The Jack the Ripper murder "mystery" is no mystery at all but simply another coverup of Jewish crimes and another example of how the greatest control freaks of all time, the Jews, are able to keep all the Gentiles in the dark and confused. A cursory read of all the sources along with the diligent research of one author would lead one to the conclusion that the case is closed on Jack the Ripper. But as the case is for many other "mysteries" of our modern society such as our screwed up economy, the open borders policy, the reason the Muslims "hate our democracy and freedom,", why blacks don't behave like whites, and why the "peace process" in the Middle East never goes anywhere, there's really no mystery at all. The cause of all this destruction and confusion is the Jews, the Jews, the Jews. But don't take my word for it, do your own research and thinking.
The most significant point of the whole Jack the Ripper affair is that identifying Jews as the source of problem is only the first half of the battle -- exposing them is the second half, and this is almost impossible to do. Cutting off their influence is the solution, but can only happen after the second half is accomplished. Discounting the revelations of Benjamin Freedman, Victor Ostrovsky and a few other Jews who have properly pointed the fingers back at themselves, that graffito written by some anonymous Gentile in Goulston Street back in 1888 during an insane Jew's killing spree still holds true today: THE JEWS ARE THE MEN THAT WILL NOT BE BLAMED FOR NOTHING.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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