[A blonde-haired, blue-eyed white woman married a black man and had a child with him. There is a picture of him standing with his child, as well as another white child (presumably from the woman's previous marriage).]
That this lovely woman - the epitome of white, female, physical perfection should so miscegenate makes me angry at her, in spite of myself. I appreciate that females biologically do not have a moral sense - as the Talmud, the bible, Koran and most law courts and philosophers, psychologists and behaviourists agree. But I am still angry. Of course my anger should be directed at the white males of my own race - the father of that unfortunate white child. (who looks so much like my own little girl did at that age)
Yet, in truth I know that all female mammals are by nature UNCONSCIOUSLY attracted to males they see as dominant, while also desiring acceptance by (their concept of) societies ideals and mores.
While males seek to project their dominance. This is what the coon is doing, in full contempt of the emasculated white males, who, in a free society would have the guts to protect and preserve the best of their female stock by all and any means.
In other words the coon would never have got within sniffing distance alive.
The true recipients of our hatred and contempt are not the jews, nor even the white politicians, but the white trash who do their bidding in the police service and the law courts, who, make no mistake, would equally enthusiastically carry out the orders of a Stalin, a Hitler, or a William the Conqueror, as they now do, and for a pittance - at least the jews are loyal to their kind and like the politicians, stand to make a fortune from their misdeeds.
The fact is that the jew has bred us for centuries, like the cattle we are, exaggerating traits beneficial to them. By way of the execrable lunacy of their appalling religion, imposed through hellish torture, massacres, wars and social exclusion, via the agencies of tyrant kings, where anyone with the intellect, guts or forthrightness to speak out was eliminated together with his rebellious and intellectual genetic traits, until we have become a race of cringing cowards and superstition ridden fools, ever ready to accept the latest junk dogma in opposition to truth, natural feeling and factual evidence.