We Know God Exists because:
1. the universe could not always have been here, nor could it have made itself from nothing [...]
3. consciousness, that is, self-awareness is non-physical and could not arise from atoms and molecules [...]
5. the laws of physics cannot account for broad and extraordinary features of the solar system [...]
7. human behavior indicates the existence of the soul and spirit and the real existence of ideas indicate the existence of a non-physical reality
8. higher biological functions like sight, flight, and echo-location are so wildly and irreducibly complex they could not evolve in stages
9. apart from the existence of God, logic and reason have no foundation, and thus leading atheists deny the objective nature of the laws of logic
10. God has revealed Himself uniquely in the Bible and confirmed its claims through scientific statements, prophecies, and many other wonderful proofs that God became flesh in Jesus Christ, who was crucified by Pontius Pilate, and rose from the dead on the third day, according to the Scriptures, and that those who trust in Him will have everlasting life.
Cheers to the existance of God!
What say ye?