
Amerika-In-Exile #wingnut #ableist #racist #psycho amerika-in-exile.blogspot.com

For us to mature as a species, we need to get beyond this fear of genetics, mortality, and reality. These are scary things: we cannot be whoever we want to be, but are limited by our
genetics; we all die, and we will never have firm answers as to whether an afterlife exists from within this life; finally, reality is the arbiter of what is true, not what we and our friends think. Part of self-actualization involves acceptance of these.

One ugly truth is that we have too many people, and too few of quality. Abortion is ugly, and its use as retroactive birth control is morally reprehensible, but it is also useful. Until we can get to a time where it is possible to repatriate those of other races, ethnic groups, and religions, and then exile the mental defectives and Leftists among us, it makes sense to pare down the population by removing non-contributors.

Every dollar we spent on aborting retards, locking up criminals, and isolating the insane goes a long way toward our health. Society is for those who are capable of society. Those who are not are a threat. This is an unpopular truth but an essential one.

As an intermediate, we might consider the brilliance of exile. We keep around our worst criminals, paying for them to survive, when what we really want is for them to disappear forever from among us. Exile is the kindest method of doing this, and luckily Canada and Mexico, both of whom laugh at our immigration laws, are right next door. Send away the bad. We could even boat them to Cuba, as Cuba once did to us.

We have spent too long in a humanistic time where because of our universalist outlook, we assume that all are good. In the future, a great filter is coming, with those who are functional on one side and the dysfunctional on the other. This will make us healthier, stronger, and smarter, and will remove the people who thwart much of everyday life by being incapable of it.

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