impolite to the history teacher"... My father told me that even if the teacher is a damn Africoon, I must listen in class and shut the fu*k-up...He said that the only way I should "make my mark in his class" is by having "kick-ass" grades (wich I do).

What you guys think about all this?

Donald Trump & J.D. Vance #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger globalnews.ca

Vance: Have you said thank you once, this entire meeting?

Zelenskyy: A lot of times. Even today.

Vance: No, in this entire meeting.

Zelenskyy: Even today.

Vance: You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who’s trying to save your country.

Zelenskyy: Please. You think that if you will speak very loudly about the war—

Trump: He’s not speaking loudly. He’s not speaking loudly. Your country is in big trouble.

Zelenskyy: Can I answer?

Trump: No, no. You’ve done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble.

Zelenskyy: I know.

Trump: You’re not winning. You’re not winning this. You have a damn good chance of coming out, OK? Because of us.

Zelenskyy: Mr. President. We have stayed in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war when being alone. And we are thankful, I said thank you.

Trump: You haven’t been alone. You haven’t been alone. We gave you, through this stupid president, $350 billion. We gave you military equipment. And your men are brave. But they had to use our military. If you didn’t have our military equipment, if you didn’t have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks.

Zelenskyy: In three days, I’ve heard it from Putin. In three days. This is something—

Trump: Maybe less. It’s going to be a very hard thing to do business like this again.

Vance: Just say thank you.

Zelenskyy: I said a lot of times, thank you to the American people.

Vance: Accept that there are disagreements and let’s go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American media when you’re wrong. We know that you’re wrong.

Off Shore #fundie disqus.com

(commenting on story “Supreme Court Rules ‘Transgenders,’ Such as Men Who Want to Wear Skirts, Cannot Be Fired in 6-3 Decision”):

So the GI should be able to wear blaze orange on the battle field? The service repair person wears what they want, so our ladies can't tell if they work for the company they are expecting? The cop should be able to wear a pink tutu, so we can't tell who the good guy is? Hey the fireman can wear plastic nylons so when they enter the heat it melts to their bodies. You are thinking is emotional not based on reason nor plain common sense. My company picks our uniforms to display our message not your personal desires. Put your hard earned money on the line and your ignorant ideas would fade quickly or you would be bankrupt either way reality would be served. The world is going to be judged repent and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, Romans 10:9-11.

Gregory S #fundie answers.yahoo.com

[In response to: "After the flood subsided, what would the herbivores have eaten?"]:

They did not become carnivores until after the flood.
They started eating the plants until food supplies became scarce then eventually started to eat other animals.

It took many generations for them to become carnivores.
They would not be saved on the ark to just die out immediately after stepping off the ark.