
Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Your words can also be very weak. When you say words in an evil way, you are saying weak words, as far as the Spirit and the Kingdom is concerned. When you cuss or say these cuss-like words, the demons will hear. When people use a certain word as a swear word, over and over again, that word becomes known as a cuss word, or what is known in this age as a swear word. Demons memorize these words, (some are even their names,) for these words call them to the person who is speaking them. (This is why it is less painful to hear them over the television set, than when a friend says them.) When one cusses, they are sinning and calling that demon into them. Then once inside of you, demons can easily influence you to sin more. The swearing gives the demon a doorway to hit you with more sin, so then it can eventually take you. If you say such a word in a non-evil/not with evil intent, through you are not cursing, the demons will still listen and come, but they can not enter into you. No doorway or opening was made, so they do not have a free way to attack you.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Our family just got back from our yearly week long vacation. This year, we went camping in a place called San Luis Obispo, located along the central California coast. We chose this place, because some of my kids were thinking of going to the California Polytechnic University, in their College of Engineering department.

I am ever so thankful to the Lord that we went! There is an enormous demonic principality territorial stronghold that is controlling this university and this city! It is by far the worst demonic principality stronghold that we have EVER come across. It even easily surpasses the large one at Lake Tahoe, and even the one in Nevada! It was so strong, that we were unable to see the spiritual light of any other believers that were there.


At the end of the day, we couldn’t wait to get off that campus. Sadly, even the town of San Luis Obispo itself, was under this same demonic spiritual principality. It radiated outwards from the center of the campus, like a deeply rooted tree with many multiple branches going out in all directions. It was heavy and oppressive, and it quickly surrounded us and began to attack. These were just some of the demons we sensed there and fought against: self-doubt, various lusts, pornography, never satisfied, anguish, despair, never good enough, pride, self-righteousness, number one, perversion, competitiveness, darkness, emptiness, I want, meanness, worldliness, disrespect of family, outsider, lost, grief, panic, business, the do do (always busy) demon, unrest, worn, greed, irritated, anxious, chased out, unclean, oppressed, physically pushed down upon, gay pride, hunger, suffocated, and exhaustion.

When we finally left that city, we felt as if a huge burden had been lifted off of us. I still felt several of those Cal Poly demons attacking me through out the night as I tried to sleep. Much of it was a large sense of grief, for I kept seeing all those students, and just knowing that so many of them were on their way to hell, was chilling to my heart. Where ever we went for the rest of our vacation, we studiously avoided driving through that city. On our way home, when we had to drive through it again, we could tell exactly when we entered it and when we left it, even with our eyes closed.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Another thing to realize, is that we have an enemy, and we are at war. God’s Word tells us the satan has come to steal, kill, and destroy.

He also has his human workers here on the earth, willing and eager to do his bidding. They are called satanists. They worship satan as god. They receive orders from him, and will try to place curses and send demons upon believers, as a form of worshiping him. Satan will try to get his people to attack true believers. (The lukewarm ones he tends to not bother with; he probably figures they are already on his path anyways.)

For example, this Passover, we went out to bless our land and home again for the coming year. I had forgotten to bind up all forms of demonic interference before beginning, so of course I had interference. (I claim in the name of Jesus that I will never forget to do this again!)

While placing the blessed olive oil and kosher grape juice on the borders of our land, I slipped and fell hard. I fell so hard that the breath was knocked from my lungs for a moment. But fortunately, I was not doing this all by myself, and my son knew exactly what to do. He called upon the Lord to help me, and I was then able to pull air back into my lungs, and get up.

As we continued blessing the land, I suddenly had a very sharp pain in my side, that was so bad that I doubled over in pain and could not move. It remained, getting worse by the moment, until I broke the witches and Satanists silver cords and lay lines in the name of Jesus, and sent their curse back to them seven-fold. Immediately, as fast as it had come, it left. It left, as soon as I said the name of Jesus. (Just so you know, sudden shocking pain in the body, are sometimes attacks from Satanists or witches.)

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

In the beginning of 1992, I called out for the devil, and he came to me.

We (our family) were driving, and I told my husband that I’d be willing to make a deal with the devil to be a teacher again of cosmetology.

My husband just looked at me in shock. “Woman,” he said, “do you know what you have just said?!”

I thought his comment was a bit off; my husband had never referred to me simply as ‘woman’, especially when we were together in the same place.

But that odd warning did nothing to stop me. “Well I would!” I replied to his glare. The silence in the car was deafening, and we both felt a little uncomfortable, but I soon forgot all about it.

Until that night.

I was almost asleep, (or was I already asleep?) when he came. He called me, and I asked the voice who he was.

He said “you know who I am; you called for me.”


He spoke to me then, and asked me for the soul of my youngest boy, telling me that in exchange, he would let me teach again, and even be a director of the nearby school. He somehow had transported us into my youngest son’s bedroom; I could see him below me sleeping peacefully, but I could not touch him or protect him from this devil.

But with this one, my answer was easy.


But then, knowingly, the devil pulled me into my older son’s bedroom. I seen my eldest son lying on his mattress, fast asleep. I dreaded the next question from satan, as I already knew what his question would be. How did he know my weakness so well? It was as if he had calculatingly discerned, to ask me for my youngest son first, KNOWING I would say no, and then turning to my oldest son, in the hopes that I would capitulate on him and then seal the deal.

My first born son had been born with disabilities, ones that made it harder to love him. He disobeyed more often than not, and was prone to violent temper tantrums, often striking out and injuring those closest to him. He disliked being held or touched, and often seemed to live in a world of his own. I had spent many hours in tears over him, figuring that he would probably one day end up in prison.


Satan was ASKING me for his soul. That meant it was not yet his! (Yes, there were many times I had wondered if he was already of satan; his behavior was that bad!) But if satan had to come to me to ask me for my son’s soul, that meant that there was REAL HOPE for him in the future! For why would satan try to bargain for a soul that he knew would soon be his anyways? He wouldn’t waste his time on it. I KNEW this, as sure as I was still breathing.

Then I knew that if there was the slightest chance of my eldest son ever coming to Christ, then I could not sell his soul to satan for anything. No matter what his behavior was, he was still precious, and he was still the child that I had so longed for, for so many years. This was the one that I had promised God, that I would love as my own, no matter what.

So as satan pressed in again for my answer, I told him “No!”

I thought that this would be the end of it, but satan kept on, nagging me, over and over and over again, trying to convince me to hand over his soul as payment for the desired favor. I told satan to leave, but he refused.


And then from seemingly afar off, I began to hear voices. I looked down onto the ground, from where they seemed to originate from, and found that the floor where I sat was no longer a solid unbroken foundation, but a crack had opened up beside me, that allowed me a glimpse into hell.

The voices were all crying out at the same time, howling in their pain and anguish. But this is not what struck me the hardest.

What hit me the hardest was the incredible, overpowering, hollow insatiable HUNGER. It was a living, moving entity, there in the pit before me. It consumed all souls in its grip and would never let go. It was HOLLOW and INSATIABLE.

Hunger for water, hunger for food, hunger for sleep, hunger for healing, hunger for companionship, hunger for ANYTHING and everything, that a human being would ever desire. But the fulfillment for it was not there. Only the HUNGER for it was there. And it NEVER ENDED. I knew it never would.

I could feel the heat from below rising up to my face. I could feel and smell the thick pungent smoke as it followed the searing heat upwards. And above all, was that insatiable, never satisfied spirit of HUNGER.

I backed away from the edge of the abyss, and shouted to the devil my answer.

“No! Now go away!”

But he remained.


Then I suddenly remembered someone telling me, that all evil spirits run from Jesus name, so I yelled out “JESUS! JESUS HELP ME! JESUS!”

And then the devil and all his smoke disappeared from my bedroom in the blink of an eye.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

My husband and our oldest son went to help out another Christian man. He just got out of prison, having been sent there for several months, due to stealing, threatening someone, and resisting arrest. He was drunk at the time.

Now, his first day out, he needed help in moving his stuff to his new place.

When they arrived at the place of this man’s old home, they found the place full of evil statues and other cursed items.

My son sensed the deep evil of the place; he sensed that witches had been there.

He struggled to complete the work, and asked his father if he could stop, for the spirits he sensed in the place was overwhelming for him. Alas, his father refused him, so he had to continue. He did the best he could, with his heart crying out from all the pain from the evil in the place.

When he arrived home, I could clearly see that he had been affected by them. He told me he had a spiritually horrible day, and that he had came from a place that reminded him of hell. Immediately I stopped what I was doing, and went to go bless him with the blessed olive oil. I cast out the demons from him, and asked the Lord to fill him with His peace.

The wildness and horror that had been there before slowly left his eyes, and he calmed back down.

I then went to go bless my husband.

He seemed angry at all the fuss, and did not understand what the big deal was.

My husband knew the procedure well, but this time seemed resentful of it having to take place. (I sensed he wanted to argue instead.)

I got the blessed olive oil, and went to make the sign of the cross at the base of his throat like I have done so many times before, but this time, as soon as the blessed olive oil and my finger touched his skin, I felt the demons come rushing out of him, to fly through me.

Anger, GREAT violence, disgusting filth, perversion, unrelenting sorrow, blackness, secrecy, fear, pagan idol worship, (that came from someone’s past family demons,) sorcery, divining, and two principality demons that came from the land that they had been on.

Thirteen demons that I could name.

I barely finished casting them out from him, for I was in shock at what had just happened. Never before had the demons from within another, come rushing out to fly through me. I stood there, looking at my husband, and I could tell that the demons had indeed left him, for the look in his eyes were back to normal, and the expression in his face was one of gentle remorse and concern.

But then I suddenly realized, that not all had gone through me. Some had gone in and remained.

I can’t even begin to fully describe such a horrible feeling; knowing that there were such filthy demons in me. Filthy, and unrelenting sorrow, were the demons that had remained in me.

The filthy one is what I sensed first; it made me want to go take a shower so I could scrub it off of me. It was truly horrible. Only a few times before, had I sensed such demons. Of those times, they always came from practicing Satanists or illuminati witches. But never before did I have one attack me.

Then the demon of unrelenting sorrow hit me next, and I began to cry in earnest.

I ran out of the room, and asked one of my other kids (the one who can see so clearly into that unseen world,) to please come and bless me. He had heard of what had happened, and came immediately. He then blessed me. As soon as his finger touched me with the blessed olive oil on it, the two demons of filth and unrelenting sorrow left me. This time, my crying turned to one of great relief, and I explained what had happened. I then asked him if the demons were now gone, or if they had gone into him. He said that they were now gone, and that they had not troubled him.

Tim Shey #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Satan likes to pervert anything that God has created or that has been written in Scripture. Look at this Scripture: Leviticus 17: 11: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” If a demon can make someone murder someone else (shedding innocent blood), then that demon will get stronger from that shed blood. The demon gets its power and life from that shed blood.

Look at abortion: all it is is a big blood sacrifice unto Satan.

Psalm 106: 37-42: “Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions. Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance. And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.”

I remember I was staying with some Christian friends near Driggs, Idaho and they told me about an unsolved murder in Driggs recently. When the local police found the body of the murder victim, there was no blood in the body. It was like something had sucked the blood out of the body. That victim might have been a blood sacrifice in a Satanic cult.

Also Driggs, Idaho has some sort of curse. I guess there is a curse in that whole valley (Victor, Driggs and Tetonia, Idaho): it has one of the highest suicide rates in the United States.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

I began by removing all the ornaments on the Christmas tree, and putting them back in the huge ornament storage box. I was half way done with the ornaments, when I noticed that my hands had begun to burn, as if I had touched a caustic chemical somehow, and was having a reaction to it.

I wondered if it was from the box of new unbreakable plastic bulbs that we had opened and added to our tree this year. There was probably some chemical on them that was irritating my skin. I set them aside in their original packing, and made a note to not use them next year, just in case.

I went to wash my hands, and I applied some hand cream that had always worked before to calm down a chemical reaction on my skin.

But this time, there was no difference. My hands still burned as before.

I went back to my work, figuring that the lotion just needed more time to do its job.

I switched from working on the tree, to packing up the advent wreath. But the burning on my hands just became worse.

Suddenly, one of my kids came up to me and exclaimed “Mom! What have you been touching?! Your hands are just COVERED with thick, black, smoke!”

So I told the child what I had been doing, and that my hands were very much in pain.

“Mom,” This child responded to me, “I can’t even SEE your own hands at all! All I see is a ball of thick black swirling smoke at the end of each of your arms!”

I stopped what I was doing. I realized then, that the pain in my hands must be spiritual, and not physical. But then my heart began to ache as well, for I had just begun to realize, what this now meant.

All those Christmas tree ornaments! The advent wreath! The Lord was letting us know, that they were tainted, unclean!

Our family then gathered to discuss what this meant, and what should now be done. Everyone agreed that we needed to get rid of the stuff that was spiritually tainted.

My husband agreed to get rid of the holiday lights, for if he could no longer use them during the days of winter solstice, (December 21st through the 26th,) then they were not worth all the trouble of putting them up and taking them down every year.

The kids felt that if they could not have the lights on the Christmas tree, then they no longer wanted to put up the Christmas tree. Too much work, for little reward. (I had to agree with them; the Christmas tree lights are what made it all so beautiful and special. Without the lights, it seemed like just another tree that was in our house.) The kids did not like having to get under the tree to water it, and hated the influx of creepy (and even dangerous) spiders that surfaced shortly after it was first brought in. Pine needles got into everything and were a daily mess to sweep up.

“We could get a fake tree, if you wanted to try that,” I said to them.

But no one wanted to go through the bother.

“It’s o.k.,” said one of my kids. “We don’t have to have a tree.”

Another one piped up, “As long as we can still have the presents!” Then the thought of the alternative must have come into this child’s mind, for the child then quickly added, “We can still have presents, right mom?”

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Last fall, there was a really bad car accident just a few miles from where we live. The road at this particular place winds back and forth, and is quite narrow. However, it is paved, which leads some people to think that they can take the turns too fast. Well one day, a car came around the bend so fast, (a fancy sports car, no less, reported to be going WAY over the speed limit,) that it veered into the on coming lane in order to make the turn. Sadly, another family of adults was in a car in that very lane, right when the guy went into their lane. A head on collision resulted.

The crash was so bad, that the bodies were thrown from the cars. So much blood was lost from their injuries, that the dark stains covered three car lengths long of pavement on one side, and another car length on the other side of the road.

We came upon the accident scene, right as the tow trucks came to remove all the car parts.

There was so much blood there, that it pooled in places where the road had sunk.

My kids gasped as we passed the accident scene, and I figured it was because they had seen the multitude of car pieces along the side, all smashed up. (Neither car was left, just car parts.) But instead, one of them spoke up for the others and said “mom, those people who spilled their blood on that pavement were NOT believers!”

I thought the comment kind of odd, so I asked them, “How can you tell?”

“Demons are there. They are attracted to all the spilled blood.” At this, all the kids gave their nod of agreement.

“But how can you tell if they were believers or not?”

The child who had spoken just shrugged. “I just know.”

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Swearing demons often work with the demons of addiction.
Swearing itself, can even be its own addiction.

The reason you should not say these words, if you curse, not only is it a sin, but you are calling a demon to come to you. If you said a non swear word just like it was a curse, though you are sinning, you are not calling a demon.

If you keep using the words as non-swearing, though the demons will come, they will be bored. They will start to leave you alone cause they realize you are not sinning. You are a waste of their time.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Little did we know when we moved here,
That the land was cursed.

But we soon found out that it was.

Appliances broke down, some almost severely injuring our family when they failed, strange toxic odors that no matter what we did would not go away, illnesses that refused to go away or lessen despite all kinds of treatment, oddities going wrong with the house which needed lots of money to fix them, objects flying off the counters or walls, (usually at night or on witches sabbats,) ghosts appearing and then disappearing, disembodied voices cursing and threatening us, and massive deaths of our chickens, with no apparent sicknesses. (It got so bad with the chickens, that the local feed store refused to sell any more baby chicks to us, for they knew that any chickens we’d bring home, would die within just a few hours, again for no apparent reason.)

But we knew that all the chaos was coming from the demons, for they were seen being so thick and heavy, that when one was cast out, several more took its place. They would taunt us, and tell us that it didn’t matter if we cast them out in Jesus name; they would still return to kill again. Sleep became elusive for those among us who could see such things, and we all began to struggle to simply live here.

We asked for help from the local pastors, but no one knew how to deal with such happenings. I went to search on the internet for help, but found very little. Not enough to really use to set us free. It actually took a combination of several books on deliverance, to give us a clue on what we were supposed to do to be set free from these afflictions.

Little did we know, it wasn’t simply the sins of the far past that was still haunting our land, it was also a group of Satanists who were illegally growing their cannabis drug (a special strain that they use just for their satanic initiation rites) on our land. (Part of our land is thick bushy undergrowth on the side of a rough valley, and it is hard to reach each little area.) We discovered their presence when they left a huge boulder on our land, (they deposited it fifteen minutes after midnight, on one of their sabbat Fridays,) marked with an open pentagram. Apparently they were leaving their signs for others to find, which marked the land as theirs. We smashed the rock, and took the pieces to the dump. We removed the other markings they had left as well. The police had already been keeping watch on the area, and one day they must have gotten too close to their stuff, for they soon left and have not been back since.

The first time we cleansed our land, we used only the blessed olive oil. But this was not enough, for the hauntings and problems continued, although now they were somewhat less. (Not as many demons replaced the ones we would cast out in Jesus name.) Evidently, the forgiveness of sins was also needed, not just the addition of the Holy Spirit, so, we tried it again, but this time we used both blessed olive oil AND kosher grape juice. (New wine.)

Praise to Jesus Christ of Nazareth; it worked!

The chicken deaths stopped, the mystery illness my son had suffered from for months cleared up, other illnesses cleared up, the toxic smells went away, and things stopped breaking down. The ghost sightings were almost gone, only one remained. This one we would see in the window of our kitchen. It too left, when we got rid of an old antique medicinal spirits bottle that we found on the property, and had placed on our kitchen window sill. Now when we cast out a demon in the name of Jesus, no new demon comes forth to take its place, and we have seen that demons can not go on to our property! It is like a fence that keeps them out.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

What we eat or put into our bodies, can provide doorways for demons to attack. This also includes what we may breathe in, shoot into our body, etc. Even going under general anesthesia has caused some to be attacked. One had noted that his wife had trouble connecting with the Lord like she used to, after undergoing major surgery. After casting out any demons that may have entered during this procedure, she was able to go back to the way she was. Our family has noted that Monosodium Glutamate, fake sweeteners, and some pharmaceuticals have given us demonic trouble. Eating food sacrificed to idols, such as Easter candy or Christmas candies, have also caused us demonic trouble. (See https://dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com/2014/04/19/food-sacrificed-unto-idols/)

Of course what you do can open up doorways also. If you are sinning, or have sinned and have yet to repent, then the demons can use this as an opening to attack you.

Where you go, can cause demons to try to attack you. For example, demons have tried to attack us while visiting Masonic buildings or other pagan places. Even going into the stores around the holidays, can be troublesome. When we went into the local Home Depot store around Halloween, they had a huge skeleton that was dressed as the grim reaper placed at the front door, ‘welcoming’ in their customers. We felt great demonic evil from it, and had to bind it up in the name of Jesus, for the demons to leave us alone.

What you listen to. Satanists and illuminists are out there, involved with the music industry, and have even put forth spells upon some of the music. Choosing to listen to such cursed music (or sounds for that matter,) can allow demons in to trouble you.

What you see. Paintings, video clips, or drawings of demons or of cursed places or things, can affect people. Demons like for you to see them, so then it is easier for them to attack you. We have had to keep an eye out for this with the internet: https://dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com/2013/07/07/a-demon-came-through-the-computer-screen/

Who you lay hands on. Listen closely to the Holy Spirit, especially during deliverance. If the Holy Spirit is warning you not to lay hands on a person, then refrain from doing so! Be careful of whom you lay hands on. Demons can be transferred from person to person, especially through touch. This is why 1 Timothy 5:22 says: “Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.”

What you wear. Wearing Masonic or satanic things on your clothing or items, such as skulls or crossbones, witches wheels, or etc. This also includes tattoos and body piercings. Demonic doorways are created as the needle pierces the skin. Tattoos can also be a form of tribute to demons, depending on what the tattoo is – skulls, pentagrams, etc. This would still create open doorways for the demons because of the design. – a simple bow and ribbon design may not continue to attract as many demons like a skull and crossbones would. (See http://themodifiedbody.com/ for more information on the spiritual problems with tattoos. The writer of this web site used to be a tattoo artist, and he researches into the different doorways that exist in tattoos, such as genome changes, nanotech enablement, DNA vaccines, and resonant frequencies. It is a very interesting web site to explore.)

What your ancestors have done. This is a big one. Demons love to cling to family lines. When demons stay within a family line, this is called a familiar spirit. Anyone in the family dabble in witchcraft? Anyone join the Masonic Lodge? Do you know what your ancestors were doing four hundred years ago? The sins of the parents can still affect their children, on down the line. As an example, one of my kids had a familiar demon in him, a demon of un-forgiveness, that caused him to hold long grudges against others. When it was cast out in Jesus name, it was discovered to be a resentful Lakota Indian demon, that had managed to transfer itself through the family line from my side of the family, down through the years, till we discovered it in my child.

And lastly, what others have done to you. Witches, and Satanists, spend a good deal of their time cursing believers. Unhealthy emotional ties to others who were abusive to you, or other things like this can cause the demons to try to attack you.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Marijuana loosens the mind’s resistance to satan’s attacks. Because of this, it is in essence, a form of an open doorway for satan to enter. I have known many who smoked it or ate it, and I can sense the demons in them from it, even before they tell me that they have smoked it. (My experience is that marijuana has its own set of demons that are different from other demons. I have only come across that kind within those who have partaken of it.)

The marijuana that was found on our land, was a special kind of marijuana that is grown for the express use of initiation into satanic covens. It is planted on sabat days and tended to and harvested on those days as well. Spells are placed upon the plant, so that it will cause demonic entities to enter into the initiate when taken.

As far as I am concerned, cancer has shown itself to be a demon. A BAD demon. Yes, I have cast out cancer demons from those with cancer, and they were healed. One demon can give the illusion that it removed another demon, such as the marijuana removing the cancer demon. But always, without exception, when a demon is used to get rid of another demon it is only so that another more powerful demon (often with a different affliction,) takes its place.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

My husband wanted to show me a wedding photo of one of his friends. When I went to look at the computer screen, I gasped and stumbled back from the onslaught of demons that were reaching out towards me from the computer screen. I then braced myself and carefully looked closer at the photo, to try and discern from where the attack was coming from. I followed the strings of the demons to their end, and found that one of the people in the wedding photo, had tattoos covering both of her arms. (The rest of her was covered, and she had no tattoos on her face.) There wasn’t a place left on her arms that was not covered in ink. I was very glad then, that we had not gone to this wedding. I also felt bad for the bride, who will always have her wedding photo marred with those demons.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Some deliverance ministries have also suggested to anoint all items brought into the home with blessed olive oil, in an effort to cleanse all evil from it. Personally, our family has found that this can be a dangerous thing to do when it comes to anointing actual idols. (https://dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com/2012/02/16/three-idol-encased-demons/) It also has not worked with other items that were cursed. For example, I purchased a new pillow from a store, and found it was giving me rashes and itchiness that made sleep difficult. We examined the pillow (my usual brand,) for any physical reasons for the reactions, but found nothing. Finally in prayer, the Lord told me that it had been previously purchased by a New Age Wiccan, and because it had been in her home for a few days, it was now considered unclean for me as a believer. Anointing this pillow with the blessed olive oil made no difference at all. The itchiness and rashes remained. When I exchanged it at the store for another one, (which the Lord told me to do,) the new one posed no problems at all. The itchiness and rashes were gone within 24 hours. I couldn’t just bless and keep the item in question. I had to remove it from my home.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

My son was not feeling well, and had been fighting off a flu-like sickness for the past few days.

In his college gym class, they had a section on Tai Chi presentations. One of the students presenting that day, chose the topic of how Tai Chi connects to tarot card reading through Chi power.

He was not surprised to see that this girl was presenting such a topic, for he had sensed before that something was not quite ‘right’ spiritually with this girl.

Now, over twenty demons were seen hovering around this girl, as she introduced herself as the tarot card reader.

Each demon was attached to her, with a thick dead tan/brownish fibrous rope, covered in places with blackish muck.


After this girl’s presentation, the girl returned to her seat, which was right next to my son’s.

Then one of the demons attached to the girl,
Came forth and lunged towards my son.

This time, instead of simply binding up the demons like he usually does, he sensed from the Holy Spirit to read Psalm 91 instead.

As he began saying this under his breath, the demon trying to attack, shrank back in sudden horror.

As my son continued to recite this Psalm, a demon from him, (!) came out from his body (to his great shock and distress,) and reached out towards this other demon eagerly. This demon that had come from my son, embraced all the girl’s demons like long lost friends, and once attached firmly to one of this girl’s demons, went directly then into the girl.

All this happened without him even touching her.

My son was really upset to find that this demon had been in him, so he quickly asked the Holy Spirit what the demon was.

“A spirit of sickness” was His reply.


Within a day or two of loosing that demon, my son was completely recovered from his flu-like illness.

Sadly, the tarot card reader girl was absent the following week, and when she returned, she told the class she had been sick with the flu, and that she probably caught it from a babysitting job she had on the same day of her presentation on Tai Chi.

My son remained silent, convinced by the Holy Spirit that this particular tarot card reader would not be open to hearing about how she really became sick with the flu—

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Fantastic work – you are truly doing the LORDS work, some of these I wasn’t aware of! i’ve found in particular that most video games have some demonic connection – i would steer clear of them all together!

I had the worst experience years ago – I was a teeanger in 1989, I was given one of these so-called ‘child friendly’ video games. It seemed innocent enough, but I felt something was different in my SOUL. After a few minutes, it hitme, it was like a demon was trying to pull me in THROUGH the tv into its Videoland. A vortex literally opened up in the screen, and I felt darkness around me and EVIL and I know my dog felt it too as he was in the same room as me and he was going NUTS, he almost threw off his little neck scarf. Luckily my Mom entered the room JUST as I was starting to black out. She recited scripture and doused me with water until I woke up. We burned the Nintendo the very next day! If demons can come through the screen and enter our world, I don’t even want to think about what would happen if they ever took me into their WARPED zone. It was the most horrific experience of my life, but it is true! And I hope others will learn from this

rustledjim #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Fantastic work – you are truly doing the LORDS work, some of these I wasn’t aware of! i’ve found in particular that most video games have some demonic connection – i would steer clear of them all together!

I had the worst experience years ago – I was a teeanger in 1989, I was given one of these so-called ‘child friendly’ video games. It seemed innocent enough, but I felt something was different in my SOUL. After a few minutes, it hitme, it was like a demon was trying to pull me in THROUGH the tv into its Videoland. A vortex literally opened up in the screen, and I felt darkness around me and EVIL and I know my dog felt it too as he was in the same room as me and he was going NUTS, he almost threw off his little neck scarf. Luckily my Mom entered the room JUST as I was starting to black out. She recited scripture and doused me with water until I woke up. We burned the Nintendo the very next day! If demons can come through the screen and enter our world, I don’t even want to think about what would happen if they ever took me into their WARPED zone. It was the most horrific experience of my life, but it is true! And I hope others will learn from this

dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

It took a while to be completely freed from that demon of depression. (I did not know at that time, about casting out demons in the name of Jesus.) Fighting off the depression always seemed to be a struggle. Till one day, listening to a prophesy TV show, the speaker, while praying for those in the audience, suddenly stopped and looked up into the camera, and said that there was someone listening to the broadcast, that was being freed from the demon of depression, right at that moment, and that this person should claim their healing in the name of Jesus, and to forbid satan to trouble them anymore. Satan tried to tell me that the message was for someone else, but I still wondered if it really was meant for me. “Yes! You!” the man’s voice called out (it felt like he was speaking directly to me,) “Do not doubt your healing! You have been set free!” At that moment, as I stood there in the living room doing some housework, I felt the heavy weight that had been on me for so long being lifted off of me. I decided right them and there, that I would claim the message as my own.

It worked!
Glory to Jesus Christ of Nazareth; for indeed, He has set me free!

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

My kids were in one of their classes at college, where each student had to get up in front of the class, and share with everyone, something that had happened to them in the past, that had completely changed their life.

Well, one of their classmates got up and began to share how her life had changed, when she had first met her imaginary friend in a dream.

This was a girl that both of my kids had seen before, and had felt decidedly uncomfortable around. When one of my kids had first met this girl, he had smiled at her and said “hi,” but the girl had looked right through him and then coldly ignored him. My kid thought she was just being shy, but now began to realize differently. This girl’s imaginary friend, was a demon, and this demon was jealously protecting its host from interacting with any believer.

The girl showed paintings that she had done of her imaginary friend to the classroom, and explained the imaginary world that her imaginary friend lived in. It was all quite detailed and colorful. She was a good artist.

As the girl began to describe her imaginary friend, the demon stood right there next to her.

The girl began to describe in great detail, what her imaginary friend looked like. “He has light blue skin, a pert pigs nose, and has one of its eyes missing. He is—”

At this, the girl paused, searching for words. One of my kids spoke up under his breath, and said “he’s tall!”

And even though there was no way that the girl could have heard him say this, (he was at the back of the room and she at the front,) she said “oh yes! And he’s very tall, standing about ten feet high.”

My son gave a slight nod of agreement.

The girl then said that this imaginary friend changed her life, when she accepted him as a friend, despite his disabilities. She claimed that this imaginary friend taught her not to judge others harshly, but to be accepting of everyone, no matter what their disability.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

We used to have a practicing satanist who was a pastor at one of the local churches. He tried to attack me and my kids by using witches lay lines and silver cords to come into our dreams to try to scare us. We knew who it was right away, (he showed his face in the dreams, and he attacked us each in chronological order that night, and when we woke up from his attack, he was in the room with us,) so we cast him out and burned his lay lines and silver cords, and once we did this, he immediately left us in peace. When I asked the Lord what was going on, He told me that this pastor was an undercover satanist. It made sense, for my kids always seen him as being covered with a big black dense cloud. He was one of those pastors that always preached how the power of God was no more, and only existed in Jesus day. Sadly the people ate up his words like it was manna from the desert.

dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

When a mother spends that much time with her child, the parent can sense RIGHT AWAY when something is wrong, and can then petition the problem to Me, and then cast the demon away from the child. (This is done through My Word and through prayer to Me.) But if the parent doesn’t even believe that evil spirits exist, and can try to attack their children, (or of course themselves,) then there is much less hope of fighting off satan’s attacks.

sharon natsarim #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Satan being the prince of the power of the air it makes sense that tv, radio, computers and all would be perfect portals for his use. Also consider that Jesus says He saw Satan fall like lightening from the sky—so obviously electricity is home sweet home for him as well. I have even heard of pictures in magazines carrying spirits such as lust or Jezebel that can pounce on those unprotected.

dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

Our first encounter with demons coming out of computer and TV screens, happened several years ago, when one of my kids had clicked on a video that promised the viewer a glimpse of a real alien. We were all sitting there at the kitchen table, with the kids doing their school work, and this one kid had finished early, so as a reward, I told him he could use the computer while he waited for the rest of the kids to finish.

Well, most of the youtube video that he had decided to view, was silent and dark, which caused one to lean in closer to the computer screen, to see if you could see anything. Suddenly, a drawing of an alien’s face flashed upon the screen, and a loud roar came from the speakers, and as everyone there at the table turned to look at the computer screen, a large black ghost-like hook, (reminiscent of Peter Pan’s Captain Hook, but very very black and wraith-like,) reached out through the computer screen and tried to stab itself into my child’s forehead. It glanced off the surface of his skin, and then gave an even louder roar of frustration, once it realized it had failed in its attack. The claw then evaporated back into the computer screen. Laughter was then heard coming from the video, as the perps laughed out loud at their supposed joke.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

In another instance, quite recently in fact, our family, yes, even me, got quite sick with the flu. I could not understand what had happened. The flu lingered on, and recovery seemed far away. I was really distraught from it, for it made my Lord’s Word to seem as if it was of no account. I had been casting out and claiming and doing everything I knew of, to stop the sickness demon from attacking. And usually, it ALWAYS works. This was the first time in years, that it had not.

I was flummoxed. I went to the Lord, and asked Him why. Was there sin that I didn’t know of, that I needed to repent from? It was the only thing I could think of, that might have caused such a demon to attack me.

But instead of keeping me there before Him in prayer, He told me to get up and to clean off the kitchen countertop.

I wondered why He would ask me to do such a thing, for I was still quite sick and weak. But he kept at me to do it, so I finally did.

As I cleaned it off, I came across a foam mug holder, with the address of a new florist that had moved into town. I had picked it up as being part of a goody bag during a local fair. It felt strange in my hands, and I was going to simply set it aside, when I felt the Lord tell me to turn it over. When I did, I gasped. On the other side was a traditional fleur de’ lis emblem, painted onto the foam.

It was then, that I realized, just how dangerous and destructive a cursed item could be in the home. I had cleansed our home from such things, but something had slipped back in without me being aware of it. I counted back the days and realized that within just twenty four hours of me bringing this thing into our house, the sickness demon had attacked us.

I quickly threw it out into the garbage, and as soon as it was off of our property, we all began to heal.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

[In the comments of the "Chinese Geisha girl" post, an anonymous commenter has claimed that he is possessed by a demon named Geisha, and has asked Dreams what the names of the demons in the statue were.]

I first speak to the demons inside of John-rex:
Geisha, did you really think that I would give you any of the names of your co-conspirators, just so you could drag them into this poor man along with you? NO WAY! I bind you all up in the name of Jesus, and then cast you ALL out in His Holy Name! May you and all your many friends be pulled back into the pit of hell from whence you came, and leave this poor man in PEACE!!

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

One of my kids
Attending a local community college
Was given time off from physical education class
To attend their yearly campus ‘Wellness Festival.’
They were told by their phys-ed teacher
That they would receive extra credit for attending it.
(Here in California, it is mandatory to take two gym classes
In order to receive any kind of an associates degree.)

One booth that was there, offered you a ‘free’ metal thermos,
If you pledged to cut back on your sugar intake,
And gave them your email address.

Another booth gave you print outs on what helpful herbs
Might be growing in your back yard, and how these herbs can be applied to help heal common illnesses.

Yet another booth offered you a free back massage,
And stressed the importance of relaxation.

This child of mine wandered through it all,
Observing everything as usual,
Till the child came across something
That this child had never seen before.

An energy aura cleanser.

This woman had no booth,
But wandered around the campus fair grounds,
Inviting anyone near her,
To come forth and have their “energy cleansed” by her.

My child stood back and watched,
As a student was just finishing getting her aura ‘cleansed’ by this woman.

There were demons
That swirled around this woman,
Demons that went forth and attacked the person,
Sucking their energy from them,
Forming it into some kind of glowing orb ball,
(reminiscent of those colorful-swirling rubber balls one can get in a vending machine for fifty cents, but way bigger,)
And then feeding it into the spirit of the woman.

“Ah, yes!,” she exclaimed, now I can feel your energy!
It needs to be released and flowing!”

The woman then placed her hands upon the student,
(the woman’s hands, and especially her fingertips, were covered with a heavy dark substance that was very black, and it was this substance, that seemed to provide the opening doorway for the evil spirits to enter into the student to whom she was touching,) and the student’s glowing ball of colorful aura that had been fed into this woman just moments before by the demons, Was now taken back out from this woman by those same demons, along with some of the spirits already in the woman, and then with their hands, the demons then swirled the different kinds (and colors) of spirits together into another now different ball of aura,
And then threw it back into the student.

This was all done by the demons,
Who used the woman to initiate the needed touch and catch phrases for the spiritual exchange to take place.

As the woman finished with the student,
She looked around and quickly found my child.

“You there!,” she cried out to my kid,
“I can SEE your energy! Come! Let me cleanse it for you!”

At this, the demons working this woman,
Rushed forward and tried to attack my child.

But the demons were never able to get close enough to my child, to retrieve any of my child’s spirit,
For the angels that surrounded my child
Were large and several in number,
and they were VERY, VERY ANGRY.
They hissed as they attacked the demons who were trying to come near. They used their huge bright shields to cover my child, and held out their flaming swords towards the swirling demons in the air. But it was with their own hands, that the angels attacked these demons, using their blindingly white light that emanated from their own hands,
And they quickly formed their own orbs of blinding white power,
And slung them one right after the other at the demons.

These demons reminded my child of the Buddha demons that our family had once fought off, when we allowed that porcelain sculpture of a Buddha god into our home. Except this time, the demons were not as powerful as those were.
They also felt different than the Roman Catholic spirits, who usually gave off great waves of irritability as a warning when this child got too close to something strongly Catholic.

The demons retreated back into the woman,
And my child quickly said a most emphatic “No!,”
As the woman continued to ask my child if she could please cleanse my child’s aura. My child said no a few more times in answer to her persistence, till the woman shrugged and moved her attention on to another student who was walking her way.

Afterwards, my child told me that they (the angels and the child,) would still rather go up against demons like those, versus the demons that are found in those who actively worship satan. The demons of satan worshipers are the WORST to fight off. Not that they are so hard to battle against, but more that the demons that reside within them, are more vile and disgusting to confront. The angels also hiss more, and quickly ground their teeth at such demons, and eagerly await the right to attack those demons, if they were to be stupid enough to try and attack them.

Most of the demons that are seen on campus by this child, usually stick to the person that they are ‘haunting’, and for the most part, do not try to jump from person to person. It saddens this child of mine, to see so many people, unbelievers, walking around with their demons, unaware of just what is tailing them. Some, if the person’s end was to come at that moment, would be quickly dragged down to hell by the demons already attached to them. This child has described the campus to me, as “a walking future graveyard”. True believers, are easy to see, for they have a bright white aura around them that is clear to discern amongst all the surrounding spiritual darkness.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

My kids can spot a tattoo parlor from over a mile away, just from all the demons hanging around it. These demons are attached to the parlor, almost like balloons on strings, and they reach out and hover over the city, while they try to entice people to enter in. The demons are covered with tattoos, and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. We have not found a tattoo parlor yet without demons attached to it. Tattoo artists are filled with demons. (Yes, even ‘Christian’ tattoo artists.) Those demons can easily transfer to you when you get a tattoo from them. Once in, the demon has the right to ask other demons to come and live within you as well. (Matthew 12:43-45)

My kids and I have seen and spoken to many people with tattoos. They have ALWAYS had demons coming out from their tattoos. And yes, this is the same even for ‘Christian’ tattoos. For this reason, we tend not to get together in person on a regular basis with those that flaunt their tattoos, for we have yet to meet one that was free of those demons. (And we do not like to spend our time with demons.) If the person covers them up with their clothing, we don’t get hit as much from the demons. It’s like they are held back somehow, and can not reach us.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

A new friend of mine had shared with me that she could sometimes hear nasty voices speaking to her in her head. I could not understand why she’d get hit like that, for she casts out demons, and she claimed to have cleaned out her home from cursed items, and she demonstrated to me several times that she is a strong believer in Jesus. Well, she decided to ask the Lord to remove any evil implants that she had anywhere in her body, and that they would be forced out. She soon discovered auricular implants that had been inside her, and were now on the outer part of her skin where she could easily remove them! These implants were the kind that go in the ears and make the person think they are hearing voices, because people can talk to them through these implants. The Lord was able to remove them from her, without her even having to go in for any surgery! Now she no longer hears those evil voices taunting her in her head. Hallelujah!

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

When my mother-in-law passed away, some of her old stuff was shipped out to us in case we might want it. In this box, were some statues and trinkets that she had purchased as souvenirs from her travels. One of them, was an all-white porcelain statue of a Chinese geisha girl, holding out her arms and hands in a peculiar way. One of the hands looked like it may have at one time been broken off and temporarily repaired, so I was wondering if I should apply a permanent fix to it, or if it was even worth saving at all.

As I was holding it, I began to feel vaguely uncomfortable with it, and wondered if it was spiritually o.k. or not to keep. So I asked my kids for a second opinion.

One shrugged and said they had sensed something evil about it at first, but as that feeling quickly went away, they couldn’t be real sure. So they went to see if there was more information on it over the internet.

My oldest son however, wanted it out of the house immediately. He said he could hear foreign voices coming from the statue, singing and chanting in tongues, and he knew that they were demons. As the minutes went by, he became more and more distressed over it, because their voices were getting louder and louder, and more threatening.

So I decided to bless it with our blessed olive oil and claim it in the name of Jesus. As soon as the blessing oil touched the statue, my oldest said the demons were shrieking and howling in pain and anger, and were coming out of the statue. But they soon went back to their odd chanting and singing, this time even louder than before. My internet searcher then reports back to me, telling me that this statue is an actual demon goddess that people in China pray to, in their homes. My oldest interrupts to say that he felt the Holy Spirit telling him that we NEED to get rid of the statue, NOW.

At that point, one of the demons physically attacked my son. It threw him down onto the stairs, (as he tried to run away,) and then wrapped its tendrils around his throat and tried to choke him, while another smaller one sat on his chest to try and silence him by suffocating him. My kids could only stare at the demons, unable to move or speak, frozen in fear and terror, as they watched them viciously attack their older brother. (This was odd behavior for some of them; normally they don’t let them spook them, they simply cast them out in the name of Jesus.) It sounded horrible; I could hear my son’s screams of sheer terror; he kept repeating over and over: “NO! DON’T LET IT TAKE ME! GET IT OFF OF ME! MOM!! HELP ME!” And then a moment later, ”PLEASE! GET RID OF THE STATUE!!! NOW!!!!”, as he tried to claw away at his own neck the suffocating strangle hold of the demon’s grip. I looked into my son’s eyes, and could see the absolute panic and terror that he was feeling reflecting out from them. But I myself could not see any demon at all; all I could see were strange markings of something around his neck, and his face grow red and bulge as he kept struggling and gasping to pull in a breath of air.

At first I looked for the obvious signs of a ‘too-tight’ shirt collar, or anything else that might have caused such a reaction, and a part of me couldn’t help but wonder if my son was just faking it to get attention. Till I looked up and seen all the eyes of my children starring at the same demons that was on top of him in horror. They were all starring at the demons, not at my son. Then I knew it was indeed real.

I cried out for my husband, (who had heard all the commotion and had been wondering what was going on, but had remained downstairs working on his computer,) and asked him to quickly take the statue and “get it out of this house!”

So he came up and took the statue outside. Meanwhile I went and grabbed my book entitled “Prayers that rout demons”, (scriptures and prayers based on them that are indexed for immediate battle-ready use,) and started claiming them out loud, and casting out in Jesus name whatever was attacking my son. I had to shout them out, and say them with great energy. I could then slightly sense the demon sneer at me, as it seemingly loosened its grip on my son and disappeared.

So I asked the kids if they still felt the demons, and one told me that they could still hear them, and another told me they could see the thin black ropes, coming from the outside, still trying to attack us.

I asked the child that seen the thin black ropes where they were coming from, and was pointed towards the window, on the left side. We go outside, following the trails of black rope, not knowing where their father had put the statue, (he was back downstairs working again,) and were led directly to the statue, right where the lines were seen to be coming from.

I took the statue, and along with my kids, went down to the fire pit. We built up a fire, lit it, and when we thought it was going strong enough, we put the statue in it.

Within the next minute or so, the fire went out.

So we rebuilt the fire, this time making it bigger and stronger, right on top of the statue. It was not easy. This was a fire that for some reason did not want to burn. But I asked the Lord to please help us with the fire, so it got going pretty good. Ten to fifteen minutes later, the fire around the statue had dissipated, leaving the rest of the fire around it still burning. We kicked the rest of the fire out, and I went to go pick up the statue with a stick, figuring it was now way too hot to hold. But the Holy Spirit told me to go ahead and pick it up with my bare hands.

It was icy cold. Not a single blemish or smear of soot had disfigured it.

My eldest son cried out to me again, asking me to smash it, but I was already one step ahead of him. I was trying to find a brick to smash it with, but most near me were still way too hot from the fire to use. (I had just burned my fingers on one, finding that out the hard way.) So a brick from the other side of the fire pit was found, and with great force, I smashed the delicate porcelain with one square blow. I must admit, at this point I half expected it to be resistant to being smashed as well, so I think I may have used a bit too much force, for the bricks above it and underneath it ended up being cracked and broken as well. I was going to keep breaking it up into dust, but the kids said it was no longer necessary, as the black trails had now dissipated in the air like smoke does on a breezy day.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

One of my sons had been dating a girl for a short while, that claimed she was interested in becoming a Christian. The relationship puzzled me, for when he was with her he seemed quite enamored of her. Yet when he was apart from her, he had no interest in her at all. When I went to the Lord with it, He told me to break all witches spells over him, and the next day after doing this, he broke it off with her for good. We then found out later, that she and a friend of hers who was a witch, had placed a spell over my son, to cause him to like her. She never wanted to become a believer. She was already a witch instead.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

While I was making supper, my husband decided to watch a movie called ‘Spinal Tap’ on television. He told the kids how funny it was, but the vibes I was getting from the show made me feel really uncomfortable. I thought to ask him to change the channel, but a voice kept whispering to me that it was o.k., and that it would soon get better. But when the main character in the movie started to swear multiple times, one right after the other, I called out my husband’s name in exasperation, upon which he then very reluctantly changed the channel.

But it wasn’t much better, for he had changed it to ‘The Twilight Zone’ marathon. Sometimes I’ve been able to watch this without a problem, but tonight was not one of them. It left me feeling uneasy. When I asked him to change the channel, he asked “To what? The three stooges?”

Then for some reason the fireplace ashes started to back up into the room, causing some of us to have health issues. Coughing, watery eyes, and headaches plagued some of the kids. My husband said he had cleaned out all the ashes a few days ago, so I figured I’d go in and wash it down with water to get rid of the rest of the soot. But when I went in, I found big piles of soot still there. So my husband resentfully decided to remove some more of the ash with a shovel, while I went to go get the vacuum cleaner. Half way through he became very angry, lost his temper, and stormed into the bedroom, saying he had ‘had it’ and that this was not what he had planned on doing for the night, so he was now going to go to bed.

I asked him if he was going to cast out the demons troubling him, but he said no and then went to bed.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

One evening, our family was watching the television. The show was about cancer and the survivors of cancer, and it went into several examples of how it affected peoples lives.

Then this one man came forth to share his story. He told the interviewer how he had survived the cancer and was currently cancer-free. He was very pessimistic however, and was a firm atheist as well. He then told the interviewer, that he fully expected the cancer to return one day, and that it would end up being the death of him.

As this man finished saying this to the cameraman, one of my kids got up and went into his bedroom. After a few moments, I sensed that something was not right, so I got up and followed him into his room.

There, my son told me, that he had seen a demon come out of the television screen, and walk slowly into his bedroom. So my son had gotten up to go follow it, to see what it would do. (He didn’t want it to go hide in his bedroom, just to come out and attack him later on.) He was going to cast it out right away, but something stopped him.

The demon was sitting on his bed, looking really angry and resentful at having to be there. It was small in size, being about the same size as my son, who at the time, was only about five feet tall, if that. As my son looked at it, the word ‘harlequin’ came to mind, for that is what it resembled. Its face was covered with a black mask, and it had shoulder length hair that was the same color. It’s eyes glowed a bright red. It had a loose rectangle shaped tunic, that was covered with the traditional harlequin pattern, but in dark shades of grey and black. Under the tunic, the demon wore black tights, and his shoes were pointed and curled up into a circle at the tip.

“Who are you?” my child asked, bewildered. He had never seen such a demon before, and couldn’t understand what it was doing in his bedroom.

“I am the jinx demon,” It replied. It then showed my son a scroll that it held in his hands, along with an ink pen, that was very long. “See?” the demon said, motioning to what was written upon the scroll. “that man that you were watching out there through the television screen? He died, just as he said he would. I wrote it down here on my scroll, right when he first proclaimed it. He himself gave us permission to take his life.”

The demon then said that it was his job to go about the world and record in writing, anything us humans said, that might be of benefit for his lord satan. He especially liked to record the bad things that believers said over their lives, for this gave satan that power over them, to bring upon them the very thing that they had declared over their lives by their own tongue.

It sneered at my son, and told him that he had things written down upon his scroll, about him.

At that point, my son became repulsed by it, and promptly cast it out from his presence.

That is when I had walked into the room.

When my son finished telling me what had happened, we went back out into the living room, and continued to watch the rest of the television show.

At the very end of the show, the broadcaster told the viewers, that right as this show finished its production, this man had indeed just been told that his cancer had returned, and that he had then died just a few days later.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

One thing that really interested me during my research into Ebola, was that some of the people who wore the containment suits, still came down with Ebola. And some of the comments placed about this sounded so bewildered; they even pointed out that the workers must have been very careful in the use of their suits, for they knew it was a matter of life and death. Yet they still became sick from Ebola. Of course they were saying this, thinking of how severely contagious it must be. Yet when I first read this, I almost shouted out loud “demon!”, so clear was the revelation from this example. After all, a containment suit is no protection from a demon. Spirits would go right through it!

Then all the demon would have had to do, is place its lying symptoms of say, fever, headache, and muscle aches for example, on to the person, and then if the person believed those lies, The symptoms would become his, and the disease could then enter in and do its damage to the person.

Yes, I can just imagine all those who may read this and think “Wow is she foolish!”(1 Corinthians 1:18,) yet I am here to testify, that I DO NOT GET SICK FROM VIRUSES ANYMORE.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

[How Witches and Satanists Celebrate Christmas]

Some witches and satanists start their actual celebrations on December 21st, while others begin on December 22ond. They have eight nights a year that call for mandatory human sacrifice, and this night is one of them. On this night, a child sacrifice is called for. In both cases, it is celebrated by having different kinds of sex, and killing a person or an animal and drinking their blood, as a sacrifice to their god. Virgins, or the young children of Christians hold the most value, for satan prizes their deaths the most.

They send out christmas cards to their friends and family, with occult symbols on them, often with holly, mistletoe, wreaths, trees, witches ball ornaments, churches with steeples on them, (the steeple is a phallic symbol of nimrod,) or even robins on them. (The robin is thought to symbolically kills the wren to signal the return of light.)

Satanists also celebrate what they call a “black mass,” at this time. This is one of the “rites of blasphemy” that satanists do. It is essentially a parody of the catholic mass. However, keep in mind that satanists, witches, pagans, and wiccans were doing this mass thousands of years before the catholics started. Constantine took it from the pagans and made it into his catholic or common state religion. Interestingly, this catholic mass does not really differ much from what satanists do during their own masses to satan. They both have chalices filled with blood, (the catholics through transubstantiation,) they both have the flesh of their victim (again, the catholics through transubstantiation ,) both have cloth coverings to cover their altars and robes to wear during the ceremony, both have priests and attendants, both use candles, both have their December 24th mass at midnight, both use the same exact smelling incense, both believe in purgatory (called somerset for satanists,) where they work themselves into their paradise, both use bells, both use holy water and both use a pinch of salt to bless it, both have their book of prayers on their altar, both have chalices that are covered with a cloth, and they both eat and drink of their victim’s flesh and blood. (Why the catholics keep crucifying to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame, I do not know; it is as if they believe that the first time was not enough to remove our sins.) Satanists also recite the Lord’s Prayer in reverse, as an extra rite of blasphemy.

As one satanist puts it: “The 23rd is a very special personal day for satan. The sun enters the sign of the goat which represents satan. The night of December 22nd- the eve of December 23rd is the highest satanic holy night of the year. This is a time for intense celebration and devotion to satan, indulgence, decorating the home, family celebrations and getting together. The night of Dec. 22nd should be spent in dedication to satan.” Satanists know that these pagan gods are actually demons and they celebrate them as such.

Satanists and witches are not afraid to say “merry christmas”, for they know that what they are really saying is “Let us be merry about killing the anointed one again!” (Their anointed one, or christ, is not the same as ours.)

December 24th brings their “high grand climax”, where they call forth demons to have sex with them. They also have more animal and human sacrifices to their god, (Which they usually do between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 3:00am,) and continue on in their parties and revelry.

December 25th, is the culmination of saturnalia, which they mark with many great banquets and feasts, drinking until they are drunk and can drink no more. When they are not drunk, they go from place to place, wassailing and bringing gifts to each other. (These celebrations are very similar to the drunken festival of babylon.) It is all about feeding the will and indulging the self. (That is after all, at least for satanists, the whole of their law.) Some begin this practice four days before the 25th, for that is the official start of the celebration of saturnalia. On the 25th of December, infant sacrifice is encouraged. In the bible, they sacrificed infants to molech on December 25th. Witches and satanists still do this today.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com

I came across a review from prison planet, about the new Alexus car commercial, and how it was filled with illuminati symbolism.

I sensed that it may not be the best thing for me to be viewing at that time, but I went ahead and looked at it anyways.

As I read the article, I scrolled down the page, and as soon as I seen one of the Illuminati symbols, that looked like a line of black and while ghostly figures, I FELT a demon come through the computer screen. (It went right through me; definitely a creepy feeling.)

I immediately cast out the demon, and shut down the computer, but I was still too late.

One of my kids came rushing into my bedroom, his eyes still full of sleep, and asked me what it was that I had just encountered on the web.

There was no question from this child that I had just been surfing the web; he KNEW that the demon waking him up from his sleep and attacking him had come from my room and through the internet.

“Why?” I asked him. “What happened?”

He then described to me, the demon who had just come into his bedroom to try and attack him.

It sounded just like the black and white ghostly picture that I had just seen on that web page just moments before. The symbols were the same, so I knew it had to have come from that site.

As I apologized to my child, I realized that I may have to stop surfing the web late at night, for I did not want to disturb my kids sleep like this any more.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com


Playing cards – The basic deck of playing cards (some have reported problems with these – especially when used for gambling,) Dark Pokemon cards, Digimon, Yugio, Magic: The Gathering, tarot cards.

Posters of stars: For example, Marilyn Monroe and other movie stars, rock bands, athletes, etc. (They can help form unholy soul ties to the person on the poster. The owner of the poster can start to suffer the same problems that the star suffered from, such as drugs, unhealthy relationships, broken marriages, etc.)

Board games and other forms of games: Mah-Jhonng, Jumanji, Dungeons and dragons games, (and other role or fantasy games,) Ouija boards, (that one is a HUGE problem item for believers to have!)

Video games: Some of the worst ones are – Doom, Dante’s Inferno, Shiu Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Tecmo’s Deception, Guitar Hero III, Deep Down, Devil May Cry series, The Ninja Kids, The Binding of Issac, Castlevania: Lord of Shadow, Diablo, Requeim: Avenging Angel, Rune Quest.

Books: Twilight series books and other vampire books, Harry Potter books, book of Mormon and their literature, satanic bible, Morals and Dogma book by Albert Pike, other Masonic or illuminati texts, books and tapes on any false Christian doctrines, Jehovah’s Witness literature, Taoist literature, literature from cults, any books that combine biblical Christianity with modern day psychiatry, magic books, new age occult books, witchcraft books, and the writings of C. S. Lewis.

Some secular music: Some popular music has words and symbols that are illuminati based. Others promote un-Christian morals or values, and some are even openly satanic. Watching or listening to this music can cause an open doorway for demons to attack. So make sure what you listen to is clean as well. Even better, listen to Christian music. (Make sure the Christian music is not in name only! Some Christian bands are not of Him and are working under cover for satan instead. Their lyrics and their album covers give clues to this.)

T.V. Shows, movies, and computer web pages: Mystic Knights & their action figures, Inuyasha, Avatar, the new TV show ‘Coven’, The Lion the witch and the wardrobe movie, The Passion of the Christ, I Am Legend, (that movie was a HUGE problem for our family! It literally filled our whole house with demons.) Carrie, Harry Potter films, Avatar, vampire movies, Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Blair Witch Project, (and other witch craft movies and TV shows,) The Evil Dead, The Exorcist, movies about the dead, demons, satan, or hell, Omen, Stephen King’s It, Fallen, Rosemary’s Baby, The Unborn, The Convent, The Rite, The Gate, The Ninth Gate, Paranormal Activity, Pumpkinhead, Case 39, Amityville Horror, Silent Hill, Sinister, Child’s Play, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Splice, other horror movies, and any program or movie that positively features a false religion in it. Also be cautious where you go while surfing the web. The computer screen can become a portal for evil to go through, depending on what is being viewed. Our family has had problems with pictures of demons, aliens, false gods, reading false doctrine, and any of the symbols listed here. We have also had trouble with the face photos of certain criminals, as well as facial photos of those who practice Santeria. Often times as a believer, you can sense if what you are viewing is o.k. or not. You will have a sense of unease, irritability, dirt, disgust, or even out right fear after seeing what you are seeing. (When I view a web site with a picture of a demon or alien on it, I get a sudden shock of fear go right through my chest.) If this is sensed, stop, close the offending pictures, ask for forgiveness for looking upon it, and then cast out any demons that may have gone through the doorway, and then close the doorway in the name of Jesus. (For an example of this, see: https://dreamsofdunamis.wordpress.com/2013/07/07/a-demon-came-through-the-computer-screen/ )

Holiday items and holidays: Christmas items – including tree shaped candy bars, decorated Christmas trees, Valentine’s & hearts, cupid, Easter items, Easter egg candies, Halloween decorations, Halloween toys, Easter rabbits, elves, santa, and reindeer, etc.. These holidays are from the Mithra religion, (and other pagan religions,) and are not from biblical Christianity.

New Age items or teachings: serpent coils, drums, rainbows, bells, some angel statues, sundials, gazing globes, (now often seen in lawn ornaments,) unicorns, crystals purchased from new age stores, birthstone jewelry, new age visualization items, witchcraft items, palmistry, tea leaf readings, yoga, astrology items, homeopathy, bach flower remedies, orgone boxes, good luck charms, horoscopes, Carl Jung’s analysis and writings, hypnosis, emptying the mind meditation, acupuncture, rabbits foot.

Toys: He-man, She-ra, Smurfs, care bears, cabbage patch dolls, the joker character from Batman, teenage mutant ninja turtles, dolls – especially cabbage patch dolls, troll dolls, some Barbie dolls, Brat dolls, toy voodoo dolls, and puppets, big bird from the Sesame Street program (other characters may be good to avoid from that show as well,) teletubbies, gremlins, rainbow brite, sprites, elves, punk rock dolls, go bots.

Items and symbols from Eastern religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Confucianism, east Asian Buddhism, African traditional religions, voodoo, dragons, spiritism, mediums or channeling spirits, shiatsu, mind control – Silva or other, Anything Buddhist – especially their statues, pictures, or Incense, (often made in the Buddhist temples by their priests,) Yin & yang – tai chi symbols, foo dogs, Guan Yin statues, African statues, katchina dolls, Taoism art, mala beads, I Ching, Kung fu, Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing I, Pa Kua, Aikido, eastern meditation systems, religious items given to you by a guru, tikkis, African jujus, Chais, incense made from the Hare Krishna cult dedicated to Hindu gods, Mughal prayer rugs, Vishnu, Shiva, Rama and etc., karma items or literature, reincarnation, ascended masters, avatars, mandalas.

Items and symbols from Western religions: wiccan, paganism, druidry, church of satan, anything Islamic, Baha’i faith, Unitarian Universalism, Humanism, (we have found some darwinism texts to be problematic,) Jehovah’s witnesses, Christian Science, Judaism – anything the pharacees added to the religion outside the bible, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), Scientology, Indian art, Native American art work, dream catchers, Native American carved walking sticks, Obeah canes, totem poles or other carved wood art, Hawaiian gods or goddesses, Catholic statuaries such as crucifixes (that show Tammuz dying,) and statues of Mary, (who is actually Mithra’s Semeramis, the queen of heaven,) Catholic prayer cards given out at funerals to remember the dead, pictures of Catholic saints, rosaries – even the links and pieces of rosaries, Catholic missals, Catholic bibles, Catholic hymnals, Catholic prayer books, Marian apparition memorabilia, hex sign (or also called the Pennsylvania Dutch sign,) Italian horn jewelry, SS runes, skull and crossbones, winged horse, pentagrams, (inverted or upright,) hexagrams, hexagram in a circle, statue of liberty memorabilia, the Louvre memorabilia, pyramids, Ankh, Mexican sun art, moon art, flamingos, alligators, leviathan, goats head, family altar for worship of dead ancestors, anything given to you by a witch, witches masks, protectors from the evil eye, Kabala items, 9 candled menorahs, hand of Fatima, Easter Island statues, shaman items, any Greek or Roman gods, fairies, totem poles.

Symbols on items that can make the item cursed: Marijuana leafs, disguised 666, (this looks almost Celtic in nature. It is the logo of the New King James Bible.) 666 or FFF, the V sign made with the hands, the V sign but with the two fingers held together, the horns sign – made with the pinky and index finger held up, with the rest of the fingers held down to the palm. The capitol letter A in a circle with the middle bar extended to the sides of the circle, inverted cross, the labrys ax, (double sided curved blades,) pontifical cross of Lucifer, peace sign or witches foot, swastika, unicursive hexagram, paisley designs, horseshoes, charms, wishbones, four leaf clovers, the evil eye or one eyed symbols, Jewish Hamsa hand, zodiac signs, some tulip art work, six petal rosettes, twelve petal rosettes, Rosicrucian items, eight pointed star, goose with blue ribbon around its neck, square and compass, symbols or icons from false religions and secret societies, (or logos from other items listed on this page.) As a side note, be also aware that not all pictures of Jesus are of Him. (In the ancient ruins of Greece and Rome, many carvings that are thought to be of Jesus, are actually of the god Mithra.) Again, some are manipulated and used by satan to gain entrance into your heart and home. (http://www.demonbuster.com/idols.html – Demonic jesus face from promise keepers meeting)

Drugs: Hard liquor, (they don’t call it ‘spirits’ for nothing!,) marijuana, heroin, cocaine, peyote, other illegal drugs, some prescription drugs such as pain killers and drugs taken for depression or mood disorders, or any other man made poison. (Again, check with God. For us we found that some antibiotics such as cephalexin and narcotic pain killers such as codeine were cursed and giving us problems.)

Secret society items: Illuminati items and symbols, Masonic items, Shriner items, De Molay items, Eastern Star items, Elk lodge items, IOOF items, (odd fellows,) Job’s Daughter’s items, Klu Klux Klan items, square and compass, Eastern Star items, rainbow girls items, Illuminati items, Job’s Daughters items, all-seeing third eye, lambskin apron – actual apron or symbol, owls.

False teaching items: Scientology, life stream, Napoleon Hill’s teachings, Robert Schuller’s teachings, Roy Master’s teachings, Rick Warren’s teachings, any teachings that combine God’s Word with pop psychology. (http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/ is a good place to check for current new age false teaching authors.)

Other items: Candles – especially colored ones. Emergency candles and tea lights we have seen less oppression from. (This was a hard one for me to give up, for I love my candles! But it did stop the demons from attacking my kids whenever they were lit. Olive oil candles are a good substitute.) Frogs, Nike label, bells, items autographed by someone famous, Fleur–de–Lis, the distelfink goldfinch bird, cornucopias, caduceus the winged wand of mercury (doctor’s symbol,) magic 8 ball, Sara Coventry jewelry (which started out as ‘Sara’s coven jewelry’,) and her eye glass frames or other items, Pythagorean items, fez hats, mardi gras items, aliens, some UFO photos, masks – especially ones used in rituals or ceremonies, Alienware computers – the ones with the face of an alien lit up on its cover, (covering up the alien face made the demons stop coming out,) hard or soft pornography, and sometimes even an item of clothing you used to wear before you became a believer.

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