
LaidNYC #fundie google.no

Let me tell you something: when it comes to relationship dynamics, girls are wily and smart as fuck. They play most men like fiddles from age 12 onward. They think about relationships, talk constantly about relationships, and have many social interactions. Whether they want cock, money, attention, or commitment, they know how to get it.

Girls are not stupid, innocent victims.
They are predator, not prey.
Girls of every age are the manipulators far more often than they are the manipulated.

After age 24, women definitely do not get smarter about relationships. Their hamsters do get stronger, though, out of necessity.

Chuck Ross #fundie google.no

The sexuality-as-power lobby wants to shift the reins of control from men to women and from younger women to older ones. Younger women are fulfilling their biological imperative thereby submitting themselves to men or to a scheme that plays into men’s strategies. Older women expressing their sexuality is a way for them to hold sway over the purse strings to power. They are having sex on their own terms rather than due to some ingrained chore or obligation. The sex peak myth is a catalyst for creating sexual autonomy.

ChickenDiapers #fundie google.no

Old women need to be kept as far away from the rest of civilization as possible

Women over 22 should all just be rounded up and put in Antarctica to spend the rest of their remaining years on Earth. Because so many women are sexually worthless in the world, the overflow can be sent to the wilderness in Siberia where they can properly be housed without bothering anyone. . Keeping them in these remote locations is the best option to ensure they don’t pollute the Earth any more than what they already are simply still being on it when they have no sexual value anymore.

ChickenDippaz #fundie google.no

That "sexual peak" chit is a complete myth. It's what up-in-age older women write to encourage younger aging women, and society buys into that bullchit completely.

An 18 year old girl is in her estrogenic prime, young girls even SMELL better too.

A 18 year old girl walks past vs. a 35 year old woman walks past. Which one's lingering smell (perfume/pheromones) is better?

If you even have to THINK about the answer you're a phucking retard

LaidNYC #fundie google.no

If you are a girl:
– You are attracted to people that can kill you (Imagine being exclusively attracted to grizzly bears.)
– Almost your entire worth is based on the genetic beauty lottery.
– Even if you win the beauty lottery, your worth is in constant decline and has an immutable expiration date. A hot 23 year old wakes up and knows that is the hottest she will look for the rest of her life. Imagine getting progressively creepier to women every day and there’s nothing you can do about it?
– You are incapable of rational thought
– You lack strength and suck at everything
– Your goal is commitment from a man, but you are attracted to men who won’t commit to you, and not attracted to those who would worship you. This isn’t a choice, its encoded in your genes.
– If you are attractive, you are bothered by unattractive people all the time. (imagine fat chicks constantly approaching you). If you are not attractive, you are fucked.
-Your ability to orgasm isn’t a birthright, it may be really easy or really difficult or even impossible.
-Each new sexual partner you have decreases your worth as a potential long-term mate (and if you’re unlucky, nobody counsels you about this. Your parents, family, and friends may soothe you with feminist lies until its too late)
-You get random waves of emotions that are irrational and could even bring you to tears.
-You are expected to simultaneously be sexually skilled and chaste/inexperienced.
– Childbirth, menstruation, etc.

Theantifeminist #fundie google.no

The taboo of female farting is entirely reasonable. Men desire the female body, females tend to desire what a male body can do, rather than the body itself. If nothing else, differences in biology dictate that men have to fuck the female body, while women are fucked by the male body. Women farting is simpy a bigger turn off and passion killer for men than men farting is for women (and a bigger obstacle between successful reproduction between men and women

Emma the Emo #fundie google.no

Anyone going “I can’t see anything attractive in 13 y olds and don’t understand how anyone can be attracted to them, they look like kids to me!” is likely either brainwashed, or living in a society where 13 y o don’t eat enough and really look like kids. But probably brainwashed, if they hang out on a site like FSTDT. Ideology/religion can sure mess with people’s perception

Theantifeminist #fundie google.no

The average 40 year old man could still hope to get casual sex with a female in the top 10% of quality sexual mates (i.e. attractive girls in the 14 – 24 range), whereas the 40 year old woman could not realistically hope to get casual sex with a man in the top 10% (i.e. an alpha).

Theantifeminist #sexist google.no

I’m sure I could go out this morning and pull a 30 year old within a couple of hours and bring her back and fuck her. I have no desire to because :

1/ I have little or no sexual attraction to women that age.
2/ Having sex with women of that age, who have successfully created laws and social stigma preventing me from pursuing sex with teenage girls (in the hope that I and other men pursue sex with older females), is tantamount to allowing myself to be raped.

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