
Dwight Daniels #fundie christianpost.com

I don't argue about God's version of creation. I just choose to believe it. The brilliant atheists of CP amuse me. They don't believe in God. They don't believe in a creator yet they're here nonstop daily to tell us what they don't believe in. I have to admit it's the strangest group(s) of people I've encountered. The homoatheists of CP being here is clearly God's way of giving my day a laugh.

epitome #fundie christianpost.com

you can even be a kindergarten drop out and still know how ridiculous the theory of evolution is .. it does take a scientist,,, Evolution is all about some how.. some how life began by a big bang and some how that life became all different species and not only that some how all those species figured out they better be males and females in it so it can reproduce.. and some how some of the species became evolutionary scientist that think there smart but believe this nonsense..

RevWilliam #fundie christianpost.com

Evolution of Life is an antiscience religion from ancient Egypt and Charles Darwin. There is categorically no evidence of the scientific possibility of evolution of life from the simple to the complex life forms. True evolution is devolutionary, General degradation, mutations, of the dying gene pools or previously programmed DNA genotype expressions that resonate to exist in the changing ecosystem variables.

The public educational system is a trillion dollar juggernaut smashing truth, facts and ridiculing Christian World Views everywhere and in any way it can, making the students into fools, with its massive state propaganda machine, media and lies.

Evolutionists such as Dawkins, confess the truth that life could not have originated on earth. But as the evolutionists and students are taught to believe lies and marginalize truth and the facts, the Father of Lies, Satan gets a hold on their minds and lives they are trapped in irrational worldview paradigms that are fairly easy to expose for the foolish ideas they are in reality. However "No Facts Are Allowed" to disqualify evolutionary biology from the simple to the complex life forms it dogmatically indoctrinates in the unwary children

An evolutionary philosopher is so disconnected from reality that there is probably no hope of eternal life for him. The only hope is for him to say a prayer in faith with his heart to ask Jesus to forgive him and ask Him and the Holy Spirit to dwell in his heart forever.

The Space/Time/Energy/Matter laws, subatomic particle structure and design of the fabric of this universe are all carefully designed, there is categorically no possibility of random evolutionary designs from "multi universes" or from some other such chaotic irrationality.

WWJD? Jesus would advocate Christian Law so to save some of the 94% of the students who are turned from believing in Jesus and the truth of the Holy Bible by the State Religions they are indoctrinated with, including the antiscience religion of evolution of life from ancient Egypt and Charles Darwin.

ChristianAmendment.com ...more

Grace Kim Kwon #fundie christianpost.com

God's commands against divorce in His Word are not unconditional, though He did say He hates divorce. He knows human suffering in relation to disasterous marriage because humans are naturally sinful and unloving. The commandments are overwhelmingly on purity and chastity. Divorce is really a case by case; the problem happens if the divorcee or divorced look for sex like animals on the expense of God's honor and the protection of children. Christians must protect marriage as if it's life itself, but there is a way to live out God's will even if divorce is committed.

Prophet #fundie christianpost.com

Thank God for the gospel and Christian music "industry." Through the years, many songs and artists have challenged my walk, brought me into closer worship of God, and drawn me closer to Him. There are those who are steeped in man-made traditions who do not like such music because....well....they just don't like it. So they make up reasons to hate it. Sure, there are always a few bad apples, but we don't throw away the whole basket. It's the people that do it, not the music. If the music uplifts and glorifies God, then it is of God. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

gmd1951 #fundie christianpost.com

Slavery was the law of the land, it changed. Segregation was the law of the land, it changed. Prohibition was the law of the land, it changed. Didn't they teach you any US history in school? It seems not.

Humans have a complementary sexual biology. There is no such thing as a gay sexual biology. Gay men and women have a complementary sexual biology that they categorically reject. That rejection is as disordered as the bulimic's rejection of the nature of the digestive system. Would you advocate that bulimic's be sheltered from knowing about their disorder. You would consider such sheltering, loving? I think not.

Grace Kim Kwon #fundie christianpost.com

America started out with Christianity, the knowledge of the one true God, but refused to worship Him and made a world of Genesis chapter 6. Read ch.4 to see how Cain's descenbdants corrupted human marriage just like today's de-christianized West is doing. The only difference is the number of Christians living there. Americans must remember living is meaningless without worshiping God. Animal life is more moral than that as seen today.

GodsElasticAcre #fundie christianpost.com

yep, even these same naysayers today would never believe that "social cleansing" of places did not involve the obliteration of all evidence of these past "rulers" and their symbols/names ... as they cheer the Confederate flag, the Decalogue, & any reference of "God The Creator" removed from "Public" for fear of the FFRF...

I wager that we(The USA) will be the laughing stock of judgment day when the group of frail cowards(the least offensive description of reality) over at the FFRF calling themselves lawyers is put on display..... Why do these cowards not take on the giant graven religious goddess ISIS renamed Liberty on public land in NY’s harbor?… Or the National Cathedral home to homosexual & Islamic religions in DC? … Or the mandating of Darwinism in public schools?

Where is the Fools Following Religious Fiction(FFRF) & their cowards where actual “congress” might be found to be violating the 1st amendment in the bill of rights … instead of cash strapped school districts & communities? Missing in action!O_o! They are COWARDS, that is why.

Dwight Daniels #fundie christianpost.com

Homoatheists leading the charge against God and His people. However, no matter what courts say or laws imply nothing changes the truth of His word. It's actually a fantastic time to be a Christian. You find out who truly believes, who is in the reprobate camp and who is too fearful to stand up for the name of Jesus. Glorious times indeed!

Dan Delzell #fundie christianpost.com

It's been a long time since God created the first rainbow. Some 4,300 years. And so it's easy to see why many people ignore what happened in the days of Noah. How ironic that the recent White House rainbow was used to celebrate sin rather than to remind people about God's judgment against sin and His love for sinners.

The biblical timeline reveals the point in history when God brought the Great Flood upon the Earth. It was an act of divine judgment in response to man's wickedness. And the rainbow God created after the flood was to assure man that the Lord would never again flood the Earth as he did in the days of Noah.

And so it is ironic, and yes even tragic, that President Obama would choose to light the White House with a rainbow after the recent Supreme Court decision. It was his loud and proud way of celebrating the sin of same-sex marriage. Obviously, the president doesn't seem to believe that the Old Testament stories of Noah's Ark and Sodom and Gomorrah were actual events in history. If he did, then he might also be inclined to believe what Jesus said about being the only way to heaven. (See John 14:6.)

You see my friends, the "ark" today is the cross where Christ died, and the flood is coming in full force on Judgment Day. The rainbow in the sky reminds us of God's judgment and His love, and it points us to the only way to escape the coming wrath and be safe forever in paradise. Noah and his family escaped the flood. And so will all those who come to Christ for salvation.

Grace Kim Kwon #fundie christianpost.com

The godless have always tried to tame the Christians, but it's so sad to see the Christians being bullied by the sexual pervs in the Land of the Free and speaking and acting out the truth being made illegal again in the former Christendom. Non-believers will continue to try to bend the Christian conscience and subdue the Christians, being strengthened in doing more evil. Christians in the free nations must not submit to the Sodomists; liberty was won for submitting to God, not to the falsehood and human villains.

Maunalani #fundie christianpost.com

The other nations have not made a covenant with Him, like our founders did in the Declaration of Independence, appealing to God for deliverance and independence. We should not be surprised when God revokes that covenant and lifts His hand of protection. The founder were very clear in their writings and speeches that this nation would collapse if it ever stopped following God. .

Gary Bryson #fundie christianpost.com

When Jesus Christ returns to set up his world-wide theocracy at the end of the Great Tribulation, he will dismiss the scotus, the US Constitution, all federal, state and local laws, and put His law in practice. No more ssm, no more abortion, no more legal divorce, no more homosexuals, no more adultery that does not carry a death sentence. Lots of changes coming, and it won't be long until they arrive.

artur123456 #fundie christianpost.com

On the 3rd of July, activists of the social movement "God's Will" conducted an action near the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Young people placed an image of a flag of the USA with a mourning tape, a wreath and dead flowers. Then a series of pickets was carried out.
The cause for the action became the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court on legalization of "marriages" of representatives of LGBT community. The Orthodox figures reminded Americans of a fate of the Bible cities of the plain (Sodom and Gomorrah) and urged Christian conservatives of the South of the country not to put up with this judgment.
The founder of the movement "God's Will" Dmitry Tsorionov (Enteo) commented on this action: "Today we gathered to share grief which reason was the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court on legalization of so-called "marriages" of homosexuals in the entire country of the USA. We want to testify that the people who legalize homosexuality won't avoid the punishment of God. The U.S. Supreme Court in fact signed the death sentence to the American people. Neosocialists from Democratic party of the USA went to this shameful celebration of anti-values for a long time, in fact for the last some decades they turned a Christian-like and free country into a totalitarian anti-Christian extermination camp. We all observe how tens of millions of Christians lost the right to live in compliance with the religious principles which they are guaranteed by the Constitution. Today Americans still have only one way to keep themselves as a part of a Christian civilization. We urge the inhabitants of conservative states of the South of the USA included in the so-called "Bible Belt" not to put up with the evil which was made norm against their will and dare to fight for the future of the children if it is necessary, with a weapon in hands until democrats take them away, too. Perhaps it's time for conservatives in the USA to think of the sovereignty and expansion of the autonomy from anti-Christian dictatorship of democrats, to think that God forbids to reconcile with the evil. Most of all we are disturbed by that fact that the highest ranks in the US administration have already declared the plans on legalization of perversions throughout the entire world. It is a real challenge to our civilization. Let the Lord forbid them!".http://vk.com/enteo

Jannet86 #fundie christianpost.com


13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience {Romans 13-1-5}.

Bob Wierdsma #fundie christianpost.com

I wonder about the so-called intelligence of Richard Dawkins who lashes out at anyone that doesn't meet his standards. Maybe he is not quite as smart as he thinks he is! There will come a day when God will put him to shame while exalting the person whom he, and society, reject. God chooses the weak, and cast into Hell those who think they are so strong and bright.

MikeMike #fundie christianpost.com

Just a few years ago I never would have dreamed that this country would have fallen so far so fast. Our sewers are overflowing and running down the streets. Our cisterns are broken and no longer hold any water. As it is, the line has been drawn and perversion and debauchery seek to rule the day. As for me, I say they are wrong. To hell with the SC and their departure from the what is good and true. Let them lead who they will down into the pit, those who fear God will never bow the knee to the god of this age. Maranatha.

diandjohn #fundie christianpost.com

Welcome to the on-going disputes of the LGBT same sex flesh lovers consortium. Here you will be introduced to many infidels who support the Sodomite squad. They are your personal predators who will seek to destroy all that you believe to be pure and Holy. Don't ever give up Mike, as many are on your side who will support what you say, when what you say is Biblical.. Let's do battle together, and fight against our enemies.. Let our God be lifted high and exalted.

Dwight Daniels #fundie christianpost.com

Christians, if you think this is the utopia day for homosexuals think again. This is just the beginning of the assault on God and His people, the church and freedom of religion. But it's glorious times as well, We look to God and not a group of puppets in black robes to tell us what is moral.

rickgio #fundie christianpost.com

On this day, June 26th, 2015, the United States Supreme Court nullified the first amendment's right to freedom of religion, and declared war on Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Jews. Now, the true agenda of the marriage equality sham will be implemented across the country as all houses of faith will be attacked, mired in lawsuits, and essentially silenced by a godless, socialist coup of the constitutional republic established in 1776. RIP America, and people of faith beware, your faith will be illegal within the next decade.

Chuck Anziulewicz #fundie christianpost.com

NEWS FLASH: Reports from all over the world indicate that millions of born-again Christians are disappearing into thin air, leaving nothing but their clothes and their dentures behind! Some say this "Rapture" was triggered by the Supreme Court's decision allowing Gay couple to marry. Oh, wait a minute. Never mind. False alarm.

Dwight Daniels #fundie christianpost.com

I wouldn't miss living in this time for anything. A front row seat to the destruction of morality, the change of marriage as a man and a woman and all things are open season against Christians now. Drown them, crucify them, burn them alive, behead them.....There is a day coming when Christianity will be a hate crime in America and around the world it pretty much already is. But, this will back fire on the homosexuals and atheists when there is no protection for them against the radical islamists. Works for me. I'll be glad to suffer or die for Christ.

Gary Bryson #fundie christianpost.com

Whatever it once may have been, the USA has given God the finger and rejected God and His morality. The nation is divided and will never again be united. You wanted it America, and you got it. You have sown immorality and division, and you are reaping what you have sown.

Grace Kim Kwon #fundie christianpost.com

Godless lawfulness is actually a plain lawlessness. Man needs God to be lawful. America must never acknowledge gay "marriage." It is an act of striking down the truth and also repaying the good with evil against all Christians and all historic Americans. The secular unbelieving Westerners are doing all the shameful weird stuff because they don't remember the Word of God or their own history - God's works and their Christian ancestors' wishes and contributions. History is a one real bad field for sexual pervs. America should learn from Israel to remember God and remember their own godly legacy correctly and live. Don't shame your noble hard-working fathers.

diandjohn #fundie christianpost.com

The gunmans motivation was not just a matter of any racial prejudice, but by sin. I have said so many times and will say it again and again till Obama gets the message. ''Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD'' ..Psalm 33: 12. When God is rejected, as Obama has rejected Him, the promised blessing are removed.

Blessings of safety and protection are no longer part of the deal.. Sin, terror, evil abounds. It's been going on for years but Obama still has not let this truth sink in.. Until he humbles himself to Almighty God, things will only get worse and eventually out of control.. Maybe this is why Fema Camps are being set up, and Jade Helm 15 is going into full swing.

A thousand times or more there have been cries for America to repent, but stubbornness and rebellion are the new order rules. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.. It is what it is. Things will never improve.. As tragic as all this has turned out to be, the leaders of the nations must take responsibility.. That includes Obama, and someone has to have the guts to speak up against evil.

We can pray for those who will grieve.. They will have many questions, all beginning with the word 'WHY' .. but the only answer can be found in true repentance. What has happened here confirms what the word of God has already said.. Wickedness will increase and evil will abound.. It is going to get worse, no-one is safe. Your enemy prowls like a roaring lion, seeking to devour, to kill, steal and destroy.

Do away with all the ungodly mandates, clean up the nation, get back to what God demands from you, set Godly examples then others will follow willingly.

Gary Bryson #homophobia #fundie christianpost.com

I cannot imagine anything worse than learning that your child is homosexual. I would MUCH prefer they had never been born than that they should turn out to be that. I understand why parents are ashamed. Anyone with any morality or decency would be. And what makes it worse is that there is no hope. Christian parents want their children to be in Heaven with them, and homosexuality makes that impossible. What an enormous tragedy for any family.

sandinwindsor #fundie christianpost.com

God is already judging North America, anne. Look at the prevalence of sin - abortion, euthanasia, legalization of marijuana, teaching babies about immorality as if it were good, homosexuality and it's variants. The Lord has been judging us for a long time and if we don't repent as Daniel did in Chapter 9, we don't have a chance.
"“Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 5 we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. 6 We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land.

7 “Lord, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame...."

MotherMary #fundie christianpost.com

I'm not worried. We've had a Muslim in the White House for 7 years with his finger on the nuclear button and yet the Lord has restrained him. In California it's not unusual for LGBT fanatics to send an occasional spy, paranoid that Christians are plotting against them. One of them made the mistake of listening to what was being said, got saved, came out of their wicked lifestyle, and is now married & a father.

Anne Graham Lotz #fundie christianpost.com

Billy Graham's daughter, Anne Graham Lotz, has claimed that the reason God allows terrorists to attack the United States and tornadoes to destroy cities is because Americans don't pay God any attention until they are truly desperate and are seeking His mercy.

The 67-year-old Lotz, who has previously claimed that the rapture will happen during her lifetime and God's judgement will soon come upon America, recently spoke with Jan Markell on the "Understanding End Times" radio program where she compared Americans' apathy toward the Gospel to the times of Noah, when God unleashed his judgement by flooding the Earth.

"In the days of Noah, they were eating, drinking, getting married. There is nothing wrong with any of that. All of those are normal everyday activities. But in Noah's day they did it all apart from God," Lotz said. "There was no acknowledgment of God. God was irrelevant to them. — I think that is where we are today."

Lotz argued that Americans today are too focused on insignificant things such as Hollywood, sports and ridiculous controversies, rather than giving God the attention He deserves.

"I look at some of the things that we get preoccupied with, whether it's an entertainer or whose baby they are having, or on the red carpet, or footballs being deflated by a quarterback. We zero in on those things and talk about them and we have no idea that we are on the edge of the whole world collapsing around us," Lotz explained. "That is the strongest similarity of the days of Noah and our day.

"Today, we are consumed by superficial things. Some of the areas of the world they are not. If you go to Syria or Iraq, those Christians over there, I will guarantee you, are very focused," Lotz continued. "In America, we are just neglecting God and ignoring Him. I just saw a piece about the rise of atheism, people walking away from the church. In fact, the Christian church is declining, according to Pew Research."

Lotz added that God sends wake-up calls to let people know that His judgement is coming and that they need to turn to Him, repent and pray that He will send His blessings instead of harsh judgement.

"That is why God sends us wake-up calls. That's why he allows the terrorists to strike or a tornado to rip through our city, because for whatever reason, we don't seem to give Him our attention until we are desperate," Lotz contended. "If we don't give Him our attention, then He is going to allow things to happen to make us more and more desperate until we do cry out."

Although God sends wake-up calls, Lotz said that there eventually comes a "point of no return" where God will no longer listen to pleas for His mercy and will simply unleash His judgement if people still aren't repenting even with the warning signs.

"Romans 1 gives that progression of judgement; its methodical and slow in a sense. At any point you could turn back to God. But I do believe there comes a tipping point. There comes a point of no return," she said. "My concern is that I just don't want it to get passed that tipping point. I don't want to get to the point when we cry out it's as though His ears are deaf and His patience has run out. I think we are getting very close to that."

She further warned that there are three reasons why America could pass the tipping point.

One is if the U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of making gay marriage a constitutional right in a decision expected to be made this month. The second is America's "abandoning of Israel." Third, is the rise of abortion.

"Those three reasons alone would demand that God judge America. We can point our fingers at them," Lotz argued. "Judgement starts at the house of God and we need to get our house in order. We need ourselves to get right with God and repent of our sins."

The two most important things that God's people should be doing to prevent His judgement from reaching America is praying and sharing the Gospel, because those people who are led to Christ during these times will be "double saved," Lotz proclaimed.

"We share the Gospel because people that we lead to Christ right now, it's almost like we save them twice," she said. "We save them from an earthly hell that is coming during the tribulation period, which I think we are very close to, and we save them from eternal hell, which is when you step into eternity. The second death is the worst of all when you are separated from God

MeToo #fundie christianpost.com

There is no comparison between the struggle that was led by Martin Luther King and the fight against SSM and gay rights. Dr. King was fighting for inclusion. For the expansion of civil rights to all people. These men seek to do the polar opposite by limiting civil liberities and rights to those that believe only as they do.

diandjohn #fundie christianpost.com

Ah yes.... As it was in the days of Sodom, Lot & Gomorrah, so shall it be when the Son of Man appears.. Come on LORD, come quickly and get this mess cleaned up once and for all... Making same sex flesh lovers acceptable does not make it right.

Grace Kim Kwon #fundie christianpost.com

The sign is too unclear. All Christian churches must clearly denounce homosexuality as sin and boycott Boy Scout and Girl Scout. America has become immoral and nothing it has can rentain the noble nature anymore. Just good memories. Sad. American Christians must be able to keep the right to speak out the truth and live it out. That's the human rights and the significance of the entire Western civilization. America has defeated Nazis, pagan imperialists, and brutal atheists and opened up the lids of all tyrannical nations. It should not give into Sodomites this century and be subdued by them to get destroyed. America, live for the truth and freedom as you are created to be.

beccaj #fundie christianpost.com

Matthew Vines worships and serves himself. He knows "being gay" i.e., homosexuality, is ungodly, unrighteous abomination that God condemns in no uncertain terms and in any and all contexts. He knows Romans 1 is about homosexuals including himself and the idolatry that births and fuels the sodomy/same sex carnal relations he practices and or preaches, everyone knows. He suppresses the truth in unrighteousness and he imagines his lies including this one, "the Apostle Paul...speaks only of people who are "consumed with lust and passions" provide him a loophole. He can't escape the truth of Romans 1, and when he tries, Romans 2 exposes him a self-righteous, self-condemned hypocrite who will not escape the judgment of God.

2 But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth [YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND HIM ONLY YOU SHALL SERVE, GOD MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE] against those who practice such things...

same sex carnal relations...sodomy...uncleanness...lusts...dishonoring their bodies among themselves...who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator...females exchanged the natural use for what is against nature...likewise also the males, leaving the natural use of the female, burned in their lust for one another, males with males committing what is shameful...male-male anal intercourse

3 And do you think this, O man, you who judge those [people consumed with lust and passions] practicing such things, AND DOING THE SAME, that you will escape the judgment of God? Romans 2

"Grant the sinner's supposition, it bindeth the duty upon him, and so he cuts his throat with his own sword." T. Manton

Minister Karl #fundie christianpost.com

Churches are buildings, the word isn't even in the bible, then theologians and leaders are most likely unsaved and thus cannot understand scripture.
Christianity is a religion made by man for man, its not from GOD. So lets look at what GOD says about man on man, woman on woman aka homosexuality... IT IS AN ABOMINATION. You need not read volumes of fictional Christian books to become confused and deceived.
JESUS also commands us to love one another as HE loves us, therefore we would still love a 'gay' person, but however tell that person what he/she is doing is AGAINST GOD and reap the rewards.
A gay person simply is a person who has been possessed by a type of demon who causes sexual confusion and turns people against GOD. Its no rocketscience folks. Be with HIM or against Him. Amen
@ Daniel This is just another satanic weapon, just as abortion. Biblically if you abort immediately after conception then it is MURDER, and against GOD.

Joe Bulter #fundie christianpost.com

The Bible is so clear to me that homosexuality is a sin, I don't see how anyone can argue in favor of same-sex relationships or marriages. The "gay" agenda in this world, especially America, is based on lies, distortions, changing the meaning of words, misusing words, false comparisons with other Biblical prohibitions (such as eating shellfish, which was made lawful in the New Testament), and any underhanded, devious methods possible. Same sex marriage is a Satanic counterfeit of God's plan. In fact, the father of lies has used counterfeit institutions, religion, inventions of men, philosophies, distraction, and many other methods to try to defeat Jesus Christ. That war has been won by Christ. Satan knows this, but will not give up until he has done all the damage he possibly can to try to thwart God's purposes for His creation. Keller is just a tool used by Satan for his purposes.

shades #fundie christianpost.com

[Title of Article: Satanic Ties or Godly Signs? Fans Question Use of 'Occult' Symbols By Christian Artists Toby Mac, Lecrae, Andy Mineo]

The cover to Lecrae's Rehab album also has three R's which just as equally look like three 6's. The symbols are used by secret societies which often have wealthy and influential members in their ranks that can get the symbols out there, as if to represent the covert influence they have in the world. Whether the people realise it or not though, above all it is the spiritual forces of darkness that want their symbols out there, which the spiritually discerning can recognise. The lyrics about a steeple in Lecrae's song seem like an excuse to throw the triangle in there, I'm sure he's not as ignorant of all the symbolism as he makes out. If an artist or person using the symbol is ignorant of it's meaning they should learn about it in order to avoid using satanic or occult symbols, instead of ignoring it and saying people can interpret it how they wish. As Hosea 4.6 says 'My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge'. The triangle may represent the pyramids of Egypt and so the kingdom of Egypt itself, which in the Bible can represent the kingdom of sin. We were slaves to sin as the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, until Christ redeemed us and set us free from slavery to sin. Consider John 8: '34 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.'

Kimberly Simmons-Robinson #fundie christianpost.com

[On news that Creflo Dollar is looking for 200,000 people to give him $300 each so he can by a $65m plane for his ministry]

The Bible tells me the streets of Heaven are paved with gold. If we are ambassadors, representatives, from Heaven then we should look like Heaven. Heaven has the best and so should we. I have no problem in supporting this as a Follower of Jesus, because I too will be taking part in getting the gospel around the world and helping those in need. This is a great opportunity to help a ministry purchase a vehicle that will be used to help so many others in need. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!! It brings me Joy to be a part of this Great Ministry!!! Thank You Lord!!!!!!!

Jack Burkman #fundie christianpost.com

Jack Burkman, head of the Washington, D.C. lobbying firm J.M. Burkman & Assoc. who is seeking to ban gays from the NFL, says he intends to build a national coalition to boycott any football franchise that picks openly gay football player Michael Sam in the NFL Draft, which starts Thursday at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

In a release issued Thursday, Burkman said he would "leverage his political clout" to ensure that the franchise that selects the 6-foot-2, 260-pound defensive end from Missouri would get "roughed up financially."

"We shall exercise our First Amendment rights and shall not stop until the drafting NFL franchise cannot sell a single ticket, jersey or autographed football," said Burkman. "In short, we shall be relentless."

Burkman claims in the release that he is currently mobilizing "powerful grassroots organizations in 27 of the 50 states," as well as a "coalition of Evangelical Christian leaders from across the nation to take part in a protest if Sam is drafted."

"The NFL, like most of the rest of American business, is about to learn that when you trample the Christian community and Christian values there will be a terrible financial price to pay," said Burkman.

Rev. Mark Creech #fundie christianpost.com

Many Bible scholars believe this very type situation will repeat itself in the last days – the day before Christ's return. A strong man will rise up, commonly believed to be the anti-Christ. He will unite the world in a cultural, political, and religious federation. As in Babel, the end will reflect a world determined to be rid of God.

Nevertheless, no matter what an individual's eschatological persuasion, the fact is, nations have seen this state of affairs occur throughout history over and again. And, it never ends well.

We're seeing it in America. A popular leader rises who is given almost god-like, messianic qualities by the media and others – one who single-handedly seeks to concentrate power – one the Christian Left and proponents of the erroneous doctrine of social justice treat as an anointed one. Our culture has largely abandoned trust in God for the opiate of government provision and hope, while endorsing via legalization abominable acts that God condemns.

Fair warning, America! Look to Babel. This can't end well.

Matt Barber #fundie christianpost.com

I'm never going to win a popularity contest. It's not my goal to be liked. I'll probably never be a "Fox News contributor" or even broadly recognized as a dutifully compliant cog within the greater, GOP-heavy "conservative" political wheel. That's because I say things like this: There is no political fix to America's death spiral. We are drowning in a turgid river of postmodern relativism. This is a spiritual problem, not a political problem. This is a worldview matter, not a partisan matter.

Hitherto it has been "progressives" alone dumping buckets of moral relativist poison into the Potomac. But, in the last decade or so, self-styled "conservatives" have likewise begun drinking the subjectivist Kool-Aid.

Libertine libertarianism has infected the conservative movement like a cancer. Situational ethics, driven by emotional, anecdotal sob stories, are used to justify every moral wrong as an absolute right. "Get off the social issues!" they demand. "Gay marriage? No problem."

These gun-toting, free-market "conservatives" (of which I'm both) grace us with beauties like this: "I'm a 'pro-choice,' 'pro-gay' conservative," or, "Yeah, I'm shacking up with my girlfriend, big deal."

Relativism blurs the fixed lines of demarcation between right and wrong, which leads to the abolition of absolute truth, which leads to pockets of moral anarchy, which leads to Barack Obama and Eric Holder deciding which laws to ignore and which laws to enforce, which leads to lawlessness, which leads to chaos.

Welcome to chaos.

Yes. The "social issues" matter.

The battle is not Republican vs. Democrat. Neither is it conservative vs. liberal. The battle precedes time itself. The battle is right vs. wrong. The battle is moral vs. immoral. The battle is truth vs. the lie.

The battle is between good and evil.

We've been playing political Ping-Pong for decades. We've been, as they say, rearranging the chairs on the Titanic while Democrats take the helm for a spell, and Republicans take the helm for a spell.

The reality is that both political parties have driven us into the iceberg, and then pranced off together, hand-in-hand, to play best-of-three racquetball at the congressional bathhouse.

While here at CPAC I met an interesting fellow by the name of Frank Mitchell. Frank founded the Memphis-based, classically conservative group: "A Shining City on a Hill." During our discussion, Frank said this: "There is no liberty without justice. Liberty without justice is only license."

Libertine libertarianism.

America cannot survive under a worldview that embraces unrestricted moral license. Such license destroys the individual. And such license destroys the nation.
"Liberty without justice is only license."

There is only one Arbiter of true justice. And justice is defined by Him, not by us. He sets the parameters. As both individuals, and as a nation, we are ill-advised to breach those parameters and well-served to maintain them.

America does not need a political fix. America needs a spiritual fix.

Michael David #racist christianpost.com

The movie Noah is coming to theaters, I don't know if they will follow the bible, but one thing that God, Yehovah was angered to was the mixing of the races! I know that the PC Pauline Christians will reject this and believes in mixing which will kindle Yehovah's wrath! God made the races for his purpose and at the very least Christendom should not meddle with His creation!

Paul Washer #fundie christianpost.com

Itinerant preacher and founder of HeartCry Missionary Society, Paul Washer, says Christian women who wear clothes that outline the shape of their body are "sensual" and "wrong" about how they are exhorted to dress in the Bible.

Preaching from 1 Timothy 2, Washer explained in a YouTube clip Paul's exhortation to women to dress modestly.

"He says, 'I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing.' That tells me that there is clothing that's improper for a Christian woman. Alright? I mean, that's just logic. There is clothing that is improper for a Christian woman."

"My wife has a really good thing that she says: 'If your clothing is a frame for your face, from which the glory of God is to shine, it's proper, if it draws attention to your face. If your clothing draws attention to your body, to outline it, to make it noticed, then it's sensual.' What you're doing is wrong," he warned Christian women


"Women, you need to understand something. Men are not as dumb as you think they are. My wife and I have a friend in Illinois and she is a very pretty lady, very pretty. And if she walked in that door right now every man in this room, if he turned and saw her, this is what they would say, 'Well that's a very pretty lady. That's a very elegant lady. That's a beautiful lady.' And that's what they would think," he explained.

"But ladies, there are also women that aren't half as attractive as that lady I described to you, either in their face or in their body, and they could walk in that door and the moment every man heard the door open and he looked over there, if he was a godly man he would have to go like this (turns head way). Because it's not beauty. It's sensuality. And even though you can't exactly write down the rules and put it all on paper, when you see it, you know it," said Washer.

Josh McDowell #fundie christianpost.com

In the same manner, McDowell emphasized that young people are increasingly becoming addicted to pornography, adding that it is the greatest threat to the body of Christ in 2,000 years.

"This is destroying pastors, youth pastors and more Christians than anything by far in history," said McDowell. "The number one demographic is 12- to 25-year-olds, there's no difference in and out of the church."

He added that 50 percent of fundamental, evangelical pastors watch porn while 80 percent of youth pastors have a problem with porn as well. McDowell pointed out that porn provides only a momentary satisfaction and porn addicts often seek other opportunities to satisfy their sexual desires.

"The average person starts with heterosexual sex then after a while, that no longer satisfies, then there's anal, from anal there's oral, from oral to homo, from homo to bestiality then to children," said McDowell.

He continued, "The sad thing is, after child pornography doesn't satisfy, where do you go? Pornography is why sex-trafficking, sex abuse and rape are major issues, they (addicts) end up living it out, it becomes a reality."

Ken Blackwell #fundie christianpost.com

[A]ccording to Ken Blackwell, who is the Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment at the conservative Christian lobbying group, Family Research Council, programs like food stamps prevented people from being truly empowered.

"I think through empowering others and creating self-sufficiency—there within lies the path to sense of worthiness," Blackwell told CP. "When I was growing up, there was fundamental belief, that there were times in people's life when they needed a hand up—there were temporariness to hose programs, where they were structured so that they didn't breed so that they didn't breed dependency."

Blackwell also suggested that there was "nothing more Christian" than "not locking people into a permanent dependency on government handouts, but making sure they are participants in their own upliftment and empowerment so that they in fact through the dignity of work and can break from the plantation of big government."

Rachel Alexander #fundie christianpost.com

Americans appear to have begun entering a more conservative phase, reflected in part by the popularity of the family-oriented, God-loving TV show Duck Dynasty. Although it is not a big expensive production, just a reality show, it has become the second most popular show on cable TV.

Yet this isn't translating into changes in Americans' politics or their government. Americans are still voting for Democrats, accepting socially liberal positions and expanding government. The reason is simple. Liberalism self-perpetuates itself if left unchecked because people are lazy. This is due to the nature of government. It is difficult to feel the effects of incrementally raising taxes and increasing spending across the board.


The left is also winning the culture war. While Americans deep down prefer shows like Duck Dynasty, they're allowing the left to win on social issues. The left has accomplished this by portraying Republicans as cold and heartless, using emotional arguments to sway the public. Republicans can turn this around by doing the exact same thing back to the left. Portray the woman who wants to abort her baby as cruel and selfish, and showcase those children who grew up with permanent injuries as a result of an attempted, botched abortion. These kinds of portrayals must be done frequently and everywhere. It must become common knowledge that the left has cruel and selfish policies that injure people, in order to turn the tide.

Conservatism is too cerebral for many Americans. Consequently, the right has to try twice as hard as the left to gain support for its policies. This means working smarter too, by using methods that are effective like emotional arguments. Although it may feel foreign to most on the right to use an emotional argument about something that is not terribly worthy of emotion, to continue down the same old path that no longer works is slowly making the Republican Party a minority. Republicans need to quit lamenting over the backwards fact that the most intelligent party is not the most successful.

Honorcode1 #fundie christianpost.com

The Church has been seduced by the NEA and is having a spiritual affair with public education. It has followed her into degradation, it refuses to stop embracing her, or to even talk about it and continues to offer up her children on the altar of "the American Dream." "Christian" teachers have become "Kevorkian christian's" who merely watch or assist in the suicide of children's conscience's. "Kevorkian Preachers" need to promote the Christian Dream again (which used to be the American 'protestant work ethic' Dream) and defend a child's right to be normal and to possess and keep a moral Christian conscience, as defined by the bible. Christian's need to be "all in" for truth if they expect to defeat this president who is "all in" for perversions and institutionalized, intellectual/spiritual child molestation.

Dan Delzell #fundie christianpost.com

Satan tempts people to sin. Jesus sets the captives free. Satan promotes secular humanism as the answer. Jesus proclaims the Gospel message of forgiveness through His cross. Satan says that science can be your "savior." Jesus is actually the Lord of science, history, and eternity. Satan lost. Jesus won. And you will either win or lose as well.

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team #fundie christianpost.com

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team revealed that 11 people have turned their lives to Christ following another tornado tragedy in Oklahoma, which on Wednesday officials said has claimed the lives of 20 people.

"God sheltered them, then He saved them," said Michael Glassey, an RRT crisis-trained chaplain from Riverside, Calif.

The RRT, which sent out relief groups, including chaplains, to the disaster-hit areas to offer physical and spiritual support to those affected by the storms, says that one positive thing from the tragedy is that at least 11 people have said that they will turn their lives to Christ.

"I asked each one separately if they wanted to receive Christ as their personal Savior so that if this ever happened again they would have the assurance of going to Heaven, and that they could also experience a new beginning that very moment," Glassey said of a group of survivors who had found refuge in the midst of the storm at Emmaus Baptist Church, the local base of operation for the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains and Samaritan's Purse.

"They all said, 'yes,' and each received Christ into their hearts," he revealed.

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