
Michael Costa #homophobia #transphobia radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

[From a hit-piece on drag artist Momma Ashley Rose]

Ashley Rose's claim that they are the "Disney of drag" only adds wood to the fire, as Disney has become infamous for promoting age-inappropriate content in schools and children's media. Calling drag performances, with their sexual innuendos and revealing outfits, "family-friendly" normalizes exposing kids to entertainment with adult themes. It blurs the line between childhood innocence and adult sexuality. It can cause confusion and emotional harm. Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc seems intent on pushing an agenda about gender and sexuality, regardless of its impact on the children involved.


Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc holds "Teen Nights.” These social gatherings for minors aged 13+ are basically just indoctrination into the Ashley Rose worldview, where adult themes about gender and sexual expression take center stage. He never explains how kids benefit from adult entertainment nor offers more relatable role models for children. Instead, he just insists drag queens are good for kids without ever saying why. Momma Ashley Rose, “the Disney of drag,” has earned a spot on this year’s Gays Against Groomers RADAR Naughty List. No one had a problem with drag until they started involving children. Exposing kids to drag culture is NOT a form of "acceptance." It is an absolute disgrace.

Daniel of Gays Against Groomers #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

No normal adult has any desire to act or dress inappropriately in front of minors. This new trend of drag shows and story hours for kids is an easy cover for groomers and pedophiles to get in direct contact with their prey, and we’re not going to pretend otherwise.


Drag Story Hour exposes children to overt sexuality, gender ideology, and explicit content. It is inappropriate for young audiences. Drag Story Hour introduces gender ideology in ways that could confuse children about their identity and potentially impact their mental state. They read sexually explicit books to children, like Gender Queer and This Book Is Gay, which link children to adult websites and hookup apps.

Judith Rose #transphobia #conspiracy radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

Whether they choose it or not, today trans-identifying young people are at a higher risk of being sexually trafficked in a situation they cannot escape.

The dots are easy to connect. A young person is drawn into changing their identity through gender ideology, a cult-like school of thought that rejects questioning, and lured away from their family either through the state or a stranger online that coaxes (or grooms) them into leaving their family to live a transgender life. State systems and traffickers alike would prefer to benefit from this process, which is why many public educators (in state-funded schools) are introducing children to new and confusing sexual concepts to give children the initial nudge into adopting a trans identity and splitting from their families (either legally or illegally). Parents in some states are threatened with loss of custody of their children if they do not comply. The rest is done through peer and online pressure.

To perfect this system, the lower tiers have no idea that they are grooming children for potential trafficking. Educators and allies alike believe they have adopted the new gender-inclusive LGBTQ+ ideology for the sake of empathy, inclusion, and affirmation to “save the trans kids.” But the more youth that identify as trans and post themselves online, the larger the catalog for traffickers becomes. The more children that cry to be legally separated from their “abusive” non-accepting families, the more money a state can claim by funneling them into the foster care system. And is it a coincidence that these vulnerable children are being encouraged to delay puberty using 'puberty blockers'—the same drugs employed in the chemical castration of sex offenders—ultimately prolonging their prepubescent appearance? Combine this with the fact that the average parent has no control over what their child is viewing on the internet. It creates a predator's paradise.

If we do not work to reel in and repair the damage done by gender ideology, we risk thousands of children experiencing what no child or human being should ever experience: SEX TRAFFICKING.

Mandy of Gays Against Groomers #homophobia #transphobia radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

Although we are still called “the Bible Belt,” we are anything but. The activities were more reminiscent of an adult nightclub rather than a “family-friendly festival.” I didn’t have to dive below the surface to discover the Tri-Pride festival's agenda. I just had to wait for the drag shows to begin. Yes, drag shows in the middle of the day, in a park, aimed at children. Is that really necessary? Children do NOT belong at Pride! Children do NOT belong at Drag Shows!

At the start of the drag show, the announcer said there was going to be nothing but love, regardless of the hostility going on beyond the gates, even though there were no protests that I could find. At this moment in time, the queer community’s “rights” take precedence over everyone else. Under the ugly Progressive Pride Flag, boundaries mean nothing and everyone else in the community is trampled upon. The only ones who are allowed to speak are the cult leaders, but only for the followers who can keep up with their ever-changing rules. The “love” that was shown during the drag show was that of provocative dancing in front of children. The “love” continued as these men greedily took money from children. It was nightmare fuel.

Those who scream about how the patriarchy needs to be taken down seem to be comfortable when creepy 50-year-old men dress in women’s clothing, wear wigs, pack on elaborate makeup, then “shake their stuff” in front of children.

Raven #homophobia radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

At some of these conventions, cosplays can range from being intricate to being raunchy. A lot of people wear costumes barely even covering their bodies. It is inappropriate—especially in the presence of minors. One convention, in particular, is notable for this lack of moderation.

Dragon Con is one of the largest and most popular multi-media conventions, celebrated annually in Atlanta, GA (DragonCon.org). It is “the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction & fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.” I had the opportunity to attend this year for the first time, and while I was amazed by the creativity of the cosplays, I was less impressed with some of the panels and other activities presented in full view of minors.

One such event I attended undercover was a 'Dorian Gray' panel that promoted LGBTUHD4K+ positivity for minors. This panel allowed both minors and adults to be present, and a child was heard crying from the back row. A few notable moments from the panel included a woke lesbian describing how she “wrote a story about two lesbian girls, as minors, who were on the cross-country team together.” The panelist then detailed how, as a minor, she showed it to a trusted teacher who said it was “a great piece of literature.” It was highly disturbing.

Another panelist at the event also described she and her friends, as minors, were all OUT AS BISEXUAL in high school and how popular they were for broadcasting and exploring their sexuality.

Mandy #transphobia #fundie radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

Granted, pride festivals in Tennessee do not seem to have the wild flare of nudists and dramatics of Satanists that other Pride festivals boast about; however, there are still reasons to be alarmed about any Pride event, no matter the location – even in the heart of the Bible belt. Don’t get me wrong. I am proud. I am proud to be a Christian. I am proud to be raised in Tennessee. I am proud to be American. I am proud to be part of Gays Against Groomers. I am proud to stand up and fight for children and their safety! However, I am not proud to be associated with “Pride.” I am not proud of what pedophiles and genderqueer ideologues are doing to our children. I am not proud of the pride festivals we are seeing in Tennessee.


Children dressed as furries were not the only concern. Upon entering, a man could be heard giving a “speech” to a nonexistent crowd. He was passionate about stopping the trials and tribulations that face the “LBTQAIA2STTQF+ youth” today and how we can stop the hate together. There is nothing hateful about wanting to keep kids safe.

Mandy #transphobia #dunning-kruger #homophobia radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

As long as children are reading, it doesn’t matter what kind of book they are reading…does it? It shouldn’t. However, there is a modern-day book burning occurring. Historically, libraries were destroyed by conquerors in order to erase the culture and history of the conquered.


Radical queer activism can be seen as a modern-day book burning because it seeks to disrupt and erase culture, history, and even biology. It is rooted in Marxism and Communism. At its core, queer theory seeks to create chaos. Flooding libraries, schools, and social media with this ideology, especially in children's books, serves to erase history, culture, and censor innocence.