
CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Examples of cost-inflicting mate retention behavior include things such as limiting a partner’s social life by monopolizing her time and insulting her to make her feel undeserving of the current relationship.

Teasing and negs are a valuable component of a healthy, committed, and uncucked relationship!

I was right in my suspicions about what this study was really saying. Higher testosterone was associated with “cost-inflicting” mate retention behaviors, i.e., threats against interloper men or psy ops against girlfriends. Psy ops on girls and maneuvering for dominance over other men are alpha male pastimes. Showering women with reassuring PDA, being a shoulder to cry on, expressing devotion, and “benefit provisioning” as mate retention strategies are the lower T beta male options, and in the Darwinian calculus these beta strategies aren’t nearly as effective as the “cost-inflicting” alpha strategies for keeping women in love and reproductively loyal.


Ted Colt adds,

if you want to prevent a woman from straying, impregnate her, limit her employment prospects, & surround her with family

it worked for thousands of years

Realtalk. But suffrage happened, and now we live in Vagina World. For modren times (ie the age of careerist shrikes and mass contraception), the best prophylactic against a woman cheating on you is

1. choose wisely and
2. have her fall in love with you

A love of sufficient infatuation is indistinguishable from worship. And no woman will cheat on her god.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Bolded emphasis mine. Male dominance is the yang to female submissiveness. And male dominance hierarchies are a natural and healthy self-organizing behavior among young and old men. Hierarchies keep the peace and enable male cooperation for the greater good. Women and male shitlibs of womanly disposition don’t understand this inherent property of manhood because the former don’t compete to establish useful hierarchies and the latter are always on the bottom of male hierarchies and so seek to destroy them and the need for them.


Victimhood culture is the outgrowth of a feminizing (and feministing) nation. As our institutions have caved to the deluge of the Great Menstruation, boys have been severed from their innate biological predispositions, with no outlet of expressing their inborn male-ness. The result has been a massive retreat of boys from school and of men from public life, and a terrible overrun of our institutions by women, particularly women who harbor deep wells of spiteful man-hatred.


[Right here he's talking about bullying crackdowns restricting schoolyard fighting]

Great insight. The protection of the feminized State protects the tyrants from their deserved humblings at the hands of boys who are proud to be boys and not some twisted tranny genderfluid simulacrum of a male-thing. We’ve created a real monster in our zeal to defeat an imaginary monster.


This aligns with Jon Haidt’s moral foundations research which uncovered that liberals stress fairness and harm in their moral calculations, while conservatives place equal emphasis on all six moral dimensions (fairness, harm, liberty, authority, purity, and loyalty). What this means is that shitlibs are constricted in their world views, seeing all violence as against their notions of harm-based morality, instead of having the more nuanced moral view of conservatives who better understand that some violence is necessary to preserve societal health.


Social norms exist for a reason, even if liberaltardians don’t have the mental capacity to see those reasons beyond “Ugh, stop harshing my buttplug mellow, man!”. As we add more Diversity, we add more competing norms, and we take away more of the national cohesion that makes America a real country and not a bus depot for international frugalists and their buffer zone third world pets.


Liberals may be slightly better than conservatives on tests of abstraction, but I’ve normally found that conservatives are much better “big picture” thinkers than are liberals who are hidebound by their pinched individualistic morality to focus exclusively on short-term affronts to their lifestyles.


Conservatives rely more on their gut instinct, which is why they tend to lose media-framed sophistic shitlib “debates”, but also why they are smarter about foreseeing the downstream effects of social policies favored by liberals.


A rootless nation substitutes one form of social pressure — family and neighbors — with another form that accommodates the atomized existence — pressure from fake news media, entertainment, social media, and BIGCORP. It’s a malignant trade-off in the long run.

Diversity™ of course exacerbates rootlessness and the problems that come from population churn. White people constantly fleeing encroaching Diversity can turn an entire nation into a rootless mob of psychologically frayed zombies doped up on SSRIs and opioids.

It’s not a shock to learn that almost all the school shooters were taking anti-anxiety drugs. Cause and effect are hard to disentangle — it probably goes both ways in a vicious feedback loop of degenerating evil: rootlessness brings on the anxiety which is prescribed BIGPHARMA drugs which with chronic use mentally destabilizes the user and makes him more susceptible to the problems arising from rootlessness and social isolation.

We’ve got a long way to go to make America great again. Trump was only the opening salvo.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

I was alerted to a potential bombshell in the de Jesus Cruz shooting story by Ricky Vaughn’s Gab feed (@Ricky_Vaughn99). David Hogg, one of the self-proclaimed survivors who made an infamous tape while hiding out in a closet during the shooting, may have been caught lying on tape.

The media is telling us David Hogg interviewed his classmate in a closet DURING the shooting. In this video, he clearly states the time as 9:30 A.M.


But, as the timeline from the Sheriff’s office shows, the shooting did not start until 2:21 P.M.


What the hell is going on here? These student activists are LYING to us.


Folks, I have archived the video, so they cannot get away with this.

We need the truth, the public deserves to hear the truth.


I am NOT saying this is a false flag. I am NOT saying that these are crisis actors.

I am saying that these student shitlib activists are LYING to us, and we need answers. The public deserves to know, just what the hell is going on?


Here’s what I think happened: They had a drill that morning in order to scare kids into gun control. During the drill, they made these videos.

Then, that afternoon, there was an actual shooter.

They lied and said, “we made these videos during the shooting.”

First of all, why did they lie to us?

Second of all, were FBI agents online posing as Siegetards and goading this idiot, Cruz, into doing a school shooting that afternoon?

That way, they would have all the video and students who were anti-gun activists and media-trained all ready to roll for their massive anti-gun psy-op.

David Hogg, who is the face of this group of charlatans posing as “concerned activists,” is the son of a prominent FBI agent. What the hell is going on here, folks?

If true, this whole post-shooting “march against guns” activist movement is a HUGE chaimstream media-driven hoax, probably financed by that agent of Satan himself, George Soros.

More suspicious details about David Hogg that lend credence to the claim he’s a hired crisis actor tasked with pushing a major social movement to repeal the 2nd Amendment:

Hogg works for John Podesta’s Center for American Progress
From that same link, an antifa member claims Hogg didn’t go to Parkland HS; he went to school with him at Redondo Shores HS in California
Hogg really is the son of an FBI agent

Most hilariously, Hogg is seen feeding shitlib boilerplate scripted lines to a “schoolmate” in a video “interview” he supposedly shot “during” the Cruz shooting.


The whole hacktivist clown show has the feel of a top-down, rather than bottom-up, managed movement. A BIG LIE. Who’s behind the scenes, funding and directing the show? (((Curiouser and curiouser))).

Crisis actors and false narratives. It’s not like the Degenerate Leftoid Mob doesn’t have experience recruiting kids to tell whoppers. Turning out an army of child soldiers to shill for the cause du jour is the Left’s specialty.

America is drowning in lies. This age of chaos and spiraling decline will end, but not before the globohomos have tried every gaslighting weapon at their disposal. When the truth outs, the rats scurrying for cover will be a marvel to behold.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Gay Mulatto used to say after a school shooting that “this just doesn’t happen in other countries”. Various leftoid media outfits picked up on it and the like-minded chaimchorus kicked into action, singsonging the Big Lie that mass shootings are a peculiarly America phenomenon. After the de Jesus Cruz shooting, NPR apparatchiks slipped into hysteria, challenging guests who were insufficiently anti-2nd Amendment with references to “this one study, and so many other studies if we had the time to cite them, that proves mass shootings only happen in America”.

Lies lies lies lies lies—all in service to the ultimate goal of disarming law-abiding White Gentiles who are the ONLY group in America capable of organized revolution against the globohomos.

John Lott already researched this issue, and concluded that the US, on a per capita basis, falls in the middle of the mass shooting pack when compared to European nations. Remarkable, considering that most European countries are—.wait for it—”gun-free zones”.

The US is NOT uniquely violent in the world. Shitlibs are lying through their teefs.

The Leftoid Lie is even more pronounced when one controls for race. Nearly half of the mass shootings in the US between 1982 and 2017 were perpetrated by nonWhites, (and this number could go higher if we account for the disproportionate number of mischling mass shooters), which means that the native White mass shooting rate compares even more favorably to the mass shooting rates in European countries most of which are still predominately White populations.

So the next time one of these anti-White bigot haters sheds a Fake Tear—


—for the chillun, just remember that Chicago has had 60 murders by gunshot in 2018 to date, almost all of them the result of black-on-black or black-on-nonblack violence. Where are the Fake Soros-Funded Marches against the 2nd Amendment for all of those Chicongo murders?

America doesn’t have a gun problem; America has a n[REDACTED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITIES] problem. We need n[REDACTED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITIES] control, not gun control.

But this is a raw uncut truth that doublespeaking shitlibs—


—would rather hide from the public because it undermines their Get Whitey Narrative.

A conspiracist book written in 1991 by a former Naval Intelligence member gets much closer than the Gaystream Media to the truth behind the leftoid push for national gun control:


So far, the White middle class has held strong in defense of 2A. But the anti-Whites have turned up the heat following Parkland High, and the puppeteers and their puppets spy an opening to take on lawful gun ownership and mold the nation in their vision: an unarmed impotent babel of squabbling tribes rules over by a gated community elite.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

That’s a highball of truth right there. The peculiar Jewish psychological profile of neuroticism coupled with psychopathy predicts this exact sort of behavior toward the majority culture. From a historical vantage, it’s incredibly short-sighted.

And we see this jewish predilection playing out in every imaginable way. Today, Jewish provocateurs assemble groups of child soldiers in Florida, following the de Jesus Cruz shooting, to agitate for gun control, which is really goyim control.

If the thesis that diaspora jews are most paranoid about a White Gentile uprising against them is true, then OF COURSE jews would want their Gentile hosts completely disarmed.

Yet instead of wisely reflecting on their own motivations and simmering resentments, jews prefer to take the moon shot of rendering the goyim toothless and impotent.

RIP Auster, you had a critical word or two to say about this blog, but you are honored here because your writing will be looked back on as prescient during a time of turbulence. You were one of the few jews who could cast a judgmental eye at the flaws and foibles of your own tribe. If only there were more like you in positions of influence.


Given that this post meandered a bit into the topic of gun control, a word from your esteemed host:

Trump should not concede an iota to the shrieking shitlibs on their “gun control” issue.

As sure as snide follows gay, that first tiny concession will lead to more concessions, and bigger concessions, until the 2nd Amendment is a historical relic.

This is because the goal of shitlibs is total disarmament of Heritage Whites. If it was about stopping violent crime, shitlibs would be all for effective methods like racial profiling and long prison sentences. But they aren’t. So they’re lying about their real motive.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Cheap labor is neither.

1. The imported peasant world labor is less productive than the native White labor.

2. The initial cost savings to BIGCORP are lost to negative social externalities.

Monopolize the profits, socialize the costs.

Cracker Jack writes,

It wasn’t long ago that liberal Democrats/media made the case that “cheap foreign labor” wasn’t cheap – it was an example of big corporations profiting while society pays the cost. Then big corporations/Big Judaism convinced the Democrats to abandon workers because those foreign laborers and their anchor babies vote Democrat 8 times each.

The forces of Globohomo Inc will and are pulling out all the stops to thwart the nascent rise of a White-aware political and social movement in America.

They have everything to lose if they fail to contain nationalist populism. They know this, which is why they’re resorting to lies and frame jobs and censorship and full throttle 24/7 Narrative agitprop. The media-democreep-oligarch partnership in crime will assure America’s decline into banana republicanism if their agenda isn’t exposed and stopped in its tracks.

Which means we Americans have to ask ourselves—do we want self-rule, or rule by BIGCORP overlords?

PS The armchair historian in me recalls that the demand for cheap labor and the sexual and political liberation of women were defining features of nearly every major civilizational collapse. If there was a notable exception to this rule, I invite the commenters to discuss it with the civil flair that is customary for Chateau comment threads.

PPS From an MPC Status Update (strapon will be triggered to a pungent menstruation):

‘The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) counted over 100 people killed or injured by alleged perpetrators influenced by the so-called “altright”-a movement that continues to access the mainstream and reach young recruits.’

“100 genuine deaths or injuries from the altright per year would make them about 14% as dangerous as toasters”

Ban toasters! Heh.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

COTW winner is williamk, adding this insight to a discussion about the ideological proclivities of anonymous realtalk forums like 4chan,

Any anonymous board is by its very nature Right Wing and pro-White. The chans are /ourguys/, they just have lots of energy and no clear, explicit goals, which leads to lots of entropy.

“You don’t have to believe in chaos. It’s self-evident.”

Anything anonymous inevitably turns Right Wing, because the only point of being Left Wing is for status, and you can’t win status anonymously, so left wing talking points quickly dissipate, there is no incentive to repeat the pretty lies of the left.

The less anonymous the forum, the less about truth and more about status-signalling the political discussion becomes. It’s why Left Wingers create and congregate in the most deanonymous discussion places, they quickly abandon anonymous places. They can’t hang with unvarnished discussion, and have no status to gain there, so they leave.

The /chan autists are /ourguys/. They just have too much disordered energy and don’t always operate with perfect long term strategy.

The (((drive))) to de-anonymize the web (via policy and threats of doxxing) is motivated entirely by the Left’s fear of maul-right realtalk and the mockery it makes of leftist virtue signaling. Anonymity is the Left’s thermal exhaust port, because anonymity provides a means of expressing truths free from witch hunts. Anonymity exposes the impotence of the leftoid mob.

Humiliating impotence is something the Left can’t tolerate without cracking up in a brain blast of cogdis.

For the record, I don’t think the chans are apolitical agents of chaos. They’re anti-Left agents of chaos. That’s what makes them truly dangerous to the corrupt existing order; disaffected, angry young White men can change the world like no other force on earth.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Very sneaky of this tub of soy to use the category “middle eastern refugees” rather than the more precise and relevant “moslem”, which includes all moslems residing in America rather than just those officially designated as refugees recently escaping a war zone. The latter category — “moslem” — has a terrorist attack rate in America 5,000% higher than the rate for non-moslems.

[When you miss the point so hard you get a PhD in the new geometry you invented]

And the vapid conflation of terrorist attacks with falling down stairs is par for the shitlib course. Stairs don’t surprise us with pipe bombs in the subway. We all know where the stairs are and the risks inherent in climbing or descending them. But the goal of moslem terrorists goes beyond their kill count; their objective is to spread fear and panic that death could come at any time and in any place. And, unlike stairs, moslems kill in the name of a religion, and have deep and wide networks of fellow moslems helping them in their deranged cause. They have an agenda, which stairs do not.

Finally, one has to scoff at the asterisked fine print on this bugman’s posterboard. He went out of his way to assure viewers he has “citations” for his claims.

But who will fact check the fact checkers?

(anyone with descended testicles)

Anyhow, that PURE CUCKFACE is a lesson in physiognomy. A quick glance at his problem glasses and his smug doughy androgynous puffboy mug is all you need to know he’d be the type to WELL ACHSHUALLY about moslem terrorism and welcome an invasion of hued hordes—.into somebody else’s neighborhood. It’s also the look of a pasty blob who just hit the button on his rectally-inserted orgasm egg.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Remember when the Left used to advocate for the working man and against Big Business? Yeah, I don’t either. It’s been so long all I know of the Left is that they’re globalist bug-shills for MegaTech, international finance, and race replacement. In the Left’s collective consciousness, allying with predatory billionaire monopolists is worth it to stick the knife deeper in Whitey’s back.

But given that leftoids LOVE LOVE LOVE our modren day capitalist oligarchs because the omnipotent fat cats can be counted on to stream anti-White poz 24/7 into the eyeballs of Heritage America and to fund open borders advocacy NGOs, it’s full speed ahead with the violations of workers’ rights and basic humanity. “WTF I love robber barons now!”

The Left isn’t unprincipled; its core principle is power, by any hypocritical contradiction necessary. We won’t crush the Left by reminding them that they once, a long time ago, championed the oppressed worker. They’ll just shrug that off with a snarky riposte fed to them by John Oliver and carry on virtue shrieking until their enemies are silenced and their livelihoods destroyed. The Left will only be crushed by crushing them—.ousting them from power.

The Left hasn’t forgotten that open borders means in practice population churn, social disintegration, consumerist escape, rapacious multibillionaires importing scabs to displace American workers and gut their wages, and rapacious multimillionaire politicians importing ringers to displace American voters and gut their electoral power.

The Left hasn’t forgotten that open borders amounts to greedy fat cat CEOs running an arbitrage scheme on American native workers in which the former have all the leverage provided by millions of third world peasants willing to work for pennies in bezosian slave labor camps while the latter have to bend over and accept rock bottom wages, shitty workplace conditions, and low morale.

They haven’t forgotten any of it.

They have chosen to ignore it.

In service to their overarching desire to snuff out White Heritage America and morally preen on its smoldering ruin.

Still, BI also learned that with [Bezos’] OTS system, Whole Foods might be on track to saving $300 million in costs by 2020.

Cheer up, SWPL shitlibs, with those cost savings you can afford a Whole Foods artisanal cheese block as you scurry out the store trying not to look any of the employees in the eye.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

“Nixon loyalists bugged a Dem hotel room.”


“Obama/Clinton loyalists in the FBI and DOJ bugged a political opponent’s phones, rooms, cars, hotels, toilets for months on false pretext.”



The Left is principled; it just happens to be that their animating principle is the acquisition of power (and the attendant humiliation of its enemies that power allows). Hypocrisy and contradictions are useful tools to get them what they want: destruction of exclusionary normalcy.

This is why the media — wholly owned and staffed by leftoids with few exceptions — are ignoring, suppressing, or spinning news of the biggest political scandal in American history: the collusion of a former president, presidential candidate, the FBI, and DOJ to spy on a political opponent and subvert the will of the American people. The vast majority of media whores are TRUE BELIEVERS in leftoid transnational progressivism. This is why nearly all the gaystream media outlets aren’t furiously digging for information into the growing FBI-DOJ-obama-clinton scheme to influence an election. Fame and fortune are there for the taking, but loyalty to their egos and their grip on power over the anti-White Narrative matters more to them.

Thus, we see every day evidence of their self-serving doublespeak:


The mask is off, leftoids. The battlefield is cleared of your obfuscation. Now we fight.

[We've all seen your soldiers, Weidmann, try it]

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

LMA (@lovelymiss) nicely encapsulates the outline of the Globohomo Androgyny Agenda to turn Western White men into soibois and their women into manjaws, until they meet as a twisted union of de-souled bugfreaks in a dispiriting, passionless, anhedonic, asexual androgynous slop easily amused by their consumerist baubles and stupefied by Narrative pabulum.

Both male & females are under attack & it is done on purpose.

> Convince men that masculinity is bad. That they should cower & become more feminine. “Toxic masculinity” becomes a thing. We see more beta type males running around.

> Contrary to what blue haired harpies & the [chaimstream] media want people to believe, women do not like beta males. It’s biological. Women seek strength because biologically stronger males have better genes & can provide better. It’s primal & it’s almost instinctual.

> Once the men are sort of transformed to the opposite of what masculine is supposed to be, they flood countries with men who (even though they’re probably borderline mentally retarded) are more masculine than the ones we have in the west

> Tell women that whoreishness is where it’s at. Don’t settle down & have families. Sleep with as many (usually this comes with a non-white sidenote) men as possible.

You are able to ruin both men & women- and the final result is the ruining of a people & their civilization.

The Androgyny Strain is weaponized and purified to afflict both sexes. Its lethality is a combination of emasculated males and masculinized females, for only if each sex is in open revolt against their biological nature can our overlords expect to keep them pacified and unable to mount a real resistance that eschews degenerate pussyhats. I remind readers that the feministism cuntscripts exert almost as much energy deriding feminine beauty and demeanor as they do masculine vigor.

What the West needs is Tonic Masculinity. By Zeus’s chest hair, the Chateau will do its part Making America Virile Again. And in doing so, make America’s women feminine again.

[Serious question: within Weidmann's worldview, what threat is femininity to said overlords? Your anxiety over androgynization is fundamentally about "feminization," just drop the pretense and go full robowomb MGTOW already]

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The report offers explanations for the rise in single mommery that reiterate most of what I’ve written on the topic: namely, female economic independence, State welfare as Daddy substitute, the Pill, and male economic stagnation are the big incentives fueling the increase, largely through the mechanism of reducing the number of fertile-age married women.


This is basically the “I don’t need no man, I’m an empowered careerist shrike” phenomenon, which, as you will read, created a premarital sexual market feedback loop encouraging men to demand sex from women without offering marriage in exchange.

The report authors conclude that the cause of the rise in single mommery is NOT primarily a consequence of negative economic trends. Instead, they blame affluence for weakened family stability.


When women no longer needed marriage (because women were economically and reproductively self-sufficient), men no longer needed to barter marriage for sex. Now where have you read that before? Oh yeah—..HERE. [Link is to a CH post from 2008]


There is a contingent of tradcon-ish righties who balk at the idea that the State and the social norming of working women create disincentives for women to marry; but here we are, data in hand showing exactly that.

The report authors conclude that male economic fortunes aren’t the main cause of the decreasing marriage rate (and subsequent rise in the single mommery rate). However, I note that the authors make the critical analysis error of ignoring the reality and impact of female hypergamy. This is a very common flaw in these studies, but it’s a critical flaw because women don’t judge the status of men in absolute terms; women judge the marriageability (the bux) and romantic worth (the fux) of men relative to other men AND relative TO WOMEN. Read on to see what I mean.


I’ll clear it up for the authors: Hypergamy. As women have seen their career prospects and personal incomes rise, economically stagnating men have been hardest hit by women’s innate desire for higher status mates. A working class man is a catch for a jobless single woman, but he brings nothing to a working woman who already has her basic needs met. And as women rise occupationally and financially, their attraction for higher status men than themselves rises along with their own economic status. This leads to working women choosing men based on non-provider mate value cues, or choosing to drop out of the marriage hunt altogether.


I’ve mentioned this before [indeed you have]: working women disincentivize male resource provision (there are those sexual market feedback loops again), and the corollary to that is economically vulnerable women incentivize male resource provision.


Ensuring the economic self-sufficiency of women has created the single mom crisis.


On this subject, I’m a pessimist. Good times create—and all that. First, there’s the loss of purpose that accompanies the Automated Life. This hits men especially hard, because men, unlike women, don’t primarily get their sense of purpose from raising children and chatting up the neighbors hoping for gossipy dirt. Men get their purpose from work, from achievement, and (yes) from sexual conquest.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The successful pair-bond is the successful polarity-bond. Ever try to squeeze two magnets of the same pole together, as feminists and manginas insist we all do? REPULSION!

The dominant man<–>submissive woman is the strongest magnet in the known universe. The submissive man<–>submissive woman or the dominant man<–>dominant woman are the weakest bonds. In warped sexual markets, the submissive man<–>dominant woman couple can work — for a while — but it’s a coupling of egoistic convenience rather than one of passion. Its bond is reliable enough for tax purposes but also weak, and marked by frequent resentments that can provoke unfaithfulness.

The current Western sexual market is riven with submissive man<–>dominant woman couples, which doesn’t bode well. It’s why assortative mating along arid criteria like credentials and political ideology are the norm now instead of the exception, and why mating along hot wet passionate criteria like masculine-feminine frisson and provider-nurturer sex-based roles is becoming less the norm and more the exceptional act of rebellion.

Hard times will bring back the ideal Darwinian bond of strong men coupling with submissive women.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

This is what happens when you give too much social and political power to women: they act out, refuse all personal responsibility or accountability for any of their actions, and demand immediate satisfaction of any whim which happens to cross their minds.

In other words, it’s like giving power to a child. Don’t expect good things to come from that. Do expect caprice, cruelty, and short-sighted stupidity.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Below the level of extravagant male wealth, money doesn’t make a huge DIRECT impact on women’s attraction to men. If a man has a nice car and condo, no economically self-sufficient careergirl will be wowed by that. The benefit of money comes from the confidence it instills in men, which women DO love.


If modren Western women are indeed switching to an r-selected reproduction strategy — i.e., focusing on short-term hookups that advantage cads over dads and chads over NOWAGS — then a man’s earning power will have a smaller impact on female attraction than it historically has had in more patriarchal (aka Regulated Monogamy) times when women weren’t paper pushing corporate whores who could afford their own mortgages and streaming pussyhat entertainment packages.

Of course, this will not end well for civilization. When the big bulging mass of beta providers realize they can’t leverage their provisions for a loyal young babe who isn’t saddled with a porn star’s sexual history, they will drop out of the mating market and make just enough to satisfy their immediate needs. Then after the fiat economy collapses from the disengagement of its most competent and conscientious men, there goes the female workforce it enabled, and we’re right back to the primordial patriarchy of young, chaste, dependent women locking down that beta provider while she still has miles of virgin road left on her hodometer.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

An old man excused himself to ask me for directions. I can’t remember the last time that happened. Not in the car nor on the sidewalk. Everyone’s got their snarkphone GPS to tell them where they’re going.

We the people are atomizing, socially and neurally. Our gadgets make us stupid and solitary. We are losing those common social graces and facial cues and verbal tones that have helped us for millennia navigate complex social arrangements and the demands of civilization. The rotten fruit of this devolution to a human-paramecium hybrid is all around us if we’re willing to see it with open eyes and de-politicized egos. For the latest example of it, see #MeToo. Men and women have stopped knowing how to deal with each other, preferring instead snarkphone listicles that make fun of people who still cling to their antiquated notions of sex differences.

The little culture deaths will add up until nothing is left but for the barbarian hordes to storm our unwalled fortress of mass solitude and put the decomposing, fap-wearied body of our nation to rest.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The relevancy of this post will probably be moot by the time it’s published, but I’ve made some points about our current climate of anti-sex prudishness that deserve consideration, so here ya go.

I’m glad Trump came out in support of Roy Moore. The man’s travails — stoked to an incomprehensibly vitriolic froth by Nasty Womanhood, Inc and the Jewish Interest Media — are emblematic of the man-hating culture that suffuses us. Do I think it’s a leetle weird for a 30 year old man to actively seek to date late teenage girls? Sure, but it’s not criminal (not as long as AOC varies state-to-state from age 14 to 17—.I can’t take a statutory crime seriously if all it requires is a hop across the state border to decriminalize the charge), and certainly not worthy of national coverage knowing that it would hardly have made the local news in the 1970s (which really could have been a millennia ago given how much American culture has changed since then).

30-year-old Roy Moore’s preference for teenage love isn’t a radical aberration or departure from the spectrum of normal male sexuality. It’s out on the tails of normal male sexuality, but not off the curve into abnormality where actual paraphilias (e.g., pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality) exist. NEWSFLASH: Men prefer young women, at minimum younger women than themselves, and men with power and social status that are naturally attractive to women will be better able and willing to fulfill their desire. At the margins, this means there will be HSMV older men who will date 17 year old Southern Roses, and some of those men will be actively pursuing a marriageable young woman with plenty of residual reproductive value to provide him with the large family he wants.

Roy Moore has four children with his wife of forty years. As far as we know, he has been faithful to her the whole time, and she adores him. His wife is fourteen years younger than him. This indicates that his youthful exuberance pursuing teen girls was part of a conscious desire he had at the time to find his One True Girl and marry her.

As long as there are teenage women with shapely figures telegraphing the opening of their prime fertility windows—.


—there will be men of all ages ogling them. Some of those men will have the mate value and the immunity to social expectation to win one over as his own. Roy Moore’s preferences were within the sphere of normal, naturally evolved male sexuality. To dumbly conflate his dating history with that of pedophiles and pervert potted plant masturbators cajoling actress whores with a bit of the ol’ quim pro quo, is a slanderous joke and reveals a deep-seated discomfort with and spite toward the Darwinian contours of male sexuality and male romantic longing.

FYI it’s not all that unusual or uncommon for an adult man to get tripped up by the apparent age of an especially voluptuous teen woman. Unless a man is in the habit of asking all 0.7 waist-hip ratio women for their IDs, there’s a chance one of them might conceal being a barely legal vixen.

Related, some men (maybe Moore) either physically age more slowly or retain a light-heartedness of spirit that belies their age, which both makes them more attractive to and more attracted to younger women. It’s not the rule, but it’s a fairly notable exception.

Say what you will about Roy Moore, at least his girls agreed to date him (even if they retconned a discomfort 40 years later). The Synagogue of Seediness doesn’t bother with the formality of mutual agreement, they just passive-aggressively jam tongues down throats “to rehearse our lines”.

In sum, if you believe every recollected detail of the ancient allegations, only one woman at the time was underage (barely) when Moore asked her out on a date, shared consensual 2nd base foreplay with her, and drove her home when she wanted to leave. The rest of his “accusers” — aka bitter aged cows who regret not being the woman Moore married, all of whom with shitty personal relationship histories and connections to thecunt’s #SheMenstruated cat lady symposium, retconning their bloom of youth trysts with Moore into criminal acts — were legal age at the time of the alleged May-December violation of the feminist code of acceptable intersexual conduct.

You may think it’s icky for a grown man to consensually date barely legal teen girls, but that doesn’t make it criminal. There was a time when, while not quite the social norm, such couples weren’t all that unusual and nobody much blinked an eye when they encountered one. We all know of our own or someone else’s great-grandparents with big age gaps who started popping out kids when great-grandmama was seventeen.

I doubt Moore’s janey-come-lately accusers really were all that scandalized by his come-ons in 1977. Here’s a rule of thumb I use to determine the validity of a woman’s sexual misconduct accusation: If she waits more than ten years to tell anyone about it, she wasn’t all that bothered by the infraction when it occurred. If she waits forty years, it’s a political hit job exploiting a radically changed anti-sex feminist cunt climate.

But it is fair to ask why Moore would, if reports based on memories of contemporaries from forty years ago are accurate to the tiniest detail (they’re not), pursue questionable if mutually consensual age-disparate relationships with teenagers to the exclusion of older women, and risk the specter of social ostracism. Some say it’s because Moore was emotionally stunted and socially awkward — a 1970s proto-sperg — who wanted a deferential and awestruck teenage woman for company unlikely to challenge his self-conception or strain his capacity for mature adult banter.

Maybe, but probably not. I think he just liked ’em ripely hot, and didn’t much care about “relationship complementarity” as de-sexed ür-bugman Will Wilkinson might put it. This notion, held dear by both white knights and feminists, that men who date younger women are secretly intimidated by strong, independent, empowered older women is why I say betacels and bitterbitches have a lot more in common than they’d willingly admit.

Psychologically emasculated white knights who gripe about “power imbalances” in the workplace between male bosses and female subordinates, or in society between older high status men and younger inexperienced women, can’t seem to fathom or accept the reality that female sexual desire is different than male sexual desire, and women are typically attracted to powerful men. Two to tango, chumps. Men are aroused to provide for and protect vulnerable, deferential women, and women are aroused by strong men to whom they can safely and happily defer. Even to whom they can submit. Perfectly equal relationships are also perfectly passionless relationships. Sexual polarity is the lube of love. Male power and female admiration provide the sexual frisson that magnifies feelings of love and creates a solid foundation up;on which to build up a lifelong commitment.

Other theories for Moore’s focus on finding a teen fiancee that I’ve read hold more weight for me.


Character matters, and it looks to me that Moore’s accusers have the lowest of character, which rightly calls into question their veracity. Their low character doesn’t disprove their allegations, but it certainly is a leading indicator that they’re telling lies, or at best telling politically embroidered quasi-truths.


Well, you know, (((comedians))) get a special dispensation. (For the record, I have no problem with Jerry Seinfeld dating a legal 17 year old hottie. Men work hard to acquire status, fame and power FOR JUST THIS SORT OF OPPORTUNITY.)


That’s one of the better analyses of Moore I’ve read. He had an epic case of blue balls, and he wanted that feeling of young love that was denied him for so long. Are we going to lynch the man for that? If so, then you may as well criminalize men and castrate us all, because our dicks and our hearts aren’t going to cooperate with the anhedonic low T androgynarchic shrewtopia the hag collective wants to impose on society.

The next #resistance narrative is taking shape. Already I have shitlib acquaintances telling me, “How is it Ok that Trump can get away with groping women but no one else can?” You knew this was coming. Frankenwinestein was the sacrificial lamb to the gods of NeverTrump.

I’m near certain that Dem leaders and Cuckryans sat down with Frankenstien and said “Look Al, the photo is bad, you’re gonna have to resign, but look at it this way, you’ll go down a martyr, we’ll use your sacrifice to take down Moore and Trump. This is how you can do the most good.”

It’s pretty clear to me that the leftoid fuggernaut, caught off-guard by Pedowood, scrambled to segue from Chosen perversion to smearing the good names of Gentile anti-establishmentarians. Jizz up the waters enough and people forget who the worst perps are.

That’s why I have been consistent in my assessment of these decades-old sexual harassment allegations: mostly a bunch of Regret Fling griping from post-Wall women with a few genuine victims sprinkled in to give the moral panic a veneer of legitimacy. NeverForget that the overwhelming majority of these sex abuse accusations have been leveled against male feminist shitlibs, so what we are seeing is a moral panic started by shitlibs and feminists that they are DESPERATE to enlarge beyond the scope of the ghetto of male shitlib perverts.

Libs trying to tie Trump to #MeToo should be made aware of their telling silence and support when Hillary was running smear campaigns against Bill Clinton’s accusers. And in Bill’s case, one of the women, Juanita Broadderick, has been saying since day one he raped her.

It would be funny if, after every GOP establishment eel turned on Moore and the combined force of the jewish interest media lobbed their artillery at him, he still won. Biggest middle finger to the Globohomo Uniparty and to Schoolmarm Feminism this side of Trump’s election.


When you accept that the GOPe cuck elite really truly hate the heartland Americans they pretend to represent, you’ll understand their behavior and be able to predict their future actions. The Uniparty is real, and they are feeling the heat. Moore, please.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Democrat Mayor of New Brighton, MN, the tubby post-menopausal schoolmarmish Val Johnson, is emblematic of the shitliberal establishment in predominantly White regions of the country. Here she is caught on video having an emotional breakdown ranting about the phantasm of “White privilege”


Female brain gone insane.

This is your political party on estrogen, hot flashes, and dying ovaries. The feminization of the Democreeps means more crazy cat ladies virtue signaling like lunatics about all the browns and blacks they “look after” while haranguing White men about their privilege and misogyny. The mass influx of bitter hags and wrecked sluts into politics has been a disaster for the West, no doubt about it.

What’s more pathetic than this cunt’s psychotic break in the video, if that’s possible, is the collective reaction of the four UGH WHITE MALES sitting there taking hot splooges of this broad’s insanity to their faces. Not one of these “””men””” had the balls to tell this shrike to shut the hell up? You know they were all thinking it. At least, you hope they were thinking it; maybe shitlib White men are so utterly emasculated that this feels like normal to them. They would feel adrift without some rancid cunt shrieking like a banshee about how evil and stupid and entitled they are.

Anti-White feminism is a civilization-wide shit test, and men are failing it, badly. What the country needs more than ever is one man with brass ones to jab a chadfinger in one of these cunt’s porky mugs and tell her off. “There’s no such thing as White privilege you stupid old shrew, and if you keep it up I’m gonna throw you out of a helicopter!”

The Emascunations of the West are feeding the delusions of our worst people, and so naturally we are getting more shitty people behaving even shittier than ever running things into the ground. When the eunuchs guard the cunts, civ death is close at hand. Alexis de Tocqueville warned that America would turn into a country of masculine women and weak men, and that’s exactly what happened. The crazy cat ladies, homos, and ball-less wonders are at the helm, steering the ship of state straight into the litter box.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

These are the Alabama pastors who “rallied in opposition” to Roy Moore.

Steve Sailer calls it “the Coalition of the Fringes”. I call it The Fuggernaut. The reality both terms describe is the same: the forces arrayed against Heritage America are a slop bucket of human scree. Every fug under the black hole sun has come out of the goonwork to “resist” Trumperica, and in so doing they have revealed themselves as the bitter spiteful degenerate bloodsucking transnormal effluvia lashing out at anything conceivably connected to what is true and beautiful and worth fighting for in the world.

Our enemies aren’t deathly afraid of exposure; they’re deathly afraid of being called out for what they are once exposed. And who but your ‘umble shiv-servant has been dong just that for as long as the internet has been free?

Chateau Heartiste #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon

I. Never say ‘I Love You’ first

Women want to feel like they have to overcome obstacles to win a man’s heart. They crave the challenge of capturing the interest of a man who has other women competing for his attention, and eventually prevailing over his grudging reluctance to award his committed exclusivity. The man who gives his emotional world away too easily robs women of the satisfaction of earning his love. Though you may be in love with her, don’t say it before she has said it. Show compassionate restraint for her need to struggle toward yin fulfillment. Inspire her to take the leap for you, and she’ll return the favor a thousandfold.

II. Make her jealous

Flirt with other women in front of her. Do not dissuade other women from flirting with you. Women will never admit this but jealousy excites them. The thought of you turning on another woman will arouse her sexually. No girl wants a man that no other woman wants. The partner who harnesses the gale storm of jealousy controls the direction of the relationship.

III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority

Forget all those romantic cliches of the leading man proclaiming his undying love for the woman who completes him. Despite whatever protestations to the contrary, women do not want to be “The One” or the center of a man’s existence. They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man’s life purpose, to help him achieve that purpose with their feminine support, and to follow the path he lays out. You must respect a woman’s integrity and not lie to her that she is “your everything”. She is not your everything, and if she is, she will soon not be anymore.

IV. Don’t play by her rules

If you allow a woman to make the rules she will resent you with a seething contempt even a rapist cannot inspire. The strongest woman and the most strident feminist wants to be led by, and to submit to, a more powerful man. Polarity is the core of a healthy loving relationship. She does not want the prerogative to walk all over you with her capricious demands and mercurial moods. Her emotions are a hurricane, her soul a saboteur. Think of yourself as a bulwark against her tempest. When she grasps for a pillar to steady herself against the whipping winds or yearns for an authority figure to foil her worst instincts, it is you who has to be there— strong, solid, unshakeable and immovable.

V. Adhere to the golden ratio

Give your woman 2/3 of everything she gives you. For every three calls or texts, give her two back. Three declarations of love earn two in return. Three gifts; two nights out. Give her two displays of affection and stop until she has answered with three more. When she speaks, you reply with fewer words. When she emotes, you emote less. The idea behind the golden ratio is twofold — it establishes your greater value by making her chase you, and it demonstrates that you have the self-restraint to avoid getting swept up in her personal dramas. Refraining from reciprocating everything she does for you in equal measure instills in her the proper attitude of belief in your higher status. In her deepest loins it is what she truly wants.

VI. Keep her guessing

True to their inscrutable natures, women ask questions they don’t really want direct answers to. Woe be the man who plays it straight — his fate is the suffering of the beta. Evade, tease, obfuscate. She thrives when she has to imagine what you’re thinking about her, and withers when she knows exactly how you feel. A woman may want financial and family security, but she does not want passion security. In the same manner, when she has displeased you, punish swiftly, but when she has done you right, reward slowly. Reward her good behavior intermittently and unpredictably and she will never tire of working hard to please you.

VII. Always keep two in the kitty

Never allow yourself to be a “kept man”. A man with options is a man without need. It builds confidence and encourages boldness with women if there is another woman, a safety net, to catch you in case you slip and risk a breakup, divorce, or a lost prospect, leading to loneliness and a grinding dry spell. A woman knows once she has slept with a man she has abdicated a measure of her power; when she has fallen in love with him she has surrendered nearly all of it. But love is ephemeral and with time she may rediscover her power and threaten to leave you. It is her final trump card. Withdrawing all her love and all her body in an instant will rend your soul if you are faced with contemplating the empty abyss alone. Knowing there is another you can turn to for affection will fortify your will and satisfy your manhood.

VIII. Say you’re sorry only when absolutely necessary

Do not say you’re sorry for every wrong thing you do. It is a posture of submission that no man should reflexively adopt, no matter how alpha he is. Apologizing increases the demand for more apologies. She will come to expect your contrition, like a cat expects its meal at a set time each day. And then your value will lower in her eyes. Instead, if you have done something wrong, you should acknowledge your guilt in a glancing way without resorting to the actual words “I’m sorry.” Pull the Bill Clinton maneuver and say “Mistakes were made” or tell her you “feel bad” about what you did. You are granted two freebie “I’m sorry”s for the life of your relationship; use them wisely.

IX. Connect with her emotions

Set yourself apart from other men and connect with a woman’s emotional landscape. Her mind is an alien world that requires deft navigation to reach your rendevous. Frolic in the surf of emotions rather than the arid desert of logic. Be playful. Employ all your senses. Describe in lush detail scenarios to set her heart afire. Give your feelings freedom to roam. ROAM. Yes, that is a good word. You’re not on a linear path with her. You are ROAMING all over, taking her on an adventure. In this world, there is no need to finish thoughts or draw conclusions. There is only need to EXPERIENCE. You’re grabbing her hand and running with her down an infinite, labyrinthine alleyway with no end, laughing and letting your fingers glide on the cobblestone walls along the way.

X. Ignore her beauty

The man who trains his mind to subdue the reward centers of his brain when reflecting upon a beautiful female face will magically transform his interactions with women. His apprehension and self-consciousness will melt away, paving the path for more honest and self-possessed interactions with the objects of his desire. This is one reason why the greatest lotharios drown in more love than they can handle — through positive experiences with so many beautiful women they lose their awe of beauty and, in turn, their powerlessness under its spell. It will help you acquire the right frame of mind to stop using the words hot, cute, gorgeous, or beautiful to describe girls who turn you on. Instead, say to yourself “she’s interesting” or “she might be worth getting to know”. Never compliment a girl on her looks, especially not a girl you aren’t fucking. Turn off that part of your brain that wants to put them on pedestals. Further advanced training to reach this state of unawed Zen transcendence is to sleep with many MANY attractive women (try to avoid sleeping with a lot of ugly women if you don’t want to regress). Soon, a Jedi lover you will be.

XI. Be irrationally self-confident

No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get; what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence, warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational self-confidence will get you more pussy than rational defeatism.

XII. Maximize your strengths, minimize your weaknesses

In the betterment of ourselves as men we attract women into our orbit. To accomplish this gravitational pull as painlessly and efficiently as possible, you must identify your natural talents and shortcomings and parcel your efforts accordingly. If you are a gifted jokester, don’t waste time and energy trying to raise your status in philosophical debate. If you write well but dance poorly, don’t kill yourself trying to expand your manly influence on the dancefloor. Your goal should be to attract women effortlessly, so play to your strengths no matter what they are; there is a groupie for every male endeavor. Except World of Warcraft.

XIII. Err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little

Touching a woman inappropriately on the first date will get you further with her than not touching her at all. Don’t let a woman’s faux indignation at your boldness sway you; they secretly love it when a man aggressively pursues what he wants and makes his sexual intentions known. You don’t have to be an asshole, but if you have no choice, being an inconsiderate asshole beats being a polite beta, every time.

XIV. Fuck her good

Fuck her like it’s your last fuck. And hers. Fuck her so good, so hard, so wantonly, so profligately that she is left a quivering, sparking mass of shaking flesh and sex fluids. Drain her of everything, then drain her some more. Kiss her all over, make love to her all night, and hold her close in the morning. Own her body, own her gratitude, own her love. If you don’t know how, learn to give her squirting orgasms.

XV. Maintain your state control

You are an oak tree. You will not be manipulated by crying, yelling, lying, head games, sexual withdrawal, jealousy ploys, pity plays, shit tests, hot/cold/hot/cold, disappearing acts, or guilt trips. She will rain and thunder all around you and you will shelter her until her storm passes. She will not drag you into her chaos or uproot you. When you have mastery over yourself, you will have mastery over her.

XVI. Never be afraid to lose her

You must not fear. Fear is the love-killer. Fear is the ego-triumph that brings abject loneliness. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over and through you. And when your ego-fear is gone you will turn and face your lover, and only your heart will remain. You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you, controls you. Don’t give her that power over yourself. Love yourself before you love her.


The closer you follow the letter of these commandments, the easier you will find and keep real, true unconditional love and happiness in your life.


Your Lord and King

Chateau Heartiste #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Beta Of The Year Contest Submissions

Submit links to your beta candidates in the comments to this post. At the end of each month I will choose two betas from among the monthly submissions which you, the readers, will then vote on for Beta Of The Month winner. If your link is the winning beta, I will put your name up in lights on my blog, and the next beer will be on me if you are ever in town.

There will be a final debate and reader vote at the end of the year to select who among the twelve Beta Of The Month winners is the most pathetic, vomit-inducing beta. He will be crowned BETA OF THE YEAR. Prize for the winning BOTY link to be determined.

Happy hunting!

Chateau Heartiste #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Dating Market Value Test For Women


I’ve adjusted the scoring and categories a bit because the test was skewed somewhat toward lower scores. For those who have arguments with my scoring system, understand that it is based on averages. I’m sure everyone knows a 34 year old woman who is just as hot as the average 22 year old girl, but the exceptions don’t make the rules.

And a note on BMI:
I used the 1959 Met Life height-weight insurance charts as guides as they are the most accurate (before American “grade inflation” made obese the new normal). A 5’10” 140lb woman would have a BMI of 20.1, which puts her well within the most desirable BMI category.


If you are a woman, this test will measure your dating market value. The higher the number, the better quality man you can catch. The lower the number, the more likely you will find yourself surrounded by cats. Unlike the male version of this test, here I have added a sliding scale to some of the questions because this better reflects the outsized importance that certain factors have on a woman’s total sexual value.

Guys, you may take this quiz for your girlfriends or wives to see if you have settled for tepid sex once a week or if you always get hard looking at her and never forget her birthday.

1. How old are you?

15 to 16 years old: +5 points
17 to 20 years old: +10 points
21 to 25 years old: +8 points
26 to 29 years old: +3 point
30 to 33 years old: 0 points
33 to 36 years old: -1 point
37 to 40 years old: -5 points
41 to 45 years old: -8 points
46 to 49 years old: -10 points
over 49: you’ve hit the wall. waysa?

2. How important is makeup to your appearance?

It slightly enhances my looks: 0 points
I look like a different woman with makeup: -1 point
I’m a natural beauty. My morning face looks the same as my evening face: +1 point

3. What is your IQ? (This relates tangentially to your ability to connect emotionally with a man.)

Under 85: -1 point
85 to 100: 0 points
101 to 120: +1 point
121 to 145: 0 points
Over 145: -1 point


The following ten questions deal with the physical attractiveness of your body.

4. Your breast size is:

Bee stings up to A cup: -1 point
B cup: 0 points
C cup: +1 point
D cup, naturally firm: +2 points
DD cup, firm: +1 point
E cup and up: 0 points

5. Your breasts look firm and pert when you wear:

A bra: 0 points
An underwire push-up bra: -1 point
Nothing: +1 point

6. How long are your legs in relation to your height?

Long: +1 point
Average: 0 points
Short: -1 point

7. What is the shape of your ass?

Flat: -1 point
Round and fleshy: +1 point
Round, fleshy, and firm: +2 points
Flat and saggy: -2 points
Just average: 0 points

8. How flat is your stomach?

Cutting board flat: +1 point
Slight pouch: 0 points
Muffin top: -1 point
Flabby beer gut and fupa: -10 points

9. How toned are your upper arms?

Very toned, I can see my triceps: +1 point
Average, not flabby: 0 points
If I hold my arm out, I can wobble the fat underneath my upper arm: -1 point

10. How big are your hands?

Delicate piano fingers, proportionally small: +1 point
Average size: 0 points
Manhands: -1 point

11. Where is there hair on your body?

My head and pubic area only: +1 point
I have to shave my legs daily and wax my bushy eyebrows: 0 points
I have dark forearm hair and a mustache: -1 point
Nipples, asscrack, and that giant mole on my back: -2 points

12. Get a tape ruler and measure around your waist and your hips. Divide your waist number by your hip number. This ratio is:

0.65 to 0.75: +1 point
0.55 to 0.64: 0 points
under 0.55: -1 point
0.76 to 0.85: 0 points
0.85 to 0.95: -1 point
over 0.95: -2 points

13. What is your BMI?

(Go here to calculate your BMI. The scoring of female BMI varies somewhat from that of male BMI because aesthetics, not just general health, have to be taken into consideration.)

under 14.1: -10 points
14.1 to 15.0: -5 points
15.1 to 16.5: 0 points
16.6 to 17.4: +3 points
17.5 to 21.0: +10 points
21.1 to 23.0: +3 points
23.1 to 24.5: 0 points
24.6 to 28.0: -5 points
28.1 to 33.0: -10 points
over 33.0: stop taking this quiz. you get nothing! you lose! good day madam!


The next ten questions are the section of the test that measures your facial beauty. Since so much of a woman’s dating market value resides in the appeal of her face, I have chosen to examine some traits in finer detail. To illustrate how very subtle changes in facial characteristics can mean the difference between beautiful and ugly, look at these two photos:


I do not even have to label these photos because almost all my readers viewing them, men and women, will instinctively know which is the hot girl and which is not. Remember this the next time someone tells you beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

14. On a scale of 1 to 10, how pretty are you?

Note: Do not bother soliciting the opinions of the following people, because they will not give you a truthful answer.

Your family.
Your heterosexual female friends.
Your homosexual male friends.
Your heterosexual male friends who would sleep with you given the chance.

Instead, put your pic up on hotornot and check back in a week. Otherwise, go with what you’ve overheard through the grapevine by people who weren’t your close friends, or suck it up and try to be as honest with yourself as possible. Lesbians will also give you an accurate appraisal as long as it is through a third party and not directly to your face. Use the photos above as guidelines. Adjust your rating based on how close your facial morphology matches one or the other.

0: don’t bothering finishing this test.
1 to 2: -10 points
3 to 4: -5 points
5: -1 point
6: +2 points
7: +5 points
8 to 9: +8 points
10: +12 points

15. How clear is your skin?

No acne, blemishes, or poorly located moles: 0 points
Some combination of the above: -1 point
People are always telling you how silky smooth your skin looks: +1 point

16. Do you have any noticeable deformities?

Yes, minor: -1 point
Yes, major: -10 points
No: 0 points

17. How full are your lips?

Pencil thin: -1 point
Average: 0 points
Juicily plump: +1 point
Weirdly oversized: 0 points

18. How high is your forehead?

Low: -1 point
Average: 0 points
High: +1 point

19. How long is your jawline from ear to chin?

Long: -1 point
Average: 0 points
Short: +1 point

20. How big is your chin?

Small: +1 point
Average: 0 points
Large: -1 point

21. How big is your nose?

Small: +1 point
Average: 0 points
Large: -1 point

22. In proportion to the size of your face, are your eyes:

Large and saucer-like: +1 point
Normal-sized: 0 points
Small and beady: -1 point

23. Is the distance between your eyes:

Wide: +1 point
Average: 0 points
Narrow: -1 point

The bottom line on female facial beauty is that as the lower half of her face becomes smaller and more delicate, making her eyes and cheekbones appear more prominent, the better looking she will be.


The final eleven questions measure your femininity, sexiness, and pleasing personality traits. This is the closest to “game” that women have at their disposal. It isn’t much, which is why the scoring is lowest in this section.

24. You frequently wear sexy lingerie, even when not prepping for a hot date.

Yes: +1 point
Special occasions only: 0 points
Never. Ripped and stained comfy granny panties only: -1 point

25. When someone gets hurt you are the first to ask if they are OK and to deliver aid if needed.

Almost always: +1 point
Occasionally: 0 points
Almost never: -1 point

26. You are highly competitive and often play co-ed team sports.

Yes, and I will throw an elbow if necessary. My shelf is filled with trophies: -1 point
I like to exercise on nice days with one on one sports like tennis: +1 point
I’m competitive with other girls, but not guys: 0 points

27. When a guy approaches you in a bar, regardless of your attraction for him, you:

Smile and look at him: +1 point
Pretend like you don’t notice him coming: 0 points
Frown and tell him you’re talking to your friends before he even gets a chance to say Hi: -1 point

28. On a first date the check arrives for dinner and drinks. You:

Offer to split the check or even pay in full: +1 point
Smile and thank the guy when he pays for the check: 0 points
Forget to thank him after he pays for your ungrateful ass: -1 point

29. You are about to have sex with a guy for the first time. He undresses and his penis is small. Do you:

Tell him how great his cock looks and feels?: +1 point
Say nothing: 0 points
Look surprised and stifle a laugh: -1 point

30. You think blowjobs are:

Great! You give them spontaneously and there’s never any doubt how much you enjoy it: +1 point
An obligation: 0 points
Gross. You gave one after your BF proposed and spit it on his shoes: -1 point

31. Do you do anal?

Yes, and it makes me come to know how much it pleases my man: +1 point
Only when I get really drunk: 0 points
Never. It’s an exit only: -1 point

32. The number of sex positions you have tried is:

3 to 10: 0 points
Missionary and doggy style only: -1 point
I’m a contortionist: +1 point

33. How often do you curse?

I think I said damn once: +1 point
I blurt out fuck and shit a few times a week: 0 points
My mouth is a gutter: -1 point

34. You’d best describe your sense of fashion as:

I’m a label whore: -1 point
I hide my body under baggy tees and ill-fitting jeans: -1 point
I wear casual clothing that flatters my figure: 0 points
I wear stylish clothing on weeknights and I can handle heels over 3 inches: +1 point
My flip flops have my foot imprint in them: -2 points



There is a minimum of -83 points and a maximum of 64 points to earn based on the questions asked. The reason the minimum score goes lower than the maximum score goes high is because there are a few things, such as gross obesity, old age, or a major facial deformity, that seriously negatively impact a woman’s overall rating to the point of market extinction.

The scoring breaks down as follows:

-83: You are proof that god does not exist, but that satan does.
-82 to -56: You’re an omega. If it makes you feel better you will have your choice of male omegas to bang.
-55 to -40: The majority of men are disgusted by the sight of you. Your kind will suffer most when our sexbot overlords arrive. Losers hit on you constantly figuring they have a chance.
-39 to -20: You were born to cockblock. But you’ll manage to marry a table scrap.
-19 to -5: Lesser beta. The men you want make fun of you out of earshot. You spend many years learning how to settle for mediocre betas.
-4 to 14: Classic beta. Your hot friends always gets hit on first, but if you really tramp it up you can snag a slightly better than average guy to take you home for a single night of commitment.
15 to 29: Greater beta. More than a few attractive guys will approach you. But if your personality is flawed you risk becoming a pump and dump victim.
30 to 43: You are officially a nascent alpha female. A lot of quality guys will hit on you and you will be able to pick and choose at your leisure. But don’t push it. You’re not quite hot enough to string guys along forever.
44 to 55: You’re a bona fide hottie. Nearly every guy who meets you agrees you are a hottie. So does every girl. This puts you in the top 1% of worldwide womanhood. With great power comes great responsibility, so try to limit the number of men you torture with blueballs and LJFB rejections to fewer than 100 in your social circle. As long as you are not a complete bitch, marriage with a top quality man will come easily to you.
56 to 63: Guys want you, girls want to be you. You are just short of perfection, which paradoxically means you will get hit on more than the super alpha females. You are a player’s greatest challenge, and his greatest reward, because unlike the perfect woman there is still something human about you. Sex, love, security, commitment, easy living— you have it all. Only your demons can defeat you.
64: Super Alpha. The world is yours. Life is an endless parade of joy and excitement. Your power is illimitable— for now.

I hope everyone noticed what was missing from this test:

Your job.
The amount of money you make.
Your accomplishments.
Your social status and number of friends.
Your deep and profound worldview.

Unlike the men who took my Male Dating Market Value test, I do not expect *any* women to be completely honest with themselves taking the Female Dating Market Value test. The female ego is simply way too fragile to absorb the shock of such a brutal self-assessment. Therefore, I will be mentally subtracting 10 points from every woman who posts her score here in the comments.

(Submitter's note: Compare and contrast Dating Market Value Test For Men)

Chateau Heartiste #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Dating Market Value Test For Men

Here is a system for determining your dating market value if you are a man. Dating market value is a measurement of how you stack up against other men in the competition for attracting female interest. Be honest with yourself taking this survey. It will give you a fairly accurate assessment of the quality and number of women you are capable of attracting for a sexual relationship. Girls, you may take this quiz for your boyfriends to see if you are slumming it or about to be cheated on.

1. How old are you?

under 25 years old: 0 points
26-34 years old: +1 point
35-45 years old: 0 points
45+ years old: -1 point

2. How tall are you?

under 5’9?: -1 point
5’9? to 5’11”: 0 points
6' to 6’4?: +1 point
over 6’4?: 0 points

3. What is your BMI?

(Go here to calculate your BMI. I know BMI doesn’t account for very muscular physiques, but since most men are not Lee Haney, it is adequate for this survey’s purposes.)

under 20.0: -1 point
20.0 to 24.0: +1 point
24.1 to 27.0: 0 points
over 27.0: -1 point

4. How much do you bench press?

60% or less of your body weight: -1 point
61% to 80% of your body weight: 0 points
81% to 170% of your body weight: +1 point
over 170% of your body weight: 0 points

5. What does your hairline look like?

Full head of hair if you are over 35: +1 point
Full head of hair if you are under 35: 0 points
Receding hairline if you are over 35: 0 points
Receding hairline if you are under 35: -1 point
Bald (age irrelevant): -1 point
Bald but you are dark-skinned: 0 points

6. How much money do you make?

under $40K and you are out of college: -1 point
$40K to $70K out of college and under 40 years old: 0 points
over $70K out of college and under 40 years old: +1 point
under $40K and you are college age or younger: 0 points
$40K to $55K and over 40 years old: -1 point
$55K to $90K and over 40 years old: 0 points
over $90K and 40 to 55 years old: +1 point
over $200K (age irrelevant): +1 point

7. Do you have a car?

No (under 21yo): 0 points
No (over 21yo): -1 point
Yes (under 21yo): +1 point
Yes (over 21yo): 0 points
No, but you have a motorcycle (age irrelevant): +1 point

8. Are you good-looking?

(Self-assessment is somewhat unreliable, so if you are uncertain of your looks post your pic on hotornot and wait a week for your score. Or get opinions from unbiased and blunt friends. Hashing out the biometric details of what makes a male face attractive would require another lengthy post, so for now these two methods are acceptable substitutes.)

On a 1 – 10 scale:

0 – 4: -1 point
5 – 7: 0 points
8 – 10: +1 point

9. Have you ever played a leading role in a team sport?

No: 0 points
Yes: +1 point

10. What is your occupation?

(Since I won’t list every single high status job in the Department of Labor’s Occupational Handbook, you’ll have to make a judgment call on your own job. It’s a safe assumption that most people know a high status job when they see it.)

High status (doctor, lawyer, stockbroker, executive, professor, business owner, successful artist or musician or writer, professional athlete, etc.): +1 point
Neutral status (engineer, programmer, accountant, salesman, mid level manager, scientist, military officer, well-paid tradesman, etc.): 0 points
Low status (low paid blue collar, admin, construction, janitor, struggling web designer, help desk, etc.): -1 point

11. How many friends do you have?

0 to 3: -1 point
4 to 20: 0 points
over 20: +1 point

12. How many friends have you met through the internet that you have never seen in person?

0 to 2: 0 points
over 2: -1 point

13. When was the last time you went to a house party?

Within the past month: +1 point
Between one month and one year ago: 0 points
Over one year ago: -1 point

14. Have people besides your family called you funny?

None: -1 point
A few have: 0 points
Nearly everyone who knows me: +1 point

15. What is your IQ?

Under 85: -1 point
85 to 110: 0 points
110 to 130: +1 point
130 to 145: 0 points
over 145: -1 point

16. At a party, which happens first – you approach someone or someone approaches you?

I approach someone first almost every time: +1 point
I occasionally approach first: 0 points
Someone normally approaches me first: -1 point

17. Have you ever been in a serious fight where real punches were thrown and you felt like you wanted to kill your opponent(s)?

No: 0 points
Yes: +1 point
Yes, with a girl: -1 point

18. Have you ever been arrested?

No: 0 points
Yes: +1 point
Yes, for child pornography or public exposure: -1 point


It’s best to answer the following four questions based on your past experience with similar scenarios. Who we really are is not what we wish we were but what we have always been.

19. You are on a second date with a girl. You go to kiss her. She turns her cheek to you and says “Slow down, I’m not that kind of girl.” You reply:

(A) “Sorry.”
(B) “Yeah, well, no prob.”
(C) “This could be trouble ’cause I’m that kind of guy.” *smirk*

If you answered (A), subtract a point.
If (B), no points.
If (C), add a point.

20. You’re chatting up a pretty girl you just met in a bar. After a few minutes she asks you to buy her a drink. You reply:

(A) “Sure.”
(B) “I’m not an ATM.”
(C) “No, but you can buy me one.”

If you answered (A), subtract a point.
If (B), no points.
If (C), add a point.

21. You’ve just met a cute girl in a club and have been talking with her for five minutes when she abruptly changes the topic to a raunchy conversation about her multiorgasmic ability. You respond with:

(A) a huge grin and an eager “Damn! That is HOT!”
(B) a look of mild disdain.
(C) a raised eyebrow while saying “Hey, thanks for the medical report.”

If you answered (A), subtract a point.
If (B), no points.
If (C), add a point.

22. The pickup has been going well. Later in the night she leans in and begins making out with you passionately. You feel like a king and your jeans suddenly feel much tighter. Do you:

(A) immediately grope her boob in return.
(B) continue making out with her for as long as she wishes.
(C) kiss for a little bit then push her gently away and look distracted for a second.

If you answered (A), subtract a point.
If (B), no points.
If (C), add a point.

And finally, the critical thinking portion of the quiz. The following questions are based on the progression of a single pickup attempt.

23. You go to a bar. Twenty feet away are a pretty girl, a fat girl, and an average guy talking amongst themselves. The pretty girl briefly eye flirts with you. In reponse, you:

(A) eye flirt back and forth a few times before approaching 20 minutes later.
(B) immediately approach in a direct fashion maintaining strong eye contact with your target.
(C) immediately approach but from an indirect angle, looking around the room distractedly on the way over to your target as if you might see an even prettier girl somewhere else, and finally delivering your opener from over your shoulder.

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point

24. Who do you address first?

(A) the pretty girl.
(B) the fat girl.
(C) everyone.

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point

25. After getting the whole group engaged in conversation and having a good time, your target blurts out “Hey nice pink shirt! Are you gay?” You:

(A) say “No, I’m not gay!”
(B) ignore her.
(C) say “OK, who brought their little sister to the bar!”

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point

26. In the middle of the conversation you have to pee. You say:

(A) “I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
(B) “Excuse me.”
(C) nothing. Just go.

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point

27. You’ve managed to get her outside your front door. There is obvious sexual tension. You want to close this deal. You say:

(A) “So, um, ah, see you around.”
(B) “Why don’t you come inside?”
(C) “I’m thirsty. Are you thirsty? Let’s go inside and taste DC’s finest tap water. But you can only stay for a minute, I have to get up early.”

(A): -1 point
(B): 0 points
(C): +1 point



There are 26 points to earn or lose based on the questions asked. The scoring breaks down as follows:

-26: Why are you still alive?
-25 to -20: You’re an omega. Celibacy has its charms.
-19 to -15: You actively repulse girls. Your kind will usher forth the sexbot revolution.
-14 to -10: You’re always getted foisted onto the warpigs.
-9 to 0: Lesser beta. You don’t immediately disgust girls; they just don’t notice you. With much painful effort you can redeem yourself.
1 to 9: Classic beta. You catch some girls’ eyes, usually the ones you don’t want. Try not to make fatty fucking a lifestyle.
10 to 14: A few attractive girls in the bar will be intrigued by your presence. But you need game to close the deal.
15 to 19: Congrats, you have crossed the alpha Rubicon. A lot of cute girls will be pleased when you hit on them. But you can still fuck up by being yourself.
20 to 25: You’re a natural. Many hot girls check you out and forgive your occasional pickup blunders. You always have a look of sexual satisfaction on your face.
26: Super Alpha. Booty sticks to you like bird shit on car roofs.

(Submitter's note: Compare and contrast Dating Market Value Test For Women)

CH & Pat Boyle #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

I’m having as big a laugh as any crimson-blooded American man over the latest sexual assault accusation against ür-shitlib feminist tribal hypocrite Al Franken, but it’s a good time to step back from the charade and examine this strange new moral panic overtaking the land as part of a larger marxist and feminist agenda to stigmatize normal male sexuality.

Pat Boyle worries about the same trend, in a comment over at Sailer’s,

I see this morning that Al Franken is the latest celebrity male to be accused of harassing some woman sometime. I hate all this because my views put me so outside the mainstream of contemporary politics but more importantly the mainstream of the community of iSteve readers.

I suspect that all this moralizing and tut-tuting about men harassing women will read like Victorian posturing’s in just a few years. Women want to be harassed. Indeed they are designed by nature to be harassed. My experience is that women demand to be harassed. Feminism will surely turn on its heel and come to be outraged that men are no longer harassing them as is their right.

Why are women happy and when are women most happy. Probably on their honeymoon and the first few months of marriage. This is when women get the most sex. Normal heterosexual women want to have sexual relations with a man every couple days. Most women for most of their adult lives probably are partially starved for sex.

How do women get what little sex they can manage? Unfortunately for them they are largely at the mercy of the energies of the men around them. They are also tightly bound by a network of prohibitions and customs that keep them from exercising the initiative. They must wait often for some man to make an approach. Not all men find it comfortable to do this. There is some risk of rejection and humiliation. Others are clumsy.

I never cheated on either of my wives but in those periods when I was single I worked diligently at accosting females. There was a time when I dated over a hundred different women strangers in a single year. This has become easy with the rise of the Internet. I was never accused of harassing any of them but I was often rejected – sometimes loudly and in public. So what? Girls dress up so as to become the object of men’s lust. Then they feign indifference. That’s just how the game is set up. Since women are generally small, weak and unarmed, all a man risks by being sexually aggressive is a few unkind words.

In those periods when I was most active I thought of myself as providing a public service. Women like to be vigorously pursued. If they are ignored they pout.

Some women are now thinking of the current jihad against grab-ass as some kind of moral crusade. They haven’t counted the costs. If as seems likely, men become more reluctant to flirt or even just make naughty comments to women, the sum total of human happiness will be diminished. Men will hesitate and women will go home and cry in their empty bed.

Women by nature are loathe to hit on men, so they must rely on men aggressively pursuing them to have any shot at love and marriage. If men stop busting a move, both men and women lose out.

Daniel Chieh follows up,

As Slavoj Žižek kinda trolled, the “new rules” are like an ashtray with a “No Smoking” sign above it. Its all madness, the glorious result of a combination of pursuing fantastical ideas of equality to their natural limit plus absolute atomization of the individual.

Enjoy the Current Year spectacle of leftoids getting id-raped by the very man-hating beast they released from the abyss, but don’t forget that the end game is not good for anyone: this beast won’t stop devouring until Equalism is dead as an ideology and virtue signaling passes from the stage as the flare of madness it has always been.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

Andrew Anglin, hounded and hunted man and proprietor esq. of the The Daily Stormer, the world’s foremost censored and suppressed pro-White website, is featured in an Atlantic article titled “The Making of an American Patriot“.

An excerpt reveals that Anglin is a member of the Thot Police, a ZFG Guardian of Ground Floor Girls, and Destroyer of Friendzones.


Classic case of a regret rape cheating ho who wanted her boyfriend to validate her desired victimhood and excuse her sluttery, which Anglin sniffed out and smartly called out. My bet is he saved himself a lot of heartache down the road.

(For those new to this crimson-hued degree of realtalk, girlfriends don’t roll solo to parties and get black-out drunk unless they are entertaining notions of cheating. Last I checked, women still have moral agency and a primordial sense of personal responsibility.)


Anglin confirmed for harem whip hand. Game recognized.



The Atlantic article went to great lengths to exaggerate Anglin into a national security risk, the bastard child of Putin and Lucifer. Clearly the author, Luke O’Brien, is unfamiliar with how girls normally react to rule-breaker badboys with crazy adventurous life stories taking on the entire Globohomo establishment.


Too bad I couldn’t verify a photo of Luke O’Brien to confirm my hunch about his physiognomy.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Maternal obesity is directly linked to childhood autism.

Maternal prepregnancy obesity and maternal diabetes in combination were associated with increased risk for ASD [autism spectrum disorder] and ID [intellectual disabilities]. ASD with ID may be etiologically distinct from ASD without ID.

The increase in diagnosed autism in kids over the last 40 years can be blamed on fat cows unable and unwilling to push away from the refined carbs table.

We can add another reason to mock, shame, and ostracize fat chicks: the cascade of spergery in the West. It’s an aesthetic, moral, health-promoting, and child-saving duty to hate fatties, hate fatty acceptance, hate fatty glorification, and hate fatty apologists.

From our righteous Hate will emerge like a butterfly from its chrysalis Love, Truth, Beauty, and psychologically normal children who can leave a scattered mess of paper clips on the floor without freaking out.

Definitely, definitely no fat chicks.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

PA’s comment evoking the inherent tension between fathers and daughters — pitting protective instinct against sexual awakening over a Darwinian backdrop of expensive eggs and post-industrial delayed marriage — had me thinking about the kinds of affronts with which a daughter could burden her father, and how they would rank on a “bringing dishonor to the family and heartbreak to daddy” checklist.

When you come down to it, no father likes his daughter of any age “dating” any man, of any age. Tolerance of dating is a compromise with modernity.

(and WTF is an “LTR”, that most mealy-mouthed word of the century?)

He would be delighted with his mid-teens daughter marrying a proper 30-year old man.

LTR is shorthand for long term relationship. (I’m mentioning this for the few Philistines here who may not be familiar with the acronym.) It came into existence out of necessity, to describe the modern sexual market phenomenon of being with one partner for a long time without codifying the commitment in marriage. It has also entered our lexicon because short-lived flings became more common, and a more precise term to describe a romantic relationship longer than three months was required.

I agree with PA here, in that I believe “dating” (as opposed to courtship that quickly led to either rejection or marriage proposal) is a fairly recent creation in human history. Years spent dating multiple lovers until settling down into marriage and kids when the woman is on the downslope of her fertility curve is certainly a historical anomaly; I doubt humans would have survived as a species had the modern dating market been the norm throughout our evolution.

Daughter Guarding in the Time of Game and the Cock Carousel would seem to be paramount for fathers today, but that hasn’t panned out; in fact, more than ever fathers are abdicating their role as guardians of daughters’ sexuality, probably out of fear of losing status within their suburban soccer mom virtue signaling milieus. In the upper classes, there’s almost a glorification of daughters “sowing their yeast”, while in the lower classes, mudsharking is tolerated if not outright celebrated. Sheeeiit, the ex-President’s own daughters have been caught smoking dope at a rap concert; no public consternation was proffered from the Gay Mulatto.

What this suggests is that paternal investment is fading as a social and familial binding agent in the West, aka Africanization. As a Gabber put it,

Where’s the daughter-guarding when it counts?

They’re paying big bucks to subsidize her “independence” “adventures” and “travels” while she’s surfing “lotsa cockas” when she goes away to college, to the big city or overseas—

Another Gabber astutely commented that the death of Daughter Guarding and the removal of restrictions on female sexuality (along with the neutering of fatherly oversight) opens Glandora’s Box to shifting and corrupted definitions of sexual imprudence that no one can agree upon.

recreationalization of sex means that most “sexual misconduct” is morally equivalent to a 5 yard penalty.

A revival of Daughter Guarding means that fathers have to get back in touch with their native Disgust Response and relearn the ancient lesson that Disgust is the source pool of Morality. Society will have to grow smaller, as well, because scaling up way past the Dunbar limit like in Calhoun’s rat experiments inevitably causes breakdowns in the natural dynamics between parent and child and between family and community.

Using my powers of imagination, I’ve come up with this short list of what actions a (White) daughter could take that would crush her (White) father’s spirit, in descending order of soulkill:

Burn the coal/marry the coal (soulkill)
Turn to prostitution
Get fat and dye her hair blue
Become lesbian
Remain single, childless, and infected with toxoplasma gondii
Hook up with an inmate or psycho
Date a homeless bum
Date a hispanic or asian
Date a (White) “artist” or aspiring rock star
Date her debauched professor
Date a well-heeled man 10+ years her senior
Marry a well-heeled man 10+ years her senior
Briefly court then marry an Epic Chad with a square jawline (soulthrill) and family money

A healthy White culture denigrates the top 2/3rds of that list and poeticizes the bottom third. The message our Current Year culture instead delivers is the polar opposite. Epic Chads are rape hoaxed by seething hateful cunts and mudsharking is put forth as desirable progress.

Daughter Guarding is mostly a NW European White man thing. Even today the norm for most of the world is marrying off ripe teen daughters. Whites regulate this natural impulse with laws and cultural taboos, and the reason they can do this is because as a race they have evolved high paternal investment and a disposition to favor nuclear family formation.

Concomitant with this NW European Inner Hajnal White outbred nuclear family disposition is later marriage, but that cultural anomaly (compared to the global norm) was sustained by restrictions on women’s sexuality; i.e., unmarried medieval women didn’t have an opportunity to ride the cock carousel. Male chivalry was part and parcel of that restrictive regimen.

Daughter Guarding matters are best left to family and community oversight and not to an impersonal legal machine staffed and operated by Rebekahs, feminist cunts, Diversity™, and bitter spinsters. Mobility and urban atomization have neutered that oversight so we have chucked nuance for One Strike You’re Out, but this unjustly penalizes, for example, high status older men who want to start families with younger women.


FYI Your Daily Shitlord Science: Female obesity, not young maternal age or pelvic immaturity, is associated with fetal malposition. Roy Moore did everything right (he has four kids) with a loving wife fourteen years his junior.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

—.the world of bitter bitches and spiteful betas.

From Chavo Ruco (Gab @chavoruco):

Look at these respective ages and you can see why Jonah Goldberg is so invested in white-knighting and moralizing.
Jonah Goldberg, 48
Mrs. Jonah Goldberg, 54
Mrs. Roy Moore, 56
Roy Moore, 70


That wasn’t a shiv, it was a battle axe that cleaved Goldberg’s soul in two.

So much sublimated bitterness and spite from prissy white knights who couldn’t pull the young tail Roy Moore pulled. The history of the world can be explained by the envy of the beta bitchboy mob and ugly feminists clawing and tearing at anything beautiful and true and natural.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The hounding of Anglin and Weev from not just polite society but any society at all, is straight out of (((Alinsky’s))) Rules for Radicals: identify the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. It’s really twisted and evil if you think about it for long. In order to sustain their Big Equalism Lie, shitlibs and their (((benefactors))) will utterly destroy the lives of a few public enemies fighting the good fight to expose their Big Lie and the malevolence that underlies it, pour encourager les autres.

The past two years confirms my belief that anonymity was the power source of the Maul-Right and Trump’s Troopers. The house media can’t destroy what they can’t target. To hunt the hunters, you first have to camouflage yourself from their Eye of Schlomo.


In related news, an official report has put the blame for the Charlottesville pro-White protest violence squarely on the City of Charlottesville. CNN covering this latest breaking news in——*tapping foot*.

(LARPing and playing to caricature to trigger snowflakes into meltdowns can work in a social vacuum, ie a society that isn’t manipulated by a viciously hostile alien media that will amplify the smallest missteps of their enemies and turn them into venal crimes against humanity. LARPers forget that the Eye of Schlomo still rules the vertical and horizontal.)


Still on topic, researchers have identified, frozen, personalized, and polarized 1,500 genetic differences between men and women. Biggest losers: Pay Gap, Title IX, Trannyism, diversity seminars, sensitivity training, guilt tripping the patriarchy, No means No, Sheryl Sandberg, leaning in.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

If you really want to mindfuck an urbanness girlie and instill the Good Lord’s dread, after banging her out Saturday night, wake up early Sunday, get dressed, and tell her you’re going to Church. She won’t be able to stop texting you for the rest of the day.

If your local church is a cucky cheese, make a detour for the nearest pool hall.

Bonus God Game routine: After dressing in your Sunday best, kneel at the foot of your bed while she’s still in it half-asleep, wondering if you’re for real, and pray, “Dear Lord, wash the taint of carnal sin from me, and spare this woman your divine retribution. Show mercy on your wayward flock. Amen—.Oh darlin’ there’s leftover pot roast in the fridge if you get hungry later.”

Why does this work?

Chicks dig the jerk with a heart of gold. (Bust expectations to crest poon vibrations.)

The bigger reason is that sheilas get all confuse’d-like and tingly when their man ignores them for a higher purpose.

The beta mangina’s credo is “there shall be no other god above me than the goddess whose pussy pedestal I swear to polish unto my last day”, and we can see how arousing that is for women. (Not very.) But the jerkboy who knows the value of God Game has placed a higher power above pussy power.

In fact, I’m convinced that the abandonment of Christianity and rapid secularization of the West removed a critical pillar supporting the natural hierarchy from women -> man -> God. When man no longer had God’s pearly gates to polish, his worship was redirected to the pussy below him. But women are constitutionally repulsed by men who worship them (being the object of worship goes against the inclination of women to submit to a sexy, dominant power), so secularism has had the knock on effect of hardening women’s feelings toward the growing brigade of supplicating secular beta manginas. Women have become resentful of the pussy pedestals onto which their areligious men have placed them, and they have reacted to this unnatural state of no-affairs by lashing out at feeb betas and by themselves masculinizing to fill the masculinity void.

Natural born alpha male jerkboys who haven’t lost that supernatural feeling know that God is the perfect foil for wanton woman, serving the role of the “other woman” who incites romance-intensifying jealousy and neediness in his earthly woman. God is an HB10 who shuns careerist cuntery for nurturing femininity and boundless few-strings-attached love. That’s the source of some serous mortal female envy.

The areligious jerkboy is at least smart enough to have replaced God not with one woman, but with many women, so that the only pedestal he polishes is the shrine to his penis that resides in his heart.

Welmer #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

[Link is topmost quote, providing multiple quotes for efficiency]

My take on the revenge thing:

It all goes out the window if you have kids. In that case, neither party should seek revenge, but women do all the time. Occasionally, men do so as well, but most know that it is always tragic, and if you love your children nothing good can come of it.

This is one of the things that demonstrates that, in general, men are morally superior to women. There are exceptions, but when it comes to the destruction of families women excel and men and children are usually the passive victims. Men are passive because they love their children in a pure, uncorrupted manner, as opposed to the female idea of motherhood, which is essentially the same as a sense of material possession of other human beings — in short the desire to enslave.


Understanding women requires a state of severe intoxication. Imagine you are drunk and trying to drive in a straight line. The trick is to aim for the middle, which is, obviously, far more difficult than driving in an objectively real situation where you have your senses intact.

The problem with women is that having your senses and intellect intact is an impairment, because every path you see is an illusion, so sobriety is actually impairment — it is an inversion of reality as men see it. Therefore, being scatterbrained and inebriated actually gets you closer to the truth, because you can simply take the entire pile of bullshit and drive right through the center of it in order to better find your way to the truth of the matter on the other side.

I sincerely believe that the lower animals, such as toads and spiders, are better at divining the true intentions of women than the human male, and that is why women are so frightened by them.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The gaydar AI algorithm would peg this face [picture of Mary Wollstonecraft] as a rugmuncher mug.

Wollstonecraft married, but in the 18th Century it would have been common for lesbians and gays to marry into heterosexual relationships.

The origin of modern feminism — the particularly nasty and virulent form of feminism that seeks to invert the sexual market to the perceived benefit of ugly women by removing all constraints on female sexuality and stripping moral agency from women, while maximally restricting and pathologizing male sexuality and burdening men with all moral responsibility — was disproportionately a Jewish and ugly woman movement. The book that begat modern feminism was The Feminine Mystique, by Jewish woman Betty Friedan.

What followed in Friedan’s wake was a freak parade of uglier and uglier women fronting the modern feminist agenda, and enacting their warped vision of the sexes into policy (e.g. Title IX).

Steve Sailer argues feminism is a WASP concept, and 20th Century Jewish immigration and dominance in media and Hollywood actually delayed the triumph of feminism (seen in the WASPs passing Female Suffrage and Prohibition), because Jewish men, like all Semitic men, evolved in a patriarchal and ethnocentric culture and didn’t see a need to extend respect to shiksas.

Maybe proto-feminism is WASPy, but that doesn’t explain the Jewishness of modern feminism, unless one considers Jewish feminism an ethnic-scale case of intratribal negative transference. Jewish female feminists were rebelling against their patriarchal religion (and seething with resentment against their Jewish men lusting after pretty Gentile women), but as is the wont of their tribe they organized their resistance around defiance of the Gentile soft-patriarchy culture of comfortably accepted sex roles and sex-based preferences, instead of targeting their attacks against their own Swinesteins. They transferred the cause of their bad feelings onto the contemptible goyium.

Jewish-led feminism was actually a reaction to their own anti-feminist ethnic culture. But since Jewish men, like all men, are more interested than are women in acquiring status and power to exchange for sex, the heights of industries like Hollywood filled with patriarchal Jewish men instead of feminist Jewish women.

That’s not the end of the story. Jewish men eventually caught on that hypocritically espousing the radical feminism of their tribeswomen was a great stick with which to beat goy society and poison relations between Gentile men and their women—.and also to fool naive feminists into bed using the “Hugo Schwyzer” male feminist ruse. If you’re a casting couch sleazebag running a de facto brothel for skanky actress wannabes, posturing like a champion of women’s lib is an effective way to keep the heat off you and your whores satisfied with a pittance of hush money and empty promises.

When one sees feminism, and especially modern feminism, through the lens of homosexuality, ugliness, and Jewishness, the tenets and demands of the twisted ideology begin to make sense.

Lesbians resent men. They love feminism because they want to be men in every way that matters, and that means they have a stake in undermining sex-differentiated norms and even sexual dichotomy.

Lesbian Feminism is the agenda of making unfeminine women into second rate men rather than first rate women.

Ugly women resent pretty women. They love feminism because they want to reduce the competitive advantages pretty women enjoy by enforcing equality and uniformity among women. Ugly women also love feminism because they understand on a deep level that they are too ugly to find a provider husband and must pursue careerism to collect the resources themselves.

Ugly Woman Feminism is the agenda of pitting the bottom quarter of women against the top three quarters of women.

Jewish women resent their patriarchal culture and Gentile social norms. They love feminism because it subverts the traditions of their ethnic religion and gives them cover to corrupt the benignly sex-differentiated Christian culture which largely rejects the radical value system of Jewish women.

Jewish Feminism is the agenda of delegitimizing patriarchal Judaism/Semitism and of poisoning the benevolent sexism of Christian Gentile culture.

Put those three origins of modern (and proto-) feminism together — the lesbian, the ugly, and the Jewish — into one monstrous frankenshrew, and you get intersectional insanity like “white male privilege”, the UVA rape hoax scandal, and the constant invocation of the mythological discriminatory “wage gap“. Not to mention the gross anti-male injustice known as the family court industrial complex.

PS Even WASP feminism is tainted in origin. Prohibition was a failure, and Female Suffrage has inarguably shifted America politically leftward and into the waiting petri dish of Poz.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

Politicians know European-Americans are more diverse in their voting habits, often splitting their votes 50-50 between the two parties (or 40-30-30 between three parties). They also know blacks and mestizos are less ideologically and psychologically diverse, the former going 90+% Democrat and the latter 65-70% Democrat every time.

This is why all European-Americans must cast a wary eye toward legislation or legal rulings that attempt to curtail gerrymandering, the practice of dividing districts along racial lines to create “voting blocs”. Simple math illustrates why anti-gerrymandering disfavors European-Americans.

In a perfectly gerrymandered state, District 9 is 100% black, and District 8 is 100% white. From this partly-artificial (but only partly) political arrangement, we can expect District 9 to reliably vote Democrat nearly 100% of the time, and District 8 to vote GOP 52% of the time and Democrat 48% of the time.

Let’s also assume for the sake of clarity that the populations of both districts are the same.

Now this is what happens when anti-gerrymandering is forced on the districts, and they are redrawn so that, say, 25% of the blacks have moved (representationally) into the white district, and 25% of whites have moved (representationally) into the black district.

Those 25% of blacks continue voting 100% Democrat, while those 25% of whites continue splitting their votes 52-48% GOP-Dem. What is the end result? Well, where before (in the gerrymandered scenario) District 9 enjoyed the benefits of Democrat local governance and District 8 the benefits of Republican local governance, now District 9 still votes Democrat while District 8 has started to vote Democrat more as well.

The 25% of GOP-leaning whites have barely budged the Democrat advantage in District 9, lowering the Dem vote total from 100% to 87%.

[(o.75×1.00DEM) + (0.25×0.48DEM)] = 0.87DEM

But here’s what happens to the slight GOP advantage in all-white District 8 with the population shift to 25% black:

[(0.75×0.48DEM) + (0.25×1.00DEM)] = 0.61DEM

Did you see that? Don’t look away, because it happened quick as lightning. All-European-American District 8 went from voting for Democrats 48% of the time to voting for Democrats 61% of the time after their population was forced to politically accommodate 25% blacks.

End game: Both District 9 and District 8 become, for all practical purposes, Democrat strongholds.

And the Dem grip on those districts only becomes more pronounced as Diversity™ increases and the share of European-Americans, and the districts they control, decreases.

Now some of you are principled sorts and therefore are repulsed by the anti-democratic notion of gerrymandering as a way to “keep the peace” by making Dindugeld payments, and their consequences, more centrally located and removed from European-American scrutiny.

But we don’t live in an American Utopia of 90% European-American demographics (that time passed somewhere around mid-20th Century), when such a principled stance against gerrymandering could work in practice. We live in Diversity World™, and in this world high-falutin’ White Man privileged principles bow deeply to the blood-fueled pragmatism of tribalism. In Diversity World™, we don’t get the luxury of ideologically diverse whites arguing about street widths and weekend park rules; we get instead Everyone Not White driving drunk and shitting in the parks while ganging up on the few remaining Whites to fork over ever larger taxed remittances from their paychecks.

The elite know all this, which is why, next time you hear them lamenting gerrymandering, what they’re really opposing is a place where BadWhites enjoy the blessings of self-determination.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Constraints on female sexuality enable the full flowering of femininity. Absolute license corrupts femininity. It’s a more complicated relationship between sexual restriction and license for men. Constraints on male sexuality channel machismo to beneficial ends in a patriarchal culture, but demoralize men and corrupt their masculinity in a gynarchy such as we live in today in the West. The ideal society is one which recognizes the essential psychosexual differences between the sexes, and abides different standards for men and women that on the whole permit more license for male sexuality and more constraints on female sexuality.

What women want is license, as Cato correctly stated. License is different than freedom in that it grants the recipient a reprieve from personal responsibility and from the consequences of one’s actions. License means basically the removal of moral agency, so when women demand license what they are demanding is blamelessness. This is the end game of feminism: a child-like sheltering from opprobrium and expectation for women, and all duties imposed and consequences borne for men.

Equalism is the ideology of regression past the wean.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

[I mean, you gotta applaud him for his honesty here?]

Anything that can be remotely associated with White people will inevitably be subverted, perverted, or protested by nonWhites and virtue sniveling white cowards, absent powerful social prohibitions or sufficiently dissuadable punishment to contain the tribalistic and status striving impulses.

Corollary: The rebuke of implicit White symbols is a plausibly deniable proxy for the rebuke of the White race. Similarly, rallying to implicit White symbols when those symbols are under attack is a plausibly deniable proxy for the defense of the White race.

We’re at Peak “This Has Nothing To Do With Race”. Normie Whites are waking up to the anti-White hatred that permeates oh, pretty much the entire world, but they’re still not brave enough to speak plainly, so they’re lashing out at nonwhite ingrates under the rubric of symbols like the national anthem to conceal to others and themselves what they’re truly fighting for—their place in the world.

But as Whites are finally learning, forced unity is tyranny and division is clarification. The time for an honest dividing is upon us.

Start with this rule: Know your primal enemies by the symbols they renounce.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Drearily for lovers of Truth&Beauty, the modern Western sexual market may select against the production of exquisite female beauty.

Surplus women?

Nope. If anything, there’s a surplus of men in the West. Infant mortality rates have dropped, technology has brought immense comforts, wars of attrition are largely one-sided affairs now, and there’s been an effective elimination of male-skewed early deaths from hunting and disease.

Male paternal investment?

Retreating. Presumably it’s still an innate disposition in White Western men, but shocks to the functioning of the sexual market have incentivized a gradual shift to caddishness and delayed family formation, especially at the margins where there are men who could go either way (towards a dad or cad lifestyle).

Female dependence?

Nope. This is the big one. As I’ve argued here before, female economic self-sufficiency like we have now in the West creates massive negative feedback loops in the Male Commitment-Female Commitment Worthiness relationship. And as williamK notes, female independence (in which women can feed, house, and clothe themselves) not only pushes women to emphasize fulfillment of their desire for sexy cads, but it pushes men to DE-EMPHASIZE their beta provider skills. Men don’t feel inspired to wife up self-sufficient women; men DO feel inspired to provide for and protect vulnerable women. And in en environment of female dependence, men will be careful to choose the prettiest women they can get, because they will be investing a lot in her. In contrast, an environment of female independence encourages men to spread their seed indiscriminately, because the pressure to provide for careergirl yaass queen shrikes has diminished.

Executive summary: The West is currently selecting against the efflorescence of female Beauty and selecting FOR the effluvia of female Ugliness.

Literally feminism means more ugly women and fewer beautiful women. Feminism is the ideology of Ugliness.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

In Sane World, this photo would elicit gushing admiration. In our current Clown World, it’s eliciting howls of outrage and fissures of butthurt from the degenerate freak mafia.


An attractive, slender mother cradles her infant to her bosom, while a muscular White man — an anonymous hero with his cap brim pulled over his eyes — cradles them both and carries them to safety. Is there a better symbol of the natural hierarchy between man, woman, and child? It’s Beauty in its simplicity of Truth, and that’s why it’s a Weapon of Mass Triggering. The Bitter Ugly Mole People screech in pain when they are forced to stare at the sun.


Allegedly, the White man is not the woman’s husband. Her husband is the man escorting his Nikes to dry land.


Disaster response, by race.
Chads: cooperate and coordinate rescue missions and charitable assistance
Looter-Americans: take advantage of chaos for personal enrichment, bitch about delay in charity
The Mohel Minority: find way to use disaster as pretext to politically weaken gentile enemy
Mexifornians: siesta

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

[When you testify in your own defense and end up point-blank admitting to the dead children in your crawlspace]

" You are profiled among other luminaries in the recently published “Kill All Normies, Online Culture Wars From 4Chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right” by Angela Nagle.

She takes an even-handed approach to online political/cultural activities of the past few years and fairly blames the left for their busybody overreach.

In the more explicitly alt-right crossover sites, as the anti-feminist sphere and the race-oriented sphere started to meet, Chateau Heartiste is an MRA and PUA blog, which mixes evolutionary psychology, anti-feminism and white advocacy. In the blog he argues that women’s economic freedom is leading to civilizational collapse. He believes white civilization is being destroyed by miscegenation, immigration and low white female birth rates owing to feminism. This decline can only be undone, he thinks, by deporting minorities and restoring patriarchy."

This is shit reporting and shittier libel. And it’s coming from an ostensibly sympathetic media whore!

First, CH has blamed more than women’s economic freedom for decivilization. But even this is a sleight of rhetoric. Specifically, women’s economic self-sufficiency is one of the problems; and for valid reasons that research has borne out: government largesse and full-time female employment lower the sexual market value of beta provider males. Women are wired to desire male sexiness and male provisioning, and if women have their provisioning needs met by a substitute man — aka the government and brunch-funding post-high school credentialism — then they will prefer to spend their maximally fertile years chasing after sexy men at the expense of dependable betas.

Further exacerbating this effect is the wage gutting consequence that has accompanied mass female workforce entry, rendering a large number of lower, working, and middle class men un-marriageable. And, as I have argued here, there are SMV feedback loops in play. Empowered women tend to turn off men, who as a sex are attracted to the role of the strong man providing for and protecting the vulnerable woman. The damsel in distress isn’t a trope for no reason.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

I’ve been receiving an increasing frequency of emails from gaystream media whores soliciting this blog’s lordship for a roll in the clickbait hay. All of them, to date, have requested absolute privacy (the irony), so I won’t divulge details on threat of (((legal))) recriminations, but I can offer a general impression of what they’re asking. For instance, one media whore speaking on behalf of a well-known whoresite is part of a team putting together a piece of agitprop art on the manosphere and wanted CH’s scintillating contribution to the effort.

I’ve wondered for a few months how best to respond to these inquiries. So far, the CH policy has been to ignore and plow. No j/k, it’s been to ignore. Period. I never respond, partly because, what’s the use? I won’t persuade a shriek of shitlibs to accept in their hearts the Rude Word of the Chateau, and I certainly can’t expect to be treated fairly by these toads. More practically, I am very careful to guard my shadowy dimensions, and there is a risk, however muted through multiple proxies and TOR nodes, that a reply by me would be scoured for identifying info by a black ops team at Fusion GPS (stands for Grabbing Pussy Systems).

[Your name is James Weidmann, you're a former DC-area FINRA employee, your pic is easily findable by anyone with google and rudimentary knowledge of how you've been had almost a decade ago]

But the inquiries are getting more insistent and coming from bigger and bigger names. So I’m reconsidering my standard policy of ignoring them; perhaps for an upgrade to a “lol suck a dik” response? I have toyed with the idea of a conditional reply. That is, I set the ground rules and they swear by them in writing before I offer any penetrating insights of my tumescent wisdom.

For instance, we all know leftoid gutter filth can’t help litter their reporting of deplorable subjects with smear terms and baseless slander. One can’t hold a gun to reporters’ heads (yet) to demand honest and accurate journalism, but one can bind them to abide at least a rudimentary schedule of fair play. I believe two of the Original Shitposters, weev and Anglin, have a lot to say about this tactic when dealing with the globohomogenized media and their skypistry.

For instance, I would demand any reporter refrain from using the term “White supremacy” in any article about Chateau Heartiste, and if needed for context to substitute the term “White competency”. Similarly, they would be required by the CH Vajeena Convention rule 69, subsection 14.88, to replace the word “racist” with “totally rad race realist”. And “misogynist” would become “man who doesn’t bow and scrape before delusional feminist cunts”.

Any violations of the terms of agreement would result in an immediate public shaming and an army of weaponized autistes leaving pig entrails on the reporter’s super zip front door.

And, to punctuate my seriousness of intent, neither would the reporter be permitted to insert a disclaimer that contained the words “white supremacy”, “white supremacist”, “racist”, “misogynist” or other favored term of othering the leftoid equalism cuntsortium employs to maintain their icy grip on their quack Narrative.

I throw my quandary to the studio audience. What do you think is the best way forward to deal with slithery solicitations from Snakes and Merchants of Fake?

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

[When your misogyny and its associated policy basis are based on an inherently unfalsifiable system of psychological gnosticism]

Single White women don’t want to be appeased.

They don’t want to be indulged.

They don’t want to be catered to, coddled, or placated.

They don’t want their tears dried or their complaints addressed.

They don’t want men to listen to their words.

They want men to watch what they do and respond with the requisite dignified and dominant masculinity.

They want to submit to a man, and to a society, worthy of their submission.

Now of course single White women will never tell you this, or admit these 100% truefact desires to even themselves—but they feel these urges, and their hindbrains demand this from them and from the men they shit test.

Single White women individually shit test men and collectively shit test men through the male achievement of civilized society. Our shared single White woman problem is a civilization-scale shit test, and as the reader wrote, the men of the West have been, and continue, spectacularly failing this single White women shit test.

Modren Western man fails this shit test so badly that he is fairly likened to the incel beta orbiter who is always on call to provide a shoulder to cry on while his oneitis fucks dirt world ingrates who beat her silly and crap in his yard.

That is how badly, how powerfully, single White women yearn for the pimp hand. Their yearning for the ministrations of dominant men beckons them to sacrifice their homelands for the thrill of the tingle. A tingle which has been lost to them as their men have grown soft and weak under the yoke of decadence and decades of weaponized anti-White male propaganda.

It’s time the White men of the West learned Game and brought their women to heel. The alternative is civilizational death.

Game can save nations.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

The topic of this post could easily bloom into an oceanic algae field of effortful analysis, but I intend to keep this particular foray succinct.

Libchicks HATE HATE HATE Meaty Intruder Trump because he is iconic maleness.

It’s Trump’s unapologetic masculinity — and by association the happy masculinity of his supporters — that gets under the speckled hides of the Femcunt Fuggernaut.

The general direction of Western Civ over the last decades has been away from masculinity and toward androgyny. Femininity is under attack as well, but so far has avoided the kind of vitriolic (((propaganda))) that’s been leveled against all forms and expressions and attitudes of masculinity.

Trump is a direct rebuke to the anti-masculinity and anti-male agenda. Precisely, the anti-White male agenda. He is the distillation in one man of everything that drives bitterbitches crazy with hatelust.

He speaks his mind.
He never grovels for approval.
He refuses to regurgitate the symbolic catchwords of feminist and antiracism cant.
He loves women with sexually explicit vigor and remorseless objectification.
He has a child with a much younger, beautiful model wife.
He has multiple children by former wives he has continually traded up for fresher pussy.
He uses his wealth, charm, and power to seduce women.
He tacitly reminds women that they are complicit in his seduction, welcoming his advances when they are young and not in the employ of hillary clinton’s shadow orgs.
He holds a mirror up to women’s rapacious, animalistic sexual natures.
He is a chad who loves being a chad.
He is a doer instead of a talker.
He builds, rather than blathers.
He is a Gizmo, not a Paperwork and Lawyering drone.
He has Game.
He mocks liars, gossips, and degenerates.
He fights, and shames cowards.
He has ridiculed feminist beliefs and representatives and come away unscathed, even stronger than before.
He reminds women that their own men — their very own beta male bootlickers — may think the same things as Trump and pursue the same pleasures if they had Trump’s stones and Trump’s options.

Iconic Maleness embodied by Trump is the hot branding phallus that penetrates the hunchbacked ids of bitter women and the manginas who are fated to settle for them. Trump and his Trumpericans spotlight and magnify the romantic failures and futility of the Nasty Women and the Girly Boys. It’s no wonder they hate him; he’s a Big Beautiful TruthWall looming high above the muck and blocking their desperate ego-soothing escape into self-deluding fantasy.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

[When you claim to be a top-tier womanizer but have absolutely shit taste]

A telling anecdote about the state of America’s girls and women:

" In 15 years as a BSA leader I never heard dads speak so proudly as when saying that their daughters were tomboys."

I’ve heard the same thing from dads of daughters. One psychological urge at work here is the desire of fathers who secretly wished for sons to impart their unrequited longings onto their daughters. “Butching up” a daughter is a facsimile, however poor, of having the real thing— a son.

Another reason for this glorification of grrlpower and imputation of male sex roles onto daughters by beta dads is, it must be said, a subconscious kowtowing to the reigning feminist shrikegeist. The culture is so steeped in feminist idiocy and the attendant ugly woman project of training girls to grow up into ballbusting men (and of shaming men to become supplicating nancyboys) that it seems perfectly reasonable and normal for the regular dad on the suburban street to crow about reshaping his daughter into an androgynous weirdo with a penchant for throwing balls— but still like a girl.

If things are to change for the better, a full frontal assault by real-thinking men AND women is needed. The goal is to establish positive feedback loops to fight back the poz before it metastasizes.

CH & Jack Ragnar #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

COTW winner Jack Ragnar does a 180 on cuckventional wisdom and as a result grazes a deep and abiding truth about the sexes.

" I had a conversation about flirting with my sister. This came up. Women at their core want to find out who the better man is. They would by default go with the winner of “you and him fight”. However men are not all on board with this idea. Such games are anti-civilization, and the costs are high. If men refuse, and choose to work out their differences in a more civilized and subtle way, women have to gain the information about men in a more covert fashion. So we get shit-tests, status seeking, etc.

Women are literally anti-civilizational. Their instincts if left unchecked (ala modern women), will bring out the most violent aspects of men. Men despite their capability for violence and destruction are not on average destructive. Women, if left to their devices would have us living in grass huts."

The white kight/cuck aphorism they love to cling to is that women are the civilizers of men, by dint of being the gatekeepers to sex and therefore having the leverage to demand men behave themselves.

But what if the civilizing force runs the other way? Any man who has experience with women has seen that the fair sex can entertain malice and destructiveness the equal of any man, but without the sensationalist physical violence that grabs headlines and puts the spotlight on male wickedness. There’s a better case to make that men are the sex with the drive to civilize, and that women, constrained as their sex is by the hypergamous need to identify the strongest man in the tribe, exert de-civilizing forces on the sexual market that if left unregulated can and do lead to cultural collapse.

Jack is onto something yuge, and we here at CH have toyed with the same idea of unrestricted female sexuality as a herald of national decline. The entire story may be more nuanced than this, but it’s a necessary and useful widening of the discourse to at least begin to cast suspicion on the shibboleth that women civilize men and not the other way around. When all is said and done, CH will have pushed open the Ovaton Window so wide the sunlight will scorch dying feminist wombs from Berkeley to Bonn.

CH #sexist heartiste.wordpress.com

Something horribly invidious happened to America around the late 1960s and early 1970s that abruptly turned the country from greatness to a path of decline, navel-gazing solipsism, and now finally to racial self-annihilation. Soy and sugar in the food supply? The explosion of a twisted ideology into everyday life? The Pill? TeeVee?

I’ll tell you something, the hallmark of national decline is the rise of the gynarchy and the diminution of male talents and preferences.

Gizmos = male
Paperwork and Lawyering = female

You want American history in a pithy aphorism? How about this:

Male became Female. Then came the End.

Or maybe you like your pithy aphorisms with more focus and bite:

Christian European became—.

you catch my drift.

Boys used to be encouraged to tinker with material objects. Now they’re encouraged to explore their emotional landscape and inner femininity (while girls are pushed to become second-rate boys). Both White boys and White girls are brainwashed on a daily basis by every institutional power to hate their race, heritage, and ancestors’ accomplishments. An accident of decadence, or the rotten fruits of a deliberately perpetrated evil?

We can turn this sinking ship around and steer it to safe harbor, but that will mean returning to the wrong side of history where we laud boys for their distinctiveness and encourage them to tinker, not shame them for preferring stoicism over social justice blubbering. On the flip side, it will mean stopping the inhuman agenda of praising girls for acting boy-like and pushing girls to think their natural female talents are signs of weakness. Less “leaning in”, more “leaving alone” to pursue the lives their sex-based dispositions organically push them toward.

[Emphasis added; that particular bit flies in the face of everything else Weidmann has ever said about women and their place in society]

The Paperwork and Lawyering crowd needs to back off and allow the Gizmo crowd to rule again. If the P&Lers won’t (they won’t), then our culture will die, or the Gizmos will fashion new machines to loosen power from the soy-weakened grips of the P&Ls.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The parasites of the Leftoid Equalist petri dish will only be defeated by weaponized emotions. That means, in practice, relentless mockery of their hypocrisy and delusions, and personal attacks on their grotesque phsyiognomies. The bullies who dished out pain to lefty freaks were right. They were always right. If the weak and degenerate aren’t occasionally reminded of their weakness and degeneracy with public shamings, they get uppity. And uppity neomaxizimdweebies with too much power are a bloodsucking blight on civilized society.

In the war to subvert and discredit a decaying culture overrun by leftoids, your realtalk logic and reason should serve to support your psy ops shivs, not the other way around.

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

[Contains a fair amount of RSTDT (what by Weidmann doesn't?), but broad enough to be fundie]

The Left has never stood on the high moral ground they claim for themselves. That was always a ruse. The Left is amoral; a consortium of ugly, lying destroyers of White civilization who will say whatever is necessary, and when that fails execute whoever is necessary, to reach their ends, which is total power for themselves.


Welly well, isn’t that interesting? When a leftoid icon is targeted, every Republican and White American is responsible for creating a “climate of hate” that “incites violence”, but when a baseball field full of GOP Congressmen are deliberately targeted by a beta loser Trump-hating Bernieboomer incited to violence by the deluge of anti-Trump hate and lies spewing forth from the Gaystream Media 24/7, that’s just desserts for the victims.

Leftoids always psychologically project their own tendencies to violence and neuroses onto others. The “climate of hate” and “incitements to violence” that leftoids decry as representative of the Right have been standard operating procedure for the Left for decades, only recently intensifying to a level that one could historically compare to social tensions that existed just prior the (first) Civil War. But the Leftoid Equalism island of misfiring droids is relentlessly on the offense, never playing defense, because they know deep in their twisted black hearts that they boil with malice and fantasies of domination and that they are the monsters of their fever dreams. If they give one neuron over to an honest self-assessment, they lay open the pulsing fleshy center of their anti-White ids to vivisection by those they have never stopped tormenting.

Right wing violence in America is almost always a reaction to these Leftoid depredations and amorality. One thing I can tell you is that the US has been in an extended White and (((white)))-on-White civil war since the first one, barring a relative time of comity and stability in the mid-20th Century. A pressure cooker eventually blows if steam isn’t released, and I don’t see any member of the ruling class or the propaganda organs of the globohomo elitists interested in releasing steam. Just the opposite.

The Equalist Left is a malevolent will to untrammeled power, an expression of raw hatred, and a beast with an unquenchable thirst for humiliating their enemies. Their high-minded professed ideals are merely rhetorical tools to gain them power and relish the crushing of anyone who dares to fight back.

Cucks who insist on opposing the Left with recourse to their stately “principles” will always ALWAYS lose to an enemy for whom principles are nothing more than expedient rationalizations that can be altered at will to serve their cause. Some cucks are starting to WAKE UP and fight the Left on the same battlefield the Left has played on for decades—the field of total war and limitless chaos. Once the Left is defeated, and only then, can cucks return to abiding their cherished principles. Not before.

PS Tariq Nasheed, you have to go back to the blighted homeland of your ancestors. This is not a request. It is a demand.

PPS The gunman, James Hodgkinson (now deceased), must be the worst shot in the world. Apparently this loser loaded and reloaded multiple times, had ten minutes to work with, fired off 50-100 rounds, and could only manage to lodge a bullet in one Congressman’s hip and lightly injure of couple of others in the area before security service agents took him out. We can conclude Berniebros aren’t ready for Civil War 2 prime time.

PPPS Recently there was a terror attack in our nation’s Swamp. Two cops and a bystander were intentionally run down by Brandon Figures-Mormom driving a pickup truck, mimicking a spate of recent attacks by muslim terrorists throughout the West. The story has mysteriously gotten very little page space or airtime by our Big Media-Deep State Collusion Collective. Hm, I wonder why—.

CH #racist heartiste.wordpress.com

The shitlib demand for Whites Doing Bad Things greatly exceeds the supply.

The shitlib demand for Vibrancy Doing Good Things greatly exceeds the supply.

At the intersection of these market realities, shitlib mendacity crashes into shitlib insanity.

I came to this formulation about how the Virtue Sniveling Market governs shitlib behavior after reading Moses’ comment on the “Shitlib Ego” post:

" CH: “The lesson: never give the Left an inch. They’ll take a parsec. Confederate statues today, books authored by White men tomorrow, until it finally reaches end game: second class status for all Whites outside of a few Acela elites who sufficiently grovel at the altar of anti-Whitism.”

This can not be emphasized enough.

No matter what shitlibs do, it will NEVER be enough for them. Their whole belief system is built on lies. They MUST HAVE an oppressive enemy to keep their believe system from crashing down.

Today it’s confederate statues. Tomorrow it’s removal of any Great White Man from any place of honor in our society — Jefferson and Washington removed from currency (gasp, slave holders!), schools renamed, shaming of White children, it goes on and on.

Demand for “evil whitey” far outstrips supply. So they manufacture more. Like a fire, it simply will not stop and will grow until the fuel is exhausted.

I’m running out of hope.

They absolutely cannot be reasoned with. It leaves violence, and violence only, as the unavoidable end-game. It will be violence from based White Men or violence from Islamics, but violence all the same."

The major limitation of the Virtue Sniveling Market, at least from the perspective of shitlibs who love to never practice what they preach, is that the kind of virtue shitlibs want — Vibrant Virtue — is scarce, while the kind of vice that shitlibs want to snivel against — White Vice — is as scarce as virtue is among Vibrants.

So, as Moses correctly states, shitlibs will manufacture Evil Whitey lies from whole cloth, while simultaneously excusing the worst predations of nonWhites as the consequence of conveniently hidden Evil Whitey forces. Since lies are the coin of the shitlib realm, there is simply no internal brake on their agenda, no end to their game that doesn’t feature war by whatever means and either the eventual subjugation and destruction of White Civ or the total and complete ousting of shitlibs from positions of power and influence.

Unfortunately, since shitlibs have at the moment no real pushback from anyone in power, (the alt-right is effective but don’t mistake that for institutional power), the likelihood of war in the not-so-distant future, maybe even a real hot war, between rival White factions — between say localist Whites and globalist Whites — is greater than it otherwise would be.

It all comes back to Leftoid Equalist lies about race and sex, and the pacified cowards who abet their lies.

As long as cucks/the controlled opposition refuse to grapple with the reality of race and sex differences and everything downstream from those, the Globohomo Bathhouse Alliance will continue winning the rhetoric war, even if a million nail bombs go off in every city of the West and welfare-incentivized dysgenic breeding rots the edifice from within.

The Alt/Maul/Balls-Right, far from being the dire threat to civilized society the Mendacity Merchants would have you believe, are a last gasp salvation for the West and call to redemption for the cucks who have betrayed their claimed principles every step of the way. Appeasing milksops will never find their own way, but stronger harder men can inspire them to break out of their vaginal prisons.

As Trump might say, only losers snivel for virtue whoring status points.

CH #racist #wingnut heartiste.wordpress.com

The White Shitlib Ego is ravenous. It’s why shitlibs would rather oversee the destruction of White Civilization than admit their Equalism religious beliefs are based on falsehoods.

The Confederate statues being torn down across the South are just the latest battle fronts opened up by shitlibs who obey the credo that a good offense is the best defense. As the shitlib religion sits on a very shaky foundation that the Maul-Right is currently rupturing with seismic waves of realtalk, it behooves shitlibs to press their hate machine forward, into enemy territory, for to give even one inch of ground to heretics would mean the eventual reversal and defeat of every belief that shitlibs hold dear and former social, philosophical, and political grounds they occupied. And shitlibs know this, because it is the art of rhetorical war that they have practiced and perfected for decades against cuckservatives, solidifying and entrenching the Left’s march through the institutions.

The lesson: never give the Left an inch. They’ll take a parsec. Confederate statues today, books authored by White men tomorrow, until it finally reaches end game: second class status for all Whites outside of a few Acela elites who sufficiently grovel at the altar of anti-Whitism.

The human shitlib ego is the most powerful force in the cosmos. And never have the fortifications guarding that ego been under relentless attack like it is now. Shitlibs can sense it. The deluge is coming for them. Equalism is dead. The race and sex gaps won’t disappear any time soon. This is why leftoids are flirting with insanity; their interventions to solve the Gaps have been one failure after another, so they’ll need to adopt increasingly extreme anti-White postures to explain the persistence of the Gaps.

Hence the humiliation porn fix driving shitlibs to tear down symbols of White Southern heritage. This isn’t about honoring heroes of the Confederacy or showing the Confederate flag (which in point of fact was never a social crisis in America until shitlibs made it one in the past few years); it’s about shitlibs needing to dig deeper into the fever swamps of anti-White hatred to explain away race and sex gaps that make mockery of shitlibs’ guiding principle: the equalist belief that all humans, under the hood, are the same in aptitude, behavior, and moral worth, and that only White racism prevents the flowering of their Equalist paradise.

Make no mistake, the Left’s Confederate statue cultural sanitization project is JUST THE BEGINNING. Soon, it’ll be “the mere presence of Whites is keeping the black man down” and shitlibs will have their hamster rationalized justification for, say enforcing anti-White employment quotas.

As a Gab follower wrote in response to the preventable Manchester terror attack,

" shitlibs are so emotionally invested in their beliefs, they would rather be martyred by their invaders than admit they’re wrong, which would force them to change their sense of identity."

The shitlib ego is impenetrable, even by muslim nail bombs. Shitlibs will never give up on their Equalism religion; they’ll have to be forced out of power and shamed into hiding.

The follow-up question would be: why are shitlibs so invested in their obviously false belief in the equalism of humanity and protective of their egos? My answer gets to the reason I wrote this post: it could be genetic (shitlibs have inherited disfigured brain architecture) or it could be that social atomization, cultural balkanization, and mass society (SCALE) have reduced the scope of identity to ideology alone.

In sum, shitlibs cling to their outmoded and frankly dumb Equalism ideology because globohomoist forces of complexity and organic community destruction have created a social atmosphere where ideology is the only communal touchstone left for them to feel like they’re part of a group larger than themselves.

Related: The Chinese are even getting in on the act of mocking self-annihilating White shitlibs. They’ve come up with a word to describe them: baizuo, which means “white left”. Soon, the whole world will laugh at White shitlibs, and then and only then will their egos finally be defeated, and then there won’t be another White Left rule for a thousand years.

CH & Canadian Friend #conspiracy heartiste.wordpress.com

[When you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar so you make up a story about your brother setting things on fire]

I suppose it’s not surprising that the Fake News Establishment wouldn’t bother to report on Real News possibly implicating DNC operatives in the still-unsolved murder of former staffer Seth Rich, but here we are: Another day, another Fake Hysteria over MUH RUSSIA while very important news about Rich’s connection with WikiLeaks goes totally ignored by the propaganda arms of the gay mulatto and thecunt regimes.

Refresher: those propaganda arms are CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NYTimes, WashPost, AP, Reuters, Yahoo, MSN, and a bunch of others I can’t recall atm (I mean who can blame me? they all sound like the same shit tier media whores).

The latest development in the case is that Seth Rich had sent 44,000 emails from Jan 2015 to May 2016 to a WikiLeaks contact. In response, the Rich “family” is denying the allegation, but through a PR flak tied to the DNC.

At the very least, this sort of information demands at least a cursory investigative response from the gaystream media, but it won’t get even that. Phorce One Phaggots at NPR will instead snark something about the “debunked” Seth Rich rumors without providing any reporting of their own to substantiate their claimed debunking.

And our march to Civil War 2 will continue unabated.

FYI it’s a pretty good bet that an Israeli was involved with the leaking of Trump’s discussion with the Russian ambassador. #EST


Canadian Friend explores the topic of mutiny/sedition against President Trump (and the Americans who voted for him), and urges Trump to take drastic measures to stop it.

" Guess who owns the Washington post?

Jeff Bezo, the same guy who created Amazon

Bezo has a 600 million dollars service contract with the CIA to build a private “cloud” it is a 10 year contract.

Bezo is very close to the CIA

the Washington post regularly has leaked information to hurt Trump, that information must come from the CIA.

Trump can not even trust the CIA anymore.

The Washington Post recently hired Podesta—the same Podesta who’s emails were leaked.

Podesta was the campaign manager for Hillary.

In 2015 Amazon hired Jay Carney ( Obama’s press secretary )

an entire “army” of angry liberals full of hatred for Trump are all connected and have a lot of power

Trump not only won the election, which was humiliating for all those little liberals but Trump has been highly critical of Bezo.

An 8 year old could connect the dots; Obviously the Washington Post is not into informing or not even into news but into getting revenge for the humiliating defeat the democrats suffered and they will do all they can to hurt Trump—and they will do all they can to divert attention away from the wrong doings of Hillary and of important democrats.

Trump will have to do something about this. I do not know what, but it is not healthy to have the main stream media run by the opposing party and have the CIA collude with both the MSM and the opposing party all of them trying to sabotage the presidency.

I have no idea what can be done but , this can not go on, Trump has to do something.

So far I seem to be the only person using the term mutiny ( I read a lot of blogs, I am obsessed with USA politics ) , but I can not find a word that fits better

the USA is like a ship and Trump is its captain and more than half the staff is trying to make the ship crash and sink, they are more than subversive, they are into mutiny.

mutiny ( wikipedia ) ; Mutiny is a criminal conspiracy among a group of people (typically members of the military or the crew of any ship, even if they are civilians) to openly oppose, change, or overthrow a lawful authority to which they are subject. The term is commonly used for a rebellion among members of the military against their superior officers, but it can also occasionally refer to any type of rebellion against an authority figure.

This is a mutiny.

The media hires people who criminally conspire to overthrow the president.

call it sedition if you want, I think it is a mutiny

In England mutiny used to be punishable by death because mutiny is something very serious.

I am not saying Trump should punish by death those people, I am saying this is very serious and something drastic must be done to stop this mutiny.

I was 4 years old when Kennedy was assassinated, I have seen a lot of things along the years but I have never seen such an organized criminal conspiracy to overthrow a USA president as I am seing now.

I thought the left had reached peak insanity with Bush derangement syndrome but apparently there is a lot more crazy in them.

The level of corruption on the left is way too high.

I have no idea how Trump can drain the biggest swamp in the history of the world, and the richest swamp in the history of the world ( those people have access to trillions of dollars ) but he must do it, he has to do it. Those people must be stopped."

CH #fundie heartiste.wordpress.com

The wonanish shitlibs who comprise 100% of the Washington Post-Op’s employee roll have torqued themselves into hysterics over a Fake News story about Trump discussing ISIS terrorist plots with the Russian ambassador.

The Fake News: Trump recklessly revealed sensitive classified terror threat info to a foreign adversary, endangering field agents. This was leaked by anonymous sources and reported in a tone of crisis, as if it were the scandal of the century.

The Real News: McMaster contradicted the Bezos Blog’s account of the event, saying Trump revealed no sensitive info. Regardless, no illegality was committed. Trump as President is free to declassify classified information and share it with whomever he pleases, and Trump believes Russia can be an ally to the US in their mutual war against ISIS, instead of the media’s favored characterization of Russia as an adversary.

The Realer News: The Washington Post-Op, before it transitioned to a shrieking anti-Trump cunt on the rag, was perfectly somber reporting the news in 2016 when Obama DID THE EXACT SAME THING they hysterically accuse Trump of doing yesterday.


“Democracy dies in darkness”. Try-hard much?

The Realest News: The Leftoid Legacy Media must be destroyed and culled of every last fucking libcrank obamanaut Globohomoist apostle who churns out pro-Democreep, anti-Trump, anti-nationalist, anti-White propaganda for their Acela zip code globalist whores. Nothing less will suffice.

There will come a time, maybe soon, when all these Gaystream Media clickbait whores have cried “Drumpf!” one too many times, and no one will listen, no one will read, no one will care. Not even their core leftist audience who will finally succumb to amygdalae burnout and recuse themselves from the company of sane people.

The Washington Post-Op is burning through its credibility at a rapid clip, and normally I’d say this means the end of it as a reputable news source, but there are a lot of mentally deranged libfruits who need their drumpf fanfic. Thankfully, the leftmedia has lost its power to steer public opinion, so these manufactured Fake Crises will largely go ignored by Trump’s supporters.

The leaks are the real problem. My advice to Trump: Fire everybody, including Jared Kushner, and start from scratch. No one has your back, President Trump. but The Deplorables, so think about bringing in freelance outside help from parts of the country that actually voted for you.

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