
John Beaumont #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy culturewars.com

What is the number one taboo subject today in Western society? At different times the average person would perhaps have singled out the topics of homosexuality; the relations between the different races; illegal immigration; even questions of sex generally. However, the present writer’s nomination for number one goes, without a shadow of a doubt, to the Holocaust.
The Holocaust is not only at the head of the taboo subjects, but arguably a secular religion, concerning which no adverse comment at all is allowed. One can pour scorn on the Catholic Church and very little by way of criticism will be said. Mount an attack on Western civilization generally and the cognoscenti will likely praise you. <...> However, if you dare to say a single word casting the slightest doubt on any aspect of the Holocaust story, you will be immediately castigated as an irreparable anti-Semite and subjected in many countries to criminal sanctions, loss of employment, and social scorn.

Writing about the Jews, both in relation to the Holocaust and other matters, has often been a problematic task. <...> Sadly, it is also the case that the crucial distinction to be made in relation to the Jews on the part of a Christian is often misunderstood.<...> The Jews rejected the fundamental basis of the universe when they rejected the Messiah because as St. John writes about the Son of God at the beginning of the fourth Gospel, “In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.” In rejecting the Second Person of the Trinity, the Jews reject order and redemption. The Jews reject their Messiah and turn instead to anti-Christian revolutionary movements. If Logos is indeed the fundamental basis of the universe, then the logos of practical reason known as morality should determine human behavior. This truth was lost on the Jews who ran the Manhattan Project, because the Jewish revolutionary spirit, manifested as Communism at the time.

Jila Ansari, Esq. #wingnut #racist #conspiracy culturewars.com

I found the overall message of your speech to be an invitation to Iran’s Islamic authorities to allow for a reemergence of ancient Iranian principles that would balance the notion of sexuality within a self preservation concept – not only from a nationalist perspective but a universal imperative of retaining human purity – as opposed to finally giving way to the global zombification process at the hands of a technocratic Jewish kakistocracy.
The dangerous irony for Iran is that in order to continue this deception Judaism has sought the destruction of all Iranian civilizational legacies from archeological to literary, to scientific to even physical beings, all have been targeted for erasure via endless forms of warfare including chemical and biological let alone psychological and ideological.
At least a decade prior to the 1979 “revolution” Israeli intelligence had infiltrated Iran’s security apparatus under the pretense of cooperation against the twin menaces of communism and pan Arabism – both of which of course were invented by Jews.

But it was really Islam that was the Jews’ oldest and most formidable weapon against greater Iran.

Jews invented Islam. That’s why it calls for Tasleem, meaning surrender, and penalizes anyone who leaves the religion. Islam was designed as a devotional army serving the ultimate Jewish goal of invading the great Persian empire. Much later the Jews also invented the myth of king Cyrus saving them or the myth of Purim in order to self-aggrandize and back date themselves as an ancient people, which they are not.
Meanwhile Jewish agents were even physically deteriorating the shah by administering carcinogenic drugs via Dr. Ayadi, a Baha’i Zionist connected to the Mossad, who himself was killed a year after the revolution.

There are so many layers associated with the Iranian revolution and little space here to cover it all. Suffice it to say the defeat of Iran’s greatness has always been Jews’ primary target.

Word Salad Award

Alberto Buela #wingnut #conspiracy culturewars.com

Progressivism, that senile disease of old ideologies such as Marxism and liberalism, found in this pseudo-language its most successful expression: it speaks without saying anything and defines without defining. Its method is to be always at the forefront of everything. Hence, man cannot have a pro-ject (something moving forward) because he (the progressive) is his own project.

When political analysts ask themselves about this or that project of a progressive government, they are asking a false question, or a question without foundation. It is like pretending to ask the hanged man about the noose or rope he’s hanging from.

This senile disease, a mixture of liberalism and Marxism, supported by the secular religion of human rights, is slowly occupying all the governments of the West, thus establishing a single, politically correct way of thinking.

The common areas of this thought are: concern for humanity and not for the needs of the people; concern for individual well-being and not for that of families; concern for consumption and not for savings; concern for the Earth and not for the land; concern for ritual and not for the sacred; concern for the economy and not for politics; concern for virtual companies and not for work; and so on in all aspects of behavior and thinking.
Today the power of progressivism, being hegemonic, is unconditional. This explains why any questioning is considered right-wing, fascist or imperialist. If multiple sectors of society say “no” to erroneous measures, the response is “no response,” silence, ignoring—in short, the canceling of the objector. Canceling has become a mechanism of denying everything that discomforts or questions progressivism. What is particularly serious is that at the same time that cancel culture denies or does not listen to the objections of its opponents, it yet calls for dialogue on the basis of a consensus that does not reach a consensus; that is, by way of a false consensus.

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