
Mike King #conspiracy #wingnut tomatobubble.com

Break out the violins folks! It's time for that familiar old refrain of Marxist demagogues everywhere - "the children". Sing it with me: "We are the world. We are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day so lets start giving."

Ah yes, Sulzberger's manipulative Times just loves little children, except for the ones killed and maimed by U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the ones blown apart by Obongo's drones in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia etc, or the ones killed by our noble Israeli "allies" during their periodic raids on Gaza.

Reports from those at the scene reveal that many of these "children" are well into their teens or older, perfect "gang banger" age. Could it be that the plan is to import and train a rag tag army of foreign mercenaries under the cover of "the children"? Why are these "children" being sent to Army bases? Are we seeing the formation of an American "ISIS"?

As thuggish as some of our homegrown Feds are, finding a large number of them willing to actually fire upon the American citizenry is unlikely. But finding thousands of "gang members" willing to fight for cash, drugs and sexual access to helpless White women is easy. Something is clearly afoot with this engineered invasion; an invasion which was pre-planned during the final months of 2008, when the outgoing President Bush signed a bill banning the deportation of unaccompanied "children".

Think it can't happen here? Well, this scenario is EXACTLY what the secret U.S. government has already imposed upon Libya, Syria, and now, Iraq. The "children" are only the Trojan Horse. Hold on to your guns folks!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

These vile, demonic, wretched, blood thirsty Marxist Zionists never quit, do they? Mr. Breyer was just 19 years old when he served in the heroic Waffen SS; an elite fighting force whose tenacity saved all of Europe from Stalin's invading hordes. For that, he ought to awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Instead, he becomes the latest old man to be snatched away from his family, soon to be deported to Merkel's Marxist Germany for trial. There is no word yet on when Germany will go after elderly members of the Jewish led NKVD units who raped and tortured so many innocent Germans.

A heart breaking excerpt from today's story:
"The 89-year-old Johann Breyer shuffled unsteadily into a federal courtroom in Philadelphia on Wednesday morning, using a cane for support as he sank slowly into a chair at the defense table. The retired toolmaker from what was then Czechoslovakia, who immigrated to the United States in 1952, was thin and pale and dressed in a green uniform after a night spent in jail following his arrest at his home in Philadelphia. He looked confused at times, too, but when the judge asked him if he understood why the German authorities wanted to put him on trial there, he answered simply, “Yes.”
"He and his wife, who was with him in the courtroom on Wednesday, lived in a redbrick townhouse in a blue-collar neighborhood of northeast Philadelphia where the small yards are surrounded by chain-link fences. Some neighbors seemed unaware of the earlier accusations against him. “He was a nice guy who fed my dog treats and talked to my parents when they came down,” said Ken Perkins, a neighbor for about 20 years."
As for the "gassings" that Sulzberger's Times alludes to, no one put it better than British Historian David Irving:
"In fact more women died on the back seat of Senator Edward Kennedy's car in Chappaquiddick than ever died in the gas chamber they show the tourists at Auschwitz."
Stories such as this are hard to read. The daily task of reviewing Sulzberger's Times is one that your intrepid author dreads at times. Often, it is good for a laugh. But on days like today, with a story such as this, the emotional mix of deep sorrow and Holy Hatred requires a drink and/or a smoke.
Our hearts and prayers go out to Herr Breyer and his family.

Mike King (as Adolf Hitler) #fundie tomatobubble.com

President Vladimir Putin,

I have long admired your strength and skill in cleansing Russia of International Jewry’s Oligarchs. The salvation of Christian Russia from the clutches of these ghoulish gangsters reminds me so much of my own triumph during the 1930’s.

The parallels between us are indeed striking, both for our respective accomplishments and also, I fear, our mistakes. I write this letter as a historical warning from one honorable patriot to another. Do not repeat my mistake of believing that one can ever deal rationally with the sworn agents of Satan's henchmen.

In underestimating the depths of the undiluted evil that Germany was up against, I gave the enemy the time he needed to recover, regroup, form alliances, and ultimately destroy Germany.

It was the Spring of 1940. All sincere efforts to avoid war in the West had been exhausted. Our preventative "Blitz" through Holland and Belgium drove the British and French forces all the way back to the beaches of Dunkirk. As a show of good faith, I, in the naïve belief that Rothschild’s Britain could be reasoned with, allowed the entire British force of more than 250,000 men to escape unmolested across the English Channel.

Rather than accept my generous action and ensuing peace offer, the drunken warmonger Churchill, emboldened by the Jewish puppet Roosevelt, spit in my face and twisted Dunkirk into a British victory. Though there certainly were sincere and honorable peacemakers in Britian, such as Lord Halifax, their influence was never a match for the powers of International Jewry and its henchmen.

Instead of having 250,000 British prisoners as leverage, Germany would later have to fight these men in North Africa, France, Italy etc.

Instead of the British people demanding an end to the war, ridiculous gas masks were handed out to the British public.

Compounding my folly, I then wasted an entire year being strung along by a phony “peace movement” in Britain. We should have just invaded England and brought the war to a swift end in the West. By the time my Deputy Rudolf Hess was cunningly lured to Britain and then taken prisoner in May of 1941, I was already faced with a massive Soviet buildup on my Eastern border, and an America that was only months away from entering a conflict that I should have already won.

Dear Vladimir!

Do not delude yourself, as I did, into believing that you can somehow reason with Western democrats as if they were as honorable as you or I are. These are not normal people. By now, I’m sure you are well aware of what base wickedness Messrs. Obama, Kerry and their puppet crypto Jew Poroshenko are capable of. But your evident trust in that vile wench Angela Merkel and other self-proclaimed “peace makers” of the European Union is misguided.

Like my “pacifist friends” in Britain, the role of your “pacifist friends” in Europe serves only one purpose; to buy time for Ukraine, Poland, and the US to build up its Eastern European armies, armaments and missile bases.

Every day that you waste the enemy grows stronger. As the provocations increase, Russia will lose the critical element of surprise, if there is even any left at this time!

Your time to act should have been when that weakling Yanukovich was chased out of Kiev by the West’s “neo Nazis”. They were already calling you “the new Hitler” anyway, (I'm flattered), so what should you care about invading and reinstalling Yanukovich?

This is not about Ukraine. It is about Russia. Your enemies, Merkel included, wish to see you every bit as as dead as Hussein or Qaddafi. Russia is to be conquered, divided, multi-culturalized, globalized, and homosexualized.

Your humane desire to avoid the bloodshed of your Ukrainian brothers is admirable. But your delusion that this crisis can yet be resolved by playing chess is getting dangerous. One way or another, whether you want it or not, the bloodshed is coming, Herr Putin. Best to initiate the conflict by striking first, and striking hard - very hard; so hard that NATO itself may blink. This is the only language that these demons understand, and respect.

Take it from me. Take it from Benjamin Franklin:

“Experience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn in no other.”

In my defense, I at least had no precedent to learn from. You do.

With admiration,

Adolf Hitler

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Can there still be any lingering doubt that Obongo, his Globalist handlers, and Sulzberger's glorified propaganda sheet are all "in cahoots" to grind down the American people into 3rd World dependency status? The deliberately fallacious classification of carbon dioxide as a "pollutant" was a trick designed to circumvent Congressional approval for killing the coal industry.

You see, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) cannot make its own laws, but it can crack down on "pollution". Thus was carbon, the very breath we exhale and the "food" of all vegetation, magically transformed into a form of "pollution" that causes "Global Warming".

Obongo the Evil may have broken every campaign promise that his mendacious Marxist mouth ever muttered; but let's give him some credit for fulfilling one 2008 promise (spoken to a friendly Editorial Board) to wreck the coal industry and drive up electricity prices.

Obongo's statement in black; with your intrepid reporter's biting wise cracks in red [the statements in brackets]:

"The problem is, can you get the American people to say this is really important and force their representatives to do the right thing. (you just love using "force" don't you Obongo. Typical Communist)

That requires mobilizing a citizenry. That requires them understanding what is at stake. Climate change is a great example. (Ah yes, us dumb citizens need to be "required to understand" the junk science of non existent Global Warming / Climate Change)

When I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would sky rocket, even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. (That's just what a struggling American family needs, higher energy costs)

Because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas—whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was they’d have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money and they will pass that money on to consumers." (And then you'll piously blame the "greedy energy companies" for engaging in "Capitalist price-gauging")

"If we're going to get serious and cap the emission of green house gasses that are causing global warming (There is no Global warming and you damn well know it, you filthy degenerate Marxist LIAR!) then we are going to be having power plants have to figure out how to reduce carbon, because they’ll have to pay penalties (Penalties, penalties, penalties. Spoken like a true tyrant), if they exceed the cap—and that means they’re going to have to change how they operate.

And that means in turn that they’ll have to ("have to"; more control freak language) make investments (code word for throwing money away) that they’ll try to pass on to consumers and could result in higher electricity prices. (not "could result" monkey boy, WILL result)

In the short term, though, the government will help, (Great. Another welfare scheme. Let's call it ObongoElectric) we’re all going to have to be more energy efficient. (Does that mean that you and that nasty looking First Beast of yours will be curtailing your incessant Global joy riding on Air Force 1 & 2?)

We’re all going to have to (have to?) insulate our homes, change our light bulbs...(Yes Master. Your wish is this humble slave's command)"

This "man" is evil. Pure, unadulterated EVIL!

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