
Anonymous #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

[Connor is one of the trans men dirt featured on her blog.]

"Connor" has such a lovely female body!

Too sad these girls rather be just another delusional bearded woman acting as if their clits on roids are penises that will allow them to penetrate a woman; than accept themselves as the women they are and will always be.

dirt #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

[dirt lists the names, photos, ages, and personal posts and videos of various trans men and boys.]

Looking at all these young female faces I'm reminded of a candy commercial when I was a kid for the Tootsie Pop sucker, a kid asks a wise old owl "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?"

I wonder looking at these young women, how many testosterone shots will it take before they stop believing they're men and act like the women that they were conditioned to be all along?

[dirt then posts many pornographic pictures of cis men having sex with trans men with vaginas.]

Testosterone doesnt lead females into becoming men, it leads most instead, to the end of a man's dick.

dirt #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

[Planet Fitness cancelled a woman's membership because she complained about a trans woman in the woman's locker room.]

I joined Planet Fitness a few years ago while living in a smaller town with no other gym options. When I moved back to a large city, out of the convenience of another Planet Fitness nearby, I kept the membership. I had my issues with the "fitness" center, no squat racks, benches and little free weights, but over the last year of recovering from major surgery, I didnt need much. I had planned on keeping the membership until my sweetheart and I found a house where we plan on building our own home gym, but given Planet Fitness's latest, I'm canceling my membership tomorrow pronto.


Any male who "self reports" to be female has FULL access to women's no longer private locker rooms/bathrooms and showers at ALL Planet Fitness's. IF a woman complains about a male int hose area's SHE will be the one removed, NOT him!

Do women a favour-Boycott Planet Fitness!

[dirt later shows photographs of the paperwork she filled out to cancel her membership, as well as snapshots of the trans woman's name, photos, and social media profiles.]

This GUY clearly took HIS spycam laced "purse" into the Planet Fitness locker room to capture pictures of Planet Fitness MEMBERS (of which he wasnt) to later jack off too and exchange with HIS perv MALE friends! Male masturbation entitlement once again triumphs a WOMAN'S BASIC rights!

Anonymous #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

[Planet Fitness cancelled a woman's membership because she complained about a trans woman in the women's locker room.]

WTF?! No fucking way, this is insane!
So where women's rights stand now? I thought SouthPark's episode "The Cissy" was an over-exaggerated joke. Turns out it's right there with reality. It only takes to pull out a "transgender" card to gain privilege over anyone.

Yet another victory for men and to think tomorrow is the international women's day...

Where our rights stand now? At the lowest, maybe a little above animals but under everyone else's
(men >trasmales> gay men> transfemales> women).

dirt #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

[In response to the Amazon TV show Transparent:]

Like the psychiatric community, Big Pharma, Hollywood and a slew of other industries, Amazon too is now promoting/cashing in on female fetishizers and secret Liberal homo/lezbo-phobia.

In lieu of this terrible discovery, I'm asking for lesbians (and gays) to boycott Amazon for ALL future use. Replacing it with the much better, non anti-gay/lesbian BookFinder.com or something similar for purcheses beyond books.

Our demise should NOT be something corporate America/Global Corps profit from, any more than it should be a grave we walk willing to.

dirt #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

Without getting into the multifarious reasons Transgender and Bisexual Politics are not Gay and Lesbian Politics or Gay and Lesbian needs/lives share little in common with Transgender and Bisexual needs/lives, this post will briefly focus on ONE: Suicide!

There is ever increasing information and evidence that the BisexualTrans of the LGBT communities suffer from extreme suicidal wishes and suicide rates.


The high suicide rates among Transgendered and Bisexuals pose several critical issues for Gays and Lesbians. Firstly, they lead the general public to believe that Gays and Lesbians as a group are mentally unstable/suicidal. These beliefs can negatively affect us from gaining basic legal rights/protections, impacting jobs, housing, state marriage legalization, personal/interpersonal relationships, including with our own families. Secondly, these suicide rates give us (Gays/Lesbians) inaccurate information about OUR community. As a result, how can leaders in the Gay/Lesbian and medical authorities properly address mental health issues/needs and suicidal feelings/attempts/deaths among Gays and Lesbians?

dirt #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

[Aileen Wuornos was a convicted serial killer executed in 2002 for killing 7 men.]

Aileen [Wuornos] endured (survived) a lifetime of some of the worst that patriarchy could dish out to females, in the end Aileen dared to FINALLY have a normal reaction to those horrors. Aileen refused constructed femininity, refused heterosexuality, refused to cross her feet at the ankle, refused to speak quietly, refused to sugarcoat her speech, refused to be abused any longer by men, refused, refused, refused! In doing so Aileen became public enemy number infinite, because women who are lesbians are threatening, but lesbians who kill (bad) men, no matter the circumstance, must die!

Aileen was murdered for her unruly dykeness in as much as she was for the murders of the multiple men she was convicted. Aileen Wuornos did woman differently, so differently in fact an entire state (country?) put her to death for it.

dirt #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

[This post lists the names, ages, and photos of many trans men and boys, as well as links to information about them.]

Large numbers of entire generations of future lesbians (like many you see in the WIT [Who Is Transitioning] posts) are being wiped out through transition. Many trans trending lesbians arent even getting a chance to come out as lesbian, to taste the beauty, uniqueness and wholly female onlyness that is lesbianism. Their lesbian camaraderie replaced amongst each other with an embarrassingly false sense of male camaraderie in the form of the masculine bro instead.

But sadder still are all the Wizard's behind the bedroom curtains dictating and enforcing transgender policy on our lesbian and gay youth! Long winded george washingtonesque windbags dressed like martha's penning policies that school officials, medical officials and psychiatric officials are being legally bound to gag gay/lesbian and other "gender non conformists" (the new trans label for any kid who doesnt run with the pack) with! Heterosexual males fetishizing THEIR perverted perceptions of female (constructed hyper femininity) enforcing THEIR warped version of the RIGHT way to PERFORM male and female in order to legitimise THEIR PARAPHILIA!

Men like [several trans women's names and photos are listed here] legally (re)ordering (after that nasty bit of feminism confused everything) constructed identities of our children based on long outdated sexist male systems of dress and behavior so that men [...] can feel normal while their cocks or in some cases whats left of them get hard rubbing up against girls/womens silk panties behind the backs of their wives and children!

If men never created the titanic chasms THEY needed between the sexes to secure dominance, ignore THEIR weaknesses and secure worship for their constant erections, PARAPHILIAS like the ones seen above never would have existed. And IF male paraphilia never existed or were suddenly removed, so to would transition and ALL notions and mentions of it!

But in the meantime, heterosexual paraphilic males ARE using gay and lesbian bodies to further THEIR inner porno flix, now playing at a school near you.

MasterAmazon #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

I'd LOVE to go back to an all female college, like Mills, but I don't care to share that with either side of trans...and certainly not with those sporting beards, male attitudes and insisting on male pronouns. That has NOTHING to do with being Butch, and everything to do with copying men. When I came out the Butches were PROUD to be Female, Dykes, strong, liberated and most of all POWERFUL. Many had to overcome the shame of Lesbianism, until they hit the Lesbian movement, out of the bar scene where they no longer had to hate themselves...those lessons and the value of Lesbian only and women only space resonate with me today, and I'm glad to be going to two women's events, one strictly women only, the other female centered, this weekend!

The genderqueer and FTM's have done far more damage to women only space than anyone I've ever seen. The MTF's compromise it with their male attitudes and thinking, though they are desparately trying to pass as female, and 'fit in'. Some better than others...but the strident trans in either direction with the insistence of no female only bathrooms, sports teams, dorms, rooms, spaces or places, I have no use for....we STILL get discriminated against both as women, and as Lesbians, whether Butch or Femme. And Butches no longer have their very womonhood recognized...yet us Female Identified Butches are rising and taking back what is ours...


MasterAmazon #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

The MTF's are the Castrati, and that is how they've taken over matriarchal cultures and Goddess rites....the same with these days, compromising our women's spaces, places and colleges, unless they completely 'pass' and are on the 'downlow' with their identities. FTM's are like those who took on male roles in the past, by burying everything female about themselves, including the struggles all females go through, and treating them in the same virulently sexist ways men do.

dirt #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

What you wont see published ANYWHERE except here is the fucking sick woman hating TRUTH! LESLIE FEINBERG WAS MURDERED!!!!


I wont grieve for the leslie feinberg in those news articles. I grieve for Diane Leslie Feinberg, Butch lesbian, whose fear and female shame never were resolved, seen through their worst so that she could later flower into full bloom, bringing every eye lain upon her Butch born beauty, to tears.

[Leslie Feinberg identified as a transgender lesbian, used male, female, and gender-neutral pronouns, and died of complications of Lyme disease.]

Anonymous #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

["FTMs do not hate all women, they hate the ones (can be man or woman) who do not respect their identity. I'm sure lesbians dislike the fact that people say that they're an abomination and they're going to hell."]

Why do they always bring up lesbians? This irritates me to no end. We all know that FTM "transitioning" is being used to erase lesbian identity, specifically butch lesbians who are almost an endangered species, and then they have the gall to start lecturing lesbians. After "transitioning", FTMs get to step up in social standing by becoming "men", and they also get to dump the lez or dyke label once and for all.


Girls receive messages that they are inferior to males almost from infancy. Many teenage girls are terrified of being labeled lesbian or dyke. There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that a strong element of internalized misogyny and lesbian phobia play a major role in FTMs desire to "transition."

dirt #fundie dirtywhiteboi67.blogspot.com

[Just to be clear, when dirt says "females" she is referring to trans men.]

No female transitions who does not HATE women, NONE! Although you will hear quite the opposite from trans females everywhere. How they "love" women, they just dont want to BE women. How they will open doors, admire how women put make up on, how sexy women look in heels, protect them even! These are the messages they have internalized, messages that spell out M I S O G Y N Y. Messages that are at the very least keeping women from reaching that ever elusive HUMAN status and at worse, killing them/us in droves.

If you hate your female body, it feels ugly, gross, uncomfortable, alien, it isnt because you have a "man" trapped somewhere in there, it is because you have been systematically taught from before birth the female body outside of sexually pleasing men is ugly, gross, messy, smelly, too fat, too skinny, no tits, pimply, sweaty, fishy. That natural female functions like pissing, shitting, farting, burping arent "lady like." That bleeding once a month is gross, smells, is messy, clotty, and unnatural because the less evolved male body only knows how to destroy life, not create it. That women are emotional, over emotional, too emotional, excessively emotional, because males again due to their (sad) hormonal make up cannot achieve the heights, the universal range of emotions that women can.

We've all heard story after story right from the mouths of trans females themselves about how post "T", they are now "much calmer" and can now think "more logically" etc. Meaning now that those messy girl emotions have been shut down or contained by the manly emotionally sterile testosterone, life is so much better! Better not because of feeling better, because they feel less, better because they can other themselves away from their hate object, women!

Unless we were taught to hate ourselves as female, we wouldnt. And we are taught to hate ourselves as female, by being taught that woman is something to be detested. You cannot hate your femaleness UNLESS you hate female as a nature. You cannot be uncomfortable within your femaleness UNLESS you hate female as a nature. You cannot try to change your female nature, without hating female nature first.

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