
Mike King #homophobia #wingnut tomatobubble.com

NY Times: Gay Marriage Case Caps Cincinnati’s Shift From Conservative Past


As the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments on same-sex marriage, Cincinnati has become the measure of how far the gay rights movement has come in a traditionally conservative city.


The Anti-New York Times

In those parts of the country in which the mental and moral cancer of liberalism has yet to metastasize, the Marxists and their homosexual legions have turned to the court system to expedite the death blow to what was once conservative Christian Middle-America. And oh how Sulzberger's Slimes just luuuvs throwing these types of stories in our faces.

Emboldened by the Marxist media, the sodomite brigades have expanded the "the struggle".

The cancer can now be found anywhere and everywhere.

Playing upon the mushy sentimentality of the weak-minded, as always, The Slimes explains:

"Jim Obergefell says he “instantly pictured growing old” with John Arthur when they fell in love here in 1992. Just seven weeks after they began dating, Mr. Arthur gave Mr. Obergefell a ring set with diamonds — a sign that, in their hearts if not in law, they were married."

Two decades later, with Mr. Arthur dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease, they did marry, aboard a medical charter jet on the tarmac of an airport in Maryland — a state where, unlike Ohio, gay people could wed. When Mr. Arthur, 48, died in October 2013, Ohio refused to list Mr. Obergefell as his spouse on the death certificate. Furious, Mr. Obergefell sued."

The Homo Hissy Fits are working. One by one, even many churches are caving in, or at least 'looking the other way' to the new "tolerance". The double-standard that bars a man from "marrying" his dog, his sheep his mother, or his son can no longer be justified. There are such people who engage in these practices. Why should they be denied the "right" to fornicate and marry? As even the Pinko Pope decreed, "Who am I to judge?"

The real power behind this subversive movement lies neither within the courts nor with the foot-stomping homosexual brats. Those are just the tools. It is the usual suspects who are injecting the deadly cancer cells into every nook and cranny of the American body. Vice President Biden has confirmed:

“I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else. I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, (he repeats) the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good. ” - Joe Biden

Yes, Joe. It's "all to the good". Thanks Jews!

Move over Walton Family! The "Modern Family" is the new model for a New World Order. It's all good.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

New York Times: A Dinosaur With a Beak and Feathers Unearthed in China


Today's rebuttal focuses on the Darwin's deluded dogma of "Evolution" TM -- specifically as it is said to relate to a new dinosaur unearthed in China. Before we begin to analyze a few select excerpts, let's us remind "youse guys" of what you probably learned in 8th grade, but may or may not have forgotten -- namely, the classic textbook definition of the "Scientific Method."

From the Oxford Dictionary:

Scientific Method: a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Scientific Method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

The key word is "the O Word" -- OBSERVATION. Darwin's deluded devotees can scream "SCIENCE!" in your face all they want; but if a theorized phenomenon - or iron-clad-after-the-fact forensic evidence of said phenomenon - are not OBSERVABLE, then it does not meet the standards of the Scientific Method. N.O. = N.S. (Not Observable = Not Science) Learn it. Love it. Live it.--- End of discussion. --- Got it? Good.

The "O Word" is more than just synonymous with science, it IS science; and no amount of fancy math equations, artistic renderings,computer models and academic bullying can ever substitute for it.

Now that 8th Grade Science class is complete, let's "observe" what Kenneth Chang's article is claiming.

Kenneth Chang: It had feathers and a beak.

Rebuttal: How do you know for certain that this creature had feathers? Only bone and beak fragments were discovered in the rock. A platypus has a beak but no feathers. The scientists are assuming feathers, not OBSERVING.

Kenneth Chang: It was the size of a donkey, and it did not fly. It was not a bird, but a dinosaur that was a close relative of birds.

Rebuttal: How do you know that this skeletal remnant this some odd-looking creature was "a close relative of birds?" Did anyone actually OBSERVE the transition of the alleged common ancestor into this feathered and beaked dinosaur on one branch; and birds on another branch? (Answer: No) To assume so merely on the basis of a few common characteristics amounts to reckless inference based upon wild conjecture.

Kenneth Chang: In a paper published on Thursday ... a team of scientists described a fossil of Tongtianlong Limosus, a new species in a strange group of dinosaurs that lived during the final 15 million years before dinosaurs became extinct.

Rebuttal: How is it possible to chronicle events of "the final 15 million years before dinosaurs became extinct" when there was no one around to OBSERVE and document the the life and times of Tongtianlong Limosus? (Answer: It is not possible) Do these "theoretical scientists" have some sort of magic time-machine that allows them to go back and forth through the ages?

Kenneth Chang: Oviraptorosaurs are not direct ancestors of birds, but share a common theropod dinosaur ancestor with the lineage that later evolved to birds.

Rebuttal: Again, we must ask: who OBSERVED this common-ancestor to bird & dinosaur progression? (Answer: nobody)

Kenneth Chang: The features, ... for display to potential mates... "They were like advertising billboards," Dr. (Stephen) Brusatte said.

Rebuttal: So, not only does the magic crystal ball of "theoretical science" tell us that the poor beaked bloke who got stuck in the mud had "feathers" -- but we may also recklessly infer that the feathers were used to attract bird chicks. But why should we infer such a thing when only peacocks (as far as we know) showoff their plumage to attract female? Eagles don't. Pigeons don't. Ostriches don't. How does this ass-clown "Dr. Brusatte" know that our muddy Chinese friend engaged in such aviary exhibitionism?

Kenneth Chang: Some features like the feathers come from the common ancestor, ...

Rebuttal: A classic logical fallacy that is often, no, always made by Darwin's deluded devotees is the prior assumption that "Evolution" TM is an established fact. All subsequent data is then interpreted to fit the pre-determined conclusion, rather than the other way around. They therefore assume that if this creature has a characteristic that is very similar to that creature, the two species must have had a "common ancestor" TM. This is like saying that an Italian sports car and a school bus must have a "common ancestor" TM because both have wheels and a transmission.

Kenneth Chang: The common ancestor had teeth, though, not beaks.

Rebuttal: And exactly how the frickety-frack do you know that? So, not only are we to believe that these "scientists" have established the existence of a "common ancestor" TM without any OBSERVABLE evidence as such; but now they claim to be able to tell us what physical characteristics that said "common ancestor" TM has or didn't have. And, not only is the transition from the "common ancestor" TM not OBSERVABLE, the fossil of what is alleged to be the "common ancestor" TM is also not OBSERVABLE.

Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes could teach these academic egg-heads a lesson in logic and sound reasoning.

Kenneth Chang: For oviraptorosaurs, the beaks were “convergent evolution,” when similar features evolve independently among different groups of animals.

Rebuttal: "Convergent Evolution," eh? Sounds like some seriously heavy "science" there. (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) --- Again, not OBSERVABLE --- Just new bullshit to prop up the old.

Kenneth Chang: One of the unknowns is what Tongtianlong and other oviraptorosaurs were eating.

Rebuttal: Aw heck! Let's just say they ate Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. Why not? Everything else is made up.

Kenneth Chang: The six oviraptorosaur species discovered so far are also very different from each other, and the scientists argue that this shows rapid evolution of these dinosaurs.

Rebuttal: No, it just shows that breeds of the same species (a gene pool) can vary greatly. Just look at the differences in size, shape, fur and temperament among French Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Pit Bulls, Great Danes, German Shepherds and Chihuahuas.

Kenneth Chang: That runs counter to the assertion of some paleontologists that dinosaurs were already in decline long before they became extinct 66 million years ago, most likely from the global devastation following a large asteroid impact.

Rebuttal: How do these eggheads come up with this number of "66 million years ago" as the precise date of dino-extinction? (nice little Satanic touch with the 6-6 there) Did anyone OBSERVE the passage of "66 million" years of time? (Answer: No) -- Did anyone OBSERVE the killer asteroid, or even the hole that it would have left behind? (Answer: No)

Kenneth Chang: “One of the interesting things about these specimens that are coming out of southern China is that they show this diversity of body forms.”

Rebuttal: Yeah. So what? Dogs, cats, humans etc. also vary in body forms. And has it occurred to you geniuses that at least part of the reason for the variance could just be due to the fact that some of the fossilized specimens may have been small cubs; others were medium-sized adolescents, and still others were full grown adults?

Kenneth Chang: She was less certain about whether the rate of evolution is as fast .... because the scientists lack precise dating of the layer of rock hundreds of yards thick where the fossils have been found. “You don’t know if it’s a million years or 10 million years,”

Rebuttal: This nonsense about measuring time by correlating it to rock thickness assumes a steady rate of silt/sediment accumulation. In reality, a catastrophic flood can deposit as much sediment in a few days as normal conditions can over the course of many centuries. This magical method of time-keeping -- a work-around to circumvent the Scientific Method -- is again totally unscientific because there is no way to go back in time and OBSERVE if the wet-sediment-to-rock-time formula is accurate.

Furthermore, the bones would have dried up, turned to dust and blown away long before centuries of sediment accumulation and hardening could completely encase and petrify them. Try dumping your Thanksgiving Day turkey bones in a nearby wooded area are see how long they last before nature's elements and insects cause them to disintegrate and disappear -- months or a few years at the most!

How's the old funeral ditty go? "Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust."

Intact bones found inside of rock layers are evidence of a catastrophic, fast-acting, silt-depositing event such as a flood, volcano, landslide, tsunami, suddenly rising sea level or something else. Might that be how our Chinese "feathered" friend suddenly got stuck in the mud -- a mud which later hardened as it was soon buried under additional layers of silt?

1- Dog breeds differ greatly among themselves too. It doesn't prove that poodles "evolved" into dalmatians!
2- The "science" of rock dating is deeply flawed to begin with. Dating fossils from the erroneously-aged rocks then leads to circular reasoning.
3- Darwin's scam is thoroughly and humorously exposed in "God vs Darwin" by M S King. (here)

This cooked-up commie crap would actually be funny, were it not for the fact that millions of young malleable minds are being corrupted by the "theoretical scientists." For that reason, these diploma-decorated dorks need to be driven out of Academia and into the lunatic asylums by the thousands.

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

Have "youse guys" heard the hype about the anticipated "box office sensation," coming out in theatres this weekend? Unlike so may other hyped-up films which turn into box-office duds, we suspect that 'Black Panther' might actually sell a whole lot of tickets for the same reason that so many Blacks turned out to vote for Black Jesus in 2008 and 2012. It's a "cultural" thing, engineered by the usual suspects for the purpose of firing up their Black legions with anti-White hatred. Indeed, pre-ticket sales for BP have already outsold those for any other Marvel super-hero movie.

The author of this Slimes review, Carvell Wallace, gives us a glimpse as to what's going on here. Get a whiff of these excerpted bits of Bolshevik barf, from the Slimes review:

"Here in Oakland, I am doing what it seems every other black person in the country is doing: assembling my delegation ... We bought tickets for the opening as soon as they were available — the first time in my life I’ve done that.

We have for centuries sought to either find or create a promised land where we would be untroubled by the criminal horrors of our American existence.

The artistic movement called Afrofuturism, a decidedly black creation, is meant to go far beyond the limitations of the white imagination. It isn’t just the idea that black people will exist in the future, will use technology and science, will travel deep into space."

1 & 2. Slimes anti-White reviewer and group-ticket organizer "Carvell" Wallace. Evidently, his momma named him after an ice-cream cake, and misspelled the name to boot! 3. The expected success of the film is the product of Jewish hype and Black anti-Whiteness. Let's hope the mania passes peacefully.

Reviews, summaries and trailers indicate that 'Black Panther' contains lots of fighting and lots of killing. Though the film itself has a virtually all-Black cast, which suggests that the violence is Black-on-Black; the illusion-makers of Hollywood (cough cough) and the promoters in the Piranha Press (cough cough) damn well know that the film will stoke the flames of hatred and violence against Whitey nonetheless.

Our advice to you "crackas" who still attend theaters, or are simply planning on shopping at an attached mall while BP is playing -- stay away, or least carry a handgun with you (if your state allows concealed carry). Now we truly do love, appreciate and embrace our tiny (really tiny) handful of Black reader / donors as "bruthas" and "sistas" under God; but "y'all" know even better than we how excitable some of your peeps can get. No White man who values his safety and that of his loved ones will want to be in the vicinity when a theatre that is showing BP vomits out its agitated contents at closing time..

As for the futuristic plot, it is as fantastical as it is comical. After the murder of the king of the African Kingdom of Wakanda, the dead king's son, T'Challa, (aka Black Panther), returns to Wakanda to assume his rightful place as king of a great civilization with secret advanced technology (rolling eyes). When powerful enemies seeking to capture Wakands's technology and exploit its natural resources challenge King T'Challa, he is drawn into a war that holds the fate of Wakanda in the balance. The young king wears an indestructible Black Panther suit made of "vibranium" (oh that African technology!) and battles the evil-doers on behalf of his people.

Fight scenes and Black warriors will fire-up the audience -- and don't think for one minute that just because the fighting is Black-on-Black that the movie won't foment violent Black ethno-nationalism rooted in anti-White sentiment.

It's important to note that in 1966, at a time when the real Black Panthers were murdering police officers and setting cities aflame, Marvel Comics’s Black Panther was created by Stan Lee (cough cough) and Jack Kirby (cough cough). Fast-forward to today's movie version, Ryan Coogler is the Black director and co-writer of the script. The production company is Marvel Studios (cough cough) and the distributors of BP is Disney Studios (cough cough). It's not too hard to figure out what is going on here.

Black Panther, the movie, is just another case of the usual suspects using Blacks as a battering ram against White western civilization. White people will be viciously attacked and murdered as a result of this communist crap. Even if no one is harmed directly by theater mobs in the coming days, to the extent that this garbage infuses simple-minded viewers with a sense of ethnic-based warrior aggressiveness, the film will, as intended, indirectly and latently contribute to future violence against Whites. Bet on it!

1 & 2. Stan Lee (cough cough) created a Black Panther comic book series. His fellow tribesmen are behind the movie version. 3. Black director-writer Ryan Coogler --- ah, show us the shekels, Ryan, show us the shekels.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read a movie review about the Black Panther movie coming out this weekend. It's expected to do extremely well at the box office.

Boobus Americanus 2: It sounds very interesting. I'd like go see that.

Sugar: Yess, Boobuss! Pleasse go! And make ssure the theater is near a city. And take your sstupid frickin' ssuburban family with you. That experience ought to cure your libtardissm right quick.

Editor: I once knew a libtarded young Asian-American woman who was so proud of herself for having taken a job in an inner city High School. After a female student grabbed her hair and dragged her down a flight of stairs, she woke up to reality and was cured 'right quick' as you say.

Mike King #racist #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

In a normal world, the daily "Google-Doodle" of March 31, 2017 would have infuriated Whitelandia. But because the West has ceased being normal, few will see anything wrong with the subversive messaging. Notice how the Jewish girl is positioned front & center -- the obvious ringleader. The Jewess is flanked by a Muslim girl and a South Indian tranny. The three White males are castoff to the far sides -- two of them are crippled and one of them homosexual (as evidenced by the rainbow Google logo G on his shirt).


Everyone has some sort of logo on their shirt -- indicating that they belong to some greater group or cause -- except for the two White crippled boys. They are nothing. The lone White Christian girl (who could also be part Hispanic?) is sandwiched between the Indian tranny and the Black boy. She has no White partners to mate with here because all of the White boys are either lame or queer. In the background, a shadowy mob flashes devil's horn signs. Wow! Jewish-owned Google's message couldn't possibly be anymore "in-your-face" than this -- "Die, White Man, die!" It is "the Kalergi Plan" -- a long term scheme based upon genocidal hatred of European Man.

Richard Coudenhove Kalergi

Kalergi was the son of an Austrian diplomat named Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi and a Japanese woman named Mitsu Aoyama. His movement was financially backed by Zionist billionaire bosses such as Rothschild, Baruch and Warburg. With such high-powered backers and close contacts with European aristocrats and politicians, Kalergi managed to attract important heads of state to his project for European integration -- what Winston Churchill openly referred to, in 1945, as the "United States of Europe."

Very few people know that Kalergi, one of the main "founding fathers" of the process of European integration, also designed the genocide for the peoples of Europe. As far back as 1922, Kalergi founded the "Pan-European" movement in Austria, which aimed to create a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be the first step in creating a future world government.

With the rise of Benito Mussolini in Italy, The Great One in Germany and General Francisco Franco in Spain, Kalergi's Jewish-inspired 'One Europe' project was put on hold. But very soon after the final crushing defeat of Germany in 1945, Kalergi's New World Order, thanks to the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish B'nai B'rith and major newspapers like the New York Slimes, began to take its first visible steps toward fruition.

In order for Kalergi's openly-described New Europe to rise, European Fascism had to fall. And THAT is what World War II was really all about! Read 'The Bad War', by M S King

In his book 'Praktischer Idealismus', Kalergi boldly declares that the citizens of the future "United States of Europe" will not be White people anymore. In his own words:

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with the diversity of individuals.

Of course, Kalergi's chosenite paymasters will not be replaced or blended out by this "Eurasian-negroid race of the future". Writes the hired hack of his paymasters:

"Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It's not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews."

Kalergis' "Nobility": George Soros, "Sir" Evelyn & "Lord" Jacob de Rothschild, Arthur Ochs-Sulzberger

In Kalergi's World, by his own admission, Whites are to be blended out of their own nations while the Jew becomes "the spiritual nobility." Is that not exactly what we are witnessing today? Ah, show us the shekels, Count K, show us the shekels!

The Kalergi plan is the New World Order plan. White genocide, as the "Google-Doodle" makes very clear, is very real and is playing out exactly as Kalergi and his handlers envisioned it. That is the real reason why World War II was imposed upon Hitler and Mussolini; and it is also the real reason why the Marshall Plan contained hidden provisions for unifying Europe; and it is also the reason why the Frumpy Frau of Germany is acting as "stupidly" as she is. Speaking of manly Marxist Merkel; for her slavish devotion to Rothschild's European Unionism, the wicked wench received the "prestigious" Charlemagne Prize in 2008 --- mistakenly referred to by some as the "Kalergi Prize" because Kalergi was its very first recipient in 1950.

Besides Kalergi and Merkel, other notable recipients of this treasonous "honor" include: Winston Churchill (1956), George Marshall (1959), Henry Kissinger (1987), Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands (1996), Tony Blair (1999), Bill Clinton (2000), Jean Claude Juncker (2006), Donald Tusk (2010) and Poop Francis (2016). Talk about a rogue's gallery of Globalist scumbags in service to Satan!

Mike King #fundie #pratt tomatobubble.com

The great and the good of the “intelligentsia” assure us that all “educated” people accept Charles Darwin’s Evolution as a indisputable fact of science that is "not open for debate." Oh those superstitious "straw-men" bible-thumpers portrayed in the propaganda film Inherit the Wind may have a hard time accepting it, but even the slightest doubt can never be tolerated within the elite confines of the academic cool-kids club. Woodrow Wilson Warmonger of World War I fame, a former Princeton professor himself, put it this way:

“Of course, like every other man of intelligence and education I do believe in organic evolution. It surprises me that at this late date such questions should be raised.”

And yet, neither Darwin, nor Wilson, nor the Communist ACLU Attorney Clarence Darrow (played by Spencer Tracy), nor any other “scientist” (bow your head in solemn reverence when you say that word) has ever adequately addressed the gaping holes of Darwin’s Dogma. The best rebuttal the "smart people" can muster consists of scorn, ridicule, charges of "stupidity" and even government force -- but never any true scientific substance. Many of these holes are blown wide-open in the book: “God vs Darwin: The Logical Supremacy of Intelligent Design Creationism” (by yours truly). But for this particular piece, let us focus on what is perhaps the single biggest flaw of all regarding trans-species “Evolution” – which should not be confused with minor variations / adaptations of existing characteristics already present in a gene pool (Darwin’s finches, peppered moths, stickleback fish, "super rats" etc.) We refer to this gaping hole as the “complex integration” of multiple parts that is found in all living organisms (even “simple” single-cell bacteria).

Darwin and his deluded devotees maintain that tiny “imperceptible” and "innumerable" blind and random mutations, favored by environmental circumstances, added up over very long periods of time to the point that an evolved species (such as us humans) became unrecognizable from our direct lineal “ancestors” (single-cell oceanic bacteria). Apart from the obvious fact that none of these transitions from millions of years ago were observable, how do the Evolutionists explain away the “complex integration” of our body parts? One part of any given creature could not have blindly “evolved” without so many other parts coming into existence at the exact same moment in time. How can hundreds or even thousands of complex parts -- functioning in sync with one another in a scientific symphony in which each component can only function if all the others are in place -- have “blindly” appeared, without intelligent guidance, one piece-of-the-puzzle at a time, over “millions of years?”

To better illustrate this problem, let’s have a closer look at the integration of the digestive system.

To start the digestive process, we need an oral cavity -- that is, a mouth to put the food in. The mouth needs teeth, both upper & lower sets, deeply anchored into our gums, which are attached to a jaw-bone, which is attached to a skull which is etc., etc., etc., Without all of this in place at the same time, the first step of the digestive process comes to a halt. But our gums and 32 perfectly-matching teeth alone, which come if different shapes and sizes for certain functions, won’t ensure survival. We still need saliva to begin the breaking down of the food, as well as the preservation of our teeth and the gums which hold them. And we also need mucous producing cells in the mouth to help form the saliva mix.

Remove any of those elements (oral cavity, teeth (upper & lower), gums, jaw-bone, salivary glands, mucous) and humans (and many other animals) never make it out of the box. Each of the elements is part of an integrated system in which one element cannot function, and serves no purpose, without all of the others already in place. Then of course there is the tongue – a complex multi-faceted organ in its own right, which is vital for chewing and swallowing food. In the back of the mouth, the tongue is anchored into the hyoid bone – which itself is anchored by various muscles and ligaments. Once swallowed, the pre-digested food passes through the pharynx (part of the throat) -- which is lined by more essential membranes and muscles – and moves down to the esophagus (food pipe).

Let’s review the pre-digestion process: oral cavity, teeth (upper & lower), gums, jaw bone, skull, saliva, mucous, tongue, hyoid bone, muscles, ligaments, pharynx, membranes, muscles, and esophagus. That’s 15 systems in all, each of them also highly complex, and each of them integrated with the other systems. Remove just one, and there can be no digestive system and hence, no species. Therefore, the elements of this grand orchestra had to have come into play at the same time – which implies, no, proves deliberate design. But we’re just getting started.

1. Just the individual contents of the mouth alone form a complex integrated system in which each part is useless without all others in place. 2. Complex Integration: Remove just component, and the whole structure becomes non-viable. 3. For that reason alone (although there are many other flaws) Darwin's ridiculous paper gets an "F."

Moving right along, gravity and contraction (more muscles) push the mix into the stomach where digestive enzymes really begin to break down the food. To block these powerful enzymes from literally “eating” the stomach itself, membranes called b]gastric mucosa produce a protective coating of mucous which lines the stomach. How genius is that? On to the duodenum -- the first section of the small intestine which leads to the large intestine. Along the journey there are more enzymes produced by the pancreas. Then it is down to the colon, (there is an ascending colon, a descending colon and a sigmoid colon) rectum, anal canal and out the anus -- where Darwin's stinky work-of-fiction truly belongs. Assisting the expulsion of bodily waste is the diaphragm -- a sheet of internal skeletal muscle made up of no fewer than a dozen different parts. Though it is mainly part of the respiratory system, the diaphragm also generates the pressure needed for waste disposal.

Key contributions to the process are also rendered by the liver, the gall bladder, the spleen, the cecum, and many more muscles and many more glands to numerous to name. And holding those muscles in place are a complex system of more ligaments fastened to more bones which are fastened to other bones etc. etc. etc. As for the liquids that we ingest, that speaks to a whole other complex integrated system of complex integrated systems involving kidneys, renal arteries, renal veins, urinary tracts, collecting ducts, bladder, pelvis etc[/b. Of course, all of this digestion is pointless without blood-flow to carry the food's nutrients throughout the body – which means that even more complex systems had to have been be put in place at the same time: blood, veins, arteries, capillaries. But the nutrient-carrying blood can’t flow through the vascular system without a pump and an oxidation system already in place, right? You need a set of heart & lungs which are the basis of the cardio-pulminary system -- an incredibly complex integrated structure made up of countless essential components such as the -- (well, you get the point -- we can go on forever with this --)

So, let’s take it from the top, boys and girls. All of the following complex elements must come into place at the same time in order for digestion to work:

oral cavity, teeth, gums, jaw-bone, skull, saliva, mucous, tongue, hyoid bone, muscles, ligaments, pharynx, membranes, more muscles, and esophagus, more muscles, stomach, digestive enzymes, gastric mucosa, duodenum, small intestine, large intestine, more enzymes, pancreas, ascending colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal, anus, diaphragm, liver, gall bladder, spleen, cecum, more muscles, more glands, more ligaments, more bones, kidneys, renal arteries, renal veins, urinary tracts, collecting ducts, bladder, pelvis, blood, veins, arteries, capillaries, cardio-pulminary system, a bunch of other intregrated items and systems too numerous to list here and a partridge in a pear tree!

Each necessary component "blindly" evolved and integrated with all the others by itself --- one at a time, without design? Ha ha ha. --- "Intelligent and educated," my foot!

This mind-boggling complexity, -- which cannot be reduced by even a single element lest the species cease to exist -- becomes even more integrated and more complicated when studied on a molecular level --- the complex "4-digit" DNA “computer coding” behind it all. The mere suggestion of these integrated systems blindly “evolving,” one component at a time, independent of one another, in an “imperceptible” manner over millions of years is absurd on its face. As a matter of fact, St. Charles Darwin himself, in a pathetically futile effort to explain away the “problem” that integrated parts posed for his theory, admitted that his idea sounded “absurd in the highest degree.”

From his Origin of the Species:

“To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree."

After objecting to his own theory (so that he can control the debate), Darwin proceeds, in the very next paragraph, to lamely explain away the "absurdity" of attributing the integrated complexity of the eye to random evolution. But his "solution" to the problem amounts to nothing but a diversionary debating trick.

“When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei, as every philosopher knows, cannot be trusted in science."

Darwin is using an old lawyer's trick here. He states the objection, then casually explains it away by using a bizarre and totally irrelevant analogy to astronomy. He also adds a theatrical touch of Latin mumbo-jumbo to impress the easily-impressed. We're not talking about the sun and the earth and "Vox populi," Chuckie! The subject here is your admittedly "absurd"-sounding claim that the integrated complexity of organisms and body parts came about blindly, randomly, and one element at a time without any intelligence involved. Explain it for us!

Plato warned us to be on guard against the type of empty diversionary rhetoric that Darwin used to explain away the massive holes in his goofy theory of self-creating life coming blindly from non-life, and then putting its own integrated parts together.

Darwin continues:

"Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case; and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered as subversive of the theory.”

More slick sophistry and silly semantics -- An "if", followed by another "if," then a "can be," then an "if further," then a "should be," and a "could be," then a "though," and finally a "should not be." If elephants could fly -- If I could live forever -- If dogs could speak. If, maybe, perhaps, and, though, coulda, woulda, shoulda, mighta, but, but but, if, if, if... This then is what the academic cool-kids club refers to as "science?" This non-observable and wild speculation about "numerous gradations" of the eye's integrated components amounts to pure rhetorical manipulation -- not true science. Read it again closely. Darwin totally dodges the question and explains NOTHING to solve the mystery of complex integration -- a mind-boggling phenomena that is observable in all living creatures and even "simple" single-cell organisms.

As it is with the many essential integrated systems of an automobile -- each one absolutely necessary for the car as a whole to function -- (engine, transmission, wheels, axle, spark plugs, gas tank, battery, hoses, belts, ignition, alternator, steering wheel, gear shift, accelerator, carburetor, braking system, drive shaft, oil, coolant / anti-freeze, transmission fluid, containers for fluid, radiator, chassis, pistons, nuts, bolts, welded parts, etc.) -- only the existence of an eternal designing force without origin, permeating and communicating through every living cell of existence, possessed of freakish intelligence and power, and far beyond our lowly human "pay grade" to ever fully comprehend, can adequately explain the complex integration of multiple systems that neither Darwin nor his sci-fi cult of diploma-decorated dick-heads have ever been able to, and never will be.

Can you?

1. The 20th Century discovery of DNA codes which program our physical traits makes Darwin's problem of explaining away integrated complexity a million times even more complex. 2. Imagine car parts blindly "evolving" one at a time and "randomly" integrating themselves during a billion-year tornado. That is essentially what "educated" evolutionists, without a shred of observable precedent, believe to have happened in the living world. 3. You may be a whiz at mathematics and rhetoric, professor. But you're as bloody frickin' stupid as you are crazy!

Mike King #conspiracy #racist tomatobubble.com

It is amazing how this stinking movie genre of World War II lies, which started with The Great Dictator in 1940, is still going strong after 77 years! Boy oh boy, evidently The Great One (that's Hitler for all youse newbies and normies) must have really shaken the New World Order gang to its rotten Satanic core.

Though we just cannot bring ourselves to the theater and subject our volatile emotions to two hours of fraudulent filth on the big screen, based on reviewing several extended You Tube trailers, and in light of the fact that a “historian” named Joshua Levine (cough cough) was hired to help develop the script, we already know the oh-so-predictable historical spin of the Dunkirk “escape” that this propaganda film will surely present. Let us debunk the lasting lie about “the miracle at Dunkirk.”

Sandwiched around our explanation of why the British were able to so easily “escape” at Dunkirk, are critical bits of before and after historical context, excerpted from “The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War II.”

1. As part of prepping the American public for eventual entry into World War II, Communist Charlie Chaplin, described in FBI files as a "secret Jew" (here), mercilessly mocks Hitler in 1940 film, The Great Dictator. 2. Fake historian Joshua Levine (cough cough) collaborated on the script of Dunkirk. 3. The Bad War (banned by Amazon) sets the record straight! (here)

OCTOBER, 1939 — MAY, 1940


The quiet period between the end of the German-Polish (started by Poland) war until May 1940, is dubbed by a U.S. Senator as "The Phony War." During this time, Hitler pleads for the Allies to withdraw their war declarations. Towards France he declares:.

“I have always expressed to France my desire to bury forever our ancient enmity and bring together these two nations, both of which have such glorious pasts."

To the British, Hitler says:

“I have devoted no less effort to the achievement of Anglo-German friendship. At no time and in no place have I ever acted contrary to British interests—.Why should this war in the West be fought?”

Hitler’s pleas for peace are ignored as the allies begin to mobilize more than 2,000,000 troops in Northern France. Plans are openly discussed to advance eastward upon Germany, via “neutral” Belgium and Holland, as well as establishing operations in “neutral” Norway and Denmark, with or without their consent.

During his speech of October 6, 1939, Hitler pleaded for peace. Meanwhile, the British government shamelessly frightened its own people with idiotic tales of imminent German gas attacks.

MAY 10, 1940


The massive invasion of Germany’s industrial Ruhr region is to come through the ostensibly “neutral” League of Nations member states of Belgium and The Netherlands, whose governments are under intense Allied pressure to allow safe passage for the planned Allied attack on the bordering Ruhr region of Germany.

As an act of national self-defense, Germany takes the fight to the Allies before they can bring it to German soil and reinstitute a 2nd Versailles Treaty. In a stunning advance westward, the German Blitzkrieg quickly overtakes the smaller nations and pushes the Allied armies into a full retreat towards the beaches of northern France.

The Globo-Zionist press, as well as today’s history books, portrays the Blitz as “the Nazi conquest of Holland, Belgium, and France.” But the menacing presence of the massive Allied force on Germany’s industrial frontier is conveniently ignored, as is the undeniable and extensive collaboration between the “neutral” Low Countries and the Allies.

After the invasion, the German government published “Allied Intrigue in the Low Countries.” which is a 50-page English language paper detailing the full extent of Belgian and Dutch cooperation with the Allies. The western press and modern court-historians have buried these allegations.

MAY 27 — JUNE 4, 1940


After Germany’s stunning advance, the Allies are trapped on the beaches of Dunkirk, France. The entire force can be easily captured, but Hitler issues a halt order --- since spun by court historians as being due to concern over tanks getting stuck in mud or just plain carelessness.

The truth is, Hitler doesn’t want war. As a show of good faith towards his western tormentors, Hitler believes that the British will be more likely to make peace if they can escape with their dignity intact.

A massive boat lift involving British fishermen ferries the troops across the English Channel back to England. The Globalist Press maliciously spins Hitler’s gracious act as a “miraculous escape right under Hitler’s nose.”

The alcoholic Winston Churchill vows to keep fighting as he frightens the British people with tales of imminent German invasion.

"He (Hitler) then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the necessity for its existence, and of the civilization that Britain had brought into the world. ....He compared the British Empire with the Catholic Church ­ saying they were both essential elements of stability in the world. He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany's position on the Continent. The return of Germany's colonies would be desirable but not essential, and he would even offer to support Britain with troops if she should be involved in difficulties anywhere."

- German General Gunther von Blumentritt

MAY - JUNE, 1940


Throughout the spring and early summer of 1940, the brainwashed people of Britain cluster around their radios to hear defiant and motivational oratory from what they believe is the mouth of their new Prime Minister.

The ‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches’ Speech

On June 4, after the evacuation of the defeated British army from Dunkirk, the radio version of the British Mad Dog pledges:

"We shall fight on the seas and oceans. We shall fight in the air. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender."

“And if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British fleet would carry on the struggle until, in God’s good time, the New World (United States) with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”

It is now known, in spite of what some ‘in-denial’ Churchill sycophants still refuse to accept, that this radio broadcast and others, were made not by Churchill, but by an actor hired to impersonate him. Norman Shelley, who voiced for Winnie-the-Pooh for the BBC's Children's Hour, ventriloquized Churchill for history and fooled tens of millions of listeners.

Perhaps Churchill is too much incapacitated by drink to deliver the speeches himself; or perhaps his difficult-to-understand speech has been deemed not suitable for a radio audience. So you see, not only was Churchill the “literary giant” a proven plagiarist who also used ghostwriters; it turns out that Churchill the “orator” was also a sham!

- Nothing is real about the British Mad Dog — nothing! 2- Norman Shelley delivered the most famous radio speeches in 20th Century British History 3- Shelley later voiced for the children’s cartoon character ‘Winnie the Pooh’ -- an inside joke made to mock ‘Winston the Piece of Crap’, perhaps?

JULY 20, 1940


With Germany in total control of the continent and the war situation, Hitler responds to Churchill’s unilateral air bombardment by dropping mass quantities of leaflets over London. The 4-page broadsheet contains an English language summary of Hitler’s recent speech before the Reichstag. The speech is entitled, “A Last Appeal to Reason,” in which he closes with a final appeal for peace:

"In this hour I feel it to be my duty before my own conscience to appeal once more to reason and common sense in Great Britain as much as elsewhere. I consider myself in a position to make this appeal, since I am not the vanquished, begging favors, but the victor speaking in the name of reason. I can see no reason why this war must go on. I am grieved to think of the sacrifices it will claim.

Possibly Mr. Churchill again will brush aside this statement of mine by saying that it is merely born of fear and of doubt in our final victory. In that case I shall have relieved my conscience in regard to the things to come.”

The British respond to Hitler’s sincere plea with mockery, threats, and more bombs. UK warmonger Sefton Delmer, the future head and mastermind of British “Black Propaganda,” is just about to make his debut broadcast to Germany on the BBC when he hears about Hitler’s "last appeal to reason." He rejects any notion of a compromise peace. Bigmouth Delmer announces:

"Herr Hitler," you have in the past consulted me as to the mood of the British public. So permit me to render your Excellency this little service once again tonight. Let me tell you what we here in Britain think of this appeal of yours to what you are pleased to call our reason and common sense. Herr Führer, we hurl it right back at you, right in your evil smelling teeth."

Delmer's inflammatory statement upset a few peace-minded Members of Parliament, but undoubtedly pleased Churchill, his Jewish handlers, and other assorted "patriots" very much.

And that, dear reader, is the true before-during-after story of Dunkirk that you’ll neither see nor hear out of Jewish Hollywood. Sight unseen, (other than the various extended trailers) we give this soon-to-be released "summer blockbuster" one big "rotten tomato." Save your money, and pick up a copy of The Bad War and/or The Hitler Photo Album instead.

Boobus Americanus 1: I am looking forward to that movie about the British escape at Dunkirk.

Boobus Americanus 2: Me too. World War II movies never seem to go out of style.

Sugar: That's becausse the &^%$#*%* @%&* run frickin' Hollywood, you idiot!!!

Editor: And the Fake News, and the major universities, and the banking system, and Wall Street, and the courts, and the arts too.

Mike King (as Adolf Hitler) #fundie tomatobubble.com

President Vladimir Putin,

I have long admired your strength and skill in cleansing Russia of International Jewry’s Oligarchs. The salvation of Christian Russia from the clutches of these ghoulish gangsters reminds me so much of my own triumph during the 1930’s.

The parallels between us are indeed striking, both for our respective accomplishments and also, I fear, our mistakes. I write this letter as a historical warning from one honorable patriot to another. Do not repeat my mistake of believing that one can ever deal rationally with the sworn agents of Satan's henchmen.

In underestimating the depths of the undiluted evil that Germany was up against, I gave the enemy the time he needed to recover, regroup, form alliances, and ultimately destroy Germany.

It was the Spring of 1940. All sincere efforts to avoid war in the West had been exhausted. Our preventative "Blitz" through Holland and Belgium drove the British and French forces all the way back to the beaches of Dunkirk. As a show of good faith, I, in the naïve belief that Rothschild’s Britain could be reasoned with, allowed the entire British force of more than 250,000 men to escape unmolested across the English Channel.

Rather than accept my generous action and ensuing peace offer, the drunken warmonger Churchill, emboldened by the Jewish puppet Roosevelt, spit in my face and twisted Dunkirk into a British victory. Though there certainly were sincere and honorable peacemakers in Britian, such as Lord Halifax, their influence was never a match for the powers of International Jewry and its henchmen.

Instead of having 250,000 British prisoners as leverage, Germany would later have to fight these men in North Africa, France, Italy etc.

Instead of the British people demanding an end to the war, ridiculous gas masks were handed out to the British public.

Compounding my folly, I then wasted an entire year being strung along by a phony “peace movement” in Britain. We should have just invaded England and brought the war to a swift end in the West. By the time my Deputy Rudolf Hess was cunningly lured to Britain and then taken prisoner in May of 1941, I was already faced with a massive Soviet buildup on my Eastern border, and an America that was only months away from entering a conflict that I should have already won.

Dear Vladimir!

Do not delude yourself, as I did, into believing that you can somehow reason with Western democrats as if they were as honorable as you or I are. These are not normal people. By now, I’m sure you are well aware of what base wickedness Messrs. Obama, Kerry and their puppet crypto Jew Poroshenko are capable of. But your evident trust in that vile wench Angela Merkel and other self-proclaimed “peace makers” of the European Union is misguided.

Like my “pacifist friends” in Britain, the role of your “pacifist friends” in Europe serves only one purpose; to buy time for Ukraine, Poland, and the US to build up its Eastern European armies, armaments and missile bases.

Every day that you waste the enemy grows stronger. As the provocations increase, Russia will lose the critical element of surprise, if there is even any left at this time!

Your time to act should have been when that weakling Yanukovich was chased out of Kiev by the West’s “neo Nazis”. They were already calling you “the new Hitler” anyway, (I'm flattered), so what should you care about invading and reinstalling Yanukovich?

This is not about Ukraine. It is about Russia. Your enemies, Merkel included, wish to see you every bit as as dead as Hussein or Qaddafi. Russia is to be conquered, divided, multi-culturalized, globalized, and homosexualized.

Your humane desire to avoid the bloodshed of your Ukrainian brothers is admirable. But your delusion that this crisis can yet be resolved by playing chess is getting dangerous. One way or another, whether you want it or not, the bloodshed is coming, Herr Putin. Best to initiate the conflict by striking first, and striking hard - very hard; so hard that NATO itself may blink. This is the only language that these demons understand, and respect.

Take it from me. Take it from Benjamin Franklin:

“Experience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn in no other.”

In my defense, I at least had no precedent to learn from. You do.

With admiration,

Adolf Hitler

Mike King #fundie #homophobia tomatobubble.com

The sodomite lobby has finally done it! Put away your green clothes and get ready for "the wearin' of the pink" in 2015. After decades of agitation, the rainbow brigades have broken the Catholic Church's will to resist. Hence forward, the sons of Sodom will proudly march under their own banners on what was once the Irish-Catholic Holiday of St. Patrick's Day. Of course, this festival of drunkenness had long since ceased to be a commemoration of St. Patrick or any form of spirituality for that matter. Like Catholic Mardi Gras, the hedonistic affair of St. Patrick's Day has devolved into the worship of St. Guinness, St. Heineken and St. Budweiser instead. But there at least remained some remnant of traditionalism to the affair. You can forget that now.

When the homosexual hordes march past New York's venerable St. Patrick's Cathedral next year, no doubt led by New York's openly Communist Mayor with the lesbian wife, Sulzberger's sleazy Slimes will almost certainly feature the 'historic' march of homosexuals on its front page. Your tea-totaling reporter here at The Anti-New York Times will bet you a whole keg of green (or pink) beer on that prediction!

The homosexuals of New York already have an annual 'Gay Parade' (which I had the 'pleasure' of catching a glimpse of back in my New York days. Yikes!), so why must they insist on marching as homosexuals and under homosexual banners on St. Patrick's Day? Why not march as regular people of Irish descent, or simply as 'Irish-for-a-day' revelers?

The reason for the obsession with the St. Patrick's Day Parade is simple. By marching as homosexuals, in front of children no less, on what was originally a Catholic holiday, the sons of Sodom (unwittingly in service of Zion) can flash a huge middle finger (and God knows what else) at the targeted Cathedral of St. Patrick, and the Catholic Church in general.

Oh the Satanic joy they will feel in their hearts as they strut past the Grand Cathedral which they once stormed during services, blowing whistles and throwing hundreds of condoms (some of them semen-filled) at horrified worshippers, before chaining themselves to the pews.

And now, they have won.

And what does the 'New World Pope', that feckless Marxist-loving weakling in the Vatican have to say about this latest step towards cultural oblivion? (cue Crickets) Or how about his emissary, Cardinal Dolan of New York? (cue Crickets) Evidently, the camera-seeking Pope Francis is too busy commemorating the 'HoloHoax', promoting illegal immigration, and kissing women's feet to concern himself with this latest affront to what was once an important institution for the moral stability of the West.

Compare the sinful silence of the 'New World Pope' on these controversial matters to that of a true spiritual leader, Patriarch Kirill of Russia. Here's Kirill on recognition of homosexual marriage:

"a very dangerous sign of the apocalypse ...it means people are choosing a path of self-destruction".

Amen Father. AMEN!

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com


On the same day that the suicidal libtards of Globalist France elected a effeminate man claiming to be a "centrist" as their next President, the equally suicidal and equally libtarded fools of Globalist Germany sent a clear electoral signal that they intend to re-elect a masculine woman, who also claims to be a "centrist," to a 4th term as Chancellor, later this year. In spite of all the crime and rape and murder and welfare cases being imported into Communist Germany from the Turd World, there is no sign that the obedient self-abusers of de-balled Germany will ever get rid of the Frumpy Frau, Angela Merkel.

This nasty bitch and her new French manlet, Emmanuel Macron -- the not-so-closeted, cocaine-snorting fag who married his "mom," are destined to get along beautifully. You see, not only is the Frumpy Frau used to "modern men" groveling in fear at her feet, but the French Faggot is equally accustomed to much older women (and men!) dominating him. It's a match made in Marxist Hell -- where up is down and black is white.

On a personal and serious note, the sorry spectacle of today's Europe is all so truly heartbreaking to behold from afar -- all the more so because it portends (a $10 word for 'foretells of') a similar destiny for us Americans. Compounding the sadness over the tragedy is our clear understanding of how it all came about, step by step, as a direct consequence of the result of that grand history-altering event which we refer to as "The Bad War." The Great One saw this all coming, which was why he and the once-great German people ferociously resisted with everything they had -- not just for Germany's sake, but for France's sake and the rest of "Europa" as well.

The words of the prophet and martyr, St. Adolf:

•"Why should this war in the West be fought? ... I have always expressed to France my desire to bury forever our ancient enmity and bring together these two nations, both of which have such glorious pasts." (1939)

•"If the Providence has so willed that the German people cannot be spared this fight, then I can only be grateful that it entrusted me with the leadership in this historic struggle which, for the next 500 or 1,000 years, will be described as decisive, not only for the history of Germany, but for the whole of Europe and indeed the whole world." (1940)

•"Lord God, give us the strength that we may retain our liberty for our children and our children's children, not only for ourselves but also for the other peoples of Europe, for this is a war which we all wage, this time, not for our German people alone, it is a war for all of Europe and with it, in the long run, for all of mankind." (1942)

•"I myself thank Providence and my Creator not for preserving me—my life consists only of worry and work for my People—I thank him only for allowing me to continue to bear this burden of worry, and to carry on my work to the best of my ability." (1944)

•"This Jewish Bolshevist annihilation of nations and its western European and American procurers can be met only in one way: by using every ounce of strength with the extreme fanaticism and stubborn steadfastness that merciful God gives to men in hard times for the defense of their own lives." (1945)

The European cancer is only now metastasizing toward the death throes. But the illness actually became terminal soon after May 8, 1945 --- "Victory in Europe Day." Once the Jewish-owned United States started showering the continent that it had shattered with Marshal Scam cash, the political game in Mother Europe was rigged for good. Concurrent with the financial domination of Europe, the CIA (established in 1947), through its control of crooked or frightened politicians, "opposing" political parties, European media outlets and "spontaneous" activist-terrorist groups, made sure that no European state could ever escape the New World Order's slave plantation, even after it did get back on its feet economically. Europa never had a chance.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a similar deadly embrace was extended to the formerly Russian vassal states of Eastern Europe which -- although they have not yet degenerated to quite the level of mass insanity as their western counterparts -- are slowly but surely degenerating along similar lines. As much as we would like to offer a bit of a false hope to our European brothers, we just can't. Indeed, America isn't too far behind "youse guys."

Marshall Plan + CIA = EU

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that Angela Merkel is likely to get elected to a 4th term.

Boobus Americanus 2: Four terms? What is she trying to do? Become the female Hitler?


Sugar: Boobuss, you blassphemous @$#@&^%#*!!!! Don't you EVER compare that nasty Bolsshevik Bitch to Mein Fuhrer!

Editor: Sugar, sweetie. I appreciate the catcentric artwork. But The Great One was a man, not a cat.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The intra-mural war between the Satanyahu Zionist and the Soros Globalist crime families of the "Kosher Nostra" heats up (no pun intended) with Trumpstein's decision to stick it to the Globalist faction by pulling the United States out of the "Paris Climate Agreement." As the world's leading emitter of harmless plant-food molecules (CO2), this essentially means that the devious deal, in spite of China, India and Russia's feigned "commitment" to the Paris scheme, will, in due course, die altogether -- except perhaps in the Communist EU and many individual American states.

Now would be a good time to summarize some important historical propaganda milestones of the 40-year old hoax that has "evolved" from being known as "The Greenhouse Effect" TM to "Global Warming" TM to "Climate Change" TM.

1970: With great fanfare, the first "Earth Day" (April 22nd, Lenin's Birthday) kicked-off with CBS's Walter Cronkite (CFR) hosting a nationally televised TV special. The theme of "saving the planet" was thus introduced to the gullible young hippie crowd who have since grown up to takeover America, at the behest of their invisible handlers (cough cough).

Cronkite and the media's heavy promotion of "Earth Day 1970" was a sure indication of a Globalist push for some sinister agenda.

1975-1978: During the mid 1970's, "scientific" talk of a coming "ice age" (not necessarily related to pollution) was used to frighten the population.

People aged 45 and under cannot remember that we once had a bit of an ice-age scare.

1979-1982: At a time when world population and plant-food emissions were far lower than they are today, concerns about an ice-age are suddenly replaced with tales of a "Greenhouse Effect" TM that is expected to wreak havoc by the Year 2000. After nearly 40 years, none of the dire predictions have come to pass as "doomsday" is again and again pushed up to yet another far off day in "our children's future."

1990: The children's TV show, Captain Planet and The Planeteers" is unveiled by Globalist Ted Turner. The series will be broadcast on TBS from 1990 to 1992. A sequel series, The New Adventures of Captain Planet, is later broadcast from 1993-1996. Many millions of children, now in their 30's, were brainwashed by cartoons which featured the green-haired Captain Planet and his young "Planeteers" battling against evil business and oil men such as "Hoggish Greedly."

1. In the early 1980's, images of the Statue of Liberty, predicted to be under water by 2000, were used to frighten school children across America. 2. Captain Planet and the Planeteers: Evil Communist propaganda aimed at helpless children -- many of whom have since grown up into adult libtards.

1992: CFR member, Senator and soon-to-be Vice President, Al Gore (D-TN) publishes Earth in the Balance, in which he calls for a "Global Marshall Plan to "save the planet." The book is hyped to the stars by Sulzberger's Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press.

2006: Al Gore, who had almost been elected President in 2000, authors another propaganda book titled, An Inconvenient Truth. Dealing solely with the "crisis" of Global Warming" TM, the error-filled book serves as the basis for a movie version directed by Davis Guggenheim (cough cough) and narrated by Al Gore. Gore's fake film premiers at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival. The Marxist movie is then mega-hyped by the Piranha Press and wins two Academy Awards. It would later be shown in classrooms across America and Britain. Adding idiocy to insult, Gore is then awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his assinine activism.

The world gone mad! Greasy Gore collects an Academy Award and a Nobel Prize.

2015: The Communist Pope Francis issues an unprecedented edict directing his followers to believe that "Climate Change" TM is real. He condemns it as a "sin" and urges the world to "take action." All of a sudden, the Judenpresse loves a Catholic Pope. Hmmmm.

2016: Hollywood degenerate Leonardo DiCaprio releases a National Geographic crockumentary about "Climate Change" TM. The pack of lies, massively hyped by the Piranha Press, is titled, Before the Flood. DiCommio and Poop Frankie are now the biggest public faces pushing for action (global taxes on plant food and NWO control over business) on "Climate Change" TM.

In the absence of any real science to support the outrageous claims, it was these propaganda initiatives, combined with never-ending Fake News stories, that brought nearly 50% of the American public to now believing in at least some degree of man-made "Climate Change" TM. It is a classic case of bought-off "science" and "manufactured consent" being used to cover up the Globalist agenda to tax the air we exhale -- and which plants "happily" inhale -- and then transfer that stolen wealth to UN bureaucrats and Turd World politicians. That's the truth, and the seditious scum at Sulzberger's Slimes damn well know it.

Now before "youse guys" (New Jersey speak for the plural of you) jump back on the Trump Train over this welcome event, keep in mind that Trumpstein's war on Globalism and EUism is being waged on behalf of Israeli Super Nationalists working for a "Greater Israel" -- not America. Trumpstein also blew a golden opportunity to publicly denounce the Fake Science of the warmists -- opting to oppose the deal on the basis of economic arguments only, while still acknowledging that some small degree of man-made warming is occuring -- when it is not! And finally, because the false belief remains in place, about 20 US states (including the massive states of New York & California) will still have expensive and job-killing "carbon controls" anyway.

The great hoax is still alive and well -- as is the Globalist movement.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the whole world is condemning Trump for pulling us out of the Paris Agreement.

Boobus Americanus 2: What an ass! All he cares about is raping Mother Earth for profit.

Sugar: Lissten to the sstupid little "Planeteer" from the 1980'ss. All grown up physsically, yet the intellect of a frickin' child remainss.

Editor: Indeed. Libtards are essentially arrested-development cases.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

By now, regular readers of TomatoBubble.com and The Anti-New York Times understand very well the long litany of lies and omissions of the "official" World War II narrative. Though most of the content we have to date assembled on the subject deals with the European theater of the grand history-altering event; make no mistake -- the tsunami of lies fed to us about Imperial Japan is just as breath-taking in its moronic mendacity as the tall tales spun about the big bad "Nazis" (a term of Jewish propaganda).

There is the big lie of "the Rape of Nanking" -- a case in which a handful of unintended civilian casualties was spun by both Chinese Communists and Nationalists into a deliberate genocide of 300,000 civilians. (Read 'The Bad War')

There is the big lie of "unprovoked surprise attack" on the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor -- a justified first strike that peace-seeking Japan was methodically maneuvered into to by FDR and the gang of demonic advisers surrounding him. (Read 'The Bad War')

There is the big lie of "the-Atom-Bombs-saved-lives-by-ending-the-war" -- spun at a time when a collapsing Japan was actually trying to surrender! (Read 'The Bad War')

Now comes a claim from, of all people, a South Korean female researcher / author that the well-known story of the Korean "comfort women" - long said to have been forced into sex-slavery by the Japanese military - is not exactly accurate. And furthermore, according to this surprisingly fair story in the Slimes, the author, Ms. Park Yu-ha, is catching all manner of hell from her fellow Koreans. (Welcome to the academic outcast club, sweetie.)

From the article:

"In February, a South Korean court ordered Ms. Park’s book, “Comfort Women of the Empire,” redacted in 34 sections where it found her guilty of defaming former comfort women with false facts. Ms. Park is also on trial on the criminal charge of defaming the aging women, widely accepted here as an inviolable symbol of Korea’s suffering under colonial rule by Japan and its need for historical justice, and she is being sued for defamation by some of the women themselves.

The women have called for Ms. Park’s expulsion from Sejong University in Seoul, where she is a professor of Japanese literature. Other researchers say she is an apologist for Japan’s war crimes. On social media, she has been vilified as a “pro-Japanese traitor.”

Ah yes! Silence the heretic! Then hang her for "treason". Nothing strikes a raw nerve like a brazen bit of truth. The violent reaction against Ms. Park is alone evidence that she has stumbled onto some inconvenient truths.

According to the "traitor" Ms. Park, the conventional story of the "comfort women" is mostly war propaganda.

Ms. Park is quoted:

“They do not want you to see other aspects of the comfort women,” the soft-spoken Ms. Park said during a recent interview at a quiet street-corner cafe run by one of her supporters. “If you do, they think you are diluting the issue, giving Japan indulgence.”

The main forbidden revelations of Ms. Park's book are:
•It was private profiteering pimps (both Korean & Japanese), not the Japanese government or military, that organized the prostitution operation that "serviced" Japanese soldiers.
•Many of the prostitutes were willing participants.
•There were also women who freely cavorted with and sometimes fell in love with Japanese soldiers.

Think about it -- Ms. Park's alternative history of the "comfort women" makes perfect sense. For if prostitution is indeed "the world's oldest profession" -- then pimping the whores out for profit has got to be the second oldest. Like flies drawn to Moochele Obongo's armpits, so too do pimps and prostitutes buzz towards a well-funded army of single men in their twenties. What is so bloody gosh-darn hard to believe about that?

ADDENDUM: After first publishing this piece, 'T.O.', a TomatoBubble / Anti-NY Times reader and veteran who was once stationed in South Korea, sent in the following testomonial about his own observation of the "comfort women".

T.O. says:

"Yes, there were many comfort women in Seoul (South Korea) while I was there in 1966-7. They weren't typically "pimped" by any organization; rather they most often were pimped by their families -- who took most of the money they made and vilified them to their siblings. Most of them turned tricks to support the rest of the family knowing that they were not allowed back into their homes. Unless they "hooked up" with a GI, many ended up committing suicide at some point since Korean men wouldn't have them for anything other than blowing a load."

Great testimony T.O. -- and thanks!

Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in the New York Times today about some crazy Korean author. She claims that the Japanese government did not force the comfort women of World War II into sex slavery.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's ridiculous! The tragic story of the comfort women is a well-known historical fact --- just like the Holocaust.

"And just like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy too --- you gullible #^%$#@ nitwits!"

(Well, Sugar, since you no longer believe in Santa Claus; then I he can cross you off of my his Christmas list.)

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

Strike up the violins and break out the barf bags. The poor little defenseless Jews who, by the way, own the bloody West - lock, stock, and barrel - are concerned about a recent rise in European 'anti-Semitism' -TM. As evidence of Europe's possible "return to 1939" (palm to face,sigh), Sulzberger's Jew York Slimes cites a handful of isolated incidents which took place on this continent of 300 + million people:

•A single pro-Gaza protester in France allegedly yelled, "Gas the Jews!"
•A synagogue in Germany was allegedly attacked by a Molotov Cocktail.
•A Swedish Jew was allegedly beaten up just for being Jewish.

Assuming that these were actually true stories and not staged events (which Jews are well known for!), this is hardly the equivalent of 14th - 19th century pogroms,-TM in which angry villagers, reminiscent of those old Frankenstein movies, would grab their torches, march into the Jewish quarter, and vent their righteous indignation upon the local well-poisoners, child-sacrificers, and loan sharks. Ah, the good old days when European men were men!

An old Polish proverb states: "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." The Zionists have perfected this technique to an art form. Just look at what they recently did to the poor people of Gaza. Bibi Satanyahu murdered 2000 of them; the whole time whining about the harmless rockets which Hamas was allegedly firing back.

By constantly evoking pity from the bewildered specimens known as Boobus Americanus and Boobus Europithicus, the Jewish Supremacist is able to neutralize his victims as he fleeces and bamboozles them at every turn. This manipulative game of "waaa, waaa, waaa" is quite a trick, and it did not begin with the "Holocaust" -TM. The game has been going on for a long, long time.

Ask William Shakespeare. He'll tell you!

Shakespeare was on to the age-old 'waaa, waaa, waaa' routine:
"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not avenge?"

- Shylock the money lender from 'The Merchant of Venice' (now banned in virtually all U.S. High Schools!) pleads his case before a magistrate; passionately explaining why he should be allowed to literally cut out a "pound of flesh" from a bankrupt debtor.

"Oy vey! Shakespeare is an Anti-Semite!"

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com



The most obvious answer to the paradox of 'high IQ liberals' is that Universities, and even High Schools, have become infested with liberals/Marxists who miseducate their students. Though certainly true, the psychological roots of the mental disorder known as 'liberalism' run much deeper than these superficial intellectual causes.


During the formative years, children are praised for parroting back their ABC’s and 123’s. At an early age, the child’s delicate mind is already being conditioned to equate obedient regurgitation with praise, love, and self worth.

The brightest young learners are singled out to receive the most praise. Proud parents enthusiastically reinforce the praise of the teacher, showering the impressionable child with hugs and kisses. The inflation of the intelligent child’s ego, and the reflexive association of regurgitation with rewards, (including parental love!) are taking root.

With subjects such as reading, writing, and math, the system of obedient regurgitation and praise is a necessary and effective model of teaching. That’s because the ‘3 R’s’ are what they are. They cannot be distorted.

But with subjects such as History, Philosophy, Economics, Current Events, Political Science, and ‘Environmental Science’, the regurgitation / reward model leaves the student vulnerable to manipulation and erroneous information.

The ego-gratification associated with the regurgitation & praise model is reinforced throughout Middle and High School. It is during this time that the, ‘gifted & talented’ students are separated out from their ‘inferiors’ and taught to repeat such rubbish as:

•America’s Constitution is outdated.
•Karl Marx was a great philosopher.
•The Civil War was about slavery.
•FDR’s New Deal saved America.
•Germany started 2 World Wars.
•6 Million Jews were gassed in ‘The Holocaust’.
•Picasso was the greatest artist.
•Einstein was the smartest man who ever walked the face of the Earth.
•Senator Joe McCarthy was evil.
•Martin Luther King was a Saint.
•Capitalism is about greed.
•Socialism is about charity.
•Men and women are the same.
•There is no such thing as race.
•Man ‘evolved’ from pond scum.
•Global Warming is a proven fact.
•There are no government conspiracies.
•Homosexuality is normal.
•Guns and religion are evil.

Note: Many 'conservatives' also hold some of these views. We'll address them in another article.

The next big ‘doggie-treat’ for the young ‘straight A’ parrot, comes when she is accepted to a ‘prestigious’ University. Now she knows that she is really smart!

At college, the star student continues (to his benefit, and to his credit) to regurgitate the complex material of challenging subjects such as physics, engineering, statistics, calculus etc. However, he may also obediently regurgitate the Marxist crap contained in other subjects (electives). Because he has never had cause to question the undeniable veracity of the math and science content presented to him, why would he question what any other textbook or teacher tells him?

By now, the bright young scholar has been so psychologically conditioned that he is incapable of distinguishing between the fact based regurgitation of the objective courses (math, science, etc.), and the propaganda based regurgitation of the subjective courses (electives, humanities, etc). His ego is literally addicted to the praise/good grades of whatever godlike Marxist Professor is instructing him. The hard-earned (and expensive!) diploma represents the ultimate doggie treat and confirmation, in his mind, that he knows it all.

Taught to believe that ‘educated’ people read The New York Times, attend Modern Art exhibits, and watch Bill Moyers on PBS, the trendy post-Graduate libtard’s belief system is further reinforced by the Marxist Media culture.

When challenged on his belief system, the ‘educated’ libtard’s entire self worth is suddenly threatened. Telling him for example that Global Warming is a bunch of Marxist hooey is the equivalent, in his reactive mind, of saying that 2 + 2 is not 4! Because his bloated ego simply cannot bear the discomfort of being out-of-sync with the 'in crowd', the miseducated libtard will despise you, and insult you. His mental disorder runs deeeeep!

Should you press the issue with facts and hard data, watch the oh-so 'tolerant' and 'open-minded' libtard really come unglued! He will verbally attack you in a personal way, accuse you, vilify you, privately wish death upon you, and ultimately, run away from you.

The ‘educated’ libtard is merely an advanced Pavlovian show dog. Through years of studious regurgitation and positive reinforcement, he may have learned to design bridges, repair mangled bodies, program software, build companies from scratch, or design rockets. But he has never been taught the lesson of humility! He knows not how to philosophize – to think his own thoughts – to understand the world - to understand the inner nature of man - to be his own man. And his tragic 'hard wired' arrogance (insecurity) will prevent him from ever trying to.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Day 11 and still no video of the dead or gravely wounded John Kerry. We were expecting some type of doctored photo to be released for the purpose of quashing the growing Internet rumor of Kerry's assassination, or attempted assassination.

The just-released photo of John Kerry raise even more suspicions!


•Why no leg cast for a major bone break (femur)?
•If he is able to speak on the phone, why can't the public hear his voice?
•If he can talk, why hasn't he done a TV or radio interview?
•Why do our sources in Boston still see no enhanced security around the hospital?
•Why no photos of American politicians going to wish him well?
•He looks very healthy in this photo. Why is he even in a hospital?
•Why just this single photo, suddenly released now as questions mount?
•Where is his wife? His two daughters? No grandson? No well-wishers?

This is exactly the type of weird photo we would expect from such a sloppy cover-up. We are now certain that something bad happened to Kerry, and that the perps were Israel's ISIS agents. See our original story, with updated date, below.


As of today's date, (June 10, 2015), 11 days have passed since Secretary of State John Kerry "broke his femur bone" while "bike-riding" in France. We here at The Anti-New York Times (Sugar the Cat and myself) do not traffic in unsubstantiated Internet rumors and hearsay. For that reason, we ignored the early stories about Kerry having been shot and gravely injured in an ISIS (i.e. Israel) assassination attempt.

But after thorough daily searches of the Internet, we have yet to find a single post-"bike accident" photo or video clip of John Kerry. Though a broken femur would be a serious injury, it would not prevent him from waving to a camera as he's being carted out of an ambulance into a Boston hospital; or saying a few words from a hospital bed; or being wheel-chaired to the funeral of Vice President Joe Biden's son. Heck, your reporter here recalls his elderly father groggily cracking jokes from his hospital bed the day after he had triple bypass surgery!

There are stories of Kerry recovering in a Boston hospital, but we have seen neither hide nor hair of the chatty Secretary. Attention-seeking politicians like him adore the spotlight. Why can't he give a "thumbs-up" for the cameras? Why hasn't his famous busy-body wife publicly commented on this? Where is the media on this? When Vladimir Putin disappears for an extended bathroom break, the Western Press is rife with conspiracy theories about his "disappearance". Not so in this case. What's going on here?

UPDATE / DAY 11 / JUNE 10, 2015

A reader from Boston maintains:
"I'm living in Boston, and go past Boston Medical Hospital everyday. Haven't seen any diplomatic security around, except on Boylston St."

Now, this is still an hypothesis at this point (though a pretty damn strong one as each day passes), but could it be that "the usual suspects" have had enough of Kerry's chumminess with Iran, pressure on Israel, and pressure on the gangsters of Kiev to stop fighting? This is certainly not to portray FrankenKerry as some sort of heroic American patriot; far from it. But the fact is, in spite of public anti-Russian posturing, Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov maintained a professional working relationship and achieved some degree of positive progress with regard to both Iran and Ukraine. Remember, it was Kerry-Lavrov who diffused the push for the 2013 war on Syria (a back door to a war with Iran).

You see, Kerry is indeed an ultra-liberal dirty-dealing scumbag of the lowest rank. However, he is a pragmatic scumbag. As such, the possibility of nuclear Armageddon was never an idea he was all that crazy about. Yes, liberal scoundrels love their children too!

And it is equally true that the certifiably insane Neo-Con faction of America's ruling PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) and the George Soros Globalist faction both want World War 3, and soon! Kerry's oh-so-conveeeenient "bike accident" and sudden disappearance have catapulted Assistant Secretary of State for European & Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) Kagan to de-facto headship of the State Department. In a sense, this had already happened before the "bike accident". The reluctant Europeans now know that they are taking orders from neo-con warmonger Nuland, not Kerry.

Kerry and Lavrov sought to pacify the situation in Iran and Eastern Ukraine. Compare that to the relentless warmongering of Israeli agent Victoria "F--k the EU" Nuland (the fiend who helped to PERSONALLY incite the bloody Kiev coup of 2014) and the latest "bike accident" is very good news for the warmongers.

In much the same way that the reasonable and pragmatic Secretary of Offense Chuck Hagel was cast aside and replaced by the blood-thirsty warmonger Asston Carter; Kerry is being squeezed out by the PNAC "We-need-a-new-Pearl-Harbor" psycho Nuland-Kagan.

As crazy as this well-wishing may sound coming from The Anti-New York Times, here it goes: "Mr. Kerry. You are still a scumbag Globalist. Nonetheless, gunshot wounds or "broken leg" - whatever it was - please get better. And get back to work before Vicious Vicky and Ass Carter start World War III!"



It's official now. The "respectable" media has confirmed that Nutty Nuland is running the Freak Show. Prepare for war!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com



Hong Kong's "Umbrella Revoution" is a recent example.

Are you having a problem with pesky nations that refuse to comply with the Globalist or Zionist program? Worried about the cost and unintended consequences of another Neo-Con war? Well, before you do anything rash, try overthrowing the target government with a "Soft Power" revolution instead. See recipe below.


•A ton of American cash from the CIA and/or George Soros
•Small army of undercover CIA agents
•Controlled "Human Rights /Pro Democracy" groups
•Idealistic "Western wannabee" college brats
•Easily manipulated do-gooder "libtards"
•Professional signs & banners written in English
•Bribable / blackmailable journalists
•Bribable / blackmailable politicians
•Bribable / blackmailable academics
•Corrupt Union bosses
•Violent "Agent Provocatuers"



Dispatch your CIA, MI6, & Mossad agents to the target nation. Use various covers such as "exchange student", "tourist", "aid worker", "businessman", "journalist", "diplomat". Be creative!


Use the humanitarian guise of "pro democracy" or "human rights" to start up your NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) inside of the target nation. Provide cover for yourself by doing actual good works, while building up your NGO with local malcontents, libtards, and gullible idealists.


Recruit your network of domestic traitors. Target intellectuals, academics, politicians, journalists, and, if possible, military men. Use bribery to target those who can be bought. Use blackmail to target those who have some stain in their private life.


If the target nation has large Labor Unions, corrupt labor bosses will be very happy to cooperate with you. Yankee dollars are king!


(Now you are ready to get cooking!)


Pick a catchy theme or color for your "revolution". Examples include "Prague Spring" (Czechoslovakia, 1968), "Velvet Revolution" (Eastern Europe 1989), Saffron Revolution" (Myanmar), "Cedar Revolution" (Lebanon), "Rose Revolution" (Georgia), "Orange Revolution" (Ukraine), "Green Revolution" (Iran), "Arab Spring" (Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria etc) and Hong Kong's "Umbrella Revolution". It's all about marketing, baby!


Kick off your "revolution" with a "spontaneous protest." Use your CIA agents and their controlled NGO idiots to make allegations of "human rights abuses, or "government corruption," or "election fraud." It doesn't matter if the allegations are true or not. Just be passionate!

In certain cases, "WikiLeaks" may be able to assist your fake revolution by "leaking" embarrassing secrets about key officials within the target government. When your paid journalists run with the "leaks," many pissed-off citizens will then join forces with your NGO rent-a-mob.

Julian Assange / CIA (Wikileaks)


Roll out your "spontaneous" banners and protest signs, written in English. You are, after all, trying to manipulate American policy makers and the gullible American public.


Add in your wholly-owned labor bosses, academics, and spoiled "Western wannabee" college brats. Turn up the heat on the target government. This will swell the ranks of the protesters to include malcontents, people with legitimate grievances, "bandwagon" types, and folks who are just plain bored and want something to do.


The major American and European media outlets will now assist you by portraying the uprising as a "popular" and "spontaneous" reaction to corruption / tyranny / voter fraud etc. Tell your agents not to laugh as the cameras are filming them.


Now that "the world is watching", stage an incident. If you can manipulate some fanatic into setting himself on fire, do so! Otherwise, fake an atrocity, Use fake blood, fake tear gas, and photo shopped images. Make sure the "victim" is a woman! The international media and your paid local propagandists will run with the atrocity story. The destabilized target government will soon lose support among many of its own people!


Add in your violent agent provocateurs. Use them to FORCE the police into violent acts. This will embarrass, intimidate, and destabilize the government to the point where it becomes de-legitimized in the eyes of "the world community."


Add in your traitor politicians and wait for the US, UN, & EU to "pressure" the "oppressive" target government into submission. The threat of economic sanctions, "no-fly zones," bombing, or even an armed "rebel" uprising, should convince the government to either bend to your wishes, or to step down and call for new elections.

If "Color Revolution / Spring" should fail, then prepare for military action -- to "make the world safe for democracy!"

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The crisis actor Hoax-of-the-Month, carried out just as Trumpstein warns about "Islamic Terrorism" TM from Israel, takes us to Manchester, England -- the scene of a concert by Illuminati skank Ariana Grande. Who will "take credit" -- via Twitter -- for this latest bit of CIA-MI6-Mossad false-flag-fakery? Will it be it ISIS? Al Qaeda? Or maybe the dreaded "lone wolf" TM next door? (Cue dramatic music). The plot thickens, as does the bullshit.

For that minority element of our readership that still gets set off whenever we call out crisis actor fakery on these staged "beheadings" and mass killings, "youse guys" (Jersey lingo for the plural of you) need to get over the psychological blockage and simply analyze the pictures with a critical mind. They are ALL fake events --- the Aurora Movie theater shooting, the Sandy Hook School shooting, the Boston Marathon Smoke Bomb, the Charleston Black Church shooting, the San Bernadino shooting, the Orlando Fag Club shooting, the Nice, France truck attack, the Paris concert attack, the Brussels attack, the Berlin attack, and so many others that we can't even recall anymore.

Before some of you cancel your subscriptions and sent us a hate E-mail, do a Google Image Search for:
•dead bodies in manchester bombing
•dead bodies in sandy hook shooting
•dead bodies in charleston church shooting

•dead bodies in orlando night club
•dead bodies in aurora movie theater
•dead bodies in nice truck attack

What will you find? --- NOTHING -- What?! No video cameras or I-phones in nightclubs, theaters, schools, busy tourist boulevards and crowded arenas???

Then do a Google Image Search for:
•charles manson murders
?OJ simpson murder scene

.... and see the blood and dead bodies.
Still doubt the fakery? Just have a look at manifest goofiness of these fresh images from Manchester:
1. They cut his pants off at the scene, applied a few bandages (where's the blood?), and then helped the poor bloke leave the scene. A bit old to be at a teenie-bopper concert, no? 2. The young lady suffers the same bloodless injury to the knee -- again, jeans cut off at the scene before being helped to walk away. 3. Good made-for-TV drama, but why are there never any bodies at these crime scenes?

Well, at least we can all be grateful to our masters for committing harmless hoax attacks instead the real attacks of years ago -- such as the 9/11 attacks (2001), the Madrid Train Bombing (2004), the 7/7 London Bombings (2005) etc. Evidently, there must have been some push-back from within the ranks of the clandestine agencies over the constant killing of so many innocent people. Somewhere along the line, the decision was made to use "drills," fake blood and "crisis actors" instead. Also, when nobody actually dies, there will be no pain-in-the-ass family members who might organize and push for a deeper investigation of the event, as happened with 9/11.

But in spite of the bloodless nature of these fake events, the misunderstanding of these silly stunts is endangering innocent lives nonetheless. You see, each fake "Islamic Terror" TM attack brings us closer and closer to the day when our governments, under the pretext of "fighting terrorism," will ultimately succeed in "going after the terrorists" and kicking off the great Middle Eastern war for Greater Israel. That's the plan, and don't "youse guys" ever forget it!

This just in!

How conveeenient (as the "Church Lady" of old Saturday Night Live fame would say) that Georgina Callander (18) -- the very first "victim" to be identified -- just happened to have had her picture taken with Satanist Ariana Grande two years ago, in an unusually chummy pose. You nailed it, Church Lady!

Boobus Americanus 1: Did you hear about the latest terror attack in England? Nineteen dead.

Boobus Americanus 2: My heart is aching over those images. Something has got to be done about Islamic terrorism!

Sugar: Weep not for the "dead," and their "grieving" publicity-seeking "family members," Boobuss. They are all being paid very well, I'm ssure.

Editor: There is no shortage of Satanists and money-hungry lowlives in the modern world. A few million dollars and a signed non-disclosure agreement is all it takes to pull off such scams. The Fake News and the force of public credulity will do the rest.

Mike King #wingnut tomatobubble.com

The Ten Commandments of a DemonRat

* This should not be taken as an endorsement of the useless Republican't Party.

1. You shall always support massive government spending, massive deficits, high taxes, endless money printing, and any regulatory scheme or executive mandate that will increase and consolidate the dictatorial power of the Federal government.

2. You shall always blame the ensuing economic dislocation and inevitable hardship caused by the 1st Commandment upon "the rich" and the business class. Rub raw the wounds of public discontent and then present your yourself as the benefactor of downtrodden humanity while rolling out the next program for government expansion.

3. You shall always support the killing of unborn babies -- referring to them as "fetuses" -- right up until the 9th month of pregnancy and even afterwards. Selling the organs for cash is an added bonus.

4. You shall always support, promote and protect insanity, ugliness, godlessness, perversion and depravity of any kind -- including abstract art, degenerate music, literature and film, pornography, adultery, graphic sex-education for children, promiscuity, the glorification of the "single mom," child pornography, homosexuality, lesbianism, cross-dressing and even, albeit it with necessary caution, bestiality and the raping of children.

5. You shall always support any incremental step toward the ultimate abolition of private firearm ownership. Use "the children" as your main front for this project.

6. You shall always support any incremental step toward the ultimate blending out and murdering off of the White Race. This includes discrimination, imposed under the high-sounding name of "diversity," against White college applicants and job candidates; the agitation of Blacks, Browns, Asians and Jews into envying and hating Whites; the tearing down of the memory of famous historical White personages; and the constant guilt-shaming of Whites into self-hatred.

7. You shall always support unlimited legal and illegal immigration from the Turd World, along with the welfare programs and voter registration that follow. Defend all migrants as "dreamers" and opponents as "xenophobes."

8. You shall always support any incremental step toward, or organization working for the establishment of an all powerful one-world government.

9. You shall always work toward the feminization and dis-empowerment of males, and, conversely, the masculinization and empowerment of females, with the ultimate objective being the effective abolition of marriage the traditional family.

10. You shall always promote and never deviate from the fake sciences of St. Hawking's Bing Bangism, St. Darwin's Evolution, St. Einstein's Curved Space Relativity, and St. Gore's manmade CO2 based Global Warming / Climate Change.

Mike King #conspiracy #wingnut tomatobubble.com

Much butt-hurt emanating from Sulzberger's Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press over the Chinese government's decision to scrap the two-term limit (5 years per term) for its appointed President, Xi Jinping. The tsunami of condemnation from the great and the good who occupy the high places of "the free world" has been so intense, that it only took hours after the announcement for Sugar and me, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times to grant expedited trademark privileges for the term "power grab" -- ("Xi power grab" already returns 513,000 results for Joogle Search)

Before we dig into a few select excerpts from Sulzberger's scribblers, let us note, with gleeful approval, that the evil, deceitful, seditious Slimes, both the English and Chinese as well as both the print and cyber versions, was banned in China back in 2012. (here) And with "strongman" Xi's latest "power grab", it doesn't look like "the paper of record" will be allowed to corrupt young Chinese minds anytime soon.

Meyers: There was a time, not so long ago, when a Chinese leader setting himself up as ruler for life would have stirred international condemnation for bucking the global trend toward greater democracy. Now, such an action seems fully in keeping with moves by many countries in the other direction.

Translation: What Meyers (cough cough) is really saying is: "Damn it. We are losing our grip on too many countries!"

Meyers: The surprise disclosure on Sunday that the Communist Party was abolishing constitutional limits on presidential terms — effectively allowing President Xi Jinping to lead China indefinitely — was the latest and arguably most significant sign of the world’s decisive tilt toward authoritarian governance.

Analysis: Notice how selective these Globalists are in their condemnation of "authoritarian governance." The President of their beloved and revered Brussels-based European Union and also the EU "Council of Ministers" are non-elected and rule by decrees from which member states cannot escape without sanctions or threats of sanctions.

Meyers: The list includes Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, all of whom have abandoned most pretenses that they rule according to the people’s will. Authoritarianism is also reappearing in places like Hungary and Poland that barely a quarter-century ago shook loose the shackles of Soviet oppression.

Analysis: Again, note the hypocrisy and selective application of standards. The Frumpy Frau of Germany has run that oppressed nation with an iron fist since 2005 and will likely stay in office until 2021, before handing over the reins of Germany's apocalyptic horses to her hand-picked successor -- an even homlier hyphenated hag named Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. And yet, we never seem to hear complaints about Angie's "power grab", do we?

The "authoritarians" Xi, Putin, Sisi and others don't give a rat's ass what the Jew York Slimes has to say. And that is why Sulzberger's scribblers are "concerned." 2 & 3. Unlimited terms are 'OK" if the "authoritarian" in question is a Globalist libtard. After 16 years as Boss Lady of Bolshevik Germany, the Frumpy Frau will likely be succeeded by her hand-picked cronie bitch, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (yikes!)

Meyers: There are many reasons for such moves by Mr. Xi and others ... but a significant one is that few countries have the standing or authority, morally or otherwise, to speak out — least of all, critics say, the United States.

“I mean, who is going to punish him internationally now?” asked Susan L. Shirk, the chairwoman of the 21st Century China Program at the University of California, San Diego.

Analysis: Let me get this straight, Professor Shirk (cough cough). You want Xi to be "punished" for his "authoritarianism" ™, but lament the fact there is no one who can do it. We wonder, bitch, when the "democratic" ™ USA terror bombed the innocent populations of Serbia and Iraq into submission, and unleashed proxy terror armies upon Syria and Libya, did you and your fellow eggheads ever call for Messrs' Clinton, Bush and Obongo to be "punished internationally?" Hmmm?

Meyers: “Thirty years ago, with what Xi did, with what Erdogan has done, there would have been an outpouring of international concern: ‘You’re getting off the path,’ and so on,” said Michael A. McFaul, a political scientist and diplomat who, ... wrote extensively on building democracies.“Nobody is making that argument today,” he added, “certainly not Trump.”

Translation: What "political scientist" McFaul is eally saying: "1990's China and Yeltsin's democratic Russia used to fear us. Now they won't obey and Trump is sympathetic to their nationalistic authoritarian tendencies."

The way in which history links to the present is really fascinating. Way back in the 1930's, The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies and normies) was on to this trademarked "democracy" vs "authoritarianism" jive talk. Tell it, Great One, tell it:

1. Hitler: "Yes, Germany, before us, was back then a democracy, and we had been plundered and squeezed dry. No, what does democracy or authoritarian state mean to those international hyenas? They don’t care at all. They are only interested in one thing: Are you willing to be plundered? Yes or no? Are you stupid enough to keep quiet in the process? Yes or no? And when a democracy is stupid enough not to stand up, then it is good. But when an authoritarian state declares, ‘You are not going to plunder our people, neither from the inside nor the outside’, then that is bad."

2. Academic egghead Susan Shirk wants Xi to be punished, but doesn't know how it can be done.

Meyers: President Trump’s administration on Monday brushed off questions about Mr. Xi’s move. “I believe that’s a decision for China to make about what’s best for their country,” said Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary.

Analysis: Add a few check-marks to the "plus side" of Trump's ledger.

Meyers: Even the Russia that emerged from the ruins of the Soviet Union adopted a democratic constitution and instituted free elections. ...

Analysis: Democracy was imposed upon Russia by western Globalists who thought they could control the political parties.

Meyers: Whatever the chaos of Boris N. Yeltsin’s era in the 1990s, democracy was taking root when Mr. Putin came to power — in a relatively free and fair election, no less.

Translation: "I don't care if Russians were starving and freezing to death during the economic collapse of the Yeltsin years. At least we had control over Russia's internal politics back then."

Meyer: “(Western liberal democracy) is no more,” Brad W. Setser, a Treasury official during the Obama administration who is now at the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote in a message after news emerged of Mr. Xi’s move.

Analysis: So, the notorious Council on Foreign Relations -- founded in 1921 for the purpose of recruiting ambitious politicians, journalists and academics to work towards creating an eventual world government -- isn't too happy about "Xi's move." That alone, boys and girls, is reason for all of us to give a great big round of cyber-applause for "China's Hitler" --- Heil Xi Jinping!

1. Trump is being mocked for his indifference towards Xi's "power grab". 2. The Globalists were pleased when their control over Russian "democracy" brought death, poverty and starvation to Yeltsin's Russia. Note the sub-headline from Time Magazine (July, 1996): "The Secret Story of How American Advisers Helped Yeltsin Win." But now that the "authoritarian" Putin has brought stability and growing prosperity to Russia, it is bad. 3. The CFR -- whose original Director was Paul "Father of the Federal Reserve" Warburg, has been at this dirty game of foreign intrigue for nearly 100 years!

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about the president of China's recent power grab.

Boobus Americanus 2: That Jinping is becoming the Hitler of China.


Sugar: And why exactly iss that a bad thing, Boobuss?

Editor: Halloween is not till October, Sugar.

Mike King #wingnut #sexist tomatobubble.com

For some reason, the deliberately-injected moral and mental cancer of libtardation has always seemed to metastasize faster in the Nordic countries, particularly Scandinavian ones. This phenomenon is also observable among the American descendants of Scandinavian immigrants in places like Minnesota and Wisconsin. Our hypothesis is that the innate, perhaps even genetic, altruism and human compassion of Nordic folk renders them more vulnerable to manipulation of both the heart and mind.

Though the reason for advanced Scandinavian libtardism may not be concrete; one thing is for certain - Sweden has got to be the insanest of the Scandinavian insane asylums. And the opening few lines of this Slimes article confirm that fact.

1 & 2: Swedish school boys sometimes put on dresses in order to mock traditional gender roles. 3. The "gender-neutral" daddies of Sweden get three months of "paternity leave"(Damn! I only took one day off after my kids were born.)

Slimes: Something was wrong with the Penguins, the incoming class of toddlers at the Seafarer’s Preschool, in a wooded suburb south of Stockholm. The boys were clamorous and physical. They shouted and hit. The girls held up their arms and whimpered to be picked up.

Analysis: Oh what horrors! Boys being boys and girls being sensitive and affectionate.

Slimes: The group of 1 and 2-year-olds had, in other words, split along traditional gender lines. And at this school, that is not O.K."

Analysis: So, by imposing levels of taxation so burdensome on working fathers that 90% of new mothers must return to the work force just to keep food on the table, the gentle communists of Sweden are able to kidnap "1 and 2-year-olds" and then re-engineer out of them certain traits that God had clearly programmed into their DNA --- and that they had already been healthily manifesting.

1. (Times Caption) Elin Gerdin, 26, attended one of Sweden’s first preschools focused on gender equality. She said she gets upset when looking at photos of friends’ babies, with boys dressed in blue and girls in pink. 2. The state curriculum in the new "diverse" Sweden urges teachers -- with no input from parents -- to “counteract traditional gender roles and gender patterns”

More Marxist madness:

Slimes: Their teachers cleared the room of cars and dolls. They put the boys in charge of the play kitchen. They made the girls practice shouting “No!” Then they decided to open a proper investigation, erecting video cameras in the classroom.

Analysis: They are turning Swedish boys into Justin Trudeau-type pussies of tomorrow; and Swedish girls in the nasty Merkel-like harridans of the future.

Slimes: Science may still be divided over whether gender differences are rooted in biology or culture, ...

Analysis: Science is "divided" over "gender differences" alright -- between communist crackpots and those with common sense. As if it takes a "scientist" to discern that which is self-evident!

Slimes: ... but many of Sweden’s government-funded preschools are doing what they can to deconstruct them. State curriculum urges teachers and principals to embrace their role as social engineers, requiring them to “counteract traditional gender roles and gender patterns.”

Analysis: This is why American libtards love Sweden so much. From immigration to gun confiscation to speech restrictions to taxes to social policies, the "democratic" Marxist regime gets to do whatever the heck it bloody wants to.

Slimes: It is normal, in many Swedish preschools, for teachers to avoid referring to their students’ gender — instead of “boys and girls,” they say “friends,” or call children by name. Play is organized to prevent children from sorting themselves by gender. A gender-neutral pronoun, “hen,” was introduced in 2012 and was swiftly absorbed into mainstream Swedish culture.

Analysis: "Hen?" Good Lord! Living under 1920's Stalinism seems preferable to being a Swede these days. At least the Bolsheviks didn't turn Russian boys into little pussies.

No "he" or "she" --- or "him" or "her" --- just "hen."

1. (Times Caption) A 3-year-old at the Seafarers’ School likes wearing dresses. His mother says no one in his life has told him boys don’t dress that way. 2. Swedish milennials were already screwed-up by state-imposed libtardation. Just imagine when the pre-schoolers raised under the new genderless policy grow up! 3. I know Thor, I know.

And now, the kicker: A commissar-like "gender expert," monitors both the instructors and the children for gender-neutral purity:

Slimes: Ms. Elis Storesund is on hand to confront classroom dilemmas: When boys in the group for 3-year-olds refused to paint, or dance, and the group threatened to split along gender lines, she was brought in to unpack the problem, tinkering with the activities until she coaxed the boys back to equal participation.

Analysis: You hear that?! The moment the magnetic pull of nature interferes with the demonic social engineering, the gender commissar is called in, the "problem" is "unpacked," and the innocent little boys are "coaxed" (coerced) back into insanity.

Slimes: “When we are drawing,” said Melisa Esteka, 31, one of the teachers, “we see that the girls — they draw a lot — they draw girls with lots of makeup and long eyelashes. It’s very clear that they are girls. We ask, ‘Don’t boys have eyelashes?’ And they say, ‘We know it is not like that in real life.’ -- Ms. Esteka looked frustrated. She had set a goal for herself: To stop the children from identifying things as “for girls” or “for boys.”

Analysis: Ms. Esteka belongs in a strait-jacket -- not a pre-school.

Slimes: Swedish children spend much of their early life in government-funded preschools, which offer care at nominal cost for up to 12 hours a day starting at the age of 1.

Analysis: What a dreadful society! The Swedish government lavishly funds all-day brainwashing centers for preschoolers as well as free food and housing for violent Turd world invaders -- but grants no such assistance to the tiny minority of mothers who stay home to raise their children.

Slimes: Two schools rolled out what was called a compensatory gender strategy. Boys and girls at the preschools were separated for part of the day and coached in traits associated with the other gender. Boys massaged each other’s feet. Girls were led in barefoot walks in the snow, and told to throw open the window and scream.

Analysis: Cheese & crackers! Ya just can't make this stuff up. This sad affair is actually a satire of itself.

According to the article, some of the parents have already complained that their little daughters have suddenly become defiantly mouthy and sassy due to the pre-school exercises. We wonder: how long before some of Sweden's few remaining sane parents are themselves put under observation by a visiting gender commissar? Seriously, these self-righteous lunatics need to be euthanized before they can destroy any more children.

Though the stupid libtards of Sweden may openly embrace this perverse form of child abuse due to their own brainwash-induced insanity, there is a much higher, clearer thinking power that is pushing this "gender neutrality" upon the West for a very strategic purpose. You see, boys and girls, er, excuse me, "hen and hen" --it's very simple. To de-ball is to de-claw. And a nation of de-balled men is an obedient and passive nation that will accept anything and everything without so much as a whimper, let alone a rebellious fight. Thusly bereft (a $10 word for left without) of male physical protection and mental guidance, the "empowered" women -- also forced out of their natural roles -- soon go full retard as they deconstruct society along whatever insane and unnatural lines their hidden masters (cough cough) of The New World Order steer them to.

The Great One (that's Hitler for you newbies and normies) said it best:

"When man attempts to rebel against the iron logic of Nature, he comes into struggle with the principles to which he himself owes his existence as a man. And this attack must lead to his own doom.

Tell it, Great One, tell it!

It wasn't always like this, of course. Only decades ago, most young Swedish men were as manly as any American city tough or country good ol' boy, or any outback Aussie, or any toothless Canadian hockey player etc. So, what happened? Answer: "The Bad War" happened, that's what.

Though Sweden, despite Churchill's plotting, managed to stay out of World War II, it could not resist being sucked into the post-war political vortex of culturally decaying and rapidly uniting Globalist Europe. Yes, it always goes back to that horrible war -- the foundational event and foundational mythology which ended up, by design, enthroning deranged leftists and corruptible weaklings everywhere while birthing this sick world we exist in today. The defeat of The Great One spelled not just the cultural and racial doom of Germany, but also of Sweden -- which is why a number of foresighted Swedes had volunteered to fight for the German Waffen SS.

Oh if only those SS Swedes were here today -- in full youth, armed to teeth and turned loose to beat the bloody snot out of every last one of these insane child-abusing Marxist m-effers, and their beloved Turd World rapefugees too.


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that gender-neutral Swedish pre-schools make the boys dance and play in the kitchen while the girls are taught to be assertive.

Boobus Americanus 2: Well, I'm all for equality, but that seems to be a bit much.

Sugar: Ya ssee that! Even by the libtarded sstandardss of Boobuss sshit-for-brainss, the frickin' Swedess have gone full-retard.

Editor: Nordic libtards are always about 10-15 years ahead of America on the road to hell -- which means we should expect this state-mandated "hen" nonsense to arrive here about 2030, if not sooner.

Mike King #homophobia #fundie #wingnut tomatobubble.com

The Poofter-Mania at Sulzberger's Sodomite Slimes continues with this breathless announcement of the latest group of "Christians" to capitulate to the ferocious forces of affiliated faggotry. The Presbyterians join the Church of England and the Argentinian Marxist in the Vatican in watering down the moral opposition to the abominable oxymoron known as "same-sex marriage". Get a load of this godless gutless gobbledey-gook from today's story:

"The vote amends the church’s constitution to broaden marriage from being between “a man and a woman” to “two people, traditionally a man and a woman.”

Who writes this stuff? Satan? How long will it be before even that tortured terminology is watered down to something like: "two people, most often, but certainly not always, a man and a woman." Give it a few years!

The most troubling bit of information contained in the piece is the following:

"With many conservative Presbyterians who were active in the church now gone, as well as the larger cultural shift toward acceptance of same-sex marriage, the decisive vote moved quickly toward approval, according to those on both sides of the divide."

There it is! Churches no longer follow the self-evident laws of Nature and Nature's God. From the Pope to the Protestants, many of today's churches are instead following "the larger cultural shift". Whatever happened to following the teachings of Jesus Christ? Remember him? The one that the Christian Churches profess to follow? Jesus (as well as Buddha, Confucius, Mohammad, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster etc) specifically warned followers to not follow "large cultural shifts". Here's a refresher course from the big J.C. himself, as quoted in the Book of Matthew:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."

What bloody purpose do the Christian churches or any other organized religion serve if they intend to follow "public opinion", as manufactured by Jewish Marxist Hollywood and the Jewish Marxist New York Slimes? The moment churches go down that road, they cease to be Godly entities inspiring virtue; and degenerate into little more than glorified social clubs following "cultural shifts". Heck; the preachers and priests may as well erect wide-screen TV's, order up a bunch of chicken wings, and turn the Sunday mass into a football party. Maybe bring in a bunch of scantily-clad harlots to serve beer and take bets. That ought to boost church attendance, eh Frankie?

Listen up Pope Frankie and Presbyterian Poofters. This is what a true "man of God" sounds like:

"The trend of legalizing 'gay marriage' is a very dangerous sign of the apocalypse.....Lately, we have enormous temptations, when a number of countries opting for sin is approved and justified by the law, and those who, acting in good conscience, are struggling with such laws imposed by a minority, being repressed. Everything must be done to prevent the approval of sin on the spaces of Holy Russia. Otherwise the people are embarking on the path of self-destruction” -Russian Patriarch, Kirill.

Unlike the pusillanimous Presbyterians and the Pontiff of Poofterism, the good Patriarch Kirill will not water down eternal truths in order to please The New York Slimes. Bless you Father!



God's Army is in Russia!

Mike King #conspiracy #wingnut tomatobubble.com

Break out the violins folks! It's time for that familiar old refrain of Marxist demagogues everywhere - "the children". Sing it with me: "We are the world. We are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day so lets start giving."

Ah yes, Sulzberger's manipulative Times just loves little children, except for the ones killed and maimed by U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the ones blown apart by Obongo's drones in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia etc, or the ones killed by our noble Israeli "allies" during their periodic raids on Gaza.

Reports from those at the scene reveal that many of these "children" are well into their teens or older, perfect "gang banger" age. Could it be that the plan is to import and train a rag tag army of foreign mercenaries under the cover of "the children"? Why are these "children" being sent to Army bases? Are we seeing the formation of an American "ISIS"?

As thuggish as some of our homegrown Feds are, finding a large number of them willing to actually fire upon the American citizenry is unlikely. But finding thousands of "gang members" willing to fight for cash, drugs and sexual access to helpless White women is easy. Something is clearly afoot with this engineered invasion; an invasion which was pre-planned during the final months of 2008, when the outgoing President Bush signed a bill banning the deportation of unaccompanied "children".

Think it can't happen here? Well, this scenario is EXACTLY what the secret U.S. government has already imposed upon Libya, Syria, and now, Iraq. The "children" are only the Trojan Horse. Hold on to your guns folks!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

On October 28, 2017, someone calling themselves "Q" began posting a series of cryptic messages on a web forum called “4chan” in a sub-category under politics (pol) titled “Calm Before the Storm” (in reference to that mysterious Trump quote from early October). Q, aka Q-Anon, claimed to be a high-level government insider with special "Q clearance" (hence the name) tasked with posting “crumbs” for the purpose of covertly informing patriots about Donald Trump’s master plan to rout the Deep State and the whole Globalist-Rothschild structure above them.

Though Sugar the Crazed Conspiracy Cat was on board the Q-train a few weeks ago, your cautious reporter here remained skeptical, yet open-minded. As a result of too many of Q's advance clues coming to pass, we are now in agreement that Q is indeed for real – though the jury is still out as to whether Q and the great crusade truly represents the “White Hat” faction of America’s military, intelligence and law enforcement communities, or if Q, and Trump, are just tools of the anti-Globalist Zionists.

Q's mysterious posts can no longer be dismissed as an Internet hoax. This individual has special knowledge and even some in the Globalist media are getting worried.

According to Q, and as confirmed by recent events, Trump was never really under investigation by Robert Mueller. To the contrary, Q’s advance clues, coupled with subsequent events, have been showing us that it is actually scum such as Killary Clinton, McCain the Insane, Homo- Obongo, George Soros and the Rothschild Crime Dynasty who need to be worried.

The Q phenomenon has since made its way out of the darkest corners of the Internet and attracted the keen interest of the attention-whore Alex Jones (who assures us that although Q is great, his sources are even better.) and syndicated radio host “Lionel” (Michael William Lebron). Q’s prophetic posts have also caught the scornful attention of New York Magazine (that’s a really good sign!).

Although we encourage our readers to remain cautious of Q’s ultimate intentions, “youse guys” (New Jerseyese for the plural of “you”) ought to have a look at some of the various analysis of his cryptic posts. Eerie as all heck! We list below just three of the many "crumbs" that made us go: “Hmmmmmm.”

November 13, 2017: Q Threatens Lynn de Rothschild -- Followed by Deadly Plane Crash at Rothschild Estate

"Lady" Lynn de Rothschild is the American wife of "Sir" Evelyn de Rothschild. She is a rabid supporter of Killary Clinton and fanatically obsessed with tweeting out her pure Satanic hatred against Donald Trump. Q tweeted a cryptic threat aimed at her family, using the letters "L," "d," and "R" (notice how the letter cases match the initials of Lynn de Rothschild).

Just four days after Q's clue, this headline:

Telegraph: Aylesbury mid-air crash: Four dead as plane and helicopter wreckage lands near Rothschild manor house (here)

December 11, 2017: Q Threatens George Soros -- Soros disappears?

The initials GS can mean no other than George Soros. Just two weeks after Q threatened to put Soros in "a special place," the evil financier's twitter went silent. After tweeting 4-5 times per week throughout all of 2017, there have been zero tweets from his account since November 26th. (here) Prior to that, his longest twitter dry spell for 2017 had been only 10 days. Where the heck is George Soros? A "special place" in Guantanamo?

As of the date of this TomatoBubble article, December 27, there have been no tweets from "GS" (an avid twitterer!) for 32 days, and counting.

Before the votes had been counted in Alabama's Senate race, Q posted, with absolute certainty, of a Democrat victory based on voter fraud and Soros-owned machines. He indicated that the subsequent investigation would expose the Democrat Party. Lo and behold, much to everyone's surprise, Democrat Doug Jones did defeat Republican Roy Moore, and an investigation is indeed progressing!

Was it a "sting" operation?

The Communist Doug Jones won, but the Alabama Senate election is now under investigation -- exactly as Q had told us in his post.

Could it really be that Globalist gangsters are being investigated, arrested and even killed? If so, are the military & law enforcement "White Hats" coming to our rescue, or is this just part of a factional war Zionist vs Globalist war amongst competing gangsters? Are Trump's repeated two-hand drinking episodes that have so amused the late night commie-comics a signal that people are being placed in handcuffs and sent to prison?

Who can say for sure at this point. But what we will say with certainty is that something very big is taking shape -- and Q, regardless of his ultimate intentions, should not be ignored.

Trump, who is notoriously etiquette-conscious, has mimicked the manner in which a man wearing handcuffs would drink water. Each time, the Piranha Press has mocked him for it, yet he keeps doing it --- most recently while wearing a purple tie which symbolizes Soros "color revolutions."

Killary and McCain have both been wearing ankle boots for past two months, he for a "tendon injury" and she for a "broken toe." Are they concealing GPS ankle devices? (Your cane is on the wrong side,Senator.) McCain was later caught switching his boot from right to left, and explained it away by saying his other leg was getting sore!!!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Starting back in 2014, we began noticing more and more requests to post a "Bitcoin" button that would allow readers to donate to TomatoBubble.com with the hot new "crypto-currency" worldwide payment system. Bitcoin and other rapidly emerging cryptos are a form of "decentralized" digital currency, as the system works without a Central Bank or a single administrator.

The Bitcoin network is person-to-person, with transactions between users taking place directly through the use of cryptography only. Bitcoins can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. The transactions are automatically verified and recorded in a publicly distributed ledger called a "blockchain."

At first, it seemed like a good way to work around PayPal and fly under the IRS radar, but we just never got around to getting involved because we figured the Feds would eventually catch up to such a "peoples' currency" and shut it down anyway. But now, lo and behold, Bitcoin mania is being heavily promoted by the great and the good of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) -- so much so that a single $1 of Bitcoin purchased a few years ago is today worth about $65!

Hyped by the Piranha Press and blessed by the Rothschild Central Banks, digital crypto-currencies -- Bitcoin foremost among them at this time --are exploding in popularity and "value."

Suckers worldwide are now purchasing Bitcoin with credit cards and even home loans (just as in the allegorical story of "The Great Tomato Bubble" (here) for which this site is named). The fact that Wall Street Hedge funds have joined the Globalist media mania bubble of Bitcoin constitutes "prima facie" (a $10 Latin legal term for "first face") evidence that there is a sinister agenda behind these digital currencies. Should there be any lingering doubts over such a suspicion, these headlines ought to dispel them:

Coindesk: (December 17, 2017): 2018: The Year Central Banks Begin Buying Cryptocurrency (here)

CNBC: (December 18, 2017): Central Banks could hold bitcoin and ether for the first time in 2018 (here)

Quartz Index: (September 25, 2017): Central Banks considering launch of official cryptocurrencies (here)

The fix is in, boys and girls. What is the motive here, you ask?

Flashback time:

(February 24, 2016):

Getting Rid of Big Currency Notes Could Help Fight Crime


(some excerpts)

As part of his oh-so-high-minded effort to "fight crime", Andrew Rosenthal (cough cough), that shadowy little Wicked Weasel of Oz who styles himself as "The Editorial Board", has come out swinging in favor of former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers (cough cough) recent call to ban the $100 dollar bill. Gotta stop them drug-dealers, eh Andy? (rolling eyes, sarcastically).

This all-of-a-sudden push to ban big bills is a harbinger of the dark days ahead. It's significance is huge -- all the more so now that Rosenfilth of the New York Slimes is pushing it (just days after the Washington Compost came out in favor of the ban as well).

Rosenthal, er, "The Editorial Board":

"Few Europeans use the 500-euro note, and most Americans rarely encounter the $100 bill. Yet hundreds of millions of these notes are in circulation around the world... officials in Europe and elsewhere are proposing to end the printing of high-denomination bills.

Getting rid of big bills will make it harder for criminals to do business ...

The president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, recently said the bank is considering getting rid of the 500-euro note ($557)... though the central bank plans to keep the 200-euro and 100-euro bills.

Critics who oppose such changes say the big bills make it easier for people to keep their savings in cash, especially in countries with negative interest rates. But these are relatively minor burdens compared with the potential benefits of reducing criminal activity and tax evasion.

There are now so many ways to pay for things, and eliminating big bills should create few problems."

PayPal ran a TV commercial during the 2016 Stupor Bowl ---the images and slogans from which speak for themselves. The end game is to kill paper money.

End of flashback excerpt

The end-game behind the crypto craze is to usher in a GLOBAL digital currency which, in time, will be very much "centralized." In the meantime, this could also be part of a sophisticated CIA money-laundering or "pump & dump" operation.

In the long run, we do not think that the Globalists will be able to pull off such an ambitious leap toward one-world tyranny -- not with Messrs. Putin, Xi and Trump around. But the Central Banksters sure as hell are gonna try when they start issuing their own digital currency, as is expected in 2018. Amazing. Now who, say, 30 years ago, could possibly have envisioned the rise of digital global currency in 2018? Hmmm?

An prophetic excerpt from a 1988 Economist article (as quoted from a 2014 issue of Bitcoin Magazine):

"THIRTY years from now (i.e. 2018), Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let's say, the phoenix. The phoenix will be favored by companies and shoppers because it will be more convenient than today's national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century.”

“An even more ambitious solution would be to move to a truly global currency, along the lines of Keynes’s “bancor”, that would circulate alongside countries’ own currencies and would offer a store of value truly disconnected from economic conditions and policies in any country.

To achieve this, one would need to set up a global monetary institution that would issue the global currency depending on global economic conditions, and that could act as a global lender of last resort. It would need to have an impeccable (“AAAA”) balance sheet, and governance arrangements that engender widespread credibility and acceptability.”

“As telecommunications technology continues to advance, these transactions will be cheaper and faster still.”

“The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF.

This means a big loss of economic sovereignty, but the trends that make the phoenix so appealing are taking that sovereignty away in any case. (here)


And by the way, the 2014 Bitcoin Magazine article quoting that 1998 Economist Magazine article, was not citing the old story about one-world currency as a warning. But rather, as a good idea, preferably with Bitcoin serving as the coming world currency, and not necessarily the Economist's "phoenix." The headline and a quote from the Bitcoin piece:

A World Currency – Not a New Idea (February 25, 2014)

"At this point we could be talking about Bitcoin or any new cryptocurrency out there today. Let’s continue as the article talks about what could lead to this “New World Currency”.
Next is a statement that will get the attention of the Bitcoin user. Remember, this was written in January 1988.

'As telecommunications technology continues to advance, these transactions will be cheaper and faster still.'

Here we might still be talking about Bitcoin. ...This 1988 article was obviously ahead of its time. It shows that a new kind of world currency is not a new topic of conversation. And the mention of 2018 looks eerily realistic as we watch things unfold today.(2014) --- (here)

You see, the gift of "prophecy" comes easy when you are the one running the show! There is no doubt about this one, boys and girls. Bitcoin was never a "spontaneous" digital currency of "the people" that just "took off." It has been, from the start, a tool of the usual suspects and the play is only getting started. The year 2018 promises to be very interesting. Stay tuned.

1. Months before "The Good War" had even ended, the post-World War II monetary system was cooked up at Breton Woods by the US Communist Harry Dexter White (cough cough) and the UK Fabian Socialist and the known sodomite John Maynard Keynes. Keynes advocated a world currency, which he named "Bancor," but he realized that the idea was still too radical for those times. 2. Bitcoin Magazine with a "Guy Fawkes" anarchist on the cover? -- A sure sign of a CIA operation. 3. Slime Magazine cleverly hyping Bitcoin as if it were some sort of anti-government uprising of the people -- another sure sign of a CIA operation.

This just in:

Wall Street Journal: (December 22, 2017)

Bitcoin Plunges 25% in 24 Hours in a Cryptocurrency Market Rout


Bubble scam profit-taking by the usual suspects? Or maybe the nationalist "White Hats" are nipping the scam in the bud?

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Bitcoin is taking the world by storm.

Boobus Americanus 2: I know. I just bought some.

Sugar: Boobuss, my idiot friend -- you'd buy a frickin' dog-sshit ssandwich if the Jew York Slimess declared it to be tasty and nutritiouss.

Editor: (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) --- All you Sugar groupies out there with your sycophantic fan e-mails are the reason why I can't control her anymore.

Mike King #sexist tomatobubble.com

In this mad, mad, mad Marxist world of ours, leave it to Sulzberger's Slimes, in the immediate aftermath of the murder of a New York City female police officer, to praise the "progress" that has been made with regards to the hiring and promoting of female police officers.

From the article:

"And across the nation, women have pushed their way into policing’s most demanding jobs. To them, Officer Familia’s death was seen as a grim signifier of their growing front-line roles."

There are now 6,394 female officers on a force of just over 36,000 in dangerous New York City. That's almost 18%. The percentages in other cities that are even more dangerous are about the same and growing -- with more and more of them being killed "in the line of duty" every year. This is all part of the "progress" that "women's liberation" has brought to today's miserable, manified, modern woman. Thusly "liberated" from the "yoke" of marriage and traditional family life, the loony ladies now get to dress up in blue, carry a gun, chase bad guys through dark alleys, and then get killed -- often with their own gun.

A blast from the past, from the article, about a hyped-up event which your New York metro-area high-school aged reporter here remembers very well:

"In the early 1980s, the New York City subways were forbidding, with robbers lurking in graffiti-covered cars. Very few women were on patrol, but Officer Irma Lozada took one of the most dangerous jobs: She hid her badge and draped fake gold chains around her neck, courting robbers to come after her in some of the most desperate parts of Brooklyn.

It was on one of these plainclothes assignments in 1984 when something went terribly wrong: Officer Lozada chased a suspect, got separated from her partner and was killed after the suspect wrested her service revolver from her and shot her twice."

She became the first female officer killed in New York City history. So jolted was the police force by her death that, in the aftermath, some officers spoke of women being better off reassigned to office jobs, several people recalled."

Yes indeed, you've come a long way, baby!" How's it workin' out for ya?

In a healthy pre-Marxist society, dead officerettes Irma Lozada and Miosotis Familia would have been home cooking dinner for their husbands and checking the kids' homework.

As it was with the mentally sick reaction to the death of Officerette Lozada then, so it is again today with Officerette Familia, who was shot and killed execution-style by an admitted cop-hater, just last week. Rather than reassess this abominable practice of sending women off to fight criminals and enemy soldiers, the unisex Marxists act as if it's part of the normal course of business and continue to praise the "progress" that these misguided police-gals and Marine-ettes are making.

The societal perverison of cultural Marxism / libtardism offers oppression to women, not "liberation." How much happier, safer, and alive would Ms. Lozada and Ms. Familia had been if they were stay-at-home wives and mothers. Of course, given how the corresponding economic hands of Marxist taxation & the Fed's debt-currency racket make it increasingly impossible for a woman to stay home -- because a huge chunk of her husband's earnings (if she even has a husband), are taxed and inflated away -- these ladies are often forced to work. How hypocritically ironic it is that the Left condemns the Taliban for banning women from the workforce, as we here in the oh-so-enlightened West essentially, through economic policies, ban women from becoming traditional housewives!

Even when faced with the horrible murders and ghastly battlefield casualties of the fairer sex, very few of today's "men," especially those in the public realm, will dare to question the perverse policy of depriving strong men from 18% of police jobs just so that mostly infertile women can take them, and get killed. Chivalry truly is dead -- as is sanity!

The Great One (that's Hitler for you all newbies and normies) had a few observations on this matter. And his truth, no matter how out-of-fashion it may seem to the modern libtard, will always be the truth. Tell it Great One, tell it:

"If I think to myself that a woman should make an appearance at a trial, then I have to say: if that were a woman close to me, and if I wanted to imagine my mother were still alive and has to sit in front of a murderer in a court and decide the verdict,... never, never! We don't want that.

I do not want a uniformed female police officer to walk around and run after scamps or criminals. These are things we naturally don't want. Then they say, 'Excuse me, you don't allow women in the parliament as well.' Certainly, but only because I am satisfied that the parliament does not raise the value of women, but it would only degrade her. I also removed the men from parliament because they were all rotten. (Reichstag laughter)

Then they say, "Why not put some good women into parliament." Because they would turn rotten too. (more laughter)


A women's regiment of snipers is being trained in the Soviet Union... grenadiers in Spain (pre-Franco). All I can say about this type of female equality -- I have experienced war. I know how hard it is. I know how many men’s nerves have been shattered by war. I have often seen them return by the dozens, doddering, completely ruined and broken. The idea that a girl or woman should take this upon herself --- I could have no respect for German men then. As long as we have a healthy male gender in Germany, no female sharpshooters or grenadiers will be trained in Germany. That is no equality, but rather, inferior rights for women because it is much harder for her than men. We won’t do it – because for us, the woman has been the most faithful work and life companion of the man at all times."

Hitler: "The catchword “Women’s Liberation” is merely a phrase invented by the Jewish intellect, and its contents are marked by the same spirit. The German woman will never need to emancipate herself in an age supportive of German life. She possessed what Nature gave her automatically as an asset to maintain and preserve; just as the man, in such an age, never had to fear that he would be ousted from his position in respect to woman."

No wonder why women loved Him so. The Great One cherished and protected them from the "progress" that Jewish-Marxist "liberation" offered them.

Boobus Americanus 1: It' a shame what happened to that female police officer.

Boobus Americanus 2: Indeed. Unfortunately, such tragedies are the price for the tremendous progress that women in law enforcement are making.

Sugar: "Progress, my asss, Bobusss!! Thesse deluded dames sshould have sstayed home and raissed a litter -- like I did!

Editor: How come your kitty children never call you? The bastards.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Eisenhower’s presidency had coincided with a long period of peace and prosperity. Indeed, the title of the popular 1970’s TV show, Happy Days, refers to its setting in the 1950’s. The Eisenhower years mark the peak years of “the baby boom” and upward mobility of all classes and ethnic / racial groups. Apart from a minor and short-lived recession in 1958, the 50’s truly were “the good old days.”

One would therefore think that the Republican Party (aka GOP for Grand Old Party), with its popular and superficially likable “war hero” presiding over these “happy days,” would have greatly expanded, or at least maintained the Congressional majorities which Ike inherited upon winning the 1952 election in a massive landslide. This was not the case. To the contrary, in spite of two massive Eisenhower landslides, the 1950’s turned out to be a history-altering bloodbath for House and Senate Republicans, and it was not by accident.

1952 & 1956: Eisenhower won two historic landslides and remained popular for the full eight years of his presidency. Meanwhile, conservative Republicans in Congress were picked off by the dozens. Why?

There were two elements driving this extremely odd paradox of such a popular president not having any election “coat tails” for his fellow Republicans to grab onto. First, the Globalist media, while constantly exalting Eisenhower on one hand, trashed what was then a mostly conservative, anti-communist, constitutionalist Republican Congress with the other. But the real death blow of the one-two punch knockout of the GOP Congress came from Eisenhower himself.

During the 1954, 1956, 1958 and 1960 election seasons, Eisenhower -- with the exception of a few liberal “modern Republicans” -- refused to lift a finger in defense of his beleaguered colleagues. He was the one man in America who could have protected the patriotic anti-communist Republican Congress from the daily whipping it was taking from the Globalist press, but he refused. Robert Welch describes Ike’s silent treachery of 1954, which only grew worse in subsequent Congressional elections, and peaked during the 1958 mid-term elections in which the GOP lost an additional 49 seats in the House, and 14 in the Senate. Welch:

“Nor can there be any slightest question about the disruption of, and damage to, the party being intentional. Eisenhower not only refused to do any campaigning for, or to give any White House moral support to, the Republican Senatorial and Congressional candidates – he left their campaigns permanently disorganized through his deliberate delaying tactics with regard to his expected support, which was never forthcoming. Then, at the very last minute, he went through face-saving motions, of which a high-school politician would have been ashamed, with his fantastically childish scheme of chain telephone calls.” (6)

“Delaying tactics,” eh? Just like the World War II delays which got so many Americans killed while preserving Eastern Europe for Stalin! The final paradoxical results of Eisenhower's sabotage were truly astonishing -- all the more so when we consider how popular Ike had remained from start to finish of his 8 year reign of ruin. Here are the final "before and after" numbers:


1952: 221 Republicans and 213 Democrats = R +8

1958: 153 Republicans and 283 Democrats = D +130


1952: 49 Republicans and 47 Democrats = R +2

1958: 35 Republicans and 65 Democrats = D +30

As shocking as those statistics are, there is more to the numbers than meets the eye. You see, many of the Senate and House Republicans who did manage to survive the Eisenhower purge were "modern Republicans" -- today known as "RINO's" (Republican in Name Only). And most of the incoming Democrats who replaced them were of the extremist Marxist variety. Their dominance would shape the course of America's political, economic and cultural decline for decades to come.

There can be no doubt. Eight years of Ike killed the Republican Party, just as it had the conservative majority of the Supreme Court... by design. No bloody wonder Democrat Sulzberger's New York Slimes and Democrat Meyer's Washington Compost endorsed him, twice.

The Democrat Party, which had been on the brink of destruction just six years earlier, knocked out the Republican Party in an epic rout. Yet “Republican” Eisenhower always remained popular. The result pleased Eisenhower and Democrat Senate Leader Lyndon B. Johnson very much.

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Still stinging from candidate-now-President-Elect Kennedy’s criticism over his "missile gap," Eisenhower's Farewell Address was delivered in a television broadcast. It remains memorable for advocating that the nation guard against the potential influence of the “military–industrial complex.” Though Ike is always credited with coining the term, his smarter brother Milton Eisenhower and main speechwriter Malcolm Moos were the ones who developed Ike’s “historic” final statement. (20) The canned and over-rated speech had gone through 20 drafts over the course of the several months that it was worked on.

We have already established the shockingly pro-Communist resume of FDR’s beloved Milton Eisenhower. As for speechwriter Malcolm Moos, well, he was just as bad, and just as “red.” Following his work for Eisenhower, Moos went on to write speeches for super Globalist Nelson Rockefeller and also worked for the Globalist Ford Foundation. He capped off his career with a 7-year tour as the President of Minnesota University (1967-1974). During his university presidency, Moos openly encourage leftist “activism” and presided over the establishment of garbage Marxist “majors” in African American Studies, Native American Studies, Chicano Studies, Women's Studies, and the Center for Urban and Regional Studies.

Milton and Malcolm -- what a pair of Marxist beauties, eh? These then were the unseen ventriloquists who put the “historic” words in the dummy Eisenhower’s mouth. An excerpt:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” (21)

During the 1960’s / 1970’s Vietnam War era, the term “military-industrial complex” became a favorite cliché of the Marxist long-haired “peace-love-dope” pseudo-intellectual hippy crowd that wrongly blamed this shadowy “complex” for a war which actually originated with Ike’s deployment of “advisers” (CIA) to Vietnam during the 1950’s.

In years since, conservative patriots and libertarians have carelessly adopted the term as well. The problem is, there is not now and nor was there ever any “military-industrial complex” that could “endanger our liberties or democratic processes,” for the simple reason that military generals / admirals and manufacturing CEO’s can neither take America to war, nor dictate the size of defense budgets, nor influence politicians to do so.

Sure, there may be glory-seeking military men and greedy arms manufacturers who, for obvious reasons, love war. But they do not have political power. Globalist media and banking moguls install the politicians and the politicians appoint the military leaders -- not the other way around. Seriously, can anyone cite a single instance in American history in which a general or an armaments manufacturing CEO, acting independently of the political class, dictated our domestic politics or foreign affairs? The answer is, “no,” not even close.

Contrary to Milton and Malcolm’s slogan, it is the banking-government-tax exempt foundation-academia-media-Zionist complex that represents the “acquisition of unwarranted influence” and the “disastrous rise of misplaced power.” But the Eisenhowers didn’t want to talk about that complex because it was the very same power that made them!

As Globalists who believed that the power of the UN military should one day surpass and absorb the US military, it made perfect sense to denigrate the nation’s patriotic military leaders (recall Ike’s hatred for patriotic Generals Patton, Devers, and MacArthur), -- especially the ones feeding JFK information over the concerns they had about Eisenhower’s policies -- as some sort of evil plotters. As Marxists who believed that the government should take over or dictate to private enterprise, it also made perfect sense to cast the captains of the industrial business community as "capitalist" villains.

Put them both together and what do you have? You have the evil, conspiratorial and completely mythical military-industrial complex --- a phantom menace that needs to be brought under the control of the oh-so-benevolent Globalists. Get it? You see, if and when America was to ever fall to a Globalist tyranny (and we are almost there) the only force that could possibly mobilize and save the day at the 11th hour would be the combined power of the business and military communities. If anti-Globalist businessmen-patriots the likes of Henry Ford, Benjamin Freedman and Robert Welch ever “conspired” for freedom with anti-Globalist military-patriots such as George Patton and Douglas MacArthur, it would be all over for The New World Order, and right quick too! And that, dear reader was the “threat” that the Globalist Eisenhowers were really concerned about – a “threat” which has since been expanded to include armed local police and lawful gun owners.

Marxist Malcolm Moos and Marxist Milton Eisenhower worried that a “military-industrial complex” might one day rise to free America from the clutches of Globalism. Dim-witted 'Ike' read the script which they penned.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

Once upon a time, the Evolutionists assure us, a “simple single-cell life form” spontaneously emerged out of a protein-rich “primordial soup”, which, they assure us, also existed. Through the process of binary fission, single bacterial cells divided into multi-cellular organisms. Over billions of years, the family tree branched out to include all living things; from blades of grass, to maggots, to Marilyn Monroe. It’s amazing what a “simple” cell can do!

Charles Darwin had proposed that the very first cell, the universal common ancestor of all life forms, could have formed "in some warm little pond." One of Darwin's supporters, the German biologist (and proven forger) Ernst Haeckel, examined a mixture of mud removed from the sea bed and claimed that this was a nonliving substance that turned into a living one. This so-called "mud that comes to life," is an indication of just how simple life was thought to be by the founders of "The Theory of Evolution" (bow your head in solemn reverence as you say that).

By invoking the simplicity of that original simple cell, Evolution is made to sound somewhat plausible, at least to the easily impressed. The mispresentation of the original simple cell, slowly “evolving” into more complex cells, and then into actual creatures over time, is the only way that the Evolutionists can even begin to sell their junk-science. So, let’s attack the theory at its very root, "the simple cell".

To make life easier for the Evolutionists, let us grant them a generous 'head-start' by not even asking where the “Primordial Soup” came from, or the Sun, or the amino acids and protein building blocks, or how the Earth and its chemical components all got here. Let’s focus only on the cell. The word cell comes from Latin, cella, meaning "small room", which is essentially what the cell is. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. Cells are the smallest form of life that can replicate independently.

Prokaryotic cells were the earliest and “simplest” forms of bacterial life on Earth, as they have a self-sustaining process built into them. A prokaryotic cell has three regions, each with its own components. On the outside, flagella and pili project from the cell's surface. These structures are made of proteins that facilitate movement and communication between cells.

Enclosing the cell itself is the cell envelope – which consists of a cell wall covering a plasma membrane and a further covering layer called a capsule. The envelope gives rigidity to the cell and also serves as a protective filter and barrier against exterior forces. It also prevents the cell from expanding and bursting from environmental pressures.

Finally, inside the cell is the cytoplasm region that contains the complex coded genome (DNA). Prokaryotes can also carry extra-chromosomal DNA elements called plasmids, which encode antibiotic resistance genes.

So you see, dear reader, this bacterial “simple cell” which accidentally, randomly, and “unintelligently” popped up out of the “soup” is not so simple, at all. It's actually a multi-functional, multi-component, integrated, well-oiled and living machine that cellular biologists can spend an entire lifetime studying. If it were possible to shrink yourself to the size of an atom, and enter the walls of the “simple single cell”, and gaze about this microscopic world-within-a-world like some awestruck tourist, you would marvel at the suddenly visible nanotechnology enveloping you. Only this bit of orchestrated technology actually lives, mends itself, protects itself, feeds itself, and, get this, reproduces itself!

Sorry Chuckie D., but integrated complexity and living nanotechnology does not spring up without intelligence behind it. Even the atoms, the tiniest particles of matter within the "simple" cell, demonstrate an ordered and integrated complexity of their own. Every atom is composed of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The electrons are bound to the atom by the electromagnetic force, and the protons and neutrons in the nucleus are bound to each other by the nuclear force. Nothing "simple" about nuclear physics, Chuck!

All "simple" life is complex and integrated; and cannot come from non-life. Intelligence cannot come from non-intelligence. Consciousness cannot come from non-consciousness. The Darwinists and the Big Bangers need to go back to the drawing board and ‘check their math’. They won't though, because Godlessness and conceited arrogance walk hand-in-hand.

The mathematical "fingerprints" of an intelligent creative force are everywhere - snowflakes, galactic swirls, insect wings.


Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

We’ve all heard that sad story about “The Trail of Tears” ™ – the one about how mean old "racist" ™ President Andrew Jackson (terms: 1829-1837) rounded up the Indians of the Southeast (mainly Cherokees from Georgia-Tennessee-Carolinas) and force-marched them off to Oklahoma. The various treks, ranging between 700-1000 miles, are said to have caused the deaths of 4,000 Indians who were buried in unmarked graves along “The Trail Where They Cried.”

There is just one little problem with this unchallenged narrative --- it is not totally false, but it has been grossly edited and wildly embellished, mainly for the purpose of besmirching the great name of the heroic American figure who paid off the National Debt down to zero and “killed the bank” (America’s Central Bank). Let us examine some of the problems with this attack against "the White Man" in general -- and Jackson in particular -- and set the record straight about “The Trail of Tears” once and for all.


The commonly accepted and endlessly repeated figure of "4000 dead" represents a quintessential (a $10 word for 'perfect example of) case of a hearsay bit of data embedding itself in the public mind to such a depth that none dare question it. (sort of the like the "6,000,000" dead Jews of Holohoax fame, or the phony "350,000" from the mythical "Rape of Nanking"). Such a death toll would mean that 33% of the trekkers died (Higginbotham's numbers), or 25% (if you believe official numbers of 16,000 relocated). Either case is impossible! How could that many people have died on treks undertaken on established trails, in the generally warm / mild-weathered south, with horse-drawn wagons packed with provisions, on journeys that should have lasted only 2-3 months? Where are the "4,000" bodies? What documentation is there to support such a high death total?


“The act caused a spate of articles about how the Cherokees lost 4,000 or more dead on a terrible trek, described as a "forced" march, presumably indicating they were prodded by bullet and bayonet as they moved during the hard winter of 1837-38.

Voluminous records, including those of the Cherokee nation itself, show no loss approaching 4,000—.

T. Hartley Crawford, head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, reported on Aug. 6, 1840, in a private communication to the secretary of war that the death toll among the 13 groups was 447

Other deaths, raising the total to more than 800, took place in parties outside the main groups and were carefully reported to the U.S. government.”

Cherokee removal was investigated by Congress to an extent that can be believed only by reading the Congressional Record. Some reports run to hundreds of pages. The written military record exists in detail in U.S. archives. Nothing like an extravagant death toll among the Cherokees exists. Butler’s (hearsay) is the sole source for such a conclusion. No historian mentions that.

(Cherokee leader) John Ross never made unusual claims for deaths, although he returned to Washington repeatedly after 1838 seeking more money.

Not only do the lower aforementioned death totals (447, or 800 if other groups and separate events are counted) seem much more realistic, but when you consider the fact that during those times, about 25 people out of 1,000 would die naturally each year anyway, (here) the "Trail of Tears" ™ doesn't seem to have been so treacherous after all!

So you see, dear reader, this bullsh nonsense about "The Trail of Tears" ™ is nothing more than a romanticized lie, concocted by "the usual suspects" for the devious purpose of attacking the "evil" White Man and tearing down the reputation of Andrew the Great at the same time. For Jackson, like Hitler, shut down the operations of the International Jewish-Marxist banking Mafia which controls our money and our minds to this very day. That’s the truth, and no amount of Fake History can alter it.

Trail of Tears? Ha! Trail of Smears is more like it.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

The timeless principles of Graeco-Roman logic and philosophy that we have just reviewed (not to be confused with the pointless mental masturbation that many modern pseudo-intellectuals like to engage in over a Starbucks’ latte) will expose a charlatan or an ignoramus every... single... time. Indeed, armed with nothing else but the earlier segment on Logical Fallacies, any “average Joe” can easily take down one of these “scientists” and humiliate him.

The Fake Scientist is thus compelled to declare: “there is no debate” because he knows that he cannot win a debate! Just like Count Dracula before a crucifix or sprinkled with Holy Water, the Fake Scientist will recoil in agony when confronted with the Socratic Method of inquiry.

Therefore, it is not surprising, but to be expected, that warmist Fake Scientists would express such open contempt and hostility for the millenniums-old discipline that should serve as the foundation of all intellectual pursuits and even common, every day understanding of life situations. Here they are, in their own words, mocking Philosophy – the very rules of thinking that we use to pursue truth and unmask lies and errors.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson: “Philosophy is not a productive contributor to our understanding of the natural world —. It (philosophy) can really mess you up.” (28)

Stephen Hawking: “Philosophy is dead. Philosophers have not kept up with modern developments in science. Scientists have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge.” (29)

Bill Nye: “Philosophy is important for a while—. But you can start arguing in a circle—. Keep in mind, humans made up philosophy too.” (30)

You see, when a Fake Scientist needs to work around the eternal rules of lie-detection, he simply ridicules them, declares them “dead” or dismisses truth itself as “relative.” It’s sort of like a local burglar telling you that installing a home alarm system, adopting a big guard dog and keeping a loaded pistol under your bed aren’t effective anymore; or a nervous criminal, under interrogation, insisting that polygraph (lie detector) tests are never accurate.

But philosophy is not dead. The theory of man-made Global Warming is, and Messrs. Tyson, Hawking and Nye all know it – which is why they want to replace philosophy (Greek for “love of wisdom”) with “theoretical science” (love of slick talking sophistry, rigged math equations and rigged computer models).

Tyson, Nye and the “talking” stiff from “Weekend at Bernie’s” (or his ventriloquist?) all rely heavily upon classic logical fallacies to sell their nonsense. The only thing that can stop them is sound logic, aka philosophy.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com



Hoping to draw the United States into the "Great War" (World War I), British Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill had, in May, 1915, engineered the sinking of The Lusitania. As the munitions-laden liner approached British waters, the British Mad Dog called off the ship's escorts so that a German U-boat could torpedo the sitting duck. About 1,200 passengers and crew were killed, including about 100 Americans. Needless to say, the doomed passengers knew nothing of the dangerously explosive contraband that was being secretly transported from New York to London.

But it was not yet time for America to enter the brutal war. Not only did President Woodrow Wilson have a re-election to win in 1916, but certain other pieces had yet to be put in place -- one being the internal overthrow of the "anti-Semitic" Russian Tsar (allied with Britain & France), and the other, well, we will get to that shortly.

Contrary to what most people think, the May 1915 sinking of Lusitania did not bring America into the war -- although the memory of the event was indeed resurrected for propaganda purposes two years later.

As 1915 drew to a close, the war, though now at a stalement, found the aggressor Allied powers of Britain, France and Russia clearly on “the short end of the stick” in their unprovoked war against the Central Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey. Not one square inch of German territory had been captured and the disastrous, 8-month-long French-English campaign in the Turkish Dardanelles (Gallipoli Campaign / April 1915 – January 1916) was ending in a humiliating retreat, soon to be followed by a political upheaval in Britain.

Though it cost him his job and earned him the scorn of both his peers and the British public, Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill's inexplicable folly in Turkey actually had a hidden motive -- as we shall soon see.


Given the disadvantageous position in which the Allies now found themselves in on all fronts, one would think they would be licking their wounds and reassessing the standing peace offer that Germany and friends had on the table at all times. Instead, the British and French, with the assent of Russia, negotiated a secret agreement for dividing up the very same Turkish Empire that had just handed them a humiliating and historical ass-kicking that is still celebrated in Turkey, and remembered in Britain. The negotiation of the Sykes-Picot treaty occurred between November 1915 and March 1916, and was signed in May, 1916.

How strange for the losing parties in a war to be secretly re-drawing the map of the winning party? What made Britain & France believe, after the bloody hiding they had just suffered in the Dardanelles, that they could succeed the next time around in Turkey -- to say nothing of the impossibility of defeating mighty Germany?! Wouldn’t it make more sense to talk about border rewrites after the war is won – a seemingly impossible scenario by this time.

The Sykes-Picot Agreement amounted to counting chickens before they were hatched. What made Sir Mark Sykes (UK) and Francois Georges-Picot (FRA) believe that they were going to win a war that they were losing? Did they have psychic powers? -- Or did they already know something, in early 1916, that the American people did not?


Unless Germany could be knocked out – which would allow for a massive southward diversion of Allied troops to attack Turkey again – the Allies had little chance of conquering the Turkish Empire. Surely, they must have known this. And so, what can possibly explain this supreme, arrogant, and seemingly delusional confidence in total victory on the part of the Allies? In order to answer that question, we must understand the nature of other secret agreements that had previously taken place.

The land of Palestine (95% Arab populated / 5% Jewish) was under Turkish rule. But the Zionists of Europe wanted it for a “Jewish State”. The war was their opportunity to have Britain grab it for them! Zionism was first discussed at a British Cabinet level in November, 1914 -- just four days after Britain's declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire.

In a discussion after the meeting with Zionist Herbert Samuel, Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd George assured him that "he was very keen to see a Jewish state established in Palestine." Samuel then outlined his Zionist aspirations for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish state, and of the importance of its geographical position to the British Empire.

Samuel's memoirs state:

"I mentioned that two things would be essential—that the state should be neutralized, since it could not be large enough to defend itself, and that the free access of Christian pilgrims should be guaranteed. ... I also said it would be a great advantage if the remainder of Syria were annexed by France, as it would be far better for the state to have a European power as neighbour than the Turk."

Prime Minister H. H. Asquith later announced in a speech that the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire had become a war aim:

"It is the Ottoman Government, and not we who have rung the death knell of Ottoman dominion not only in Europe but in Asia."


In January 1915, Samuel submitted a Zionist memorandum entitled The Future of Palestine to the Cabinet after discussions with Chaim Weizmann and Lloyd George. In February 1915, Samuel, wrote:

"...it might be possible to neutralize the country under international guarantee ... and to vest the government of the country in some kind of Council to be established by the Jews."

Now, what does all of this 1914-1915 back-room dirty dealing between the British and the Zionists have to do with the strange confidence in ultimate victory manifested in the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916, you ask? It’s not as if the scattered Jews of Europe had any military power to contribute to the fight against Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Ah, but the Zionists did have military power to contribute to the Allied cause – from across the sea. What the British could not achieve with the Lusitania disaster, the Zionists could get done easily!

Installed through the Jewish-rigged 3-Party election of 1912, the American President Woodrow Wilson was owned by the Zionists of America. Giants such as Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Samuel Untermeyer, and Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis controlled Wilson just as surely as men like Haim Saban and George Soros control Obongo and Hillary today. The power of these dominant men, as well as the influence of the Jewish-owned New York Times and the Piranha Press, could, at the “push of a button”, bring the young super-power into the war at anytime – and the British knew it all along.



After the 1916 re-election of Wilson, anti-German propaganda exploded across the American (Jewish) press, culminating with a Declaration of War in April, 1917 (just 18 days after the Tsar had abdicated). Actual U.S. entry into the war, however, did not occur until Spring, 1918, a few months after the Balfour deal had been finally put to paper and announced. You see, the Jews were no fools. Back-room verbal deals weren't enough. They wanted something tangible, in writing, addressed to a Rothschild, before the now "at-war" Americans would actually begin firing.

The 1918 entry of the U.S. turned the tide against Germany and Austria-Hungary, while freeing-up the European Allies to divert forces southward for the eventual Sykes-Picot dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire, and the establishment of the pro-Jewish "British Mandate" over occupied Palestine.

Once the British finally put the dirty deal in writing (Balfour), "neutral" America activated its forces in Europe. With the help of vicious atrocity propaganda, formerly pro-German America turned anti-German overnight!

So you see, the Wilsonian lies that you were taught in high school history about America entering World War I for the noble purpose of "making the world safe for democracy" were all just cooked-up bits of barf. The Allies knew all along that America was destined to enter the war on their side, once the right deals were finalized with the Globo-Zionists bosses who engineered the whole tragedy.

The unfolding of history over the past 100 years makes it clear that Globalism (New World Order) and Zionism were, by pre-meditated design, the big winners from World Wars I & II. Without U.S. entry into the world wars, there would never have been such a thing as "the state of Israel" -- a project which was finally completed in 1948, and has been causing new problems and new wars of expansion ever since.

That's history folks, real history, "spread like butter," as the great World War II historian David Irving would say. And the most sickening part if this tragic historical drama is that it has yet to fully play itself out.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

No one gets to become President of the United States without at least a partial blessing from one of the rival factions that constitute the kosher "powers that be." Unlike some of our brethren in the "conspiracy theory" TM community, Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times, as much as we have supported the campaign of Orange Man, have always cautioned that elements of the ultra-nationalist, anti-Globalist Zionist International have thrown their weight behind Orange Man. The likes of the thoroughly despicable warmongers Sean Hannity, Not-So-Brightbart News, Matt Drudge (cough cough) and Julian Assange work primarily for Bibi Satanyahu, not the American people.

1- "Conceived in Israel," Breitbart News (Image 1 shows original cast posing with Bibi) boasts of its Jewish credentials: "Breitbart was founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel.” -- Breitbart's Jewish CEO Larry Solov -- responding to an attack from the Clinton camp after Orange Man had hired Breitbart's executive chairman Steve Bannon as campaign manager. (here)

2- Orange Man won the endorsement of mega-Zionist Sheldon Adelson (cough cough) -- the casino mogul and "long-time friend" who once suggested that the U.S. drop an atomic bomb in the Iranian desert as a warning shot.

Matt Drudge is a Zionist agent, as are Gentiles Sean Hannity (shown in image 2 viciously attacking peace candidate Ron Paul for being an "isolationist") and Hannity's new friend, Julian Assange --- whose latest "leaks" helped to sink Killary Clinton.

With regard to Orange Man, the question here is not whether or not he will reward his Zionist-Likud backers; but rather: how far will he go to keep them happy? Will he limit the payoff merely to the controversial relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to contested/divided Jerusalem and the killing of any "two-state solution?" Or will Orange Man's Zionist agents, either with or without his consent, set us on the path toward war with Iran? --- an event that would turn into a disaster and certainly derail the expected "bromance" between Putin and Orange Man.

Only time will tell -- but the appointment of a Zionist fanatic who has already, on his own, started talking about "tearing up the Iran deal" and "increasing aid to Israel" -- as Ambassador to Israel is cause for us to tone down our on-again-off-again applause machine for Orange Man. Some excerpts from the article itself, co-authored by Isabel Kershner (cough, cough) and Sheryl Gay Syolberg (cough, cough) are very revealing.

Yentas Kershner & Stolberg tell us about how extreme David Friedman is. You see, only Jews are allowed to write critical articles about other Jews.

Kershner & Stolberg: He is president of the American fund-raising arm for a yeshiva in a settlement deep in the West Bank headed by a militant rabbi who has called for Israeli soldiers to refuse orders to evacuate settlers.

Analysis: Friedman is not content with what was already stolen from the Palestinians. He wants more and more and more.

Kershner & Stolberg: He writes a column for a right-wing Israeli news site in which he has accused President Obama of “blatant anti-Semitism,” dismissed the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, likened a liberal American-Jewish group to “kapos” who cooperated with the Nazis, and said American Jewish leaders “failed” Israel on the Iran nuclear deal.

Analysis: Evidently, even these yentas think Friedman is nuts.

Kershner & Stolberg: Now, David M. Friedman, an Orthodox Jewish bankruptcy lawyer from Long Island, is Donald J. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Israel,..

Analysis: Orthodox, eh? Just like Orange Man's trusted and influential son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Kershner & Stolberg: Their (Trump & Friedman) relationship was cemented in 2005, friends said, when Mr. Trump traveled three hours in a snowstorm to pay a condolence call on Mr. Friedman after the death of his father, a prominent Long Island rabbi.

“He was very taken by Trump spending almost all day just to pay the shiva,” said Yossi Kahana, one of the two friends who described the visit, using the Hebrew term for the week of mourning. “Barely any people came, and here is Trump, coming and sitting with him and talking about things that are important to both of them, their values, their fathers and their legacies.”

Analysis: An admirable gesture on the part of Orange Man, but such personal closeness is not a good sign for the people of Palestine or Iran.

Kershner & Stolberg: A person close to the Trump transition who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the ambassadorship had been negotiated directly between the two men over many months. Mr. Friedman, who donated a total of $50,000 to the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee in 2016, according to federal election records, had been openly saying even before the election that the job — one of the most sensitive and high profile in the diplomatic corps — would be his, according to friends.

Analysis: So, "the ambassadorship had been negotiated directly between the two men?" Since when does the boss "negotiate" with the prospective appointee? And the talks took place "over many months?" That means that the negotiations happened during a time when few believed that Orange Man could win. Perhaps the "two old friends" and other parties unknown (cough cough) knew something in advance that the rest of us did not?

Kershner & Stolberg: Israel’s conservative settlement supporters and their American backers rejoiced at the selection, ...

Analysis: It's true, boys and girls. Orange Man is a hero to the Likudniks of Israel.

Trump has a huge fan club in Israhell!

Kershner & Stolberg: He refers to the West Bank by its biblical name, Judea and Samaria, ...

Analysis: As an "ortho," Friedman literally believes that the Almighty gave him "Judea and Samaria."

Kershner & Stolberg: something hard to imagine his predecessors doing publicly. Upon being nominated Thursday night, he said he looked forward to working “from the U.S. Embassy in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem,” rather than Tel Aviv, where the American Embassy has been for decades, under the State Department’s insistence that the holy city’s status be determined as part of a broader deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

Analysis: Orange Man to the dispossessed Palestinians: "Kiss my New York ass!"

Kershner & Stolberg: Baruch Gordon, the director of development for Bet El Institutions, told Arutz 7 on Friday that it was “proud to be closely associated with Mr. Friedman,” calling him “a pioneer philanthropist and builder of Jewish institutions and housing projects in Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. the ‘West Bank’) and throughout the country.”

Analysis: a "builder of Jewish institutions and housing projects in Judea and Samaria," eh? Ya can't get any more "to the right" than this Zionist!

The ever-interloping ultra-nationalist West Bank "settlers" are the most vicious little demons to be found in all of Jewry -- and, unlike their Globalist brethren, they absolutely love Orange Man.

Brave Orthodox Israeli settlers mock and abuse Arab woman.

Drunken Orthodox Israeli settler to British film crew: "Screw you, you Nazi! We killed your fucking Jesus and we are proud of it. .. This is my land you son of a shit. God gave it to me. ... I'll kill you and the Palestinians. Fuck you, Nazi.... God gave it to me and fuck you." (video here)

Kershner & Stolberg: Mr. Friedman’s connections to Israel date back to his bar mitzvah at the Western Wall.

Analysis: Friedman is not really going to be America's Ambasador to Israel, but rather, Israel's Ambasador to Israel. Talk about "rigged," eh Orange Man?

Kershner & Stolberg: A senior Palestinian cleric, Sheikh Ikrama Sabri, said during Friday Prayers that if Mr. Friedman managed to move the embassy to Jerusalem, “the U.S. is declaring a new war on the Palestinians and all Muslim Arabs.”

Analysis: What does Orange Man care about offending Muslims? Pardon the liberalese-sounding lingo here; but anti-Muslim bigotry won Orange Man a whole lot of FOXtard voters.

Kershner & Stolberg: Daniel C. Kurtzer, who served President George W. Bush as ambassador to Israel from 2001 to 2005, was alarmed by the appointment.

“He has made clear that he will appeal to a small minority of Israeli — and American — extremists, ignoring the majority of Israelis who continue to seek peace,” .... “Friedman’s appointment as ambassador runs directly contrary to Mr. Trump’s professed desire to make the ‘ultimate deal’ between Israelis and Palestinians.”

Analysis: Orange Man knows damn well that without the Zio crazies and their formidable apparatus in his corner, he would never have been able to overcome the pro-Killary Marxist-Globalist faction of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class). Let us hope that the political payback will be limited "only" to the sellout of the poor Palestinians, and not to a new collision course with Iran.

But if Orange Man, on the basis of some future false-flag attack, decides to start the usual crap with peaceful Iran, count on the The Anti-New York Times to write some really nasty stuff about him.

And Orange Man, if you're reading, be assured that if and when your "long-time friend," is faced with a choice between serving your interests or those of Satanyahu's ghoulish gang, you will be outmaneuvered and dumped like a red-hot matzah-ball quicker than you say, "Oy vey!" And the same goes for that snake-in-the-grass Orthodox son-in-law of yours.

Ivanka had to convert to Orthodox Jewry in order to marry fellow billionaire Jared Kushner. The influence of the young couple on Orange Man is common knowledge, as is the affection that Bibi "9/11 was good for Israel" Satanyahu and Orange Man have for each other.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Apart from being great films, the 1972 classic, The Godfather, and the 1974 sequel, The Godfather II, are very educational and useful to "conspiracy theorists". Indeed, the universally recognized logo for The Godfather depicts the hand of a puppet-master "pulling the strings". The parallels between the film and real-life geo-politics are striking. There are False-Flag attacks (Roth's deliberately botched assassination attempt of Frank Pentangeli); Color Revolutions (Tom Hagen's threat to stir up Union problems if Johnny Fontaine doesn't get a movie role); phony defectors (Luca Brasi sent to infiltrate the Tataglia family); traitors (Carlo setting up Sonny to be killed), deliberate stand-downs (Paulie the body-guard calling out sick just before Don Corleone is shot), as well as blackmail, bought & paid for politicians, cops, and journalists, assassinations and more.

Understand The Godfather and understand the world. Understand the relationship between the powerful gangster named Barzini and his lower-ranking front-man, Tattaglia, and you will understand the dynamic at work between "Godfather" Obongo and his underling, Al Sharpton. Of course, Obongo himself has his own puppet-masters, but let's just keep this one simple.

The Tattaglia Mafia Family had been waging a brutal mob war against the Corleone family. After the Family 'Dons' lose their respective eldest sons, a "sit-down" of the warring parties is arranged. Presiding over the peace talks is Don Barzini who is, by all appearances, a neutral third party. However, during the meeting of the heads of the 'Five Families'. Barzini seems to favor the cause of the Tattaglias (to introduce drug trafficking to Mafia activities).

After the peace is made and the approval for trading in drugs is established, Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) and his 'consigliere' (adviser) Tom Hagen (Robert Duval) are shown discussing the matter in the back seat of a car. The dialogue is priceless, and makes for one of the most memorable and iconic lines of the film:

Hagen: When I meet with Tattaglia's men, should I insist all their drug middlemen have clean records.

Corleone: Mention it. But don't insist. Barzini is a man who will know that without being told.

Hagen (confused): You mean Tattaglia.

Corleone: Tattaglia is a pimp. He never could have outfought Santino. But I didn't know until this day that it was Barzini all along.

After the round-table meeting, Don Corleone realizes that Don Tattaglia was just a front man for Don Barzini

What a film! But back to the subject at hand - Obongo's murderous race war against Whites and the related effort to Federalize the nation's police. As even the most dim-witted Boobus Americanus is aware by now, the Unreverend Al Charlatan and his incendiary bull-horn have incited Black mobs to violence in in Sanford, FL (St. Trayvon Martin affair), Ferguson, MO (St. Michael Brown Affair), New York (St. Eric Garner Affair) and, most recently, Baltimore, MD (St. Freddie Gray Affair).


Though most folks are indeed aware of Sharpton's (and others) prominent role in the worsening situation, "Don Barzini" in the White House remains untouched. Part of this is the result of the Marxist Media's (the ultimate 'Godfathers'!) protection of Obongo, but much of it has to do with Obongo's own cunning use of "buffers" (as mobster Willie Cicci describes in GodFather II).

Here is "the bottom line":
Since the installation of Obongo, Al 'Tattaglia' Charlatan has visited Barack 'Barzini' Obongo's White House more than 70 times, including 5 one-on-one meetings and 20 meetings with Senior staff members! (here)

Obongo can turn the racial tension and cop-killing on or off with the snap of his fingers. This is what Boobus Americanus fails to see. Let's start with the justified self-defense killing of the drugged-up burglarizing thug Trayvon Martin, and the unjust persecution of George Zimmerman down in Sanford, Florida. From CNN:

Florida: "U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to speak at an annual convention of the Rev. Al Sharpton's group, in which Trayvon Martin was a key issue, has been widely panned as a political ploy.

But maybe, just maybe, it's also evidence that the tamer version of the civil rights leader that we've seen in recent years -- the syndicated radio host, the MSNBC personality, the White House adviser -- is enjoying broader legitimacy these days.

"It certainly is a sign of Sharpton's very close relationship with the White House," said Boyce Watkins, a political analyst and Syracuse University economist."

Holder is a buffer for Obongo. Without his blessing, the circus in Florida would never have gotten off the ground.

Let's go to Ferguson, MO, where a drugged-up, 6'4", 300 pound thug Michael Brown tried to murder a White cop with his bare hands. From the New York Post:

"The Rev. Al Sharpton is the White House’s man on the ground in Ferguson.

The 59-year-old Sharpton has become a key adviser to President Obama on race issues, according to Politico, and is acting as his liaison in the racially charged St. Louis suburb, where the police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown led to days of riots."

Can Obongo's role in the Ferguson disaster possible be any more obvious than that?

Let's go to New York, where, we must concede, that it does appear that the police should have eased up on a standard choke-hold when the obese suspect, Eric Garner, cried out before his heart-attack, "I can't breathe". Nonetheless, it matters not to the professional race-agitators if a particular event is a legitimate case of excessive force, or not.

From the New York Post:

"WASHINGTON — He never leaves home without him.

Bill de Blasio and “Co-Mayor” Al Sharpton are joined at the hip in New York, so why not in Washington?

De Blasio and the race-baiting Rev met with President Obama and other clergy, cops and pols Monday about “simmering” tensions between the police and minorities across the United States.

Sharpton, a White House regular under Obama, got a prime seat at the table — directly facing the president — during the two-hour session at the Eisenhower Office Building."

Two weeks after the Sharpton - de Blasio - Obongo summit, with New York City on edge due to the stand-down orders which de Blasio had issued to police in regard to the ongoing "spontaneous protests", Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, murdered two police officers in what he himself had previously said was going to be a revenge killing. The tragic shooting forced Sharpton and de Blasio to shut-up and fade away for the time being. They have yet to recover from the bad publicity, but Obongo the untouchable remains unscathed!

Let's go to Baltimore, MD, where a drug dealer named Freddie Gray killed himself in the back of a police van by banging his head and then falling against a steel door handle. In that case, Al Charlatan showed up after the protests and riots had already been triggered. The main fire-starter in Baltimore was Malik Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party.

From the Associated Press:

April 26: Freddie Gray protests turn violent in Baltimore

“One of the protest’s organizers, Malik Shabazz, the president of Black Lawyers for Justice, said the crowd exceeded their expectations, adding that protesters’ anger is not surprising.

'This is a problem that has not been solved,’ he said. ‘When there’s no justice, they tend to want to take matters into their own hands.’”

By necessity, Shabazz's ties to the White House have to be buried beneath many buffering layers. Compared to Shabazz, Sharpton seems reasonable! But he too has been a visitor to the White House, back in 2009 when Obongo and Eric Holder were busy getting two of his Panthers 'off the hook' for blatant voter intimidation of elderly Whites in Philadelphia. Shabazz and his associates had openly appeared and marched with then-Senator Obongo back in 2007.

The pattern of these events is unmistakable. Here's the template:

Step 1: An "incident" takes place. The media hypes it.

Step 2: Professional agitators arrive to stage "peaceful protests". The media hypes it. Locals join in.

Step 3: Professional agitators visit the White House and obtain Obongo's tacit blessing. The media downplays this part.

Step 4: The protests turn violent. The media hypes it. Innocent Whites are attacked or murdered as the media covers it up.

Step 5: Obongo Barzini calls for calm as he makes a moral equivalence between the rioters and the cops.

Step 6a: Boobus FOXus Americanus blames Al Sharpton.

Step 6b: Boobus CNNus Libtardus blames "racism" and the police.

Meanwhile, the "calm and cool", the "fair and impartial" Obongo, just like Barzini, stays above it all as more and more people die under his invisible hand.

"Sharpton is a pimp. It was Obongo all along."

....and Soros!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Amazing, isn't it? Even in the midst of their own Jewish-engineered slow motion genocide by immigration and the lowest birth rates on Planet Earth, the de-balled and de-moralized Germans are still whipping themselves over the "Holocaust" TM -- an event which never happened. Hence, it is often referred to by those of us in-the-know as, "the Holohoax." Let's clean up some of this filth vomited out by Alison Smale -- New York Slimes bureau chief in Berlin.

Hazmat suits and goggles on -- into Sulzberger's cesspool we go:

The 100 year old pre-planned genocide of the Aryans is entering its final stage -- as suicidal Germans still whine and self-flagellate over the Holohoax.

Smale: Berlin -- The exhibition, which opened late last month, confronts the mass murder of Jews and other minorities after the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941. For all the attention paid to the past here, this display is the first in Germany to focus solely on those executions of more than two million people.

Rebuttal: It's interesting. The Soviets themselves, who helped to orinate the Holohoax by issuing a report on their "findings" at Auschwitz on the very day of Germany's unconditional surrender (so that the gagged Germans would not be able to respond to the ridiculous allegations), never mentioned these "two million" outside-of-concentration-camp executions.

Smale: Their bodies fell into pits, which were then covered and left as anonymous mass graves?

Rebuttal: Where are these "mass graves?" Why were they never dug up and shown to the world for propaganda purposes.

Smale: This “Holocaust of the Bullets,” as it has come to be known, is deeply familiar to citizens of the former Soviet Union, particularly in Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics and large parts of western Russia.

Rebuttal: “Holocaust of the bullets,” --- LOL! Who writes this corny crap? Steven Spielberg?

There were indeed cases of German SS carrying out executions in the field. But what Smales won't tell you is that the "victims" were Red & Jewish partisan terrorists. These were the same types that committed genocide against anti-communist Russians during the civil war of just 20 years before. Because of their brutality against German soldiers and Russian civilians alike, they were not treated as standard Prisoners of War, but were often executed as war criminals instead.

Smales: In Germany, however, the mass shootings are less known than the gas chambers and horrors of Auschwitz, Treblinka and other camps in Nazi-occupied Poland.

Rebuttal: The reason that "the Holocaust of the Bullets" is "less known than the gas chambers" is that this fictitious mass-shooting of two million Jews was only recently invented. You see, because the "6 million" TM dead in the "gas chambers" TM fairy tale is becoming logistically unsustainable, the ever-reducing concentration camp death tolls have to be made up somewhere else in order to keep the number at "6 million" TM.

Smales: At the opening of the exhibit, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier used the occasion to link the past and the present. Since 2014, with the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, Europe has again had to face “the question of war and peace,” Mr. Steinmeier said.

Rebuttal: Notice the subtle, non-spoken linkage of The Great One (past) to Putin (the present) -- a damn fine compliment to Putin in our book!

Smales: He said nine towns that he had visited in the past year in Ukraine and the region lost more than 180,000 inhabitants during the Nazi invasion.

Rebuttal: Actually, many people in the Ukraine region, and Russia proper itself were overjoyed when the Germans invaded! Germany's "winning of the hearts and minds" began to change when Soviet leaders Stalin and Kaganovich (cough, cough) ordered false-flag atrocity attacks against his own people.

Smales: In these “wounded landscapes” of “the forgotten Holocaust,” Mr. Steinmeier said, “this exhibit removes the layers and brings to light, layer by layer, the details of a past which is not just an eastern one, but also ours. Without consciousness of those layers under the landscape, we Germans can never do justice -- .... “We Germans know the stories and the scars much less well than we like to think.”

Rebuttal: "We Germans" did this. "We Germans" did that. Get off your damn knees, man! Sickening.

Smales: The special show — “Mass Shootings: The Holocaust From the Baltic to the Black Sea 1941-1944” — was mounted in cooperation with the foundation behind the nearby Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe.

Rebuttal: Dadgummit! Jews, Jews, Jews. Did no else die in World War II? Can we at least get a "shout-out" for the 1 million actual German civilians bombed and burned to death during the war? Or the many millions killed by starvation, disease and mass execution after the war?

Smales: At the entrance, a map shows 722 places where more than 500 people were killed by the Nazis’ firing squads. “The map illustrates how bitter the history is, and how difficult it was to mount this exhibit,” Mr. Nachama said.

Rebuttal: If you know where these 722 killing fields are, then where are the 2,000,000 skeletal remains? Hmmmm?

Smales: To judge by the solemn and attentive visitors viewing the exhibit on the first Sunday it was open, early this month, it hits home with foreigners and Germans alike.

Rebuttal: Having visited, just out of curiosity, various museum exhibits with "politically correct" themes (Modern Art, Evolution, Smithsonian etc.), your observant reporter here is always struck and humored by the odd way in which obedient libtards will suddenly turn all "solemn and attentive" whenever in the presence of puffed-up crap -- as if they are at a church funeral mass or something. Such frickin' weirdos! It's enough to make one want to gulp down a can of beans and a dozen or so Brussels Sprouts a few hours before visiting the exhibit -- just to add a bit of musical comic relief to the oh-so "solemn and attentive" proceedings.

The uptight "solemn and attentive" German sheeple who worship this commie crap could use a good wake call.

Smales: Joshua Bagetti, 27, an electrician visiting from Brisbane, Australia, seemed dazed.

Rebuttal: "Seemed dazed" --- See what I mean?

Smales: He was, he said, stunned to see how rapidly the Nazis had invaded “and how far down south they went” — through the Caucasus to bump up practically against the Middle East.

Rebuttal: Well Josh, allow us to un-stun you by schooling you on a fact of history that you'll not hear about in some Jewish-inspired "exhibit." The Great One ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union to preempt Stalin's imminent invasion and enslavement of Europe. You do know who Stalin was, and what he did, right? Probably not.

Smales: Three 20-year-olds from around Cologne who were in Berlin for job training included the exhibit in their plans for their visit, said Christine Gronemann, one of the three. .... their lessons did make one thing plain, she said: “It was very clearly stated that Nazism, and everything to do with it, is not good.”

Rebuttal: "Nazism" (a term invented by Jewish propagandists) is "not good." -- such a profound analysis from the no-doubt "solemn and attentive" 20-year old Christine.

Smales: Being taught about the Holocaust, and Germany’s guilt, is a ritual of adolescence here. Students visit former concentration camps or memorials to smaller camps. If a school and its community can manage it, students go to Israel. Holocaust survivors, their numbers dwindling, are honored guests at German schools.

Rebuttal: That entire sentence just makes us want to cry. Pure child abuse.

Students throughout Germany, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe generally do not learn how to think critically, and in many cases, graduate deficient in reading, writing, arithmetic, history, geography etc. ----- but they sure so know all about the "Holocaust" TM!

Smales: Margot Friedlander, 94, is one such survivor. Born in Berlin, she was hidden by Germans from 1943 to 1944 and then deported to Theresienstadt, the camp north of Prague where she met her future husband, Adolf Friedlander.

Rebuttal: So, Margot met the man who later become her husband in a concentration camp. Interesting. Did she first bump into him in "zee gas chamber?" -- "Hey baby. You come here often?"

Smales: A rabbi married them in spring 1945 in Theresienstadt, and the next year they left for New York, ....

Rebuttal: Say what?! --- Mighty kind of those big bad Germans to allow rabbis to marry young interned Jewish couples, even in the closing months of the war when all was lost and you'd think the Germans would be at their most vindictive. Doesn't that sort of contradict the official narrative of a genocidal campaign against the interned Jews? Just sayin'.

Smales: After he died in 1997, she started writing her memoir, eventually published in German.

Rebuttal: Cha ching! Cha-ching! Cha-ching! Ah, show us the shekels Margot, show us the shekels.

Smales: That led to a trip to Berlin, and a decision to stay. Visiting schools is perhaps the most important part of her new life, she said, “because they are the future.”

Rebuttal: Oh what demonic glee this old yenta must derive from corrupting the grandchildren and great grandchildren of the kind German people who had, in the decades before World War I, treated the Jews so well -- only to later be repaid by the widespread Jewish / Marxist / Zionist treason which lost the war for Germany. (See "The Bad War" by yours truly)

Smales: In this respect, did Hitler’s efforts to mold German culture triumph? Not if you listen to Ms. Friedlander, who has faith in the young. “What was, was,” she said. Now, “they are the ones who must shape society.”

Translation: "We Jews have trained the youth of Germany to commit suicide, and like it!"

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today of a museum exhibit in Berlin about the "Holocaust by Bullets" -- the little known mass executions of 2 million Jews, committed mainly in the fields of the Soviet Union.

Boobus Americanus 2: Yes. I read that piece. It is said that German visitors to the exhibit were very "solemn and attentive".

Image of a cat butt

Editor: Sugar!!!!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Harvey Weinstein (cough cough), is one of the moguliest of moguls in the history of Hollyweird. For decades, his credentials, rap-sheet protected him from long-whispered allegations of running a "casting couch" for ambitious young starlets looking for their big break, or just hoping to survive in Perverttown.

Jewish-Globalist-Zionist-Billionaire-Hollywood legend, Democrat Party mega donor, Holohoax promoter -- a true "made man" sitting at or near the apex of the Jewish power pyramid over America. And now, thanks to the shocking exposes published by Sulzberger's Slimes, the world is finally seeing the full extent of Weinstein's predatory madness.

There is no telling how many goy "shiksas" this Satanic swine couched or forced himself upon.

And the "casting couch" is only the least of it. Multiple allegations of rape, exposure & masturbation, and implied threats against potential whistle blowers are suddenly flowing forth from all quarters and being splattered across the front pages and TV screens of the Piranha Press. Though Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times are pleased to see this MONSTER finally get his long overdue comeuppance, there is a vexing question that stumped us, for a little while, namely, "Why now?"

Who ordered the "hit" on Harvey Weinstein?

Why did King Sulzberger and his court suddenly take down King Weinstein? The truth was buried for so long, why not continue to cover up for a fellow Tribesman of high rank? Did Harvey expose himself to the wrong girl or something? Is there a higher ranking mobster that big mouth Swinestein disrespected? There has to be a reason for this "hit" because only a big Jew can take down another big Jew. It's a Mafia thing. And Weinstein appears to understand this.

Headline: Daily Mail (UK)
EXCLUSIVE: Hillary supporter Harvey Weinstein thinks a 'right wing conspiracy out to get me' is reason he has been revealed as serial sexual harasser (here)

According to the article, Weinstein believes he was “being set up by a team of people who are out to get him. "Nobody is claiming that the New York Times spent any money to get this story done but other organisations may have done,” a source told the Daily Mail.

If Weinstein is right about a "right wing conspiracy" taking him down, and the New York Times running with the story only because it was going to come out through other channels anyway, then what we are likely seeing here is a repeat of the Monica Lewinsky sex-scandal which Israel and US-based Israel Firsters used to impeach President Bill Clinton back in 1998. That operation was also referred to as "a vast right wing conspiracy" by then First Lady Killary Rotten Clinton. You see, the term "right wing conspiracy" is code language for Bibi Satanyahoo's gang. No one dares to say "Israel!"

Satanyahoo hated the Clintons for trying to force Israel to make a peace deal with the Palestinians. The current play against Democrat-Globalist King Weinstein strikes a similar blow against the Democrats -- punishment for the Party's support of the "Iran Deal" and Palestinian peace initiatives.

Here's the "smoking gun."

Headline: Breitbart (March 25, 2015): Obama Lackey, Anti-Israel Propagandist Weinstein Honored for Fighting Anti-Semitism (here)

"Hearing Weinstein speak regarding the need to fight anti-Semitism is particularly galling, given that both he and Katzenberg heavily supported wildly anti-Israel President Obama in both 2008 and 2012.

Weinstein himself is fine with purveying anti-Semitism in films he supports. He produced and distributed Miral, an anti-Semitic diatribe straight from the Palestinian playbook. American Jewish Committee executive director David Harris said the film was a “blatantly one-sided event— the film has a clear political message, which portrays Israel in a highly negative light.” Weinstein then used his Jewish birth to defend the film, which uses every anti-Israel trope in the book. The Forward described the film thusly:

[T]he Israelis depicted onscreen — soldiers bulldozing homes and countering rock-throwing with machine-gun fire, wardens whipping political prisoners and settlers building homes in Arab population centers because, as one character puts it, “what they really want is all of Palestine” — don’t necessarily come across as the peace-seeking sort.

Weinstein, however, said that the film was wonderful.

Globalist Weinstein's "controversial" film, "Miral," portrayed Palestinians in a sympathetic way. That's a big no-no for the ultra-Zionist Likudnik scum at Bannon's Breitbart.

As it was with the Lewinsky scandal, we see Bibi's agents in the American "right" foaming at the mouth over Weinstein's take-down. Sean Hannity, FAUX News, The Drudge Retard, the "conservative" clowns of AM Talk-Radio, and Steve Bannon's boys at Israeli Not-So-Brightbart are all fuming overtime over this scandal. With the story already having been put together by sources unknown, there was nothing the Slimes could have done to protect Harvey from Satanyahoo's henchmen anymore. In fact, there may even be elements within the Slimes itself (or above the Slimes?) who are aligned with Satanyahoo on this operation.

Israeli asset Matt Drudge (cough cough) was used as a conduit for taking down Bill Clinton. According to Weinstein, "right wing conspirators" actually had put all the pieces together before the Slimes ran with the story.

It's not that Swinestein is "anti-Israel," -- far from it. But because he, like George Soros, like the Clintons and like Mr. & Mr. Obongo, leans toward the Globalist Left -- which Likud Party types see as an impediment to their ultra nationalist expansionism -- Globalist Weinstein got himself on Zionist Satanyahoo's hit list. Jew on Jew -- Zionist Mafia Family vs Globalist Mafia Fanily. It's really high-level greaseball "Kosher Nostra" stuff.

The ongoing Israeli-engineered crack-up of the Demoncrat-Republican't Globalist Establishment, ordered by Satanyahoo and tactically engineered by Israeli asset Steve Bannon, will likely take down more Globalists, of both parties, in the months and years to come, thus benefiting Donald Trumpstein greatly. But the higher purpose isn't just about "making America Great Again" (if it ever was that, at all) -- but rather, making Israel Greater.

Bottom Line: Jewish brother Weinstein was sacrificed, for Greater Israel. It's not personal, Harvey. It's strictly business.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that more women are accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment.

Boobus Americanus 2: It's amazing how this could have been going on for so long without him being exposed.

Sugar: Ssatanyahoo played this beautifully.

Editor: Maybe the Kosher Nostra will weaken itself through in-fighting.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Alhough the Globalist CIA agents who almost always win the "prestigious" Nobel Peace Prize are instantly puffed-up on the front page of Sulzberger's Slimes; Nobel Laureates in the scientific or literary fields are generally confined to the inner pages. This is not the case with 2015's Literature winner - Svetlana Alexievich of Belarussia (small allied "sister state" of Russia).

Far from being back-paged, Ms. Alexievich is prominently plastered smack-dab in the center of the all-important front page. News of her victory has also been prominently mentioned by the TV talking heads of America and vassaled Europe. This is unusual for two reasons. First of all, she's not an American. Why such hype over a Belarussian? Secondly, her works are not even widely read in English - the de facto "international language". So, what's up with the sudden shout-out for Sveltana? Moreover, why was the Nobel Prize for Literature even awarded to a non-fiction writer in the first place? That hasn't happened in 50 years!

Liitle known Svetlana of little known Belarussia was suddenly immortalized by the Cool Kids Club of the West.

The astute and discerning real intellectuals who read The Anti-New York Times will have already deduced a theory behind the unusual and overnight hyping of the previously unknown Ms. Alexievich. Excerpts from the article itself will serve to confirm those suspicions - as they did for your rat-smelling reporter and his rat-killing feline sidekick here.

Check out these excerpts, and our analysis:

Excerpt: Ms. Alexievich often took risks by taking on contentious elements of Soviet history and challenging the official narrative.

Analysis: Well, the old Soviets were not exactly choir boys. Criticizing the old regime wouldn't necessarily make her a traitor. Continue.

Excerpt: She was seen as a traitor, as unpatriotic,” said Gerald Howard, the executive editor at Doubleday. He published Ms. Alexievich’s book “Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices From a Forgotten War,” about the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the trauma experienced by the Russian soldiers and their families. The title refers to the zinc coffins that dead Russian soldiers were sent home in. “She was vilified all over the place for this book,” he said, “and she didn’t back down for a second."

Analysis: Red flag! Alarm bells! In 1979. the Soviets were baited into Afghanistan after a CIA rent-an-army (just like the "rebels" in Syria) overthrew a non-aligned government and set up a hostile regime on Russia's border. This is not to defend the old USSR, but any Soviet writer who cast blame on their own country for the Jimmy Carter-Zbig Brzezinski proxy war in Afghanistan, was, in fact, a traitor to her country.

Instead of blaming Carter, Brzezinski and the Globalists for the suffering caused by the proxy Afghan War "bear trap" against Russia, seditious Svetlana blamed her own country.

Excerpt: Because of her criticism of the government in Belarus, a former Soviet republic, Ms. Alexievich has periodically lived abroad, in Italy, France, Germany and Sweden, among other places.

Analysis: So, long after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, this bitch is still a causing trouble by criticizing the Putin-friendly government of Belarus, from outside the country. Interesting.

Excerpt: In a 2013 interview with German television, she said she hoped the international attention would give her “a degree of protection” in Belarus, where press freedom is under constant threat.

Analysis: Ah, yes. The old "freedom of the press" and "human rights" routine.

Excerpt: "The scope and consistency of her project is unique — the sheer number of people whose stories she’s been able to record,” the writer Keith Gessen, who translated her book about Chernobyl into English, said in an email.

Analysis: Keith Gessen (cough-cough) translated one of her books? Gessen? He wouldn't perhaps be related to Masha Gessen -- the militant lesbian author of a best-selling anti-Putin book who openly stated that she wants to abolish the institution of marriage and traditional family? Nah. It's just a coincidence. But just in case, let us Google: 'Keith Gessen'.

Result: Wikipedia: Russian-born American novelist --- Harvard --- Sibling: Masha Gessen

Excerpt: Some see an obvious political message in the Nobel committee’s choice. Ms. Alexievich’s honor arrives at a moment when Russia is once again flexing its military muscles, in Ukraine and in Syria. In choosing Ms. Alexievich, the Swedish committee continued a long tradition of using the award to tweak Soviet and now post-Soviet authority.

Analysis: Bingo! There it is! It's always about politics with the Nobel crowd.

Excerpt: On Thursday, Belarus’s President, Aleksandr G. Lukashenko, who has been a frequent target of Ms. Alexievich’s writing, issued a terse congratulatory note.

Analysis: Double Bingo! The Globalists hate President Lukashenko almost as much as they do President Putin.

Excerpt: At a news conference after her award was announced, Ms. Alexievich pointedly referred to Russia’s actions in Ukraine as “occupation.”

Analysis: "Here's your Nobel Prize -- and your check for $972,000 (here)--- now do your thing, baby!"

Excerpt: The spokesman for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Dmitri S. Peskov, dismissed Ms. Alexievich’s critique of Russian military aggression. “Apparently, Svetlana just doesn’t have enough information to offer a clear evaluation of what is happening in Ukraine.”

Analysis: Oh we beg to differ on that, Mr. Peskov. Diplomacy may preclude a gentelemen such as yourself from saying so, but not us. This vile villainette, this traitorous tramp, this betraying bitch, has all the information -- as do the greasy Globalists of Nobel, and as do the sleazy scribblers of Sulzberger's Slimes.


The Globalist message to the intellectual class of Belarussia, but mainly Russia itself is clear: "If you can somehow get rid of this Putin fellow and rejoin the Cool Kids Club of the West; then fame and fortune will be yours. Just look what we did for that useless hack Svetlana Alexievich!" This anti Putin, anti-Russian obsession is really getting more and more ridiculous by the hour -- and more and more ominous as well.

Boobus Americanus 1: A Belarussian woman was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

Boobus Americanus 2: I saw that. She took a shot at Putin during her news conference. Brave woman.

"Bravery hass nothing to do with it, cretin! It wass a frickin' sset up!"

(I'm afraid the conspiracy cat is right again.)

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Never let it be said that "the powers-that-be" (cough cough) do not reward their loyal goy agents generously. Here we are, more than a half-century after Winston Churchill, that vile, bumbling, drunken, cigar-chomping, lying, scheming, plagiarizing, sodomizing, warmongering, genocidal blob of human feces departed for hell -- and he is still being glorified on the big screen for the next degeneration of boobs to worship.

Hazmat suits and goggles on, boys and girls. Let's dive into Sulzberger's cesspool to review the review of Darkest Hour - Hollyweird's latest homage to the demonic beast we call, "The British Mad Dog."

The Darkest Hour reinforces the big lie of Churchill the Great, but The British Mad Dog, by yours truly (available at Amazon) will give it to you straight!

Slimes Review: In the late spring of 1940, German forces invaded Belgium and France ...

Rebuttal: The reader is left to assume that the big bad Germans were just rampaging throughout Western Europe for the fun of it. Omitted detail here: The review fails to mention the fact that "neutral" Belgium and Holland -- both members of "The League of Nations" -- were conspiring to facilitate a British / French invasion of Germany.

Slimes Review: ... and pushed most of the British army onto a beach in the French coastal town of Dunkirk.

Rebuttal: And what exactly were those 300,000 British troops doing massed along the Belgian and Dutch borders? Vacationing?

Slimes Review: Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister best known (then and still) for his policy of appeasing Hitler, was replaced by Winston Churchill, ...

Rebuttal: (sighing) The true "appeaser" during this tragic period was bloody Churchill. It was his obedient appeasement of his Jewish masters (Rothschild, Baruch, Strakosh, Lindemann et al) that blocked the more sensible elements of the British government from making peace with The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies and normies) before the minor war turned into a global bloodbath.

Slimes Review: Considered as history, “Darkest Hour,” ... offers the public a few new insights and details about the practice of statecraft in a time of crisis. Churchill is disliked by many of his colleagues in the Conservative Party (notably Chamberlain and his vulpine sidekick, Viscount Halifax) and distrusted by King George VI.

Rebuttal: True. Churchill was disliked, even despised, by many in Britain.

Slimes Review: The political situation is shaky, the military reports dire. The new prime minister, a man of large emotions and larger appetites, who drinks whiskey with breakfast and is rarely without a cigar, is plagued by frustration and doubt as he tries to navigate between two bad options. Will Britain enter into a ruinous war or submit to humiliating and most likely temporary peace on terms dictated by Hitler?

Rebuttal: Far from demanding "submission" to a "humiliating peace," The Great One was prepared to withdraw from all occupied territory without Britain having to concede a thing. To this end, The Great One enlisted Italian leader Benito Mussolini (not in the war at that time) to negotiate a peace between Germany and Great Britain. The proposal for a "sit down" with Mussolini was delivered by Italian Ambassador to the UK, Giuseppe Bastianini -- it being fully understood that any offer of peace would not be disadvantageous to Britain.

Slimes Review: The contours of this story are reasonably familiar. .... Churchill himself is among the most revered and studied figures of 20th-century history: a synonym for leadership; a great man in an age of monsters; a source of pithy quotations, some of which he actually said; an example to be cited by political mediocrities in need of an ego boost.

Rebuttal: What barf! Dating back to his first term as Lord of the Admiralty during World War I, Churchill was an abject failure in every government position he ever held. And as far as "monsters" go, no one relished death, war, human suffering and bloodshed more that the British Mad Dog. Here are a few of the "pithy quotations" which "he actually said" that don't even begin to reveal the depths of this monster's perverted blood-lust:


"I think a curse should rest on me — because I love this war. I know it's smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment — and yet — I can't help it — I enjoy every second of it." - 1916 (writing of WW 1)
"No compromise on the main purpose; no peace till victory; no pact with unrepentant wrong -- that is the Declaration of July 4th, 1918." (speaking against calls for a negotiated truce with Germany)


I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.
There is one thing that will bring Hitler down, and that is an absolutely devastating exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland.
We never thought of peace, not even in that year when we were completely isolated and could have made peace without serious detriment to the British Empire. Why should we think of it now, when victory approaches for the three of us? (Letter to Stalin)
"I want proposals for "basting the Germans on their retreat from Breslau." (January 1945, 3 weeks before the genocidal firebombing of the civilians of Dresden)

Evil, sick bastard!

The rest of the movie review, which was written by Slimes film critic, A.O. Scott (cough cough on mom's side) deals not so much with Fake History, but rather, the film itself. Though still acknowledging Churchill as a "great man," Scott actually downgrades Darkest Hour for its excessive hero worship of Churchill. Yes, even for the Slimes chief film critic, the sanctification of the British Mad Dog was a bit too much.

In closing, we leave our readers with a pair of filmed quotes from the rotten old monster himself -- which we only just recently discovered. Those pro-Brexit British "conservatives" who worship "patriot" Churchill while condemning the European Union really need to read and then see this.


"We must recreate the European family in a regional structure called it may be the United States of Europe. ... If at first, all the states of Europe are not willing or able to join the union, we must nevertheless proceed assemble and combine those who will and those who can."
"This indispensable structure of regional groupings is coming into being. ... In this way alone, can the skeletal structure of world government be clothed with the flesh and blood of a living organism and the acts of state be confirmed by the passionate heartbeats of millions of men."

Boobus Americanus 1: There's a new movie out about Winston Churchill. It centers around his battle with the appeasers who wanted to surrender to Hitler.

Boobus Americanus 2: Had it not been for Churchill's iron will, we'd all be speaking German now.

Sugar: Boobuss, another year older and you're sstill jusst as frickin' ignorant as ever!

Happy New Year, boys and girls!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

It never ceases to amaze and amuse how the seditious scribblers at Sulzberger's Slimes will always find some creative way to take the most seemingly unrelated topics and link back to the "Holocaust" TM. In this case, it was Valentine's Day. Get a load of this Marxist mush:

"On Valentine’s Day, couples often reminisce about that moment they knew they would stay together, whether during a vacation, over a fancy dinner or, perhaps, while meeting their future in-laws.

For Isaac and Rosa Blum, who became teenage sweethearts 75 years ago in a ghetto in Nazi-occupied Poland, that moment came as they and thousands of other terrified Jews were being herded to a death camp by Nazi soldiers."

lay it again, Ira ... and again.. and again .. and again..

The Slimes writer with the Irish-as-can-be name, Corey Kilgannon, though clearly not a Tribesmen, evidently understands all too well from whence his bagel is buttered. If he keeps this up, can a Pultizer Prize be in his near future? Let's dig into a few excerpts of Corey's corny comedy.


Kilgannon: “I saw her walking in front of me,” Mr. Blum recalled. “I went up to the German and told him, ‘That’s my sister,’ even though she was my girlfriend.”

Rebuttal: So, the evil "Nazi" TM allowed Mr. Blum to walk with a girl he thought was his sister, thus saving her from going to a "death camp." That was nice of him.

Kilgannon: Miraculously, they were both pulled off the line and managed to survive the Holocaust by working as slave laborers in a munitions factory.

Rebuttal: "Miraculously," eh? Ever notice how every story about Holocaust TM "survival" includes the word, "miraculous." Dear Corey. What was so "miraculous" about being sent to a labor camp? Wasn't that the whole purpose of the internment camps? The real "miracle" here is that after 70+ years, people still fall for this crap.

Kilgannon: He is 94, and she is a year younger. Asked to recount their lengthy love affair, they noted the absurdity of couching it — a romance incubated in the hell of the Holocaust — in the frilly trappings of Valentine’s Day.

Rebuttal: If life was such "hell" in the factory camp, then how did the Blums manage to carry on dating and smooching? And, as evidenced by the 3,000 babies born at Auschwitz alone (here) (some conceived after internment), they may very well have done a whole lot more than just smooch, if you catch my drift. These various camps sound more like modern day college campuses than "hell."

Kilgannon (quoting Mr. Blum on the paradoxical elements of the story): “You have a mixed story here — you won’t be able to put them together,”

Rebuttal: Oh ya got that right, Blumie! We can't "put it together" how you and so many hundreds of thousands of other "survivors" were able to walk out of this "Nazi genocide" alive and well, and, in many cases, with a sweetheart on your arm and a frickin' baby in hers!

Kilgannon: It was young, bold love that prodded him to stand up to a Nazi guard and save his sweetheart ....

Rebuttal: Let it not be said that Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times are lacking in romantic sentiments, however ...

Kilgannon: ...from being sent to the Treblinka death camp.

Rebuttal: The Treblinka "death camp" in Poland was discovered by the Soviets. We only "know" that is was an "extermination camp" because Joe Stalin's "commission" and some of the Communists and Jews housed there said so.

Kilgannon: A hasty marriage followed, ....

Rebuttal: So, the big bad "Nazis" TM allowed their captives to get married under their watch, eh? A paradoxical "mixed story" that we cannot "put together" indeed!

Kilgannon: ... and then a horrific honeymoon of sorts: stealing glances and brief exchanges under the stern watch of armed guards.

Rebuttal: Oh the bloody drama! Reads like one of those cheesy romance novels. Were the moon-lit summer nights warm and sultry too?

At least the Blums never had to worry about being burnt to death, crushed to death, starved to death, raped to death and sadistically tortured to death like so many innocent Germans were both during and after the war.


The rest of the article consists of just the usual old cliched barf about the Blums undying love for each other and the secrets to a long marriage, with still more obligatory back-story references to the traumatic memories of "the Holocaust" TM and the evil "Nazis" TM etc. For the witless boobs who so dutifully devour the Slime's daily dose of dung, this little human interest story serves to reinforce their delusions about the HOLOHOAX. But for the astute reader who reflects upon every line with a critical eye and mind, yet another confirmed story about "survival" and marriage in "zee concentration camps" amounts to further primary source evidence refuting the biggest lie ever told.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read a most heart-warming story in today's New York Times about an elderly Jewish couple that met and fell in love during the Holocaust.

Boobus Americanus 2: What a testament to the power of love! Even in Hitler's hell, their love for each other still flourished.

Sugar: You sappy frickin' cornballs make me throw up in my frickin' mouth!

Editor: Sugar dear, heaven help the deluded tom-cat that should ever fall in love with you..

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Can there still be any lingering doubt that Obongo, his Globalist handlers, and Sulzberger's glorified propaganda sheet are all "in cahoots" to grind down the American people into 3rd World dependency status? The deliberately fallacious classification of carbon dioxide as a "pollutant" was a trick designed to circumvent Congressional approval for killing the coal industry.

You see, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) cannot make its own laws, but it can crack down on "pollution". Thus was carbon, the very breath we exhale and the "food" of all vegetation, magically transformed into a form of "pollution" that causes "Global Warming".

Obongo the Evil may have broken every campaign promise that his mendacious Marxist mouth ever muttered; but let's give him some credit for fulfilling one 2008 promise (spoken to a friendly Editorial Board) to wreck the coal industry and drive up electricity prices.

Obongo's statement in black; with your intrepid reporter's biting wise cracks in red [the statements in brackets]:

"The problem is, can you get the American people to say this is really important and force their representatives to do the right thing. (you just love using "force" don't you Obongo. Typical Communist)

That requires mobilizing a citizenry. That requires them understanding what is at stake. Climate change is a great example. (Ah yes, us dumb citizens need to be "required to understand" the junk science of non existent Global Warming / Climate Change)

When I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would sky rocket, even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. (That's just what a struggling American family needs, higher energy costs)

Because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas—whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was they’d have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money and they will pass that money on to consumers." (And then you'll piously blame the "greedy energy companies" for engaging in "Capitalist price-gauging")

"If we're going to get serious and cap the emission of green house gasses that are causing global warming (There is no Global warming and you damn well know it, you filthy degenerate Marxist LIAR!) then we are going to be having power plants have to figure out how to reduce carbon, because they’ll have to pay penalties (Penalties, penalties, penalties. Spoken like a true tyrant), if they exceed the cap—and that means they’re going to have to change how they operate.

And that means in turn that they’ll have to ("have to"; more control freak language) make investments (code word for throwing money away) that they’ll try to pass on to consumers and could result in higher electricity prices. (not "could result" monkey boy, WILL result)

In the short term, though, the government will help, (Great. Another welfare scheme. Let's call it ObongoElectric) we’re all going to have to be more energy efficient. (Does that mean that you and that nasty looking First Beast of yours will be curtailing your incessant Global joy riding on Air Force 1 & 2?)

We’re all going to have to (have to?) insulate our homes, change our light bulbs...(Yes Master. Your wish is this humble slave's command)"

This "man" is evil. Pure, unadulterated EVIL!

Mike King and the Englishman in China #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Following Monday's rebuttal piece about China's "authoritarian" leader, Xi Jinping, and the rapid progress of China, a long-time reader and English ex-pat living in China wrote in to confirm and expand upon what we had published about the success of what is essentially a Chinese version of market-oriented fascism. His letters, coming from first person experience, were extremely enlightening and uplifting -- yet a bit heart-breaking at the same time.

We say "uplifting" because of our admiration for China's positive energy, self-confidence, economic development and cultural advancement. As lovers of humanity, we wish all the peoples / races of the world the best (well, maybe not so much for some of badly behaving elements we refer to as "the usual suspects"). But we also describe the letter as "heart-breaking" because it makes the painful sense of loss for us westerners all the more stark and acute. We Europeans once had that very same "mojo" which China is now rediscovering. But a certain "they" (cough cough) took it away from us, and it doesn't look like we'll be getting it back anytime soon, if ever.

We read and appreciate all comments / letters which come in -- even though we can't respond to them all -- but we generally don't publish the feedback. But this was too good not to share with "youse guys" (New Jerseyese for the plural of "you"). We don't know if our English reader would have wanted his name published or not, so we'll just refer to him as "The Englishman in China." The following comments / letters constitute his full testimonial about the dynamic "communist" fascist nation which has wisely banished the New York Slimes, the Soros groups, Fakebook and various other Globalist NGO's from its land.


Soros (cough cough) -- Zuckerberg (cough cough) -- Sulzberger (cough cough)

Original Comments from Englishman in China: Damn right! I've lived in China for many years. The people here (including myself) have a far better quality of life and are much freer than people living in DEMONcratic England where the people are physically and mentally abused on a daily basis.

ANYT: You do? Where? What else can you share with me? Would love to get a western / ex-pat's perspective.

Englishman in China: I have always felt much freer here in China than in England. The police act as civil servants and have little if no public presence out of the foreign tourist spots (which is all mainly for show). The police in normal areas sit around wearing gym shoes smoking and generally relaxing. They also help cut trees and do road maintenance etc. No high viz meat-head glorified thugs here. The police don’t usually get involved in people’s affairs, and prefer to watch from the side lines, monitoring situations, more than interfering and controlling. I have many examples of this if you want. Another thing I love about China is their non-use of sirens. Police don’t use high pitched ear bleeding sirens (like you hear 24/7 in England, even in small villages) which upset and distress people on a conscience and subconscious level. You very rarely hear sirens, only very occasionally a low pitched and much quieter warning from an ambulance.

The Chinese people are far happier than the people in England. This is because they are not physically and mentally abused by an onslaught of highly disturbing and negative fear based tripe on an hourly to daily basis. I love watching the Chinese news. The people are kept in control here, not by fear based tactics, but instead by a constant relaying of positivity, that China is a wonderful country, and that it’s economy is strong and secure. Honest opinions are heard about North Korea, that it is the Americans who started it in 2006 (?) and that lil Kim is only reacting to protect his people. Very little time is spent on Globalist NWO fake news, preferring to report on all the positive things that are happening in China. There is a huge optimism here for the future which is refreshing. England has a feeling of decay and degeneration.

Old people here are respected and they enjoy a much better and healthier quality of life. They are the elders, they are cherished. They are always seen sitting outside together, playing board games, doing QiGong and spending time in the community, unlike the helpless, terrified, caged and mostly ignored elderly of the UK.

"It was the stupid people in their 60’s and over who voted out of Europe!" Instead of, "the elders have spoken. They have more wisdom than others, and their views are to be respected." The elderly are active members of the community and work in the public gardens and volunteer for things like road safety assistance.

I could continue for ever. I love China, it’s people, it’s strong and protected cultural traditions and its ‘for the people’ government. Okay, Falun Dafa persecution, corruption etc., they are not perfect, but compared to the corrupt demon infested ‘democratic’ governments of England, who are actively setting out to perverse and destroy their own people and culture, China is wonderful in comparison.

If you want more I am more than happy to continue.

ANYT: Sure...very interesting. How did you end up there? is that your permanent home now? What city / region?

Englishman in China: Notes to Mike 2 -- I have lived in and around Nanjing for six years. I am now travelling and currently in DaLi. It’s wonderful.
China has a very strong sense of nationalism. They know who they are and are very proud. The Chinese flag is hung everywhere, and why shouldn’t it be? I remember in England after "Brexit" when people who hung the British flag outside their homes were called racist (palm over face, groaning deeply). The general consensus is that "we are the best country in the world", again, is a refreshing optimism that holds energy and vigour.

The country has very strong reemerging religious movements. Yesterday I went to a Christian church here in DaLi. China is covered with Buddhist, Daoist and Confucius temples. People practice QiGong openly in public areas and spirituality is strong.

Patriotism and religion --- considered "old fashioned" in the oh-so-enlightened West, are important elements of China's Renaissance.

I have never felt so free as I have felt these past six years in China. The Chinese people pretty much do whatever they want. The way they see it is, China is "theirs", all of theirs, and not the governments. When the smoking ban came in, it was totally ignored, and still is to this day. People sell fruit, vegetables etc. on the street. The government tried to clear it up, they moved the sellers on, but the next day, the sellers came back. This continued on a daily basis, sellers being moved on, sellers coming back, until the police stopped moving them on. Fantastic haha. For six years I never paid income tax, and many businesses don’t. Just because there is a law, it does not mean that it is followed or enforced. This is the opposite to England where laws are completely followed and glorified like the words have come down from God himself. The enforced smoking ban was imposed here without a vote, in a "democratic" country.

Bills are very low and affordable, water, gas and electric bills are barely noticeable. Public transport is incredibly good and incredibly cheap! English railways are the biggest scam in comparison. For me to travel on a brand new bullet train going 300 km an hour from Nanjing to Shanghai it costs me 14 pounds. That’s the expensive rate. I can also take a "slow train" (the same as the fastest trains we have in England) if I can’t afford 14 pounds, and travel for 4 pounds. That’s 346 km. I can take a 20 hour slow sleeper train from ChongQing to KunMing (650 km) for 14 pounds. If you miss your train, you just go to the desk to change your ticket or get a refund. If you miss the extortionate and highly crappy train in England you have to buy another ticket. It costs me 8 pounds to do a 10 mile train journey from my home to the nearest city in England. It’s 80 pounds to go from Norwich to London (150 km). In China, everyone can afford to travel, there’s a rate for all income brackets. Brand new subways and buses are pennies to use. Trains are efficient, modern and affordable.

China’s got talent! You know, I absolutely detest the manufactured drivel on the X factor and Britain’s got talent. I have always hated watching that debauched filth. But you know what? I love watching the Chinese version. It’s really beautiful and the contestants have real talent. The clothes and dance routines are highly respectful. They play traditional Chinese instruments and sing wonderfully soft and compassionate Chinese songs.

The hospitals here are amazing. All appointments are same day, no three month waits like at home. You just turn up, pay about 30 pence to see a doctor, and wait your turn. Simple and effective. The pharmacy’s are industrial scale natural herbal medicine outlets and are within the hospitals. They prescribe herbs for your condition which you can have boiled up for you into daily servings at the hospital and then posted to your house in a two week supply for an extremely cheap price. It’s very good indeed. When I had a server skin condition here, the doctors refused to give me antibiotics as they are damaging and only used as a last resort. ALL the doctors have prescribed for the same condition in England IS antibiotics! In China they asked me, what am I eating, they looked at my tongue, they asked me what my stool looked like. They actually try to cure you naturally and to get to the root of the problem. In England, they ONLY prescribe big pharma drugs without asking and recommending anything else for diet or lifestyle. As you know these drugs only make you even more ill.

China has incredibly low immigration, about 0.06% of their population. "Racist" bastards! Everything is done by Chinese people. When I get to the airport in England I am always amazed to see that about 95% of the staff are non white native British people. "Oh, we don’t want to do those types of jobs anymore so we need to give them all to immigrants." Bullshit! We are becoming so mixed now it’s incredible! When I fly to China, of course, there are only Chinese workers.


Foreigners are not allowed to work in bars, restaurants, sweep the streets, work in airports, factories etc. because it would take the jobs from the Chinese people. Wow! Imagine if we had that level of common sense in our countries! Foreigners are ONLY allowed to do things the Chinese CAN’T do as well, for example, teach English. And that’s the law here. Bravo!

Funnily enough, the Chinese actually are openly racist. "Black people are lazy, we don’t like black people." "White people are very intelligent and we admire their work ethic and achievements." I hear this sort of thing all the time! But no, it’s the Whites that are racist, never the Chinese.

China isn’t overrun with advertisements from corporations mind controlling you to buy things that you don’t need. On their buses and subways, instead of countless adverts, the government shows videos about how to keep healthy, how to practice QiGong, how to cook healthily, why you should quit smoking, why taking natural herbs and medicines are good for health and the over use of mobile phones etc.

And finally, counter to what people in the West think, China looks after the families it buys the land from for development much much better than the west. It actually makes the land owners mega rich. They want more people to be rich to fund the economy because the government own the corporations whereas at home, the corporations own the government. Big difference! I have a friend and the government took her house to build a sky scraper on. They gave everyone of her family members an apartment each (8 people). The apartments are worth a lot of money. They all live in two and rent the rest. On top of that they gave an extra 8 apartments which they sold and are now millionaires! The whole family doesn’t need to work ever again! This is happening EVERYWHERE in China.

We once had that optimistic "swag" in the White West --- that healthy sense of belonging, solidarity, community, purpose, justice and culture which China has rediscovered. May we find it again.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read a Letter-to-the-Editor in The Anti-New York Times today from a British ex-pat living there. The letter writer really seemed to admire what China is doing.

Boobus Americanus 2: Like Xi's China, The Anti-New York Times is so fascist.

Sugar: Damn sstraight, Boobuss! You got a frickin' problem with that?

Editor: One billion Chinese, and one Englishman, don't seem to.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

* * *
When we do a Google Image search for the word "genius", the first thing, and I do mean, thing, we see is the wretched mug of Albert Einstein. Plug in the word "scientist", and again, St. Albert is the first face to populate. You can scroll and scroll way down those pages and not even find a hint of folks like Tesla, von Braun, Shockley, and other great names. Why is that? Was St. Albert really such a "genuius"? Or is this a case of the press pumping-up a fellow tribesman?

* * *


Einstein was a serial, psychopathic plagiarist. Einstein's plagiarism has been conclusively proven beyond doubt. (here) Indeed, Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" as well as his famous equation (E=Mc2), were actually published before Einstein claimed credit for them.


Einstein's "discoveries", stolen as they were, are still disputed to this day. Einstein himself expressed some doubts about his "theories". Though it is beyond the scope of this author to evaluate theories of physics, the fact that a minority of physicists continue to passionately insist that Einstein's ideas are false, is very intriguing. We wonder, for every one outspoken critic of Einstein, how many more scientists hold the very same doubts but are too intimidated to express them. Of even greater interest is the fact that the scientific doubters are often childishly ridiculed, but never openly debated. Hmmm.


"Einstein is a beggar dressed in purple clothes and made king using dazzling mathematics that obscure truth"...

"Relativity is a massive deception wrapped in a beautiful mathematical cloak.”

"The theory of relativity is a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense."

"The theory, wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved."

"Relativity is a beggar wrapped in purple whom ignorant people take for a King."

Tesla's most scathing condemnation of the Marxist charlatan was penned in a 1934 poem entitled 'Olympian Gossip', written to a friend. In the poem, Tesla sarcastically mocks Einstein and calls him a "long haired crank". An excerpt:

While listening on my cosmic phone
I caught words from the Olympus blown.
A newcomer was shown around;
That much I could guess, aided by sound.

"There's Archimedes with his lever
Still busy on problems as ever.
Says: matter and force are transmutable
And wrong the laws you thought immutable."

Too bad, Sir Isaac, they dimmed your renown
And turned your great science upside down.
Now a long haired crank, Einstein by name,
Puts on your high teaching all the blame.

Says: matter and force are transmutable
And wrong the laws you thought immutable."
"I am much too ignorant, my son,
For grasping schemes so finely spun.

My followers are of stronger mind
And I am content to stay behind.



A pure creation of Jewish media hype, Einstein was a pathological attention seeker. The mad scientist enjoyed shooting hot air out of his lying mouth on every subject imaginable. Though his sycophant worshippers eagerly ate up his bullshit, astute observors such as the great satirist H.L. Mencken saw right through the Marxist clown. Mencken once referred to Einstein as "that fiend for publicity."


Einstein fled Hitler's Germany in 1933 not because he was Jewish, but because he was a politically active Marxist! Einstein held membership in more Communist front groups than one could shake a hammer and sickle at.
These activities continued upon his arrival to America, where he would later defend the traitorous Rosenbergs (executed in 1952 for having passed A-Bomb secrets to the Soviets). Einstein defended other Communist traitors as well (Oppenheimer, Robeson, Fuchs, DuBois etc). In 1947, Stalin's Pravda Newspaper named Einstein to its list of ‘Top-Ten Friends of the Soviet Union.’


Einstein the fraud was a self described "pacifist". However, during the 1930's, the "pacifist" suddenly became an fierce advocate for total war against Germany! The famous Einstein-Szilard letter, in which the two Jewish scientists urge the Jew owned President Roosevelt to develop an atomic weapon, was actually written during peacetime in August of 1939! The letter falsely accuses Germany of developing an atomic bomb (the original WMD's Lie!) and urges FDR to beat Hitler to the punch.
The genocidal Einstein was looking forward to the day when Berlin, one of his former homes, could be nuked! Ironically, Einstein was never invited to participate in the Communist infested Manahattan Project (which grew out of Einstein's letter) because the FBI deemed him a security risk. After the war ended, the USA and Stalin's USSR become bitter adversaries. Red Albert conveniently reverted back to "pacifism".


Einstein was an America basher. Not content with bad mouthing and betraying his former German host, Einstein had insults for his adopted American country as well. For example, this sarcastic gem: “Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves.”
While ignoring the racial basis for the "State of Israel", hypocrite Einstein constantly denounced American racism. (see 'Einstein The Racial Agitator' section below). The Red scientist also had harsh words for American anti-Communist patriots, denouncing the great Senator Joseph McCarthy among others.


Einstein condemned Nationalism (except for Israeli nationalism) and was very open in his support for a One World Government. He wrote, "There is no salvation for civilization, or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government."

Of course, it will be St. Albert's synagogue buddies who will be running this World Federation, presumably from Israel.


With World War II coming to a close, vindictive Jews worldwide openly called for the genocide of the German people. Indeed, this policy was partially implemented. Among the demonic voices demanding more blood was the "pacifist" Einstein.
He wrote: "The Germans can be killed or constrained after the war, but they cannot be re-educated to a democratic way of thinking and acting.”......it is hoped that by war's end, they will largely have been killed off."


In spite of segregation, American Blacks were making great economic progress in America during the 1940's & 50's. This didn't stop the ungrateful foreigner Einstein from routinely trashing America for it's "racism". He wrote, "Race prejudice has unfortunately become an American tradition which is uncritically handed down from one generation to the next."

The trouble making Einstein also joined the anti-White, Jewish funded NAACP, and became close friends with two of America's most notorious Black "race hustlers" - W.E. DuBois and Paul Robeson, both Communists.


Though not a religious Jew, Einstein was indeed an ethnocentric Jew who saw the world through a "Jews vs Gentiles" lens. In 1952, soon after Jewish terror gangs had ethnically cleansing Arab villages, Einstein was offered the presidency of the illegitimate State of Israel. He politely declined the offer: “I am deeply moved by the offer from our State of Israel, and at once saddened and ashamed that I cannot accept it.”

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

‘Twas the night before Future Christmas
When all through the land
Not a Commie-Pinko is stirring
The Reds had been banned

Central Banking abolished
Gold and silver restored
Wall Street is tamed
Their ox has been gored

Taxes are light
With budgets in balance
Freed of debt slavery
Folks discover their talents

Hollywood is wholesome
Filth and porn no more
Kim Kardashian is history
That dirty little whore

The culture is reborn
The end of modern art
Rockwell and Rembrandt
Replace Picasso, that fart

America is at peace
To the Zionists dismay
No more wars for Israel
Hip Hip. Hooray!

The press is now free
Of lies and omissions
Conspiracies are exposed
Not concealed by Commissions

Jobs are plentiful
The middle class booms
Welfare cheats face reality
And forced to push brooms

The border is sealed
Illegals denied entry
Problem solved
It was so elementary

Traditional morality
Now back in fashion
As adulterers and queers
Conceal their dark passion

The crime rate has plummeted
As all citizens are armed
All those dead Trayvon Martins
Made the criminals alarmed

Justice has been served
With Obama and Bush in jail
Predator Drones and Smart Bombs
Got them arrested without bail

Academia is cleansed
Of false science and history
The truth of our past
Is no longer a mystery

The Fuhrer's great name
We did restore
No longer to blame
We admire him more

A girl is a girl
And a boy is a boy
Families are happy
Homes full of joy

If this kind of world
Sounds appealing to you
Then support TomatoBubble
Because we want it too!

By Mike King

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Something smells extremely Gefilte-fishy about the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia and the alleged leftist-on-leftist car-killing which took place there. Not only do the video of the incident (here) and the images of the aftermath present all the usual earmarks of a crisis-actor stunt, but the prominent presence at the previous night's "torch rally" of one "Richard Spencer" of the "National Policy Institute" also gives us cause for great suspicion.

From the article:

"The planned rally was promoted as “Unite the Right” and both its organizers and critics said they expected it to be one of the largest gathering of white nationalists in recent times, attracting groups like the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis and movement leaders like David Duke and Richard Spencer."

How did "Richard Spencer" suddenly emerge as our "leader?"

Who anointed Richard Spencer a "movement leader" on par with David Duke? Answer: The media! Dr. Duke paid his dues and made a serious run for the US Senate and later, the Governorship of Louisiana. But what has this Spencer character ever achieved? Why, over the course of the past year, has he, relative to other true conservative nationalists, been showered with such media publicity?

Here's a small sampling of the "sheep-dipping":

Headline: Washington Post (November 22, 2016)
‘Let’s party like it’s 1933’: Inside the alt-right world of Richard Spencer (here)

Headline: Dallas News (December 2, 2016)
Why Maggiano's can refuse white supremacists (Richard Spencer) but Texas A&M can't (here)

Headline: Washington Post (January 20, 2017)
Richard Spencer, white nationalist spokesman, was punched in the face on camera in D.C. (here)

Headline: Washington Post (May 21, 2017)
White nationalist Richard Spencer banned from Virginia gym after confrontation (here)

And there's more too. Heck! Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times[/b would pay good money to get 1/100th the negative FREE publicity that Spencer gets. We didn't get any mainstream media coverage when "The Bad War" was banned by Amazon, but this ass clown gets covered by the Washington Compost (CIA) for being banned from his gym?

Spencer, an effeminate-sounding atheist, does not tolerate "anti-gay" views at his events, and his pedigree seems more establishmentarian that rebel -- having graduated from St. Mark's elite prep school in Dallas, Texas before moving on to Duke University. His election night rallying cry of "Hail Trump" and occasional use of German terms stink of contrived imposterism. And a very strange unearthed old photo of him and his wife posing with Laura Bush really sets Sugar's animal instincts off!

As for this Tiki torch rally in Virginia and the subsequent "bloodshed," we are confident that in spite of the sincere intentions of many of the White marchers, the event was staged by agent provacatuers and crisis actors on both the "alt-Right" and the communist Left. The usual bad acting, fake blood and cheesy drama poses mark the latest attempt by the Globalist elements of "the deep state" to destabilize the Trump presidency. Already, Trump is being blamed for not condemning the "racists" TM in strong enough language.

Sorry, Sulzberger. We ain't buyin' this latest stunt. And though we wholeheartedly encourage readers to support White European rights and anti-Marxism, by all means and whenever possible; we advise you to reject any "Johnny-come-lately" that the Piranha Press declares to be a "leader" of what it is that you believe in. False opposition leads to dead ends, and broken dreams.

"Nazi" props, bad acting, fake blood

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Richard Spencer was one of the organizers of that racist rally that turned deadly in Virginia.

Boobus Americanus 2: I've heard of that Spencer fellow before. A real Nazi and a huge Trump supporter, I understand.

Sugar: Sspencer iss an atheisstic pro-faggot working for the CIA!

Editor: Not hard to smell that one out.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com


Lily White Skin, Red Hair and a Classic Ashkenazi Jewish Nose


These "Arabs" could sure use some sunblock!

ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

Where exactly is this ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service?) based? Where do they sleep? Where do they do their banking? How did they pay for their fleet of pick-up trucks and sophisticated weaponry? How are they feeding and re-equipping their fighters? Where do their injured fighters get medical treatment?

What Internet Provider Service is allowing them to post videos and issue 'recruitment' tweets? How did the all-intrusive NSA miss the creation of this group? Why can't the CIA. MI6 and Mossad infiltrate them and smash them from within? Why can't we pinpoint them via satellite and smash them in their tents or barracks? How did such a formidable force like ISIS just seem to materialize out of nowhere and overnight? Why don't they attack or even threaten to attack Israel?

Does the following quote from the Slimes piece make any sense to you?

"But Western intelligence services are also worried about their extraordinary command of seemingly less lethal weapons: state-of-the-art videos, ground images shot from drones and multilingual Twitter messages."

If ISIS is indeed "using every contemporary mode of messaging to recruit fighters", as the article says, then why not answer their want ads and infest their ranks with undercover Arab agents? Then simply follow them to their lair, and destroy them. What is so difficult here?

How exactly does ISIS's 'social media recruitment' campaign work anyway? Are they placing ads on Craigslist? CareerBuilder?


Sons of the Caliphate! Join the ISIS brigades! See the world! Rape women! Kill infidels! Death to America! For immediate consideration, attach resume with cover letter and salary requirements.
Or call us at 1-800-LAN-GLEY / Follow us on Twitter #KilltheInfidels


A spy show on the Fx network (FOX Group) - a network which openly admits to having a CIA producer for its hit series, The Americans (here) - solves these mysteries for us. The name of the spy series is 'Archer'. Here is the description from the Fx website:

"Archer is an animated, half-hour comedy that revolves around the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) and the lives of its employees. Although their work of espionage, reconnaissance missions, wiretapping and undercover surveillance is daunting and dangerous, every covert operation and global crisis is actually just another excuse for the ISIS staff to undermine, sabotage and betray each other for personal gain."

The fakery doesn't get anymore 'in-your-face' than this!

These sicko and psycho elites love doing this type of stuff. They must derive some perverted thrill from deceiving the brain-dead public and in plain sight no less. These types of hints were also dropped in TV shows during the years preceding the 9/11 attacks and also the months before the Sandy Hook non-shooting.

Sulzberger's scribblers at the Slimes are all part of this sick murderous Global 'great game' that has been going on since at least the days of the French Revolution. The same NWO Mafia that spawned ISIS, also controls The Slimes.

Case closed!

"Arab" ISIS fighters hide their faces and hands because they don't want you to see that so many of them are Caucasian (CIA-Mossad). Why else wear gloves in the hot dessert?

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The allegations that "America's dad" (barf!) is a degenerate, sex-crazed, scumbag serial rapist are not new. Bill Cosby's criminal drug 'em & rape 'em routine has been played out on unsuspecting, naïve women for decades. But the combination of his fame, his liberal pedigree, and, most of all, his protective pigmentation have allowed him to get away with these dastardly deeds, both in the legal system as well as in the media's "court of public opinion".

The real question here is, why now? Why, all of a sudden, has the piranha press been so mercilessly unleashed upon 'Dr. Huxtable'? Has Cosby pissed someone off? Could it be that the very same Zionist warmongers who took away Obongo's Democrat Senate and pulled his controlled approval rating down into the low 40's, are sending Cosby's pal Obongo a 'Sicilian message' along the lines of, "Hey swartsa-buy! Look how easily we just destroyed the most beloved Black man in America." It is also interesting to note that yesterday's front page of the New York Slimes carried a tax evasion story about the previously untouchable and Obongo-connected Al Sharpton. What is going on here?

Cosby adores the homosexual pervert Obongo so much, he even took to the Sunday Morning talk shows to defend him.

Even amidst the "get Cosby" campaign, there remains the proverbial '800-pound gorilla in the living room' that no one seems to want to talk about. (No, not Mr. Moochelle Obongo!) Pardon your humble reporter here for having the impertinence to notice that all of Cosby's known accusers, to date, have been White women. May we ask; is there something more than just lustful "horniness" driving Cosby's sociopathic behavior? Could it be that "America's dad" derives a perverse satisfaction from debasing and degrading "the White man's woman"?

Eldridge Cleaver was a "civil rights activist" and convicted rapist who became an early leader of the Black Panther Party. While in prison, he wrote Soul on Ice (1968). In the book's most controversial passages, Cleaver freely acknowledges committing acts of rape, stating that he initially raped black women in the ghetto "for practice" and then embarked on the serial rape of white women. He described these crimes as politically inspired, motivated by a genuine conviction that the rape of white women was "an insurrectionary act".

Was Cosby's serial raping of naïve younger White women a manifestation of Cleaver's own psychotic desire to degrade 'Whitey'? You know it was! But don't expect Sulzberger to even touch that issue with a 10-foot pole. For you see, it is people like Sulzberger who have brainwashed, agitated and instigated men like Cleaver and Cosby to prey upon the naive White females of America and Europe. Of course, serial rapists and their victims, come in all colors and ethnicities. We understand that. But this particular form of rape clearly has a racial component to it that needs to be understood, especially by young White girls.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

In the June 18 issue of The Anti-New York Times, we made the following forecast about ISIS, the new super villain that had just popped up out of nowhere:

"And now, just when the Iraqi government seemed to be getting too chummy with Iran, it's back in we go. But first, a pretext was needed; ISIS.
The ISIS "uprising" is a US-Israel engineered plot using provocateurs, mercenaries, "jihadist" fanatics, and NGO's. The Axis of Evil and its various puppets seek to smash any independent Middle Eastern state that refuses to bow down to Greater Israel.

Apart from its relationship with Iran and proximity to Syria, the other reason for blowing up Iraq has to do with planned chaos. The Zionist dream of a Greater Israel, to stretch from Iraq to Egypt, requires fragmented and weak Arab states that can later be ethnically cleaned." (emphasis added)

In the wake of the fake beheading of a CPR dummy standing in for known CIA asset James Foley (here), as well as other real ISIS atrocities, now comes the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to make the closing argument. From today's article:
“Can they (ISIS) be defeated without addressing that part of the organization that resides in Syria? The answer is no.”

This is all so transparent now. What a brilliant set of strategic maneuvers we have witnessed over the past year or so. Here is a review of the events which have us on the brink of the very same Middle East war that was narrowly averted last year:

1. September 2013: Russia and China block an attack upon Syria (and Iran) by openly flexing their military muscle in the Mediterranean Sea
2. March 2014: US / Israel stages a coup in Ukraine
3. Summer 2014: NATO and puppet Ukraine threaten a military operation against Russia
4. Summer 2014: Japan, Australia, Vietnam, and the Philippines antagonize and divert China
5. Summer 2014:Phony controlled ISIS is unleashed in Iraq and Syria
6. Today: Neo-Cons and other assorted warmongers call upon the USA to "stop ISIS"
7. Soon? With Russia and China diverted, NATO slips into Syria to "save the world" from ISIS

Tooting our horn once again, from our September 15 issue of 2013:

"Putin's strong diplomacy (backed by the threat of force), combined with overwhelming public opposition, forced Obongo to back down. But Evil never sleeps. It only changes its tactics. In a sense, the situation is perhaps more dangerous now than it was one week ago. The U.S. now understands that when it returns to the brink of war, it will have to bring a whole lot more firepower to the arena if they want to confront Russia, China, and Iran."

With the 13th (an unlucky number) anniversary of the 9/11 false flag attacks upon us, the threat of an ISIS "attack" looms large. That's one forecast we hope to be wrong about!

n Egyptian mythology, Isis was the mother of Horus / The Eye of Horus & Pyramid are the NWO's symbol.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com


About the only thing more crass than pre-Christmas hype is pre-Stupor Bowl Mania. To prolong the idiotic and tiresome drama, the NFL (National Felons League) maintains a two-week lag between its semi-final games and the Stupor Bowl Championship game.


Before the Stuper Bowl actually begins, viewers must sit through not only the National Anthem, but also "America the Beautiful," usually sung by some no-talent, America-hating degenerate. That America the Ugly has deviated so far from the vision of its noble and learned founders that it is now unrecognizable, is lost upon the brain dead masses who get all choked up over the empty rituals.

Beyonce the Obama-loving, anti-White Communist Go-Go whore-skank lip syncs the National Anthem.


As helicopter gunships, bombers, proxy armies and Predator Drones murder children in faraway lands, idiot America is dazzled by pre-game fighter jet flyovers and marching Marines. No one even questions how such a vulgar display of miltary power fits in with a football game.



From Janet Jackson's bare breast performance of 2004, to washed up Madonna's booty-grinding Satanic symbolism of 2012, to Beyonce's street whore outfit of 2013, to Katy Perry's weird occult performance in 2015, the Stupor Bowl halftime show has degenerated into a spectacle symbolizing everything that is wrong with America's so-called "culture." Whatever happened to marching bands?



Under the guise of "preventing terrorism," the Feds have expanded their harassment of American citizens. Stupor Bowl attendees are now screened and monitored just as airline passengers are. The ironic tragedy of this farce is that it is the Feds themselves who are staging the terror attacks for political purposes.



We hold no animosity towards Black players in the NFL (those who are not felons and cop-hating communists, that is). However, any self-respecting White person should be alarmed and ashamed that so few Whites are playing football on a professional level these days. It was not always like this.

Some of this has to do with natural Black athleticism and "hunger." But much of it is the result of an entire generation of suburban White children having become too soft,lazy and de-balled to excel in a rough sport such as football. Another negative factor is the ignorant prejudice, which starts at the college recruitment level, that White players cannot excel at certain positions.

To behold the spectacle of a 95-97% White audience in the stands, full-throat cheering for a 85% Black player base, is as bizarre as it is worrisome for the future of European man.


Nothing wrong with a little diversion and fun cheering for your hometown team; but many of these "fans" display a passion so intense that a straight-jacket is warranted. If only they would get as agitated about Obongo and Fed robbing them blind, or their children's future in a permanently depressed economy, or the innocent people in faraway lands being killed by the US-Israel led Axis of Evil, or the never-ending flood of "migants" being pumped into America, or the potential coming wars with Russia and China, or the fact that their elementary school kids are being forced to learn of the joys of homo-anal sex and cross-dressing. What pathetic losers these people are!

"Soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport in all kinds these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more unaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we because we alone shall be offering them new directions of thought."

- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, circa 1900

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

According to an account written by the drunken, cigar-chomping, terrorist scum-pig, Winston Churchill, it was during the 1943 Tehran Conference that "Uncle Joe" Stalin proposed executing 50,000 German staff officers after the war. American Gangster President Roosevelt then joked that 50,000 was too many; but that 49,000 would do! Though Churchill claims that the sick joking upset him (sure it did, Winnie -- sure it did), the murderous Allies were all in agreement that "trials" of Germany’s top leaders would take place after the war. And indeed they did.

Long before Nuremberg, the vicious Allies had already begun to systematically hang "Nazis" by the tens of thousands, including "female Nazis."

When the show trials began in late 1945, an 8-panel tribunal (The Nuremberg Trials) was seated (2 judges each from the US, UK, USSR, & France). The primary American judge was Francis Biddle, of the Biddle Family that spawned the 19th century American Central Bank Chairman and nemesis of Andrew Jackson, Nicholas Biddle. Honorable German leaders were condemned as “war criminals” by governments that not only imposed the war upon Germany, but also carried out the Hamburg, Dresden and Tokyo fire-bombings, the sinkings of the civilian Wilhelm Gustloff & the Goya ships in the frigid Baltic Sea, the forced return of Russian refugees & POWs to Stalin's vengeful henchmen, the starvation / disease murders of 1.5 million German POWs, the execution murders at Katyn Forest, the mass raping of German women, the dropping of atomic bombs and other real war crimes too numerous to list here.

Of the accused at Nuremberg, 11 were sentenced to hang, and 7 (including the peacemaking parachutist Rudolf Hess) received long or life prison terms. Herman Goering, Head of the Luftwaffe (Air Force) managed to cheat his executioners by taking poison in his jail cell (or was he "suicided" to duplicate The Book of Ester / Purim scenario?)

These were good men; noble men; peace-loving family men - ignobly murdered in cold blood for daring to protect Germany from the demonic henchmen of The New World Order crime syndicate. May they rest in Valhalla at the right hand of the even greater hero that they served.

Purim-style "justice." In the sickening Book of Ester (Old Testament), the lifeless bodies of the 10 sons of the "anti-Semite" Minister Haman (Hitler) were hanged and Haman's 1 daughter committed suicide. This Jewish "holiday" is celebrated every year as "Purim."

For the cruel and vindictive Allies, simple murder wasn’t enough. The executioners used a “short drop” instead of a neck-breaking “long drop”. The victims thus died a longer death due to strangulation. Additionally, the trapdoor was too small, such that several of the men suffered bleeding head injuries when they hit the sides of the trapdoor while falling. Adding final insult to injury, the bodies were cremated and scattered over a river, denying the families the right of burial.

The circumstances of the Nuremberg travesty have long been known to your humble author, as well as to many loyal readers of TomatoBubble.com. But what is new to Mike King & Sugar the Cat is the discovery of just how many prominent personages of that period so vehemently condemned the Nuremberg murder circus. Thanks to a book sent to me by a dear comrade-in-informational-arms down in Florida, we learned that several hundred prominent American and European political figures, writers, artists and military men were not only anti-Nuremberg, but also outspoken about it, both during and after the event. Naturally, the true story of the opposition to Nuremberg is one that has been buried by the whores and ignoramuses we refer to as "court historians".

The eye-opening book is entitled, 'Doenitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal'. It is not really a book in the conventional sense as it is a collection of the 'on the record' statements made by about 200 VIP's. For World War II truthers, the usefulness of the book lies in its ability to penetrate the thick skulls of our uninformed brethren who remain under the impression that Nuremberg was some sort of holy tribunal.

You see, when us "extremists" condemn the abomination of Nuremberg, we can be dismissed as "Nazi sympathizers" or "conspiracy theorists" or, that ultimate kiss-of-death, "anti-Semites" TM. But when we can demonstrate that big names, including many high-ranking American and European military brass, were disgusted by what happened at Nuremberg; it adds "credibility" to the revisionist case. Of course, it is tragic, pathetic really, that most people have to outsource their own God-given brains to "experts" with lots of "credentials" in order to arrive at an opinion; but 'it is what it is'.

Following is but a small sample of the 'big shots' that opposed Nuremberg; accompanied by snippets from their strong public statements.

Senator Robert Taft
"The trial of the vanquished by the victors cannot be impartial no matter how it is hedged ...About this whole judgement there is the spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice."

Taylor Caldwell
"I have been boiling mad for years over the "war crimes trials" which I think were despicable and contemptible and smack more of ancient Rome's barbarians than of a so-called civilized society."

Justice Learned Hand
'I have always regarded the Nuremberg prosecutions as a step backward in international law and a precedent which will prove embarrassing in the future."

Admiral Stanton Merrill
"I consider the 'war crimes trials' in general and the trials of Admiral Doenitz in particular, a matter of mass hypocrisy resulting from a war-bred hangover."

Admiral Frederick Horne
"As it has been my belief that the after-war emotional hysteria was responsible for the trial and imprisonment of the German high-ranking military and naval officers,and that we should reflect with shame upon our efforts for revenge upon men doing what we would do for our own country, I am glad to have my name included in any effort to atone for the injustice done to Admiral Doenitz and to any others who were likewise unfairly treated because they loved their country."

Adolph Menjou
" I was appalled to see Soviet Russia judging when they themselves were guilty. I am happy to join my name to those attempting to make amends to Admiral Doenitz."

Shut up St. Albert, you Stalin-loving piece of filth. Just shut the bloody hell up!

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

Under the ruinous reign of the sodomite couple of Mr. and Mr. Obongo, the Jewish-inspired War on Whites had reached levels of political assertiveness never before seen nor imagined. There were the insults of "White people" which were openly uttered by the deviant duo; the visits to the White House by members of the New Black Panther Party and Black Lives Matter domestic terror groups; the erection of the 30-feet tall statue of Marxist Loser King in Washington DC; the incitement of violence against "racist" TM local police departments; the exalting of the Irreverend Al Charlatan to unofficial adviser-to-the-President status; the public abolition of the Confederate flag throughout much of the South; the announced 2020 replacement of the great Andrew Jackson with a head-shot of Aunt Jemima, er, Harriet Tubman for the $20 bill; and the popularization of the ridiculous new term, "White privilege" TM.

The Marxist War on Whites had never been out in the open like it is now.

Now comes word of the latest in-your-face insult to the good and gentle White people of Dixie -- a monument to the rapists and murderers who were lynched during the days when men were men. We know, we know -- they were all just innocent Black lads who "dindu nuffin" more than get caught innocently, momentarily and furtively glancing at some pretty White girl from a mile away (rolling eyes sarcastically).

Were there some isolated cases of vigilante justice gone awry -- in which an innocent man may have been lynched? It's quite possible. But let's cut the commie crap and tell the whole truth about the lynch mobs which acted between the post-Civil War period and say, 1930. The 4,000 or so deserving recipients of the rope - about 20% of whom were White - got what was coming to them. As a matter of fact, there were also cases of righteous Black mobs lynching Black criminals! (here)

Of course, don't expect the Marxist agitators or their Black front-men behind the Equal Justice Initiative to divulge these historical contexual truths. No, the weak-minded, teary-eyed suckers who will flock to this upcoming eye-sore will be told how 4,000 "dindu nuffins" were killed by big bad White "racists" TM with names like Bubba, Jethro and Billy Bob. That ought to do wonders for "race relations" TM in America!

“Our goal isn’t to be divisive,” says Bryan Stevenson, the director of the Equal Justice Initiative. “Our goal is just to get people to confront the truth of our past with some more courage.” ---- "Not divisive," eh Bryan? Yeah, sure.

Bryan Stevenson (above) intends to peddle a false version of Southern history -- one that contradicts what was accurately portrayed in the classic silent film, Birth of a Nation. Many White women were indeed raped and even murdered. The culprits (be they Black or White) were then lynched by angry mobs of men with balls.

Project Director Stevenson has more communist credentials that you can shake a hammer & sickle at. He is described as a "human rights" TM lawyer, a "social justice" TM activist, a professor at NYU, and a recipient of awards from the Globalist Carnegie and MacArthur foundations. In regard to his race-baiting monument to mendacity, we don't have to read much further to discover who else is buttering Mr. Stevenson's cornbread.

From the article:

"The museum and memorial project, for which Mr. Stevenson said he had raised about 40 percent of a projected $20 million, is the latest and most ambitious undertaking in a continuing effort by Mr. Stevenson to change public awareness of the nation’s racial history. Contributors to the project include the Ford Foundation and Google."

A $20 million dollar super structure to honor rapists and murderers? Wow! With cash from the Ford Foundation and Google, eh Stevenson? Goodness gracious. It doesn't get any more New World Orderish than that. Ah, show us the shekels Lyin' Bryan, show us the shekels.

Let's all gang up on the dispossessed White Boys of America!

Ford Foundation's Black President Darren Walker, Google's Indian CEO Sundar Pichai, and Google's Jewish co-founder Sergei Brin are among the big backers behind the anti-White obscenity which will be built in Alabama.

From the article:

"The memorial will be contain a four-sided gallery of 801 suspended six-foot columns, representing a county where a lynching took place and etched with the name of the person or people lynched."

Need we ask if any of the names of the raped and the murdered will be etched anywhere near the memorial? And speaking of raped and murdered -- we can only guess at how many innocent White people will, over the course of time, be attacked by some of the excitable and inciteable "dindu nuffins" who will surely be dragged to this incendiary monument as part of school field trips. Pour enough hatred into a young man's head and heart, and soon enough he will act upon it. That's the plan, and Stevenson and his bosses bloody damn well know it -- as do the seditious scribblers at Sulzberger's Slimes.

Dear God --- make this evil madness stop already, make it stop.

The sadistic rapist-murderer Leo Frank (cough cough) will no doubt be listed among the phony martyrs of the new monument. In 1913, Frank raped, battered and strangled 13-year old Mary Phagan. When certain interests (cough cough) managed to intervene and spare him from the death penalty, the men of Atlanta stormed the prison and lynched low-life Leo from a tree in 1915. His death inspired the establishment of the Jewish ADL (Anti-Defamation League) -- which has always maintained, quite ironically, that the real culprit was a Black man.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times today about a large monument that is going to be built in Alabama. It will memorialize all the innocent Black victims of lynching.

Boobus Americanus 2: I'd like to see that when it is completed. It's important for the South to finally own up to its past.

Sugar: "Rape!!! Rape!!!"

Editor: Sugar, stop being a clown and focus on your commentary, please.

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

A museum exhibit set to open this weekend at the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia and later this year at the American Jewish Historical Society in New York will focus on three historic events and their impact on Jews (evidently, no else really matters). The exhibit titled, “1917: How One Year Changed the World,” will feature America’s entry into World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the Balfour Declaration.

Though much of what this particular Slimes article tells of these three events is indeed accurate, the deception lies in what is omitted about this sad centennial. Let's dive in and see what we mean.

Slimes: The war and the revolution resulted in strict limits on immigration to the United States, reflecting a fear among Americans that unrest in Europe would spread to their country. The restrictions were not overtly aimed at Jews, but because the quotas from countries with high Jewish populations were tightened, fewer Jews were able to settle in the United States.

The Omission: The restrictions were aimed, in large part, at stopping the influx of Anarchists and Communists who had been causing problems in America since the 1880's. And it just so happened (surprise, surprise) that many of these subversive characters were of a certain ethnic group (cough cough).

Slimes: After the revolution, when the Bolsheviks came to power, and the xenophobia coalesced together and had the power to influence, that fear accelerated.

The Omission: The Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish affair. With the exception of front man Lenin (1/4 jew who spoke Yiddish), a review of the roster of Russia's leading Bolshevik killers reads like the guest list for a Russian-Jewish Bar Mitzvah -- Trotsky (Bronstein), Sverdlov, Dzerzhinsky, Litvinov (Wallach), Radek (Sobelsohn), Kamenev (Rosenfeld), Uritsky and many, many more.

The Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent bloodbath were Jewish --- no "ifs", no "ands" and no "buts" about it!

Slimes: As the United States was entering the war, there were concerns among Jews over the persecution of those still in Russia and Eastern Europe.

The Omission: Apart from the fact that the "persecution" TM of the chosenites was greatly exaggerated, it is important to note that the Communist movements of the other nations of Eastern Europe were also led by the usual suspects -- Bela Kun in Hungary; Max Goldstein in Romania: Rosa Luxembourg in Germany et al. It is understandable that the good Christian people of these nations might come to justifiably resent the Jewish-led drive for a Bolshevik Europe.

Slimes: Not all Jewish immigrants viewed the United States as a safe haven. A handful of documents highlight the little-known story of Boris Reinstein, who came from Russia and made a career as a druggist in Buffalo. His 1917 application for a passport is on display, as is his 1923 renunciation of his United States citizenship. Mr. Reinstein was a true believer in the Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet ideology and left his wife, Anna, to return to Russia, where he worked in the Library of the Marx, Lenin and Engels Institute.

Comment: An interesting and useful little truth gem which validates our points of argument. Thanks Slimes!

Slimes: The Balfour Declaration, meanwhile, expressed Britain’s support for a Jewish home in Palestine.

For Dr. Perelman and Rachel Lithgow, executive director of the American Jewish Historical Society, one gratifying coup was the loan of two draft versions of the Balfour Declaration from the financier Martin Franklin...This was the text that was forwarded to Lord Balfour and was used as the basis of the Balfour Declaration. Arthur James Balfour, for whom the declaration is named, was Britain’s foreign secretary. The final declaration, in the form of a letter dated Nov. 2, 1917, was sent to one of Britain’s most distinguished Jewish citizens, Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild.

Ultimately, it said, in part: “His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.” The document also added that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”

Omission: Solid history, but the direct linkage between the Balfour Declaration and America's entry into World War I is oh-so-conveniently "forgotten" about.

125,000 American "doughboys" died a horrible death for Zionism and Globalism/Bolshevism.

A wealthy New Yorker named Benjamin Freedman, a former aide to Bernard Baruch, later split with his fellow Jewish millionaires and "blew the whistle" on The Balfour Declaration and Zionist treachery in general. Freedman, from a 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington:

"Let me show what happened while we were all asleep. .....
World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. ... There are few people here my age who remember that. Now that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. What happened?

Within two years Germany had won that war: not alone won it nominally, but won it actually. The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic Ocean, and Great Britain stood there without ammunition for her soldiers, stood there with one week's food supply facing her -- and after that, starvation.

At that time, the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting. They were picking up their toys and going home, they didn't want to play war anymore, they didn't like the Czar. And the Italian army had collapsed.

Now Germany -- not a shot had been fired on the German soil. Not an enemy soldier had crossed the border into Germany. And yet, here was Germany offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: “Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started.”

Well, England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that. Seriously! They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and -- I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn't believe what I'm saying is at all possible -- the Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.”

The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They [Zionists] told England: “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.”

In other words, they made this deal: “We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay us is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.”

Now England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody, as the United States would have to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It's absolutely absurd that Great Britain -- that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine -- should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war.

However, they made that promise, in October of 1916. And shortly after that -- I don't know how many here remember it -- the United States, which was almost totally pro-German -- totally pro-German -- because the newspapers here were controlled by Jews, the bankers were Jews, all the media of mass communications in this country were controlled by Jews, and they were pro-German because their people, in the majority of cases came from Germany, and they wanted to see Germany lick the Czar.

The Jews didn't like the Czar, and they didn't want Russia to win this war. So the German bankers -- the German-Jews -- Kuhn Loeb and the other big banking firms in the United States refused to finance France or England to the extent of one dollar. They stood aside and they said: “As long as France and England are tied up with Russia, not one cent!” But they poured money into Germany, they fought with Germany against Russia, trying to lick the Czarist regime.

Now those same Jews, when they saw the possibility of getting Palestine, they went to England and they made this deal. At that time, everything changed, like the traffic light that changes from red to green. Where the newspapers had been all pro-German, where they'd been telling the people of the difficulties that Germany was having fighting Great Britain commercially and in other respects, all of a sudden the Germans were no good. They were villains. They were Huns. They were shooting Red Cross nurses. They were cutting off babies' hands. And they were no good.

Well, shortly after that, Mr. Wilson declared war on Germany.

The Zionists in London sent these cables to the United States, to Justice Brandeis: “Go to work on President Wilson. We're getting from England what we want. Now you go to work, and you go to work on President Wilson and get the United States into the war." And that did happen. That's how the United States got into the war. We had no more interest in it; we had no more right to be in it than we have to be on the moon tonight instead of in this room.

Now the war -- World War One -- in which the United States participated had absolutely no reason to be our war. We went in there -- we were railroaded into it -- if I can be vulgar, we were suckered into -- that war merely so that the Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine. Now, that is something that the people in the United States have never been told. They never knew why we went into World War One. Now, what happened?

After we got into the war, the Zionists went to Great Britain and they said: “Well, we performed our part of the agreement. Let's have something in writing that shows that you are going to keep your bargain and give us Palestine after you win the war.” Because they didn't know whether the war would last another year or another ten years. So they started to work out a receipt. The receipt took the form of a letter, and it was worded in very cryptic language so that the world at large wouldn't know what it was all about. And that was called the Balfour Declaration.

The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain's promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon as a consideration for getting the United States into the war. So this great Balfour Declaration, that you hear so much about, is just as phony as a three dollar bill. And I don't think I could make it more emphatic than that."

That fateful history-altering year of 1917 was very bad for humanity. But it was very "good for the Jews" -- as the popular inside-the-Tribe saying goes (here) -- which is why the Jewish museums are commemorating its 100th anniversary. And that, dear reader, is some serious REAL history!

Jewish defector Benjamin Freedman spent a fortune, gave many speeches, and published several books trying to warn America about the Jewish Mafia.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read a fascinating article in the New York Times today which described a Jewish museum exhibit about 1917 -- a pivotal year in Jewish history.

Boobus Americanus 2: Oh. What happened in 1917?

Sugar: The %$#&*^@ &$#@ sstuck it up our collective rectumss good and hard with a three-fer --- Bolshevissm, Zionissm and Globalissm -- that'ss what frickin' happened!!!

Editor: (palm to face, shaking head, sighing)

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com


The host Brazilians were matched up against Germany in a semifinal match played in the city of Belo Horizonte. Though the Germans were considered a slightly stronger team, and Brazil was without two key players (due to very weird occurrences which we will visit later), Brazil's "12th man" (the screaming home crowd) was expected to be an equalizing factor in a close match.

Just 11 minutes into the match, Germany scored its first goal when Brazilian defender David Luis failed to cover his assigned man, Thomas Muller, after a 'corner kick'. The pathetic spectacle of Luis, considered one of the world's best players, arriving at the last moment to try and avert a disaster that had already happened, was stunning for any knowledgeable soccer fan to behold. Oh well, even the great Brazil makes mistakes, right? Germany 1, Brazil 0.

In the 23rd minute, Germany scored again as certain Brazilian players seemed to wander about in a trance. Germany 2, Brazil 0.

Literally 1 minute later, Germany's Toni Kroos volleyed home a goal, again, while unmarked by any defender. Germany 3, Brazil 0

Two minutes later, Kroos scored again after the Brazilian Fernandinho carelessly gave up the ball in Brazil's half of the field. Germany 4, Brazil 0.

In the 29th minute, there came another easy goal, the 5th in just 18 minutes. Germany 5, Brazil 0.

Many Brazilian supporters in the crowd were reduced to tears and a state of shock. Germany would go on to add a 6th & 7th goal in the 2nd half, as well as missing a few other good opportunities. The match could easily have ended up 10-0! Only in the final minutes of play did the Brazilians manage to avoid a shutout.

Final score: Germany 7, Brazil 1.


Allegations of match-fixing exploded across the Internet. Videos of all 7 of Germany's easy goals gave the appearance that the Brazilians, or least a bunch of them, weren't even trying. Defenders can be seen jogging after German players who are in full sprint. World-class players stand around and look at each other like retarded children during a school recess game. Brazilian players fall down without being touched, while others turn their backs from the attacking Germans. The goal-keeper appears out of place, making theatrical dives only after the ball has already gone into his own goal. No one can deny that the play of the Brazilian team certainly mimicked that of a bribed team trying to throw the match (as has happened in international play before).

There is just one problem with this 'conspiracy theory'; a problem which rendered the idea totally unrealistic in the eyes of the deniers. You see, Brazilian soccer stars are all multi-millionaires. Moreover, had they won the World Cup, they would have become immortalized and even wealthier. The conspiracy deniers had a very valid point. Why would multi-millionaires throw away a chance at immortality for money they didn't need? Previous match-fixing allegations have centered around poorer African or Central American players, but not the filthy rich Brazilian National superstars.

It is extremely unlikely, if not impossible, that the superstars of Brazil were bribed. But what if they were blackmailed and/or threatened? Where are we going with this?

Enough of sports for now. Let's talk geo-politics.



On the eve of the 2014 World Cup, in TomatoBubble's June 10th issue of its Daily Anti-New York Times, (which you really should subscribe to!), your intrepid reporter here praised President Rousseff for her bold action in preventing a repeat of the fake CIA 'soccer revolution' attempted in 2013. Although Rousseff is a socialist, she is neither a psycho dogmatic Marxist nor a kept U.S. stooge, and she appears to have the interests of her rapidly developing nation at heart. When the rent-a-mobs threatened, Dilma proved to be "more of a man" than Ukraine's dethroned and de-balled Yanukovich ever was!


In spite of the ceaseless efforts of the cruel U.S. 'Grinch' to ruin Brazil's big National party, it appeared as though Brazilian soccer fans would be able to enjoy their cherished World Cup tournament in peace, and, hopefully, cheer their hometown sports-gods onto a 6th World Championship.

But did the Axis of Evil have a hidden card left to play?


As the World Cup tournament entered its final week, Brazilian soccer passion was at a fever pitch. The 32 team field had been narrowed down to just 4, and the host-nation team was one of them, along with Germany, Argentina and Holland. Brazil was set to face Germany in the July 8th semi-final match, to be played in the city of Belo Horizonte. (The World Cup tournament games were played out in 12 different cities)

On July 3rd, just 5 days before the big game, and 1 day before Brazil defeated Columbia in the quarterfinals, an unfinished highway overpass collapsed in, of all places, Belo Horizonte, not far from the stadium. The collapse killed two people and injured 22 others. (here) Could someone have been sending a 'Sicilian message' to Brazil's players? Were they, or their families under personal threat in addition to being blackmailed over God knows what they may have been set up with?

"Just a little reminder boys, we mean business. Next time we'll kill many more. You know what to do in the semi's!"