Magda Lewandowska #fundie #magick
[podcast's transcript] Petting shapeshifting demons
Hello, everyone! Sława Bogom and welcome to the 20eth episode of Searching for the Slavic Soul.
Today I will be talking about searching for my own Slavic soul and about the way I practice Slavic Native Faith and also why I practice it this way.
The original pagan Slavs worshipped outdoors. But the modern Rodnovers build indoor altars and invite storm or death itself under their roofs. And then they attempt to… I don’t even know what word to use here… to entice? Bribe? They, like, attempt to worship the storm or the death itself, indoors, by offering, like, 5 quid worth of, I don’t know, Tesco own brand beef. Like, how sad is that. And how pointless.
Oh, by the way, I am also 100% sure that our ancestors did not run around in the rain during a thunderstorm calling upon Perun and calling him father. Which is, as I learned some time ago, what some modern Rodnovers do.
Considering that most of us, the modern Rodnovers, were born in hospitals without any sort of proper setting to receive the Goddesses, it is likely that most of us have a Nie-dola, so a bad fate, not Dola, so the good one.
So, once I figured out the bread situation, I really started to interact with all sorts of demons. I thought to myself, let’s see if any of the Poles moving to UK over the last 150 or so years, brough a Plonek with them. I started leaving small offerings on the fields near to my practice just in case there is a Slavic demon living there. Under 6 months it brought me plentiful harvest, metaphorical, in the sense of salary. Which is actually quite unusual nowadays, when working hard and being honest usually causes people to take advantage of you.
As to the Slavic Gods. I deeply believe They are, while having a very scientific approach to looking at the world, because these two don’t actually contradict eachother, which one day I might actually record an episode explaining that. I believe They make the world run and influence various events, but I also deeply believe they don’t give a shit about me or humans in general.
I mean, bees are more useful than we are. Which is why bees are the Gods’ messengers, and we humans, are just there, like everything else.