
haunted #fundie forums.narutofan.com

I wont donate my organs unless theres a really really special reason.

Im not anymore religious then the next guy, but theres a take on this from the quran. What it says basically is Allah/God owns you, ur his slave. Your body is a lease, you dont own it, it doesnt belong to you. Its just something to connect your soul from the spiritual world to the physical world. As with everything else, if somebody lends you something, you dont F it up then give it back.

I wouldnt expect anybody to donate for me either. I think id rather die.

haunted #fundie forums.narutofan.com

Thats like saying necrophilia is ok. Ur saying that once somebody is dead their body is free game, because you dont believe you need your body after death. You are trying to establish your beliefs as the standard, but then saying our beliefs cause suffering.

At least im not so selfish to have someone trade their salvation so i can live some more years.

nazisiegheil #racist forums.narutofan.com

Hmmm lots of people call me "close minded" for being racist. But I have good reasons for it. To the general public racism is regarded as close minded, and usually White-Racists are stereotyped as uneducated, redneck morons. Being close minded refers to the inability to accept change; to "think outside of the box" so to speak... and yet society detests racism and it's generally accepted that racism is evil. Therefore if you think outside the box you would be "open minded" and thus if you are racist you "think outside the box" and therefore you are open minded. I am not "racist" really just racially aware, but think about it: the reason racism is detested is because society thinks so, and thus people who believe we are all equal are the ones who are not looking for an alternative idea, and therefore they are more close minded than Racists.

Scorpio3.14 #racist forums.narutofan.com

Slavery. African Americans benifited from this, greater society did not. The southern economy was devistated for years and years afterwards. Not to mention the thousands of people who died in the civil war which was, in part, a result of trying to make slavery illegal. It was a good thing that we ended slavery, but it was not good for the society. According to what you are saying, we shouldnt have ended slavery.

hunklestink #fundie forums.narutofan.com

We Know God Exists because:
1. the universe could not always have been here, nor could it have made itself from nothing [...]
3. consciousness, that is, self-awareness is non-physical and could not arise from atoms and molecules [...]
5. the laws of physics cannot account for broad and extraordinary features of the solar system [...]
7. human behavior indicates the existence of the soul and spirit and the real existence of ideas indicate the existence of a non-physical reality
8. higher biological functions like sight, flight, and echo-location are so wildly and irreducibly complex they could not evolve in stages
9. apart from the existence of God, logic and reason have no foundation, and thus leading atheists deny the objective nature of the laws of logic
10. God has revealed Himself uniquely in the Bible and confirmed its claims through scientific statements, prophecies, and many other wonderful proofs that God became flesh in Jesus Christ, who was crucified by Pontius Pilate, and rose from the dead on the third day, according to the Scriptures, and that those who trust in Him will have everlasting life.

Cheers to the existance of God!

What say ye?

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