
Cathy O'Brien #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot trance-formation.com

Knowing the CIA and military use lizard alien theme MK Ultra mind control programming does not preclude the fact that there may be extra terrestrial life, dimensionally and otherwise, among us.

LikeWise, knowing DARPA and NASA use Voice of God theme MK Ultra programming does not usurp truth of higher power deity.

Knowing the CIA, military, DARPA, and NASA all use satanic theme MK Ultra programming proves yet again how easily led humanity is by fear, beliefs, and imposed sense of helplessness.
When depersonalization reaches an extreme, victims lose their ability to see themselves in a mirror, suffer body dysmorphia, and even lose their ability to feel. The next time you see someone with clown hair and piercings marching in the latest parade of emotional conditioning, real-eyes you are seeing results of systematic MK Ultra mind control.

Telling someone they are under mind control cannot be heard over the program screaming in their head. That program can blind them to your compassionate intention, resulting in transference of blaming you for their circumstance since they cannot think to recognize who their enemy really is. They cannot even recognize themselves! People must know their own truth in order to recognize truth in others.
It is not up to Big Gov to save us- they are the ones enslaving us! It is time to pull back their wizard’s curtain of illusions to real-eyes this handful of power mongers is within our realm to affect. Their power is derived from MK Ultra mind control’s secret scientific formula and not from etherical entities used to generate helplessness and compliance. Truth frees us from their media generated fear and empowers us to reclaim and retain free thought once and for all.

The sooner we stop blaming each other and face the reality that we share this planet with a handful of dark energy force people hellbent on enslaving us through mind control, the faster we can reclaim our birth right to free thought free will strength of spirit.

Cathy O'Brien #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut trance-formation.com

Bill Bennett is currently sliming his way out of the Wash DC swamp into patriot circles. Research and fact-check for yourself who Bill Bennett really is!
Check Bill Bennett’s deeds rather than listening to his mind manipulating NLP (neuro linguistic programming- language of the subconscious). The more you know the more you see that his Jesuit agenda for implementing what Hitler and Bush termed New World Order has been slowly underMinding our personal and national sovereignty for generations.
Education Secretaries Bill Bennett (Jesuit) and Lamar Alexander (Satanist) forced Global Education into our school system through State reliance on Federal funding. Global Education aka Goals 2000 aka America 2000 aka Common Core switches names each time parents catch on to the mind control agenda being forced on their children. Parents must look beyond illusions of change and Teacher’s Unions, and pay close attention to curriculum.

Schools of thought were strategically replaced with mind control program from 1985 through 1988 while Bill Bennett was Education Secretary. Programmed information inhibits conscious comprehension, critical analysis research, and ability to think beyond what is told.

History was strategically rewritten to promote socialism, how to think was replaced by what to think, and free speech was replaced with parroting programmed information verbatim. The results of advanced mind control programming in our schools through computerization, calculators, harmonics, repetitious parroting, and depersonalization to a point of gender confusion is what we see marching to New World Orders on our streets today.

Cathy O’Brien #crackpot #psycho #conspiracy #wingnut trance-formation.com

My loving compassion for Haitians is abSOULute. In Haiti, I saw a whole country existing within the same perimeters of hell I endured under MK Ultra mind control.

Forced into black ops under MK Ultra mind control, I had cause to be in Haiti numerous times since it was a routine stop for NCL cruises in the 1980s. Neither Haitians, nor the rest of the world, knew true covert reasons why NCL docked in Port-au-Prince. Nor did Haitians anticipate that their conditioned livelihood from tourism would abruptly cease when New World Order perpeTraitors dropped Haiti as a Cruise ship destination in order to bury their crimes against humanity even deeper into the shadows and out of the public eye.

Haunted Eyes
Eyes of Haitians are haunted, with pupils reflecting black holes of hell. Smiles neither reach their dark eyes nor animate to the rest of their face. Swollen bellies protrude from their skin-and-bone frames while they work tirelessly. Still, I intuitively recognized hope somewhere deep inside their spirits – a shared hope for a world to wake up and save them from their decades-long nightmare of New World Order mind control trauma.

Instead, too many of u.s. slept through it all while a criminal faction of Catholic Jesuits and Deep State CIA used Haiti as a petri dish for ever-growing unhindered terror and horrific experimentation. I am aware through my personal experience documented in TRANCE Formation of America, that Clintons and their Deep State/New World Order cohorts had no limits to what they would do in the name of “charities” to run cocaine, heroin, arms, humans, and body parts through Haiti.

Sad but True
I first gained insight into Haiti as a young child singing a disturbing hymn in St Francis de Sales Catholic church that included “…there is hunger in Haiti, it’s sad but it’s true, that’s too bad- there’s nothing we can do”.

At such a young age, my MK Ultra mind control conditioning had not yet prohibited my ability to ask our presiding Jesuit priest why there was “nothing we can do”.

My answer from the priest? “Que sera sera. Hunger is the least of their worries,” Father Don replied while glaring at me for even asking. I never did think like my abusers, which is why torture was used to force me to carry out their bidding under MK Ultra mind control. Despite eventually losing all free thought and free will to systematic tortures and mind control programming for decades, they could not make me one of them.

Once I had the keys to deprogramming my own mind (PTSD Time to Heal) I did it in record time. My daughter’s life was on the line as documented in ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security and it was imperative to reach all those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know the abSOULute truth of my testimony in time to help her.

No child should ever endure what my daughter witnessed and experienced in Haiti from ages 2-7 at the hands of identified Deep State New World Order perpeTraitors who still remain free as of this writing.

Selling Out Haiti
Baby Doc Duvalier was a CIA asset who profited from selling Haiti out as a prototype to New World Order controls, from vaccines tainted with AIDS to unconscionable human trafficking ops of both living and harvested children.

Cathy O'Brien #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut trance-formation.com

Masquerading as social protests, today’s violent riots are intended to traumatize our nation into compliance with Deep State/New World Order controls.

Complicating the issue is our mis-educated youth who march to New World Orders as programmed by Goals 2000 global education (more recently referred to as Common Core) that was forced into our school system through reliance on federal funding in 1984.

Add controlled media’s lies and manipulation of the subconscious to the mix, and you have a recipe for MK Ultra mind control of a nation as planned.

However, New World Order perpeTraitors are destined to fail due to their arrogance and inability to stir the resilient strength of the human spirit into their mind control mix.

Alienating Children from Parents
Consider how recent do-or-die “Shelter-at-home” orders resulted in parents waking up to the reality that their children had been programmed to accept socialism without even knowing math or economics!

Parents found they had been set up to no longer assist their children in solving basic homework problems, thus creating dependency on an immoral education system while their children lost faith in generational knowledge.

Our children’s knowledge base has been manipulated through strategic alteration of facts, including the rewriting of history, and that is only the beginning of what New World Order Global Education imposed on them.

Hitler’s Youth did not even have to contend with today’s technology adding to their demise like our students endure.

After 3 generations, knowledge becomes autogenic. Education has altered 2+ generations of knowledge so far, and it must stop now. Parents are appalled at the immoral nonsense so-called education has conditioned their children to feel (not think), including ‘gender confusion’ that was first introduced when Bill Clinton imposed “Gay Celebration Month” in our school system.

Breaking the Links
The mind control link of Global Ed is breaking with the rise of parental awareness thanks to “sheltering-at-home.”

Once the imposed global quarantine forced people to change their routine, slow down, and think, many became bored with tv’s repetitive negative narratives and shut it off. Another mind control link was broken.

PerpeTraitors that took public office after manipulating votes and/or minds of voters with political rhetoric began asserting their power, many of whom openly refer to the New World Order just as Bush Sr. and Hitler had.

They overplayed their hand while we “sheltered-at-home” and broke their own link.

Censorship allowed for the global mind control agenda to progress this far.

Control Through Chaos
Unarmed and unprotected by complicit Mayors and Governors ordering law enforcement to stand down while businesses and sacred historical monuments burned to the ground, citizens became alarmed-and woke up accordingly.

New World Order perpeTraitors historically overplay their hand and expose their mind control agenda in the process.

How did they get so far, though?

Censorship allowed for the global mind control agenda to progress this far. My testimony for US Congress regarding what I witnessed and experienced under MK Ultra mind control, including working for Education Secretaries Bill Bennett and Lamar Alexander, was censored for so-called Reasons of National Security.

This is a “national security” that is threatening the security of our nation when it is invoked by the same criminal perpeTraitors I was exposing!

Cathy O'Brien #crackpot #conspiracy trance-formation.com

August 18, 2017 by Cathy O'Brien

Reagan is iconic, and I am often questioned about my experiences with him that are detailed in TRANCE Formation of America and ACCESS DENIED For Reasons Of National Security.

Reagan was not like other perpetraitors I was exposed to during my tenure under MK Ultra mind control on a White House/ Pentagon level, which raises my own questions. How would our country be different today had Reagan actually been in control of his Administration rather than George Bush, Sr.?

Then Vice President Bush Sr. took full control of our country after the 1981 assassination attempt on Reagan and never let go. His behind-the-seen controls over u.s. had gained powerful momentum in the wake of the Kennedy Assassination, and more so when un-elected President Gerald Ford appointed him CIA Director and Dick Cheney Secretary of State. Bush and Cheney share the same globalist agenda (previously termed New World Order) and are master mind manipulators with full understanding and application of trauma based MK Ultra mind control. The assassination attempt on Reagan had rendered him traumatized and the ideal target for Bush/Cheney controls.

Likewise our nation was traumatized, and thus easily led into compliance with mass mind control’s social engineering as the Deep State Shadow Government globalists entrenched themselves deeper into our society.

Understanding how our brains respond to trauma provides insight into mind control’s sliding scale, from robotic mind control like I endured to the sort of mass mind control we see activated into violence on society today. Conditioned for generations to accept and enforce global takeover of our nation, we-the-people need to wake up and figure mind control into the equation to fully understand what is happening today. Awareness is the first step toward effectively reclaiming our country.

If Reagan had had the capacity to believe in u.s. the way we believed in him, he may have re-evaluated his statement that “the only way to world peace is through mind control of the masses”. Oftentimes when one more piece of truth is added to life’s puzzle, the whole picture, and thus perception, changes. Without free thought there is no free will soul expression, and thus no inner peace. Inner peace creates global peace. If Reagan had experienced this insight, perhaps he would simply have relied on his Star Wars strategic defense system to maintain the world peace he sought.

How would life be different today had Reagan’s free thought/leadership not been usurped by Bush and his Shadow Government globalist agenda? My life’s experience in MK Ultra mind control on a White House/Pentagon level gave me deep insight into roots of Shadow Government takeover of our nation through Bush/Cheney manipulation of Reagan.

My experience with Reagan was not my free choice and was perverse by any standard. Nevertheless, Reagan and I shared a subconscious recognition of each other’s plight. Reagan never personally hurt me, and his declaration of ‘my death sentence’ for my exposure to criminal roots of NAFTA was driven by Bush/Cheney globalist agenda black ops.

If Reagan had been in control of his Administration, would the Shadow Government/globalist agenda still have had the latitude to sink their roots throughout our society? If history had not been rewritten for Global Education/Common Core in order to condition the minds of the children for the upheaval we are seeing in society today, would our historical monuments then be preserved? How would our country be different today if Reagan had the luxury of fully reclaimed free thought? Would he then, like me, raise awareness to vigilantly protect, cherish, and empower free thought? Would information on mind control and the effects of trauma on the human mind then be declassified? Would media inform and empower us rather than be thoroughly controlled by globalists as a means of controlling u.s.?

I celebrate being free to think further now, and raise questions publicly to expand perception beyond the confines of my ‘just-the-facts’ Congressional testimony whistleblowing. Takeover of our country began with a Presidential Assassination, was maintained and furthered through another Presidential Assassination attempt, and is being threatened again today by the same globalists who lost control this past election. After all, the national trauma of Presidential Assassination gave globalists access to control u.s., our sacred Constitution, and ultimately our country… until now.

The majority of u.s. woke up this past election to freely elect our President despite generations of controlled media, contrived polls, and rigged elections. We are now empowered to take back our nation. Weaving awareness of mind control into the equation will enable us to effectively uproot generations of entrenched socially engineered manipulations.

Arm yourself with knowledge on how our brains respond to trauma in order to stop history from repeating itself with another national assassination trauma. PTSD: Time to Heal can help prevent and heal trauma, as well as safeguard free thought.

Reagan said it best: “A people free to choose will always choose peace.”

Cathy O'Brien #crackpot #conspiracy trance-formation.com


MK Ultra mind control knows no party lines! Mitt Romney is another Manchurian Candidate marching to New World Orders in a Republican disguise.

Mitt Romney’s roots extend deep into the swamp and must be exposed. I’ve been speaking out on his father, former Governor of Michigan George Romney, ever since I could think to do so!

I first met George Romney at the Governor’s mansion on Mackinac Island soon after my father sold me into MK Ultra mind control in the early ’60’s. Testimony of my encounters with him, and ultimately with his son Mitt, is detailed in both TRANCE Formation of America and ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security.

George Romney’s penchant for mind control of the masses encompassed MK Ultra’s robotic control of individuals including me and his own son, Mitt. When I met Mitt, who was older than I, he was already structured and militant with trauma reflecting in his eyes.

George Romney was recognized and respected as a leading expert in mind control by those I was exposed to in Project Monarch. It was at Governor Romney’s mansion that I first met who would become my owner in MK Ultra, US Senator Robert C. Byrd. Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau frequented the mansion on Mackinac Island where he and Romney exchanged information on mind control.

Romney’s determination to bring MK Ultra methodologies into the Mormon Church intermeshed with Trudeau’s loyalty to Catholic Jesuit mind control knowledge. Discussions often centered around how to create the most powerful form of mind control of the ‘masses’, which extended into the education system. What Romney, Byrd, and Trudeau discussed provided a basis for what would later become the Global Ed/Goals2000/Common Core system that Byrd ushered into our classrooms while head of US Senate Appropriations.

Romney’s focus on structuring mind control in the Mormon church was for the purpose of producing Manchurian Candidates suitable to furthering and executing the New World Order/Shadow Government (now Deep State) agenda. You can research for yourself the extensive information available on why Mormons also make great FBI recruits. There are no coincidences. Mitt Romney’s father is responsible for Mormon mind control, even having promoted “pied pipers” to harmonically draw wider attention to the church via MK Ultra’s Osmond family.This information is not new. I’ve been blowing the whistle on Romney for 30 years. It is way past time for MK Ultra mind control to be woven into the equation with regards to elections. Roots of MK Ultra mind control are extensive and are clogging the swamp drain. Knowledge is our only defense against mind control and its minions. Help spread the word and stop Mitt Romney!