Goriller #fundie iidb.org
I don't think you're going to have that bold of an attitude while you're standing in a puddle of your own urine [at the final judgement].
I don't think you're going to have that bold of an attitude while you're standing in a puddle of your own urine [at the final judgement].
Have you ever heard of an ipostate? That's the term for a "christian" that is worse than a backslider that has completely strayed from the LORD. That's what you and the rest of these "once saved" people on here are.
Are you a Nazi? Do you think eugenics is morally sound? As I have said previously, this is yet another of the horrible consequences of the logical progression of Darwinism. Can their be anything more disgusting? Likely not.
Since Christians will judge the world, just do me one favor brighid, don't repent.
if you're a true Christian, then you would never have wanted to dought GOD in the first place. If you have any thoughts that GOD isn't real, then that's satan putting those thoughts into your head. If you follow these thoughts, and come to the conclusion that GOD doesn't exist, then yu would be saying that when you got saved, that GOD didn't exist, and therefore, you never got saved in the first place.
How am I a hypocrite? I say that I believe it is right to judge and then, sure enough, I judge! I practice what I preach.
It is hypocrites like you who say it we should not judge, but then what do you do? You turn right around and judge me, you hypocrite.
[When asked if he was a member of the Promise keepers, a Christian organization promoting love and tolerance]
Those touchy, feely wimps ? Are you nuts?
One of the main reasons why the churches are filled with WAY more women than men is because nonchristian men view Christian men as feminized sissies who don't have the balls to ever make an unpopular stand. It's exactly what kept me from becoming a Christian for so many decades. I felt if I became a Christian, I would have to learn how to become a wimp. Most Christians worship "being liked" more than they worship Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, it appears that you are among their pathetic numbers.
Christians are supposed to be judgemental. To not judge is to be indecent, not to mention inhuman. The only kingdom in which there is no judging is the plant kingdom. Vegetables do not judge. In the animal kingdom, though, judgment is a must, and members of the Kingdom of God must do the most judging."
"'Judge not' is the prayer of those who want to hide light under a basket. The cliché describes salt which has lost its flavor, which no longer seasons or preserves. Christians like you who are seduced by this terrible lie are taken out of the game which is EXACTLY what the atheists on this forum want. As spectators on the sidelines, Christians only watch the spiritual battle. But they are in a comfort zone. Apathy is the craving. "Judge not" is the mantra for shirking responsibility."
"Extreme ignorance of the Bible has crippled the Church. And that crippling is obvious in virtually every denomination, and in almost all local fellowships. What is the percentage of Christians who have succumbed to the "Judge not" deception? Is there even one percent of believers who have not fallen for that diversion?"
"I think the main reason why Christians like you don't like to judge is because most Christians today are nicer than God.
Or at least they are trying to be so. In the Church there is a standard of niceness that Jesus failed to reach while on earth. Comparing God’s attitude and behavior with that of the Church today shows that believers are far more polite, tolerant, understanding and respectful to the wicked than God is."
"Jesus was a man, not a girl. Christianity today has been emasculated. Men and women are different and they communicate differently. Women are softer and nicer than men, and thank God that they are. However, men are not supposed to be women. Today, Christian ministers are expected to behave like women. That foolishness is a death sentence for many unbelievers."
"Today Christians like you are way nicer than God. It is tragic."
"Wimps, wimps, wimps. I'm sick and tired of Christian wimps!
Seems to me Christianity brought Western Europe out of the Dark Ages into the High Middle Ages.
Did you know that all bulls are males? How can these bulls mate to have more bulls? It's your funeral evolutionists. Admit evolution is a pathetic fantasy created by scientists because they can't accept God.
Penis and vagina as proof of God? I know it seems vague but think about it. The penis can pee and have semen come out of it. Only a good designer can make it this way. Did it just "evolve" this way? How is that even possible? It is complex. The way babies are made is truly beautiful. Do you think there is no God after watching a baby grow and develop in the womb? How can it just evolve like that?
Do you believe in things that are not proven? Or do you need proof first? For example, I had pizza for dinner. Do you believe me or do you need proof? If you believe me without proof, why can't you believe in God with no proof?
I have converted 7 MILITANT ATHEISTS to YEC. You might find it hard to believe, but, which atheist wouldn't? Before we engage in discussion about YEC vs. evolution, take a look at these 2 sites and try to read with an open mind.
<a href="http://www.trueorigin.org/9908.htm" target="_blank">http://www.trueorigin.org/9908.htm</a> (debate between a creationist and some evolutionists.
<a href="http://www.trueorigin.org" target="_blank">www.trueorigin.org</a> (exposing the myth of evolution)
Let's talk darwinism 101. All that crap you just articulated has nothing to do with basic evolution of the species. Do you even have a degree?
I don't mean to sound condescending but maybe this rhetorical question will give you a clue: How do both humans and birds dodge falling objects without knowledge of the mathematical laws of gravity?
The Argument from design.
Points on Earth which exhibits design.
1) Rotating Earth.
2) The sun shining on the earth at just the right angle to produce life and enough energy.
3) Just the right atmosphere needed for life.
4) Plants breathe out what we breathe in.
5) A cell can't form in one spot and then migrate to every place on earth to fill it with cells.
6) Ants can't do that either. How did ants get to different parts of the world?
7) Just the right atmosphere for the earth to produce grass for the cows to eat.
8) How did grass grow first? I don't see grass on any other planets. Hmmm. Thank God for that sun.
9) The miracle of childbirth. It can't just evolve like that.
10) The sun stays in the sky instead of falling down. Gravity should be pulling it down but it just stays right up there. Hmmmm...interesting.
11) We are smart. If we share a common ancestor with monkeys, I found it remarkable that we are so smart and they are so dumb. How did we get so smart?
These are all points for where a God is needed to explain them. No rational human being can think of a rational explanation for all of this. I hope I convinced someone.
[After being told 'they mate with cows, you idiot']
Then, why don't the bulls that are born have some bull like features and cow spots? If a bull mates with a cow, wouldn't you get a female eventually? Evolution is dead water.
[Arguing against genetic algorithms and evolution]
Think about it for a minute: Software does not exist on the computer, but rather in the minds of software engineers.